31 dic 2016

North Carolina's Electoral Process Akin to that of a Banana Republic, according to the Electoral Integrity Project


The Electoral Integrity Project has released a scathing report on the state of the democratic process in North Carolina, likening the integrity of the state's electoral process to that of Cuba, Sierra Leone and Indonesia. According to EIP political scientist Andrew Reynolds, his home state of NC should "no longer considered to be a fully functioning democracy".


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via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

30 dic 2016

2004: Hunter Allegedly Shoots "Amphibian Alien"

By Raul Oscar Chaves, CIUFOS-La Pampa

Location: Rural area west of Toay, La Pampa (Argentina)
Witnesses: Two
Date: December 2004

While stalking animals in a hunting preserve, two hunters witnessed a light described as “a full moon” engaging in ascent and descent movements on a hillside, subsequently coming close to the ground. The larger light – orange in color – was static while smaller multicolored lights danced around it.

It is worth noting that at the time of the sighting, there was a moment of confusion, since two “full moons” were suddenly visible: the first being Earth’s satellite and the other the unidentified flying object. It should also be mentioned that smaller lights were seen during the late afternoon, engaged in strange maneuvers.

In the light of this, one of the hunters decided to leave the location, full of fear. He drove off in his pickup truck. The remaining hunter stayed back, accompanied by his powerful .30 caliber rifle with telescopic sight.

In the wee hours of the morning he was stirred from his sleep by noises similar to those of wild boar, coming from the location where they had previously found a dead cow (dead of natural causes) which they employed as bait. A distance of 80 meters separated the cow from the hunter.

Hearing these growls, he focused his telescopic sight on the dead cows’ carcass, startled by the sight of a figure he identified as “an animal”, surprised by its bulk and height. It was then that he decided to take the shot, hearing the characteristic noise of the impact on the body.

At that moment, the entire region became illuminated by a “very powerful light” that produced whirlwinds and dirt devils with a permanent, buzzing sound. Through his rifle’s sight, the hunter was able to see the creature again, noticing that its posterior had a tail “similar to that of an amphibian reptile”.

The hunter chose to wait a prudent amount of time and kept a constant watch on the location. Later on, overcoming his initial fear, and the total silence that predominated, he approached the carcass certain that he had killed the creature he had witnessed through the scope. With astonishment, he saw that the creature he had hit with the high-caliber bullet had vanished and that the cow had been moved 90 degrees from its original position, giving the appearance of having been mutilated. No traces of blood were found in the vicinity, nor tracks or any evidence corrborating the event.

The witness comes from a line of professional hunters living in Santa Rosa, la Pampa, accustomed to the wilderness and spending nights waiting for their prey. The hunter is convinced, in his own words, that “…he had shot an extraterrestrial in disguise.”

NOTE: The charcteristics described above cause us to reflect on the absence of eyewitnesses to the mutilations, the places where said mutilations take place and the circumstances employed. This is where we can see that the UFO phenomenon goes beyond the limits of both reason and our reality.

The electromagnetic spectrum visible to the human eye exists in a wavelength of between 10.6 and 10.7 meters with a frequency between 1014 and 1015 Hz. Above these frequencies, which are lower in wavelength, we find UV, X and Gamma Rays; below these frequencies and with a longer wavelength we have infrared, microwave, shortwave, TV and FM radio waves, AM waves and longwave radio.

There are investigations aimed at an effort to collect and present a variety of manifestations which could take place in a level other than the visible and which could be employed by these intelligences to go unnoticed; some of these have already been recorded.

[Translation (c) 2004 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Raul Oscar Chaves]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

The Site of the Legendary Camelot may have been Found

A retired expert on Arthurian literature has announced that he may have found the likely location of Camelot, the legendary castle and court that was home to King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. Former Bangor University English Literature Professor Peter Field found the site by accident: "It was quite by chance. I was looking at some maps, and suddenly all the ducks lined up."

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via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

29 dic 2016

Una aventura gráfica para jugar a la exploración de Marte

Los jugadores que se enfrenten a este reto, disponible para PC, teléfonos y tablets, deberán recorrer diferentes zonas marcianas, recolectando minerales y piezas de misiones anteriores; construir la primera colonia humana en el planeta rojo y superar múltiples peligros. El juego ha sido desarrollado por el Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía. 
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

28 dic 2016

El “cine en relieve” en la España de principios del siglo XX

Versión para TecOb del artículo que publiqué en la revista Historia de Iberia Vieja en diciembre de 2016.

El martes tuvo lugar en el salón de actos del Palacio de Comunicaciones la tercera conferencia del ciclo organizado por el Standard Club. (…) Estuvo a cargo del ingeniero de telecomunicación D. Francisco Riaza, quien, en brillante conferencia, se ocupó del cine sonoro. Después de hacer un breve resumen histórico de la aparición del cinematógrafo y de los progresos realizados en la telefonía y radio, que después han sido aplicados al cine parlante, explicó la esencia del funcionamiento de los sistemas hoy día en curso. (…) Al final de su conferencia aludió a los futuros desarrollos del cinematógrafo: cine en relieve y telecinema, que a tantos investigadores preocupan en los actuales momentos.

Luz, diario de la república. Madrid, 23 de junio de 1932.

Patente de Edelmiro Borrás. OEPM.

Se comenta que la explosión de la tecnología 3D aplicada a la televisión ha pasado a ser algo casi pasado de moda. Es lo que sucede con las tecnologías punteras, tan pronto están en boca de todo el mundo, como desaparecen repentinamente en el mar de novedades que nos acompaña a diario. Ahora lo más llamativo son las gafas o, mejor, cascos integrales, destinados a realidad virtual de 360 grados aplicados a juegos. Lo mismo sucede en el cine, la época en que las películas tridimensionales llamaban la atención ya ha pasado, no son algo novedoso y, sin embargo, hubo una época no tan lejana en la que parecían algo de ciencia ficción. Pero, antes de todo eso, ya hubo quien soñaba con imágenes en 3D o, como se decía entonces, con el cine en relieve. Es más, no fue algo que llegara muy tarde a la tecnología cinematográfica, pues casi desde los primeros pasos del novísimo arte de las imágenes en movimiento se intentó que éstas fueran tan realistas que pareciese que salían de la pantalla para cobrar vida en el mundo real.

Una tecnología muy deseada

Desde que los Hermanos Lumière lograron el éxito con su cinematógrafo, objetivo codiciado por muchos inventores desde hacía décadas, se vio nacer la industria del cine con un crecimiento asombroso. Al igual que sucedió con la aviación o el automóvil, se pasó pronto de primitivos prototipos a tecnologías que todavía nos acompañan. Y, ya desde esos primeros años, se vio claro que había diversos caminos que debían ser transitados. Uno de ellos fue el de las películas a color, el otro, por supuesto, el cine sonoro y, finalmente, la transmisión de imágenes en movimiento por ondas electromagnéticas, esto es, la televisión. Pero, igualmente, hubo una tecnología planteada desde los comienzos del cine que se resistió a ser dominada, se trataba del cine en tres dimensiones o cine en relieve.

Aquello, que se ha convertido hoy en algo natural, con decenas de variantes comercializas tanto para salas de exhibición como para el hogar, partía de la capacidad humana de componer imágenes estereoscópicas. Por separado, cada uno de nuestros dos ojos se puede comparar con una cámara fotográfica capaz de generar señales nerviosas que transmiten información al cerebro como si se tratara de instantáneas fotográficas de dos dimensiones. La tercera dimensión, la sensación de volumen, se logra cuando esas dos “fotografías”, que son ligeramente diferentes entre sí gracias a la separación existente entre ambos ojos, se integran en una sola imagen. La capacidad de nuestro cerebro de convertir dos imágenes “planas” en el mundo tridimensional que disfrutamos a diario sin ser conscientes de ello, es una verdadera maravilla de la naturaleza, que nos ha permitido sobrevivir en ambientes hostiles.

¿Se podría lograr engañar al cerebro para que una película proyectada sobre un lienzo plano pareciera tener profundidad y volumen como el mundo real que observamos cotidianamente? Tal afán ocupó a Charles Wheatstone, el inventor británico que desarrolló el primer estereoscopio, esto es, un aparato que generaba la ilusión tridimensional partiendo de dos imágenes bidimensionales. Esto sucedió hacia 1840 y no tardó en ser explotado como todo un negocio en forma de visores que llevaban al espectador todo un mundo de experiencias a través de colecciones de pares de imágenes de paisajes del mundo, grandes monumentos o, cómo no, ciertas composiciones subidas de tono. La ilusión de profundidad que da el juego de dos imágenes bidimensionales ligeramente diferentes para cada ojo está en la base de la mayor parte de las tecnologías de visualización 3D posteriores.

Claro, todos conocemos los estereogramas de un modo u otro, pero sabemos que, cuando se ve la imagen sin un accesorio especial, lo único que se ve es una especie de fotografía que parece desenfocada o con desplazamiento molesto de sus elementos. Ahora, coloquémonos las clásicas gafas con filtros de color para cada ojo. En ese momento, un ojo percibirá sólo una parte de la imagen y, el otro, hará lo mismo con su correspondiente fragmento. Ya está la magia en marcha, porque cuando el cerebro una de nuevo las dos imágenes, lo que sentiremos será lo más parecido a estar ante una escena del mundo real, con profundidad y sensación de volumen.

Más tarde llegaron las cámaras fotográficas estereoscópicas, que realizan a la vez dos tomas ligeramente diferentes, con lo que la creación de estereogramas prácticamente se convirtió en algo habitual para muchos profesionales. A mediados del siglo XIX se vivió una auténtica fiebre por los estereogramas, se realizaban multitudinarias proyecciones de imágenes tridimensionales, se vendían cámaras y, sobre todo, estereoscopios, con los que se podían contemplar escenas de diverso tipo comprados por colecciones. ¡Era todo un negocio! Una de las técnicas más empleadas fue la del empleo de anaglifos, esto es, la que utiliza la separación de colores como elemento principal para crear el efecto tridimensional. Por ello, las clásicas gafas de 3D de los cines, con sus filtros de color, no son algo nuevo, sino que hincan sus raíces en los primeros tiempos de la fotografía. Aunque ya a finales del siglo XIX se realizaban experiencias de proyección con anaglifos, y las omnipresentes gafas de filtro rojo y verde o azul, no fue hasta entrado el siglo XX cuando por fin se aplicó la técnica al cine.

Aunque las tecnologías básicas para lograr el efecto tridimensional pueden parecer sencillas, la carrera por lograr películas con efecto 3D no fue nada fácil. Se cuentan por cientos las patentes acerca del cine en relieve desde mediados del XIX y hasta bien entrado el siglo pasado. En los albores del siglo XX se vieron, en efecto, decenas de cámaras capaces de filmar con dos lentes imágenes ligeramente diferentes para ser proyectadas en salas donde los espectadores disfrutaban del efecto tridimensional gracias a las gafas de filtros de color. En los años 20 y 30 ya se contaba con todo un circuito comercial de películas 3D, generalmente cortometrajes, aunque no fue hasta los años setenta, con tecnologías avanzadas (las lentes polarizadas habían cambiado ya el paradigma del cine “en relieve”), cuando se puede hablar propiamente de cine 3D exitoso comercialmente. El resto es historia por todos conocida, pues aunque se ha logrado un nivel de refinamiento asombroso, la base de todo ello ha permanecido prácticamente sin cambios. Ciertamente, es esa aparentemente insignificante diferencia de percepción entre nuestros ojos, la que ha abierto el camino a la industria de las imágenes en movimiento con efecto tridimensional.

Los olvidados pioneros españoles del cine en relieve

En todo el mundo, como no podía ser de otro modo, la pasión por el cine tridimensional espoleó la imaginación de diversos inventores y, en España, sucedió lo mismo. Han visitado anteriormente estas páginas pioneros del cine como José Val del Omar quien, aunque tarde, ha logrado cierto reconocimiento por sus innovaciones. Ahora bien, ¿qué sucede con aquellos pioneros solitarios que intentaron domar el mundo tridimensional entre los años 30 y los 50? Hoy apenas son recordados. Ciertamente, la mayor parte de las patentes españolas sobre tecnología de cine en relieve no fueron puestas en práctica jamás, pero un estudio de las mismas nos hace ver que, al menos en sus fundamentos, iban por el buen camino y guardaban muchas similitudes con propuestas comerciales que llegaron a buen puerto tanto en los Estados Unidos como en Francia o Alemania.

Hacia 1935 la prensa española se hizo eco de la sensacional propuesta que procedía del pionero del cinematógrafo Louis Lumière. Tal como se mencionaba Antonio Momplet en Cinegramas el 10 de marzo de 1935, tras una visita al célebre inventor en Francia:

…Monsieur Lumière ha hecho público estos días sus deseos de que los grandes festejos que la ciudad de París le prepara para esta primavera [por los cuarenta años del nacimiento del cine] sean reportados al mes de diciembre, al objeto de poder en esa fecha hacer su primera proyección oficial pública del cine en relieve. (…) El milagro está hecho, la ilusión es perfecta. Las figuras se mueven, guardando una perspectiva que da plenamente la impresión de la tercera dimensión. El asunto, que desde hace tanto tiempo apasiona al público y preocupa a los grandes productores, está allí, si no del todo perfeccionado, al menos resuelto en principio.  Al acabar una corta proyección, escucho, procurando retenerlas bien en la memoria, las últimas explicaciones que sobre el asunto me da monsieur Lumière (…):

—Ruégole no publique ninguna de las cosas que sobre este particular le he comunicado. Ahora bien, usted puede decir que, a mi juicio, el problema del relieve no podrá ser nunca completamente resuelto a base de la proyección de una sola imagen. La ilusión óptica que produzca en el espectador la impresión del relieve no podrá ser obtenida más que basándola en la proyección simultánea de dos imágenes, una para cada ojo. El que la imagen destinada exclusivamente a un ojo no moleste en lo más mínimo a la proyección visual del otro, es el único punto del problema difícil de resolver. Todo lo demás, usted ha visto cómo no es muy complicado ni se necesita una extraordinaria capacidad para descubrirlo…

Patente de Carlos Pérez de Siles.

Todo el mundo se maravillaba ante lo que se decía de aquella nueva tecnología, pero no era nada nuevo, ni mucho menos, pues diversos inventores de todo el mundo estaban tras la misma pista. No sólo hubo quien dijo haberlo conseguido antes, sino que ese mismo año de 1935 la prensa española mencionaba a cierto inventor español que afirmaba haber ido muy lejos en lo que a cine en relieve ser refería, con experimentos realizados desde 1929. Así, se comentaba que cierto inventor llamado Manuel Molinero Canut había logrado una técnica que, partiendo de un negativo impresionado de forma convencional, lograba ofrecer la sensación de tridimensionalidad proyectando imágenes en una pantalla de forma alternativa. Parece ser que Molinero, perito agrícola, geómetra y topógrafo, se animó a patentar su invención, precisamente, al ver el revuelo montado por las afirmaciones de Lumiére. Ahí queda su patente española ES0137813, de agosto de 1935, para un “Procedimiento y aparato tomavistas para la cinematografía en relieve”. No parecen existir más datos acerca de experiencias posteriores, pero algunos indicios llevan a pensar que, como en tantas otras ocasiones, la Guerra Civil se impuso a sus deseos por perfeccionar la técnica.

De nuevo, 1935 aparece como año de referencia para nuestros inventores relacionados con el cine en relieve. Al mismo tiempo que Molinero experimentaba con su sistema, a comienzos de los años treinta, aparece Teófilo Mingueza que, dotado de una gran habilidad, empleó una cámara convencional de 35 mm para ser convertida en un aparato capaz de rodar película capaz de dar la sensación de relieve. Teófilo rodó varias pequeñas películas de muestra sobre su sistema, que patentó en el 35. Se trata de la patente española ES0140391, publicada ya en enero de 1936, para “Un sistema de aparato para ver estereoscópicamente a cualquier distancia dibujos, fotografías y proyecciones cinematográficas, en negro o color”.

Parece claro que a mediados de esa década existía en España un interés y, lo que es más importante, varios pioneros asombrosos, que estaban en la buena pista para lograr revolucionar el cine en relieve. De nuevo, el conflicto civil se interpuso en sus deseos. De entre esos olvidados inventores, y fijándonos sólo en los primeros años de la industria cinematográfica, hasta principios de los años cuarenta, podemos sorprendernos al encontrar no pocos intrépidos inventores.

No se trata de una exageración el decir que eran casi multitud, es sorprendente la fiebre que existía en ese tipo por conseguir proyecciones cinematográficas con efecto tridimensional. He ahí, por ejemplo, casos tan tempranos como el de Manuel Tárrega Sánchez-Gijón, que alumbró en 1909 un cinematógrafo-proyector para la visualización de películas en relieve. Un año después Ricardo Thos Buxalleu hizo lo propio con su proyector y, en 1914, encontramos el caso de Jaime Bragado Borralleras, que fijó su atención en la obtención de cintas cinematográficas dispuestas para producir efectos ópticos de relieve. El mismo inventor presentó al poco un aparato para la impresión de negativos capaces de producir la ilusión de relieve. Llegados a los años veinte proliferaron los nuevos intentos en esa misma senda. En 1923 es significativa la tecnología desarrollada por Ángel González Lario, que ideó varios tipos de pantallas para crear sensaciones de relieve estereoscópico por medio del uso de dobles imágenes. Pioneros similares fueron Antonio Soles Linares, con su “aparato para la proyección de figuras de toda clase de cintas cinematrográficas produciendo sensación de relieve”, igualmente de 1923, o Luis Buissen Casablanca, que al año siguiente apostó por un método de imágenes superpuestas proyectadas de forma alterna en películas coloreadas para, no sólo obtener sensación de tridimensionalidad, sino también intentar lograr cine a color.

Hubo quien fue más allá, pretendiendo obtener películas tridimensionales partiendo de grabaciones cinematográficas convencionales, tal como hizo Claudio Baradat Guillé en 1924. El ya mencionado Ángel González Lario volvió a intentarlo de nuevo a mediados de los años veinte con un aparato complejo, a modo de red estereoscópica, que se colocaba ante una pantalla de proyección para crear la sensación de relieve por medio de proyecciones múltiples. Todo pensado para se utilizado con películas normales.

Se trata sólo de algunos ejemplos de la época, a los que cabe unir el procedimiento de impresión de películas en relieve ideado por Jaime Maurí en el 28, el procedimiento de cinematografía en relieve de Francisco Salmerón de 1931, o el cinematógrafo en relieve de Estefanía Rosas Pérez, que data de 1935. La lista podría ser casi interminable, y aburrida, por lo que conviene parar aquí, pero la idea ha quedado muy clara: ¡toda una legión de inventores buscaban crear el mejor método para ver películas en 3D antes de la Guerra Civil!

Tras el conflicto, todas aquellas iniciativas cayeron en el olvido y sólo algunos osados soñadores intentaron resucitar el espíritu del cine en relieve. Eudaldo Soler Bofill patentó al borde de la guerra, entre 1935 y 1936, un procedimiento para impresionar películas con efecto de relieve y un nuevo tipo de pantalla para cine tridimensional. Pero, en cuanto a perseverancia, pocos como Edelmiro Borrás López, que patentó numerosos aparatos en los años cuarenta destinados al cine en relieve, dede un sistema de efectos ópticos, un procedimiento de cine a color y un ingenioso aparato de proyección.

Como punto final a esta película, tan real como olvidada, mientras Europa se encaminaba al final de una guerra total, en España Carlos Pérez de Siles intentaba dar salida a su “sistema de proyección estereográfica” pensad para crear sensación de relieve en el espectador sin que fueran necesarias gafas especiales, con patente que data de abril de 1944.

El “cine en relieve” en la España de principios del siglo XX apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 28 diciembre 2016.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

27 dic 2016

High Strangeness Researched with High Skill: Enjoy the Adventure!

January 8, 2016
Paul Sinclair's first Dreamland on August 14, 2015 was a real marvel, one of the best and most well-documented stories of a UFO encounter (his own) ever put on the record anywhere.

During that show, he promised us that he'd bee back with more information about the ultra-high-strangeness that the community he lives in experiences on a daily basis.

This Dreamland is one incredible adventure led for us by a researcher who knows what he is doing. Enjoy a fabulous journey to an isolated corner of Yorkshire in England. But is it really so isolated? It would seem not…

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via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

Perú: Father Christmas or a UFO? Mysterious Light Shines Over Several Districts of Lima

Source: PLANETA UFO and Radio Santiago
Date: December 25, 2016

Perú: Father Christmas or a UFO? Mysterious Light Shines Over Several Districts of Lima

At approximately 00:10 hours on Thursday, December 25 - Christmas Day - A glow illuminated various districts of Lima and El Callao. This cause great consternation in social media. Facebook and YouTube users recorded videos of this hitherto inexplicable phenomenon.

The images show the manner in which the light appears from one minute to the next in the sky. At the same time, public and domestic lighting ceases to work in part. The aforementioned light has a bluish color and is more like a flash, but scene from various districts of the capital.

No authority has commented on this up to now.

Below: The light as seen from Chorrillos, a district of Lima. "The light was in San Miguel or El Callao," according to Giancarlo Origgi, the author of the photo, who shared it on Twitter.
Phenomena of this sort can be explained in a number of logical ways, but there is also the possibility that it cannot be explained.

1. A likely cause would be a short-circuit in the city's power grid. It has been noted that the power supply was interrupted for a few brief seconds.
2. The presence of a meteorite exploding in the atmosphere above the Peruvian capital. This is also a highly probably hypothesis.
3. Although less likely, it could be something manmade, that is to say some sort of pyrotechnic or explosive device flying at high altitude. Let us remember that fireworks are abundant in the sky on the night of December 24th and the early hours of December 25th.

It is important - before stating that UFOs or aliens are involved - is to consider all logical alternatives. Once these have been exhausted, and when no convincing answers are forthcoming from the authorities, we can then classify this case as unexplained. It cannot be denied that this is strange in plain sight, and it is for this reason that we are writing, analyzing and disclosing this news item.

UPDATES (Source: Diario La República)

José Mesía, a forecaster with Senamhi, reports that the source of the light being an electrical discharge has been discarded. According to satellite images at the time in question, there were only "low clouds and some middle clouds" in the skies over the capital, which do not produce discharges. he also says that when looking at the video uploaded to Facebook, the light appears to come from the surface, rising skyward from it.

After phoning EDELNOR customer service, we were told that they had no information on any blackouts whatsoever during the time period in question. They promised to contact us should there be any information on the occurrence.

[Translation (c) 2016 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Gimenez and Radio Santiago]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Argentina: Air Force Debunks Nearly 40 UFO Sightings

Source: Planeta UFO, TELAM and Diario de Cuyo
Date: 12.26.2016

Argentina: Air Force Debunks Nearly 40 UFO Sightings

Nearly 40 sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) reported in Argentina during 2016 were explained away as some natural phenomenon by those who took the photo or witnessed the event reported, according to a commission of the Argentinean Air Force (FAA).

The Comisión de Estudio de Fenómenos Aeroespaciales (CEFAE) is an agency attached to the Argentinean Air Force. It has operated since 2011 in an office shared by monitors that follow satellites in real time, along with the debris of the Soviet space station Salyut 7, which crashed in the Province of Entre Rios in February 1991.

Ruben Lianza, who is in charge of CEFAE, explained that they provide "an open public service that enables citizens to clarify UFO sightings they may have recorded. “We employ all the tools at our disposal to identify each case as precisely as possible. It isn't that we're looking for alien life in the photographs."

With 40 years' experience in his favor, the specialist explained that "many people manage to take photos when they see something in the heavens that they can't explain, and others notice objects they did not expect to see, seemingly in flight, in photos they've taken. In such cases, many get in touch with us in the hope that we will identify these flying objects."

"There are thousands of other objects having a commonplace origin that cause people to become confused. For that reason, this commission employs the term 'aerospace phenomena' rather than the ill-used acronym UFO."

Lianza pointed out that "at least seven different kinds of explanations can be identified. Some are of an optical nature, being external or internal lens flares, particles or drops on the lens or sensor errors. Others are biological, birds or insects flying across the camera or creating optical illusions by having been taken at very low shutter speeds. There are also astronomical causes, such as the moon in broad daylight, for instance, or a star, planet or even the occasional shooting star, the sun reflecting off communication satellite mirrors, aircraft flying during daytime or nighttime hours or experimental balloons," he added.

For the moment, 40 per cent of the cases present in the report are attributable to biological causes, 37.1 per cent to causes linked to camera effects, while 5.7 per cent corresponds to astronomical causes and 2.9 per cent are attributable to satellites.

The commission makes use of three satellite and astronomical tracking software programs - Orbitron, Satflare and Stellarium - in analyzing cases. These record the exact orbit in real time with the possibility of delayed mode simulation for satellites and heavenly bodies. This allows reproduction of the conditions existing in the skies at the exact time and date at which the phenomenon was reported.

"When people see things at the edge of their visual field, the brain completes the missing information by resorting to the imagination. This can happen to a person with no aeronautical experience as well as to the most experienced pilot. It is for this reason that all the cases we receive must be accompanied perforce by photo, video or material evidence."

[Translation (c) 2016 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO and Diario de Cuyo]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Harnessing Collective Intelligence with Swarm Intelligence

We're all quite familiar with how intelligent an individual can be when compared to the thick-headedness that is often displayed by mob mentality, a phenomenon that can make the collective intelligence of groups appear to be a hopeless throwback to more primitive times. But conversely, history has also seen numerous examples of large groups surpassing a problem that the collective is faced with -- so long as the group is collectively focused on the question at hand.

The question is, how do we provide that focus for large groups, so that the collective wisdom that can come from that emerges more reliably? The answer to that, according to a new Silicon Valley startup, is bees.

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via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

26 dic 2016

Spoons on Mars? One is a Joke, but Two are an Anomaly

See video
Ok, I'm going to buy into some probable lunacy. Maybe it's because I'm getting old and dotty, but the truth is that now that two of these things have been recorded by Curiosity, your Out There editor is--well--curious.

A could of years ago I was tempted to post the "floating spoon on Mars" story as a joke, but I didn't because it was just too funny and I didn't have time to confirm the image in the NASA original footage. But a couple of days ago, another of these objects was recorded. So, whatever these things are, they do qualify as a genuine mystery. They are pretty large, so if there are any aliens looming about who make use of them, there is going to be a rover photo eventually, perhaps of a huge hand?

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25 dic 2016

Mexico: UFOs Reported Over the Mérida-Tixkokob Highway

Date: 12.22.2016
An article by Jorge Moreno for SIPSE

Mexico: UFOs Reported Over the Mérida-Tixkokob Highway

MERIDA, Yucatan - With two new UFO sighting reports along the Mérida-Tixkokob Highway, this stretch of road is becoming known due to sightings of this sort. Localities such as Ticul and the Muna and Homún roads are also UFO hotspots.

Reports came from employees working on the construction of a highway exit toward Tixkokob: "We were heading home in late December was it was getting dark. My co-work grabbed his motorcycle and we took off toward Tipéxhual. We had progressed a few kilometers past the Villas de Oriente checkpoint when a sort of UFO or spaceship with a powerful blue light crossed right in front of us, at an altitude of some 20 meters. It was so close that there was no way we could be mistaken. My companion even pulled over to look at it more closely. In fact, it made no noise whatsoever," explained one worker.

It is worth noting that although no further information was forthcoming in this regard, a worker had seen a similar object only a few days ago, just one kilometer before reaching this community.

"We're certain that it was a UFO. The time was around nine o'clock at night. The light was very bright, like a sort of sphere, making erratic moves. It suddenly took off, vanishing at high speed. I think it went upward," he concluded.

A few years ago, Carlos Benitez Novelo, a vendor who customarily covers the Tixkokob route and encircling municipalities, informed Enigmas of the following case: "I let my house in Merida very early to start my collections in Tixho. I normally travel along the road that leads straight to that town, but on one instance I became distracted and went straight to Tipéxhual. Since it's the same distance, I didn't see a problem with it, and kept going. Within a few minutes after leaving Tipéxhual, going over the train tracks, I witnessed an object flying at low altitude, perhaps five meters. It was a black circular object, shaped like a spacecraft and metallic-looking, since the sunlight caused to have a slight glow. I slowed down but didn't stop, and then suddenly realize that it was matching my speed. I was very startled, it occurred in a matter of seconds, and then out the corner of my eye, I saw it take off and vanish into the sky. That's when I pulled over to calm down and see where it had gone off to, but I didn't see it again.

Such stories have become commonplace in recent years. All agree on the UFO's characteristics: it flies at high speed and a short distance from the road. However, the reason behind these sightings is unknown.

[Translation (c) 2016, Scott Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO and Jorge Moreno, SIPSE]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

24 dic 2016

The World's Smallest Snowman Wishes You Season's Greetings

A researcher at Western University's Nanofabrication Facility in Ontario, Canada, has built the world's smallest snowman, measuring an extremely petite 3 microns tall. To put this in perspective, a human hair will typically be 50-75 microns (or micrometers) thick.

The tiny snowman was made using a stack of silica spheres -- water crystals would be far too large for a sculpture of this stature. Each of the three globes is a mere 0.9 microns (0.0009 millimeters) in diameter. The arms and carrot-like nose are made from platinum, and the facial features were carved using the lab's new focused ion beam.

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Lo mejor de TecOb en 2016

Este año que está a punto de terminar no ha habido mucho movimiento en Tecnología Obsoleta, más que nada porque otros proyectos se han llevado la mayor parte de mi tiempo de escritura, sobre todo mi nuevo libro, Aviones bizarros, escrito junto a José Manuel Gil. En total, han sido 40 los artículos nuevos publicados en este blog, que cuenta ya con once años de vida y más de un millar de artículos. Entre los que han visto la luz este año, y a modo de resumen de estos últimos meses, me gustaría destacar algunos que me parecen los más interesantes. He aquí lo mejor de TecOb en 2016 y, cómo no, mis mejores deseos para los lectores de este blog para el próximo año…

En el mes de enero nos visitó un pionero de la aviación española, Heraclio Alfaro, y pudimos igualmente recordar cierto artilugio bélico de La Coruña: una calculadora de tiro y mesa de trazado de 1926. De febrero destacaría, sin duda, el curioso tren sobre neumáticos diseñado por Michelin en 1931. En marzo hubo tiempo para recordar al creador de la pistola Campo-Giro, mientras que en abril publiqué, entre otras, dos historias de las que guardo buen recuerdo. Por un lado, ahí quedó la aventura de los actores mecánicos de Francisco Sanz y, por otro, el fascinante Kinethórizon de Roso de Luna.

En mayo destaca la historia del carburo de calcio y, en junio, circulamos un rato flotando sobre el asfalto con el Curtiss-Wright 2500 ¡El hover-coche! Ese mismo mes nos visitó un personaje que, posiblemente, inspiró la figura del doctor Frankenstein, el misterioso Andrew Crosse. A las puertas del bicentenario del año sin verano de 1816, tuvimos oportunidad de conocer al intrépido piloto Benito Loygorri. En Julio repasamos la vida de Nikola Tesla con un cómic añejo y, en agosto, paseamos sobre las aguas del Niágara a bordo del Spanish Aerocar de Torres Quevedo. Un programa de radio para aprender a volar aeroplanos, de 1928, fue sin duda lo mejor del mes de septiembre, mientras que, llegados al último trimestre, entre todo el lío del lanzamiento de mi nuevo libro, aparecieron algunas historias realmente interesantes, como un recuerdo del día que Charles Lindbergh amerizó en Santoña, o un extenso artículo sobre los cañones de La Cavada.

Y ahora, unos días de espera, hasta comenzar con fuerzas en año 2017 que, espero, nos traiga historias interesantes e inolvidables. ¡Feliz Navidad!

Lo mejor de TecOb en 2016 apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 24 diciembre 2016.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

23 dic 2016

NOAA gives the North a Failing Grade in their Arctic Report Card

The National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration has released its annual Arctic Report Card, assessing the state of the climate above 60º north, and region's grades are not good: higher temperatures, lower snow and ice cover, and alarming biological activity marred the report's findings.

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Déjà vu at the North Pole: Arctic Winter Rises Above Freezing Again

In what seems to be an encore to last winter's disturbing display, temperatures in the Arctic have once again risen above the freezing mark. According to The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the average temperature for the Arctic winter is -40ºF (-40ºC), but instead is currently hovering around 32ºF (0ºC).

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22 dic 2016

La nanociencia y la nanotecnología entran en las aulas con los NanoKits

Esta semana se han entregado los primeros NanoKits, maletines con experiencias ‘nano’ vinculadas con asignaturas de secundaria obligatoria y bachillerato, que se distribuirán por centros educativos de Cataluña. El objetivo es incorporar la nanociencia y la nanotecnología a los contenidos que se imparten en las aulas.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Descubierto el origen de la radiación de rayos X de una estrella vecina

Tres astrónomos de Rusia, Alemania y España han resuelto el enigma pendiente desde hace cinco décadas sobre el origen de la radiación muy intensa de rayos X que emite Gamma Cas. Es una estrella brillante de la constelación de Casiopea que puede verse a simple vista en el cielo nocturno.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Descubren el origen de la radiación de rayos X que emite la estrella Gamma Cas

Tres astrónomos de Rusia, Alemania y España han resuelto el enigma pendiente desde hace cinco décadas sobre el origen de la radiación muy intensa de rayos X que emite Gamma Cas, una estrella brillante perteneciente a la constelación de Casiopea y que puede verse a simple vista en el cielo.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Primera observación del color de la antimateria

Tras más de dos décadas estudiando la antimateria en el Laboratorio Europeo de Física de Partículas (CERN, en la frontera franco suiza), los científicos del experimento ALPHA han logrado la primera medida del espectro óptico de un átomo de antihidrógeno. Los desarrollos tecnológicos asociados a este avance abren una nueva era en la investigación de esta materia formada por antipartículas.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Brazilian Megaliths Upend Modern Beliefs about the Amazon's Indigenous Cultures

A circle of ancient megaliths that has been discovered in the jungle of the Amazon has been challenging the long-held assumption by archaeologists that the inhabitants there were simply tribes of hunter-gatherers. The granite stones, first uncovered in the 1990s, have recently been found to have functioned as an astronomical observatory, much like its more famous sister site, Stonehenge.

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21 dic 2016

Love and Fear and Healing Hands

Wednesday December 21, 2016
In this, the second conversation with an experiencer named "Shawn," we get into his visitor encounters that seem to be about love on the one hand, yet provoke great fear on the other. Perhaps, through this discussion, we will discover why.

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Year End Show: Joseph Farrell on the Future, Plus Dreamland's 2017 Theme is Announced

December 23, 2016
Joseph Farrell joins Whitley Strieber to close out 2016 and welcome 2017 with a show that speculates about why Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church, US Secretary of State John Kerry and astronaut and Mason Buzz Aldrin might have suddenly taken trips to Antarctica within just days of each other.

Is there any significance to this? Listen as Joseph explores what might be behind the three visits.

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Unusual Flash Defies Explanation

See video
We haven't been able to find out much about this video, which is presently appearing on popular UFO YouTube sites, some of them well known for hoaxing. However, two of our experts have watched the video and report that they cannot determine that it is a fake.

Here are their comments:

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Nuevas soluciones para evitar el crecimiento bacteriano en gasóleos

Investigadores de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos y Repsol han desarrollado diferentes tratamientos para frenar la proliferación de microorganismos en los depósitos de combustible. Los mejores resultados se obtienen al adicionar compuestos biocidas solubles en agua.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

The Existence of Life on Earth may Depend on Quantum Processes

Despite the insistence of some physicists that quantum effects only affect things on an extremely small scale, new theories continue to be put forward that the smallest known processes may be responsible for some very, very big phenomena, ranging from things such as the navigational sense of migratory birds, to the potential that they may also be responsible for the very existence of life as we know it on Earth.

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20 dic 2016

Argentina: Animal Mutilations and Two Strange Beings in La Pampa

Source: Planeta UFO and Diario Popular
Date: 12.19.2016
Article by Pachi LaFata for Diario Popular

Argentina: Animal Mutilations and Two Strange Beings in La Pampa

The event took place 35 kilometers from Rio Colorado. Witnesses opened fire but the creatures fled. The following are the facts of this chilling episode.

Ufologists referred to it as a "perfect cattle mutilation case", involving 13 specimens. It took place weeks ago in the Pampan locality of Rio Colorado, but that was not all. Making the rounds of the fields, farmhands came across two strange beings - one smaller, the other taller. As a result of the panic, the witnesses opened fire against them, but rounds had no effect on the creatures, which fled.

The area has been a land of mystery when it comes to the subject of dissected animals. In 2002, during the heyday of the cattle mutilation epidemic, the case involving the city of La Adela broke the mold with an episode involving over 40 dead and mutilated animals in a single field.

According to reports arising from an investigation by the VISION OVNI group, the event took place in this instance at a field near Route 154, a little more than 35 kilometers from Rio Colorado, the gateway to Patagonia, and 35 kilometers distant from La Adela in La Pampa. "Around August 9 [2016] during the night, the farmhands of the property witnessed a series of lights in the fields. Thinking cattle rustlers were involved, they headed in that direction with their weapons in an effort to catch the prowlers in the act. Upon reaching the site, they didn't find the lights, but instead came across a number of dead and mutilated animals, with perfect incisions in their jaws and hindquarters. They had already seen similar cases in 2002, and were surprised that no answer had ever been found for these incidents," reads the group's report.

Just as they thought the strange events were over, one of the farmhands -- according to sources -- came face to face with two beings, one smaller and another taller. The farmhands opened fire out of fear, not sure if they had struck their intended targets. "According to our sources, the witnesses remarked: 'the fellows say the saw a small creature and then a taller one and fired at them. They had scaly backs and ugly grey faces."

The following morning, one of the employees went out to survey the fields to see the place where the events occurred in closer detail. He found the smaller of the two beings around 9 a.m. He abandoned the field and went to town, refusing to return to work. He even asked to have his belongings brought to him because he doesn't want to return to the estate for anything in the world. The livestock property's owner (whose identity is being kept confidential) is being tight-lipped about these occurrences and has installed security cameras all over the farm's perimeter with the aim of securing evidence of who or what is behind these deaths."

SENASA is taking part in the investigation with the police, which is also being secretive about the case. However, it emerged that they found prints on the ground that were retrieved for investigation. These prints were found at 10-meter intervals, suggesting that the creature was able to hop or jump this distance.

While official versions of the event maintain that 13 animals were found mutilated in the Rio Colorado property, unofficial estimates place the deaths at 40. This would place the case at the top of the records for this year. VISION OVNI began its research activities in 1991 in Victoria, Entre Rios, Argentina. "Our goal is to disseminate case histories and research on the UFO phenomenon with the utmost seriousness and only with the truth about the countless cases that have occurred," noted the researchers.

[Translation (c) 2016 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Gimenez (Planeta UFO) and Pachi LaFata (Diario Popular)]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Cazasteroides: una ‘app’ para controlar los asteroides desde tu sillón

Cualquiera de los 2.000 asteroides potencialmente peligrosos para la Tierra puede impactar en el futuro contra nuestro planeta con consecuencias desastrosas. Ahora investigadores de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias han desarrollado Cazasteroides, una aplicación para dispositivos móviles que pone a disposición de la ciudadanía una herramienta para colaborar en su protección frente al impacto de estos objetos.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Cazasteroides: una ‘app’ para controlar la población de asteroides desde tu sillón

Cualquiera de los 2.000 asteroides potencialmente peligrosos para la Tierra puede impactar en el futuro contra nuestro planeta con consecuencias desastrosas. Ahora investigadores de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias han desarrollado Cazasteroides, una aplicación para dispositivos móviles que pone a disposición de la ciudadanía una herramienta para colaborar en su protección frente al impacto de estos objetos.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Descubierta una estrella binaria eclipsante desde Jaén

A pesar del entorno urbano en el que tienen su observatorio, investigadores de la Universidad de Jaén han descubierto una nueva estrella binaria eclipsante, formada por dos astros que pasan uno delante del otro. Se llama LS I+5979 y se encuentra en la dirección de una rara fuente de rayos gamma, todavía sin identificar.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

19 dic 2016

Climate Watch Update: The Polar Vortex is Back and Extreme Winter Storms are Possible

The hottest November ever recorded in the arctic by far took place in 2016. The result of this is that the cold air that normally hangs over the high arctic has been pushed down into the northern half of the northern hemisphere, creating what is known as the polar vortex and with it the illusion that global warming, which is causing the phenomenon, isn't happening at all.

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¿Cómo se forman los misteriosos cristales de nieve hexagonales?

Cuando hay mucha humedad, los cristales que forman un copo de nieve adoptan formas fascinantes. En atmósferas secas, su apariencia es más sencilla, con prismas hexagonales. Lo que intriga a los científicos es por qué estos prismas se transforman en columnas o en cuerpos chatos cuando bajan los grados. Un equipo de investigadores de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid ha dado un paso más para descifrar el enigma.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

17 dic 2016

The Unexpected Value of Fear in Deepening Close Encounter

Recently I had a very frightening experience with the visitors. It was intentionally induced by them and led to them backing off from a relationship that has recently become very much closer and is the treasure of my life. I was bereft, but this time I was not left in the dark about why I had reacted with such fear to what they did, or what their motives were. The reason is that I have Anne on the other side, and she offered what I believe to be an insight into the situation that is of fundamental importance.

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16 dic 2016

Bill Gates Announces $1 Billion for Clean Energy Investment, And Hints at More to Come

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, along with a host of other investment partners, is starting a $1 billion investment group, called the Breakthrough Energy Ventures fund, aimed at fighting climate change through investing in the business of clean energy production. The BEV fund, intended to run for 20 years, will be focusing on investing in companies that are developing new technologies that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the areas of agriculture, electricity generation and storage, transportation, industrial processes, and energy-system efficiency.

“Anything that leads to cheap, clean, reliable energy we’re open-minded to,” explains Gates, acting as BEV's chairman.

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¿Los profesores enseñan a resolver problemas o a pasar la Selectividad?

Los profesores están más preocupados por el hecho de que los estudiantes superen la prueba de acceso a la universidad que en que los alumnos adquieran habilidades para resolver los problemas cotidianos. Al menos así lo refleja el estudio que investigadores de la Universidad de Oviedo sobre la asignatura de Matemáticas Aplicadas a las Ciencias Sociales de 2º de Bachillerato.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

15 dic 2016

Spells, Energies and Dark Wisdom

December 16, 2016
Judika Illes is an explorer in the world of spells and energies, and has great wisdom to offer about how to use the energies all around us to make our lives more productive and more true to our own aspirations. But she's also a sort of supernatural polymath in that she understands a great deal about the dark side, including the "safe" fear of things like horror stories and the "real" fear of facing the unknown.

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¿Cómo se fabricó el Tesoro del Carambolo?

El Carambolo es uno de los mayores tesoros del periodo tartésico que se conocen en España. Ahora investigadores del Centro Nacional de Aceleradores, en Sevilla, han analizado once piezas con técnicas microanalíticas no destructivas para conocer las propiedades de las aleaciones que se utilizaron en su fabricación.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

El ‘nanomundo’ protagoniza los premios de la física española

En el mundo nanométrico de los átomos y las moléculas tienen lugar fenómenos muy diferentes a los que ocurren en la escala visible, y comprenderlos puede aportar grandes avances para la humanidad. En este campo investigan los principales galardonados de la novena edición de los Premios de Física de la Real Sociedad Española de Física (RSEF) y la Fundación BBVA que se han entregado esta semana.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Are Experiencers Shown The Impossible, The Possible, or The Actual?

Thursday December 15, 2016
Though not explicitly stated, this week's guest has a lifetime of high strangeness experiences that appear to unfold in answer to questions and interests he has about life, the universe, and everything. But can what he is shown be trusted as actualities? Or are we being shown through multitudes of experiences that run contrary (or parallel) to our sense of normalcy that there are no actualities?

Perhaps we are being shown something else entirely.

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El potencial del ‘nanomundo’ protagoniza los premios de la física española

En el mundo nanométrico de los átomos y las moléculas tienen lugar fenómenos muy diferentes a los de la escala visible, y comprenderlos puede aportar grandes avances para la humanidad. En este campo investigan los principales galardonados de la novena edición de los Premios de Física de la Real Sociedad Española de Física (RSEF) y la Fundación BBVA que se han entregado esta semana.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

14 dic 2016

Climate Researchers resort to "Guerrilla Archiving" to Safeguard Key Data from Trump

In light of the possibility that the incoming Trump administration may suppress or destroy climate research data, environmental researchers have begun to safeguard decades of accumulated digital information, to prevent the potential loss of that knowledge.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

Algunos virus respetan más a la mujer

Las poblaciones víricas pueden evolucionar de tal forma que perjudiquen más al hombre que a la mujer, según muestra el modelo epidemiológico desarrollado dos científicos de la Universidad de Londres, uno de ellos español. Sus resultados revelan que patógenos como el HTLV-1, asociado a la leucemia en humanos, atacan menos a las mujeres cuando estas favorecen la transmisión a sus hijos. 
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

CIA says Russian Hacking Efforts were Aimed at Influencing the Election in Trump's Fav

The Central Intelligence Agency has concluded that Russian hacking activities during the 2016 presidential election was aimed at influencing the election in favor of then-Republican candidate Donald Trump. Numerous intelligence agencies have found that individuals that provided Wikileaks with thousands of hacked emails, notably from the Democratic National Committee and John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, had connections to the Russian government. Their conclusion has been dismissed by president-elect Trump, and has prompted president Obama to order an investigation into the matter, to be concluded before he leaves office.

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13 dic 2016

Argentina: Seven Friends Break Pact of Silence to Disclose Alien Contact

Source: Planeta UFO and Diario Popular
Date: 12.09.2016
Article by Pachi La Fata

Argentina: Seven Friends Break Pact of Silence to Disclose Alien Contact

**They rented a farm on the outskirts of Neuquen and experienced a weekend of horrors***

The history was kept secret by an agreement between the witnesses. Seven people went through the most unbelievable - and terrifying - ordeal of their lives. They are speaking openly about it today, while concealing their identities. It happened in Neuquen last July during the course of a friendly weekend get-together, as they had not seen each other for a long time. Between them all they rented a quinta (farm) to enjoy unending food and conversation. But this was all changed as a result of mysterious events that included lights that invaded the premises, impressive noises and unexplained, illogical situations.

Alberto is one of the friends. He is 45, a professor at a school in the locality of Ciudad Evita. He doesn't believe in UFOS, aliens, or anything similar. Now he does. "We were stunned. We discussed it amongst ourselves, by phone or Facebook. We're a group of friends yearning to get together, having known each other since childhood. We attended school together or shared activities. Life led us along different paths later on. But a chain was formed, it grew, and one day we decided to get together and do something. That's where we got the idea to rent a farm for a weekend in Neuquén. The idea was to catch up with our life stories and eat a lot. We never imagined what would happen. I am telling you this with their permission," the witness told Mas Alla del Misterio.

The plan was solidified after much ado. "It was in July. I got there by plane, and we all met up. We chose a dwelling with several rooms and a big yard. Obviously, we purchased a lot of roasts and bottles of wine. We started out with a huge dinner, many hugs, anecdotes, laughter, some sad stories involving those who were no longer with us. A wonderful day as it went along. In the afternoon we drank mate and we even set up a foosball table. Night fell. We discussed what to eat and settled on beer and pizza. We ordered, it came, and everything was perfect, just as we'd planned," Alberto said.

Around 23:00 hours, some of the friends went to their rooms to sleep. Others stayed in bed, talking. "We were tired but happy. That's when all this stuff we cannot explain started to occur. The first thing that happened was the arrival of a massive light that flooded absolutely everything. The house had large windows with thick glass and curtains. Light was filtering in everywhere, even under the main door. We couldn't understand it," says the man.

Astonishment seized the group. The powerful light was soon joined by a tremendous noise none of them had ever heard before. "The noise was extremely odd. Like a whistling, a buzzing. We think it may have been a machine, but nothing we had ever experienced before. This was the situation. We were inside, with a light outside that flooded absolutely everything, and the strange unending noise. We tried looking out, but the brightness didn't allow us to see anything. We grew nervous, and fear soon manifested itself. But we didn't know what to do. No one was willing to go out," Alberto explained.

"Everything became very strange. I'm not sure how long this situation lasted, ten minutes perhaps. Suddenly, the noise began to disappear until everything became quiet. But the light remained steady. I think this was precisely to keep us from going outside. We exchanged glances. Suddenly other sounds began drifting in from the outside. Truly inexplicable. I cannot describe them. A mixture of metallic sounds, but that doesn't explain the either. Almost simultaneously, a wind whipped up inside the house, with no reason, shaking the curtains, the lights. The door starting to make a noise, squeaking. The windows too," added the witness.

Amid this chilling scenario, one of the friends suggested they leave the habitation's main room. "Let's go to the largest bedroom," he said. All agreed. "We felt we shouldn't be where we were, that we could not remain there. We locked ourselves into that room and spent the entire night inside. Every so often we'd hear noises. Finally, at dawn, we went outside with trepidation. The house curtains were slashed in two, almost neatly. So were the plates on the table. Only their circumference was left," he said.

Alberto finally stated: "None of us can explain this, whether aliens or something else was involved. Nothing." He added that "we all want to tell the story, but it is likely that we'll be taken for madmen, even though we're coming forward now, because we're sure that we aren't the only ones who went through a similar experience."

A CE-3K?

During conversations following the event, the friends put forth a number of theories. Overall, they believe it was a close encounter of the third kind with some sort of alien craft, which manifested at the site to do something they're unsure of. "They were around several hours. We know something came inside while we were locked in the room. We spoke about the curtains the plates. They took the circles from the base of the plates, leaving only their circumference. These were perfect circles. No noise, nothing. A mystery." Alberto further added: "Some of us haven't even told what happened to our relatives. This isn't my case - I have sufficient trust in my loved ones, and I did so with considerable detail. In fact, they supported me when started to consider the possibility of sharing the story with Diario Popular." In this regard "we hope to understand a little more; we're all a bit obsessed."

Like in the Movies, But Without Signs

The descriptions of the event in the Neuquén farm have points of similarity with entire scenes from the movie "Signs", especially at the start, when a family goes through a moment of panic before aliens arrive at their home. "We discussed it, it matches the movie. The only thing is that there was nothing outside. We toured the premises to make sure and no trace whatsoever was to be found. It's all so strange. Local residents say they saw nothing at all."

[Translation (c) 2016 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO and Pachi La Fata (Diario Popular)

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Cómo producir cambios químicos a partir de fuerzas de tensión

Investigadores de la Universidad de Barcelona y de la Universidad Bochum del Ruhr (Alemania) han logrado explicar un caso de cambios químicos provocados por la aplicación de fuerzas de tensión: el de la ruptura de moléculas de disulfuros enlazadas a cadenas poliméricas. En el estudio se ha empleado la simulación por ordenador para describir las transformaciones que se producen cuando estas moléculas están sometidas a fuerzas mecánicas de diferente intensidad.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

12 dic 2016

Tweeting for Bucks: Has the Kleptocracy Already Begun?

At 8:20 AM EST this morning an unknown party began short-selling stock in Lockheed-Martin. (A short seller makes money when a stock drops.) Six minutes later, at 8:26 AM Donald Trump tweeted: "The F-35 program and cost is out of control. Billions of dollars can and will be saved on military (and other) purchases after January 20th." A substantial number of shares were short-sold just before the president-elect's tweet, potentially netting the short seller millions of dollars in profit in a matter of minutes.

Insider trading is stock trading for profit based on information known only to a small group of individuals with special knowledge of news about to break about a company. It is regarded in the United States as a serious crime.

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Un agujero negro devorando a una estrella explica un evento superluminoso

A principio de este año se presentó al lejano y extraordinariamente luminoso punto de luz llamado ASAAAN-15lh como la supernova más brillante de la historia, pero nuevas observaciones astronómicas ponen en duda esa clasificación. Un grupo de astrónomos propone que la fuente de este evento lumínico tan extremo y excepcional es un agujero negro rotando a gran velocidad mientras destroza una estrella que se ha aproximado demasiado.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Nuevo sistema para predecir mejor la producción de energía solar

Investigadores de la Universidad de Málaga han creado una herramienta que rebaja un 25% el error de predicción de la radiación solar a corto plazo respecto a los métodos actuales. El avance permitirá a las compañías fotovoltaicas un mejor control de la producción de sus centrales.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Un sistema reduce el error en las previsiones de producción de energía solar

Investigadores de la Universidad de Málaga han creado una herramienta que rebaja un 25% el error de predicción de la radiación solar a corto plazo que usan los métodos actuales. El avance permitirá a las compañías fotovoltaicas un mejor control de la producción de sus centrales.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

10 dic 2016

Senator, Aviation Pioneer and Astronaut John Glenn Dies at 95

The first American astronaut to orbit the planet Earth, John Glenn, died on December 8, 2016, at the age of 95. Although Glenn was being treated at the Ohio State Cancer Center, the exact cause of his death hasn't been released by his family.

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9 dic 2016

Nicaragua: More UFOs in El Sauce

Source: PLANETA UFO (Argentina) and TN8 (Nicaragua)
Date: 12.09.2016

Article by Milenia Lopez Palacios, TN8 newsroom

Nicaragua: More UFOs in El Sauce?

Residents of El Sauce, León, reported in on social media claiming to have been stunned after seeing a strange light in the sky last night (December 6).

Several Facebook users claimed seeing a bright light crossing the sky very slowly from East to West, and it vanished suddenly after being detected. It is worth mentioning that many people had the chance to see this UFO, as it cruised across the sky for approximately 20 minutes. Onlookers also noted that the unidentified flying object (UFO) was constantly changing colors from silver to red.

One of three photographs of the El Sauce object taken by Hugo Sánchez.

Mrs. Francis Reyes, a resident of this municipality, said: "First, the phenomenon looked like multiple colored lights, and it traveled at a higher speed." Her version of the event dovetails with statements made by others who were astonished by the bright light in the sky.

It should be noted that this is not the first time that such a sighting has been reported by residents of El Sauce, who have no qualms about making such phenomena known.

As an added note, residents of Comunidad Los Limones 2 in El Sauce reported that a UFO had been seen during morning hours on 18 December 2015. They also said the alleged UFO was heading toward Cerro La Horqueta. But in the final analysis, it may be you who has the answer as to whether or not to believe in the so-called UFOs.

(Translation (c) 2016, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO)

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Descifran secretos de los clústeres metálicos

Investigadores del Instituto Catalán de Investigación Química, junto a colegas de EE UU, han conseguido cristalizar los esquivos clústeres de cromo, analizando el proceso con técnicas computacionales. Los clústeres de óxidos metálicos como este actúan en multitud de procesos naturales y pueden ayudar al desarrollo de nuevos materiales.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Cancer-Related Depression and Anxiety can be Treated with Psychedelic Psilocybin

Amongst the numerous side ailments that can afflict cancer patients during treatment, psychological effects such as depression and anxiety are but two of the most common, affecting up to 40 percent of patients. But a new joint study between New York University and Johns Hopkins University shows that these effects can be treated -- and very effectively at that -- by using the naturally-occurring psychedelic compound psilocybin.

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8 dic 2016

Megalodón: Avistamientos y dientes monstruosos

Caso 1: Los dientes del Challenger

Fecha 1872 Lugar Lecho marino Océano Pacifico Sur

Testigos Tripulación del dragaminas Challenger


El barco se hallaba realizando prospecciones geofísicas y recuperó dos grandes dientes de Megalodón de unos 13 cm. cubiertos por una fina costra de óxido de manganeso. Se sabe que este elemento se deposita a un ritmo de 0.5 a 1.5 mm / 1000 años en el fondo marino. El cálculo mostró que los dientes tendrían 11.000 y 24.000 años respectivamente, lo que echaba por tierra la extinción del Megalodón hace unos 5 millones de años.

Tiburón características

o   Se ha argumentado que los dientes provenían de sedimentos más antiguos re-depositados en otros más jóvenes y luego cubiertos por el manganeso

o   El manganeso tendría las edades estimadas, los dientes no, que serían más antiguos

o   Lo extraño es la delgada capa de manganeso que indica una edad bastante reciente.

o   Por lo general se hayan grandes bolas, o nódulos, de este elemento y en su interior duros dientes de tiburones, lo que indica una antigüedad mucho mayor, de millones de años.


Caso 2: ¿Un Megalodón blanco?

Fecha 1918 Lugar Puerto Stephens, Nueva Galés, costa este australiana

Testigos Varios pescadores de langostas locales


Caso publicado en 1963 en el libro tiburones y rayas de Australia por el naturalista David G. Stead. Cerca de la isla de Broughton los pescadores narraron como un enorme tiburón arrastró los aparejos y las nasas destrozando todo a su paso, creando gran conmoción en superficie y un enorme remolino. Hablamos de grandes nasas de más de 1 m. de diámetro y cuerdas, boyas y sogas de un peso considerable bajo el agua, de varios cientos de kilos. Stead entrevistó a varios de los testigos junto al Inspector de Pesquerías local y el relato fue siempre consistente. Los pescadores rehusaron a salir a la mar durante varias semanas aterrados por el monstruo. Y hablamos de recios marineros, estoicos tripulantes no propensos a exagerar ni a inventar fábulas, personas difícilmente impresionables conocedores del medio que les rodea.  Stead creyó que tal vez se hubiese exagerado un poco, pero sintió que la historia era genuina y que los pescadores habían divisado algo real, y muy raro.

Tiburón características anómalas

o   Unos 30 m. de largo

o   No era una ballena estamos hablando de hombres de la mar familiarizados con la fauna marina local

o   Enorme cabeza del tamaño del tejado de una choza

o   Extraña apariencia y color casi completamente blanco

o   Los tiburones blancos adultos se tornan de ese color con la edad, cuanto más grandes más blancos


Caso 3: Los dientes del Raquel Cohen  

Fecha 1954 Lugar Indonesia, Pacifico Norte

Testigos Tripulación del Raquel Cohen


Al llegar al puerto de Adelaida, sur de Australia, y una vez en el dique seco, los trabajadores que iban a revisar el casco hallaron 17 grandes dientes, de unos 10 cm., incrustados en la madera.  La mordida, cerca de la hélice, que estaba doblada, tenía una amplitud de unos 2 m. Los dientes fueron perdidos en los trabajos.

Tiburón características anómalas

o   Dientes de unos 10 cm.

o   Mandíbulas de 2 m. diámetro

o   El animal alcanzaría unos 12-15 m. de largo casi el doble que los grandes blancos actuales


Caso 4: El grandísimo blanco de la barrera de arrecife

Fecha 1960 Lugar Gran barrera de coral australiana, costa este

Testigos Tripulación de un pesquero de 26 m.


Caso publicado en el libro Dientes fósiles de tiburones de B. C. Cartmell, la tripulación del barco realizaba tareas de mantenimiento en alta mar cuando un enorme tiburón, más grande que la embarcación, nadó por su costado de manera lenta.  Fue divisado por varios miembros todos conocedores de la fauna marina del lugar, no tuvieron dudas en describir que lo visto era un tiburón de tamaño colosal. No se trataba de un tiburón ballena, ni de un cachalote ni de nada similar.

Tiburón características anómalas

o   + 25 m. de largo

o   Extraña apariencia y color casi completamente blanco




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via Esencia 21 · Blog http://ift.tt/1k29OFY

Anne's Diary Starts Again

On August 17, 2015, a week after Anne's death, I concluded her diary. Since then, there have been many incidents which have seemed to me to suggest that her consciousness is still intact and her presence is continuing. In the journal entry I just did on Open Prayer, I said that I did not feel that I should start her diary again because the presence of the dead is such an open quesiton.

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7 dic 2016

It's Official: NASA Submits EM Drive Research Paper for Peer Review

As a follow-up to a story we reported on last month, the leaked research paper on the controversial EM Drive that NASA was reportedly set to present for peer review has been published, in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics' (AIAA) Journal of Propulsion and Power. The submission of this document is an important development: NASA's Eagleworks Laboratories would not publish data such as this if they were not confident that this propellantless engine actually works.

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Mind-Bending New Linda Moulton Howe Report. Don't Miss This One!

December 9, 2016
Linda Moulton Howe brings us an electrifying interview with a lawyer who had one of the most extraordinary close encounter experiences of all time. Then Whitley and Linda engage in a brain-bending discussion of good and evil visitors that will enlighten and inspire you and leave you with deep insights into the whole nature of the complex experience that we call close encounter.

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Nuevo método para producir edulcorantes más baratos y sostenibles

Los polialcoholes se usan en muchos productos alimenticios, especialmente en chicles y caramelos, porque endulzan previniendo la formación de caries. Ahora investigadores del instituto ICIQ en Tarragona, junto al ETH de Suiza, han diseñado un nuevo proceso para obtener edulcorantes como el manitol y el ribitol a partir de sustratos baratos, renovables y fácilmente accesibles.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Un sondeo galáctico cuestiona la grumosidad de la materia oscura

La materia oscura podría ser menos grumosa de lo que indicaban hasta ahora los datos del satélite Planck de la Agencia Espacial Europea, es decir, más uniforme de lo que se pensaba. Así lo reflejan los resultados del sondeo KiDS, donde se ha analizado a gran escala cómo la luz de unos quince millones de galaxias se ven afectadas por la influencia gravitacional de la materia.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Open Prayer

My wife is still with me and is changing my life very profoundly. Every so often, she will say something to me in my mind and heart. This material is extremely valuable to me. It has been life-changing and fundamentally enlightening.

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New Analysis says 2,000-Year-Old Lead Codices on Jesus may be Authentic

Recent analysis of the controversial Jordan Lead Codices, a collection of 70 lead and copper books that are purported to chronicle the ministry of Jesus of Nazareth, suggests that the books are indeed two millennia old, contrary to claims being made by scholars that the documents are merely modern forgeries.

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6 dic 2016

Argentina: An Interview with Ventura Maceiras in 1971?

Argentina: An Interview with Ventura Maceiras in 1971?

Background Information: "On Saturday, December 30, 1972, Ventura Maceiras, the 73-year-old watchman of a property located in the Angel Cabañas Municipal Park of Tres Arroyos, province of Buenos Aires (Argentina), was calmly sipping tea one evening when a brilliantly illuminated object appeared out of nowhere in a nearby clearing. He could make out the forms of two beings clearly within the glowing object, and with the rustic courtesy of the gaucho, Maceiras proffered his cup of "mate" – the traditional Argentinean infusion – to the new arrivals. His cat, having just given birth to litter of kittens, ran away from the unnatural light, forsaking her young. Events following the apparition of the alien craft proceeded quickly. Maceiras saw the beings depart in a flash of light, and immediately began to feel ill, with slight vomiting and incontinence. Strange tendrils of fine, thread-like material (a form of Morgellon’s Disease?) streamed from his eyes and his blood cell count dropped precipitously. Researchers were startled to find that fish in an adjacent pond had died of unknown causes. Maceiras's cat returned, displaying patches of burnt fur as if from extreme heat, and would later die mysteriously, along with Maceiras’s dog, who is seldom mentioned in the numerous retellings of the case. But a totally unforeseen event began to transpire: Maceiras began to acquire thoughts foreign to his experience and meager education. He was able to discuss the finer points of history, philosophy, medicine and astronomy with experts come from the capital to see him. To the amazement of his attending physicians, Maceiras was growing a new set of teeth. It should be noted, however, that subsequent investigations called into question the dental development and the alleged improvement to his eyesight."

Our colleagues Guillermo Giménez of Planeta UFO and researcher Carlos Sainz have provided a fascinating document: a news report by Bahia Blanca’s Channel 9 showing an interview allegedly from 1971 by Jose Roman Cachero, a respected TV journalist from with an older man who goes unidentified in the video, but who could well be Ventura Maceiras one year prior to his history-making UFO Experience. If it is indeed Maceiras? Does it suggest that he had an earlier encounter with the unknown?

The video can be seen at https://youtu.be/ySYsvYEKzvA
The transcription is from 00:50 minutes to 01:59 minutes of the original. The remainder of the video is a tribute to the Dionisio Llanca abduction case.

Maceiras: It came down from the sky, softly, with a buzzing sound. A strange soft buzzing, very perceptible, and it came down, and it slid its feet, didn't lift them too much, almost dragging them.
Interviewer: So he sat beside you and spoke to you? To show you stuff?
Maceiras: Yes. I offered him a little footstool, but he refused it. He chose a taller stool, and that's when I realized that he had a very long pistol at his side.
Interviewer: what was the man like, physically?
Maceiras: He was taller than me, slightly more elongated face --
Interviewer: Did he have hair?
Maceiras: Yes, yes he had hair.
Interviewer: So a normal being, then.
Maceiras: Yes, his hair looked like silky wood.
Interviewer: What were his eyes like?
Maceiras: Elongated, really slanted. I don't know, I've never seen that sort of person before. I’ve seen that in Turkish women (*) I'd seen it before.
Interviewer: And what language did he speak?
Maceiras: Castilian, a rough sort of Castillian. There were many words I was unable to understand. Out of every twenty words there were a few I found hard.
Interviewer: Did you shake hands?
Maceiras: Yes, he held out his hand when he showed up.
Interviewer: What did it feel like?
Maceiras: Like a sort of "kick"
Interviewer: A hot hand?
Maceiras: No, no - the hand wasn't hot. It was a very smooth hand, very soft, but it gave me a sort of "kick".

(*) It is interesting to note that Antonio Villas Boas made a similar remark during the interviews regarding his sexual experiences aboard an unknown craft. He stated the following during the interview conducted by Dr. Olavo T. Fontes on February 22, 1958 and witnessed by journalist Joao Martins: Her eyes were blue and large, more narrow than round and slanted outward--like the pencil-painted eyes of those girls who fancy themselves Arabian princesses and make their eyes look slanted; that's what they were like. Only it was a completely natural effect, since there was no paint at all involved."

Carlos Sainz had the following to say about this remarkable recording: “[Maceiras] goes unnamed in the video. In fact, the date provided is 1971. In my opinion, this is an oversight of the tape, of the news program itself, considering that their intention was to “recover old file material”. The TV channel is from Bahía Blanca, near Tres Arroyos, where the Maceiras case occurred. If you contrast it with other photos of Maceiras, the image on the tape is practically identical, as well as the way in which he expresses himself. Part of what he is telling the journalist matches what was described in other articles and told to other reporters at the time. Personally, I’m sure it’s him.”

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

The 100-Year Replacement for Chernobyl's Sarcophagus is Now in Place

On November 29th, officials involved with the New Safe Confinement (NSC) project gathered near the site of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine, to celebrate the installation of the massive NSC structure over top of the plant's aging containment building. The NSC building, meant to isolate the entire power plant from the surrounding environment for the next century, required a major feat of engineering to bring into being.

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