31 oct 2015
Spectacular UFO Sighting or Spectacular Hoax: Our Experts Report
The report:
The location is interesting. About 30 mi. west of Pt. Pleasant, WV. Historically that region has been a known window for bald-faced interdimensional hanky-panky going back at least a century. If this craft is real, and assuming a straight-line flight path and constant speed, it would have passed over the Pt. Pleasant area within the previous half-hour.
With that noted, here are some observations:
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30 oct 2015
Everyone Carries a Shadow: the Secrets of Aleister Crowley, UFO Encounters AND a Visit from Anne Strieber!
known in his time as "the
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Mystery Bright Spots Might be First Sign of Another Universe
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El asteroide Gran Calabaza pasará muy cerca de la Tierra este fin de semana
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
29 oct 2015
Mr. and Mrs Werewolf Warn You: Happy Halloween!
Mr. and Mrs Werewolf first appeared in October Dreams II, A Celebration of Halloween.
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Baffling Photo of Sea Creature Taken in Corfu
The photographer, Harvey Robertson, had held his camera over the side of the boat, during a boat cruise in a sea cave, to get a picture of the water. He was unable to see what the camera was taking a picture of until he pulled the camera back in, of which revealed the image of the cryptic creature.
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Bombardeo de iones para fabricar láminas delgadas de forma sencilla
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
Fragmentos del cometa Encke iluminan los cielos de España
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
La conjunción de Venus, Marte y Júpiter se despide hasta 2021
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
28 oct 2015
Estamos ante un estudio en profundidad de los orígenes de la humanidad Anunnaki y la batalla de esta raza de antiguos Dioses para crear una humanidad inteligente frente a una esclavizada.
- Explica la ingeniería genética de la humanidad por un científico Anunnaki Ninmah
- Muestra cómo los conceptos del pecado y de la inferioridad de la mujer surgió de la voluntad de Enlil para mantener a la humanidad subdesarrollada, enfrentándose con Enki y el plan de Ninmah para hacernos iguales en inteligencia
- Revela cómo la larga historia de la humanidad de los conflictos fue formada por la batalla entre Enki y su hermano Enlil
Desarrollando el trabajo revolucionario de Zecharia Sitchin, Chris Hardy muestra que los “dioses” de los antiguos mitos, los visitantes del planeta Nibiru, nos crearon utilizando su propio ADN “divino” – primero a través de la extracción de ADN a partir de la médula de sus propias costillas ‘y más tarde por las relaciones con mujeres humanas. Basándose en múltiples textos sagrados, Hardy detalla la ingeniería genética de la humanidad por el científico Anunnaki Ninmah, con la ayuda de Enki y Hermes. Ella revela cómo la primera creación humana femenina de Ninmah, Tiamat / Eva, contenía ADN más extraño que el anterior masculino, Adamu, y cómo el Noé bíblico representa la perfección de su trabajo.
En el examen de la guerra entre hermanos Anunnaki Enki y Enlil, Hardy revela cómo nacieron los conceptos de pecado y la inferioridad de las mujeres de los intentos de Enlil para esclavizar y luego acabar con la humanidad, repetidamente frustrados por Enki y Ninmah. El autor explica además como la sexualidad sagrada enseñada a los humanos – aún se ve en la práctica tántrica – quedó suprimida milenios más tarde por el concepto patriarcal del pecado original y de cómo Eva inocente tuvo la culpa de la expulsión del Edén y la caída de la Gracia.
Mostrando que el dios que nos creó no era el mismo dios que nos expulsó del Edén, Hardy explica que no habrá apocalipsis porque la dualidad Bien / Mal nunca ha existido – ha sido sólo los dioses enemigos que luchan y que implican a la humanidad en él como consecuencia de su propia competencia por el poder. Con una comprensión psicológica completa de cómo los antiguos “dioses” han dado forma a la historia en curso de la humanidad de los conflictos, podemos ir más allá del marco de la “(mi) Bien contra (su) Mal” impuesta por Enlil comenzando a dirigir nuestro propio destino planetario.
Sobre la autora de ADN de los Dioses:
Chris H. Hardy tiene un doctorado en etno-psicología. Es una científico cognitiva y ex investigadora de los Laboratorios de Investigación psicofísicas de Princeton, pasando muchos años investigando la conciencia no local a través de la teoría de sistemas, la teoría del caos, y su propio Campo de la Teoría Semántica. Autora de muchos artículos de investigación y libros publicados, entre ellos La Red Sagrada, vive en Francia.
Archivado en: Actualidad General
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Rosetta encuentra oxígeno molecular en el cometa 67P
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
Alien Human Communication: We Need to Talk!
about communication between us and
Could it be that there is a single, powerful message being communicated across the whole experience? If so, what is it? And what role does telepathy play? Mind control? What are 'downloads' and who gets them?
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Spain: A UFO Over Cabrejas, Witnessed by Three (1974)
Source: Diario de Cuenca
Date: 05.09.1974
Spain: A UFO Over Cabrejas, Witnessed by Three (1974)
By José Vicente Avila
A UFO in Cuenca? So it would seem. Mr. Amadeo Villar, the renowned industrialist who was on his way to Madrid at seven o'clock in the morning on Tuesday, accompanied by his daughter and his driver, Manuel Ruiz, saw a strange object in the skies over Cabrejas. Was it a flying saucer? The news isn't new because similar events are taking place in some parts of our country. Nor is it the first UFO to be seen in our province: as our friend and colleague Luis Calvo, from Radio Peninsular, was saying yesterday, this is the third one. The first one appeared around La Mancha some eight years ago and left ground traces. The second was seen by two residents of Cuenca who were heading to Madrid and their car suddenly died when the phenomenon came into view. The third is the one seen by Amadeo Villar. We have spoken with him and his driver, while his employees make humorous remarks about the "experience" that befell them.
"When did you notice the flying object?"
"We were on our way to Madrid, and when were up around Alto dee Cabrejas, I saw something strange that reflected through the windshield. First I thought it was the sun, but I kept looking at it, and said so to Rosa Mari, my daughter, and Manolo. We saw there was a clear space amid the clouds and saw the strange object perfectly. It gave the impression of being a very bright television set. I told them that it was a flying dart, but my daughter and Manolo said, "Can’t you see it's spinning? It looks like a flying saucer."
"What was its color?"
"A very bright color. Similar to a TV set when it’s turned on and a strong brightness appears. This was much more intense and orange in color."
"Manolo Ruiz, you were driving the car. What was your impression?"
"I had a strange sensation. I slowed down to see it better, since we were going at ninety, and I saw that there was a luminous object to our left."
"Had you ever seen anything similar?"
"No. I've traveled a lot and have never seen anything like it."
"Don't you think there could be some confusion with a sunbeam?"
"No, no," Amadeo interrupts. "I had been looking at it for a while and it hurt my eyes. When we were watching it calmly with my daughter, she said: "Daddy, this is scaring me."
"How long was it in sight?"
"Some forty or fifty seconds."
"Did it vanish completely?"
"No. It ducked into the clouds and we could see its reflection through them, just as we'd seen it before, thanks to its considerable brightness."
"This means that you no longer find the stories that appear daily at all strange, regarding similar cases elsewhere."
"I was rather skeptical about these things. I thought that UFOs didn't exist and that they were optical illusions. But when we saw it clearly, we realized that it was an object unknown to us, but rotating."
"Do you know about weather balloons?"
"No. I've heard them mentioned, but I've never seen one. I don't think this was a weather balloon, of course, because I imagine that they wouldn't have the brightness that this object possessed. It was exactly like a flying TV set, with a lot of glare."
"How does one feel when such things are seen, Manolo?"
"It was in our heads for a while and we kept turning the matter over and over.
"I came back yesterday," says Amadeo, "and didn't say a word to anybody, because people may take it in jest. But when Manolo came, I decided to tell the story because there was at least one witness. If anyone wants to verify this, my daughter is at school in Madrid. You can ask her over the phone, if you like."
"How did your friends react when they heard the news?"
"Some took it lightly, others seriously. Everyone has wanted to know and they've asked me a thousand times what it was like, since everyone is interested in these things when they occur."
What does appear to be the case is that an unidentified flying object has flown over Cabrejas for a few seconds. There have been witnesses who have found themselves having to describe their "vision" over and over, because when it comes to flying saucers and extraterrestrials, the veil of mystery is lifted little by little. Some will believe, others won't. The story, however, occupies the front page of our current affairs.
[Translation (c) 2015 Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology, with thanks to José Vicente Avila]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J
Smoking Gun Lunar Astronaut Photo
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Killer Heat Waves on the Way
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Las cefeidas ayudan a descubrir un nuevo componente de la Vía Láctea
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
Wrong Place, Right Time--a Terrifying Ghost Story...or Was It Even Worse?
It's a ghost lore cliche: an old covered bridge. The ghost of a woman who committed suicide there shows up at midnight to unsuspecting travelers. Now imagine that you go there to see if it's true and instead of finding a ghost, you find yourself on the human end of a completely different high strangeness experience. And then you realize... you're at the wrong bridge on the other side of town. Meet Kellen....
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27 oct 2015
Eduardo Benot, el político inventor
Versión para TecOb del artículo que publiqué en la revista Historia de Iberia Vieja, edición de octubre de 2015.
Hace sesenta años, cuando estas cuestiones parecían del dominio de la utopía, contemplando la bahía de Cádiz, que el flujo y reflujo del mar llenaba y vaciaba dos veces al día, la alta mentalidad de Benot, ingeniero y poeta, concibió el proyecto de utilizar aquella inmensa fuerza. En teoría era fácil: un dique que cerrase la entrada a la bahía, en el que irían alojadas unas turbinas que movería el agua del mar al llenar la bahía durante la creciente y verterse de nuevo durante la vaciante. Veinte mil caballos de fuerza calculaba Benot que podrían obtenerse en aquella ensenada, productores de riqueza en la región gaditana. Hace sesenta años la ciencia no había realizado los considerables progresos de las últimas décadas y la industria se encontraba en mantillas. Acometer el estudio de esa magna obra era tropezar con obstáculos técnicos insuperables. Gramme aún no había inventado su máquina dinamoeléctrica. La producción mecánica y el transporte de electricidad eran desconocidos. Boneta resolvió esas dificultades recurriendo al aire comprimido para transformar y transportar la energía obtenida de las mareas…
Fragmento de un artículo de Eduardo Ortega Núñez,
publicado en la revista Madrid Científico en abril de 1923.
Un repaso a los orígenes profesionales y la educación formal de nuestros políticos actuales, y en general los de épocas recientes en nuestro país, nos descubrirá un mundo de entendidos en leyes o, por resumir, gentes “de letras”. No son muy comunes los científicos y, mucho menos, aquellos que hayan dedicado parte de su tiempo a la invención. Es más, ya no sorprende a nadie que haya en nuestra historia reciente gran cantidad de políticos que simplemente han sido eso toda su vida, sin salir muchas veces de las vecindades profesionales en actividades relacionadas con sus propios partidos. Sin embargo, en nuestra historia podemos encontrar algunos raros casos de inventores metidos a políticos o, más raro todavía, políticos con inquietudes orientadas a la invención, y menos en el caso de aquellos que hubieren logrado obtener patentes de invención. Bien, el caso que hoy nos ocupa podría considerarse como uno de los más sobresalientes en el escaso territorio de los políticos inventores.
Juan de la Cierva, padre del autogiro, o Narciso Monturiol, creador del singular submarino Ictíneo, tuvieron cierto recorrido en lo que a carrera profesional en la política se refiere, pero si hubiera que buscar un ejemplo de político inventor en España, no dudaría en señalar a Eduardo Benot Rodríguez.
El hombre de los mil y un oficios
Hay quien dedica su vida profesional a la fontanería, a construir muebles, a trabajar en una factoría o a infinidad de otras ocupaciones, pero por lo general la vida ya es lo suficientemente dura como para intentar tener dos, tres o cuatro trabajos a la vez y, para colmo, en ámbitos completamente diferentes. A Eduardo Benot parece que aquello de “el que mucho abarca poco aprieta” no iba con él. Repasemos someramente la vida y aventuras de este asombroso e ingenioso personaje. Veamos, esta voluntarioso gaditano nacido en 1822, y fallecido en Madrid prácticamente en el olvido allá por 1907, fue muy conocido como político, pero también se ganó la vida como escritor y cultivó igualmente los campos de la lingüística, la lexicografía, la filología así como la matemáticas y la ingeniería. ¿Eso no es pasarse un poco? ¿Acaso puede alguien sobresalir en tantas áreas tan diversas? Benot no es que fuera un gran genio en todo ello, pero logró alcanzar la excelencia en casi todo lo que decidió emprender.
Y, todo ello, a pesar de contar con una salud más frágil que el cristal fino. Benot vivió sus primeros años en Cádiz, en el seno de una familia culta de curioso origen. Su padre, de origen piamontés, había llegado a España en tiempos de la Guerra de la Independencia y, su madre, era una poetisa nacida en una familia acomodada. Aquel ambiente le aseguraba al pequeño Eduardo una vida sin penurias económicas y favorable al crecimiento intelectual. Una pena que la enfermedad le acosara cada poco tiempo, en diversas formas de manifestarse, incluso llegando a tener graves crisis convulsivas. Creció Benot en ese mar de ventajas y penurias, vigilado por un médico personal puesto a su cargo por la familia, devorando todo tipo de libros incluso a pesar de serle prohibido el exceso a la hora de acercarse a los libros, pues padecía también de la vista. Siendo un adolescente, se atrevió a enviar artículos políticos a un periódico local. Las semillas de lo que iba a ser su vida adulta fueron alimentadas con aquellas lecturas y letras escritas en su niñez.
Benot comenzó apenas iniciada la veintena de edad una prometedora carrera como profesor de filosofía y de lógica en su Cádiz natal, concretamente en un lugar tan emblemático como el Colegio de San Felipe Neri, que fuera en su tiempo sede de las Cortes que promulgaron la Constitución de 1812. En ese lugar desarrolló una intensa labor intelectual, se dedicó al estudio y difusión de la filosofía y la literatura junto a un grupo de amigos y participó de una intensa vida social entre lo más granado de su entorno gaditano. También probó suerte como poeta, pero no llegó demasiado lejos en ese empeño.
En lo que sí destacó fue en su labor como filólogo y lingüista. Publicó obras seminales que se adelantaron a su tiempo y que han encontrado eco en todo el mundo, llegando su influencia incluso a nuestros días. Alumbró obras sobre la estructura y origen de las lenguas, sobre gramática, diccionarios especializados, así como libros acerca de la enseñanza del francés, inglés, alemán o italiano, idiomas que, además, dominaba.
Todo un genio, sin duda, que no perdía el tiempo y que dio a luz también obras sobre literatura y un sin fin de artículos periodísticos y políticos. Publicó completos estudios sobre Cervantes y Shakespeare e incluso fue autor de obras dramáticas y libretos para zarzuela. Miembro muy activo de la Real Academia de la Lengua desde 1887, cabe pensar que con tanta actividad intelectual bastaría para llenar plenamente la vida de cualquiera, pero nada más lejos de la realidad. Hay otro ámbito que se convirtió en capital para Eduardo Benot: la política.
Y no se vaya a pensar que se trató de un político de segunda fila, nada de eso. En estas escasas letras apenas puedo siquiera resumir brevemente los cargos y actividades que llegó a desarrollar, es algo para pasmarse. Miembro del Partido Republicano desde su juventud, su combativa actividad le lleva a formar parte de gran cantidad de acciones políticas, sobre todo desde la Revolución de 1868. Llegó a ser Diputado al Congreso, y más tarde Secretario del mismo, tiempo en el que pasó a vivir en Madrid. Colaboró con Pi y Margall en varias iniciativas políticas, fue también Secretario del Senado, autor de discursos célebres en toda Europa, como el de contestación a la abdicación de Amadeo de Saboya, posteriormente Secretario de la Asamblea Nacional, Ministro de Fomento en la Primera República y redactor de un contraproyecto de Constitución Federal enfrentado al ideado por Emilio Castelar. En fin, esto comienza a aburrir un poco, ¿no es cierto? Impresiona su labor política, tanto como la docente e intelectual. Y, si se revisan las actas de las diversas cámaras, así como los periódicos de la época, se puede comprobar que no era un “político florero”, de esos que sólo aparecen para levantar la mano en las votaciones, nada de eso, su trabajo fue prolífico en forma de artículos, leyes, propuestas e iniciativas, siempre a la vanguardia del progresismo de su tiempo. En 1901 llegó a ser presidente del Partido Republicano Federal, postrero puesto que desempeñó en el ocaso de su vida.
Pasión por la ciencia experimental
Siendo Ministro de Fomento, encontramos a Benot como gestor implacable. Al llegar a ese puesto encontró una administración anquilosada y caótica. Su enfado tu monumental y sus decisiones no dejaron indiferente a nadie. Reorganizó los sistemas de pago, luchó por dignificar a los maestros, creó leyes contra el trabajo infantil, redactó las primeras leyes de protección de la mujer trabajadora y, además, fue el impulsor de la fundación del Instituto Geográfico y Estadístico. Sus mayores esfuerzos fueron encaminados a mejorar la formación de los niños y jóvenes, a fomentar los estudios científicos y a proteger a las mujeres. Lástima que tan encomiable esfuerzo no encontrara demasiado eco, en una sociedad anquilosada y una clase política poco receptiva a tan “avanzadas” ideas.
Hasta ahora ha quedado clara la inclinación de Benot por las letras y la política, pero el hambre de conocimiento de este polifacético gaditano fue mucho más allá. Como autodidacta de asombrosa capacidad, trabajó por dotar al Colegio de San Felipe Neri de un gabinete científico de primer orden. Allí desarrolló una intensa labor matemática, geográfica y astronómica. Tal fue el ardor de su trabajo, que aquel gabinete llamó la atención de sabios europeos e incluso fue el germen de la electrificación de la ciudad de Cádiz. Sencillamente, era un tipo genial que nunca se cansaba de aprender y de enseñar. En el Observatorio de Marina de San Fernando enseñó matemáticas, física y ciencias naturales durante años.
Ahora bien, más allá de ser profesor respetado, tanto de letras como de ciencias y matemáticas, Eduardo Benot desarrolló una labor inventiva sobresaliente que se adelantó a su tiempo, sobre todo en un tema muy actual: las energías renovables. En 1881 vio la luz un asombroso estudio de casi mil páginas dentro de las Memorias de la Real Academia de Ciencias exactas, físicas y naturales de Madrid que se titulaba Movilización de la fuerza del mar. Aprovechamiento de los motores irregulares como las mareas y las olas por el intermedio del aire comprimido, cuyo autor era nada más y nada menos que, tal y como reza en el mencionado libro: Eduardo Benot Rodríguez. Individuo correspondiente a la Academia Española, Corresponsal de la Academia de Ciencias exactas, físicas y naturales, Honorario de la Academia de Bellas Artes de Cádiz, ex-jefe de Sección del Observatorio de Marina de San Fernando, ex-secretario del Senado, de la Asamblea Nacional y del Congreso, ex-ministro de Fomento, etc. ¡Un currículum impresionante!
Si deslumbrante es tal presentación de Benot, más lo es su desarrollo de ideas acerca del uso de la energía de los mares que despliega con envidiable maestría a lo largo del cerca de millar de páginas de esa memoria. Recordemos, ese trabajo fue desarrollado entre 1860 y 1880, por lo que puede considerarse pionero a nivel mundial, si acaso emparentado lejanamente con la labor de otro contemporáneo, el catalán José Barrufet y sus experimentos del “marmotor” para aprovechar la energía de las olas en Barcelona, allá por 1885.
Las actividades inventivas y experimentales de Benot ya habían encontrado fruto en diversas patentes. De 1879 datan las patentes españolas numeradas como 227 y 275 por un “cartucho de papel inflamable para armas portátiles” y un “sistema de armas portátiles, de recámara móvil e independiente” respectivamente. Ya en 1881, año en el que se publica su memoria sobre la energía de los mares, se le concede la patente número 1882, por “un nuevo policilíndrico para comprimir gases según la ley logarítmica”. Finalmente, en 1885, logra la patente número 5359, por “una barra micrométrica diferencial”. Resulta curioso leer en los expedientes de esas patentes que, en el casillero destinado a mencionar la ocupación profesional del inventor, se cita que se encuadra dentro de la categoría de “diputados, senadores y políticos”. Ciertamente, estamos ante un intrépido político-inventor.
La energía mareomotriz, la que puede extraerse de las mareas, así como la procedente de las olas del mar, ha sido profusamente estudiada a lo largo del siglo XX. Son muchas las experiencias prácticas llevadas a cabo para conseguir centrales eléctricas comerciales basadas en ese tipo de energías renovables, como por ejemplo la célebre central mareomotriz de Rance, en Francia. Esa central pionera fue construida en 1966, pero ya casi un siglo antes Eduardo Benot veía claro que podría ser una buena idea el “domar” las mareas para generar electricidad.
Gráficos de la obra de Benot sobre energía de las mareas.
Y, no se crea que se trató simplemente de una divagación al modo “en el futuro esto será así…” Nada de eso, la memoria que presentó Benot no sólo impresiona por su tamaño, sino por su minucioso contenido. Comienza con un estudio profundo de las mareas a nivel mundial, las diversas teorías acerca de su explicación vigentes en la época y una descripción de varios casos prácticos, desde los que se refieren a las mareas en el Mediterráneo, hasta las propias de los Grandes Lagos norteamericanos, así como una pormenorizada serie de detalles sobre la amplitud y el poder dinámico de las mareas en las costas españolas. Estudia igualmente la salinidad de los mares, el poder de las olas y diversos fenómenos marinos.
Hasta aquí puede ser interesante como obra teórica, pero no olvidemos que Eduardo Benot, además de filólogo, literato y político era, además, un científico experimental de primer orden. Por ello, no sorprenderá comprobar que en su memoria sobre las mareas dedique cientos de páginas a detallar el uso del aire comprimido para aprovechar la energía de los mares. Y, nuevamente, nada de teorías, porque las descripciones que ahí podemos encontrar van desde estudios de motores hidráulicos hasta cálculos detallados sobre piezas necesarias para construir una central mareomotriz, incluyendo cálculos de costes económicos, gráficos de rendimiento, estudios de sistemas de inmersión y esquemas minuciosos de ingeniería. En definitiva, Benot alumbró la tecnología mareomotriz casi un siglo antes de que se pusiera en práctica.
Eduardo Benot, el político inventor apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 27 octubre 2015.
via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1
JPL Predicts Major So-Cal Quake in Less Than 3 Years
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Chile: The Constitución Ambulance "Time Slip" (1983)
[From the files of Chilean UFO researcher Liliana Núñez Orellana]
Chile: The Constitución Ambulance “Time Slip” (1983)
By Marino Magallanes Mar
Sighting in: 7th Region of the Maule
Locality: Road from Constitución to San Javier
Date: March 28, 1983 – 0400 hours
Witnesses: Mr. Aquiles González, driver of the Constitución Hospital ambulance
Paramedic: Ms. Rosita Cancino
Assistant: Mr. Miguel Yáñez
A Journey from Constitución to Talca With a Seriously Ill Male Patient:
In the vicinity of the road known as Piedra del Baño, a UFO appeared from the south, looking at first like a large yellow light. Upon approaching the ambulance, it was seen to have the shape of an inverted saucer bowl (classic flying saucer shape), but upon more detained examination, it was determined that its shape was really that of a cigar, not very clear due to the powerful light emitted by this UFO. It light up the area over 100 meters around, giving the impression that it was a clear, cloudless day. Nocturnal insects could be clearly seen. The UFO began circling the ambulance, placing itself both at its sides, behind it and in front of it. Driver Aquiles Gonzalez reduced his speed considerably, fearing a possible collision with the UFO. He dropped from 120 kmh to a hundred, slowing down even further to 70 kmh and less.
The patient’s serious condition was causing him to drive at 120 kmh. A speed similar to that of the ambulance was calculated for the UFO, and a length of 35 to 40 meters more or less. According to ambulance personnel, the UFO appeared to be solid at its core. It performed incredible maneuvers; all of its turns were either in straight or sharp angles. However, its maneuvers in the skies of the Maule appeared to be curvilinear.
Aquiles Gonzalez, the driver, feared that he would crash with the UFO many times, being forced to lower his speed even more. The ambulance’s headlights and parking lights remained on. There was no alteration or damage to the vehicle’s electrical or lighting system. Both the low-and-high beams were no comparison to the light issuing from the UFO. The ambulance crew was very frightened, particularly paramedic Rosita Cancino. Mr. Gonzalez was able to overcome his fear considerable. He told me: “I braced myself for what could happen, but I had to get my patient to the Talca Hospital alive.”
They spoke little for the rest of the journey. They thought that doing so would cause the UFO to reappear. The UFO did not change colors at any moment during its orbits around the ambulance – its hue remained between yellow and very bright white. They did not discuss the sighting upon reaching Talca, fearful of mockery by the duty staff at the hospital, but they did notice the time on the clock in Talca.
The UFO did not leave a wake as it flew. The UFO approached the road surface several times ahead of the vehicle, coming to between 3 and 5 meters above the ground. The pavement of the road linking Constitución with San Javier and later on with Talca is of the highest quality. Ambient temperature increased noticeably, with Aquiles noting that such a heat was unusual at that time of the morning, but this could have been brought on by the state of his nerves. All of the UFOs maneuvers were silent (Paramedic Rosita Cancino will have to describe her own nervous and physical problems in person). Something very strange happened with the time it took for Aquiles’s ambulance to cover the distance from Constitución to Talca.
Journeys with gravely ill patients take approximately an hour and twenty minutes. In this case, the trip only took 50 minutes, timed by the mechanical wristwatches of the ambulance staff, despite having had to slow down and dodge the UFO for some 15 to 20 minutes for over 15 kilometers. When [the UFO] vanished, it did so at tremendous speed toward the Andean Range, vanishing in little over 4 seconds.
I am attaching a scaled map of the area from Constitución to the Andean Range. All of the points indicated have been visited by UFOs. As you can see, time shrank for us.
[Note: the author goes on to cite the “Vuelta a America del Sur” Rally incident of 1978 by way of comparison. Interested readers can visit http://ift.tt/1WfCGbH for a detailed article on this case, quoting police records.]
[Translation © 2015 S. Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology, with thanks to Liliana Núñez Orellana]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J
Un simulador para recrear el comportamiento humano
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
26 oct 2015
Want to Stay Out of the Doctor's Offce? Meditate!
via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
Nueva técnica para fabricar las zeolitas más difíciles
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
24 oct 2015
UFODATA: New Group Collecting Scientific Data on the UFO Phenomena
http://www.ufodata.net/ |
For the past couple of years, a small team of scientists and professionals has been planning an innovative approach to the scientific study of UFOs. Our goal is simple: to build a network of automated stations with a variety of scientific instruments to capture comprehensive, scientifically valid data on the UFO phenomenon. We have named the organization UFO Detection and TrAcking (UFODATA for short), and several members of our team are well known to the UFO community as pioneers in the study of UFOs in the field, including Erling Strand, Massimo Teodorani, and David Akers. The project was conceived by and is led by Mark Rodeghier, scientific director of the Center for UFO Studies, and Alexander Wendt, a political scientist at Ohio State University.
Our website ( http://www.ufodata.net ) contains details on the technology we plan to use in our stations, a listing of team members (including silent advisers who because of their position do not wish to be identified), an FAQ answering many common questions we anticipate about our plans, and an extensive set of resources on the scientific study of UFOs and what we currently know about the phenomenon.
It has become clear that any breakthrough in our understanding of the UFO phenomenon will require a break from the past. Witness testimony, photos and videos, and government documents have taken us only so far; instead, we need to record and study UFOs directly, as other sciences do with their own specific objects. Of course, this is a daunting task, but it is made conceivable by advances in technology, software, communication capabilities, and power sources.
We believe that the current scientific, technical, and social environment is primed to support such an endeavor as UFODATA. We expect to build on the best work of the past and do what the scientific community as a whole has failed to do: take UFOs seriously and study them rigorously.
If you care to volunteer or donate, please check out the website.
via UFOs- Lights In The Texas Sky http://ift.tt/1eQXxj4
23 oct 2015
An Unknown Abuction Event Skillfully Researched
Some years ago Elise and Tom Gifford had a phenomenal close encounter. They were both wide awake and side by side during the first hours of the experience. There followed a day-long encounter of great terror and power, during which they were made to relive the most difficult and intimate experiences of their lives.
via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
Most Powerful Hurricane Ever Recorded Heads for Mexico. Downpours Expected in Texas
via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
22 oct 2015
Just Discovered Asteroid to Brush Past Earth on Halloween
via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
Nuevo método para evaluar la contaminación por nitratos
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
Un experimento detecta la acción fantasmagórica que Einstein rechazaba
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
Another Extraordinary Mirage in China
via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
Sandy's Version of the Secret School
via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
21 oct 2015
Artículo online Sumeria y Bestias Prehistóricas
Radio Programa: Sumerios, Bestias Prehistóricas y Unicornios
El beso mortal de dos jóvenes estrellas
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
Nuevos nanomateriales para sustituir el ácido sulfúrico como catalizador
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
Sweet Night
Once, I would have been afraid. No longer. Not that I don't think that they can be dangerous, but rather that I am surrendered to the unknown. I have never known what they are. Aliens, perhaps. Equally possible, it seems to me, that they are us dancing with itself in some way that we can barely even begin to understand.
via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
Powerful El Nino Sets the Stage for Winter 2015-2016
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has released their forecast for the upcoming 2015-2016 winter season, of which is expected to be strongly influenced by the current El Niño pattern in the Pacific.
NOAA is predicting that above-average temperatures will persist across the northern US and down the west coast, while temperatures across the southeast are expected to be below average.
via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
20 oct 2015
Dark Literature: The Fear of Forbidden Books
Dark Literature: The Fear of Forbidden Books
By Scott Corrales
(c) 2015
Blame H.P. Lovecraft for putting thoughts of the ultimate forbidden manuscript in the minds of all readers of the occult - reality and fiction. The Necronomicon, that powerful grimoire compiled by Abdul Alhazred "the mad Arab" and its subsequent alleged translations have transformed it into the holy grail of books on the occult, whose existence is believed by half the world and denied by the other.
Curiously enough, such texts do exist - perhaps not all of them having the power to summon the Old Ones from their exile, but enough to bewitch humans throughout the ages. Did Johan Heiberg, a
Danish scholar, come across one such text in the early 20th century?
In searching through a catalogue, Heiberg came across a book whose existence had been overlooked despite the two great sacks of the city of Constantinople. The manuscript was of an ostensibly religious nature, but the careful penmanship of some forgotten medieval scribe concealed odd mathematical signs, suggesting that the original had been erased over to make space for the new text. Careful study revealed that the underlying text was, in fact, an Aristotelian treatise on mechanics that had been lost since antiquity.
In 1999, a curious news item emerged from the Middle East regarding the discovery of an unusual manuscript, believed by many to be another addition to the Dead Sea Scrolls due to the use of some of the same phrases and metaphors as the existing scrolls. Identified as the “Angel Scroll” and describing a journey to the heavenly realm, the papyrus was considered a significant discovery that would shed light on ancient Hebraic mysticism and the early years of the Christian tradition.
The unusual scroll was purchased by the Benedictine order in the early 1970s and later taken to one of the order’s monasteries on the border between Austria and Germany where it was subjected to intense scrutiny. In a fashion worthy of “The Da Vinci Code” or any other contemporary scriptural thriller, the monks involved in analyzing the scroll were sworn to secrecy. But one of them--known only as “Mateus”—was unable to keep the secret and left a transcription of the text and a commentary with a close friend, who conveyed it to an Israeli academic and a physician interested in the Kabala.
The “Angel Scroll” – according to the “Mateus” transcription – is the story of Yeshua ben Padiah’s religious experience during his stay at Ein Eglatain, a monastic community on the eastern shores of the Dead Sea, and how the angel Panameia took him on a journey through the various levels of heaven. The text also goes on to describe embalming techniques, the resurrection of the dead, and the use of curative herbs and stones. The phrases “sons of light” and “sons of darkness”, common to the Dead Sea Scrolls, also appear in this particular scroll with certain grammatical similarities.
Despite the obvious excitement over such revelations and the possibility of another significant addition to the Qumran Texts, Bargil Pixner, a Benedictine abbot and an expert in the Dead Sea scrolls, was openly skeptical about the revelation – particularly because the oath-breaking monk “Mateus” was quite alive and well, and if such a manuscript were in the possession of his order, Pixner would be the first to know.
Secrets of the Vatican
Dan Brown’s “Da Vinci Code” and “Angels and Demons”, along with other works of popular fiction, have made the average reader (and viewer) interested in the veritable tidal wave of books and documentaries involving papyri and parchments kept in secret by various religions out of the fear that their disclosure could upset their theological applecart, to employ a lighthearted turn of phrase. But do such written works really exist? Are there texts whose very existence could cause history to be re-written and cause doctoral theses to become instantly worthless? Books whose nature has the slightest whiff of the paranormal about them? The mind immediately conjures up the grim image of the blind librarian Jorge de Burgos in Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose and his efforts to place poison on the pages of the second volume of Aristotle’s Poetics – a book considered dangerous due to its discussion of comedy and laughter as weapons against the establishment.
“There are no secret books in the Vatican,” said Msr. Jorge Mejia, the South American archbishop in charge of the Vatican’s Apostolic Library, during an interview with Argentina’s La Nacion newspaper in 2000. “There is confusion, in fact. Until the 17th century, the Vatican Secret Archives and the Apostolic Library were a single entity. Given the immense size of the holdings, a decision was made to separate them. The word “secret” comes from the Latin and means “segregated” or “separate”, although it is true that there are some parts that cannot be seen, as occurs with any archive.”
Although Pope Leo XIII opened the Vatican archives to scholars, part of it always remained secluded, which covered holdings from 1922 and onward, with the end of the reign of Benedict XV. It is believed that some of the Church’s most controversial documents, such as its documents involving the Second World War, would remain in reserve. “No one believes that such documents are kept in the archives under my care,” said the Monsignor. “Furthermore, I do not believe that they are kept anywhere. And if they exist, they would belong to the archives of the Secretary of State. I do not think that it would be correct to say that items are missing or that we have concealed them. We have no interest whatsoever in hiding things.”
Monsignor Mejía advised the La Nación interviewer that the oldest series of documents kept at the Vatican goes back to papers from the reign of Pope Innocent III in the year 1198, although there are older individual documents going back to the papacy of John VIII in the Ninth Century A.D. The Vatican’s most treasured manuscripts include The 1209 Bible, copied from a 4th century manuscript, 7th century gospels from a long-vanished German abbey and 3rd century papyrus copies of the Letters of St. Peter.
Everyone knows about the Voynich Manuscript and its intricate illustrations, which have been interpreted as meaning everything from medicinal treaty to a book on high magic. Much has been written about it over the decades, with no conclusive result being obtained. Cryptographers are usually infuriated at esoteric musings over the book's true nature and meaning, but there are even other, less known documents. The Rohonc Codex is among them.
The Codex Rohonc appeared in the mid-1800 and its bizarre script caught the attention of academicians and code-crackers alike, who did their level best to decipher it. A Hungarian historian dismissed the manuscript as a hoax, going as far as to blame a famous antiquarian whose works had deceived many a scholar. Nearly five hundred pages long, the Codex Rohonc has a profusion of symbols, interspersed with illustrations of a religious/ military nature. As to the language represented by the symbols, experts have ventured many Eastern European tongues (Dacian, Cuman, Hungarian) as likely candidates. The document is kept by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, where it awaits a new generation of experts to tackle the mystery.
When Documents Vanish
The contents of some books – treatises on witchcraft, alchemy and other occult subjects – makes them irresistible to specialized collectors who will stop at nothing to add them to their personal libraries. The removal of a paperback spell book from the local library is a small loss, but what happens when a major university library loses texts with an assessed value of one million dollars?
A set of thousand year-old Chinese parchments and books dealing with “mysterious subjects from the Sung, Yuan, and Qin periods” vanished from Harvard University’s Yenching Library in October 2000. The Yenching holds the largest collection of Far Eastern books outside of Asia.
The texts, described as being of enormous historic and literary significance, were removed from a guarded pedestal in the rare book collection. Senior Librarian Nancy Cline contacted the FBI immediately to report the theft and the missing materials were included in an FBI website aimed at alerting potential buyers of ill-gotten works of art and books.
Legend of the Emerald Tablets
God or human wizard? All books of esoteric lore speak reverently of Hermes Trismegistus or Hermes Thrice Great and his coveted "Emerald Tablet". Worshipped by the Greek residents of the Egyptian city of Alexandria, and identified with the ancient deity Thoth, the scribe of the underworld, Hermes Trismegistus was believed to have been a human monarch who ruled for three thousand years and wrote an amazing thirty-five thousand books -- a useful way of filling up three millennia. Yet only fragments of this mythic figure's writings have been handed down from hoary antiquity, ironically through the works of Christian authors.
The most significant of these works was a document referred to as the Emerald Tablet, which was supposedly buried along with Trismegistus's mummy under the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. The Tablet allegedly reveals the secrets of alchemy. Although the Hermes Thrice Great's mummy still waits patiently for archaeologists to find it (although the "Tomb of Osiris" discovered in 1998 does offer fascinating possibilities), part of the Emerald Tablet's metallurgical secrets can be found in the Leyden Papyrus--brought back to Europe in the 1820's by Johann d'Anastasi--which escaped the destruction of alchemical texts mandated by the Emperor Diocletian in 298 A.D.
Fabio Zerpa, better known for his work in ufology, cites the Count de Gebélin's belief that the Emerald Tablet is merely another name for the legendary Book of Thoth -- a forbidden book some ten thousand years old which would have been the basis of Egyptian civilization and occultism, as well as the key to "mastering the secrets of the air, the sea, the earth and the heavenly bodies". In Primitive World, his treatise on Egypt, de Gebélin remarks that the Book of Thoth survived destruction because it was cleverly disguised as a game, as we shall see below.
An Egyptian priest, Nefer-Ka-Ptah, retrieved the book, which had been sealed in a series of nested sarcophagi and kept in the bottom of Nile. Upon studying it, the priest was able to learn the art of numerology, communication with entities living across space and time, clairvoyance, and the art of building "magic mirrors" which do not reflect the viewer's countenance, but rather other worlds inhabited by loathsome beings.
Nefer-Ka-Ptah died a suicide, according to the story, and the Book of Thoth was spirited out of Egypt. Its magical powers and hidden knowledge would spread around the world in the form of the Minor and Major Arcana of the Tarot, which first appeared around 1200 A.D. in Italy as carticellas ("little cards") and were banned in 1240 and 1329 by bishops across Europe as malign. In his book The Black Art (Paperback Library, 1968) Rollo Ahmed, notes that the High Priestess card represents the Egyptian goddess Isis--perhaps the most tangible link to its Egyptian origin.
Destroy That Book!
Some books are not merely forgotten in libraries, or conveniently placed in hard-to-access locations to keep their availability restricted to a few chosen: others are actively sought out for destruction, as occurred with the works of Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre, a French occultist whose works – known as “the Missions” – purportedly disclosed contact with the sources of ancient hidden wisdom. “The Mission of India in Europe and The Mission of Europe in Asia” were allegedly complied by means of astral travel on the author’s part, enabling him to access ‘the Earth’s secret lairs” in search of knowledge.
Despite efforts aimed at its destruction, including a search-and-destroy campaign by the Nazis during World War II (curious, given Hitler’s obsession with the occult, as we are reminded by Spielberg’s Raiders of the Lost Ark), a copy survived to sate the curiosity of future generations. “You may wonder,” he writes “how I have been able to lift the veil that covers [Asia’s] most secret mysteries, when the joint efforts of missionaries and diplomats have been unable to do so. This veil is in fact formed by immense mountains, fortresses, virgin forests, deserts, cities, temples, crypts and subterranean cities of astounding size. And the secret it covers is guarded by millions of men of science and conscience, bound under the seal of Divinity by the same oaths that were taken in the days of Moses, Jethro, Orpheus, Zoroaster or Fo-Hi.”
While not a Theosophist, the works of Saint-Yves d’Alveydre read like an impassioned Blavatsky, dropping the names of occult brotherhoods and deities. Descriptions of the wonders of Agartha appear to constitute the principal goal of the book.
Jacques Bergier, in his own book on forbidden manuscripts, mentions another set of books destroyed by orders from a higher power: “In 1897, the heirs of Estanislao de Guaita were given orders to destroy four unpublished manuscripts by the author, dealing with the subject of black magic. This order was carried out to the letter, and not a trace remains of these manuscripts.” The reasons for these purges of forbidden books, he theorizes, is an effort to keep certain knowledge from becoming widely known before humankind is able to make proper use of them, or to spare our species from a fate that perhaps only H.P. Lovecraft could imagine.
A Decision for Tsar Nicholas
One can easily picture the scene: a cold night in 19th century St. Petersburg under the double-headed imperial eagle. A cloaked man walks along the burnished halls of the Winter Palace, his boot heels clicking on polished marble. The palace guards allow him to pass unchallenged, fully aware of who he is and who he reports to, deep in the recesses of the palace. He eventually arrives at the study of Nicholas, Emperor and Autocrat of all Russia; a guard nods and opens the door. The man enters, bows stiffly, and places a bundle of papers on the Tsar's desk. The Emperor thanks his agent politely and dismisses him, proceeding to leaf through the dossier's cold pages.
It was October 1903, and the tsarist secret police had just assassinated a scientist, Mikhail Filipov, whose activities had been been monitored for some time, suspecting him of being a clear and present danger. The manuscript undergoing the emperor's scrutiny bore the title "The Revolution for Science or The End of All Wars" - anything bearing the word 'revolution' at this period in time was considered a threat to the body politic - and we can picture the emperor's brow narrowing as he read not the political tract he was expecting to see, but a most peculiar document.
Filipov had made apparently made a scientific breakthrough. He managed to find a way to cause an explosion by means of a focused short-wave beam. "I am able to transmit," he wrote excitedly, "the full force of an explosion in a short-wave beam. The explosive wave is transmitted fully along an electromagnetic carrier wave, causing a stick of dynamite exploding in Moscow to make its effect felt in Constantinople. My experiments show that this phenomenon can take place a distance of thousands of miles; the use of such a weapon during a revolution will cause uprisings among the people and will make wars completely impossible."
We can also imagine the tsar taking a slip of paper from his desktop and scribbling a note with a pen, signing it with a flourish. A ring of a concealed bell would summon a courtier to pick up the order and deliver it to the proper channels. Filipov's laboratory and its contents - particularly his papers - would be utterly destroyed by the secret police.
If the tsarist secret police had not treated the scientist “with extreme prejudice”, as we say nowadays, would his scientific papers have served to create a weapon that would have been in service around World War I, adding to the carnage not only of the battlefield, but causing the destruction of distant capital cities throughout Europe and even farther afield. Perhaps the loss of this information – however despicable the motives of the imperial authorities – saved millions of lives in the future.
Perhaps a kinder fate awaited Robert Payne, author of Zero: The History of Terrorism, in which he provided indisputable proof of the existence of secret governments on a planetary scale, soon found out that he may have stumbled upon something much more perilous than a cabal of secret bankers or Trilateralists. Shortly after the book was published in 1951, the first edition was almost entirely purchased by an unknown party. In spite of Payne's apparently stunning revelations, not a single item appeared in the press, nor were any reviews available. In true mystery fashion, Payne died only months later. The story appeared in French author Serge Hutin's Gouvernants Invisibles (Invisible Rulers).
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J
Un algoritmo matemático simplifica el control de los fullerenos cargados
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
Un expediente X para los cazadores de planetas
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
19 oct 2015
DNA Evidence: More Shroud of Turin Proof
The Shroud has recently had samples of particles taken from the artifact undergo DNA testing, to determine what peoples and plants were represented by the debris that have been deposited on it over the centuries.
via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
Un sistema predice el caudal de un río e inundaciones con un día de antelación
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
Un ‘ojo’ infrarrojo completa CARMENES, tecnología española para buscar exotierras
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
¡Plutón vive!
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
18 oct 2015
La primera grabadora de sonidos de la historia
A lo largo de las últimas décadas del siglo XIX los fonógrafos y otras máquinas reproductoras de sonidos, así como grabadoras, vivieron una rápida evolución, sobre todo en manos de Edison y sus colaboradores. Pero el fonógrafo de Thomas Alva Edison creado en 1877, aunque pionero en lo que a reproducción de sonidos se refiere, no fue la primera máquina capaz de grabarlos. Ya casi nadie se acuerda de él, pero mucho antes de que Edison lograra alumbrar su primer fonógrafo funcional, un intrépido francés llamado Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville consiguió crear la primera grabadora de sonidos. El problema es que, si bien podía registrar sonido, luego no era capaz de reproducirlo, así que el juego quedaba a medias.
Aquella primera grabadora intentaba imitar la tecnología fotográfica en el arte de fijar sonidos. En un principio el primigenio fonógrafo de Scott de Martinville, que más tarde fue conocido como fonoautógrafo, fue todo un éxito. Llamó mucho la atención de la prensa de su tiempo, pero pronto fue dejado de lado porque, a fin de cuentas, estaba bien eso de “dibujar” el sonido, pero lo que interesaba era reproducirlo de nuevo.
No fue hasta 2008 cuando se recuperaron por medio de tecnología informática algunas de esas grabaciones de fonoautógrafo, logrando ser reproducidas (esta es la grabación más antigua rescatada).
Realmente al inventor francés no le interesó volver a reproducir los sonidos. Su pasión se centraba en fijar y estudiar la “grafía” que dejaban esos sonidos sobre el papel. Así, en sus estudios, nos legó diversas muestras de grabaciones realizadas dos décadas antes que las de Edison. Así luce uno de esos “fonoautogramas”.
Fuente: FirstSounds.
¿Cómo funcionaba el fonoautógrafo? El siguiente gráfico, publicado en 1934 en la revista Electrón, nos servirá de guía.
La máquina de Scott de Martinville vio la luz en 1857, tras varios años de experimentación. Era capaz de registrar gráficamente ondas sonoras. Aquel fonoautógrafo consistía en una hoja de papel ahumado arrollada sobre un tambor cilíndrico. Ese papel era sobre el que se registraban los sonidos. El cilindro, con el papel fijado en el mismo, podía girarse con la mano a través de un manubrio (m). Combinado con un tornillo sin fin, ejecutaba un movimiento complejo de rotación y traslación. En el dibujo aparece marcado como (A) una caja de resonancia, obturada al fondo con un diafragma (a), unido su centro a un punzón a través de varias palancas de ajuste.
Al vibrar el diafragma, la punta del punzón se desplazaba lateralmente sobre la superficie del papel ahumado. Girando el cilindro y hablando con fuerza hacia la caja de resonancia, el punzón iba grabando las perturbaciones del diafragma sobre el papel en forma de líneas ondulantes. Veinte años más tarde, Edison presentó su flamante fonógrafo, que era muy similar a la máquina del francés, solo que en vez de emplear papel ahumando, utilizada papel de estaño, estado en esta ocasión el punzón unido directamente al diafragma para que, al vibrar, en vez de trazar líneas ondulantes, se generaba un patrón una huella de profundidad variable.
La primera grabadora de sonidos de la historia apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 18 octubre 2015.
via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1
16 oct 2015
An Unknown Abduction Event BRILLIANTLY Researched
via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
Have We Found an Alien Civilization?
The star in question, KIC 8462852, is 1,500 light-years away, lies between the constellations Cygnus and Lyra. It was included as part of observations being made by the Kepler Space Telescope, which seeks signs of exoplanets around stars, by watching for dips in the stars' light output.
via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl