31 ene 2017

Earth's Magnetic Pole Reversals: What are the Dangers, and What Don't We Know?

The Earth's magnetic field is an extremely important component contributing to the existence of life on our home planet, providing a protective shield against the otherwise harsh solar wind. The magnetosphere, much like Earth's other spheres, is not static, and instead undergoes constant regional fluctuations, including the periodic phenomenon of complete polar reversals. These geomagnetic reversals are a concern to scientists, in that we neither have any way of predicting when they will happen, nor do we actually know how such a phenomenon would affect life on Earth.

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La pensadora del cielo

Fragmento del artículo que publiqué en la revista Historia de Iberia Vieja, edición de enero de 2017.

El estado del cielo para el año de 1778

En la Biblioteca Nacional de España duerme desde finales del siglo XVIII cierto volumen con llamativo título: El estado del cielo para el año de 1778, arreglado al Meridiano de Madrid: pronóstico general, con todos los aspectos de los planetas, por la Pensadora del Cielo Doña Teresa González. Ahí es nada, estamos ante un almanaque astronómico, con ciertos tintes astrológicos.

Impreso en Madrid, muy posiblemente ese mismo año de 1778, o bien a finales del año anterior, en la imprenta de Don Manuel Martín, localizada en la calle de la Cruz de la capital española, se nos presenta como un manual astronómico con dos autores declarados. Por un lado, la misteriosa Teresa González. Por el otro, Manuel José Martín, el propio impresor. La obra vendría a ser una versión mejorada, y actualizada, de otra muy similar que vio la luz en 1777. Se trataba de El estado del cielo para el año de 1777, arreglado al meridiano de Cádiz. Pronóstico general. Por Teresa González, natural de Córdoba. Y no se trató de los primeros intentos de esta olvidada cordobesa, pues se guarda registro de una solicitud de licencia, no concedido, que data de 1773, para cierta “Pensadora del cielo”.

La obra de 1778 sí tuvo cierto predicamento y alcanzó difusión, aunque poco más se conoce acerca de su gestación. Su contenido es descrito de forma directa en la presentación del libro: Pronóstico general con todos los aspectos de los planetas entre sí y con la luna, el signo y grado que esta ocupa diariamente, y los eclipses de los dos luminares. Juicio astrológico en cuanto a sucesos elementales y cosecha de frutos, por la Pensadora del cielo, Doña Teresa González. En total, 104 páginas que vienen a ser una mezcla entre almanaque de efemérides astronómicas, con sus cálculos y tablas, junto a una especie de divertimento “astrológico” relacionado con las cosechas y los cultivos, que al final muy posiblemente era el gancho para cazar al posible comprador de la obra.

El almanaque está dedicado a la Condesa de Benavente, Doña María Josefa Pimentel y Téllez-Girón, conocida mecenas de artistas y científicos de su época. La razón de existencia de esta obra hunde sus raíces en la moda que por entonces inundaba las páginas de la prensa, a fin de cuentas, el pronóstico astronómico, desde simples fases lunares a complejas predicciones de eclipses, se convirtió en todo un divertimento practicado con mayor o menor fortuna por editores de todo el país. La Pensadora del cielo, que demuestra en las páginas de su obra gran conocimiento matemático y de la ciencia de su tiempo, a buen seguro que no tuvo otro remedio que plantearse el publicar algo como aquello, tanto para conseguir algo de dinero como para difundir su conocimiento. Curiosamente, se sabe que ese tipo de libros contaban con mucha atención por parte de aquellas mujeres que podían acceder a la literatura en su tiempo.

La fascinación por la astronomía de la cordobesa, aunque tintada por cierta diversión astrológica, de clara orientación comercial, queda demostrada a lo largo de las páginas del almanaque. Bien merece un recuerdo esta mujer por su afán por hacerse un hueco en las publicaciones de ciencia popular que, en la España de entonces, eran muy escasas. De hecho, la autora avisa al comienzo de su escrito que este cuaderno (…) contiene dos partes: una esencia que es el Estado del Cielo durante el año 1778 que se reduce a presentar diariamente todas cuantas configuraciones pueden tener los planetas (…) calculados con la más suprema exactitud, los eclipses de los dos luminares, Sol y Luna, y otros fenómenos dignos de la mayor atención. (…) La segunda parte, que es la accesoria, envuelve una Apología de nuestro Sexo. (…) En ella, después de vindicar mi primera Obra de objeciones de los hombres y hacerme muy de veras partidaria en la gloria de las mujeres, las indico claramente por dónde pueden volver a cobrar sus legítimos derechos de hacer un papel de mucha gravedad y honor en el mundo.

¡Vaya atrevimiento! Por si acaso el censor fuera demasiado celoso de su trabajo, la autora intenta hacerse con su simpatía: …no se maravillará Vd. de que una mujer aplicada haya podido arribar a tan alto punto, mediante los progresos que ha hecho en astronomía y aún en otras ramas de las matemáticas, que sirven de preparación y adorno al espíritu. Puedo asegurar que desde por natural inclinación me entregué a estas ciencias, no parece sino que me hallo en mi propio elemento. La hermosura del Cielo presto se me hizo familiar y mejor conocida que la Tierra. Todas mis miras y mis anhelos no han tenido otro objeto que esas vastas y luminosas Regiones, a donde la mayor parte de los hombres apenas se digna levantar los ojos.

Sorprende la obra como conjunto, porque es mucho más de lo que parece a simple vista. Sí, es un almanaque, un calendario repleto de datos, unos más útiles que otros, con cierto toque astrológico que se incluye como divertimento pero, y he aquí el atrevimiento definitivo de la Pensadora del cielo… ¡dedica casi la mitad del libro a hablar de la mujer y de su derecho a acceder a la ciencia, a las universidades y, en definitiva, a la igualdad! Estamos ante unos papeles que vieron la luz en la España del siglo XVIII y, si bien como contenido científico poco hay en ellos de sorprendente, la defensa que hace la autora de las mujeres es digna de ser recordada.

Por desgracia, la censura terminó por rechazar aquella pretensión. La edición de 1773 fue cortada de raíz, las de 1777 y 1778 sí vieron la luz, pero cierto informe de la Real Academia emitido por el matemático Benito Bails, acusando a la obra de inexacta y propensa a la superstición, terminó por impedir que aparecieran más ediciones.

La pensadora del cielo apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 31 enero 2017.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

Travel Ban Causes a Brain-Drain of America, and may Violate First Amendment Rights

On January 27, 2016, President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order that bans the entry of citizens of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, and Yemen into the United States, under all available visas, for 120 days. The order --supposedly to prevent terrorists from entering the U.S. -- effectively stops the migration of refugees from these countries altogether for this period, and affects refugees originating from Syria indefinitely. However, since the order blankets everyone with a citizenship with the affected countries, this prevents the entry of not only those in need, but also those that would be of great benefit to the U.S., including talented scientists.

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30 ene 2017

Células fotovoltaicas para misiones a Mercurio

Investigadores de la UPM han determinado mediante cálculos matemáticos qué dispositivos pueden generar, operando con una elevada temperatura, una mayor potencia eléctrica a las sondas espaciales destinadas a orbitar alrededor del planeta más interior del sistema solar: Mercurio.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Exocometas en la constelación Leo

Un equipo internacional, liderado por astrofísicos de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, ha descubierto una importante actividad cometaria en Φ-Leo, una estrella que ahora es objetivo potencial para la búsqueda de exoplanetas y para el estudio de la formación y evolución planetaria.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

29 ene 2017

Unknowncountry, Your Privacy and Security

Unknowncountry has recently instituted enhanced security measures to protect your privacy and insure that your visit to our website does not result in any compromise to your security. Since the beginning of the site, we have never sold email addresses or data in any way whatsoever. We also have a policy against data mining on the site. In other words, when you come here, there is nothing watching your actions in order to push ads to your computer, or for any other reason.

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We have come to a dark time in the history of the United States. Whether or not the wonderful institutions created by our founding fathers can survive what would be a developing dictatorship is very much an open question. But when a minority party led by a president who lost the popular vote by a substantial majority then seeks to impose changes which fly directly in the face of our noblest ideals and interrupt the aspirational nature of American life, which is our most core value, that is a dictatorship of the minority.

That is what we have.

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28 ene 2017

Compassion (Death of the Hired Man)

Whitley offers a discussion of compassion based around one of Anne Strieber's most beloved poems, "The Death of the Hired Man" by Robert Frost. She thinks of the poem as one of the great texts about compassion, what it is, how it works, why it matters and, above all, how to live the kind of thoughtful, deeply compassionate life that is so essential to building a strong soul.

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The EPA has been Ordered to Freeze Grants, and has been Silenced with a Gag Order

Staff members of the Environmental Protection Agency have been instructed to freeze all grants in the agency's extensive funding program, including, but not limited to, funds for environmental research, education, industrial site redevelopment, and air quality monitoring. Furthermore, staff have also received orders not to talk about the issue with anyone outside the agency, including the public and the press.

This news broke when an anonymous EPA staff member informed the congressional office about the development earlier this week, and it is unknown as to whether the freeze will be temporary or not. The Huffington Post published a message that was reportedly given to EPA staff on January 23, outlining tight controls on external communication:

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27 ene 2017

Diésel enriquecido con aditivos obtenidos por catalizadores menos contaminantes

Un trabajo de la Universidad de Córdoba prueba que las sílices debidamente tratadas pueden sustituir de forma eficaz a los ácidos minerales, como el tóxico ácido sulfúrico, empleados habitualmente como catalizadores para la obtenerción de productos
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Una ley matemática para mejorar las predicciones de los grandes terremotos

Investigadores de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona han desarrollado una ley matemática que explica la distribución del tamaño de los terremotos, incluso en los casos de grandes magnitudes, como los de Sumatra en 2004 y Japón en 2011, mejorando la predicción de la probabilidad de que ocurran. La ley también tiene aplicaciones en finanzas, donde las pérdidas tienen un comportamiento estadístico similar al del tamaño de los terremotos.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Una técnica explica el comportamiento termodinámico de sistemas complejos de biomoléculas

Científicos de la Universidad de Barcelona han descrito propiedades termodinámicas de sistemas complejos de biomoléculas de ácidos nucleicos y péptidos utilizando un modelo independiente. Los resultados, publicados en Science, permiten extender los teoremas de fluctuaciones más allá de las reacciones de plegamiento unimolecular.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Un estudio español sobre el caos, portada de la revista científica más antigua del mundo

Investigadores de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos y de la Universidad de Maryland han desarrollado un novedoso método de control de sistemas caóticos y, por primera vez, se ha aplicado en tres dimensiones. El estudio es portada de la más veterana de las revistas científicas, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Trump Authorizes Construction on his Mexican Border Wall, and Proposes a Hefty Sales Tax to Pay For It—on Us

President Trump has signed an executive order that authorizes the construction of the wall that he promised would be built along the United States-Mexico border. To pay the massive bill that such an ambitious construction project would bring, Trump also proposed a 20 percent sales tax on goods imported from countries that the U.S. has a trade deficit with, including the $50 billion deficit with Mexico. Trump says that this is his way of getting Mexico to pay for the wall, but in the end, it will be the American consumer that will be footing the bill.

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26 ene 2017

Stories from a Life Part 6: Working with Anne

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El arco de entrada al Palau Güell redefine su curva

Durante décadas, muchos críticos de la arquitectura han afirmado que el arco de acceso al Palau Güell de Antoni Gaudí, en Barcelona, es una catenaria o incluso una parábola. Ahora, en Tarragona, un equipo de matemáticos les lleva la contraria: se trata de una curva de tipo Rankine. Su nuevo método, analítico y objetivo, permite conocer sin ambigüedades la geometría de cualquier arco del patrimonio arquitectónico.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

25 ene 2017

Yet Another Asteroid made a Close Pass to Earth

Another asteroid made a close pass to the Earth, on January 24, at 11:54 EDT (5:54 UTC), the second one to do so in as many weeks. Asteroid 2017 BX's close pass -- just within the Moon's orbit -- follows asteroid 2017 AG13's January 9 flyby by a mere 15 days. While this new asteroid missed us as well, and wouldn't cause much damage if it were to actually to have hit us, it does set up a disturbing trend, as both 2017 BX and 2017 AG13 weren't discovered until mere days before their closest approaches.

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Welcome To Twin Willows

Wednesday January 25, 2017
This week's guest, Verna Lee Hutton-Ely, has authored a work of fiction based on some of her experiences called, In the Shade of a Shadow of Reason: a Vlee of Twin Willows novel. Her experiences are numerous and appear to conform to her location and interests--another sign that there is a singular intelligence acting through numerous masks we often call alien, fairy, spirit, ghost, and so on. Unless... unless it is the land of Twin Willows itself that is alive with subtle realm beings.

You will find her book here.

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Un meteorito da pistas para alejar asteroides de la Tierra

Un grupo internacional de científicos liderados por investigadores del CSIC ha presentado los resultados de un estudio sobre las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales que forman los asteroides. Usando muestras del meteorito caído en 2013 en Cheliábinsk (Rusia), el estudio aporta nuevos datos a las misiones que desviarán objetos potencialmente peligrosos para la Tierra mediante el impacto de proyectiles.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Un meteorito ofrece información para alejar asteroides de la Tierra

Un grupo internacional de científicos liderados por investigadores del CSIC ha presentado los resultados de un estudio sobre las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales que forman los asteroides. Usando muestras del meteorito caído en 2013 en Cheliábinsk (Rusia), el estudio aporta nuevos datos a las misiones que desviarán objetos potencialmente peligrosos para la Tierra mediante el impacto de proyectiles.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Un meteorito ofrece información para desviar asteroides de la Tierra

Un grupo internacional de científicos liderados por investigadores del CSIC ha presentado los resultados de un estudio sobre las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales que forman los asteroides. Usando muestras del meteorito caído en 2013 en Cheliábinsk (Rusia), el estudio aporta nuevos datos a las misiones que desviarán objetos potencialmente peligrosos para la Tierra mediante el impacto de proyectiles.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Objetivo: desviar asteroides para que no impacten contra la Tierra

Un grupo internacional de científicos liderados por investigadores del CSIC ha presentado los resultados de un estudio sobre las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales que forman los asteroides. Usando muestras del meteorito caído en 2013 en Cheliábinsk (Rusia), el estudio aporta nuevos datos a las misiones que desviarán objetos potencialmente peligrosos para la Tierra mediante el impacto de proyectiles.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Nuevos modelos del ‘colesterol’ de las refinerías

Investigadores del centro gallego CiQUS, IBM y la petrolera ExxonMobil han modelizado compuestos de hidrocarburos a partir de sus imágenes tomadas por microscopía de fuerza atómica. En concreto, se han centrado en los asfaltenos, componentes que causan graves problemas en las tuberías y canalizaciones de la industria petrolífera.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

The Mystery of Venus's Atmospheric Wave, and the Search for Life in its Clouds

Despite being our closest neighbor in the heavens, the planet Venus still harbors a multitude of mysteries, due primarily to its thick cloud cover, obscuring the planet's surface from study. Space probes sent to its surface are also only able to glean a scant amount of information: because of the intense heat and pressure at Venus's surface, most probes fail after less then an hour. Adding to the mystique of the Morning Star is a newly-found wave propagating across the planet's atmosphere, and the idea that Venus's dark streaks may hold microbial life.

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24 ene 2017

Year of the Soul: Virtual Reality and Your Soul

January 27, 2017

We all know that consciousness has something to do with reality. Quantum physical experiments show that waves become particles only when they are observed. But what does this mean about what consciousness DOES in the universe, and what it IS.

Physicist Tom Campbell has run many experiments in this area of physics and has come to believe that our reality is virtual and consciousness is what is creating it.

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Premio Fronteras del Conocimiento para los matemáticos que revolucionaron la estadística

Los matemáticos David Cox , de la Universidad de Oxford, y Bradley Efron, de la Universidad de Stanford, son los ganadores del Premio Fundación BBVA Fronteras del Conocimiento de este año en la categoría de Ciencias Básicas. Sus métodos estadísticos pioneros permiten interpretar datos conociendo el margen de error y obtener resultados fiables de estudios con contingencias, por lo que resultan de gran interés en campos como la física y la biomedicina.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Trump Deletes Climate Change, Health Care, and Civil Rights Issues from White House Website

As has become a tradition on Inauguration Day, the official website for the White House, www.whitehouse.gov, was updated at noon to reflect the policies of the incoming administration, lead by President Donald J. Trump. While the headings under the "Issues" menu were updated to include the promises made by Trump during his campaign, there were a number of important issues that conspicuously went missing, notably the headings for Climate Change, Health Care and Civil Rights.

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21 ene 2017

Both Good and Bad News for Green Energy Legislation from the American Midwest

In recent months, a number of U.S. states have been enacting new legislation to govern the use of renewable energy within their territories -- for both better and for worse. Illinois, Michigan and Ohio have passed new laws that range from protecting current green energy law, to progressive new ones.

These moves by IL, MI and OH are contrary to the intended ecological policies of the new administration under President Donald Trump, policies that themselves run contrary to good ecological -- and ultimately economical -- sense.

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20 ene 2017

Colombia: Mysterious Phenomenon in the Skies Northeast of Antioquía

Source: RCN Radio (Colombia) and Planeta UFO
Date: 01.20.2017

Colombia: Mysterious Phenomenon in the Skies Northeast of Antioquía

Residents of Segovia and Remedios were bewildered around 9 o'clock in the evening by a phenomenon looking like a static red fireball in the middle of the dark sky.

This region of Northeastern Antioquía is rich not only in gold, but also in stories of witchcraft and sorcerers, so local residents would find nothing odd in having a "supernatural" force making itself visible.

Yen Milea Bran, who took photos and made cellphone recordings like many others, said that her family and neighbors took to the streets - in the La Cruzada district in Remedios - to see a sort of "very bright star" that hung in the heavens for some three minutes before disappearing,.

"It looked like a very large, shining star, lighting everything around it. But when recorded with the cellphone, it wasn't captured the way one's eyes perceived it. It looked like a fireball and in some images it displayed hypnotic circles," added the young woman.

Many hypotheses have been put forth about the phenomenon, which had never been seen in the skies of northeastern Antioquía.

"Many say it could be a UFO. Others say it could be a portal to another world. Others say it is surely a sign that the end is near and that we should repent, and others say that it has something to do with astronomy, that a star had surely exploded into a fireball," Yen Milenia explained.

The images have already been inspected in the Planetarium of Antioquía’s capital city, and have yet to ascertain its true nature. Angela Perez, the astronomical coordinator, noted that the possibilities range from unidentified flying objects, to an optic phenomenon with the lens or a fire balloon.

"Objects that cannot be identified are UFOs. However, the term is generally associated with spaceships and other things, but this cannot be said to be the answer until any other possibility has been discarded. Let's say that given the image's brightness, it could be one of those little balloons that get sent aloft with a candle inside," Pérez explained.

The fact of the matter is that some residents intend to be vigilant these days to see if the mysterious phenomenon stages a return.

[Translation (c) 2017 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Nuevo método para la cuantificación de disruptores endocrinos

Investigadores de la Universidad de Jaén han desarrollado una técnica innovadora para cuantificar disruptores endocrinos en muestras biológicas humanas. Se trata del primer modelo metodológico que utiliza un sistema de extracción en fase sólida para la retención de estos interruptores hormonales.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Brotes de estrellas en galaxias donde no deberían nacer

Astrónomos del proyecto CALIFA han detectado en tres galaxias elípticas unos brazos muy tenues donde se están formando estrellas. Los datos, obtenidos desde el Observatorio de Calar Alto (Almería), contradicen la creencia generalizada de que en las galaxias viejas no nacen estrellas.
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El CERN registra la mejor medida del momento magnético de la antimateria

Los científicos del experimento BASE del Laboratorio Europeo de Física de Partículas (CERN) han mejorado una medida del antiprotón, su momento magnético, ofreciendo un valor seis veces más preciso que el conseguido hasta ahora. Los resultados muestran que los momentos magnéticos (cantidad que expresa la fuerza que ejerce un imán) tanto del protón como del antiprotón son idénticos, aunque tengan signos opuestos, y permiten una comparación fundamental entre materia y antimateria.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

2016 was the Hottest Year on Record, for the Third Straight Year Running

2016 was the hottest year on record for planet Earth, in the 137 years that global temperature records have been kept. This news was released by NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) confirming their results. This event also marks the third year in a row, starting in 2014, that global surface temperature records have been broken, with each successive year topping its predecessor.

“2016 is remarkably the third record year in a row in this series,” exclaims GISS Director Gavin Schmidt. “We don't expect record years every year, but the ongoing long-term warming trend is clear.”

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18 ene 2017

Is a Basic Universal Income the Solution to the Takeover of the Workforce by Robots?

A major part of President Elect Donald Trump's election platform was the promise to bring manufacturing jobs back to the United States, jobs that manufacturing companies had moved to other countries where labor was cheaper. Trump recently warned automotive company BMW that they could be hit with an import tariff of up to 35 percent on cars made in Mexico, in an attempt to prompt the company to build in the U.S. instead. But what Trump doesn't realize is that even if those manufacturing plants do return, the jobs associated with them might not, as robots have been steadily replacing the humans that have been performing them in the interim.

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I Report, You Decide

Wednesday January 18, 2017
Without Reason author D. Nicholas Breitbach joins us to tell us what aliens, his higher self masquerading as a guardian angel, and a member of the Council of 9 have told him about the nature of god, the multiverse, alien civilizations, and more, while meditating... and it sounds suspiciously like every ufological fantasy meme from the 80s and 90s. What inner voices are speaking to Nick? I report. You decide.

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Cómo parar reacciones fotoquímicas con moléculas orgánicas y luz

Investigadores de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) han ideado una forma de detener reacciones fotoquímicas mediante experimentos de ‘acoplamiento fuerte’, unos sistemas en los que interactúan moléculas orgánicas y luz confinada. Este avance teórico puede ser útil para desarrollar multitud de aplicaciones nanotecnológicas.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

17 ene 2017

Primer haz de partículas en SESAME, el sincrotrón de Oriente Medio

Este mes se ha lanzado el primer haz de partículas en el sincrotrón SESAME, en Jordania, un hito importante para que pronto puedan comenzar las investigaciones en el primer acelerador con fuentes de luz de Oriente Próximo. Los científicos interesados en realizar aquí sus experimentos ya pueden enviar las propuestas.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

UFO Taped by UK Police Camera a Familiar Form

See video
This video from an infrared camera aboard a police helicopter in the UK shows an object similar to one that has been taped in many situations. In normal light, it is bright silver metallic with a darker area in the center. In daylight video, the object appears to be able to vary the shape of the darker area.

It was recorded over the Bristol Channel in the UK, south of Wales. Your Out There Editor notes that the poster left comments on, and has received the usual moronic responses. People fear the unknown.

The still image shows similar objects that were videotaped in daylight, the one on the left in British Columbia and the one on the right in Mexico.

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The Mummified Remains of Numerous Non-Human Entities have been Uncovered in Peru

A Peru-based archeological organization has unveiled what they claim to be the mummified remains of a number of humanoid, non-human creatures, found in ancient tunnels in Cusco, Peru, in January of 2016. The remains appear to be of numerous individuals of different sizes, including a diminutive humanoid with a disproportionately large head, a skull from a larger individual, and a three-fingered claw that belonged to an individual that is estimated to have been nine feet tall.

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16 ene 2017

Una misteriosa onda gigante detenida en la atmósfera de Venus

Científicos japoneses han descubierto una enorme estructura arqueada e inmóvil sobre la atmósfera de Venus con la ayuda de la sonda Akatsuki. Los investigadores creen que se podría generar en zonas atmosféricas más bajas por la presencia de sistemas montañosos.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

15 ene 2017

Barcos mercantes nucleares

Recuerdo haber leído hace años en el Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists un artículo en el que se afirmaba que se encontraban en los mares más reactores nucleares en activo que los presentes en plantas eléctricas en todo el mundo. Desconozco si esa apreciación sigue siendo correcta, pero de lo que no me cabe duda es que, a lo largo de la historia de la tecnología naval, se han visto toda clase de artilugios nucleares aplicados a la navegación, sobre todo en naves militares. Todo el mundo ha oído hablar de portaaviones nucleares y, cómo no, de las flotas de submarinos con plantas energéticas “atómicas”. Comunes han sido también los rompehielos soviéticos dotados de energía nuclear, varios de los cuales siguen en activo, e incluso algunos son de reciente factura, como es el caso del 50 Let Pobedy (50 лет Победы) o los rompehielos clase Arktika (Арктика, que no se deben confundir con el viejo rompehielos de mismo nombre del año 1972). Menos conocidos son los casos de destructores y cruceros dotados de plantas nucleares, como por ejemplo sucedió con la primera nave de superficie que fue dotada de este tipo de propulsión, el navío lanzamisiles estadounidense USS Long Beach (CGN-9). Algún día, con tiempo, mencionaré las aventuras bajo la banquisa ártica del primer submarino nuclear, el USS Nautilus (SSN-571), pero hoy quiero ocuparme de algo poco conocido. Sí, aunque no se menciona a menudo, han existido barcos mercantes de propulsión nuclear.

Buques nucleares estadounidenses

Fuerza naval nuclear de superficie de los Estados Unidos. Imagen promocional tomada en el Mediterráneo el 30 de junio de 1965. Aparecen en ella los siguientes navíos: USS Enterprise, USS Long Beach y USS Bainbridge. (P.D.).

Hasta la fecha, y por lo que parece seguirá siendo así por un tiempo, sólo se han construido cuatro barcos mercantes dotados de propulsión nuclear. Estos cargueros “atómicos” han tenido diversa suerte, aunque por lo general sus vidas fueron efímeras, no pasando generalmente de lo experimental. Los pequeños y avanzados reactores nucleares modulares actuales pueden cambiar esta situación. El futuro dará cuenta de ello. Mientras tanto, he aquí un breve repaso a estos cuatro mercantes nucleares que sufrieron toda clase de problemas, sobre todo económicos (mantener unidades independientes de este tipo, sin ser parte de una flota nuclear, era prohibitivo), además de problemas técnicos y, cómo no, políticos.

NS Savannah

NS Savannah

El mercante nuclear NS Savannah, fotografiado en 1962. P.D.

El estadounidense NS Savannah fue el primer barco mercante dotado de propulsión nuclear (la designación “NS” viene de “Nuclear Ship”). Botado en 1962 y dado de baja diez años después, fue llamado así en recuerdo de otro buque experimental del mismo nombre, el SS Savannah, que a principios del siglo XIX exploró las posibilidades de la máquina de vapor a través del Atlántico. La idea partió de los primeros diseños a principios de los cincuenta, como una apuesta doble, a saber, por una parte como medio para investigar la tecnología de los reactores de fisión en marina mercante y, por otra, como expresión política de fuerza ante la presentación por parte de los soviéticos de sus rompehielos nucleares. Si se estaba llevando a cabo una carrera por el uso de esta tecnología en el mundo militar, también se vivió algo paralelo, a una escala mucho más pequeña, en los “usos pacíficos del átomo”.

NS Savannah

El NS Savannah tal como se presenta hoy día en Baltimore, convertido en museo. Imagen Acroterion, CC-By-SA.

Hay que reconocer que este diseño de George G. Sharp fue vanguardista, tanto que incluso hoy resulta atractivo. Y ahí quedó la cosa, porque el NS Savannah estaba pensado más como escaparate, dotado de todo tipo de comodidades, que como mercante eficaz. Pero, además de simple fachada, este impresionante barco sirvió para experimentar con plantas nucleares móviles. El reactor nuclear, la turbina de gas y todos los sistemas auxiliares y de control fueron diseñados con el más minucioso detalle para resultar lo más seguros que fuera posible (Pincha en la siguiente imagen para descubrir su interior).

NS Savannah reactor

Ilustración sobre el NS Savannah. Original de 1960, UNM.

Por desgracia, su mantenimiento era carísimo (sólo el equipo humano de mantenimiento, de una cualificación sin precedentes, salía por un dineral). Los problemas económicos y, también, algunas contingencias técnicas, hicieron que el buque terminara su vida útil en apenas cinco años. Un lustro más tarde fue dado de baja, enviado para descontaminación y convertido luego en museo. (Vídeo promocional de época sobre este barco).

Otto Hahn

Construido en la ciudad alemana de Kiel (por ese tiempo en la RFA) en 1963 y puesto en servicio en 1968, el Otto Hahn (llamado así en honor del pionero investigador de la fisión nuclear del mismo nombre) tuvo un destino diferente al del caso anterior, llegando a tener un desempeño comercial digno de mención. El objetivo de este experimento alemán fue el de desarrollar la tecnología de reactores de fisión móviles y valorar su posible aplicación en marina mercante. Pensado como granelero, pero también como buque de pasajeros, realizó numerosas travesías comerciales e incluso se llevó a cabo la operación de recarga de uranio del núcleo del reactor cuando la carga inicial se estaba agotando.

El Otto Hahn fotografiado en 1970. Imagen German Federal Archives, CC-By.

Económicamente no fue un fiasco como el del NS Savannah, pero su mantenimiento también resultaba excesivamente caro, por lo que en 1979 la planta nuclear y el complejo de propulsión (caldera de vapor, turbina, intercambiadores…) fueron substituidos por unidades diésel. En total, había recorrido cerca de 250.000 millas náuticas con apenas 22 kilogramos de uranio (más de 460.000 kilómetros).


Japón también lo intentó con el Mutsu (nombrado así por una provincia japonesa, no debe ser confundido con el acorazado del mismo nombre hundido en la Segunda Guerra Mundial), navío comercial operado por el organismo de investigación atómica oficial japonés, puesto en servicio en 1972 y dado de baja en 1992. En este caso los principales problemas que aparecieron fueron políticos y sociales. El mismo día en que se hizo a la mar, las protestas fueron multitudinarias, por lo que se decidió enviarlo remolcado a alta mar, donde se comenzarían las pruebas del reactor diseñado por Westinghouse. La unidad fue retirada en 1995, tras la vida útil del navío, para reconvertir la nave en barco convencional.

Ahora bien, el Mutsu es sobre todo recordado por el incidente que tuvo lugar el 1 de septiembre de 1974, cuando se detectó una fuga de radiación a través del blindaje del reactor. Aunque el incidente no pasó de un susto, se armó un lío político que implicó al gobierno japonés y a las autoridades locales del puerto base, junto con los pescadores, que se negaban a que la nave regresara a puerto. Reforzado el blindaje siguiendo las recomendaciones de Westinghouse (inicialmente no escuchadas), y con nuevo puerto de operaciones, el Mutsu completó su programa experimental sin más contratiempos y sin llevar nunca carga de pago.


El último de los buques mercantes nucleares en ser puesto en servicio fue el carguero ruso tipo LASH, además de rompehielos, Sevmorput (Севморпуть), que lleva surcando los mares desde 1988 y todavía sigue en activo, a pesar de que ha estado a punto de ser dado de baja en varias ocasiones. Este buque surgió de la necesidad de contar con un carguero robusto capaz de dar servicio a las rutas del Ártico incluso con hielo, cosa que hacía necesario que fuera simultáneamente un rompehielos nuclear, algo en lo que Rusia cuenta con sobrada experiencia.


El navío nuclear mercante ruso Sevmorput. Imagen Терский берег. CC-By-SA.

Desde su puesta en servicio contó con el rechazo de las autoridades de los puertos rusos de destino, pues lo consideraban peligroso. Eso hizo que se olvidara el plan original, que planteaba utilizarlo también como mercante en rutas entre Rusia y Canadá o los Estados Unidos.

Barcos mercantes nucleares apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 15 enero 2017.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

"The Soul is a Gardener"

From Anne today: "The soul is the gardener who tends the flowers of life. The weeds he leaves to themselves." I then asked, what happens when the weeds choke out the flowers. The answer: "The gardener doesn't let that happen."

This all got me thinking about the green man, the gardener and what the flowers and weeds of life may be. During her life, Anne taught often about the green man. She always said that Jesus had a wonderful sense of humor, and to illustrate that she would tell the story of Mary Magadalene at the tomb.

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13 ene 2017

A Simple, Accurate Medical Test for Many Diseases Might be Just a Breath Away

It mightn't quite be Doctor McCoy's medical diagnostic tricorder, but a new breathalyzer-like device has been developed that can detect the faint chemical signatures produced in the body as a response to various diseases -- all from a simple breath sample.

"This is a new and promising direction for diagnosis and classification of diseases, which is characterized not only by considerable accuracy but also by low cost, low electricity consumption, miniaturization, comfort and the possibility of repeating the test easily,” explains to the development team's leader, Professor Hossam Haick.

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Sensing the Future

January 20, 2017
Trish and Rob MacGregor are frequent and eagerly anticipated guests on Dreamland and they're back with Sensing the Future: How to Tap into Your Intuition and Read Signs from the Universe to Predict What's to Come.

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Cómo sintetizar antivirales de forma sostenible con moléculas sencillas

Científicos del Instituto Catalán de Investigación Química han sintetizado unos ‘ladrillos químicos’, llamados carbonatos cíclicos, que pueden transformarse fácilmente en valiosos fármacos, como los antigripales. La materia prima la constituyen compuestos sencillos y el CO2, un gas de efecto invernadero que se puede así transformar.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Another Asteroid Came Disturbingly Close to Earth This Month

A small asteroid passed extremely close to the Earth on January 9, missing us by only 192,500 kilometers (119,500 miles), roughly half the distance between the Earth and the Moon. Because of its small size, the asteroid, called 2017 AG13, wasn't spotted until two days before its approach.

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12 ene 2017

Calculadoras de bolsillo de hace un siglo

Hace quince años que los euros vinieron a desterrar algunas monedas nacionales en la vieja Europa, como sucedió con la peseta. El caso es que, entre algunos papeles, recuperé hace poco cierta pieza de plástico, del tamaño de una tarjeta de crédito, de esas que regalaban los bancos y supermercados allá por 2002 con una tabla de equivalencia de valores entre diversas cantidades de euros y pesetas. Teniendo la pieza delante, caí en la cuenta de su parecido en cuanto a diseño con ciertos artilugios de principios del siglo XX, solo que aquéllos eran móviles y no sólo simples tablas impresas.

Calculadora de bolsillo “Addiator”. Imagen de Xauxa Håkan Svensson, CC-By-SA.

Desde finales del siglo XIX, pero sobre todo desde 1920, proliferaron las calculadoras de bolsillo que venían a tener un tamaño algo superior a una tarjeta de crédito actual. Muchas de estas calculadoras, dotadas de láminas deslizantes de metal, contaban con un stylus para marcar las cifras de las operaciones deseadas. Estaban pensadas sobre todo para sumar y restar, aunque algunos modelos “de lujo” estaban incluso unidos a complejas reglas de cálculo, claro que, en esos casos, ya no eran de bolsillo.

Calculadora Wizard con stylus. Imagen de Gerd Thiele. CC-By.

Durante décadas, aproximadamente entre 1920 y finales de los sesenta, todo tipo de técnicos, comerciantes, viajantes y profesionales, llevaron una de estas tarjetas “sumadoras” en sus bolsillos. Algunos modelos se comercializaron en todo el mundo, como las célebres Ve-Po-Ad o las Addiator. El siguiente vídeo muestra el sencillo funcionamiento de una de estas calculadoras de bolsillo, que llegaron a ser ubicuas y hoy, desde la revolución de las calculadoras electrónicas, han caído en el olvido.

Al hilo de todo esto, no me resisto a recordar ciertos intentos por llevar las calculadoras mecánicas de bolsillo un poco más allá. He aquí, a modo de ejemplo, la patente de Wayne M. Andrews, solicitada en 1941 y concedida en 1946, acerca de una calculadora “embutida” en una pluma estilográfica o un bolígrafo.

Pincha en la imagen para ampliar el gráfico.

Calculadoras de bolsillo de hace un siglo apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 12 enero 2017.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

Poltergeist Activity Videotaped. Fake or Not?

See video
The first part of this video involving a doll's head moving on its own could have been created using CGI, but we don't think so because the second part of the video is difficult to explain as a hoax.

One of our video experts comments:

"The first one could have been CGI. -- the very poor resolution of the video can cover that sort of thing up very well.

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La trenza más pequeña del mundo

En la naturaleza se pueden encontrar moléculas trenzadas, como el ADN circular o diversas proteínas, pero a los científicos les cuesta mucho sintetizarlas en el laboratorio. Ahora, por primera vez, han conseguido crear una con tres hebras. La diminuta ‘nanotrenza’ tiene 192 átomos y ocho cruces, una estructura anudada que ayudará al desarrollo de materiales más resistentes.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Perú: Strange Object Recorded Over the Ocuviri District - a UFO?

Source: PLANETA UFO and Diario Correo
Date: January 11, 2017

Perú: Strange Object Recorded Over the Ocuviri District - a UFO?

The images caused some fear among local residents.

A camera employed by a resident of the Ocuviri District, Province of Lampa, Puno (Perú) raised doubts yet again as to whether we are alone in the universe.

The object was taken on the morning of January 1, 2017 at approximately 7:00 a.m.. The image shows an unidentified flying object (UFO) in the Puna skies.

The images caused some fear among local residents, who at first thought they were looking at an airplane, but dismissed the hypothesis after seeing it was motionless.

It should be noted that the object appeared a few days after the earthquake that occurred in the district. Some locals noted that these sightings are in some way related to the tremor.

VIDEO: http://ift.tt/2ig3mAM

[Translation (c) 2017 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

The Global Warming 'Hiatus' May Never Have Happened to Begin With

New studies have been coming to light that say that the apparent pause in the increase in ocean temperatures between 1998 and 2014 may never have happened to begin with, with the revised data instead showing a steady increase through that period.

According to a NOAA study that was released last year, the discrepancy came about due to the use of ship-based temperature readings, as opposed to temperatures recorded by ocean buoys. Buoys have a tendency to report lower temperatures than their ship-based counterparts, and are more accurate and consistent in their readings. In the 1990s, most readings were taken from ships, but now 85 percent of temperature readings are now provided by buoy-based sensors.

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11 ene 2017

Traveling with the Trickster? Expect the Unexpected!

Wednesday January 11, 2017
This fourth and final conversation with Shawn takes us down a surprising road and the Trickster is there the whole way. No. Really. This is one of those rare episodes where paranormal events unfold as we're recording!

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Spain: Local Residents Phoned Air Base About “Something Weird in the Sky” (1968)

Source: Planeta UFO and El Norte de Castilla
Date: 01.10.2017
Article by Víctor Vela (Valladolid)

Spain: Local Residents Phoned Air Base About “Something Weird in the Sky” (1968)

The phones at the Villanubla air force base were ringing off the hook that Saturday in 1968. I’ve seen something strange, there’s something weird, it’s not an airplane, the lights are orange, it looks like it’s rising into the sky, it vanished suddenly…it was over in three minutes. There were several witnesses to the phenomenon that disturbed the habitual calm of the heavens over Tierra de Campos at 19:15 hours. The first one to call was a truck driver from Mazariegos. Then four more drivers. Also resident from the vicinity of Villalón and even from Palencia. They claimed having seen something in the sky. That very same evening, at 0:50 hours and due to the persistent phone calls, the base commandant submitted a telegram to the Minister of Air Defense, advising him of the phenomenon that transpired in that corner of Castile. “Nothing to report in the rest of the area,” ended the communiqué.

All these phone calls from residents of Villalón gave rise to an investigation that ended up in an official report: Document Number 681207 on the sighting of strange objects. UFO files, as the High Command dubbed such documents, and they are called such many years later. The Ministry of Defense has just declassified and published 80 official documents making reference to unidentified flying objects over Spain. The one over Villalón is among them, and like most, the case was closed without ever determining exactly what it was that so many people had seen in the sky.

There was something in the sky over Villalón on December 7, 1968. But, what was it? “We lack information that allows us to hazard a guess as to a likely explanation of the phenomenon,” concluded the official report, and that was that. In any event, none of the phone calls had exactly described “the shape or size of the light.” They only stressed that it was “something orange” with a clear ascending movement.

A genuine UFO fever raged in the year 1968. The government investigated up to 21 cases. What is more, the Air Defense Ministry was forced to issue a report that was a front-page item in El Norte de Castilla. “Regarding statements published with certain frequency in the press about sightings of unidentified flying objects in Spanish air space, the Air Defense Ministry asks any witnesses who believe they might be seeing the so-called UFOs, to make it known to the nearest air force authorities or the local authorities. This way, the news can reach the airspace authorities having jurisdiction.” It was December 6, 1968. The flood of calls from Tierra de Campos occurred the next day.

The public notice went on to say: “The Air Defense Ministry has a radar network that is able to detect any object capable of causing echoes in the air space. It has been hitherto attested that the objects believed to be unidentified by the public were weather balloons or airplanes in flight.”

This was a way of curtailing the rise in sightings reported from Soria, Cádiz, Almería, Bilbao or Valencia. The most famous of these took place in Madrid on September 5. The next day’s newspaper proclaimed: “UFO seen over Madrid was not picked up by radar.” The story included eyewitness accounts from dozens of people who claimed having seen a bright spot in the sky “about the size of a 25 peseta coin.” It seems that the strange object was, in fact, a French research balloon (launched from Aire-sur-L’adour), which after being dragged off course, landed between Aspe and Santa Pola (Alicante) on Saturday, December 7.

But saucer fever was raging. “An alarming rise in eyewitnesses,” said El Norte on October 13, 1968. It was already apparent – in spite of the “numerous scientists convinced of their existence” -- that the putative alien invasion was most likely an “error in appraisal.” They could be comets, shooting stares, car headlights reflected against the clouds, an electrostatic burst, meteorites…or the planet Venus, which was remarkably visible in the afternoons between November 1968 and February 1969.

The Air Defense Ministry had to intervene regularly through public statements to correct any possible errors of perception. For example, there was the time when notice was given – on October 30 – of the calibration of a radar station at Robledo de Chavela (Madrid). The operation required a fly-over by an airplane “equipped with a powerful beacon to enable locating the [radar facility] when the tests in question require nocturnal flights.”

Newspapers joined the fashionable UFO craze. In October 1968, El Norte published a story entitled “Los Invasores” (The Invaders) divided into chapters and published on subsequent days. It was authored by Larry Cohen and furnished by the Europa Press news agency. It was a piece of fiction, but it responded to a welcoming climate. Even the [pop group] Los Salvajes released a song that year called “Los platillos volantes” - «Los platillos volantes, los platillos flotantes, los platillos rodantes: todo el mundo los ve» (‘Flying saucers, floating saucers, rolling saucers, everybody sees them’), they sang.

[Translation © 2017 Scott Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

10 ene 2017

Superstorm News: New Climate Model Suggests Atlantic Ocean Currents could Fail, Triggering a New Ice Age

A new climate model generated by the University of California's Scripps Institution of Oceanography suggests that if current warming trends continue, they could cause a failure in the circulation of the currents in the Atlantic Ocean, in turn leading to a major cooling event in the waters of the North Atlantic. This event was illustrated by Art Bell and Whitley Strieber in their 1999 book, The Coming Global Superstorm.

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8 ene 2017

Stories from a Life Part 5: Current Experiences December 2016

In the latest edition of Stories from a Life, Whitley tells what has been happening to him in recent months. It seems that his encounter experience is now more powerful than it has ever been, even during the early years after the Communion experience on December 26, 1985.

Here, he talks about the visitors, his ongoing relationship with Anne and how to gain access to the vibrant, universally available energies that make ascension to a higher level possible.

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7 ene 2017

Under Spiritual Siege

January 14, 2017
We start Dreamland's Year of the Soul with an exploration of the dark side and how to deal with it. Our world is divided in many ways, but at the core it is divided between people of greed and people of compassion, and there are forces drawing us in both directions.

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Chile: Chilean Navy Chopper Records UAP

Source: Planeta UFO, CEFAA and www.tl13.com
Date: 01.07.2017

Chile: Chilean Navy Chopper Records UFO

A nine-minute long video shows a strange object whose behavior has been hitherto impossible to explain. The case was studied by an agency affiliated to the DGAC.

The Centro de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anormales (CEFAA) and agency attached to the Direccion General de Aeronautica Civil (DGAC) released a video taken by the Chilean Navy showing what has been catalogued as a FANI (Fenomeno Aereo No Identificado - UAP, in English), also known as a UFO.

The recording was made on 11 November 2015 by an Airbus Cougar AS-532 during a coastal fly-over between Viña del Mar and San Antonio. The item's existence was made known through The Huffington Post.

The helicopter carried the pilot, a Navy captain with many years of flight experience, and a technician testing an infrared camera employed in monitoring and surveillance operations.

The helicopter was flying at some 1,300 meters when at 13:52 hours, the technician became aware of a strange object flying to the left of the object, over the ocean. The pilot also so the object, noting that it appeared to be matching the chopper's speed and altitude. The technician aimed the camera at the object and made a close-up with the infrared to see it more clearly.

Shortly after this, the pilot contacted two radar stations, one near the shore and another in Santiago, to report the presence of an unknown aircraft. Neither station was able to detect the object on radar, while tracking the helicopter clearly. The onboard radar was not able to detect the object either.

The pilot made several attempts at making radio contact with the aircraft, but no reply was received.

Air traffic controllers confirmed that there was no air traffic in the area, neither civilian nor military, and that no aircraft had been cleared to fly in that airspace.

The technician recorded the object for nine minutes and twelve seconds, mainly on infrared. This sensor produced a black and white video in which black, white and grey shades are directly related to temperature. IR detects heat, and the hotter the object being recorded, the darker it appears on the image.

Officials seized the recording when they returned to base. The object, they said, vanished into the clouds.

The Navy immediately submitted the images to CEFAA, the agency that took over the investigation.

This body has military, technical and military committees, none of which have been able to explain the nature of the flying object captured in the recording. The agency, says The Huffington Post, publishes the cases it investigates after its research is complete and acknowledges the existence of a UAP when said conclusion is reached.

The media source quotes General Ricardo Bermudez, CEFAA's director, as saying: "We don't know what it was, be we know what it wasn't."
Bermudez described the witnesses to the incident as "highly trained professionals with many years' experience" who had been unable to explain their sighting.

The Navy pilot submitted a written report describing the object as a "flat, elongated structure" with "two exhaust-like heat sources that did not match the axis of movement." The technician also described the object as having a "semi-oval shape".
CEFAA's report also points out that the technician reported seeing "some sort of gas or high reaction expelled on two occasions.'
This event was recorded on minute 8:00 of the recording, where the ejection of a plume of hot material is left in the object's wake while it travels. The plume later blended into the clouds.

CEFAA indicated in its press release that some foreign analysts suggested the hypothesis that it could be some medium-sized airliner and that the wake given off could be reserve water from within the object, jettisoned by the crew. However, meteorology states that neither the altitude at which the object flew, nor the temperature prevailing at the time, would permit the formation of such a condensation wake.

[Translation (c) 2013 by S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to the respective sources]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Perú: Unidentified Flying Object at Pampa Galeras

Source: Alex Sender (ASTROUFO) and Planeta UFO
Date: January 7, 2017
Blog entry by Alex Sender

Perú: Unidentified Flying Object at Pampa Galeras

This photograph was taken last August (2016) by my friend Victor Velasquez, a respected biologist and anomalies investigator, at Pampa Galeras, a wildlife preserve in the heights of Ayacucho, 4000 meters above sea level, on the road linking the cities of Puquio and Nazca (Ica).

Víctpr was engaged in field work that evening, taking advantage of the location's conditions to take photos of the night sky. He would be greatly surprised later, when reviewing the photos taken that night, becoming aware of the presence of a strange, orange-hued, disk shaped object.

An analysis performed on the original photo file (taken with a Canon EOS 60D) clearly shows a disk-shaped object with a smooth surface, having a flattened base within, and a brightly-glowing core. It should be noted that this part of the Andean Zone bordering Nazca and Puquio has been noted for a number of UFO reports.

[Translation (c) 2017 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Alex Sender and Víctor Velásquez]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Chilean Navy Releases Report on High-Quality UFO Video

Chilean authorities have released a remarkable, 9-minute video of an apparent UFO, recorded by two officers aboard a Chilean Navy helicopter. This video is being released after a 2-year investigation by the Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos (CEFAA), the Chilean government's UFO investigative agency, and the Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil (DGAC), Chile's equivalent to the FAA. Despite having been thoroughly investigated by these agencies, their experts were unable to provide an explanation as to what the object in question is.

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6 ene 2017

Puerto Rico: Strange Creature Photographed in Guayama

Source: Facebook
Date: 01/06/2017

Puerto Rico: Strange Creature Photographed in Guayama, Puerto Rico
By José Pérez

This photo was sent to our electronic mailbox without further information. The same was taken on Monday December 25, 2016 at 10:31 p.m., in the Villodas sector of the town of Guayama, Puerto Rico, the same place where in 2013 were reported mysterious mutilations of animals.

In it can be seen what appears to be the dark figure, a hairy creature in front of a drying clothesline. The figure seems to be large.

In the photo above the following comment appears.

"I just saw this at home eating a chicken"

The person, for some reason that we do not know, erased the same a few hours after having published them.

We have no more information about it and prefer to keep the identity of the person anonymous until we can corroborate the veracity of the photo and complement it with the witness's account.

At the moment it continues under the research status.

We want to clarify, that we do not know that it is the figure that is seen in the image, although we have to confess that it is extremely strange and curious we can not affirm that it is one of the anomalous entities that have been reported in countless occasions all around Puerto Rico and around the world.

We compare it to all breeds of dogs registered in the AKC and what you see in the picture does not match any of them. Neither can we identify with any other known animal.

If someone has more information on this subject, please contact me to my Facebook mailbox (JosePerez@Facebook.com_

Also if you want to comment on it, your comments are welcome.

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Conscious Life 2017

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New Cyborg Implant Aims to Reawaken our Sense of our Place on Earth

Most of us are familiar with the theories that as humans, we've lost some a number of the natural senses that our ancient ancestors used to employ, ranging from our current concept of a "sixth sense", to the 360 senses described in ancient Egyptian writings. While many of us get by with only five senses to guide us, a company called Cyborg Nest is developing an implant that will hopefully re-enable one of these ancient abilities.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

5 ene 2017

Argentina: Family Claims Seeing UFO at El Chocón

Source: Planeta UFO, ORBITA CERO and www.lmneuquén.com
Date: 01.04.2017

Argentina: Family Claims Seeing UFO at El Chocón

***Campers see a light that moved and changed shapes***

A family camping at El Chocón on the evening of Saturday, December 31 (2016) claims having seen a UFO floating over the lake. The video they recorded shows a round light that moves and changes shape.

Dario Carrizo, one of the people at the site, said that his wife and a friend recorded a light in the sky for 25 minutes. It moved quickly and changed sizes. They believe it was an unidentified flying object.

"We spent the evening in a rough campground beyond the dam. That's where we saw the light, and it caught our attention, as it was very bright and moved all the time. It was quite striking," Carrizo explained. He further added that the cellphone shows a spinning object, but this detail cannon be made out clearly on YouTube.

He ended by saying that it was a "lovely sight" for the adults, but no so much for the children, who "refused to go to sleep alone."

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/I4XlSXKA5Hk

[Translation (c) 2016 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Luis Emilio Annino and Pepe Freund]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

When is a Comet not a Comet? Asteroid 2016 WF9 Blurs the Line between Comet and Asteroid

 A new asteroid was discovered by the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission in November of 2016, designated 2016 WF9. While the mission finally decided to designate the object as an asteroid a few days later, 2016 WF9 presented an interesting puzzle: while it appears to be a comet in structure, it also lacks the dust and gas cloud that is characteristic of what we expect from comets.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

4 ene 2017

Time Slips and Reality Shifts

Wednesday January 4, 2017
It began with chronic synchronicities and déjà vu. It became slips in time, repeats of events, and shifts into a parallel world almost exactly the same but slightly off. In fact, that world may be our world. And Shawn may not be from here. If he didn't think about that before this interview, he's thinking about it now.

Afterwards, exclusively for subscribers, host Jeremy Vaeni draws upon his own experiences to bring us deep into the controversial question of psychedelics as a possible means for transcendence.

via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

3 ene 2017

Asistimos al enlace entre dos estrellas de la química

Las porfirinas, las mismas moléculas que transportan el oxígeno en la hemoglobina y absorben la luz durante la fotosíntesis, se pueden unir al material del futuro, el grafeno, para dotarlo de nuevas propiedades. Lo acaba de demostrar un equipo de científicos de la Universidad Técnica de Múnich en el que participa una investigadora española. Las estructuras híbridas resultantes se podrían aplicar en el campo de la electrónica molecular y el desarrollo de nuevos sensores. 
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

2 ene 2017

Smog Covers China

Twenty-five cities across northern China are under red pollution alerts, the highest pollution warning in the Chinese system. Due to the thick haze, thousands of flights have been cancelled. Beijing is under a yellow alert, the second highest pollution warning level. The pollution is due to stagnant air hanging over the northern half of the country. The jet stream has dropped down over southern China, as is normal in winter, but the lack of air circulation bordering the stream, coupled with generalized poor pollution controls in factories and power plants throughout China, has led to this extreme situation.

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via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

Nuevos modelos para tratar el cáncer con haces de iones

Investigadores de la Universidad de Alicante han desarrollado una técnica para seguir las trayectorias de los proyectiles de iones sobre cualquier material biológico, como agua líquida, una proteína o ADN. La aplicación de haces de iones de muy alta energía en el tratamiento del cáncer es menos agresiva que la radioterapia convencional.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb