10 mar 2016

Argentina: UFO Photographed in Catamarca

Source: El Ancasti (www.elancasti.com.ar)
Date: 03.06.2016

Argentina: UFO Photographed in Catamarca

The photo was taken at Paraje Chaschuil, Tinogasta, in the Catamarcan "Puna" (montane grassland region) by a group of youngsters traveling across Paso de San Francisco.

The photo was taken by one of the youths, whose hobby it is to photograph the most desolate regions of the La Puna region, according to the El Abaucán Digital newspaper. The fellow took the photo, showing an unidentified flying object (UFO) around 17:30 hours on Sunday, 28 February at Paraje Chaschuil, Department of Tinogasta.

He did not become aware of the secret concealed in the photo until he reached his native Fiambalá. Upon reviewing the photos, he saw a UFO in the heavens. What do you think?


[Translation (c) 2016, S. Corrales (IHU) with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

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