25 oct 2013

Unknowncountry Weekender: Rivers of death and silent seas

Rivers of death and silent seas

Millions of fish are dying in rivers all over the planet and no valid explanation has been given. The reports have come in from every corner of the world, from Sweden to South Korea, and appear only to be connected by the bizarre nature of the phenomena.

The list below is compiled by Michael Snyder (former Washington D.C. attorney, publisher of 'The Truth' ezine and author of 'The Beginning Of The End'), and details die-off events occurring worldwide over the course of JUST ONE MONTH this summer:

July 18, 2013: 20 acres of fish ponds full of dead fish in Shandong, China

July 18, 2013: Hundreds of dead Stingrays wash ashore in Veracruz, Mexico

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via unknowncountry http://www.unknowncountry.com

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