Today we remember Antonio Ribera (January 15, 1920) on what would have been his 95th birthday. Ribera was Spain's foremost researcher and popularizer of UFO and paranormal subjects for decades, having co-founded the Centro de Estudios Interplanetarios in 1958. His written works - well over 70 books- include: De veras los ovnis nos vigilan? (1975, ed. Plaza & Janés), Operación Rapa Nui (1975 ed.Pomaire, ed. Plaza & Janés, 1989, ed. Enrique Marín editor, 1994),Los doce triángulos de la muerte (1976 ed. A.T.E, 1986), América y los Ovnis (1977, ed.Posada), El misterio de Ummo 1979,(ed. Plaza & Janés)' James Mc Donald: OVNIs, el Último Desafio (1980 ed. Cielosur, with the late Alejandro Vignati),L'altra banda del mirall (1980, ed. translated as El envés de la trama, 1986, ed. Plaza & Janés), Secuestrados por extraterrestres (1981, ed. Planeta), Treinta años de ovnis (1982, ed. Plaza & Janés). Ribera was also a translator for many projects from English into Spanish, perhaps most notably Arthur C. Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey. (Photo credit: Moisés Garrido
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
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