31 ago 2018
Anillos moleculares para controlar la actividad catalítica de los nanotubos
via Matemáticas, Física y Química https://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
29 ago 2018
Argentina: Watchman Allegedly Records Alien in Pasture

Source:www.cronica.com.ar and FAO
Date: 08.28. 2018
An Article by Jorge Fernandez Gentile
Argentina: Watchman Allegedly Records Alien in Pasture
Villa Maria is the third most important city in Cordoba as regards population and economy. Located at the heart of the province's territory, the customary occupations of its inhabitants are focused on agriculture, livestock and derivatives, tourism and regional products. In the middle of the Pampan plain on the soil of Cordoba, more than just one UFO phenomenon took place.
A watchman named Eduardo, who works for a private company, was startled by the presence of several lights on a neighboring field, and was nearly able to film at the same time a strange humanoid that appeared to stand up from the pastures to run away into the bushes upon being detected. All of this was recorded in a short video that shows the development of strange lights in the premises under his care. These lights left over ten small circles of burning grass and "something" that rises up out of the unknown.
This event was added to other sightings of strange lights that have taken place in recent weeks, aside from ground prints collected a short time ago, adding stupefaction and contradiction on the part of the former, who believe what is going on, and the latter, who are skeptics. Of course, the watchman's refusal to engage in further investigation made it impossible to delve deeper into this close encounter of the first kind, which shall almost surely remain unsolved, like many others.
Three Weeks Ago
As indicated in detail by Vision Ovni, the incident took place last Saturday, August 4, around five o'clock in the morning on the premises of the BPB company, formerly part of the Aero Club, located in the Ramón Carrillo district and the campus of the Villa Maria National University. The main protagonist is a security guard who saw some lights moving over the field behind the company for which he currently works, near a wilderness. Thus, and due to the strange activity, the decided to take a closer look. When he reached the site, 200 meters from his customary position, he first came across smoking burn marks on the ground, as if freshly burned.
"When my guard was over, I went out to patrol the wilderness in the bank. Since we have animals, we must look after them. But as I walked with the flashlight, I saw something burned in the grass. I started to feel fear, as this was out of the ordinary. When I looked up, I saw something moving. It was like an animal, something that hid. Something strange and out of the ordinary. I got scared and opened fire. I then phoned the factory bosses to tell them what had happened. That's what went on," he explained to several media outlets.
Eduardo's eyewitness account can be seen in video in several different digital media, but the most significant thing is that it dovetails with the stories provided by some locals, who claimed having seen strange lights flying over the neighborhood that same morning and time. What strikes their attention is that a few months ago, a local had recorded unexplained lights at Pereyra y Dominguez Park as they flew at high speed toward Barrio Carrillo, the new district of the major locality that stands between the old Aero Club and the college campus. A place where strange prints had been found earlier, and where the lights of aircraft could be seen in the skies. However, these seemed to issue from other flying objects that no one has hitherto been able to identify.
What the Video Shows
The video shows images of a dark early morning, pre-daybreak. A dog can be heard barking, not too far away, in the presence of something that appeared to come out of nowhere, which startled the watchman. Frightened, he opened fire and took off running. Hours later he said: "I saw something like an animal, but I don't think it really was. It was strange, something out of the ordinary," he explained.
Something is evident and certain: the man, no matter how much he wanted to find out what had transpired, was overcome by fear upon seeing the strange being that appered before him, scant meters away. The images recorded, enhanced by the Visión OVNI researchers to see the creature in the greatest detail possible (as far as the video's quality will allow), show an entity that appears to rise up from the ground, standing straight before vanishing into the darkness of the night, all very suddenly. In very few seconds. This leaves us questioning what it might have been. The lights seen in the background correspond to images similar to many other UFO sightings, which further the possible presence of a humanoid (or a hologram controlled from the craft?) supposedly investigating the area, the soil, or who knows what else.
Many Apparitions
The most incredible fact is that for some time now, Villa María appears to have been the focus of strange visits from what appear to be otherworldly craft. Thus, in recent motnhs, witnesses report seeing strange lights (UFO-shaped) in the area and phenomena such as cattle mutilations. On more than one occasion, animals with surgical incisions on several parts of their bodies have been found. Prestigious researcher Luis Burgos, president of the Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía (FAO), who had visited the area days earlier, attemepted a field observation, joining forces with Juan Carlos Masiero (host of the "El Holograma Tierra" program, the only one devoted to UFOS and other realities in the city's radio history between 2014-16)
Masiero and Brugos visited the company and noon, and saw a idylic landscape with an artificial lake and a herd of carpinchos, something impossible for these parts, which surpised both. Then they met Eduardo, the watchman, who to their surprise abruptly said: "You cannot pass" when they asked to see the burned grass, and whose behavior was susbsequently evasive.
When asked by Masiero, Eduardo replied: "I don't have anything more to say. It happened back there, in the wilderness. I've nothing more to say." Eduardo walked away without raising the security barrier or waving goodbye.
Obviously, the researchers did not give up. They walked around the premises until they reached the site, a virgin carob tree grove surrounded by a wire fence and a tersely worded sign: "Access Forbidden. Private Property." Both agreed that the man had seen something, but when he expanded on the experience, was subsequently a target of mockery by many, particularly those who do not have an idea of what might have happened, and a broader understanding as regards the meaning of the UFO phenomenon.
Case Unsolved
As a survey of the area by researchers is not possible, no analysis of water and animal samples has been possible. No chemical soil analysis, temperature readings or evaluation of the burned grass, measurement of the marks, verification of the absence of minerals and soil evaluation has been conducted either, with a view toward ascertaining if there was pressure on the ground - a way of learning how much a putative object would have weighted.
As researcher Burgos says in his blog, what Eduardo saw wasn't serendipity, but causality, as the lights were in the same area where others were seen. This is not the first time this happened. There is something "textbook" about Eduardo's experience that occurs in many close encounters. Cases in which UFOs land in places where water and animals are present, and at night to avoid detection, are numerous.
The marks could be the result of a laser or teleportation device - a technology we are unable to conceive. As to what the security guard might have seen, according to the researcher, it could have been a teleported extraterrestrial or a projection that descended to study soil and animals up close. Or perhaps it searched for water or some strange mineral they needed. He ends with a very comprehensie phrase: "In order to understand this, we must think holistically. That is, we must unplug from a 3-D perception. We must understand that ignorant human beings live on Planet earth, but for a long time, they have been abducting people and animals, experimenting on our bodies and our minds..."
VIDEO at: https://ift.tt/2MEa4zK
[Translation (c) 2018 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Luis Burgos (FAO) and Jorge Fernández Gentile]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology https://ift.tt/GCRz8J
Morphing del siglo XVII
Cuando hace varias semanas visité la exposición temporal La invención del cuerpo en el Museo Nacional de Escultura de Valladolid (recomiendo esa visita sin duda alguna), me llamó mucho la atención cierta técnica de dibujo que, salvando las distancias, vendría a ser similar al morphing, solo que llevado a cabo sobre papel y en el siglo XVII.
La invención del cuerpo por morgancrea en Vimeo.
El protagonista del asunto es Charles Le Brun, uno de los pintores franceses más célebres del siglo XVII. Pero no es a sus coloridas y bien conocidas composiciones a las que me quiero referir, sino a una serie de experimentos singulares que llaman mucho la atención por su apariencia. El morphing es un anglicismo que describe una técnica cinematográfica que hemos visto en infinidad de ocasiones en televisión o el cine, e incluso en videojuegos o impreso en revistas. Se trata de un efecto de animación por ordenador en el que se transforma una imagen fotgráfica de un objeto real en otra de otro objeto. Normalmente se emplea para transformar a una persona en otra, o a una persona en animal, como recurso muy socorrido en películas de fantasía y ciencia ficción.
Bien, pues he aquí que hace cuatro siglos al ingenioso Charles Le Brun se le ocurre estudiar las “pasiones animales” del ser humano en una serie dilatada en el tiempo de estudios en los que transforma una figura humana en diversos tipos de animal, con resultados asombrosos y muy llamativos. Tal como se comenta en el catálogo de la exposición:
Para dar en la diana del alma del espectador, el artista ha de atenerse a un código de signos, a una gramática de las pasiones, universal e inteligible por cualquiera. La expresión de las pasiones del alma será, hasta finales del siglo XVII, un mundo ordenado y mecanicista que no dejará emoción sin clasificar ni etiquetar. Charles Le Brun (1619-1690) es el paradigma de ese gusto por lo sistemático. En parte, agranda una vieja tradición, la de las fisiognomías zoológicas que Della Porta había codificado en 1585. Pero él la afronta bajo una mirada menos cosmológica, más artística, más moderna, como una forma de descifrar la interioridad humana y su representación. Con un dibujo sólido, de contornos cerrados y volúmenes poderosos, concentra su expresividad en cejas y ojos y otorga a la geometría del perfil animal un papel definidor. (…) Convierte la fisiognomía en un teorema: mientras zorros o camellos tienen un aire de inteligencia humana, los hombres aparecen bestializados, sin el menor atisbo de caricatura: todo es serio, calculado, grave. De ahí, resulta una humanidad equívoca, con algo de maléfico y terrible, inepto para la palabra y el entendimiento. Le Brun clasificó el circuito que ata el rostro al alma en “Méthode pour apprendre à dessiner les passions”, expuesto en la Academia Francesa en 1668: “Todo aquello que causa pasión al alma es efecto de la alteración de los músculos, que se mueven gracias a las extremidades de los nervios que las atraviesan”.
Aunque en la exposición sólo se muestra algún ejemplo de esta clase de ejercicios visuales de Le Brun, he buscado algunos otros de entre todos los que creó y he seleccionado varios de ellos. He aquí todo un experimento de morphing del siglo XVII…
via Tecnología Obsoleta https://ift.tt/2vTEfet
28 ago 2018
Argentina: UFO Reported in a Field in Sáenz Peña

Source: Chacoadentro.com and Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía (FAO)
Date: 08.27.18
Argentina: UFO Reported in a Field in Sáenz Peña
A cattleman reported seeing "an oval-shaped object with many lights" in the early hours of the morning and asked for NASA's intervention.
A 65-year-old man reported an encounter with a UFO in the early hours of this Monday morning at his property in Colonia Napenay, located in the rural area of Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña. He requested the intervention of NASA or another competent agency.
According to the report filed with the 4th Commissariat, the sighting took place in the early morning hours. He was wakened by the sound of "his dogs barking a lot" and upon going to his backyard he saw "a sort of craft, oval-shaped, dark grey or black, with many lights, over the lagoon, some 100 meters from the house."
"The sky remained over the reservoir for a few minutes, and then took off quickly, skyward," said Juan D. Ortiz.
Finally, the cattleman, owner of a field measuring some 50 hectares (123 acres), devoted to raising livestock and cultivation, requested the intervention of "NASA or another competent agency, as a large red spot is visible on the [reservoir's] waters.
NOTE: Readers of Inexplicata will remember the community of Sáenz Peña from other reports, particularly the high-strangeness event involving diminutive entities https://ift.tt/2wgd3o3
[Translation (c) 2018 Scott Corrales, IHU with thanks to Luis Burgos, Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology https://ift.tt/GCRz8J
27 ago 2018
Argentina: A UFO Over Berisso?

Source: Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía (FAO)
Date: 25 August 2018
Argentina: A UFO Over Berisso?
Luis Burgos writes: After 23:00 hours last night, the cloud-covered sky began to clear in several areas of the province. At about 23:45 hours, with the sky somewhat cloudy again, Juan Naumovich, a resident of downtown Berisso (Buenos Aires) went to his backyard to witness, with astonishment, the transit of a flying object flying in a straight line from west to east, that is to say, toward Rio de la Plata. The artifact, with red, yellow and white lights, was flying at a moderate speed and average altitude, resembling "a rugby ball" seen at a distance. The sighting held his attention for one minute until it vanished from sight. It is very likely that it was seen from other locations in Buenos Aires. The transit of the International Space Station (ISS) and IRIDIUM satellites was discarded. Research is ongoing.
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology https://ift.tt/GCRz8J
Argentina: The Boom of UFO Tourism

Source: Sputnik News and Planeta UFO
Date: 08.24.2017
Argentina: The Boom of UFO Tourism
Between 100,000 and 200,000 people a year climb Mount Uritorco in Argentina in search of extraterrestrial sightings. We will tell you what is so special about the area and what promotes UFO tourism in Soutn America.
Luz Mary López, a Colombian architect and instructor, is the director of the Centro Internacional de Ovnilogia (International Ufology Center - CIO) located in Capilla de Monte for the past 20 years. She told Sputnik about how Mount Uritorco became the premier destination for UFO buffs.
On 9 January 1986, an event known as "la huella de El Pajarillo" (The El Pajarillo ground mark) occurred, kicking off the tremendous UFO boom.
On that occasion, an object with red lights - seen by a 12-year-old boy and two elderly women- appeared over the northeastern area of Uritorco. The next day, their relatives reconnoitered the area and found a burn mark measuring 120 x 70 square meters.
Ever since then, many Argentinean communities have used the subject as a tourist attraction. The event gave rise to a sociological phenomenon tied to the place, a one-of-a-kind tourist attraction. Tour companies have promoted it as a niche market, a new way of attracting those interested in visiting the planet's exotic locations.
"We estimate that between a hundred and two hundred thousand people climb the hill [Uritorco] hoping for a thrill," says López.
"We have been carrying out a cultural exchange with Colombia, which is also interested in developing this sort of tourism involving the UFO subject. So the events at Capilla del Monte were the starting point for the whole subject.
Is it true that UFOs can be seen here? This is the question that brings visitor here and motivates them throughout their stay. The reach Capilla del Monte either because the subject is internationally renown or because they are people who have studied, and specialized, in the field and learned about the place.
"They are looking for anything branded as UFO, including flying saucers, alien spaceships, and subsequently, the leave saying that they saw a light, or had a special experience. They receive the outcome they were hoping to find," López states.
Geographically, tourists find themselves in a mountainous location in the middle of the Sierra del Uritorco, which has some of the highest summits in the region. While the environment is desert-like, its topography and vegetation have particular characteristics, as does the climate, which is "out of character" with adjacent regions.
"The experiences you get here are sensations, and people feel them. This makes them depart feeling a great affection for the site," explains the architect.
López's work is a continuation of the efforts of Jorge Suárez, the Argentinean director of the Centro de Informes Ovni Colombo Argentino. He authored books such as "Luces Sobre el Oritorco" (Lights Over Uritorco). Suárez edited the Uritorco OVNI magazine and the www.ciouritorco.org website.
He held conferences on the subject for sixteen years in Capilla del Monete and 11 international conferences in Colombia. As a tribute to him, Luz Mary is furthering the projects they built together.
Capilla del Monte is the headquarter of the Festival Alienígena, now in its sixth year. The program includes photographs, lantern-guided hikes to the Agua de los Palos complex, free movie sessions where "ET", "Alien covenant" and "Star Wars VIII" are shown, and presentation of the "Ciudadano Alienígena" (Alien Citizen) award.
The Congreso Internacional de Ovnilogía - 20 years old in November 2018 - is also held here. Some of the subjects discussed are: "On the footsteps of the gods", "Exopolitcs", "Going ot Mars" and "Humans as Extraterrestrials", among others.
[Translation (c) 2018 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology https://ift.tt/GCRz8J
Argentina: Impressive UFO Photographed over Neuquén.

Source: Crónica and Planeta UFO
Date: 08.26.2018
Argentina: Impressive UFO Photographed over Neuquén.
Paranormal Phenomena Chronicle: An oil worker in Rincón de las Cenizas saw the flying object and did not hesitate to capture a record of the shocking moment.
An oil industry worker took this crisp photo showing an alien spacecraft in the skies of Patagonia.
This UFO was seen in a wilderness known as Rincón de las Cenizas, 50 kilometers distant from Rincón de los Sauces in the Province of Neuquén.
The photo was submitted by a member of Whatsapp fan group, and subsequently posted to Crónica's Whatsapp section with the permission of Cronica Fenomenos Paranormales (Paranormal Phenomena Chronicle). We are sharing it with our readers so is aware - as with the Villa María case - that our national territory is visited by civilizations from other worlds. What might these visitors be looking for?
[Translation (c) 2018 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology https://ift.tt/GCRz8J
24 ago 2018
Night Wanderers: The Armies of Darkness

by Scott Corrales and Manuel Carballal
(C) 2002
Few of the simple pleasures of life are as satisfying as taking a walk through the woods: we can enjoy the subtle interplay of light and shadow, the calls of myriad unseen birds, the occasional glimpse of wildlife...but these sensory pleasures soon turn terrifying in the dark of night: sounds are magnified, the breaking of a twig underfoot jars our nerves, and "the fear of being caught and eaten," in the words of sociologist Enrico Canetti, becomes all too real.
The Herlethingi
Walter Map, the 13th century archdeacon of Oxford and author of De nugis curialium, a compendium of medieval odds and ends, and even more important work on the Crusades, made the following reference in one of his works to the Herlethingi, the "company of the undead", named after King Herla. According to Map, the peasantry of Brittany was accustomed to seeing the frightening nightly procession of "long trains of soldiers in dead silence," making their way through the night with wagon trains of spoils, beasts of burden, war horses and even camp followers. It was even possible, writes the archdeacon, to steal living horses and other animals from the unholy company and keep them, at the risk, however, of facing sudden, unexplained death. No description is given of the Herlethingi's arms or armor, so it is impossible to ascertain if they were the undead forms ancient Celtic warriors, Romans legionaries or Germanic invaders. Map informs his readers that the phantom soldiery was active in the first year of Henry II Plantagenet, going "to and fro without let or stay, hurrying hither and thither rambling about in the most mad vagrancy, all inceding in unbroken silence, and amongst the band there appeared alive many who were known to have been long since dead."
On one occasion, the undead were seen marching in broad daylight, causing locals to arm themselves and make ready for war if the strange army did not lay down its arms. As the medieval peasants, accustomed to all manner of roving bandits and marauding foreigners, fired arrows and hurled spears at the Herlethingi, the entire procession dissolved into thin air. "From that day, this mysterious company has never been seen by man."
On this count, the archdeacon was wrong. Very wrong, for the Chronicle of Peterborough records the return of these ghostly nocturnal wanderers in 1127 A.D.: "Then soon thereafter many men saw and heard hunters hunting. The hunters were black and large and loathly, and their hounds all black...and they road on black horses and black bucks. This was seen in the same way in the town Burch and in all the woods from that town to Stanford, and the monks heard the horns blowing, that they blew at night. Trustworthy men who watched at night said that they thought that there may well have been about twenty or thirty horn-blowers. This was seen and heard from when the came thither all that Lenten-tide to Easter. This was its incoming; of its outgoing we cannot yet say."
The Wild Hunt
Germanic folklore gives us an even more sinister group of nocturnal wanderers: the Wild Hunt.
The Hunt's arrival is preceded by the sound of wind rustling through the trees event though the weather itself may be calm and still. A nightmarish apparition then occurs as the Wild Hunt, with its baying hounds, sweeps down from the dark sky: black, fire breathing dogs spurred on by ghostly hunters on horses having two or three legged horses command the road. The hapless traveler making his or her way across the land has two courses of action at their disposal--either to fall to ground and feel the icy paws and hooves of the Hunt's animals on their back, or be swept away by the hunt, running the risk of being deposited far from home in the Hunt's maddened gallop, or else slain during the sudden onrush of malevolent figures. Pierre de Ronsard (1524-85), author of numerous romantic poems and songs, composed his Hymn of the Demons (1556) based on an alleged encounter with the Wild Hunt during which he was almost swept away by the supernatural force.
The Master of the Hunt, also known as the Hunter, rides a black or gray stallion as it leads its army of the deceased, which includes those slain in battle or by misadventure, as well as the recently dead known to the unfortunate onlooker. Like Washington Irving's famous horseman, the Master of the Hunt may also appear as a headless rider.
This terrifying but highly visual nocturnal procession struck fear into the hearts of northern Europeans, becoming an integral part of Scandinavian, German and Swiss lore. Much like Walter Map's Herlethingi, the Wild Hunt was first seen in the 13th century, only a few years before the First Crusade, perhaps heralding the carnage of said military enterprise. Ordericus Vitalis (1075-1143c.), a Norman monk from Saint-Evroul who authored the four volume Ecclesiastical History, tells the story of a priest returning home after having administered extreme unction to a parishioner, beheld a procession of slow-moving, weeping and moaning shapes led by giant warrior. Following the shapes were pall bearers carrying coffins, and even more unsettling, women riding horses whose studded saddles glowed in the dark. The priest, according to the chronicler, had never believed in the Herlethingi, but after having seen people among them whom he knew to be dead, changed his opinion completely.

Known by different names according to the country in which the manifestation occurs, the Wild Hunt appears to have had a standard modus operandi, which consisted of disturbing the peace of the night with either the barking of hounds, the blowing of horns and beating of drums, or strange lights seen in the woods as the procession approached--some characteristics shared by other paranormal wanderers in southern Europe and even in the Americas.
In the 16th century, German chronicles mentioned that Wild Hunt or wuetten-hor was now also being seen by day in all of the European lands, consisting of soldiers who had died before their time. "Those who die before the time which God has set for them," writes Johann Geiler von Keiserberg, "and who enlist in the army and were stabbed or hanged or drowned, must therefore walk long after their death till that end comes," a belief that foreshadows sailor's tales about lost ships manned by ghostly crews who can never seek rest from wandering. Alas for the unhappy dead doomed to wander in such a way, but who was the strange warrior leading them? Some suggested that the armored figure was none other than the Devil, and that the hounds were fallen angels; others claimed it was the old Norse god Wotan, whose power was still strong even in Christian days, and accounts for the Hunt being known as the wuottes-her or odinjagt. Other regions suggested the Master of the Hunt was no less than King Arthur, which accounts for the Wild Hunt being known as le chasse Artus in the Auvergne region of France. Others have assigned the leadership of the Hunt to Sigurd (Norway, where the mad procession is known as the jolerei), or King Valdemar (Denmark) and even to Frederick the Great (Germany) and the Emperor Charlemagne. In Austrian tradition, the Hunt has the additional distinction of being led by a woman, Perchta, whose name is derived from that of a Teutonic goddess.
Other French traditions involving the Hunt say that a one-eyed giant warrior leads the dead who must wander the Earth for a twelve-day period from Christmas Day to New Year's Day during which the gates to the netherworld are open. Sir James Frazier's The Golden Bough adds that during this period of time "the Wild Huntsman sweeps through the air", causing the people of Silesia (modern southern Poland) to burn pine resin to keep these negative forces at bay. Latvian tradition adds that the devil and his cohorts wander the earth in wolf-shape during this twelve day period .
The Church also had its say in the distressing matter of the supernatural encounters with the Hunt (a simile might be made with official concern over UFO sightings in our own time) and promptly made an effort to explain the Hunt as being part of the "cycle of the punishment of sin," teaching that the Hunt consisted of infants who died unbaptized, suicides, murder victims and their murderers, adulterers, "those who have disturbed a religious ritual or not fasted during Lent." Medieval teachings on the punishment of the souls of the damned here on earth prior to extra-terrene damnation added another unpleasant detail--the bodies of those in the mad procession were mutilated and deformed by the demons and hellhounds that accompanied them (European Mythology.NY: Bedrick, 1987).
A Haunted Land
Scholars tell us that Julius Caesar, appointed governor of Farther Spain by the Roman Senate in 60 A.D., did not hesitate to initiate a military campaign against the little-known lands between the borders of his province and the sea. The conquest of Galicia was not as profitable as Caesar had hoped, since he expected to obtain treasure to satisfy both his creditors in Rome and the greed of his soldiery. But what the famous Roman overlooked was that he had just given the senate and the people of Rome control over what was possibly the most enigmatic and sacred corner of Europe. Steeped in the aura of mystery that envelopes all of the Celtic lands, Galicia represents a challenge to researchers, having paranormal mysteries that range from haunted caves (see "The Caves of Fear", FATE March 2002) to unidentified flying objects.
In this mist-enshrouded corner of the Iberian Peninsula, the Wild Hunt acquired unique characteristics which endure to this very day. While it is possible that the Hunt has been forgotten elsewhere in Europe, the Santa Compaña (literally, the "Holy Company") remains a clear and present terror to many--one that keeps people from roaming the countryside at night even in our time.
The Compaña appears as a procession of hooded figures, sometimes in single file, others in two rows led by another hooded entity bearing a cross. The silent figures often carry long tapers and are surrounded by otherworldly lights (some of these lights, it must be noted, have often led to their misidentification as UFO cases). Other traditions hold that a child leads the procession, and that looking into the child's empty eye-sockets will spell death for the person who encounters the otherworldly procession. Some popular beliefs state that this procession of the dead is led by a person known to be among the living, doomed to accompany the deceased, usually carrying the cross or a bucket of holy water, which it must bear until it comes across another unfortunate mortal to whom it can transfer these burdens. Otherwise, the cross-bearer will eventually become ill and waste away until his or her death.
This procession of the damned receives a variety of names within the same region, much as the Wild Hunt has elicited different names throughout Europe. In southern Galicia, especially in mountainous Orense, it is known as a procesión das ánimas (the procession of souls) and in others as the hueste (host), the hostilla, (the enemy, derived from Latin) or the estatinga (a Latinized version of "Herlethingi"?). The folklore of these mountainous regions is clear as to the reasons for the procession's appearance: it wants the living to hold masses for their salvation, it wants to reproach the living for their sins or other offenses, or it wants to claim the soul of someone who is alive but will die soon. And like all popular traditions, there are myriad fascinating ways of warding off the Santa Compaña, such as carrying a black cat as a companion animal to throw against the leader of the grim procession, or to quickly draw the Circle of Solomon on the ground and step into it until the Compaña has vanished, or else make use of simple hand gestures, like the sign of the horns or else the figa (thumb inserted between index and middle fingers).
Scholar Elisardo Becoña Iglesias writes that not everyone is able to see this procession of the damned, and makes specific mention of a group endowed with the dubious talent: children whom a priest has mistakenly baptized using the oils reserved for extreme unction will be able to see the Santa Compaña when they are older. Others will merely be able to feel the macabre presence, often by detecting the smell of burning candle wax in the middle of the wilderness, while others may perhaps rely on the sudden fright experienced by dogs, cats and horses.
The procession of the damned, according to experts, is far older than medieval lore. Javier Alonso Rebollo, a Galician psychologist, has summarized it thus: "This myth encapsulates the classic characteristics of ghost stories in spite of having been influenced by other aspects of Galician folklore. One of the greatest legacies of the Neolithic era in this region is the belief in life beyond the grave, and the diverse cultural and heretical trends that reached Galicia brought the belief that communication with the netherworld was possible. This could also link up with given spiritistic beliefs. But the Santa Compaña has a precognitive feature by heralding the death of the person who encounters this procession, as well as allusions to the ensnarement of the unlucky witness's "astral body", forcing him or her to lead the procession without any hope of escape or a place to hide. Until the witness is able to transfer the cross to another living person, he or she shall leave their physical body at night in their sleep to wander once more with the dead."
While other experts believe that the coming of electricity to the rural areas has understandably resulted in a reduction of Santa Compaña encounters, eyewitness accounts would suggest otherwise.
In March 1982, Bruno Alabau witnessed the procession of the dead in the vicinity of Gísamo, in the province of La Coruña. "I was a boy scout and was camping with my friends for the weekend. After dinner, at night, me and my friends played a game of acecho, which is a kind of hide-and-seek. I decided to skirt round the campsite through the forest and go downhill toward the trail, when I noticed some lights. I thought it might be one of my companions, so I hid behind one of the trees to give them a fright. But I turned out to be the frightened one: don't ask me what it was, but I saw seven people in two rows of three led by another figure. All of them were dressed the same, wearing tunics that ended in hoods, like the ones worn during Holy Week. The first figure carried a large cross that seemed to be made of two flat boards, while the leaders of each row carried large tapers; the others were empty-handed. I just stood there, paralyzed, until they passed right in front of me and became lost among the trees. I ran back to the camp but didn't dare tell anyone about what had happened, since they'd only say I was crazy."
An even more startling tale comes from the town of Budiño, where Mrs. Sofía Pérez,42, told researcher Manuel Carballal of an experience she had had when she was eight years old. "I was eight years old when this happened. My mother and I had gone out to visit a friend and we were walking down a trail behind my house, near the graveyard. It wasn't very late in the day, but since it was winter, it became dark very early. Just as we reached the crossroads, I heard a strong sound of footsteps, as though many people were approaching. I asked my mother if she could hear it, and she said yes."
Mrs. Pérez described how a numerous procession came down the road, dressed exactly the same in long black tunics and hoods. "[My mother and I] were paralyzed. I was very young and didn't quite understand what I was seeing, but my mother was terrified. She held me close and told me not to make a sound...at the end of the long procession of the Compaña we saw a woman: "Tía Preciosa", one of our neighbors! She lived a few houses up from ours, and I recognized her way of walking, since she limped. We saw her clearly, though. She carried something like a stick in her hand and a kind of stone that looked like marble, but was very, very bright. She walked past us like a ghost, and went off with the Santa Compaña."
When asked if she was able to see the woman again in the world of the living, or even ask her what she was doing in the procession that dark winter evening, Mrs. Pérez shook her head. "We didn't have enough time. Four days after this happened, "Tía Preciosa" died. She was in her kitchen and a lightning bolt (ball lightning?) came in through the chimney and killed her. I think the whole thing was a warning...we all give warning before we die."
In August 1990, a brush with the supernatural was the very last thing on the mind of pharmacy student Elena Bermúdez, who had gone on a camping trip to the region of Cabourne (Pontevedra) with several classmates. At four o'clock in the morning, while they all slept in their tent, Elena awoke with a start. Unable to go back to sleep, she began picking up some odds and ends the group had scattered on the grass. As she looked toward a nearby hill, she saw a group of shadows approaching, followed by a dancing assortment of dim spherical lights. "The shadows," she explained, "were slender and appeared to be clad in the garb worn by monks, made of thick brown cloth. They came within fifty meters of where I stood, continuing down the hillside."
That was too much for Bermúdez. Gripped by bone-chilling fear, she ran toward her sleeping companions and admits having woken them up by raining blows on them. But after her fellow campers were awake, they could find no trace of the row of eight tall shadows. "It chilled our blood, and that very same night we decided to flee the area. I still remember the moments of hysteria as we tried to pack our gear, thinking that those sinister beings could come this way again..."
Land of the Bearwalkers
The Americas have been home to much paranormal lore, but there is nothing that exactly matches the "armies of the night" that swept across Europe from the middle ages to the modern age, and the persistent Santa Compaña. There are aspects of these European phenomena which have appeared on our shores, however: the most recent involves a mention in John A. Keel's Disneyland of the Gods of processions of cars driven by people who appear to be in a "somnambulistic state" -- a condition similar, perhaps, to that of the living who must march with the hooded figures until another unfortunate can rid them of their sad condition?
Again, even thought the details do not jibe exactly with European lore, in North America, the belief in swarms of individual lights or large fireballs moving through the woods at night is reserved to the belief in "bearwalkers" by certain tribes. To see one of these luminous swarms, or to witness the passage of a bearwalker, heralds the death of the experiencer or that of a third party.
In 1952, anthropologist Richard Dorson was the first to make the subject of skinwalkers known to the academic community. Dorson interviewed several Chippewa chiefs, who told the researcher that the skinwalker is almost always a sorcerer who receives the gift of assuming "shapes of power"--such as that of a bear-- to commit all manner of misdeeds. However, the casual observer making his or her way through the darkened forest will see blinding lights through the trees as opposed to the shape assumed by the magic user. At times, the swarm of lights will coalesce into a single fireball able to light the forest for hundreds of feet around.
Dennis Morrison's Secret Society of the Shamans (Global Communications, 1993) features the experience of Alec Philemon, a member of the Chippewa tribe who recalled an event which occurred in 1918: when he was a teenager, he went to visit an ailing woman with his mother and sister. At around 11:00 p.m., the three walkers saw a fire approaching them on the main road. "My mother and sister fell right over. I caught my mother. She said: That must have been a bearwalk[er], it was too much for us." Philemon's mother prophesied that he would live the longest--a grim prophecy, since mother and daughter both died shortly after in the influenza epidemic that swept across the world. "That woman we visited--about half an hour after we got home we heard the bell ring. That woman was dead."
As in all traditions involving death-related presences, and despite the awesome power irradiated by the bearwalkers, there are means of protection: one of the consists of letting the supernatural presence go past and then take a pinch of dirt upon which the entity has stepped on and place it on one's lips.
Morrison's work cites another case, that of Nancy Picard, who saw the lights of a bearwalker on the day of her father's death in 1914. When relatives went out to check, they were only able to see the bright light, but a wave of undescribable fear held them at bay (similar to the strange sensation of fear, perhaps, described by witnesses of the Point Pleasant "Mothman" in 1967).
Seeing an unusual, perhaps even non-human creature at night is distressing enough; to see an entire troupe of strange figures, whether Spain's Santa Compaña or northern Europe's nocturnal armies, would scare even the hardiest backwoodsman to death. While folklorists tell us that the belief in such things was largely founded on the Church doctrine of punishment on Earth, how do we account for the very physical encounters which have occurred over the ages?
Some popes and theologians would later dismiss the concept of terrestrial punishment in favor of the notion of Purgatory in a place beyond the confines of the world, but as we shall see, the phenomenon did not easily yield to papal fiat, remaining as powerful and terrifying as ever in other parts of the world, especially Galicia, in Spain's northwestern corner. The religious explanation is further tempered by the fact that in Greek myth, the goddess Hecate would roam the night with packs of ghostly black dogs on moonless nights, claiming the souls of the unwary.
But the last word in this matter, perhaps, belongs to biophysical researcher Fernando Magdalena, speaking as to why these nocturnal apparitions aren't quite as frequent as they used to be: "for us, it is due to the increased lighting and paving of rural roads. For the true believers, the reason is that more prayers are now being said for dead."
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology https://ift.tt/GCRz8J
Argentina: Ojo de Agua Commissariat Receives Complaint Against a Cattle-Killing UFO (Santiago del Estero)
Source: https://ift.tt/1c1FlAE and Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía (FAO)
Date: 08.24.18
Argentina: Ojo de Agua Commissariat Receives Complaint Against a Cattle-Killing UFO (Santiago del Estero)
*** Goats and cows began dying in bizarre fashion after strange red lights appeared in the sky ***
Two local residents appeared before Ojo de Agua Station 31 on Sunday and Monday. Both live on the edge of Route 13 that links Sumampa and Ojo de Agua. The complainants, who live several kilometers from each other, complain having seen glowing red objects in the sky, considered to be UFOs responsible for killing cattle, according to their complaints.
On the day following the sighting, one of the complainants reported that seven of his sheep had turned up dead, their ears sliced off and with a sort of bite mark in the stomach area.
The other local resident claimed that three of his cows had died in circumstances similar to those reported by another local. The cows were missing their tongues and had a perforation near the anal region.
[Luis Burgos of FAO and ICOU has added the following substantiating note: This mutilation case has been CONFIRMED. I made contact with the local police and journalist Diego Nofal of the NUEVO DIARIO WEB portal. He confirmed that the photos on the web site are those of the mutilated animals. The events occurred in the wilderness known as La Maza at the "La Anochecida" property, reported by the correspondent in Sumampa. We are in touch with them should similar events take place during these days.]
[Translation (c) 2018 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Pablo Omastott, Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology https://ift.tt/GCRz8J
¿Es posible hacer que a todo el mundo le gusten las matemáticas?
via Matemáticas, Física y Química https://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
21 ago 2018
Argentina: Chaco Cattle Ranchers Report Animal Attacks

Source: TN24 Territorio del Nea and Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía (FAO)
Date: 08.20.2018
Argentina: Chaco Cattle Ranchers Report Animal Attacks.
A family engaged in goat farming in [the town of] Enrique Urien has circulated the photo of a small mutilated goat. Recently, others confirmed similar situations affecting cows and horses displaying identical wounds.
The situation drew attention in recent hours and the popularly known subject of the Chupacabras became a matter of discussing yet again.
On this occasion, the case of the young dead goat found on Lot 12 of the aforementioned Chaco community came to the fore. The property's owners said this was the first time that something similar had been seen at that site, but various livestock farmers claimed having suffered the same problem, albeit involving other animals.
All of the dead specimens present the same condition: missing jawbone, cauterized wounds and the absence of certain soft organs.
SENASA (Argentina's National Agricultural Service) was consulted by the affected parties and they were told it had no answers to the situations.
[Translation (c) 2018 S. Corrales IHU with thanks to Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía - FAO)
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology https://ift.tt/GCRz8J
Argentina: A UFO in Downtown Salta?

Source: El Tribuno and Luis Burgos (FAO / ICOU)
Date: August 15 2018
Argentina: A UFO in Downtown Salta?
At approximately 13:00 hours today at the intersection of San Martín and Peatonal Florida, there were several witnesses to the manifestation of a UFO. Spectators were at first unsure if it was an airplane or a similar vehicle, crossing the limpid blue skies at noon. Later, given its strange motions, they realized they were face to face with a strange phenomenon.
Thus it was that some of these witnesses managed to record the object and its capricious movements on their cellphones. One of its sides lit up and turned off, as they noted and as can be seen in the video captures. At the time, the witnesses realized that it wasn't one vehicle engaging in the strange maneuvers but two of them. The event, which lasted 10 minutes, ended with both objects disappearing.
Soon after, another witness drew everyone’s attention to another two objects floating the sky, farther away and West of the city, moving slowly. These looked like diminutive balls of light that at times appeared to be static. Finally one of them disappeared and the other began to rise until it disappeared. The total estimated time of the sighting was 15 minutes.
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/WIpiQvzqMGE
[Translation (c) 2018 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to El Tribuno and Luis Burgos)
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology https://ift.tt/GCRz8J
18 ago 2018
Cuando Tesla buscaba a E.T.
Como comenté en mi último artículo, he aquí mi traducción de un texto de Nikola Tesla acerca de la comunicación entre la humanidad y civilizaciones extraterrestres. A comienzos del siglo XX publicó Tesla varios artículos sobre este asunto, siendo el más conocido el que vio la luz en la revista Collier´s. Ahora bien, existe un amplio texto similar, menos conocido, en el que Tesla nos habla sobre comunicación extraterrestre, que vio la luz en 1902 como apéndice del libro de Silvanus P. Thompson titulado Polyphase Electric Currents (era el sexto volumen de una enciclopedia sobre electricidad y ciencia). Lo que sigue es mi traducción personal de ese apasionante texto…
Por Nikola TeslaLa idea de comunicarse con los habitantes de otros mundos es muy antigua. Pero durante siglos ha sido considerada como el sueño de un poeta, irrealizable por siempre. Y, sin embargo, con la invención y la perfección del telescopio y el conocimiento cada vez más amplio de los cielos, su influencia en nuestra imaginación se ha incrementado, y los logros científicos de la última parte del siglo XIX, junto con el desarrollo de la tendencia hacia el ideal de la naturaleza de Goethe, lo han intensificado a tal grado que parece como si estuviera destinado a convertirse en la idea dominante del siglo que acaba de comenzar. El deseo de conocer algo de nuestro prójimo en las inmensas profundidades del espacio, no nace de la curiosidad vana ni de la sed de conocimiento, sino de una causa más profunda, y es un sentimiento firmemente arraigado en el corazón de todo ser humano capaz de pensar.
¿De dónde viene ese deseo? Quién sabe. ¿Quién puede poner límites a la sutileza de las influencias de la naturaleza? Tal vez, si pudiéramos percibir claramente todo el intrincado mecanismo del glorioso espectáculo que se despliega continuamente ante nosotros, y pudiéramos, también, rastrear este deseo hasta su lejano origen, podríamos encontrarlo en las dolorosas vibraciones de la tierra que comenzaron cuando se separó de su padre celestial. Pero en esta era de la razón no es asombroso encontrar personas que se burlan de la idea misma de comunicarse con un planeta. En primer lugar, se argumenta que sólo hay una pequeña probabilidad de que otros planetas estén habitados. Este argumento nunca me ha atraído. En el sistema solar, parece que sólo hay dos planetas (Venus y Marte) capaces de sostener vida como la nuestra. Pero esto no significa que no haya en todos ellos otras formas de vida. Los procesos químicos pueden ser mantenidos sin la ayuda de oxígeno, y todavía es una cuestión debatida si los procesos químicos son absolutamente necesarios para el sustento de los seres organizados. Mi idea es que el desarrollo de la vida debe conducir a formas de existencia que sean posibles sin alimento y que no se vean encadenadas por las consecuentes limitaciones materiales. ¿Por qué un ser vivo no puede obtener toda la energía que necesita para el desempeño de sus funciones vitales del medio ambiente, en lugar de a través del consumo de alimentos, y transformando, mediante un proceso complicado, la energía de los compuestos químicos en energía capaz de sostiener la vida?
Si hubiera seres así en uno de los planetas, no sabríamos casi nada de ellos. Tampoco es necesario ir tan lejos en nuestras suposiciones, porque podemos fácilmente concebir que, en el mismo grado en que la atmósfera disminuye en densidad, la humedad desaparece y el planeta se congela, la vida orgánica también podría sufrir las correspondientes modificaciones, conduciendo finalmente a formas que, de acuerdo con nuestras ideas actuales de la vida, son imposibles. Admitiré fácilmente, por supuesto, que si se produjera una catástrofe repentina de cualquier tipo, todos los procesos de la vida podrían ser detenidos; pero si los cambios, no importa cuán grandes fueran, se desarrollan a lo largo de extensas eras en el tiempo, los resultados finales llegarían a ser los inteligentemente previstos. No puedo dejar de pensar que los seres pensantes encontrarían medios de existencia. Se adaptarían a sus constantes entornos cambiantes. Así que creo que es muy posible que en un planeta congelado, como se supone que es nuestra Luna, los seres inteligentes todavía puedan morar, en su interior, si no en su superficie.
Entonces, se sostiene que está más allá del poder y el ingenio humanos poder transmitir señales a las distancias casi inconcebibles de cincuenta millones o cien millones de millas. Este podría haber sido un argumento válido hace tiempo. No es así ahora. La mayoría de los que están entusiasmados con el tema de la comunicación interplanetaria han depositado su fe en los rayos de luz como el mejor medio posible para tal comunicación. La luz, debido a su inmensa rapidez, puede penetrar en el espacio más fácilmente que las ondas menos rápidas, pero una simple consideración mostrará que un intercambio de señales entre la Tierra y sus compañeros en el sistema solar es, al menos ahora, imposible. A modo de ilustración, supongamos que una milla cuadrada de la superficie de la tierra, el área más pequeña que posiblemente esté al alcance de la mejor visión telescópica de otros mundos, estuviera cubierta con lámparas incandescentes, empaquetadas muy cerca unas de otras para formar, al ser iluminadas, una hoja continua de luz. Se necesitarían no menos de cien millones de caballos de fuerza para iluminar esta área de lámparas, y esto es muchas veces la cantidad de fuerza motriz que ahora está al servicio del hombre en todo el mundo.
Pero, con las nuevas técnicas propuestos por mí, puedo demostrar fácilmente que, con un gasto que no excede los dos mil caballos de fuerza, las señales pueden ser transmitidas a un planeta como Marte con tanta exactitud y certeza como ahora enviamos mensajes por cable desde Nueva York a Filadelfia. Estas tecnologías son el resultado de un continuo proceso de experimentación, de una mejora gradual.
Hace unos diez años reconocí el hecho de que para transportar corrientes eléctricas a cierta distancia, no era en absoluto necesario emplear un cable de retorno, sino que cualquier cantidad de energía podía transmitirse utilizando un solo cable. Ilustré este principio por medio de numerosos experimentos que, en ese momento, despertaron considerable atención entre los científicos.
Como esto quedó demostrado en la práctica, mi siguiente paso fue utilizar la Tierra misma como medio para conducir corrientes, prescindiendo así de los alambres y de todos los demás conductores artificiales. Esta idea me llevó al desarrollo de un sistema de transmisión de energía y de telegrafía sin el uso de cables, que describí en 1898. Las dificultades que encontré al principio en la transmisión de corrientes a través de la tierra fueron muy grandes. En ese momento sólo disponía de aparatos ordinarios, que me parecían ineficaces, y concentré mi atención inmediatamente en el perfeccionamiento de las máquinas para este propósito especial. Este trabajo consumió varios años, pero finalmente superé todas las dificultades y logré producir una máquina que, para explicar su funcionamiento en un lenguaje sencillo, se asemejaba a una bomba en su acción, que atrae la electricidad de la tierra y la conduce de vuelta a la misma a un ritmo enorme, creando así ondulaciones o perturbaciones que, extendiéndose a través de la tierra como a través de un cable, pueden ser detectadas a grandes distancias por circuitos de recepción cuidadosamente sintonizados. De esta manera pude transmitir a distancia, no sólo efectos débiles para señalización, sino cantidades considerables de energía, y los descubrimientos posteriores que hice me convencieron de que en última instancia tendré éxito en la transmisión de energía sin cables, para fines industriales, de forma económica, y a cualquier distancia, por grande que sea.
Para desarrollar aún más estos inventos, fui a Colorado en 1899, donde continué mis investigaciones a lo largo de estas y otras líneas de trabajo, una de las cuales en particular ahora considero de mayor importancia que la transmisión de energía sin cables. Construí un laboratorio en la zona de Pike’s Peak. Las condiciones de aire puro de las Montañas de Colorado resultaron extremadamente favorables para mis experimentos, y los resultados fueron muy gratificantes para mí. Me di cuenta de que no sólo podía llevar a cabo más trabajo, física y mentalmente, del que podía realizar en Nueva York, sino que los efectos y cambios eléctricos se percibían con mayor facilidad y claridad. Hace unos años era virtualmente imposible producir chispas eléctricas de veinte o treinta pies de largo, pero sin embargo produje chispas mucho más grandes, y esto sin dificultad. Los aparatos eléctricos de inducción involucrados habían utilizado sólo unos pocos cientos de caballos de fuerza, y produje movimientos eléctricos derivados con valores de ciento diez mil caballos de fuerza. Antes de esto, sólo se habían obtenido valores insignificantes, mientras que yo he alcanzado los cincuenta millones de voltios.
Muchas personas en mi propia profesión se han preguntado qué es lo que estoy tratando de hacer. No falta mucho para que, cuando los resultados prácticos de mis trabajos sean presentados ante el mundo, su influencia sea percibida en todas partes. Una de las consecuencias inmediatas será la transmisión de mensajes sin cables, por mar o tierra, a una distancia inmensa. Ya he demostrado, a través de pruebas cruciales, la factibilidad de enviar señales con mi sistema desde un punto a otro del globo, no importa cuán remoto sea, y pronto convenceré a los incrédulos.
Tengo todas las razones para felicitarme por el hecho de que, a lo largo de estos experimentos, muchos de los cuales fueron extremadamente delicados y peligrosos, ni yo ni ninguno de mis asistentes sufriéramos lesiones. Cuando se trabaja con estas potentes oscilaciones eléctricas, a veces se producen fenómenos extraordinarios. Debido a alguna interferencia de las oscilaciones, verdaderas bolas de fuego son propensas a saltar a gran distancia, y si alguien estuviera dentro, o cerca de sus trayectorias, sería destruido instantáneamente. Una máquina como la que he utilizado, podría matar fácilmente, en un instante, a trescientas mil personas. Observé que la tensión entre mis ayudantes era evidente, y algunos de ellos no podieron soportar los nervios. Pero con el perfeccionamiento del funcionamiento de tales aparatos, por poderosos que sean, ahora ya no implican ningún riesgo.
Mientras mejoraba mis máquinas para la producción de las intensas fuerzas eléctricas, también perfeccionaba los medios para observar sus efectos débiles. Uno de los resultados interesantes, también con gran importancia práctica, fue el desarrollo de ciertos artificios para detectar a una distancia de muchos cientos de millas, una tormenta que se acercaba, su dirección, velocidad y distancia recorrida. Es probable que estos aparatos sean valiosos para futuras observaciones meteorológicas y levantamientos topográficos, y se prestarán particularmente para muchos usos navales.
Fue en la continuación de este trabajo que por primera vez descubrí aquellos misteriosos efectos que han despertado un interés tan inusual. Había perfeccionado el aparato al que me refería, hasta tal punto que, desde mi laboratorio en las montañas de Colorado, podía sentir el pulso del globo, por así decirlo, notando cada cambio eléctrico que ocurría dentro de un radio de mil cien millas.
Nunca podré olvidar las primeras sensaciones que experimenté cuando me di cuenta de que había observado algo posiblemente de consecuencias incalculables para la humanidad. Me sentí como si estuviera presente en el nacimiento de un nuevo conocimiento o en la revelación de una gran verdad. Incluso ahora, a veces, puedo recordar vívidamente el incidente y ver mi aparato como si realmente estuviera ante mí. Mis primeras observaciones me aterrorizaron, ya que había en ellas algo misterioso, por no decir sobrenatural, y me encontraba solo en mi laboratorio, por la noche; pero en ese momento la idea de que estas perturbaciones fueran señales inteligentemente controladas aún no se me había ocurrido.
Los cambios que percibí ocurrían de forma periódica, y con un esquema tan claro en cuanto a número y orden, que no eran atribuibles a ninguna causa entonces conocida por mí. Conocía, por supuesto, las perturbaciones eléctricas producidas por el sol, la aurora boreal y las corrientes terrestres, y estaba tan seguro como podía estarlo de que estas variaciones no se debían a ninguna de estas causas. La naturaleza de mis experimentos excluyó la posibilidad de que los cambios se produjeran por las perturbaciones atmosféricas, como algunos han afirmado precipitadamente. Fue algún tiempo después cuando me vino a la mente la idea de que las perturbaciones que había observado podrían deberse a control inteligente. Aunque no pude descifrar su significado, era imposible para mí pensar que habían sido totalmente accidentales. La sensación de haber sido el primero en escuchar el saludo de un planeta a otro, crece constantemente en mí. Un propósito estaba detrás de estas señales eléctricas; y fue con esta convicción que anuncié a la Red Cross Society, cuando me pidieron que indicara uno de los grandes logros posibles de los próximos cien años, que probablemente uno de esos logros sería la confirmación e interpretación de este saludo planetario.
Desde mi regreso a Nueva York, el trabajo más urgente ha consumido toda mi atención; pero nunca he dejado de pensar en esas experiencias y en las observaciones hechas en Colorado. Me esfuerzo constantemente por mejorar y perfeccionar mi tecnología, y tan pronto como me sea posible, retomaré el hilo de mis investigaciones en el punto en que me he visto forzado a dejarlo por un tiempo. En la etapa actual de progreso, no habría ningún obstáculo insuperable en la construcción de una máquina capaces de transmitir un mensaje a Marte, ni habría ninguna gran dificultad en registrar las señales que nos transmitan los habitantes de ese planeta, si es que son electricistas expertos. Una vez establecida la comunicación, incluso de la manera más simple, como por un mero intercambio de números, el progreso hacia una comunicación más inteligible sería rápido. La certeza absoluta en cuanto a la recepción e intercambio de mensajes sería alcanzada tan pronto como pudiéramos responder con el número “cuatro”, digamos, en respuesta a la señal “uno, dos, tres”. Los marcianos, o los habitantes de cualquier planeta, comprenderían de inmediato que habríamos captado su mensaje a través del del espacio y que habríamos enviado una respuesta. Transmitir conocimiento por tales medios es, aunque muy difícil, no imposible, y ya he encontrado una manera de hacerlo.
¡Qué tremenda conmoción causaría esto en el mundo! ¿Cuándo llegará? Será algún día, eso debe estar claro para cualquier persona inteligente. Mientras tanto, algo, al menos para la ciencia, se ha ganado. Espero que se demuestre pronto que en mis experimentos en no eran simplemente ilusiones, sino una gran y profunda verdad.
Nota: Para quien no conozca en detalle la biografía de Nikola Tesla, habrá que indicar que, el que fuera padre de nuestra tecnología de energía eléctrica alterna actual, se refiere en este texto a sus intrigantes experimentos llevados a cabo en Colorado Springs entre 1899 y 1900. Se considera que, entre otras, llevó a cabo en ese lugar las que fueron las primeras experiencias de radio y, acerca de esas “señales inteligentes” que dijo haber percibido, se considera hoy día que se trató de interferencias naturales, muy posiblemente de origen radioastronómico.
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