24 may 2020

Bigfoot: Fear Grips San Luis Potosí's Huasteca Region (Mexico) Over Alleged Sighting in the Tenek Indigenous Lands

Source: Claudio Mora - La Esfera Azul (Mexico) and El Sol de San Luis
Date: Thursday, 21 May 2020
An article by Jose Luis Martinez - El Sol de San Luis

Bigfoot: Fear Grips San Luis Potosí's Huasteca Region(Mexico)Over Alleged Sighting in the Tenek Indigenous Lands

Local dwellers claim seeing the creature and even photographed it with their cellphones.

"I was with my husband, playing with our child, when we heard a boom, like an explosion. Then we looked toward the hillside, from where we thought the sound originated. We thought it was a landslide," said Mrs. Antonia, who could not believe what her eyes were seeing: a tall, thin man. "Like a giant."

"The time was around five thirty in the afternoon; I was very frightened. My husband mocked me, but when he saw that 'thing' he got scared and said we should get into the house, even though we were far away." This is the account of a young native woman who claims having seen something strange - a large being, immense, looking like a giant. Antonia's story matches the testimony given by other residents of the "Ojo de Agua" ejido and adjacent localities in the municipality of Ciudad Valles in San Luis Potosí's Huasteca Region.

The event caused fear and uncertainty among residents of the Tének indigenous region, frightened by the prospect of the giant in the mountains. The news was disseminated through photographs. Given the amount of interest generated, an investigation into the subject has been requested.

According to the statement issued by Agustín Hernández, a representative of the indigenous area, there has been much talk about the enormous figure appearing in the heights of the mountain range. Elders have said nothing in this regard, and it is unknown whether the following is true, but they associate it with UFO sightings as well as changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Most of the inhabitants of the Tének Mountains, specifically the occupants of the "Ojo de Agua" ejido, have expressed their concern at these events.

The elders are the most given to believe in these subjects, but have remained silent. According to most authorities, there has never been a sighting of this kind before, which has caused a sensation. Other stories suggest an agreement within the tribe to "keep silent."

Allegedly three photos are in circulation, taken with a difference of 1 or 2 minutes. The figure of a giant can be seen in the first and second.

A shadow in the mountains, a vision between the trees, a monstrous man living far from everyone, sought out by hundreds without being found beyond tracks on the ground. This is the legend of Bigfoot throughout the world. The story of the abominable snowman or Yeti prevail in the colder regions of the world. The subject had never come up in San Luis Potosí before, much less in Tének native culture, whose traditions lean more toward nahuales (skinwalkers).

Ejido – state-supported communal farm system
Huasteca – A region spanning the states of Veracruz, Puebla, Hidalgo, San Luis Potosí, and Querétaro.

[Translation © 2020 Scott Corrales, IHU with thanks to Claudio Mora]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology https://ift.tt/GCRz8J

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