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30 abr 2016
White House Expected to Release Classified 9/11 Information
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The Disclosure Problem
We know for certain that Jimmy Carter promised to tell all prior to entering office, then refused to do so. More recently, he has refused even answer questions about the matter.
Laurence Rockefeller was a passing acquaintance of mine, and we once had a discussion about what happened when he attempted to confront Bill Clinton with the question. Clinton replied, simply, that he couldn’t discuss it.
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29 abr 2016
Clinton Hints at Potential Roadblock to Her UFO Disclosure Plans
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Francisco Sanz y los actores mecánicos
Versión para TecOb del artículo que publiqué en Historia de Iberia Vieja, edición de abril de 2016.
Sanz es un poderoso ventrílocuo. Posee una admirable facilidad para cambiar el metal de voz y dar a cada una de sus marionetas una vida física real, auténtica, palpitante, sugestiva, espiritual. Puede afirmarse que los 25 o 30 autómatas que constituyen su compañía, son seres con un alma propia y con un organismo anatómico semejante al nuestro. Es preciso observar de cerca la complicadísima maquinaria de cada muñeco. (…) No se crea que son figuras con movimientos espasmódicos y de ademanes rígidos. Caminan, bailan, ríen, lloran, fuman y cantan. Hacen lo que hacemos nosotros…
Caras y caretas, edición del 2 de marzo de 1912.
Habitan en el Museu Internacional de Titelles d’Albaida, en Valencia, ciertos personajes que merecen buen recuerdo y que, de haber sido creados en otras tierras, seguramente se encontrarían entre las más reconocidas invenciones ligadas al mundo del espectáculo de toda la historia. Se trata de ciertos autómatas ideados por quien, a decir de Ignacio Ramos Altamira en su libro sobre el personaje que nos ocupa hoy, fue “el mejor ventrílocuo del mundo”, o al menos lo fue en el primer tercio del pasado siglo XX.
La Compañía de actores mecánicos de Francisco Sanz.
Ventrílocuo e inventor
¿Un ventrílocuo inventor? Ciertamente, y a demás de un ingenio sin fin. Francisco Sanz Baldoví, titiritero y artista sin igual, vino al mundo en la valenciana localidad de Anna en 1871, o 1872 según otras fuentes. Menos de siete décadas más tarde, en 1939, justo cuando España se encontraba sumida en las tinieblas de la guerra, el cómico abandonó este mundo. Pero, aunque no fuera larga su vida, sí fue muy intensa. Es una lástima que actualmente apenas sea recordado, porque no se trató de un simple ventrílocuo que animaba marionetas de trapo con una mano ensartada en la espalda del muñeco, nada de eso. Lo más asombroso de Francisco Sanz es que dio vida a toda una compañía de actores mecánicos, verdaderos autómatas de tamaño real que levantaron el asombro de medio mundo en su época.
Los actores mecánicos de Sanz son un prodigio de la ingeniería, que actuaron en decenas de ciudades de España, Portugal y varios países americanos en diversas giras de gran éxito, desde Argentina hasta México, pasando por Brasil, Perú o Cuba. Adelantado a su tiempo, lo suyo no eran simples actuaciones cómicas, sino verdaderos “shows” multimedia, si se me permite la licencia, mezclando en cerca de dos horas de duración todo tipo de números de humor, teatro, canciones, monólogos y hasta recitales de guitarra. En un mundo en el que todavía no había nacido la televisión, las actuaciones del valenciano titiritero eran lo más parecido a un programa de variedades en formato condensado.
Fotograma de la película “Sanz y el secreto de su arte”.
En su niñez el bueno de Sanz ya mostró grandes cualidades artísticas. Cuentan que aprendió a tocar la guitarra, pasión que nunca le abandonó, como autodidacta. En su localidad natal y en los pueblos de los alrededores también desplegó su talento como actor y cómico. Pero lo suyo no era una vocación que fuera por lo convencional dentro del mundo del entretenimiento, no iba a ser cantante, ni músico, ni actor, ni siquiera cómico, él iba a convertirse en una mezcla sobresaliente de todo eso y mucho más, reunido en la figura del ventrílocuo. Lo de ser ventrílocuo se metió en su sangre, y nunca le abandonó, dede que con menos de veinte años de edad pudo contemplar asombrado una actuación de ese tipo. Quedó pasmado, literalmente, tanto que decidió ir por ese camino a partir de entonces.
Interior de uno de los actores mecánicos.
Al poco podemos encontrar a Sanz como cantante cómico en varios teatros de la capital valenciana. En 1900 contrae matrimonio con Pepita Sols, igualmente natural de Anna, unión que tendrá como fruto tres hijos. Su fama como comediante se va extendiendo y comienza a actuar en importantes locales de Barcelona. Finalmente, en 1902, la vida de Francisco Sanz cambia para siempre. Fue a finales de abril de ese año cuando su deseo de tantos años, el convertirse en ventrílocuo, se convirtió en realidad. De una primera actuación en Alcoy, pasa a representar su espectáculo de monólogos y ventriloquía en Alicante. Sus primeros muñecos le acompañan por Valencia y Barcelona, mientras se dedica a estudiar guitarra con gran provecho, bajo las enseñanzas de Francisco Tárrega. En 1905 es contratado por el Circo Alegría para recorrer toda España, su estrella estaba en ascenso y, al año siguiente, se presenta en teatros de Madrid donde logra tal éxito que puede a partir de ese momento salir de gira nacional con su propia compañía. De esa época data su amistad y relación profesional con el mecánico Lorenzo Mataix, de quien no se despegará en las siguientes décadas de éxito en éxito.
La Compañía de actores mecánicos
Toda España conocía ya las aventuras de Sanz y su compañía cómica, aparecía por doquier en la prensa y era, literalmente, uno de los más famosos personajes de su tiempo. Había llegado el momento de saltar la frontera. En 1910 actúa en Lisboa y en otras ciudades portuguesas. Un año después le podemos encontrar con uno de sus primeros autómatas en el Circo Prince. Actúa en Barcelona y comienza a grabar discos. Todo lo que toca se convierte en oro, sus actuaciones, ya sean en directo o “enlatadas” se hacen célebres. Todo estaba preparado para su salto a América, continente al que viaja entre gran éxito en varias ocasiones.
Sanz en pleno espectáculo.
Sus muñecos no eran simples “peleles”, tenían algo muy especial, y ahí es donde entraba la necesidad de contar con un equipo técnico y mecánico adecuado. Ahí estaba cierta especie de orador sabelotodo que asombraba al público, o famoso Frey Volt, o el muñeco Don Liborio. Aquellos y otros muñecos a los que daba vida y voz el genial Francisco Sanz tenían su hogar en tiempos de la Gran Guerra en un taller del Teatro Ruzafa de Valencia. Ahí nacía la magia, aquella sorprendente mezcla de tecnología y arte escénico que levantó pasiones en teatros de medio mundo, que entretuvo a la familia real en Madrid y que, además, sirvió de ingrediente principal para una película.
Sí, en 1918 ve la luz una película muda que se creyó perdida hasta épocas recientes. Se trata de “Sanz y el secreto de su arte”, una extraña mezcla de documental y obra teatral que tiene como protagonistas a los actores mecánicos de Sanz. Dirigida por Maximiliano Thous, aparece en ella Francisco Sanz mostrando los secretos que daban vida a sus queridos muñecos. Una lástima que, al ser película muda, no quede registro del sonido y de sus explicaciones de viva voz. Gracias a la labor de la Filmoteca de la Generalidad Valenciana, se pudo recuperar esta joya en 1997.
Curiosamente, la idea de grabar una película sobre sus muñecos parece que llegó por culpa de una afonía que afectó al artista en 1917. Al tener que pasar menos tiempo actuando como ventrílocuo, mientras se recuperaba, fue preparando junto con el director lo que se convirtió en una de las películas más avanzadas de su época. Sanz y el mecánico Mataix mostraban en pantalla los detalles que habían especiales a esos entrañables muñecos. Actuaban Panchito, Melanio, Juanito, don Liborio, Fulgencio, Lucinda y, como no, Frey Volt, entre muchos otros. ¡Era toda una familia de autómatas! Todos ellos con su propia personalidad y dotados de movimientos asombrosos. No debe extrañar que, por ejemplo, las manos completamente articuladas de Frey Volt y su capacidad gestual, propia de un avanzado robot, fueran considerados como la más adelantada muestra del arte de los automátas jamás vista.
Pasado del estreno de la película, continúa Sanz con sus giras, sin pausa. Viaja de nuevo por toda España, para saltar incluso a Orán, en Argelia. En París intenta abrir nuevos caminos pero no consigue el éxito esperado. Una última gira americana será su broche de oro a una carrera sin fin que termina en el silencio en su natal Anna en 1939. España no estaba por entonces para mucha comedia y la oscuridad de ese tiempo acabó son el recuerdo del gran Francisco Sanz en muy poco tiempo.
Mucho más que simples muñecos
¿Qué hace de los autómatas de la Compañía de actores mecánicos algo tan especial? Aquellos muñecos capaces de tener vida propia, con diversas voces que surgían del ventrílocuo prodigioso que era Sanz, asombraron al público porque parecían realmente seres humanos y no máquinas o marionetas.
Desde su época de transformista, en obras como el célebre monólogo “Oratoria de Fin de Siglo”, Sanz quiso ir más allá de la simple actuación cómica. De su esfuerzo y con ayuda de su mecánico personal, fue creando una familia de auténticos robots, muy alejados del clásico muñeco de ventrílocuo. Los actores mecánicos eran externamente similares a otros muñecos de su época, cada cual con su decoración apropiada al carácter que se quería dar a cada uno de los personajes. Ahora bien, toda la compañía estaba unida a una especie de armadura invisible, que era controlada por Sanz con sus pies. Los muñecos estaban articulados, de tal manera que podían mover los brazos, girar la cabeza y realizar gestos. Al hablar, siguiendo el ritmo impreso por Sanz como ventrílocuo, parecían expresarse como si estuvieran vivos. En algunos casos, como por ejemplo con el muñeco de Don Liborio, además de ser controlado por medio de un ingenioso sistema que conectaba a Sanz con el personaje, también podía realizar algunos movimientos de forma autónoma. Esto convertía la actuación en algo siempre espontáneo y cercano al comportamiento de un ser humano.
Cada “actor” tenía su propio carácter y movimientos propios.
Bajo la cobertura del muñeco aparece un armazón de madera, completamente articulado, dotado de mecanismos de varillas metálicas pensados para desarrollar toda clase de movimientos naturales. No era simplemente una colección de dos o tres giros, sino que podía imitar comportamientos realmente complejos. He ahí, junto con su habilidad como comediante, ventrílocuo y guitarrista, la clave del éxito de Sanz. Él y sus muñecos eran uno solo en el escenario, y todo discurría con tal naturalidad que causaba asombro. Los rostros de los autómatas más perfeccionados de la compañía eran algo increíble. Dentro de sus cabezas habitaban complejos sistemas de relojería capaces de controlar el movimiento de los ojos, los párpados, la boca… ¡incluso alguno de ellos podía fumar!
Aunque ya ha pasado casi un siglo, podemos contemplar hoy día la película que Sanz nos legó en 1918, en la que se observa el comportamiento casi humano de sus compañeros mecánicos. Puede que en nuestro mundo saturado de robótica y de efectos especiales no tengan nada de especial y resulten arcaicos pero, cuando se piensa que estos autómatas están creados a principios del siglo XX, el logro ser convierte en algo digno de mención y de recuerdo.
Francisco Sanz y los actores mecánicos apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 29 abril 2016.
via Tecnología Obsoleta
28 abr 2016
Where the Imaginal and the Actual Coalesce
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Awakening Part 13: Using Sacred Energies of the Earth
If ever there was a reminder of just how powerful we are as creatures of this universe, it is this edition of Awakening.
As always, Whitley stands ready to engage with you and answer your questions to the best of his ability. He can be reached at
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Lost Knowledge, Hidden Meanings
Can those insights be restored, and with them an understanding of our planet and our connection to it that has been lost for millennia?
The mission of Dreamland and Unknowncountry is awakening. This interview takes a big step in that direction.
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Lanzado el observatorio UFFO para estudiar los eventos más energéticos del universo
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
Magnetizan grafeno con átomos de hidrógeno
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Magnetizan al grafeno con átomos de hidrógeno
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
27 abr 2016
Brain Implant Enables Quadriplegic Man Use of his Hand
Ian Burkhart, now 24, broke his neck six years ago in a swimming accident, resulting in his paralysis. Two years ago, he underwent the procedure to have an implant inserted into his brain's motor cortex, where the device picks up on the signals that would ordinarily be sent to the rest of his body to activate his muscles.
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Una nueva tinta imprime circuitos electrónicos
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26 abr 2016
Lake Michigan Megaliths may Date Back to the Last Ice Age
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Chernóbil, treinta años después
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25 abr 2016
Saturn's Cassini Probe Offers New Clues for Planet Nine's Location
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23 abr 2016
Building the Bridge between the Worlds
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22 abr 2016
Megalithic Bosnian Sphere May Be World's Oldest
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Un mensaje de 1906 que llega tarde
Ver aquí.
via Alamut
El sorpresivo botín de la "gata ladrona" de Nueva Zelanda
Se trata de una gata tokinesa, una mezcla de razas siamesa y birmana.
Su dueña, Sarah Nathan, documentó la extraña obsesión de su felino en una publicación de la red social Facebook, altamente compartida.
Ver aquí.
via Alamut
Divisan una jirafa blanca en Kenia
Decían que tenía el pelaje absolutamente blanco y sin ninguna de las manchas características de la especie. Los rumores llegaron a oídos de voluntarios de Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT), entre ellos el fotógrafo Jamie Manuel, quien sintió muchas ganas de comprobar si la historia era cierta.
Así, a fines de marzo, Manuel se unió a un grupo de guardabosques con el objetivo de encontrar al extraño animal. De esta manera, se internaron por vastas extensiones de matorrales espinosos y pudieron avistar a diversos animales, entre ellos cebras y búfalos.
Era una tarea difícil, pero como los pastores locales habían escuchado sobre la búsqueda, los ayudaban indicándoles dónde habían visto por última vez a la extraña jirafa. De esta manera, al segundo día dieron con ella.
La jirafa blanca se encontraba en un claro del bosque pastando junto a otros 20 miembros de su manada (...)"
Ver aquí.
via Alamut
Cierran tres días un colegio por la aparición de un fantasma
Según informa la BBC en su página web, la escuela está situada en una región con un profundo arraigo religioso. «Nuestros alumnos fueron poseidos y molestados por espíritus. No estamos seguros de por qué ha pasado», ha dicho Astro Awani, profesora del centro.
La situación llegó a tal extremo que, según publica 'The Star', el colegio permaneció cerrado tres días, durante los cuales dejaron trabajar a un grupo de chamanes y varios especialistas y religiosos musulmanes. A pesar de ello, se han repetido las denuncias por nuevos casos de posesiones en esa y otras escuelas de la región. Los relatos de los testigos apuntan a una fuerza «invisible» que inmovilizó a las víctimas en el suelo o la sensación de tener las manos petrificadas y la cabeza."
Visto aquí.
via Alamut
21 abr 2016
Of Magick and Madness
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Wild Tiger Numbers Increase for the First Time in over a Century
"This offers us great hope and shows that we can save species and their habitats when governments, local communities and conservationists work together," says Marco Lambertini, director general of WWF international.
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Obtienen bioplásticos con el cangrejo rojo americano
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
20 abr 2016
Two Major 7.0 Earthquakes Strike Within Two Days: Are They Connected?
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19 abr 2016
Awakening Part 11: Sunday with Anne
Whitley was having lunch with Marla Frees and Dreamland Subscriber Fontaine when she suddenly began channeling through Whitley. The information was full of wisdom, but most remarkable was how Marla instantly detected Anne's presence even before Whitley mentioned that she was there.
Listen as Marla describes how she did this, and Whitley and Marla discuss channeling in general, and some very wise things Anne said during the exchange.
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The View Across the Bridge
This is not the near-death experience, but something that is so poorly understood that it doesn't even have a name.
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The Groundhog Bought an Air Conditioner: February 2016 Continued to Break Temperature Records
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Nuevas claves del fondo cósmico gamma
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Unprecedented Rain Floods Houston 5 Dead
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Nuevo método combinado para clasificar vinos blancos
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Black Holes Offer a New Surprise: They All Spin in the Same Direction
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16 abr 2016
Soul Traps
Over the past thirty years, I have often been the victim of social engineering.
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15 abr 2016
More Sates Sign Onto Investigation into Exxon Mobil's Climate Change Cover-up
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Logran superconductividad en materiales análogos al grafeno
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14 abr 2016
Global Warming is Changing the Way the Earth Rotates
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Start Your Day with a Glowing Green...Something
The couple who took photos of it live in Scotland in two old cottages, and saw the glow outside, then went out and took the pictures. There are a number of shots showing the object moving away from the photographer. A UAP was also seen in the area at the same time, and imaged on a cellphone, although this video is not presently available.
This sighting is rated A--Probable Unknown.
Photo by Amanda Linney
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Peru: Alleged UFO Recorded Over Peasant Community
Source: (Peru)
Date: 04.13.2016
Peru: Alleged UFO Recorded Over Peasant Community
Text: Juan Sequeiros, Photos: Raul Puma
Early this morning, common tenants of the locality of Pucyura in Vilcabamba (Cusco, Peru) saw a UFO. Reporter Raul Puma managed to record it on video, claiming nothing like this has ever been seen before in the area.
"I managed to record it at approximately 07:30 hours, but the object was flying over the vicinity of Habaspata since much earlier. At times it would approach and withdraw from where we were. It made no noise whatsoever and suddenly vanished into the clouds," he said.
What exactly was caught on video remains hitherto unknown. However, weather balloons employed for meteorological testing are sometimes mistaken for flying saucers.
The authorities have not made any statement about such a device being launched in the area in question.
[Translation (c) 2016, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
España y Japón acuerdan instalar cuatro nuevos telescopios en La Palma
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
John Podesta Says the American Public Can Handle Disclosure
Podesta is currently Clinton's campaign chairman, and says he intends to hold her to her promise of disclosure if she is elected. He also feels the public is ready for disclosure: "The U.S. government could do a much better job in answering the legitimate questions that people have about what's going on with unidentified aerial phenomena, and the American people can handle the truth, so they should just do a thorough search, and open it up."
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13 abr 2016
Just a Little Cabin in the Woods...
There was no indication of a trail of any kind leading away from the site. The owner of the cabin, and the materials and contents, have never again been found.
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Nordic Blond Takeover Part 1
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Jugadores ‘online’ resuelven problemas complejos de física cuántica
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El proyecto de Hawking y Milner para llegar a Alfa Centauri
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El proyecto de Hawkings y Milner para llegar a Alfa Centauri
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
El proyecto de Hawkings y Milner para llegar a Alpha Centauri
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El proyecto de Hawkings para llegar a Alpha Centauri
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
El Hubble ofrece nuevas pistas sobre la formación de sistemas planetarios
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
No Question Now: Something Unusual in the Thames
Is it a hoax? That seems increasingly unlikely, despite the original sighting on April 1. It is probably a sea creature of some kind that does not usually appear in these waters, but until there is some sort of identification, it remains an unknown.
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12 abr 2016
Ancient Yellowstone Eruptions have been Found to be Bigger than Previously Thought
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Revelations of the Ruby Crystal
mind-opening and
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Simulaciones para analizar la presencia de nanotubos en la membrana celular
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
El vapor de los cigarrillos electrónicos produce tres veces menos partículas que el humo del tabaco
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
Aussie Surfers Develop Ocean-Filtering 'Seabin'
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11 abr 2016
Detectan regiones del cerebro que se activan en los matemáticos
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
Nuevo Programa de Radio: La Cabra Aborigen Canaria
Suena a broma, y quienes siguen habitualmente Crónicas de San Borondón saben que somos capaces de relativizar y bromear sobre casi todo….¿cabras en Marte?…habrá que esperar al programa de este viernes en Canarias Radio La Autonómica para salir de dudas y aclarar sí hemos perdido la poca cordura que nos mantiene dóciles, o sí nos hemos vuelto rematadamente “guaniles” Gustavo Sánchez, nuestro biólogo de cabecera, en su sección El Gabinete de las Maravillas, está empeñado en hablarnos de cabras en la emisión que arranca a las 22:30 horas, así que será mejor que le dejemos y pongamos toda nuestra atención antes de continuar prejuiciando.
Enlace descarga:
Archivado en: Actualidad General
via Esencia21 Blog
Un isótopo del calcio guarda el secreto de la masa del neutrino
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
9 abr 2016
Thoughts on the October 1974 Fighter-UFO Events
Thoughts on the October 1974 Fighter-UFO Events
By Scott Corrales
Like many readers of Inexplicata, I had not read of the unusual events involving Lt. Van Deer and Capt. Isern until I translated them yesterday. Our thanks to Silvia Pérez Simondini for making this information available to the UFO community.
Reports involving pilots – whether civilian or military – and aerial anomalies have always been of interest to me, and we have tried to showcase them whenever possible. They bring to mind the excellent articles of Martin Caidin, Emil Schumacher Richard Haines and other authors of yesteryear who first brought such experiences to our attention.
There is another aspect that is as perplexing as Captain Isern’s disappearance before hitting the waters of the Paraná River: the order given to dive into the cloud formation and ferret out whatever was inside. It brings to mind a WW 2 – era incident that I wrote about for Timothy Green Beckley’s UFO Universe in the early 1990s, reproduced below:
“During World War II, both Allied and German aviators had close encounters with unknown aircraft. The following incident appeared in La Nature, a French scientific magazine:
"It took place in Le Mans at the start of the summer of 1941...The Luftwaffe had occupied the old Le Mans airfield at the La Sarthe circuit and was stationing many Messerschmitt 109 fighters--not very fast vehicles, but highly maneuverable ones. The German pilots were kept in constant state of readiness, and I had the opportunity to witness a number of Messerschmitt flight squadron maneuvers in broad daylight.
"The weather was splendid, and as far as I can recall, it was a Sunday. At around 1300 hours, the skies were clear and only a few large cumuli could be seen at quite a distance from each other. Toward that time, the entire city heard the roar of the airplanes flying at full speed, and I was able to ascertain at the time that the cause for alarm appeared to be within one of the large cumulus clouds, which at the time was slowly passing over the airfield. One could see the Messerschmitts flying around the cloud, diving into it, shooting up out of it, or emerging from it sideways before engaging in the same maneuver again. It was a spectacular performance to watch, but it must have been terribly dangerous for the pilots. Was this an exercise ordered by the base commandant or an alert? I never found out, but it was interesting to see the looks of terror on the faces of the German soldiers and officers that comprised the city garrison as they followed the spectacle from the windows of their homes.
"I was then able to observe how the cloud, whose base upon its arrival was 900 feet high to a maximum height of 3000 feet, began to grow, and when it cleared the airport to move away from the city, had acquired the shape of a very tall pyramid with perfectly clear outlines. Its sharp apex must have been at an altitude of some 10000 feet, judging by its visible height over the horizon and its probable location over the terrain. My vantage point was some 2 miles away from the airfield, and the cloud was some 3 miles away while I watched its apex."
The phenomenon of anomalous objects concealed behind clouds did not remain safely consigned to the chronicles of a war that took place over seventy years ago. As recently as 2015, videos were posted to the Internet showing enigmatic solid forms emerging from clouds over Santiago de Cali, Colombia ( Photos taken in the late 1990s showed similar structures at the leading edge of storms, photos of which appeared in the United Kingdom’s UFO Reality magazine. Other videos have gone as far as to suggest that the objects create clouds around themselves a sort of camouflage ( of the legendary Fort Belvoir UFO of September 1957, photographed by an Army private. The black, annular object became "engulfed in white smoke", but not before a series of photos could be taken of it with a trusty Brownie camera. The Fort Belvoir incident became one of the key items of the Condon Commission's report.
However, before we start conjuring up visions of alien scout ships distracting human onlookers with smokescreens, the natural world also gives us creatures like the octopus, who employs a jet of ink to distract pursuers. The “critters” put forth by Trevor James Constable in the ‘60s (the concept of UFOs as “sky animals”) might not be so off-base after all, or the notion of “atmospheric fish” in Vincent H. Gaddis’s Mysterious Fires and Lights. “I suggest, therefore, that at least some of the UFOs are atmospheric fish or ‘electro-animals’ as I prefer to call them.” (Gaddis, p.94)
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
8 abr 2016
The Building Blocks for Life Have Been Created in a Lab-Grown Comet
In 2014, the Philae lander touched down on the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, and during it's investigation of the comet's chemical makeup, it detected the presence of 16 types of organic compounds. These findings prompted the development of an organics detector for the lander, which led to experiments that simulated the chemical makeup and environmental conditions of the comet to determine what could be found there.
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La asombrosa aventura de Sugita Genpaku
Versión para TecOb de un texto que publiqué en la revista iHstoria en 2014, a raíz de una conversación reciente en la que se mencionó al increíble Sugita Genpaku y… hay que reconocerlo, varios de los presentes no terminaban de creer que algo así fuera posible, menos mal que la documentación es bastante tozuda.
El aprendizaje de un idioma que no sea el propio se convierte muchas veces en barrera infranqueable para gran número de personas. Ahora bien, hay ocasiones en las que aprender una lengua puede suponer la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte, entre la oscuridad y el conocimiento. He aquí el sorprendente caso de Sugita Genpaku, el médico japonés que, junto con sus compañeros, tuvo que enfrentarse a un reto asombroso como fue el traducir una lengua que desconocía sin tener acceso a maestros ni diccionarios adecuados.
Contacto prohibido
La historia de las relaciones entre Japón y occidente está repleta de acercamientos, desencuentros, conflictos y desconfianzas. Todavía hoy Japón vive en un extraño estado mental en el que lo más occidental y “moderno” se une a la tradición más ancestral. Desde que a mediados del siglo XVI los portugueses tuvieran los primeros encuentros con Japón, introduciendo de paso las armas de fuego, los contactos con Japón no dejaron de ir en aumento. Al poco llegaron los ingleses y no mucho más tarde tuvo lugar la primera misión japonesa en Europa, allá por el año 1582. Fue la época en que se desarrolló el comercio con los españoles llegados de las Filipinas. La crónica de los contactos con europeos parecía marchar por caminos venturosos, aunque siempre conflictivos, hasta que en 1600 llegó a Japón el primer barco holandés. Y, en ese punto, la cosa comenzó a torcerse de mala manera para el comercio entre estos dos mundos. En 1616 se prohibió el comercio con cualquier barco, salvo con los chinos. Sólo se permitió el comercio con occidente en el puerto de Hirado, en Nagasaki. La situación fue empeorando con la retirada de los ingleses y la posterior prohibición del comercio con España y Portugal. En pocos años Japón pasó a convertirse en un país completamente aislado del mundo, situación que se mantuvo casi sin cambios hasta bien entrado el siglo XIX.
Sólo había un lugar en todo el Japón de aquella época de aislamiento en el que se podían ver barcos occidentales, era la isla artificial de Deshima, en Nagasaki. Eso sí, sólo se permitían barcos holandeses, que mantuvieron un tráfico regular de mercancías, a modo de concesión o monopolio con Japón, desde 1641 hasta 1853 o lo que es igual, gran parte del periodo Edo. Ningún occidental que no fuera holandés podía negociar nada con Japón aunque, claro está, por muy holandés que uno fuera tampoco podías visitar el interior del país, pues era terreno vedado a los extranjeros. Así estaban las cosas, con los holandeses y sus barcos en Deshima y sin ningún contacto japonés con los occidentales. La razón del bloqueo interior es un tanto oscura, pero se sabe que Deshima estaba pensada originalmente para acomodar navíos españoles y portugueses, además de ingleses y holandeses eventualmente. Sin embargo, una rebelión que tuvo lugar en 1637, aparentemente apoyada por portugueses y españoles, fue abortada con apoyo de los holandeses, que se ganaron el puesto monopolista del comercio con occidente. La Compañía Neerlandesa de las Indias Orientales instaló su base de operaciones en Deshima por orden del Shogun, abandonando el puerto de Hirado, en mayo de 1641.
Sugita Genpaku en 1812.
La odisea del atlas de anatomía holandés
Con los holandeses en Deshima como único vínculo material con occidente, las relaciones exteriores de Japón se limitaban a sus vecinos, sobre todo China y Corea, aunque tampoco es que fuera algo muy fluido. En este marco de aislamiento es donde vivió Sugita Genpaku, médico japonés que, siendo ya octogenario, decidió escribir una especie de autobiografía, Rangaku Kotohajime, en la que desveló un secreto guardado durante décadas. Genpaku, nacido en 1733 y fallecido en 1817, tuvo ocasión de asistir a una autopsia singular en 1771, un hecho que le cambió para siempre.
El cuerpo objeto de la autopsia pertenecía a una mujer ejecutada a causa algún delito del que ya no queda recuerdo. La oportunidad para Sugita Genpaku y otros médicos era única, pues existía cierto tabú hacia la manipulación de cadáveres que, siendo el cuerpo de una criminal, podía pasarse por alto. Los médicos contaban con todo el bagaje chino tradicional, pero además les había llegado cierta información por parte de los holandeses que deseaban poner en práctica. Además, habían logrado hacerse con un atlas anatómico muy detallado, obra del anatomista alemán Johann Adam Kulmus.
Al abrir el cadáver de la desdichada mujer se abrió todo un nuevo mundo para aquellos médicos japoneses. Las láminas del libro holandés mostraban con minucioso detalle la localización de los órganos, pero poco de aquello concordaba con los conocimientos tradicionales que les habían enseñado. El saber chino ancestral no se acercaba ni de lejos al nivel de precisión que mostraba la medicina occidental, estaban completamente desconcertados. Para aquellos médicos el libro de los holandeses se convirtió en una joya sin igual, por lo que Sugita Genpaku y sus compañeros decidieron embarcarse en una aventura con el objetivo de extraer todo el conocimiento que allí se encontraba oculto. Si, en efecto, oculto porque aunque las láminas eran claras, los textos estaban escritos en holandés y ellos no tenían ni idea del holandés escrito, si acaso lograban entender palabras en una conversación con comerciantes holandeses, pero no entendían la grafía del alfabeto ni la gramática.
El resultado de la aventura fue un nuevo libro, el Kaitai shinsho o “Nuevo libro de anatomía”, fruto de cuatro intensos años de trabajo traduciendo el libro holandés, un volumen que llevó la anatomía occidental a Japón por primera ven en su historia. Pero claro, la cosa tenía mucha miga porque, ¿cómo narices se puede traducir algo del holandés si no se tiene ni idea del idioma, ni diccionarios adecuados ni maestros? Ahí está el mérito.
Fragmento del Kaitai shinsho.
La excepcional autopsia de 1771 les había demostrado que el milenario saber anatómico chino no se ajustaba a la realidad, mientras que aquello mostrado en las láminas del libro holandés era asombrosamente exacto. La traducción del holandés al japonés se impuso como algo vital para poder avanzar hacia una mejor práctica médica. El equipo médico trazó un plan magistral, llevado a cabo con rigor y pasión. Al cabo de los años, preguntando a los holandeses, consultado un pequeño libro de citas y haciendo verdadera ingeniería inversa sin saber hablar holandés, consiguieron traducir aquellos extraños garabatos que para nosotros son tan comunes y dieron vida a la nueva anatomía japonesa, basada ahora en la occidental.
Aquel libro escrito por un anatomista alemán, traducido al holandés, llevado a Japón y convertido tras miles de horas de trabajo en un manual de anatomía precisa para médicos japoneses fue, en la práctica, el primer libro occidental traducido al japonés, escrito con el método caligráfico chino del kanbun. Pero, además, dado que muchos de los órganos y detalles anatómicos descritos en la obra de Kulmus no tenían equivalente en japonés, porque no sabían hasta entonces que existían, pasaron a formar parte del idioma japonés como palabras importadas de su equivalente holandés o, mejor dicho, de su sonido.
Más información:
La asombrosa aventura de Sugita Genpaku apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 8 abril 2016.
via Tecnología Obsoleta
Argentina: Pilots vs. UFOs – Rosario, Santa Fe, October 1974
Source: VISION OVNI and Planeta UFO
Date: 04.08.2016
Argentina: Pilots vs. UFOs – Rosario, Santa Fe, October 1974
By Silvia Pérez Simondini
The First Accident – 23 October 1974 – Lt. Van Deer
Two accidents, which remained unexplained to this day, took place on two different days during the month of October 1974, during test flights commemorating the 26th Aeronautics and Space Week.
On Wednesday the 23rd of that month, a Douglas A-4B “Skyhawk” fighter bomber, manned by Lt. Jose Van Deer, crashed in the vicinity of Maria Teresa to the south of Santa Fe Province. The pilot managed to activate his ejection seat, thus saving his life.
According to information provided by a “duly identified person living in the city of Venado Tuerto”, a group of isolated witnesses claimed seeing a large object only moments before the accident. Even farmers herding their animals confirmed the presence of an airplane – a military one – that appeared to be escorted by an enormous ** metallic disk ** that vanished in a matter of seconds. In the light of this situation, military authorities commenced the pertinent investigations in order to ascertain what the witnesses had seen, and to the greatest extent possible, identify the “strange vehicle” that local residents had connected to the airplane accident.
The unusual attitude taken by Lt. Van Deer is also curious. In his nervous phone conversation from the María Teresa train station, he employed such expressions as “mechanical difficulties brought about by magnetic phenomena.” There was talk among train station employees – based on information given by Van Deer himself, that within the cockpit, the entire airplane was magnetized.
Some of the fragmented parts of the phone conversation between the pilot and members of the Argentinean Air Force was picked up by a yard control dispatcher at the Belgrano “Rosario Norte” Train Station. Utmost secrecy surrounded the event. However, as the witness had been ordered, he took great care not to disclose what he knew, yet weeks later, he was removed from service, abruptly and inexplicably.
The Second Accident – 24 October 1974 – Capt. Eduardo Isern
Next I shall describe the investigations of researcher Nicolás Ojeda, who donated all his files to our team. His painstaking work should not go unacknowledged.
Linking a series of events are not enough to prove that tragedy did not play a role. Rather, there appears to have been an unknown factor that served as the cause and source of the victim’s physical disappearance.
According to reliable witnesses, the pilot’s body vanished before it hit the waters of the Paraná River.
The source of this information (which I wish to keep anonymous, for safety reasons) refused to identify himself publicly, but he is very well known to the author of this investigation.
At his place of residence, he disclosed other key details which he promise to retell in a manuscript, which he did the other day, and which is in the possession of Nicolás Ojeda. Through family friends, it later became known that after the accident, the stepmother received a letter in the pilot’s own writing, telling her, among other things, that he was doing fine and would soon return. As can be imagined, the fact was reported to the aeronautical authorities. An investigation was undertaken, and by means of an expert graphologist, it was ascertained that the letter had been written by none other than Captain Isern himself.
The accident occurred as a result of a turbine failure on the Douglas A-4B Isern was flying during tests before the Argentinean Air Force Day parade, which would take place in the vicinity of the Monument to the Flag.
Aware of the failure, and hoping to avoid a catastrophe, such as would have occurred if the fighter fell over the city, Captain Isern pointed his vehicle toward the river, heading for the island area. He ejected from the cockpit before the fighter reached the coast.
His parachute deployed immediately, but did not unfurl completely. The pilot apparently fell into the river ensnared by the chute.
Official reports said he was dragged by the waters, from which he never emerged in spite of the intense searches conducted. He was seen to fall in the vicinity of Espinillo and some 300 meters from the shore. An imprint measuring 7 meters long, 0.80 meters wide and half a meter deep ending in a deep crater, showed the place where the fighter, now unmanned, had hit the ground, sliding to explosion.
Captain Isern was a native of Rosario and was 30 years old at the time of the accident. He was married to Maria del Carmen Alvarez Conde. A considerable number of witnesses were at hand, and I have their names, but cannot release them without their consent. Each of them provided a statement claiming to have observed what happened clearly, but one of these accounts prompted Nicolás Ojeda to look more thoroughly into all the details.
Mr. HHR, a resident of Rosario, was on a balcony in his building as did everyone who lived in tall buildings at that time. His account reads as follows:
“The incredible took place there. Suddenly, a dim but compact light began to cover the pilot’s feet, creating the sensation that he was entering into it. While this occurred, his body partially vanished, until it disappeared altogether. When everything seemed to be over, the parachute that kept him aloft jerked upward, then began descending in a smooth, spiral, and bobbing manner.”
Following this incredible scene, the last thing he was able to see was the parachute sinking into the river’s waters, and nothing more.
The witness, in spite of finding himself in a stressful state, declared:
1) I have not been the victim of an optical illusion. I know what I saw and what I witnessed.
2) I have no idea what might have occurred. All I know, and am fully certain, is that hapless pilot **never hit the water**
3) To observe this, I made use of binoculars of the same type employed by the military.
I decided to file away Captain Isern’s case for a while until I could obtain some element that would provide further proof.
It is hard for me to understand that at the moment when the tragedy unfolded (according to a local radio station) a group of Douglas A4B’s from the Fifth Air Brigade at Villa Reynolds in San Luis – a total of 6 – flew straight toward a cloud formation.
When the fighters reached the cloud, they began flying around it as though trying to find something inside it. After a few minutes, they finally decided to penetrate it, engaging in very risky maneuvers.
Moments later, they gave up on these maneuvers and headed for the Paraná River in a single file. All that was in the sky at that moment was the cloud formation.
I can assure that there are many more elements to be investigated. I have decided not to disclose them now, as they are sensitive and could compromise certain individuals. This is one of the cases that moved me deeply, and was of little interest to researchers.
All I know is that I will follow up on some compelling clues, tracking down the addresses and names in my possession. May this case be remembered as a tribute to an Argentinean pilot, lest he be forgotten.
[Translation © 2016, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Silvia & Andrea Pérez Simondini, Nicolas Ojeda and Guillermo Giménez]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
7 abr 2016
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via Matemáticas, Física y Química
5 abr 2016
New Study Highlights the Risk of a Solar Superflare
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Chile: Pilots Discuss UFO Sightings at FIDAE
Source: Publimetro and PLANETA UFO
Date: April 5, 2016
Chile: Pilots Discuss UFO Sightings at FIDAE
The eyewitness accounts formed part of a seminar organized by the Comité de Estudios de Fenomenos Aereos Anomalos (CEFAA) of the Chilean Air Force during the international aeronautical gathering.
Professional pilots delivered impressive testimony on the maneuvers of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in Peru and Argentina as part of a seminar organized by the Chilean Air Force (FaCH)'s CEFAA, a sort of Chilean Blue Book that compiles background information on these elusive sightings.
Among the cases discussed was one by Oscar Santa Maria, Commander (Ret.) of the Peruvian Air Force (FAP), who retold an encounter with a mysterious flying object that even included gunfire.
The former officer said he received the order to intercept and bring down a strange vehicle flying in the vicinity of the sensitive La Joya air force base in southern Peru on 11 April 1980, due to a concern that it could be an espionage drone. Closing in on the object, the pilot opened fire with the guns of his Sukhoi SU-22 fighter-bomber.
"The object - which should have exploded or taken damage - showed no apparent damage, and pulled away at very high speed instead," he explained.
Santa Maria calculated that the UFO climbed to an 11,000 meter altitude at a speed of some 900 kmh.
"The object, which was standing still, climbed rapidly and left me behind," he described in a statement to the 24 horas TV channel.
Another encounter was the one described by Capt. Jorge Polanco, a civil aviator who observed a mysterious object measuring 30 meters in diameter 21 years ago while at the throttle of a Boeing 727.
"We saw the object first near the airport. I asked the tower to identify if it was some airliner, because we were on a collision course," he noted. "The tower replied that it had no aircraft in that sector. Then the UFO came and set itself on our right, little more than 30 meters from the Boeing 727's wing."
The pilot described the UFO as "an inverted soup bowl measuring 30 meters in diameter, solidly built, with intense green lights that dimmed at times. An orange light sat on the upper section, with a rhythm suggesting there was something alive, something that could breathe."
(Note: The FIDAE International Air and Space Fair was held this year from 03.31.16 to 04.03.16 at the Arturo Merino Benitez Airport of the city of Santiago de Chile - SC)
[Translation (c) 2016 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
4 abr 2016
Same Problem, Different Effects: Two Temperature Consequences from the Ends of the Earth
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Peru: Former Head of State Openly Discusses UFOs? and Planeta UFO
Date: 04.02.2016
Peru: Former Head of State Openly Discusses UFOs?
MEXICO CITY - Former president and current presidential candidate Alejandro Toledo shook his country's news media in a press conference when he confessed to discussing UFOs with the international media.
"I was interviewed by CNN on a subject that would be considered outlandish, seemingly proper of the realm of science fiction, but it isn't: extraterrestrials."
As of the end of this edition, this interview has not been made public, and some have described it as an attention-getter in the midst of the country's political season.
When UFO researchers in Peru were asked about these statements, they admitted to not having more information on the subject, but are certain that a number of UFO sightings took place during the term of President Alberto Fujimori from 1990 to 2000.
One of the most memorable ones took place on 7 December 1991 at 21:00 hours, when the presence of a UFO was reported over Laguna de Charo, located in the city of Iquitos in the Peruvian Amazon. The military staff accompanying the president looked on in bemusement.
"Fujimori as well as the military watched as an enormous object flew over the lagoon before fleeing the area, passing over the witnesses' heads," according to Julio Chamorro, former commander of the Peruvian Air Force.
The retired military man said that following the sighting, Fujimori asked his officers to keep quiet about it, telling them that what they had just seen had never happened.
It was nevertheless a source of much conversation within the Peruvian armed forces, and led to the creation of the first phase of OIFA, the Anomalous Aerial Phenomena Research Office attached to the Peruvian Air Force, which has currently been elevated to departmental status with a well-defined structure, featuring both military and civilian advisors.
Several Latin American presidents have discussed their sightings. It should be remembered that Mexican presidents Gustavo Díaz Ordaz, Luis Echeverría and Miguel de la Madrid were very aware of the activities of these strange unidentified flying objects.
It seems that this secret, kept by the political class, is slowly coming to light, giving way to a new era of general openness.
[Translation (c) 2016 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Gimenez)
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Seeking Jordan: How One Man Found His Son in the Afterlife
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Spain: The Unexpected Visitors - UFOs in Valle del Guadalhorce
Source: (Spain)
Date: 04.03.2016
Spain: The Unexpected Visitors - UFOs in Valle del Guadalhorce
By Pablo Bujalance
The closing of the Caminito del Rey without a reopening date has caused consternation (and anger) among area hoteliers, hardened explorers, restless German tourists and run-of-the-mill enthusiasts. Few people know this, because such things seldom receive coverage in the media, but it turns out that ever since the hazardous trail was reopened, with the inevitable boom in tourism, UFO sightings have been on the rise in Valle del Guadalhorce. It's not a joke, as far as such a thing cannot be taken as a joke.
There are ufologists studying the matter and videos on the subject can be found in YouTube, recorded in broad daylight. Some of them are dastardly fakes, but others are a source of curiosity. Most of the sightings were concentrated between February and June of last year, and as always, eyewitness accounts vary: some define the objects seen as disk-shaped and others describe them as white lights. Add to this the stories put forth by bloggers who go on about some "white brotherhood" with underground bases in the province, who sometimes come out for a breath of fresh air and to take a peek. Anyone who wants their daily dose of madness can serve him/herself (it's advisable, for sure, but be careful). Remarks from those who can be described as 'normal folks' can also be found. These appear not to be on the hunt for notoriety and restrict themselves to say that they've seen something, without added interpretations.
These things are of great interest to this writer, who is a lover of science-fiction and unsolved mysteries, but even more so a lover of Western Civilization as a powerful mechanism for contrasts. The reasons that lead someone to make up such stories, or describe something flying in the sky as a UFO, are always worthy of analysis. When speaking of these things, I always recommend "Azul y pálido" (Blue and Pale), a graphic novel by Pablo Rios, a fascinating immersion into the 20th century's most popular contactee episodes (featuring Carl Sagan as a master of ceremonies). It posits many questions and the reader is asked to put forth his/her own answers on the table.
But back to the story: if the dates agree as they appear to, we may conclude that residents of some distant world have been seduced by the incomparable natural beauty of El Chorro and have come to take a look. If you've ever seen a strange-looking tourist along Caminito del Rey, you know what's going on. Always smile at tourism.
Much benefit could be obtained from this UFO stuff. I don't know whether such a thing as UFO tourism exists, but a pioneering endeavor could be developed by the authorities. This would perhaps fit into the whole Sabor a Málaga thing, I say. There must be some building in downtown Malaga that can be used to create a museum to distinguished aliens, ranging from Emperor Ming to Commander Spock. The El Chorro station could feature a detailed interpretation center devoted to Stanislaw Lem or Frederick Pohl. If the UFO situation is real, perhaps the closure of Caminito del Rey is due to the construction of a landing platform for our hitherto unsuspected visitors. When it comes to promoting Malaga, the atmosphere shouldn't be the limit.
VIDEOS of UFO activity in the area by Grupo OVNI Malaga: and
[Translation (c) 2016, S. Corrales IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Chile: Ghosts on a Bus?
Source: La Red (Chile) and Liliana Nuñez Orellana
Date: 04.04.2016
Chile: Ghosts on a Bus?
The driver who took the photo claims they're angels, but others have found a darker side to the photo.
A forceful debate has taken place on social media regarding a photo on the Transatiago 210 bus, after some users reported the existence of a ghostly presence in the photo.
Others say the image isn't real, while believers opine there is more than one spirit present.
However, the person responsible for the photo explained that "the photo was taken by the driver, who happens to be my father. Notice that the two bodies in the back appear to be floating. My dad took the photo and left, he was sent home. For more information, it was taken at the Manuel Mujica bus garage. My father is devout, and says they're little angels," according to a report appearing in Publimetro.
In spite of this, skeptics insist the photo is fake and claim that it could have been retouched with Photoshop. Other argue that [the photo] is real, given the fact that "strange things happen on the 210 route."
[Translation (c) 2016, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Liliana Núñez and Guillermo Giménez]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Una ‘gota’ de luz salpica cuasipartículas
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
3 abr 2016
Argentina: A First-Person UFO Sighting
Argentina: A First-Person UFO Sighting
By Quique Mario, CEUFO
A UFO of striking characteristics was seen today, Thursday, April 1, at 12:36 hours in the vicinity of the intersection of Routes 7 and 10 in the Province of La Pampa. Other potential witnesses are asked to contact CEUFO ( in order to determine a possible landing site.
The title of this report implies that as a researcher and student of the phenomenon, I was the privileged witness to an event of extraordinary characteristics and in spite of my experience [in the field], I understand what an eyewitness means when he or she claims having observed “something hard to describe.”
Today, at the indicated time, we were driving along Route 7 in a North-South direction and at 100 meters from the intersection with Route 10, while the driver paid attention to the crossing in the event other vehicles were in transit. I traveled as a passenger in the front seat and I was startled by something descending from the sky in a South-North direction, flying slowly and changing direction, giving the impression that it was about to land. It continued its maneuvers and disappeared behind a curtain of trees.
The skies were overcast with slight drizzle, meaning that the “ceiling” did not exceed 200 meters. A slight wind displaced the lower cloud mass westward, while “the object” broke away from within the clouds to begin a rhythmic descent in a direction contrary to the cloud displacement. Its size was greater than a conventional passenger airliner, which gives an idea as to the magnitude of the observation and the spectacle I was able to witness for a brief period of time, which I believe did not exceed 3 seconds.
The object in question was round and of a greyish color similar to that of the clouds themselves, with a round dome in its middle of a darker grey hue. Its rounded shape was perfectly silhouetted against the cloud and it gave the sensation of breaking away from the clouds with a cadenced descent, assuming a 45 degree position with regard to the horizontal line of the ground. Upon commencing its descent, it executed the maneuver smoothly, always descending, as if choosing where it would land.
When I reacted and alerted my traveling companions, they regretted not having witnessed the spectacle because Chango, the driver, was mindful of the intersection and Mauro, in the back seat, saw nothing abnormal. When we approached the tree line behind which the object would have descended, we readied our photographic cameras but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. The rain and flooded terrain kept us from doing anything more than watching.
Experience brought to mind a series of cases that occurred years ago in the region to which I shall make reference in subsequent reports. In my next communication I shall attach a drawing of the UFO I witnessed.
[Translation (c) 2016 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Quique Mario]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology