31 oct 2017

The Director of the CIA was asked if Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA Agent -- but his Answer is Missing!

"Is there any information involved with the assassination of President Kennedy which in any way shows that Lee Harvey Oswald was in some way a CIA agent or agent..."

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via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

El asteroide de Halloween prepara su regreso en 2018

Queda un año para que vuelva a aproximarse a la Tierra el asteroide 2015 TB145, como ya lo hizo en 2015 alrededor de la noche de Halloween, una ocasión que no desaprovecharon los astrónomos para estudiar sus características. Este oscuro objeto tiene un tamaño de entre 625 y 700 metros, su periodo de rotación ronda las tres horas y, bajo determinadas condiciones de iluminación, su aspecto recuerda al de una calavera humana.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

30 oct 2017

A Government Committee Warns that North Korea could Wipe Out 90 Percent of the Population of the US -- with a Single Bomb

There has been a great deal of concern over North Korea's nuclear weapons program as of late, with PDRK dictator Kim Jong-Un threatening, on numerous occasions, to launch a nuclear attack against the United States. These concerns have focused primarily on the possibility of a direct nuclear strike, but experts speaking at a House of Representatives hearing held on October 12 pointed out that, while a limited nuclear exchange with direct strikes would cause terrible destruction, North Korea could conceivably wipe out 90 percent of the population of U.S. within a year with the deployment of a single device: the detonation of a high-altitude EMP bomb.

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via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

Hidrógeno más limpio y barato gracias a un nuevo catalizador

Científicos del Institut Català d' Investigació Química y la Universidad Rovira i Virgili han desarrollado un nuevo catalizador con cobalto y wolframio para ‘romper’ moléculas de agua con muy poco voltaje y sin usar metales caros como el iridio. El objetivo es obtener por electrolisis uno de los combustibles del futuro: el hidrógeno, de una forma económica y sostenible.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

La saga de los primeros submarinos españoles

En la edición de octubre de 2017 de la revista Historia de Iberia Vieja, publiqué un artículo repasando brevemente la historia de algunos de los primeros submarinos españoles. Esta es la versión para TecOb de ese artículo.

Junto con el deseo de volar como un pájaro, posiblemente sea el anhelo de surcar las profundidades oceánicas como peces uno de los más antiguos sueños humanos. La tecnología ha auxiliado a los humanos a la hora de conseguir estos logros y, cómo no, los submarinos son hoy día una realidad que supera las más imaginativas propuestas de los pioneros de la navegación bajo las aguas. En la historia de España se encuentran los casos de muchos de esos soñadores que lucharon para conseguir un submarino práctico. Populares son las historias de Narciso Monturiol o de Isaac Peral, pero no fueron los únicos, ni mucho menos. He aquí un breve repaso sobre aquellos olvidados precursores que pretendieron conquistar el mundo submarino.

Un deseo inmemorial

Fue a finales del siglo XVIII cuando se vieron las primeras naves submarinas de las que se tenga conocimiento, muy primitivas pero osadas. Ahí tenemos, por ejemplo, las aventuras del Tortuga, sumergible ideado por el norteamericano David Bushnell hacia 1776 que participó en el conflicto de independencia de los Estados Unidos. No dejaba de ser un simple cascarón de madera forrado de cobre y movido a pedales que, por su parecido con una tortuga, tomó el nombre por el que es recordado. Cabe mencionar aquí que se debe diferenciar entre los vehículos de “superficie” que pueden navegar bajo las aguas durante limitados periodos de tiempo, léase sumergibles, de los verdaderos submarinos, que son las naves pensadas para pasar largos tiempos sumergidos con gran desempeño en cuando a velocidad y autonomía.

El también norteamericano Robert Fulton, recordado por crear el primer barco a vapor comercial, ofreció no mucho después, en los albores del nuevo siglo, cierta nave sumergible a la que llamó Nautilus nada más y nada menos que a Napoleón. A pesar de su limitada capacidad para sumergirse, tuvo bastante éxito en sus pruebas iniciales, pero no encontró el apoyo que buscaba en Francia. No fue, ni mucho menos, la primera experiencia submarina que se veía en Europa. Entre 1620 y 1624 el polifacético inventor holandés Cornelius Drebbel ya había llamado la atención con las pruebas en Inglaterra de varios sumergibles tripulados de madera recubiertos de cuero.

Como sucede en toda tecnología al indagar en su historia, cabe sorprenderse al comprobar que en diversos lugares se estaban desarrollando ideas similares. Las condiciones de la técnica hacen que, en cada época, las mentes inquietas intenten ir más allá por caminos muchas veces coincidentes. Por eso, no extrañará que se repitan historias de osados inventores que probaron sus ideas acerca de máquinas submarinas prácticamente en cada rincón de Europa o Norteamérica. Ahora bien, llaman la atención entre todo ello, algunas experiencias muy tempranas que tuvieron a España como escenario. Existe cierta referencia, mencionada en diversas fuentes, a una experiencia llevada a cabo por dos curiosos personajes de origen griego en Toledo, en aguas del Tajo, en 1538. Al parecer, se probó entonces una pequeña nave sumergible capaz de permanecer bajo las aguas un considerable periodo de tiempo y que, además, podía navegar, no sólo permanecer sumergido. El evento llamó mucho la atención en su tiempo, como también lo hizo otra experiencia posterior. El protagonista, en este caso, fue el ingeniero navarro Jerónimo de Ayanz quien, en 1603, ideó una “barca submarina”, tal y como aparece en la documentación presente en el Archivo General de Indias. Un año antes, el 6 de agosto de 1602, ya había realizado una prueba de inmersión de un buzo en aguas del Pisuerga, en Valladolid, ante el asombro del público presente.

De principios del siglo XIX nos llegan ecos de algunos ignotos inventores españoles que lo volvieron a intentar. Gracias a la gran obra de investigación de Diego Quevedo Carmona, Lino J. Pazos Pérez y otros autores que vio la luz en 2013 en un libro titulado “Los desconocidos precursores españoles de la navegación submarina”, se recupera el lejano recuerdo del escribano cordobés Rafael Covó. Este singular personaje, a modo de un Julio Verne adelantado a su época, ideó cierta nave submarina tripulada, movida a remos, que estaba dotada de torreta y un cañón a la que llamó Nuro. Aquella nave nunca fue construida, cosa que sí logró otro olvidado ingenio, el creado por un desconocido llamado Cervó, posiblemente de origen francés. Por desgracia, en este caso la prueba terminó con la vida del inventor. Sucedió en 1831 cuando una esfera de metal, con portezuela acristalada, pensada para observar el fondo marino, se sumergió en el Puerto de Barcelona, aplastando la presión del agua su interior.

Nuestros grandes precursores: García, Monturiol y Peral

Mediado el siglo XIX los alemanes, franceses o estadounidenses estaban dando forma a sus primeras propuestas de submarino, algunas de ellas tan extravagantes como el “cigarro” del norteamericano Winans, una nave ahusada de metal dotada de un gigantesco propulsor central giratorio que le daba un aspecto realmente extraño, aunque poco práctico en la realidad.

Por ese tiempo, en España, Cosme García Sáez, nacido en 1818 en Logroño, soñaba también con crear un submarino práctico. Cosme era un ingeniero pertinaz que tuvo muy mala suerte y poco apoyo para llevar a cabo sus empeños, algo por desgracia bastante común en nuestra historia. De su mente nacieron máquinas selladoras para las oficinas de correos, mejoras en el arte de la imprenta, máquinas para la Casa de la Moneda, cierto fusil mejorado de gran desempeño. Ahora bien, la invención más sonada de García fue su nave submarina. Tras diversos proyectos y patentes, fue hacia 1860 cuando llevó a cabo las pruebas de su navío, construido en Barcelona, en el puerto de Alicante. En el interior del submarino de Cosme podían viajar dos personas. El propio inventor fue quien, junto a uno de sus hijos, realizó las pruebas, que fueron todo un éxito. A pesar del interés que encontró en Madrid y en París, nadie quiso financiar la mejora de su submarino, que terminó abandonado.

El submarino de Cosme García.

Esta falta de apoyo oficial a nuestros inventores de naves submarinas fue algo común. Ahí puede contemplarse, además de cierta ceguera de algunos dirigentes, el miedo a entrar en conflicto, o incluso las presiones, que llegaban desde Inglaterra, donde se consideraba que el desarrollo de este tipo de naves ponía en riesgo la supremacía de su flota en los mares de todo el mundo. Tampoco encontró mucho apoyo Narciso Monturiol, el polifacético ingeniero e inventor catalán, nacido en 1819, que presentó un proyecto de nave submarina en fecha tan temprana como 1858. Su primer modelo de Ictíneo, o barco-pez, tal y como él llamaba a sus submarinos, fue probado de forma privada en el Puerto de Barcelona en 1859 y de forma oficial en Alicante, en 1861. El éxito de aquellas experiencias y el apoyo inicial del gobierno parecía que llevaría el empeño de Monturiol a buen puerto. Con una recaudación de capital entre entusiastas de la idea, se construyó el Ictíneo II, una nave muy mejorada que se probó en Barcelona en 1864. Nos quedan para el recuerdo los detallados escritos del inventor, pues la historia terminó como tantas veces: con mucho interés por parte del público y las autoridades, pero sin apoyo económico para continuar desarrollando estas naves.

El Ictíneo de Monturiol.

Isaac Peral

Y, así, tras dos fallidos, pero geniales intentos, se llega a la triste historia de Peral, precursor indudable de los modernos submarinos. Isaac Peral y Caballero, murciano nacido en 1851, fue un militar de raza, además de científico estimable. Pero, a pesar de sus muchos logros, una obsesión no abandonaba su cabeza: la solución al problema de la navegación submarina. Y, ciertamente, con mucho empeño, estudio y pruebas de todo tipo, logró su objetivo. Una lástima que no lograra apoyo, lo que terminó minando su ánimo y su salud. La novedad del Peral, era que fue el primer submarino práctico de la historia propulsado por un método seguido posteriormente en todo el mundo: la electricidad. Autorizada su construcción hacia 1886, se materializó en el gaditano Arsenal de la Carraca, en San Fernando. La nave, botada en 1888, era revolucionaria: contaba con capacidades que le daban un desempeño en cuanto a velocidad y autonomía realmente impresionantes. Podía lanzar torpedos tanto navegando en superficie como en inmersión. Las pruebas fueron exitosas, aunque no de forma completa, pues la Armada estableció unas condiciones muy estrictas que el submarino debía cumplir para continuar con su apoyo al proyecto. A pesar de los elogios y las medallas, la lucha de Peral no tuvo éxito y la nave quedó almacenada y olvidada. Las presiones del exterior para que España no pudiera hacerse con una flota de naves tan avanzadas fueron determinantes en este caso.

Los pioneros olvidados

Los mencionados casos de García, Monturiol y Peral son los más conocidos de nuestra “prehistoria” submarina, pero ni mucho menos fueron los únicos precursores reseñables. Otro insigne militar, Isidoro Cabanyes, soñó también con una nave submarina avanzada. Su ingenio le ha llevado a ser recordado como pionero de las energías renovables, pues a principios del siglo XX ideó y llevó a la práctica algo que sólo fue recuperado por la técnica de finales de ese siglo: su torre eólico-solar, una tecnología que hacía uso del calentamiento del aire por parte de los rayos solares para crear energía útil. Además de sus torres solares, Cabanyes patentó otros muchos inventos, desde máquinas eléctricas a sistemas de alumbrado por gas. Fue en 1885 cuando, junto a Miguel Bonet, presentó un proyecto muy avanzado de submarino eléctrico que rivalizaba con el de Peral. A pesar de contar con el visto bueno de diversas autoridades y academias, nunca encontró apoyo suficiente como para llevar al mundo real su sueño submarino.

El submarino de Cabanyes.

El proyecto de Peral ocupaba por entonces toda la atención de los medios nacionales y de la administración, en lo que a submarinos se refiere, cosa que a buen seguro terminó por perjudicar a Cabanyes. Curiosamente, una iniciativa privada muy oscura y apasionante tuvo lugar en ese mismo tiempo, hacia 1885. En Asturias se probó un prototipo de submarino, en el río Caudal, construido en una fábrica de Mieres. Fue ideado por el ingeniero gijonés Buenaventura Junquera Domínguez y, al parecer, tuvo éxito en sus pruebas. Animado por un motor a gasolina, algo inaudito para la época, no encontró tampoco apoyo alguno para continuar con su desarrollo.

Finalizando el siglo XIX hubo muchos otros intentos por construir un submarino español, como los proyectos del incansable inventor e ingeniero Eduardo Mier y Miura, que tampoco llegaron muy lejos. Curioso fue también el empeño de Raimundo Lorenzo de Equevilley, español de origen francés, ingeniero naval de vida rocambolesca que, entre tramas de espías y muchas aventuras, idea diversos prototipos de submarinos que fueron desarrollados en Alemania. Y, todo esto, sin olvidarnos mencionar a otros pioneros españoles que, sin pensar en crear grandes submarinos, aportaron interesantes ideas a este campo de la técnica. Arturo Génova Torruella patentó su “ascensor submarino” en los años treinta del siglo pasado para servir como medio de escape y salvamento de submarinos en caso de accidente. Las pruebas de esta especie de cápsula de escape unipersonal fueron todo un éxito, pero no se continuó con su desarrollo mucho tiempo. Al poco, hacia 1932, apareció en la prensa nacional el empeño de un palentino que trabajaba en un taller ferroviario de Madrid. Se trataba de Adrián Álvarez Ruiz, apasionado lector de Julio Verne que logró probar en el lago de la Casa de Campo madrileña un dispositivo pensado para mantener la atmósfera respirable en el interior de submarinos siniestrados. Aunque tuvo cierto eco entre técnicos de la Royal Navy, tampoco en este caso el novísimo sistema llegó muy lejos. Algo similar intentó Francisco Espinosa en la Barcelona de 1934, probando un generador de oxígeno en un minisubmarino. La prueba fue bastante accidentada y poco más se supo del ingenio. Y, hablando de submarinos de bolsillo, en los años cincuenta se vio en las aguas cantábricas la pequeña nave ideada por el buzo Agustín Bermúdez, construida en Bilbao.

Ahora bien, ningún recuerdo a los pioneros españoles de los submarinos puede estar mínimamente completa sin al menos contener una mención al gran Antonio Sanjurjo Badía. Coruñés, nacido en 1837, relojero y mecánico dotado de una habilidad extraordinaria, logró hacer fortuna con su ingenio a través de la creación de varios talleres y empresas. Con su propio capital, construyó en 1898 una nave submarina pensada para defender Vigo de un hipotético ataque de los Estados Unidos. Las pruebas de la nave fueron satisfactorias, pero no continuó con el desarrollo de su invento pues, el mismo día en que fue probado, se firmaba el tratado de paz que terminaba con la Guerra Hispano-estadounidense.

Sobre este tema en TecOb he publicado los siguientes artículos:

La saga de los primeros submarinos españoles apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 30 octubre 2017.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://alpoma.net/tecob

29 oct 2017

Chile: UFO Sightings Over Port Natales Cause Curiosity and Fear

Source: Planeta UFO and La Prensa Austral (Chile)
Date: Sunday, October 29, 2017

Chile: UFO Sightings Over Port Natales Cause Curiosity and Fear

** Phenomenon has been occurring since September **
**"Flying Saucers" reported in the Sierra Dorotea sector and on the roads of Huertos Familiares **

Reports of unidentified flying objects in the skies over the province of Ultima Esperanza began to emerge in the month of September of this year, causing a blend of curiosity and fear.

Patricio Frias, a representative for UFO Noise Patagonia (a body devoted to researching anomalous phenomena), stated that a light had been reported on 9 September 2017 in Sierra Dorotea, suspended halfway up the mountain and emitting bright flashes in broad daylight. The foregoing was witnessed for about 10 minutes by witnesses in the Camino Tres sector of Huertos Familiares.

On 28 September, an inter-provincial bus driver witnesses and alleged craft in the Camino 4 sector of Huertos Familiares, northwest of the city of Puerto Natales. The vehicle allegedly made a close flyby of the bus before speeding off toward the north. In this case, the witness managed to take three photographs showing the object's maneuvers.

Finally on Wednesday, 18 October at around 23:00 hours, witnesses in Camino 4 of Huertos Familiares saw a light toward the Teniente Julio Gallardo airport. The particulars of these events are being analyzed in Santiago by the AION group led by renowned researcher Rodrigo Fuenzalida.

Patricio Frias noted that "there is an increase in phenomena of this sort around this time of the year, and we call upon the community to be on the lookout and forward any information to our attention at andcultura@gmail.com, whether it involves reports, photographs or video evidence."

Persons interested in these matters can explore it more fully at the ufologist's "Realidades del cosmos" Facebook page. Moreover, stories from those who have experienced phenomena of this sort can be heard on the program broadcasted on Wednesdays from 22:00 hours on Viento Sur radio.

[Translation © 2017 S. Corrales, IHU, with thanks to Guillermo Giménez]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Chile: "Patagonia is Being Visited by an Intelligence We Cannot Understand"

Source: Planeta UFO and Tiempo Sur (www.tiemposur.com.ar)
Date: 10.25.2017

Chile: "Patagonia is Being Visited by an Intelligence We Cannot Understand"

These were the words spoken to TS-Digital by Patricio Frias, director of UFO Noise Patagonia. His group is devoted to the study and diffusion of the subject of UFOs in the region. In an interview, he explained the area is 'visited' by entities due to its high electromagnetic energy and mineral deposits.

Patricio Frias is a regional ufologist and director of the UFO Noise Patagonia organization, a group responsible for collecting reports and disseminating cases involving sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects as well as manifestations, chases and encounters involving these "entities". TS-Digital interviewed Frias, who explained the nature of his work for the organization and why the region boasts some of the highest numbers of sightings. He noted that "Patagonia is visited by an intelligence we cannot understand", while explaining that the phenomena occur due to the large amount of water and mineral reserves. As documented by UFO Noise, at least 150 anomalous events have taken place in the region.

TS-Digital asked why such considerable numbers of sightings occur in Patagonia, featuring such locations as Laguna Azul, which has aroused curiosity and been the source of myths and legends. "There is a biosphere reservation. This sight concentrates the greatest quantity of minerals and fresh water," he explained, stressing the areas. He maintains that many witnesses have seen lights descending into rivers and lakes to draw out "fluids that are essential for life in the Universe." Coal is produced in localities close to Puerto Natales or Rio Turbio, twin cities. There are places and geographical areas containing great mineral wealth and it has been ascertained that electromagnetic transmissions occur there," said UFO Noise's director.

When asked specifically about Laguna Azul, he replied with an anecdote that had reached this community from a traveler. "They told me that considerable energy is produced in the spot where the phenomenon occurs. I have been told about the presence of humanoid species in the area. A townsman from Natales was driving along in his truck, frightened. He told us about what he'd seen on the road, two people walking in brilliant helmets with lights on their foreheads. As the driver approached these beings, he realized they were out of the ordinary. Their height was in excess of two and a half meters (8 feet)."

During another section of the interview, he was asked why Patagonia is the source for so many myths and reports in the field of ufology. He replied that Chilean and Argentinean Patagonia "are visited by an intelligence we cannot understand."

"There are many cases in all over the world and each region reports beings of different shapes. These beings, who are tall, dressed and with lights on top, have been seen in Patagonia. We are linked to the subject of beings who appear underground. There's something going on with minerals, some sort of element they're extracting."

UFO Noise operates out of Puerto Natales and since 1997 it has researched cases and disseminated information on assorted eyewitness reports and experiences over radio and television. These range from sightings and pursuits [by UFOs] to possible encounters with the occupants of objects landing throughout the various geographical regions of the area. They have been in touch with AION (Agrupación de Investigacion Ovnilogica Nacional), the organization lead by the renowned national and international ufologist Rodrigo Fuenzalida with the aim of exchanging and analyzing film and photo evidence of cases that have found their way to the media.

[Translation (c) 2017 S. Corrales, IHU, with thanks to Guillermo Giménez]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

28 oct 2017

Argentina: Tucumán, UFOs and the Story that Inspired Spielberg

Source: Planeta UFO and La Gaceta (gaceta.com.ar)
Date: 10.26.17

Argentina: Tucumán, UFOs and the Story that Inspired Spielberg

One of the country's most notorious UFO sightings occurred in Tucumán. The incident took place at the ranch of the Moreno family only kilometers away from Trancas. According to their story, they witnessed the descent of flying objects from the night sky on October 21, 1963 over the General Belgrano Railroad Line located only a few meters from the family farm. The craft emitted lights until they rose into the air anew and vanished in the direction of the Sierra de Medina. The event was investigated by the Universidad Nacional de Tucuman (UNT) and served as the inspiration for one of the scenes in Steven Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Jolié Moreno is the only living witness to the event, and remembers it all in spite of being 77.

It was very cold that night. "Much too cold for October," says the woman, who was 21 years old at the time. Dora Guzmán, one of the family's maidservants, was about to wash the dishes after dinner and changed her mind, on account of the "strange lights outside the kitchen." It was then that Jolié's sister, Yolanda Moreno, who was asleep, woke up, threw on a robe, grabbed a .38 Colt and went outside the house with the servant to open the gate which led to the farm.

Strange lights were visible over the Belgrano railroad tracks, only meters away, looking like "when a fluorescent bulb has gone out," Moreno explained. "There was a tube covering the entire track, and you could see the silhouettes of people walking from one light to another. The silhouettes could have been our own. One could see arms, legs and heads in the distance."

Later, she said that when her sister wanted to turn on the flashlight to open the gate, a light "like flamethrower" knocked her and the servant to the ground, inflicting "first, second and third degree burns" to the servants face.

"The gun wound up in the garden and my sister ran into the house, frantically screaming 'mother, father! Wake up! We don't know what's going on!'," Jolié recalls.

The flying saucer that was near the garden and the ones on the track took off like a spinning top, she explained. "The siege lasted more or less 45 minutes. Then they issued another light that reached as far as Trancas. They went up, slid 80 degrees to the north, and that was the sign of their retreat to the Sierras de Medina, which were illuminated for two hours," she explained.

"The Trancas Case represented a before and after, especially in those days, when talking about UFOs was considered deranged," reflects Carlos Burgi, a ufologist with Tucumán OVNI. "It's a landmark case because the craft were seen not only by the Moreno sisters, but also by their parents, the servant, and neighbors." Furthermore, the alleged vehicles left some small white orbs and spots on the grass and the railroad tracks, Burgi adds. "The UNT came to investigate and analyze (one of the small orbs) which proved to be 98% pure calcium carbonate.

What happened that October evening changed Jolié's life. "Not many have seen what I saw," she stated.

One of the country's most notorious UFO sightings occurred in Tucumán. The incident took place at the ranch of the Moreno family only kilometers away from Trancas. According to their story, they witnessed the descent of flying objects from the night sky on October 21, 1963 over the General Belgrano Railroad Line located only a few meters from the family farm. The craft emitted lights until they rose into the air anew and vanished in the direction of the Sierra de Medina. The event was investigated by the Universidad Nacional de Tucuman (UNT) and served as the inspiration for one of the scenes in Steven Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Jolié Moreno is the only living witness to the event, and remembers it all in spite of being 77.

It was very cold that night. "Much too cold for October," says the woman, who was 21 years old at the time. Dora Guzmán, one of the family's maidservants, was about to wash the dishes after dinner and changed her mind, on account of the "strange lights outside the kitchen." It was then that Jolié's sister, Yolanda Moreno, who was asleep, woke up, threw on a robe, grabbed a .38 Colt and went outside the house with the servant to open the gate which led to the farm.

Strange lights were visible over the Belgrano railroad tracks, only meters away, looking like "when a fluorescent bulb has gone out," Moreno explained. "There was a tube covering the entire track, and you could see the silhouettes of people walking from one light to another. The silhouettes could have been our own. One could see arms, legs and heads in the distance."

Later, she said that when her sister wanted to turn on the flashlight to open the gate, a light "like flamethrower" knocked her and the servant to the ground, inflicting "first, second and third degree burns" to the servants face.

"The gun wound up in the garden and my sister ran into the house, frantically screaming 'mother, father! Wake up! We don't know what's going on!'," Jolié recalls.

The flying saucer that was near the garden and the ones on the track took off like a spinning top, she explained. "The siege lasted more or less 45 minutes. Then they issued another light that reached as far as Trancas. They went up, slid 80 degrees to the north, and that was the sign of their retreat to the Sierras de Medina, which were illuminated for two hours," she explained.

"The Trancas Case represented a before and after, especially in those days, when talking about UFOs was considered deranged," reflects Carlos Burgi, a ufologist with Tucumán OVNI. "It's a landmark case because the craft were seen not only by the Moreno sisters, but also by their parents, the servant, and neighbors." Furthermore, the alleged vehicles left some small white orbs and spots on the grass and the railroad tracks, Burgi adds. "The UNT came to investigate and analyze (one of the small orbs) which proved to be 98% pure calcium carbonate.

What happened that October evening changed Jolié's life. "Not many have seen what I saw," she stated.

[Translation (c) 2017 S. Corrales IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez]

[The 1963 Trancas Case is one of the landmark cases of UFO research, having been featured in a number of publications throughout the decades. Readers in search of further information on the case can consult two sources: http://ift.tt/2zMpqr7 and http://ift.tt/2hhkfZl -- SC]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

27 oct 2017

Saudi Arabia Grants the World's First Citizenship to a Robot

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has become the first country on the planet to grant citizenship to a robot. During the October 25th announcement at the Future Investment Initiative summit being held in Riyadh, the robot receiving the honor, named Sophia, said, "I am very honored and proud for this unique distinction. This is historical to be the first robot in the world to be recognized with a citizenship."

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via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

The Odds of Human Civilization Being Alone in the Galaxy: 1 in 60 Billion

The scientific likelihood of Humanity being the only technologically advanced species in the universe continues to become more and more remote, as recently illustrated by a tweaking of the Drake Equation by two researchers that posit that the odds of us being alone are 1 in 60 billion.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

26 oct 2017

Aliens and the Fate of the Planet

October 27, 2017
Yvonne Smith and James P. Lough join us to tell of their work with close encounter witnesses. Yvonne founded CERO, the Close Encounter Research Organization, in 1992, and, as a certified hypnotherapist, has been working with close encounter witnesses ever since. Here, they open up as never before about what they think is really happening in the close encounter experience and why hybrids are real. Whitley tells a harrowing story about a recent apparent encounter with two of them that left him and a friend with $500 repair bills on their cars!

Amazing stuff this week!

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Nanopartículas levitantes para ver la fricción a escala nanométrica

Las transiciones que ocurren en los nanosistemas, como una reacción química o el plegado de una proteína, se ven muy afectadas por la fricción y el ruido térmico. Hace casi 80 años, el físico Hendrik Kramers predijo que estas transiciones son más frecuentes en un nivel de fricción intermedia, un efecto conocido como rotación de Kramers. Ahora científicos del ICFO y otros centros europeos han medido este efecto en una partícula atrapada con láser, confirmando por primera vez de forma experimental la predicción de Kramers.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

25 oct 2017

Nuts and Bolts Revisited

Wednesday October 25, 2017
Is it possible to square all of the high strangeness phenomena reported in ufology with aliens or time travelers? David says yes, Jeremy says no, and Stephen says sometimes in this well-rounded roundtable discussion of what we believe is probable and why. And as tidy as that sounds, it wouldn't be The Experience without a few unseen twists and a Trickster ending winking and nudging at the whole thing!
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24 oct 2017

Typhoon Lan Ties for Largest Tropical Cyclone in History

The second-largest tropical cyclone on record, Typhoon Lan, made landfall early on Monday, leaving 7 people dead and 100 injured as it passed near Tokyo. The storm was fueled by warm sea surface temperatures (86ºF/30ºC), and caused extensive flooding and mudslides, dumping nearly 32 inches of rain over 48 hours on Wakayama Prefecture alone.

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21 oct 2017

Complex Brains and a Rich Social Structure in Whales and Dolphins Parallel that of Humans

A new study of 90 different species of whales and dolphins has found a striking similarity in the evolution of the brains of cetaceans and primates, including humans. The study looked at the social complexity of each species, and used that factor to determine if brain size could be used to predict the richness of the culture of each type of marine mammal.

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20 oct 2017

Cómo procesar información cinco veces más rápido que un transistor

Investigadores de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid han propuesto una forma alternativa de utilizar las llamadas ondas de espín para diseñar nuevos dispositivos espintrónicos. Estos cumplirían las mismas funciones que los actuales dispositivos electrónicos, pero con ahorros de energía y con una durabilidad y rendimiento mucho mayores, así como con frecuencias de operación mucho más elevadas.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

19 oct 2017

Unknowncountry Mobile Site Upgrade

Unknowncountry.com's mobile site is being updated. During this process, most mobile users will be automatically directed to our main site. Some may see a certificate warning. It is safe to proceed to use the mobile site despite this warning that is being generated by your browser. The mobile site will return to full functionality shortly.

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Algunos cristales cambian su dureza con solo girarlos

Parece sorprendente, pero ciertos materiales se vuelven más duros cuando los giras. Combinando propiedades de algunos cristales, investigadores del Instituto Catalán de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología (ICN2) han descubierto que los materiales polares pueden hacerse más o menos resistentes a las hendiduras cuando se ponen al revés o se les aplica un voltaje que invierte su polarización, todo un avance en el campo de los materiales mecánicos inteligentes.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Celulosa y puntos cuánticos de grafeno para detectar enzimas

Usando nanocelulosa y puntos de grafeno, químicos de la Universidad de Córdoba han fabricado un gel fluorescente para medir, de forma sencilla y ecológica, concentraciones de lacasas. Estas enzimas con cobre se utilizan en productos cotidianos, como los champús, y sus niveles se podrían regular en los próximos años.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

SHARED Death Experience??

Wednesday October 18, 2017
Last week we heard all about the near death experience. This week we will hear about the shared death experience. But first, our returning guest, Christopher, takes us through his life as an intermediary in both ufological and near death experiences, which should no longer be considered two different subjects, but factions of the same study.

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18 oct 2017

A Massive Hole has Opened Up in the Antarctic Ice

A massive hole the size of Lake Superior has opened in the ice that covers Antarctica's Weddell Sea, a phenomenon that hasn't been seen since the mid-1970s. This hole, called a polynya, opens up 80,000 square kilometers (31,000 square miles) of ocean in the middle of the Weddell Sea's ice pack, hundreds of miles from shore. "This is hundreds of kilometers from the ice edge. If we didn't have a satellite, we wouldn't know it was there," explains professor Kent Moore, an atmospheric physicist at the University of Toronto.

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Dr. Eben Alexander:

October 20, 2017
Dr. Eben Alexander and Karen Newell return to Dreamland with their amazing breakthrough book Living in a Mindful Universe. Too many of us have come to believe that you need to have an NDE, use ayahuasca or some other substance or engage in long years of meditation to reach the higher state of consciousness that we all aspire to.

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17 oct 2017

Does the Great Sphinx have an Undiscovered Twin Sister?

Numerous archaeologists are raising the question of where the missing counterpart to the Great Sphinx at Giza is located: the solitary nature of the ancient half man, half lion sculpture is an anomaly in ancient Egypt, as virtually every other depiction of a sphinx comes in pairs. These pairs are depicted as male and female, embodying the various representations of duality. If this theory is true, then where is the Great Sphinx's equally Great Sister -- and what happened to erase such a massive monument from history?

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Argentina: A Triangular UFO in Mendoza (1976)

A lively UFO symposium known as the Café Ufológico de Mendoza is held on a regular basis in this Argentinean city's Café Five Stars, representing a source of "real time" information exchanges among students and witnesses of the phenomenon. The most recent such meeting was held on September 27, 2017 and was joined by Raúl Díaz, Ariel Godoy, Daniel Hendryk, Martín Fuentes, Alejandro Asalgado, Laura Lencinas, Laura González, Mariana Muñoz, Cristina Rodríguez, Violeta Moreno, Fernando Rodríguez, Susana Occelli, Héctor Sawiak, Diego Escolar, Alejandro Rosario, Miguel Marinelli and our friend and colleague Luis Emilio Annino.

Among the cases presented for discussion was a compelling sighting of a triangular UFO in the mid-1970s.

Mr. Annino writes: "First, we welcomed Cristina Rodríguez, who was accompanied by Violeta Moreno (both of them residing in the mountainous region of Potrerillos) and their brother Fernando Rodriguez. Having several surprising experiences to share, Cristina recalled a particular one from the spring of 1976, when she lived in a farm covering some six hectares in a rural region corresponding to Colonia Segovia in the Department of Guaymallen. Around 21:00 hours, while escorting her aunt, who was feeding a dog in another house, located 50 meters from the main residence, she beheld an incredible sight: A triangular flying object the size of a car and bearing three lights (red, white and blue) that came from behind the property, flying at the height of the surrounding poplar trees, which also lined a deep ditch. The flying object appeared to be flying over said ditch, almost vertically, tilting on its axis slightly as it progressed. The object had a peculiar feature: a sort of spotlight that swept along its path, as if looking for something. The aunt, frightened by this, fled the area while Cristina kept looking at the strange triangular object that suddenly turned itself off and vanished from her sight as it began entering a neighboring property near a high voltage tower. This was not her only experience, and Cristina will certainly say more about her unusual encounters in future meetings."

Our thanks as always to Guillermo Giménez for the information.

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España en el gran descubrimiento del choque de estrellas

Este lunes se ha hecho público un anuncio científico espectacular: la primera detección de ondas gravitacionales procedentes de la colisión de dos estrellas de neutrones y de la radiación asociada al evento. Investigadores españoles forman parte de la colaboración científica LIGO-Virgo que ha liderado el descubrimiento, así como de algunos de los cerca de 70 observatorios espaciales y terrestres que han participado en este hito.
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Could Ophelia Herald an Increase in the number of European Hurricanes?

If the news of a major hurricane tearing for the coast of Ireland seems odd, as was the case for Hurricane Ophelia, that's because the phenomenon of hurricanes surviving as organized storms that far east in the Atlantic Ocean is extremely rare. As it is, Ophelia now holds the record for the easternmost major hurricane in the Atlantic, and if it had maintained its strength it would have been only the third known tropical storm to make landfall in Europe, following 2005's Hurricane Vince, making landfall in Spain, and Hurricane Debbie, brushing the west coast of Ireland in 1961.

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15 oct 2017

War Danger

Small miscalculations create great wars, and the law of unintended consequences governs the way the unfold and how they end. In June of 1914 when the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo, nobody imagined that the greatest war know to that time would be triggered as a result, and that it would destroy an orderly world and lead to another eighty years of upheaval. Similarly, when Dean Acheson made a policy speech in 1950 that failed to mention that Korea was considered an ally by the US, nobody realized that North Korea would then start the horrific Korean war that has led to the situation we face today, with the possibility that a hot war could break out at any time.

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We CAN Save Our Planet by Whitley Strieber

President Trump doesn't believe in climate change and is doing everything he can to destroy environmental protection in America, wreck the solar power industry and bring coal back. So why is there any reason to be optimistic about saving our planet from global warming?

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Hurricane Ophelia to Strike Ireland and the UK

Hurricane Ophelia is expected to strike Ireland and the United Kingdom with sustained winds up to 100 miles an hour. The National Hurricane Center says that gale force winds were expected to spread across southern Ireland by early Monday, then gradually extend north across the country during the day. Hurricane-force winds are forecast to arrive by Monday afternoon.

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14 oct 2017

Tom DeLonge Promises Release of Declassified Documents and "Clear" UFO Footage

In a YouTube video released today, Tom DeLonge has promised the release of clear UFO video taken by government cameramen and declassified documents relating to the UFO issue, possibly to the video being released.

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13 oct 2017

Mexico: Remembering the Puebla UFO Crash (1977)

Our friend and colleague Alfonso Salazar, a UFO researcher and aviation expert whose accounts have been featured over the years, shares with us these vintage photographs from the defunct Contactos Extraterrestres magazine. "The incident took place on July 29, 1977, when a UFO crashed into the Puebla mountain range. The Mexican military conducted a search and photographs of the object's remains were displayed for the first time," writes Mr. Salazar, who is working on a book about this fascinating moment in history.

Map showing the location of Jopala in the Mexican state of Puebla (20.1628° N, 97.6928° W)

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12 oct 2017

Unknowncountry SIte Problems

Unknowncountry is experiencing a partial site outage. We are working to repair it as soon as possible. Right now, some subscriber logins are not working and many of the site's features, such as its audio programming, are not accessible. When repairs are complete, there will be another announcement in this space.

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Mexico: A Mothership Over Nuevo León?

Mexico: A Mothership Over Nuevo León?

Researcher Ana Luis Cid sends us the following:

"This video was sent to me by Efrén Sauceda Tello. Dozens of spheres seemingly issue from a very large object at 19:30 hours. This was recorded in Escobedo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico using a Sony TRV 380 camera

[The percipient] was driving his car when his niece Claudia called his attention to something she could see. He pulled over to begin recording. After 15 minutes, the smaller figures were gone and only the larger one remained, although somewhat hazy. The witness looked into the possibility of some local major event involving a release of balloons, but found nothing.

"I conducted my own research and could not find any sources, yet this possibility cannot be dismissed altogether. The sighting took place on September 5, 2006. I'm only just publishing it it now since the tape had been lost along with other materials."

VIDEO can be seen at: https://youtu.be/U9zYwxjurTA
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Chile: Inquest into Paihuano UFO Crash Requested 19 Years After the Event

Source: PLANETA UFO and Diario La Región
Date: 10.12.17

Chile: Inquest into Paihuano UFO Crash Requested 19 Years After the Event

Each year, on October 7, the residents of the Paihuano commune recall one of northern Chile's most significant and controversial UFO events: the alleged UFO crash against Cerro Las Mollacas.

This mysterious event began on the hot afternoon of 1998 when many witnesses claimed having seen a silvery object colliding only meters away from the summit of this mountain.

From that moment onward, numerous witnesses were interviewed by local and national media and some UFO researchers from the capital city allegedly saw a strange glow on the slopes of Las Mollacas. Raul Flores was among them. He said he had never seen anything so strange before. "I could see the object on the mountain. It resembled a metallic disc reflecting the sunlight with a glint of metal. Others saw it as well. I'm sure of what I saw. It wasn't the sun shining against rocks or anything similar," he explained.

Marco Antonio Gallardo, a well-known broadcaster, said the object "[approached the summit] with smoke, it was cylindrical and measured some 3 to 4 meters in diameter, and was red in color."

On October 9 of that year, a group of civilians and Carabineros officers from the Paihuano barracks reached the site without finding remains of the object or any abnormalities. The place where the UFO allegedly crashed is hard to reach and the trip takes nearly six hours. The Carabineros reached the site again the following day, this time accompanied by personnel from the Serena PAE and according to some witnesses, also by elements from the GOPE (Special Operations Group) based in Santiago. A horse called 'Calambrito' died as result of the strain. This was confirmed by Cesar Uribe, a retired Carabinero who now lives in the commune of Coquimbo. Nothing was ever found in the vicinity. However, there was much speculation about the presence of the Chilean army in the area. There was also talk of helicopters or heavy trucks that ascended to the location through the rear of Cerro Las Mollacas.

The first official explanation delivered was that a "stone pained white" was involved. This was immediately rejected by all witnesses, since many had lived in the area for many years and had never seen such a stone.

The other explanation was offered by the Cerro Toledo observatory. Arturo Gomez, an astrophotographer, noted: "Everything points to a bolide, that is to say, a meteorite that did not strike the Earth's surface, but rather broke into pieces in the upper atmosphere, accompanied by a loud report and brightness."

Gomez further added that he "fully rejected the possibility that the object that exploded over the Vicuña commune could be a manmade craft, such as space junk, since these devices do not explode or produce light due to their reentry speed. They burn up without further ado."

Journalistic activity did not stop for many years after the incident on October 7. Correspondents for television stations and live reports were the norm. Many tourists also visited the area, drawn by the story. The interest shown by researchers of the phenomenon caused the communal authorities to issue a decree devoting a week in October to popularization activities on the mystery in local schools and cultural institutions.

Now, 19 years after the event, Juan Castillo, one of the country's foremost researchers and the author of several books on the UFO subject, told LA REGION that the case should be reopened to carry out a more thorough investigation into the Cerro Las Mollacas event.

[Translation (c) 2017 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]

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The Near Death Experience...and the Vistor Phenomenon? They're Connected for Sure!

Wednesday October 11, 2017

Did you know that near-death experiences and visitor phenomena have a connective thread? They do: kundalini energy. This week's episode is packed with information straight out of Dr. Kenneth Ring's near-death and "alien abduction" studies, as brought to us by Christopher, a man who worked on The Omega Project during his college years.

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11 oct 2017

To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science: Ground-Breaking Disclosure & UFO Research Initiative

An announcement regarding the founding of a new organization that will be geared toward studying and re-creating the technology behind the UFO (or UAP) phenomenon will be made on October 11, 2017, by the To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science (TTS/AAS), a collaboration of scientists and government insiders spearheaded by the academy's President and interim CEO, Tom DeLonge. The announcement will be live-streamed on the company's website at 9:00 am PDT (12:00 pm EDT), where DeLonge will introduce the team's members and the intentions of the new company.

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El planeta enano Haumea tiene un anillo

En los confines del sistema solar se mueven cuatro planetas enanos, entre los que destaca Haumea por su forma extremadamente achatada y rápida rotación. Ahora, mediante una ocultación estelar, investigadores del Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía han logrado determinar las características principales de este cuerpo y han descubierto la sorprendente presencia de un anillo a su alrededor.
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Non Disclosure Event

Tom DeLonge's big event has come and gone. Mostly gone. None of the substance that I hoped would be there appeared, and the program was confined to half an hour, not the full hour I thought was originally intended. I guess that the substantial stuff disappeared into the half hour that was dropped. Why that happened, or if it was originally intended to be this way, we'll probably never know. Or if I simply misunderstood what was being planned.

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Descubren el material que más calor intercambia por radiación

Científicos españoles han descubierto que, si se realiza una red periódica de agujeros en silicio dopado, es posible obtener la transferencia de calor radiativa más alta hasta la fecha. Estos resultados representan un avance hacia una gestión térmica mucho más eficiente en dispositivos.
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10 oct 2017

Mysterious Planet Nine might be a Visitor from a Distant Solar System

The evidence for the existence of Planet Nine – a hypothetical planet ten times the mass of the Earth that orbits on the far reaches of the Solar System -- has been stacking up over the decades, from the Nemesis hypothesis; through more recent examinations of the orbits of trans-Neptunian objects, the paths of which can only be explained by the presence of such a massive object on the Solar System's fringe; to the possibility that such a planet may be responsible for the tilt in the orbits of known planets.

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9 oct 2017

U.S. Air Force's Drone Control Systems have been Infected by a Computer Virus

The control systems for the US Air Force's Predator and Reaper drones at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada have been infected by a persistent computer virus, one that appears to resist being removed. The virus appears to be a simple keylogger virus -- a program that records the keystrokes of the person using the infected computer -- so it doesn't interfere with the actual flight operations of the pilots, but multiple attempts to remove the infection have proved to be fruitless -- and the origin of the invasive program also remains unknown.

"We keep wiping it off, and it keeps coming back," according to a source familiar with the situation. "We think it's benign. But we just don't know."

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8 oct 2017

Nate to Make Landfall in US as Category 2 Hurricane

Hurricane Nate is moving at a remarkable speed of 23 miles an hour, the fastest on record in the Gulf of Mexico. This is fortunate, because if the storm had stalled over open gulf waters as Katrina and Harvey did, it had the capacity to grow much stronger in a matter of hours. Nevertheless, it is very dangerous, with 90MPH winds and extreme rainfall and is expected to cause extensive damage from wind and flooding in the affected area.

The storm is predicted to make landfall over the mouth of the Mississippi River and to affect Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida.

Hurricane warnings are in place from Grand Isle, Louisiana to the Florida/Alabama border. This has prompted the mayor of New Orleans to issue mandatory evacuation orders for parts of the city.

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Unknowncountry Weirdness and Mysteries Revealed

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6 oct 2017

Saint Nicholas' Tomb may have been Found in Modern-Day Turkey

Do you believe in Santa Claus?

Archaeologists in Turkey believe they may have found the true tomb of Hágios Nikólaos, better known in the west as Saint Nicholas, the fourth-century saint famous for his charity work and gift-giving, that eventually led to the modern-day legend of Santa Claus. Scholars have been questioning the validity of the remains interred in the Basilica di San Nicola in Bari, Italy, that are traditionally attributed to Nicholas, based on documentation retrieved from the region. Now, recent archaeological surveys have revealed an intact temple and burial site underneath Saint Nicholas Church in Antalya, Turkey, that may hold Saint Nicholas' true remains.

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Cómo determinar el calcio en micromuestras biológicas

Científicos de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid han puesto a punto un nuevo método de análisis que permite determinar de forma sencilla, rápida y directa el contenido de calcio en pequeñas cantidades de muestras clínicas y biomédicas. Su principal ventaja es la pequeña cantidad de muestra necesaria para este análisis, de interés en química biomédica y clínica.
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Nuevo material multirespuesta frente a distintos estímulos

Químicos de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) han desarrollado un material que varía su conductividad eléctrica en presencia de compuestos orgánicos volátiles, además de cambiar su luminiscencia frente a la temperatura o la presión. El avance se puede aplicar en sensores de movimiento, ventanas inteligentes, pinturas termocrómicas y otros dispositivos.
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5 oct 2017

Tropical Storm Nate Expected to Hit US as a Hurricane Sunday

A cluster of thunderstorms in the southwestern Caribbean has organized into the 16th tropical depression of the Atlantic's hurricane season, and is expected to become the season's 14th named storm, Nate. The storm is forecast to cut across the northeastern tip of the Yucatán Peninsula and track northward toward the U.S.

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A New Vision of the Past

October 6, 2017
In author and adventurer Michael Feeley's first visit to Dreamland, he reveals a new vision of reality, the meaning of man, soul and god. By re-envisioning the secrets of Egypt, he opens up new vistas of knowledge and new possibilities—that might well also be very, very old.

In the second half of the show, he explains his belief that many of the ancient Egyptian gods and monuments are actually representations of the organs of brain and body, knowledge with reveals deep secrets about who and what we are.

Michael's website is Michael-Feeley.com

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Experiences of the Peculiar Kind, Part 2 of 2

Wednesday October 4, 2017
We pick up where we left off in "Marie's" chronology of lifelong high strangeness experiences. The depth of experience is on full display here, as are new possibilities, new clues about the nature of certain phenomena and the nature of our responses to them.

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4 oct 2017

Patines a motor y un propulsor para natación

De esto que te encuentras revisando algunas publicaciones de 1906 y, de repente, un extravagante personaje te asalta desde una portada de Scientific American

Y, en las páginas interiores, la cosa mejora porque, junto a una amplia descripción del invento, se incluye un gráfico del mismo.

Estamos a principios del siglo XX, cuando prácticamente se está poniendo un motor a todo tipo de vehículos. Era el tiempo en que nacían las motocicletas, los novísimos automóviles, camiones, autobuses y, claro está: patines. El protagonista de esa portada no fue el único, ni mucho menos. Se aplicaron motores eléctricos, de explosión, y hasta a vapor, a patines, patinetes, triciclos y monociclos.

Hoy existen diversos tipos de patines motorizados (y con luces), pero por ese tiempo era algo que rozaba lo mágico. Hay que recordar que eran unos años en los que tres tecnologías estaban luchando por hacerse con el mercado de la propulsión: los motores a vapor, que ya contaban con larga tradición. Los motores eléctricos, representados por decenas de modelos de automóvil eléctrico que se comercializaron entre la última década del siglo XIX y la Primera Guerra Mundial. Y, cómo no, los vehículos dotados con motor de explosión, que estaban por entonces tomando la delantera.

En Scientific American comentaban acerca de este artilugio que se trataba de un invento creado por M. Constantini (presentó su máquina en Francia pero presumiblemente era de origen italiano, por lo recogido en noticias de la época). Era un conocido fabricante de carburadores y accesorios para automóviles. Al parecer, se trataba de la primera vez (o, al menos, una de las primeras porque nunca se sabe en estos casos) que se aplicaba un pequeño motor de gasolina para moverse sobre patines. Constantini expuso su invento en el Salón del Automóvil de París y, no contento sólo con mostrarlo, se animó a circular por las calles parisinas con semejante artilugio. La gente se asombraba al verlo pasar. Cada patín contaba con un motor de gasolina (de cuatro kilos cada uno), batería, bobina de chispa, carburador, ruedas de goma y todo lo necesario para controlar los dos propulsores. Esos controles se encontraban en el cinturón del viajero, que podía controlar el apagado de cada motor y el flujo de gasolina desde un depósito que se situaba a modo de mochila a su espalda.

El peso de cada patín completo rondaba los seis kilogramos. Se comentaba que podía llegarse a los 40 kilómetros por hora de velocidad con semejante artilugio. Para comenzar el viaje, se arrancaba cada motor de forma individual, ajustando la mezcla y controlando la alimentación por medio de unos cables. Para detenerse, no había más que apretar el botón de cierre de circuito eléctrico de las bujías y, ya está, tenemos los motores parados. Claro, era complicado ajustar la velocidad de los dos motores, por lo que había que ir jugando con el balance de peso con los pies hasta dar con el equilibrio adecuado.

La prensa de la época ya se había hecho eco de una versión de los patines “de cien leguas” que Constantini había ideado. Ese modelo inicial contaba con motor eléctrico, pero su autonomía era escasa. Con el modelo de gasolina, Constantini afirmaba tener una autonomía de 120 kilómetros (a razón de un litro de gasolina cada 60 kilómetros, teniendo en cuenta que el depósito tenía una capacidad de 2 litros de combustible). Ese mismo año de 1906, el número 339 de la revista El mundo científico (Barcelona, 29 de septiembre), informaba que Constantini había modificado su pequeño motor para aplicarlo a un “nadador automático”, algo así como una especie de mochila propulsora para navegar de forma autónoma (ver imagen pequeña).

Madrid científico, en su número 558, de 1907, menciona ese otro invento motorizado:

De día en día vamos acercándonos al ideal de que los esfuerzos musculares del hombre sean únicamente esfuerzos directores, gracias al desarrollo de la mecánica. Lo que se refiere a la locomoción individual no podía exceptuarse de esta regla general. Hace algún tiempo se habló de los patines con motor de gasolina inventados por el Sr. Constantini, de París. Con ellos las famosas «botas de cien leguas» del espantoso gigantón que tantas proezas hace en los cuentos de niños, venían a tener un comienzo de realización práctica. El mismo inventor ha ideado y publicado más recientemente otro aparato que es a la natación lo que los patines consabidos son al pedestrismo. Con éstos cualquiera podría pasar por un gran andarín; con el otro, todos, hasta los más inexpertos, podrán emular las hazañas de los más famosos nadadores. El cuerpo principal del aparato consiste en una ligera caja de aluminio de unos 50 centímetrosde altura. La caja va colocada y sujeta por unas correas a la espalda del nadador, el cual queda sentado en un sillín L de chapa metálica recubierta de corcho y a cuya parte delantera va unido un flotador M henchido de aire. En la caja va un motor de gasolina que mueve la hélice J protegida por un cono de tela metálica. Normalmente, el aire necesario para el motor se toma de la atmósfera libre y cuando la caja está accidentalmente sumergida, un tubo E conduce el aire de un flotador no representado en la figura. El depósito de gasolina A va colocado en la parte superior y posterior de la caja. Para impedir la entrada del aire, el tubo de salida de los gases va provisto de una válvula especial O representada aparte en la figura. Dos flotadores, no marcados en el dibujo, van uno a cada lado del nadador asegurando su estabilidad. La distancia que puede recorrerse con este aparato no tiene más límite que el agotamiento de la provisión de gasolina, y dado el tamaño del tanque, resulta que estando el mar en buenas condiciones pueden recorrerse bastantes millas con este aparato. Se pretende, además, que el propulsor, sobre ser de aplicación útilísima en el deporte de la natación, puede también resultar de eficacia grande como salvavidas.

Patines a motor y un propulsor para natación apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 4 octubre 2017.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://alpoma.net/tecob

Ride the 37th Parallel: America's UFO Highway

A brother-sister team of paranormal researchers has found a pattern in the locations of anomalous phenomena, strewn along an east-west line following the 37th parallel, a formation they're dubbing America's "Paranormal Freeway". This latitude line is easy to pick out on a map, as it lies on the southern borders of Colorado, Kansas and Utah, and correspondingly the northern borders of Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma. The phenomena involved along 37º north include cattle mutilations, UFO sightings, ghost hauntings, and government installations such as Area 51, along with numerous Native American sacred sites and underwater caves.

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El instrumento CARMENES demuestra su capacidad para hallar otras ‘tierras’

CARMENES, un espectrógrafo visible e infrarrojo que opera desde el observatorio de Calar Alto (Almería), estudia una muestra de trescientas estrellas en busca de planetas similares a la Tierra. Tras estudiar siete sistemas planetarios, los primeros resultados confirman su perfecto funcionamiento. 
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Nobel de Química para los científicos que retratan las moléculas de la vida

Los científicos Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank y Richard Henderson son los ganadores del Premio Nobel de Química 2017 por el desarrollo de la criomicroscopía electrónica, que permite visualizar y estudiar biomoléculas en alta resolución. Se trata de un avance transcendental en bioquímica, decisivo para comprender mejor la química de los seres vivos y el desarrollo de fármacos.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

3 oct 2017

USDA Study Shows Livestock Methane Emissions were Significantly Underestimated

A new study has found that a 2011 estimate of methane emissions generated by the planet's livestock was incorrect, with the new finding indicating that they were actually 11 percent higher than the numbers used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), leading to the guidelines and targets set out in the Paris climate accord. Methane (CH4) is produced from the decomposition of biological matter, such as livestock manure, and is a potent greenhouse gas, retaining up to 86 times more heat energy than the same mass of carbon dioxide over a 20-year period.

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Nobel de Física 2017 para los cazadores de ondas gravitacionales

La Real Academia Sueca de las Ciencias ha anunciado que el Premio Nobel de Física de este año ha recaído en los estadounidenses Rainer Weiss, Barry C. Barish y Kip S. Thorne "por sus contribuciones decisivas al detector LIGO y la observación de las ondas gravitacionales". Esta ondulaciones en el tejido del espacio-tiempo fueron predichas por Einstein en su teoría de la relatividad y abren una nueva vía para investigar el universo.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Protones y neutrones para testar circuitos electrónicos

Investigadores del Centro Nacional de Aceleradores, en Sevilla, han probado circuitos electrónicos con la ayuda de protones y neutrones. En concreto, han inducido errores en componentes electrónicos para verificar su funcionamiento.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Conoce el Nobel de Física en directo

La Real Academia Sueca de las Ciencias dará a conocer este martes a los científicos galardonados con el Premio Nobel de Física 2017. El anuncio se hará a partir de las 11:45 h y se podrá seguir en directo desde Sinc por videostreaming.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

2 oct 2017

Fortean Events: Fish Rain from the Sky over Mexico

Although it's (finally) not raining cats and dogs in Tamaulipas state in northeastern Mexico, on September 26 the coastal city of Tampico reported a rain of small fish from the sky, accompanying a light rainshower.

Although a rare and extremely unusual occurrence, events such as this have been explained as being caused by tornadoes or waterspouts that form over water, sucking fish high into the air, that eventually fall back down in a different area.

Strange phenomena such as this were extensively cataloged by early 20th-century writer Charles Fort, including falls of frogs, fishes, as well as other inorganic materials, leading to the term "Fortean phenomena".

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Anne's Diary: Being Outside of Time