via Unexplained Mysteries
31 jul 2014
Group films ghostly figure on a staircase
via Unexplained Mysteries
Man-made 'breathing' leaf developed
via Unexplained Mysteries
Thu 31 July 2014 - Daily round-up of the world's weird news
via Fortean Times UK: Latest - Breaking News
Man pushes sprout up mountain with his nose
via Unexplained Mysteries
El gato de Lalande
Escudriñar el cielo nocturno en verano, lejos de la contaminación lumínica de las ciudades, es un espectáculo que nadie debería haber olvidado presenciar al menos una vez en la vida. Miles de luceros esperan ser contemplados en la bóveda celeste. Al margen de las estrellas errantes, los llamados planetas, la esfera de las estrellas “fijas” de nuestros antiguos aparece ante nosotros como todo un juego de puntos luminosos de mayor o menor magnitud. De ahí a jugar a “unir los puntos” va poco trecho. Y, así, prácticamente todas las culturas humanas han dejado huella en el cielo en forma de juegos de palabras, agrupando estrellas de forma más o menos caprichosa para crear las constelaciones. Objetivamente esas formaciones no existen, claro está, porque en realidad se podrían agrupar como a uno le viniera en gana, pero a modo de referencia en el marco celeste han quedado fijadas unas cuantas desde tiempo inmemorial, al menos en occidente. Las constelaciones zodiacales ven pasar entre ellas al sol y los planetas, siendo muchas de ellas recuerdo de antiguos mitos nacidos a orillas del Mediterráneo.
Cuando occidente descubrió los mares del sur y apareció el novísimo cielo austral ante los cartógrafos celestes europeos, se abrió todo un nuevo mundo de posibilidades (la configuración oficial de constelaciones actual fue fijada por la Unión Astronómica Internacional allá por 1930). Allí, al sur, existía la posibilidad de crear nuevas constelaciones que podrían pasar a formar parte de los mapas, una nueva tradición que marinos y exploradores disfrutarían durante siglos. Lo malo es que el cielo austral se llenó de rarezas como las constelaciones de la “máquina neumática” o la del “microscopio“.
Repasando los significados de los nombres de las 88 constelaciones canónicas, vemos que aparecen bichos de todo tipo, reales o imaginarios. Ahí están los zorros, peces, osos, serpientes, escorpiones, perros, pavos, conejos, leones, lobos, linces, cuervos, cisnes, palomas, jirafas, águilas, aves del paraíso, lagartos y hasta unicornios y pegasos. Es todo un zoológico, pero falta un animalejo, mi favorito, que no aparece en los cielos. Se trata de los gatos domésticos.
Para remediar tal omisión imperdonable, aparece en escena el célebre astrónomo francés Joseph Lalande . Aunque era abogado, estudió con pasión astronomía hasta llegar a convertirse en uno de los más grandes sabios del cielo de toda la historia. El caso es que, después de décadas dedicado a la astronomía y tras haber llegado a las más altas cimas de ese campo del saber, a Lalande se le ocurrió que, siendo los gatos sus animales favoritos, hacia los que sentía verdadera pasión, la historia le debía un favor. ¿Por qué no proponer la existencia de una nueva constelación llamada Felis (gato en latín) que remediara tan terrible omisión celeste? Por desgracia, nuestros gatos domésticos siguen sin tener constelación propia, pues en la conformación actual de las constelaciones no se acogió con agrado la idea de Lalande. Sólo en algunos mapas celestes del siglo XIX, como los de Angelo Secchi o los de Johann Bode, aparece la constelación Felis. Mientras tanto, los gatos siguen mirando al cielo esperando obtener una parcela que lleve su nombre a las alturas junto con el resto de fauna celeste. Por cierto, ¿por qué no hay constelaciones con nombres vegetales? Grave olvido que da para pensar.
Fuente de la imagen: Richard W. Pogge.
El gato de Lalande apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 31 julio 2014.
via Tecnología Obsoleta
30 jul 2014
Encuentran una estrella doble con extraños discos protoplanetarios
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
Inventor aims giant 'fart machine' at France
via Unexplained Mysteries
Nanotubos de carbono para mejorar los revestimientos
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
Earth fossils could be found on the moon
via Unexplained Mysteries
Menace of seagulls drunk on flying ants
via Unexplained Mysteries
29 jul 2014
More mysterious holes appear in Siberia
via Unexplained Mysteries
Un gato de Cheshire cuántico deja su sonrisa en el laboratorio
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
Moving chair filmed in haunted theatre
via Unexplained Mysteries
Nueva química de la plata con dos electrones
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
Tue 29 July 2014 - Daily round-up of the world's weird news
via Fortean Times UK: Latest - Breaking News
Earth Narrowly Missed Impact From Deadly Solar Storm in 2012
Physicists have released details of a solar storm that occurred on July 23rd, 2012, along with the disturbing fact that, had the storm occurred just one week earlier, Earth would have been directly in the line of fire.
“I have come away from our recent studies more convinced than ever that Earth and its inhabitants were incredibly fortunate that the 2012 eruption happened when it did,” physicist Daniel Baker of the University of Colorado said in a NASA Science online release. “If the eruption had occurred only one week earlier, Earth would have been in the line of fire.”
via unknowncountry
Ancient astronomy lab discovered in Peru
via Unexplained Mysteries
28 jul 2014
Freak Storms Wreak Havoc On Both Sides Of The Pond
Feet of water fell in less than an hour in the seaside town of Brighton, Hove and Worthing, devastating homes and bringing traffic and trains to a standstill.Brighton station tweeted the downpour at the stations was like a 'zombie apocalypse'.
via unknowncountry
Mysterious Holes Appearing At "The End Of The World"
It is an area that is notorious for earth-shattering events, as this was the region where the most dangerous meteor in recent history struck in 1908 with devastating results. Thankfully, the blast occurred in a relatively uninhabited zone, but forests were levelled over a distance of 2000 square kilometers (1242 miles).
Yamal is now the site of another unlikely happening in the form of a huge, unexplained crater, estimated by observers to be around 50 meters (164 feet) wide and 70 meters (229 feet) deep with water from melting permafrost cascading down its sides into snow-covered depths.
via unknowncountry
Humanoid Encounters: The LIttle Green Men of La Plata - The Villa Montoro Case
Humanoid Encounters: The Little Green Men of La Plata – The Villa Montoro Case
By Carlos Sainz, Alternativa OVNI (No. 5, July 2014)
Toward late November and during the month of December of 1983, the neighborhood of Villa Montoro on the outskirts of La Plata (capital of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina) became the epicenter for a series of reports by local residents – mainly children and teenagers – who claimed having witnessed encounters with small, greenish, humanoid entities. The case became known as “the little green men of La Plata” and it caused significant local interest in the early days of the restoration of democratic rule in the country.
The Facts
An abandoned house, located on a property on Calle 600 between 2nd and 3rd in the Villa Montoro neighborhood was the main scene of the alleged apparitions of these diminutive beings, which according to eyewitness reports, were green-skinned and stood no taller than 0.60 centimeters. Sightings of these small entities was not restricted to the house in question, and sightings and reports extended to several blocks around, giving rise to a veritable tidal wave of journalists, researchers, experts in supernatural phenomena and curiosity-seekers flooding the area constantly.
First Sightings
Diego Illi, 7 at the time, living at Calle 600 between 1st and 2nd, was perhaps the first to have a close encounter with the little men. This took place on Sunday, November 27 between 14:30 and 19:30 hours. “We went to play with Walter (a friend) in the abandoned house. We were climbing a tree when we saw them. Walter got scared and ran away. I stayed behind and played with them a lot. We climbed the tree limbs, and I also got to wrestle with one of them. Then they told me it was late and that I had to leave.” (1)
Regarding the description of these beings, Diego noted: “They’re tiny – they come up to here,” pointing to his knee. “They’re green and have wrinkled faces, like old men. They had long nails, were dressed in green, had little boots and green caps.” Diego says he saw the little men eating quince and honey.
“I went back to the house but never found them again. I hope they come back. I’d like to see them again.”
Claudia Ortiz de Viguera, 21, lives across from the lot where the apparitions allegedly occurred. She remembers going out to smoke a cigarette on the evening of Sunday the 27th. “First I heard laughter, like that of children, coming from the playground, but while it’s true that they play there regularly, I found it odd that they should be playing at that time of night. That’s when the little man turned up. The night was rather bright and that’s how I managed to see him, but it happened very quickly…”
Another eyewitness account is that of Julio Cesar Masei, a 14-year-old who on Monday the 28th, the next day, claims having had the following experience.
“It was around 16:30 hours and I was crossing the field to reach Calle 90, since I was off to see a friend who lives between 4th and 5th. In the middle of the field there’s a small stream and a sort of embankment. As I walked by, I heard laughter and noise, and decided to get closer. The embankment is covered by a cina-cina bush, and when I lifted it I saw around 4 or 5 of those little men. When they saw me, they stood up and chased me. I took off at high speed, and tried to leap across the stream but couldn’t do it. In any event, I managed to cross it all covered in mud. The little men remained on the other side. We stared at each other for a while, some 5 minutes. They screeched and growled like cats, threatening me with cina-cina branches. One of them, the loudest, appeared to be rabid.”
Julio’s description of the beings is as follows. “They were midgets standing some meter and a half tall. They were dressed in little green coveralls, but their skin was the same as ours, the same color. They had no ears and were very old, some 70 years old.”
The youth adds: “I threw a brick at one and hit him in the leg. He screamed and hopped around as his fellows looked at him.” Julio ran to join his friends, who mocked him. He then fearfully made the return journey home.
Hours later, at dusk, the young man decided to go back. “I went out looking for them again, with a flashlight. I found them once more in an empty field under a tree. I crept up and had one of them close at hand. I reached out my hand and touched him without feeling anything odd.”
More Eyewitness Reports
Guillermo Insaurralde, 11, decided to go to the site accompanied by several friends after hearing what locals were talking about. “All of us were circling the house when one of them [the little men] ran out from behind a wall. He was green, looked scaly and I even think he had a single eye. It was dark and I shouted for my friends to bring the flashlight over. The thing ran toward the bushes in a zig-zag pattern and vanished. It walked on two legs, was like a midget, and made strange noises like a tired dog.”
Later on, the boy would expand on the details (at the request of journalists) on the creature’s characteristics: “It would have been some 50 centimeters tall with a scaly body, like a fish, seemed frightened and squealed…it looked like the light from the flashlights caused it harm. We almost caught it, but it moved too quickly and got away from us after chasing it nearly two blocks from where we found it…I saw it had a single eye in its forehead. It was black. I didn’t notice any hair on it, had a large head, like a half-flattened egg or pumpkin…”
Beatriz Piñeyro was around 8 at the time. She lived with her parents in the rear of the abandoned house. She told her father that on Monday, she saw the little men on the treetops. The father did not pay attention to his daughter’s statements at the time, and upon approaching the trees, he saw nothing out of the ordinary.
On the Progression of the Events
During the course of the events in Villa Montoro, a number of researchers of unusual phenomena appeared (2), aside from the journalists and chroniclers of the communication media. [These were] extraterrestrial contactees, channelers, people who received messages from the Blessed Virgin and those who claimed to be in telepathic contact with imps and gnomes. Among them was parapsychologist Oscar Avendaño, who claimed having received telepathic messages from these small beings, giving him a message to be conveyed to then-president Raul Alfonsín (3). The parapsychologist claimed to have made contact with a little man named “Clatú” (4), commander of the Astro-Galactica spacecraft: “Alfonsín must not allow work to continue on nuclear energy and thoughts of making a nuclear weapon must be dismissed.” This, allegedly, was part of the message received by Avendaño.
Commissioner Amador Alfredo Villar of the Eight Commisariat of the city acknowledges that many people reported to his precinct to report what they had seen, but made it clear that the corresponding reports were never taken down. In his own words: “We visited the place several times. I’ve been there myself and haven’t found anything yet…we’ll keep investigating and patrolling should anything turn up.”
When consulted about his opinion regarding the witness claims, he said: “I don’t know what they’ve seen. I don’t know. Maybe it’s true. It’s hard to believe, of course, but who knows. People were very restless last night, we went and found a large group of people combing the pastures with flashlights or standing there discussing the subject.”
Some local residents manifested their dismay about the situation, especially the lack of safety at the end of the day. They said that gunshots could be heard in the dark, stones were thrown at the homes nearest the abandoned house. They demanded a greater police presence due to the number of people prowling the area (5).
“My neighbor, Lucia Segovia, has even had stones thrown at her house because she’s been told the midgets hide there, and that we’re concealing them,” said local resident Osvaldo Piñeyro.
Subsequent Manifestations
Next, we shall mention only a few incidents subsequent to the matters discussed in this report, which in some way reflect certain similarities both in the description of the beings observed as well as their erratic and unusual behavior.
In December 1983, in the city of Gobernador Ingeniero Valentin Virasoro in the Department of Santo Tomé, Province of Corrientes, several children reportedly saw green, one-eyed creatures in the vicinity of an abandoned house, describing them as “some 60 centimeters tall, wrinkled skin and with piercing gazes.” (6)
During the month of April 1984, several residents of Coghlan, a neighborhood to the north of Buenos Aires, claimed having had face-to-face encounters with the little men, and not only green ones. According to these reports, the creatures sighted were sometimes orange in color, and described as “cute and kindly.” (7)
In August 1988, at School No. 35 (Perito Moreno) in the city of Mar del Plata, several students of that institution claimed having seen small green men. According to their stories, midgets standing some 60 to 80 centimeters tall were seen over three or four consecutive days in the yard, on the rooftops, in the bathrooms or on the water tanks. Despite the students’ claims, school authorities paid no mind to the situation, dismissing it as childish fantasy.
That very same year in Pergamino, on October 28 and around 0:30 hours, a group of four friends witnessed the presence of several little men, describing them as follows: “They were 5 or 6 little men, some 70 centimeters tall, naked, with a single eye, hairless, moving their arms and with three fingers on their hands. They had no wrists and we could not see their feet.”
Additional Thoughts
The case of the little green men left its mark on society, serving as a trigger for subsequent reports of manifestations in various locations, as we have seen. The term even gained popularity due to the famous rock group [Los enanitos verdes] that formed in the city of Mendoza in 1979. But contrary what can be thought a priori, the group took its name from another case that occurred in Mendoza in 1979. This is how Felipe Staiti, guitarist for Los Enanitos Verdes, tells the story: “The year was 1979 and a family of tourists took a photo while visiting Puente del Inca in Mendoza. Upon developing the photo, the family noticed some little green men beside them. No one saw them when the shot was taken, but there they were after the film was developed. This event achieved notoriety and appeared in the local press, and some even say the photo was even sent to NASA to ascertain its authenticity. Whether it was a legend or fact, a journalist friend of ours christened our new group Los Enanitos Verdes of Puente del Inca, and that’s how it appeared in the first chronicle. Band members opted for the first half of the name: “Los Enanitos Verdes”, but they could just as easily have called themselves Puente del Inca.”
The media reached the scene and from there, day after day, confected reports for television news programs that kept viewers in suspense, anxious for more adventures about the reporter of the moment (8). Another aspect to be highlighted were the recent and major movie releases concerning alien beings (some of them truly successful at the national and global level) whose main characters had the characteristic of displaying the typical aspect of the small humanoid.” (9)
There are those who consider – in view of the situation described above – and the media efforts at disseminating these events in an overblown manner and with dubious intent, played a major role in firing the imagination, reflected in the eyewitness accounts, leading people to concoct suggestive stories and narratives. However, stories and narratives of “encounters with strange beings” are not exclusive to our present society or culture. A glimpse at old legends and myths from a variety of cultures should suffice to find several suggestive similarities with such fantastic apparitions.
Thus, in the same way it all started, disturbing the peace of the neighborhood, mobilizing residents and curiosity-seekers alike, creating unusual situations that were not exempt from moments of violence and lack of control, there was no further talk of the diminutive intruders one fine day, leaving behind one of the most bizarre and curious stories regarding the alleged presence of non-human beings in our midst.
(1) Mirta, the boy’s mother, says the following about him: “He is very serious for his age and doesn’t lie”, when questioned by reporters for “Shock” magazine.
(2) Marta B. Peyrou de Patinni (psychologist, parapsychologist and archaeologist) appeared on the scene, claiming to belong to the International Cosmobiological Institute for Extraterrestrial Experience, alleging having captures strange sounds and images of large-headed figures through the use of infrared photography.
(3) The message conveyed by the leader of the little men begins by saying: I am Clatú, and belong to the Astra-Galactica Commandery, we have made you come here to give you a message for all mankind. In another instance we did the same on 26 November at 05:00 post meridiem. Many will remember the time and place on the planet where our message was heard.”
(4) Note the similarity between the name “Clatú” with Klaatu, the alien protagonist of “The Day The Earth Stood Still” (1951)
(5) Annoyed residents state: “What happens here at night is not to be believed. Older boys throw stones and even fire shots […]
(6) A member of the group, who preferred to remain anonymous, said the “little green man appeared to want to tell us something, but when we approached, he ran in fear into the fields.” Revista Alternativa Ovni No. 3, November 2013, p.11.
(7) One of the female interviewees said the following in “Libre” magazine in 1984: “I approached the little men because they inspired trust. They’re very calm despite their rapid movements. They were gathered by the fallen tree. We spent a long time together. It turns out there are little men and little women, and we were all together making love.”
(8) Tiempo magazine for 03.18.2007 made a brief summary of what went on there: “José de Zer prepared a new report for Nuevediario every day; blurry photos of the beings that must unquestionably be extraterrestrials were published in the press. A policeman patrolling the area asked for medical leave on account of having been bitten by one of these creatures. A boy saw one at the school at 72nd and 19th, and classes were called off. Even one of the school secretaries was attacked by the little man, also causing her to request leave. The news went beyond the borders. Researchers from the Swedish UFO Institute arrived to study the phenomenon, but the little men never turned up and the Swedes had all of their equipment stolen (could it have been a little man?). Others took the opportunity to make a little money, like Loco Córdoba, who sold little dolls of “Luciano el Marciano” (Lucian the Martian). Founders of the LUS cult were not to be left behind and called a press conference to say that they had sustained direct communications with “the captain of the spacecraft” and that they were “time travelers.” The cult’s leader, one Andrade, had no luck with his pronouncements. He was prosecuted by the law for defamation of character. People began to lose faith in the little green men. As the phenomenon ran out of steam over time, Jose de Zer went to find UFOs at Mount Uritorco. Loco Córdoba didn’t sell another doll, and no one went camping or spoke again of Martians or midgets in Villa Montoro.”
(9) On 23 December 1982, Spielberg’s E.T. opened at theaters. In this movie, a small space visitor strikes up a friendship with a group of children. On 14 July 1983, the movie “El Extraterrestre", a parody of the Spielberg film, starring Alberto Olmedo and Jorge Porcel, opened nationwide in theaters. On 8 December 1983, The Return of the Jedi by George Lucas, third installment of the Star Wars movies, opened in theaters. In this movie, Master Yoda appears prominently. He is a diminutive being with aged features, pointed ears and green skin.
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Police called out over Toronto UFO sightings
via Unexplained Mysteries
Descrito un material laminar híbrido con propiedades magnéticas y fotoactivas
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
Whitley Strieber on Aliens and the Underground
But the chapter he reads is also riveting. One thing that has to be remembered: Whitley is a good writer. Very damn good. Enjoy!
via unknowncountry
27 jul 2014
Big cat sightings are on the rise in the UK
via Unexplained Mysteries
Oldest medical case of NDE discovered
via Unexplained Mysteries
Trees save 850 human lives every year
via Unexplained Mysteries
We Could have been destroyed by the sun 2 years ago and the media is just now noticing!
via unknowncountry
26 jul 2014
New giant insect discovered in China
via Unexplained Mysteries
44-year-old man discovers that he is a woman
via Unexplained Mysteries
Investigan la aparición de banderas blancas en el puente de Brooklyn
Las cámaras de seguridad captaron a hasta cinco personas en el puente en los minutos previos al cambio.
La policía dijo que no se va a tomar los hechos como una broma.
"Mantenemos estas cosas en perspectiva como lo que son, pero también queremos dejar claro que va a haber una investigación", dijo John Miller, vicecomisario para Inteligencia y Contraterrorismo del Departamento de Policía de Nueva York.
"Serán perseguidos. No nos tomamos estas cosas a la ligera o como un chiste o como arte", agregó.
El oficial explicó que las cámaras de seguridad muestran a entre cuatro y cinco personas cruzando el puente poco después de las tres de la mañana.
Alrededor de las tres y media, una luz que iluminaba la bandera estadounidense en el lado que desemboca en Brooklyn se apagó. Lo mismo ocurrió en el lado que llega a Manhattan algo más de diez minutos después.
A las 5:30, trabajadores del puente se percataron de que habían sido sustituidas las banderas.
Policías entrenados para escalar por el puente encontraron lo que parecían ser banderas estadounidenses teñídas de blanco, con lo que debían ser barras rojas y fondo azul pintado (...)"
Ver aquí.
via Alamut
Russia loses contact with space geckos
via Unexplained Mysteries
25 jul 2014
Weekender: Timeline Jumping - A Glimpse Into the Complex World of Selective Existence
via unknowncountry
Woman starts speaking in past-life language
via Unexplained Mysteries
Petición de material para análisis genético/morfológico de pelos de Sasquatch
Tengo una petición muy específica que hacer en este momento. Ha surgido una oportunidad para llevar a cabo el análisis morfológico y de ADN de muestras de pelo seleccionados atribuidos al Sasquatch. Estoy buscando muestras fiables, con esto quiero decir cuya propiedad/método de colecta pueda ser verificada, mejor después de haber sido recogidas en asociación con un encuentro visual o huellas documentadas. Responda sólo si tiene una muestra de este tipo en su posesión, almacénelas en un sobre de papel, después de haber sido recogida en condiciones razonablemente estériles, es decir, un mínimo, o casi ningún tratamiento directo manual. Respuesta solo vía email: Gracias por su ayuda.
Dr. Jeff Meldrum
Department of Biological Sciences
Campus Box 8007
Idaho State University
Pocatello, ID 83209-8007
The Relic Hominoid Inquiry
Muestra de pelo de Sasquatch
Archivado en: Actualidad General
via Esencia21 Blog
Less than 10% of our DNA has functional role
via Unexplained Mysteries
San Clemente mystery dolls case solved
via Unexplained Mysteries
Fri 25 July 2014 - Daily round-up of the world's weird news
via Fortean Times UK: Latest - Breaking News
24 jul 2014
Extraen 232 piezas dentales a un joven tras 6 horas de operación
Visto aquí.
via Alamut
Reading Creates Physical Changes In The Brain
A recent study indicated that reading a novel caused long-lasting alterations in the resting-state connectivity of the brain.
“Stories shape our lives and in some cases help define a person,” commented neuroscientist Gregory Berns, lead author of the study and the director of Emory University’s Center for Neuropolicy. “We want to understand how stories get into your brain, and what they do to it.”
via unknowncountry
Tyrannosaurus rex may have hunted in packs
via Unexplained Mysteries
Crowdsourcing the hunt for alien artifacts
via Unexplained Mysteries
Gobekli Tepe: the Temple of the Watchers
Andrew Collins has traveled to Gobekli Tepe many times, and has developed a revolutionary theory about the meaning of the 12,000 year old complex. Here, he explains how it was built 12,000 years ago as a reaction to a horrific global cataclysm, and how it works as a gateway and map of the sky-world reached via a star in the constellation of Cygnus.
via unknowncountry
Are 10,000 Year Old Cave Paintings Evidence of Ancient Aliens?
via unknowncountry
23 jul 2014
Millions of mayflies descend on Wisconsin
via Unexplained Mysteries
Think Plagues Are Past History? Think Again... Now We Are Creating Our Own
The WHO report stated that the epidemic trend was “serious, with high numbers of new cases and deaths being reported” and health authorities are struggling to control the epidemic, though currently no travel or trade restrictions have been imposed on the affected areas.
via unknowncountry
Elephants have world's best sense of smell
via Unexplained Mysteries
Un estudio relaciona la evolución de los aviones y de los animales
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
Una ley física ayuda a explicar la evolución de los aviones
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
UK police reveal paranormal reports
via Unexplained Mysteries
Un bisturí fotónico controla reacciones químicas
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
Wed 23 July 2014 - Daily round-up of the world's weird news
via Fortean Times UK: Latest - Breaking News
Confirmada la presencia de fosfina en torno a la estrella CW Leonis
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
Nuevo cristal optomecánico para estudiar las interacciones entre fotones y fonones
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
Alejandro Basanta y su salvavidas ferroviario
La preocupación por la seguridad en los ferrocarriles no es cosa de ahora. Al leer estos días sobre novísimos sistemas para el control de la seguridad en trenes y similares, he recordado el curioso artilugio creado por al asturiano Alejandro Basanta y Baqué a finales del siglo XIX (véase la referencia de sus patentes en el Archivo Histórico de la Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas, números 15250, 21113 y 21114).
En La energía eléctrica, número 2 del año 1899, se describe el sistema de comunicación entre trenes de Basanta como un auténtico salvavidas ferroviario:
Los accidentes desgraciados que con tanta frecuencia se suceden en los ferrocarriles (…) ha hecho pensar varias veces a los hombres de ciencia en la necesidad de idear algún medio seguro de señales destinadas a evitar tan tremendas catástrofes. (…) Don Alejandro Basanta ha tenido la satisfacción de vencer toda clase de dificultades, y tras grandes desvelos y después de continuadas experiencias realizadas en silencio durante varios años, acaba de exponer ante una comisión oficial, a la que acompañaron representantes de la prensa y un gentío inmenso, las pruebas definitivas de un sistema eléctrico completo de señales e intercomunicación de trenes y estaciones, que han sido coronadas por el más satisfactorio éxito.
Las referidas pruebas se han efectuado en el trayecto de ferrocarril comprendido entre Villena y Yecla, de la provincia de Alicante, y la prensa en general, con inusitada unanimidad, al dar cuenta de ellas, ha hecho el más cumplido elogio, dando por definitivamente resuelto el importante problema que tanto ha preocupado a propios y extraños.
El sistema de Basanta era muy complejo para la época, pero los resultados parece que, al menos en las pruebas, fueron bastante positivo. Hasta entonces no se había intentado construir una red de comunicación efectiva entre ferrocarriles en marcha. El objetivo fundamental de los intercomunicadores para trenes y estaciones consistía en que los maquinistas y personal de línea tenían información acerca de si en la misma vía por la que circulaban existía otro tráfico. Un sistema de timbres eléctricos avisaba de problemas, permitiendo además comunicación telefónica entre maquinistas. Además, las estaciones podían avisar a trenes en marcha acerca de posibles obstáculos presentes en la vía, e incluso se contamplaba la posibilidad de activar pasos a nivel desde el puesto de maquinista. Se podía controlar a distancia la velocidad y posición de los trenes y, además, se podía atender las emergencias que aparecieran entre los pasajeros, por ejemplo con aviso a distancia a un médico que se presentaría en la siguiente estación. ¡Y todo esto antes de la invención de la radio! Naturalmente, el complejo sistema de redes de comunicación necesario para desplegar el invento era costoso y, hasta donde sé, no se materializó sino de forma limitada.
Más información: Patente estadounidense US-542916-A, de 1895.
Alejandro Basanta y su salvavidas ferroviario apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 23 julio 2014.
via Tecnología Obsoleta
22 jul 2014
Will Our Children's Future Friends Be Robots?
The researchers have paired a small humanoid robot with an Android tablet. Kids teach it how to play Angry Birds, dragging their finger on the tablet to whiz the bird across the screen. In the meantime, the robot watches what happens and records “snapshots” in its memory.
via unknowncountry
Mystery crop formation appears in Russia
via Unexplained Mysteries
Black holes may bounce back as white holes
via Unexplained Mysteries
21 jul 2014
Are oceans mandatory for life to develop ?
via Unexplained Mysteries
Are The Earth's Magnetic Poles About To Flip?
Conversely, the field has strengthened in other areas such as the southern Indian Ocean, according to the magnetometers onboard the Swarm satellites.
via unknowncountry
Encuentran en una mina de Madrid una planta acumuladora de arsénico que descontamina los suelos
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
Mon 21 July 2014 - Daily round-up of the world's weird news
via Fortean Times UK: Latest - Breaking News
Identificada una nueva planta para ayudar a descontaminar los suelos
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
US planned to build spy base on the moon
via Unexplained Mysteries
Mystery surrounds man who woke up on fire
via Unexplained Mysteries
Identifican una nueva planta para ayudar a descontaminar los suelos
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
Luz sincrotrón para estudiar moléculas utilizadas en las baterías de los móviles
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
20 jul 2014
La rueda de Grossmith
El artilugio que llega hoy a TecOb es de esos que me hubiera gustado mucho ver en funcionamiento de primera mano. Pariente lejano de algunos modelos de cinta transportadora gigante para minería, se trata de un método ingenioso para el transporte de graneles en obra pública, minas y similares, con una forma singular. Se trataba de una gran rueda en plano inclinado de veinticinco metros de diámetro que, con un giro constante que rondaba las seis vueltas por minuto, era capaz de transportar tierras desde el punto de captura de materiales hasta la escombrera o el vehículo de transporte de forma continua1.
La gran máquina circular para movilizar tierras y minerales fue patentada entre 1906 y 1907 por el británico Alfred Roger Grossmith (ver las patentes de Grossmith sobre sistemas de excavación y transporte de tierras).
SciAm , agosto de 1909.
1 Véase Alrededor del mundo (Madrid), 8-9-1909.
La rueda de Grossmith apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 20 julio 2014.
via Tecnología Obsoleta
45th anniversary of the first moon landing
via Unexplained Mysteries
Why can't apes learn to speak like a human ?
via Unexplained Mysteries
Electric life forms live on pure energy
via Unexplained Mysteries
19 jul 2014
520-million-year-old sea monster unearthed
via Unexplained Mysteries
Mystery humanoid sighted in Argentina
via Unexplained Mysteries
Man sets house on fire while killing a spider
via Unexplained Mysteries
18 jul 2014
UFO and ET cave paintings found in India
via Unexplained Mysteries
Weekender: Organic Food - Hyped or Health-Giving?
The review encompassed 343 previous peer-reviewed studies, assessing crop composition and foods, and the authors concluded that organic crops had higher levels of certain health-giving compounds known as antioxidants, including polyphenols, flavanols and anthocyanins.
"Many of these compounds have previously been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease and neurodegenerative diseases and certain cancers," the authors wrote.
via unknowncountry
Cripto-Entrevista: Gustavo Sánchez Romero
Hemos podido rescatar de nuestro vasto archivo documental una entrevista de Julio de 2008 (hace ahora 6 años) realizada a nuestro compañero Gustavo Sánchez Romero, y como no, conectada con Criptozoología, viajes y nuevas especies. Dicha entrevista salió publicada en la Agenda Cultural del municipio de Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canarias, en el citado año, y aquí la ofrecemos ahora de manera digital.
G. Sánchez Romero en el Atabapo, alto Orinoco, Territorrio Federal Amazonas, Venezuela (2006).
Equipo Esencia/Yessica Patterson
Archivado en: Actualidad General
via Esencia21 Blog
World's biggest laser crushes diamond
via Unexplained Mysteries
Luz sincrotrón para examinar ortovanadatos a altas presiones
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
Genetically engineered worms can't get drunk
via Unexplained Mysteries
17 jul 2014
Los humanos cuadrúpedos de Turquía no son fruto de una "involución", como se suponía
Así lo revela una nueva investigación de Liza Shapiro, antropóloga de la Universidad de Texas en Austin, Estados Unidos. Cinco hermanos de esa familia, que viven en un remoto rincón de Turquía, caminan exclusivamente sobre sus manos y pies. Desde que fueron descubiertas en 2005, los científicos han debatido sobre la naturaleza de su invalidez, con la especulación de que representan una etapa retrospectiva de la evolución.
El estudio de Shapiro, publicado en la edición digital de este mes de Plos One, demuestra que contrariamente a las afirmaciones anteriores, las personas con la condición como la de los miembros de esta familia, llamada síndrome de Uner Tan (UTS), no caminan según el patrón característico diagonal de primates no humanos, como los monos y los simios. Según una teoría desarrollada por Uner Tan, de la Universidad de Cukurova en Turquía, las personas con UTS son un modelo humano de la evolución inversa o 'involución,que ofrece nuevas perspectivas sobre la transición humana desde moverse a cuatro patas a caminar con dos piernas. Investigaciones anteriores han propuesto que el movimiento cuádruple asociado con UTS es simplemente una respuesta adaptativa al deterioro de la capacidad de caminar bípeda en individuos con una mutación genética, pero éste es el primer trabajo que refuta las afirmaciones de que esta forma de caminar se asemeja a la de primates no humanos.
Ver aquí.
via Alamut
Bebé filipina de 3 años "resucita" durante su funeral
El extraordinario caso fue documentado por una grabación realizada aparentemente con la cámara de celular de una de las personas que asistía al familiar de la menor. Aunque por el momento autoridades médicas no han brindado declaraciones al respecto, la policía local confirmó la historia al diario Philippine Star y el vídeo que muestra en que la bebé vuelve a la vida rápidamente se ha convertido en viral.
Según rescata el Mail Online, la pequeña Aurora, de 3 años de edad, cayó en coma el fin de semana domingo y fue declarada muerta por sus doctores el sábado por la mañana. La niña había sufrido fuertes fiebres durante días y los médicos no lograron hacer que mejorara, por lo que después de declararla muerta el cuerpo de la menor fue entregado a sus familiares y este martes se celebró su funeral.
De acuerdo con el mismo medio, los dolientes llevaban el ataúd a la iglesia para celebrar una ceremonia fúnebre, cuando uno de los asistentes notó que la pequeña "muerta" se movía (...)"
Ver aquí.
Oficial: Niña que resucitó en su funeral realmente murió de neumonía camino del hospital.
via Alamut
NASA seeking ideas for mission to Europa
via Unexplained Mysteries
Malaysian Airlines Loses Another Plane In Suspicious Circumstances
Later reports have now suggested that flight MH 17 was shot down and has crashed near a town in the eastern half of the country. It was carrying 280 passengers and 15 crew members, all of whom are thought to have been killed in the crash.
via unknowncountry
Strange New Humanoid Presence on the Beaches of Necochea, Argentina
Strange New Humanoid Presence on the Beaches of Necochea, Argentina
By Guillermo D. Giménez, Planeta UFO – INEXPLICATA contributing editor
Once more we find ourselves with direct information regarding strange presences during the month of May 2014 on the shores of Necochea, Argentina.
It is here that we have found four (4) witnesses who speak of seeing strange lights at night on the Necochea’s very shoreline, its beach, as well as sightings of a strange humanoid-type creature. These events occurred on Sunday, 18 May and Tuesday, 20 May at night.
In both cases, the sightings took place from an apartment on the coast of the swimming resort itself. It should be noted that at the time, these were very cold evenings and with rain/showers during the first incident. The beaches of Necochea are illuminated by very large floodlights, allowing witnesses in these cases to see the strange presences.
The names of the protagonists have been changed at their own request, but all information is in my possession.
Let us hear now from the protagonists of these events.
Strange Lights over the Beach
The evening of Sunday, 18 May 2014 was a very cold one, with steady rain and rain showers. There was no one on the shoreline, and some wind was prevalent over the area. Two technicians for a major corporation – whom we shall call Ramiro Z. and Christian B., were looking through the window of an apartment located facing the sea, on the 11th floor of an important new building in the village.
Ramiro Z. and Cristian B. are professionals in different technical areas. They perform their duties for a well-known company in Necochea and are 48 and 50 years old, respectively. They told us:
“We were looking through the window of the apartment located facing the sea and something caught our attention. We could see some strange lights lighting the very edge of the sea, but given their distance, it wasn’t possible to make them out clearly. Imagine our surprise when moments after seeing these lights, located around Avenida 2 and Calle 81, approximately, but on the shore, at its very edge, we saw a person walking in that direction out of thin air – a person we were unable to see clearly. We call it a person because it was a humanoid figure heading toward the lights. We then called another person, whom we shall call Guadalupe P. to come have a look. Unfortunately, they weren’t able to make out the humanoid figure, but did manage to glimpse the lights at the very edge of the sea, on the beach itself. The figure vanished moments later, as did the strange lights on the shore. The time was approximately 22:15 – 22:20 hours of the evening. It should be noted that it wasn’t a 4x4 truck or any motorcycle that could have been on the beach, since the lights were different and they [cast light] like a spotlight on that part of the shore. Furthermore, it was raining, and no one under such circumstances is going to wander around the shore on a cold and rainy night.”
That was the story of my two eyewitnesses, both of them fully qualified by their studies and the functions they carry out in their jobs.
They believe it was a strange object, while unable to make out its size or shape. What they saw with a humanoid shape could have also been its occupant, who for some reason stopped on the shore before returning and vanishing abruptly. They were unable to make out any clothing or facial features at all.
It should be noted that seeing lights and strange objects on the Necochea shoreline is quite common: over the sea, exiting and/ or entering its depths, hovering over vessels waiting their turn to enter the Port of Quequén-Necochea – in short, the case histories are abundant in these matters and I myself have witnessed some of them.
A Strange Humanoid Presence on the Shore
Two days after these events – more precisely Tuesday, 20 May – Mrs. Guadalupe P. and her daughter Marcela P. noticed the strange presence of a humanoid-type “person” who “floated as it walked” on the shore itself, also at night and without anyone else being there. They were in their apartment facing the shoreline on Avenida 2 of the city of Necochea.
This is the story of both protagonists:
This is the testimony of Guadalupe P., a professional, married with three children, age 52. He holds a senior position in a teaching institution in Necochea:
“On May 20 at approximately 22:15 hours, my 17-year-old daughter summoned me because she had seen something “strange” moving along the seashore from south to north. I should explain that we live facing the sea on the 11th floor. It was a clear but very cold night. An ethereal figure in whitish hues, yet simultaneously transparent, could be made out. It stood 1.60/1.65 meters tall, average. Considering how cold it was that evening, it really caught our attention. It gave the impression of flying in the air (its feet were unsupported). In order to see it better, we turned off the lights of the apartment and looked out the balcony, opening the window. We were able to confirm that the figure was traveling in the air. Facing our seaside apartment there is a wooden platform (used in the summer as a bar and refreshment vending point) and this figure stopped there for a few seconds before moving on. We saw it for a few meters but lost it from sight in front of the sandbanks. It should be noted that the beaches are lit up to that point. We don’t know if it went into the sea or kept walking toward the seawall. All of this happened over a 250 meter stretch.”
This is the statement of her daughter Marcela P., a 17-year-old student:
“20 May 2014 was a very cold night. It would’ve been around 22:15 hours, approximately. I was sitting in an armchair in my apartment on the 11th floor, looking out onto the Necochea seashore. Spotlights lit the beach, there was no one around, but I managed to see a “person”. For this reason, I called my Mom over so she could look, and as she regarded it for a few seconds, realized it wasn’t a person, since it didn’t appear to be wearing clothes, a scarf, hats or shoes (and as I said earlier, it was a very cold night). For that reason we turned off the apartment’s lights, looked out from the balcony and could see it more clearly. The figure stood approximately 1.60 meters, I think, an average height, was very diffuse, its lower body was barely visible. What we could see clearly, though, is that it was moving in the air, as if floating. It kept going for some 100 meters until it reached a platform with wooden pilings that is used in the summer as a refreshment stand. It stopped there, lingered a few seconds, and kept going another 150 meters, although its figure became less noticeable, it became more diffuse, until it finally vanished altogether. This is the first time I’ve seen something like this. I was stunned. For that reason I keep looking through the balcony at night, hoping to see something like it again.”
These are the direct eyewitness reports of the protagonists of this strange sighting. On the full shores of Necochea, on a very cold night with no one around. When I asked about lights near the edge of the sea or elsewhere, both told me that there were no lights in evidence, as in the previous case. They did clearly see this strange humanoid figure, floating as it walked. It was in the air. It seemed to vanish at times, as parts of its body could not be seen. Its size was apparently normal. Could it have been the same creature seen two days earlier by Ramiro Z. and Cristian B.? What was it looking for on the seashore, and wandering along the coastline? Where did it finally go?
Necochea is no stranger to UFO sightings and the presence of its occupants. I have personally looked into dozens of cases with multiple witnesses of varied socio-cultural backgrounds, finding true cases of UFO encounters as well as with the presence of occupants, such as the famous incident I dubbed “The Amelia Case: Contact in Necochea, Argentina” on 14 February 1988, with the sighting of two humanoid beings, and years ago, on 31 August 1978, a sighting of strange amorphous beings – a case I dubbed “The Estancia La Dulce Case – A UFO Encounter with Amorphous Entities”, and more recently the strange photo taken in November 2013 at Necochea Beach, showing the photo of a tall humanoid – an image that went around the world through the news and UFO media. “The Humanoid of Necochea Beach”, was the title I gave it. They have also left their mark in a wealth of landing incidents, such as the Aeroclub Gral. Necochea incident of 9 November 1968, the ground marks found on February 1988 in a house in Miguel Lillo Park, the six circles discovered on Thursday, 11 February 1988 on the premises of the Sociedad Rural de Necochea (“Strange Prints in Necochea”) and finally, another print found on 24 December 2013 near a field in Necochea (“Strange Print Found in a Field Near Necochea”) where a large, perfect circle measuring 11 meters was found in a wheat field. The cases continue and I could keep listing them --- UFO chases such as the famous case known as “The Necochea Incident: Analysis of a Contact” in August 1962, micro-flaps in 1978 during the month of August of that year, and may other events that took place in various seasons of the year since 1962 (which I have followed up on and researched many years later, as I wasn’t born at the time) to this date. Multiple sightings over the city, over the sea, over the Quequén River, over the Park, over the adjacent locality of Quequén, photographs, video recordings of these events, and coming across the widest variety of witnesses as the protagonists of these events.
What happened last May on the shores of Argentina can be added to this rich and important case history within world ufology. I personally believe that these events played out exactly as told by the witnesses. A strange humanoid figure traveled along the coast of Necochea – for reasons unknown to us – one night in May 2014.
Research by Guillermo D. Giménez
Necochea, Argentina
[Translation (c) 2014, Scott Corrales, IHU]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Un sistema óptico mejora la visualización a través de medios turbios
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
Islanders defend against 'werewolf' threat
via Unexplained Mysteries
Escape attempt by zoo wolves backfires
via Unexplained Mysteries
Become a Stargate. Impossible? Think Again.
Today, William Henry has an update on his Arcanum TV show on Gaiam TV and a commentary on the very real possibility of human transformation into angels and even stargates. This is the subject of William and Clare Henry's Sion Academy presentations.
William and Clare's life work involves transformation into higher levels of being, which is an ancient practice and is quite possible while living in this life, as long as you combine knowledge with right action toward this amazing goal.
Listen as William describes the amazing work of Dr. Carla Sulzbach, who has done groundbreaking research into the science and reality of transformation.
via unknowncountry
16 jul 2014
Revistas académicas y el Journal de Criptozoología: Volumen I
La Criptozoología es el estudio de los animales o de los supuestos animales que sólo se conocen a partir de la evidencia anecdótica. El campo tiene un poco de mala imagen. Francamente, esto no es una gran sorpresa cuando nos fijamos en los esfuerzos de diversos creacionistas, creyentes verdaderos y locos, que expresan interés en el tema.
Y varias afirmaciones recientes sobre el yeti y el ADN del Sasquatch no han hecho mucho para promover la idea de que los estudios cripotzoológicos se lleven a cabo de una manera típica de la investigación científica. Aun así la Criptozoología no puede y no debe ser considerada una pseudociencia. ¿Por qué? Sobre todo porque no existe contradicción alguna entre el escepticismo, la prueba de hipótesis, la auto-corrección y la necesidad de pruebas autópticas típicas de la ciencia “verdadera”, con el análisis de datos cripotzoológicos. Además la investigación de datos cripotzoológicos gira en el supuesto de que ahí siempre hay animales reales, de carne y hueso, en el fondo de los informes de los testigos.
El argumento de Meurger y Gagnon (1988) es que “los animales misteriosos” tienen, sin duda, un origen folclórico, lo que significa que las ramas de la criptozoología que pretenden interpretar los relatos de testigos oculares como encuentros con animales son perdidas de tiempo y esfuerzo. Algunos criptozoólogos aman lo que dicen Meurger y Gagnon (1988), otros odian su trabajo.
De hecho, la investigación cripotzoológica es informada por los folkloristas (por ejemplo, Meurger y Gagnon 1988, Campion-Vincent 1992, Meurger 1995, Dendle 2006), sociólogos (por ejemplo, Baylor Religion Survey 2007), antropólogos (por ejemplo, Burney y Ramilisonina 1999) y por los interesados en cómo perciben los testigos, reportan y recuperan las observaciones (por ejemplo, Rabbit 2000, Paxton 2009). Para que no pensemos que todas las personas seriamente interesadas en la criptozoología son chiflados o creacionistas, tenga en cuenta que muchos autoproclamados criptozoólogos entienden perfectamente los requisitos de la ciencia “verdadera” y el procedimiento científico normal.
Portada del Volumen I
Por otra parte, un buen número de biólogos técnicamente cualificados han investigado los animales inicialmente sólo conocidos por los informes anecdóticos, lo que significa que también ellos se han entregado a la investigación cripotzoológica, les guste o no (por ejemplo, Jones et al. 2005, LeCroy & Barker 2006, Geissmann et al. 2010). El estigma asociado al término “Criptozoología” tal vez significa que es hora de renunciar a él por completo y reconocer en cambio que el estudio de los “animales misteriosos” o bien cae dentro del ámbito de la zoología convencional, mastozoología, ornitología o lo que sea, o a la mitología, la sociología o incluso la psicología.
Una breve historia de las revistas académicos dedicadas a la Criptozoología
Sin embargo, ha habido varios intentos para conseguir que la Criptozoología sea tomada en serio como un área independiente de estudio académico. En 1982 fue formada la International Society of Cryptozoology (o ISC). Se trataba de un consejo de asesores que en su mayoría consistían en zoólogos, paleontólogos y otros científicos experimentados y cualificados. Anualmente se publicaba una revista revisada por colegas, Cryptozoology. Por desgracia, los problemas financieros llevaron a la caída del ISC y la desaparición de su revista en 1996. Es una pena, ya que las normas de la revista eran razonablemente altas y sus temas contenían una gran cantidad de material interesante.1996 vio el debut de The Cryptozoology Review. A pesar de ser de ser publicada en escritorio y editada por personas que – en ese momento – eran simples estudiantes universitarios, incluyó un gran número de artículos dignos y recopilados profesionalmente. Había seguido su curso para el año 2004, terminando con una editorial memorable fantásticamente escéptica.
Revista de la desaparecida Asosiacion Internacional de Criptozoología (ISC)
En diciembre de 2008, el Museo Cantonal de Zoología de Lausana, en Suiza, comenzó la publicación en lengua francesa de la revista Kraken: Archives de Cryptozoologie. Muchas de las contribuciones publicadas en Kraken se referían a correspondencia o material de archivo en lugar de investigaciones de expertos, pero parece que la revista estaba atrayendo cada vez más documentos técnicos hacia el final de su recorrido (por ejemplo, Woodley 2011). Por desgracia, sólo duró tres números (el último publicado en 2011), y también hoy está desaparecida. Si la investigación sobre “animales misteriosos” se superpone totalmente con otras áreas de la investigación – ya sea en las ciencias biológicas o culturales – entonces tal vez los artículos técnicos pertinentes a la Criptozoología deben ser capaces de valerse por sí mismos en la literatura científica de la “corriente principal”. Pero, dado que innegablemente hay una comunidad de investigadores especialmente interesados en la investigación cripotzoológica, y una necesidad para la discusión, revisión y crítica de las cuestiones relacionadas con el campo, se puede hacer un buen argumento de que la Criptozoología necesita una revista dedicada revisada por colegas. Y por eso estamos aquí; para noviembre de 2012 vimos la publicación del primer volumen de una nueva publicación revisada por pares dedicada a la Criptozoología: The Journal of Cryptozoology.
Portada de Kraken volumen 3
El Volumen I
Editada por el famoso autor cripotzoológico Karl Shuker (blogs de Karl en ShukerNature), la revista cuenta con la experiencia de una lista de trabajadores cualificados que actúan como recensores de los trabajos presentados. Cada edición cuenta como un volumen completo, y no como un número. Si usted está esperando un volumen gigante, brillante, tal vez a la par con el tipo de cosas producido por Elsevier, se quedará decepcionado, ya que es pequeño y delgado, y el color sólo aparece en la portada. Sin embargo, los valores de producción son aproximadamente iguales a los que se observa en muchas revistas más pequeñas, incluyendo la revista Cryptozoology del ISC. El guepardo rey ha sido elegido como emblema de la revista. La elaboración del primer número de una nueva revista siempre es complicada, debido a que el número de autores que desean y pueden enviar sus trabajos a un lugar completamente nuevo – especialmente en una sub-disciplina – a menudo es bajo. Con esto en mente, un volumen sólo incluye cuatro artículos, y ninguno es “Game Changers” capaz de inspirar la futura investigación o ver citas importantes de otros estudios. Sin embargo, todos deben ser de algún interés para aquellos interesados en los informes de animales misteriosos. Es un buen comienzo, al menos: será interesante ver el tipo de presentaciones que atraiga a la revista en el futuro. Artículos de discusión y comentarios son bienvenidos. De todos modos, ¿qué, exactamente, se incluye en este número inaugural? Echemos un vistazo a los artículos.
En el primero de ellos, Andrew May (2012) sostiene que los algoritmos de búsqueda bayesianos del tipo utilizado en las operaciones de búsqueda y rescate y tácticas militares se pueden aplicar a la Criptozoología. Tal vez – sugiere – el uso de software “Asistente de búsqueda digital” se podría utilizar para reducir el número de áreas de búsqueda para animales determinados, o sus restos o sus madrigueras. Los esfuerzos de búsqueda de este tipo han sido mencionados antes en conexión con los objetivos cripotzoológicos. Durante la década de 1990, Henry Nix utilizó software BIOCLIM para predecir la preferencia de hábitat para el Thylacinus cynocephalus el lobo marsupial supuestamente extinto. Según se informa, las regiones recuperadas como potenciales “puntos calientes de hábitat del Tilacino” coinciden con los lugares donde las personas afirman haberlos visto.
El documento de Malcolm Smith (2012) presenta datos inéditos, hasta ahora, de la pista del Tigre de Queensland reportado por Walter Scott en 1872 (pero descubierto por el topógrafo Alfred Hull en 1871). La huella no casa con ningún mamífero conocido y sigue siendo un enigma. Para aquellos de ustedes que no saben, el tigre de Queensland es un animal rayado, cola larga, superficialmente similar a un gato, reportado por varios testigos durante los siglos 19 y 20 (y todavía ahora), y más tarde sugerido por varios autores como un representante superviviente de la familia del león o un fósil marsupial (Shuker 1989, 1995, Healy y Cropper 1994, Heuvelmans 1995). Por desgracia, “(a) pesar de la inicial popularidad de esta propuesta, no logró ganar adeptos en la comunidad zoológica técnica y nunca ha sido apoyada por la evidencia material o documentación fotográfica” (Naish 2012, p. 46). Los avistamientos de tigres de Queensland nunca fueron tan numerosos para empezar, pero aparentemente decayeron algún tiempo después de la década de 1950. Una interpretación es que el animal se convirtió en súper-raro o incluso se extinguió durante este tiempo. Otra es que en primer lugar nunca existió: si usted lee los relatos originales, podrían ser simple y llanamente falsas alarmas o confusiones, descripciones confusas o mal interpretadas de Quolls (un marsupial carnívoro), Tilacinos u otros animales. Sin embargo, la huella de 1871 y ciertos relatos de testigos de grandes mamíferos rayados, depredadores marsupiales australianos (como el informe de Gary Opit 1969) siguen siendo intrigantes y no tienen explicación.
Uno de pseudo-plesiosauros más famosos del mundo: el cadáver del Zuiyo Maru de 1977. Siempre me sorprende y, francamente, me consterna cuando veo a la gente implicando o argumentando que el cadáver (y otros como él) no podía haber sido el de un tiburón podrido. Cambiando de tema, Markus Hemmler (2012) describe los canales de dos “monstruos del mar” que se descubrieron en las islas Orkney, Escocia, en 1941 y 1942. Estos canales suelen llegar a ser tiburones peregrinos Cetorhinus maximus parcialmente descompuestos o bultos sin hueso del tejido de ballenas en descomposición. Y la explicación del tiburón peregrino es la que se aplica aquí, como demuestra Hemmler señalando detalladas características anatómicas evidentes en las fotografías que sobreviven. La transformación de los cuerpos de los tiburones en los llamados pseudo-plesiosauros es un fenómeno bien conocido, mencionado con frecuencia o discutido en la literatura de animales misteriosos. Sin embargo, como suele ser el caso con las cosas que son aparentemente “bien conocidas”, dicho fenómeno es – por lo que yo sé – no muy bien descrito, o bien documentado en la literatura técnica. El artículo de Hemmler (2012) incluye algunas observaciones notables sobre las partes obvias de la anatomía del tiburón peregrino que permanecen en los pseudo-plesiosauros. Eso está muy bien, tal vez inspire un análisis detallado de la descomposición del tiburón y la adquisición de la forma del pseudo-plesiosauro.
Por último, hay un aticulo sobre el mamífero del Margaret River, previamente escrito sobre el en Tet Zoo, 2 en Mayo 2009. Una foto de color de un canal de un mamífero peculiar, tomada en o alrededor de 1975, se ha dado a entender que posiblemente sea relevante al misterio del tigre de Queensland. Tanto la forma general del canal y los detalles visibles de la dentadura del animal me llevan a sostener que la carcasa es en realidad la de un gato doméstico, sin embargo tenga en cuenta la advertencia de que “el paradero desconocido de la canal… combinado con la mala calidad de la fotografía sobreviviente, significan que probablemente nunca seremos capaces de llegar a una identificación concluyente” (Naish 2012, p. 48).
Así que, ahí lo tenemos. Volumen Uno de The Journal of Cryptozoology está fuera, y está muy bien. Estoy ansioso por ver el contenido del Volumen Dos, felicito a las personas involucradas en la producción y puesta de este primer número, y espero que continúe el diálogo y el debate sobre la naturaleza y dirección de la Criptozoología – como entendemos y definimos este término.
Contacto editorial:
The Centre for Fortean Zoology,
Myrtle Cottage,
Bideford, North Devon
EX39 5QR
Jon Downes, Director
Corinna Downes, Administrator/
Burney, D. A. & Ramilisonina. 1999. The kilopilopitsofy, kidoky, and bokyboky: accounts of strange animals from Belo-sur-mer, Madagascar, and the megafaunal “extinction window”. American Anthropologist 100, 957-966.
Campion-Vincent, V. 1992. Appearances of beasts and mystery-cats in France. Folklore 103, 160-183.
Dendle, P. 2006. Cryptozoology in the medieval and modern worlds. Folklore 117, 190-206.
Geissmann, T., Lwin, N., Aung, S. N., Aung, T. N ., Aung, Z. M., Hla, T. H., Grindley, M. & Momberg, F. 2010. A new species of snub-nosed monkey, genus Rhinopithecus Milne-Edwards, 1872 (Primates, Colobinae), from Nothern Kachin State, northeastern Myanmar. American Journal of Primatology 72, 1-12.
Healy, T. & Cropper, P. 1994. Out of the Shadows: Mystery Animals of Australia. Ironbark, Chippendale, Australia.
Heuvelmans, B. 1995. On the Track of Unknown Animals. Kegan Paul International, London.
Hemmler, M. 2012. Hunda ‘Scapasaurus’ photo (re)discovered, with explanation of descriptive trends in relation to pseudoplesiosaurs. The Journal of Cryptozoology 1, 25-43.
Jones, T., Ehardt, C. L., Butynski, T. M., Davenport, T. R. B., Mpunga, N. E., Machaga, S. J. & De Luca, D. W. 2005. The Highland mangabey Lophocebus kipunji: a new species of African monkey. Science 308, 1161-1164.
LeCroy, M. & Barker, F. K. 2006. A new species of bush-warbler from Bougainville Island and a monophyletic origin for southwest Pacific Cettia. American Museum Novitates 3511, 1-20.
May, A. 2012. A digital search assistant for cryptozoological field expeditions. The Journal of Cryptozoology 1, 9-17.
Meurger, M. 1995. Of skrimsls and men, Icelandic water being from folklore to speculative zoology. Fortean Studies 2, 166-176.
- . & Gagnon, C. 1988. Lake Monster Traditions: A Cross-Cultural Analysis. Fortean Times, London.
Naish, D. 2012. Identifying ‘Jaws’, the Margaret River mammal carcase. The Journal of Cryptozoology 1, 45-55.
Paxton, C. G. M. 2009. The plural of “anecdote” can be “data”: statistical analysis of viewing distances in reports of unidentified giant marine animals 1758-2000. Journal of Zoology 279, 381-387.
Rabbit, J. 2000. Native and eyewitness testimony in cryptozoology. The Cryptozoology Review 4 (1), 11-18.
Shuker, K. P. N. 1989. Mystery Cats of the World. Robert Hale, London.
- . 1995. In Search of Prehistoric Survivors. Blandford, London.
Smith, M. 2012. The Queensland tiger: further evidence on the 1871 footprint. The Journal of Cryptozoology 1, 19-24.
Woodley, M. A. 2011. Introducing aequivotaxa: A new classificatory system for cryptozoology. Kraken: Archives of Cryptozoology 3, 63-85.
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