30 jun 2015
Smell from fridge puts 11 people in hospital
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0
What Makes Us Love Dogs? Those EYES!
via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
Este 30 de junio dura un segundo más
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
A black hole could turn you in to a hologram
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0
Nubes de luz laser para controlar fuerzas de dispersión
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
Sightings Strieber Cabin Episode
via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
29 jun 2015
A Visit from Our Magical Daughter
I vividly remember when her mother asked us to take the godparent role. We were flattered but for us it was no honorary title. A god-parent has a very serious duty to perform, but in her case it has hardly been necessary to steer her in the direction of the spiritual. She is very spiritual just by nature.
via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
Life could thrive in alternative universes
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0
Peru: A "UFO Fleet" Recorded Over Tarma
Source:El Popular (Perú)
Date: 06.27.2015
Peru: A "UFO Fleet" Recorded Over Tarma
Two UFO buffs recorded the presence of an alleged fleet of "flying saucers" that remained suspended in the skies over the city of Tarma in Central Perú.
The material, which appears to be unedited, shows strange lights and objects in the sky that move silently and cause excitement among the witnesses.
The UFO buffs claimed that the tape was recorded as from 0530 hours and that the strange phenomenon had been seen for two consecutive days in that part of the country.
"Are they floating?!" asks a man with a youthful voice, identified as Edinson Avila Lamadrid.
"UFOs they are!" replies the other, seemingly older one.
"Look, look, look! It's a huge one!" they add.
"Hey, Robert, don't go away, this is making me scared," says Edison Avila, tremorously.
"This is a signal," they insist.
The video shows at least six strange objects amid the darkness, forming different figures. At several moments during the recording, the shapes that appear on the recording remain still and then begin to move slowly.
To prove that the recording is real and not a hoax, they videotape part of the house from where the sighting is being recorded. These same witnesses uploaded another UFO video to YouTube, recorded on June 17. This other material also shows alleged alien craft. The weather can be seen as pleasant and there are no stars in the sky.
TO WATCH THE VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=98&v=sSMbV4YnHgo
[Translation (c) 2015 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J
Clocks to receive an extra second tomorrow
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0
Tres equipos españoles finalistas del concurso 'Beamline for Schools' del CERN
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
La fusión de los glaciares de Svalbard aumentaría 17 milímetros el nivel del mar
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
La fusión de los glaciares de Svalbard aumentaría el nivel del mar 17 milímetros
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
World's first robot wedding takes place
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Arctic Methane Release Getting Worse
via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
28 jun 2015
Mysterious 'Watcher' forces family to flee
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Did the Japanese capture Amelia Earhart ?
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Rosetta finds exposed water ice on comet
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0
27 jun 2015
A Huge, Shadowy Figure Takes a Walk
It's not the UFOs that are the real puzzle here. Take a close look on the left half of the screen. See that tall, spindly shadow that looks a bit like a dead tree.
And no, you're not seeing things. It does appear to walk away!
Love this stuff!
via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
Tubes Out!
via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
Famed Paleontologist to Create a Dinosaur
Paleontologist Jack Horner, of whom not only worked on the film "Jurassic Park" as a technical advisor, but also served as inspiration for one of the main characters, proposed his 'chickenosaurus' concept in his 2009 book, “How to Build a Dinosaur”. The idea is to use existing DNA found in modern chickens to regress features of the animal, so as to resemble a small dinosaur-like creature. Most birds still hold latent genes for the features previously exhibited by their reptilian ancestors.
via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
Witnesses fell ill after 1665 'UFO battle'
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Australian town invaded by 25,000 tarantulas
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World's first commercial jetpack coming soon
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Paraguas y ricina, combinación mortal
Hace unos días, recordé cierto asesinato célebre mientras pasaba un rato repasando unos papeles, con una televisión armando ruido de fondo. Ese día me llamó la atención una escena de cierta serie de “polis”, no estoy seguro pero creo que se trataba de una de las series spin-off de NCIS. El caso es que ni vi el principio ni me quedé hasta el final, pero en aquellos escasos minutos me sorprendió ver a una supuesta agente durmiente rusa muriendo casi en el acto tras pincharse en un dedo con un artilugio punzante envenenado colocado en la manilla de la puerta de un automóvil.
Vamos, una fantasmada espectacular sin mucho que ver con la realidad… ¿o sí había algo de real? Ahí es cuando recordé el triste caso del asesinato del paraguas, que lejanamente tenía cierto parentesco. La pobre agente durmiente caía fulminada en apenas unos segundos por el veneno, y ahí es donde está el problema, porque en el mundo real las cosas no suelen ser tan limpias, y mucho menos cuando se trata de eliminar a una persona. El terrible invento existe realmente, pero no es tan rápido, ni mucho menos.
Modelo del paraguas asesino del caso Markov.
Fuente: Headlines in History.
No ha sido empleado en muchas ocasiones, no al menos que haya llegado a la luz pública, pero en los pocos casos en los que se ha utilizado, el uso de venenos a través de armas punzantes ocultas ha dado lugar a casos realmente espectaculares en todos los sentidos y, por desgracia, con efectos terribles para las víctimas que, lejos de morir en pocos segundos, han soportado dolorosas agonías de horas e incluso días de duración.
El asesinato de Georgi Markov, cuyo recuerdo me visitó esquivamente aquel día viendo la televisión, tuvo lugar el 7 de septiembre de 1978. En realidad, Georgi murió unos días más tarde, el día 11 de septiembre, pero la acción que acabó con su vida se llevó a cabo aquel triste día 7. Georgi Markov era un disidente búlgaro, escritor de novelas y dramaturgo, que había desertado a occidente desde el otro lado del telón de acero allá por 1969. Desde entonces había trabajado como periodista para varios medios británicos y alemanes, con apoyo estadounidense, en campañas de radio muy críticas con el régimen comunista búlgaro. Tan molesto llegó a ser para ese gobierno, que se decidió su eliminación a toda costa, con ayuda del KGB soviético.
Lo que siguió constituye uno de los sucesos más oscuros de la guerra fría y ha servido de inspiración para numerosas novelas, películas y episodios de series de televisión y supongo que, aunque lejanamente, también inspiró la ficción televisiva que ha servido de semilla para este post. El caso es que tenemos a Markov paseando por Londres aquel 7 de septiembre, sin saber que su tiempo se acaba. La policía secreta búlgara y el KGB habían intentado ya en varias ocasiones acabar con la vida del disidente. Aquel día lo iban a intentar otra vez pero, en esta ocasión, iban a dar un gran salto en la sofisticación del arte de asesinar.
Aquel día, Markov estaba esperando un autobús urbano londinense cuando, de repende, alguien choca contra él. El otro hombre, parece tropezar accidentalmente, clavando levemente la punta de su paraguas en una de las pantorrillas de Markov. El hombre se disculpa y todo queda en un leve incidente, no ha pasado nada. Markov ya estaba muerto, solo que entonces no lo sabía. Cuando el periodista disidente llega a su trabajo en la BBC, comienza a notar extraños síntomas. El área del pinchazo ha enrojecido y comienza a doler de forma alarmante. A las pocas horas es hospitalizado, muestra fiebre alta al poco comienza a sufrir hemorragias. Fallece poco más de tres días más tarde.
Estructura proteica de la ricina. Fuente: Wikimedia Commons.
El que, desde entonces se conoció como el “asesinato del paraguas”, tiene como protagonista mortal una substancia llamada ricina. El asesino había apoyado la punta de su paraguas en la pierna de Markov y, justo en ese momento, había accionado un gatillo que disparó una pequeña carga de aire comprimido que incrustó bajo la piel del desdichado una minúscula esférula de metal de menos de dos milímetros de diámetro. En el interior del cuerpo extraño se hallaba el veneno, que comenzó a liberarse a los pocos instantes de encontrarse el artefacto alejado en el cuerpo de Markov, pues a la temperatura corporal se comenzaron a disolver los “tapones” de material orgánico con los que se obturaba el contenedor de ricina. Toda una obra de arte mortal, hay que reconocerlo. No sólo se trataba de un sistema de “paraguas-pistola” realmente ingenioso, sino que la bala era, en sí misma, un sistema controlado de liberación de veneno, casi como una bomba de tiempo que recuerda lejanamente a las píldoras con recubrimiento de disolución controlada utilizadas hoy día.
La ricina, liberada en la sangre de Markov, comenzó a hacer su trabajo, que duró días hasta que acabó con su vida. Desde la Primera Guerra Mundial se venía investigando por parte de varios ejércitos el posible uso de la ricina como arma química, sin embargo el ser relativamente sencillo neutralizarla en el ambiente en comparación con otros agentes químicos o biológicos, hizo que no se llegara muy lejos en tan siniestros intentos. No obstante, como veneno para asesinatos selectivos, parecía tener futuro. En la época de la muerte de Markov no había antídoto de ningún tipo, por lo que nada pudieron hacer por su vida. Hoy, sin embargo, existen ciertas terapias que parecen prometedoras, aunque siguen siendo experimentales.
La ricina es una de las toxinas más potentes que se conocen y, por desgracia, se puede extraer con relativa facilidad de las semillas del ricino. Sí, ese arbusto aparentemente inofensivo que es fuente del aceite de ricino, el célebre purgante, extraído igualmente de sus semillas por medio de prensado y calentamiento, proceso que, por fortuna, degrada la ricina.
La ricina es tóxica por inhalación, ingestión o por inyección. Apenas unos cientos de microgramos son suficientes para terminar con la vida de un ser humano adulto. Sin embargo, el propio mecanismo de acción de la ricina puede tener interés médico de importancia. Se ha planteado su uso en tratamientos para diversos tipos de cáncer, funcionando como “misil” guiado por anticuerpos monoclonales y, también, en terapias para ciertas enfermedades neurológicas.
El mecanismo de acción tóxica de la ricina se funda en su funcionamiento como proteína inactivadora de los ribosomas. En inglés, se conoce esa acción de la ricina y parientes químicos similares como Ribosome Inactivating Protein, lo que nos da el acróstico RIP, cosa que no deja tener una macabra gracia. La ricina es capaz de inactivar la acción de los ribosomas en todo tipo de organismos, plantas y bacterias incluidas, pero sobre todo es efectiva bloqueando la síntesis de proteínas en células animales. No está claro qué funciones cumplen las RIP (ricina y similares) en los vegetales que las contienen, pero posiblemente se trate de algún tipo de defensa contra agresiones bacterianas o de insectos.
Más información:
- The Telegraph – Poison-tip umbrella assassination of Georgi Markov reinvestigated
- BBC – Ricin cancer therapy tested
- CDC – Ricin | Ficha de emergencias
Paraguas y ricina, combinación mortal apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 27 junio 2015.
via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1
26 jun 2015
Mystery surrounds 'dog suicide bridge'
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0
Stolen 'Holy Grail' recovered by police
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0
Amazing New Method of Recovering Lost Memories
via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
Synthetic blood transfusions within two years
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0
Hipertermia magnética, una herramienta auxiliar en los tratamientos contra el cáncer
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
25 jun 2015
How I Get Around
via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
The Spiritual Mysteries of Blood
via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
El girobús
Los dispositivos que fundan su acción en el uso de volantes de inercia para mover vehículos tienen una historia no muy conocida pero sí lejana. Las baterías de inercia, esos parientes lejanos de ciertos sistemas regenerativos de los ferrocarriles o de algunos tipos de KERS montados en coches de Fórmula 1, han venido siendo una promesa energética desde hace décadas. En este caso estamos ante una idea sencilla que “da mil vueltas”, literalmente, a la hora de encontrar nuevos métodos para almacenar energía.
Sistema de volante cinético, motor eléctrico y cámara del girobús construido en Suiza a mediados del siglo XX.
Una batería inercial almacena energía cinética utilizando un volante de inercia, de ahí su nombre. El mencionado volante viene a ser un disco dotado de una gran masa que gira a gran velocidad. Si ese giro viene asistido por un eje unido al soporte del sistema por rodamientos de gran calidad (hoy día se emplean sistemas magnéticos en cámaras de vacío y discos de materiales avanzados), el volante puede mantener su giro durante mucho tiempo, almacenado energía cinética con ello. El volante puede girar a velocidades increíbles de decenas de miles de revoluciones por minuto, claro que, nuevamente, eso es en el caso de las baterías de inercia actuales, que son un prodigio de la técnica. Hace décadas se intentó aplicar este concepto al transporte urbano y, pese a que los sistemas cinéticos por entonces no estaban tan perfeccionados, cabe decir que los resultados no fueron malos.
El volante comienza a girar a gran velocidad alimentado por un motor eléctrico. La energía cinética acumulada puede ser liberar posteriormente de forma controlada para movilizar un vehículo. Una vez el volante va cediendo esa energía, puede volver a “recargarse”, con el mismo procedimiento, al llegar a un punto de alimentación eléctrica.
Esquema del girobús suizo con su sistema de recarga del volante de inercia.
De esa sencilla idea nació el concepto de girobús, que hinca sus raíces en algunos intentos primitivos allá a principios del siglo XX. El girobús hace uso de pesados volantes de inercia para almacenar, y utilizar, la energía que necesita para transportar viajeros. No debe confundirse con un trolebús o con tranvías, puesto que en el caso del girobús no hay tendidos eléctricos que alimenten el vehículo. Simplemente, en ciertos puntos de su recorrido, el girobús se detiene para “repostar”, esto es, pasa unos minutos, o incluso segundos, alimentando un motor eléctrico que hace girar el volante de inercia y, así, acumula energía que empleará para el próximo trecho de su recorrido.
El primer girobús práctico fue desarrollado a finales de los años cuarenta del siglo pasado en Suiza. Se trataba del un vehículo diseñado por la casa Oerlikon pensado para moverse de forma silenciosa en líneas convencionales de autobús, sin necesidad de construir costosas infraestructuras de conducción eléctrica. El girobús se mueve libremente, no depende de cables, sólo necesita “recargar” su sistema de batería cinética cada cierto tiempo.
Prototipo de girobús suizo de principios de los años cincuenta.
Los primeros modelos de girobús empleaban motores diésel instalados en el propio vehículo para alimentar el giro del volante de inercia, que por aquel entonces alcanzaba en torno a las 3.000 revoluciones por minuto. El pesado volante de inercia, con un diámetro algo superior al metro y medio, se instalaba en una cámara situada en el centro del girobús en la que se hacía el vacío o se rellenaba con hidrógeno a muy baja presion, para reducir rozamiento.
Más tarde el sistema mejoró, pasando del motor diésel a un sistema de alimentación por medio de estaciones eléctricas en las paradas. Un juego de conectores se elevaba desde el techo del girobús hasta contactar con el sistema eléctrico. Esto hacía que el motor eléctrico unido al eje del volante de inercia comenzada a “bombear” nueva energía a éste, haciéndolo girar de nuevo, acumulando energía cinética.
Punto de carga del girobús suizo.
Por lo general, una carga llevaba entre treinta segundos y tres minutos de tiempo, a través de un sistema de alto voltaje. Los pasajeros no solían enterarse de las recargas, pues se aprovechaba para instalar los puntos de conexión en algunas paradas seleccionadas de la ruta, ejecutándose la tarea de recarga mientras los pasajeros subían o bajaban del vehículo.
Naturalmente, por mucha energía que se acumule en un volante de inercia, no dura demasiado tiempo cuando hay que emplear esa misma energía “de vuelta” para animar a los motores eléctricos que mueven las ruedas del girobús. Por ello, es necesaria cierta densidad de red en cuanto a puntos de recarga, por lo que las líneas de girobús tenían éxito en tramos urbanos relativamente extensos, pero no así para líneas de larga distancia.
Por lo general, aquellos girobuses suizos recorrían hasta seis kilómetros de media entre puntos de recarga, mientras que para la carga se empleaban normalmente dos minutos, aunque a veces se llegaba hasta cinco. En reposo, el volante de inercia podía seguir girando durante más de diez horas. Tras una parada prolongada, el volante de inercia se recargaba al cabo de poco más de veinte minutos de comenzar a recibir energía nuevamente.
Bien, parece un poco aparatoso ¿no es así? Sin embargo los girobuses tuvieron cierto éxito, eran silenciosos, no contaminaban, no necesitaban vías ni tendidos eléctricos y, en una época en que los combustibles escaseaban tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, parecían algo con mucho futuro. Durante los años cincuenta, estos curiosos autobuses con volante de inercia se extendieron por diversas líneas de transporte de pasajeros en Suiza y hasta llegó a montarse una línea en Kinshasa, en la actual República Democrática del Congo. La tecnología de los girobuses no ha sido abandonada y hoy día el uso de baterías cinéticas ha logrado un alto grado de refinamiento pero, sin embargo, no han encontrado un hueco en el transporte comercial de nuestros días… al menos todavía.
Más información:
Conceptos mecánicos del girobús (PDF en inglés).
Fotografías y gráficos del girobús suizo.
El siguiente vídeo menciona el girobús que se instaló en África.
El girobús apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 25 junio 2015.
via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1
Doctor Changes Position on Roswell Mummy
Dr. Richard O'Connor, who originally stated that he did not believe that the mummy depicted in two slides presented at Jaime Maussan's "Be Witness" event in Mexico City on May 5 was human, has now said that he does believe that it is the mummy of a child. He made the following statement on the MUFON radio program on station KGRA: "I’ve just, over the past 48 hours more or less, been looking at that, and it seems to me like it's drawing us toward the conclusion that in fact is this photograph probably does represent a native American child.
via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
Lexus unveils its own take on the hoverboard
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0
'Pyramid-shaped' mountain found on Ceres
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Rosetta prolonga su misión hasta septiembre de 2016
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
La composición de la cutícula del huevo influye en la contaminación por salmonela
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
Mystery surrounds bizarre sea creature
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0
Nanohilos semiconductores para controlar la emisión de luz a escala nanométrica
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
A Perplexing Formation in Peru
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24 jun 2015
Ancient Greeks took steps to deter zombies
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0
Brain Implants No Bigger than Dust Particles On the Way
The tiny components would be powered by piezoelectric materials, of which produce an electric current when compressed, activated by ultrasound waves generated by a transmitter placed on the scalp. The implanted components would have a simple CMOS sensor that would measure the electrical activity being generated by the neurons around it, and re-transmit that back to the sensors on the scalp.
via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
'Pyramid' spotted on the surface of Mars
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Man hiccuped non-stop for over 68 years
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23 jun 2015
Study Claims 6th Mass Extinction Under Way--But There's More to It than That
At team at the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment have published a study that says that we are entering a sixth great mass extinction event, where the current rate of species loss is over 100 times that of what would normally be seen. The study also says that this is what they consider to be a conservative estimate; that this rate the loss in biodiversity benefits to humans will be seen within three generations, and that 75 percent of Earth's species could be lost within two generations.
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Nukes could be used to deflect asteroids
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Famed musician 'channeled dead composers'
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New report predicts world collapse by 2040
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Los contaminantes radiactivos llegan al hielo marino
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
22 jun 2015
Humans unlikely to ruin hunt for life on Mars
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0
Google Predicts Human-Machine Hybrids
Director of Engineering at Google, Ray Kurzweil, says that in the 2030's, this nanobot interface would allow users faster access to information on the internet, and also allow information to be uploaded in the same manner as well, allowing us to back up our own brains.
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Could street lights charge electric cars ?
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Nueva evidencia de volcanes activos en Venus
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
21 jun 2015
Sharply Edged Pyramid in NASA Mars Photo
via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
Real-life 'Jurassic World' within 10 years ?
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Unexplained Light Flashes in Cloud Formation
via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
8 million dog mummies unearthed in Egypt
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Giant prehistoric bat walked on all fours
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20 jun 2015
Mars-like extrasolar planet discovered
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Man mistakenly dines on bucket of concrete
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Earth's sixth mass extinction may be underway
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Mexico: UFOs Over Mayan Pyramids
Source: SIPSE and Planeta UFO
Date: 06.20.2015
Mexico: UFOs Over Mayan Pyramids
BY JORGE MORENO/SIPSE - MERIDA Yucatan - Many internationally-known researchers have associated UFOS with ancient cultures and have spoken about
sightings over such archaeological sites as the Egyptian pyramids or South America's Easter Island.
Yucatán is no exception, and similar cases have occurred in such sites as Uxmal, Chichen Itza and Acanceh.
Whether it is due to the alleged energy the emerges from such pyramids as Uxmal and Chichen Itza, or as skeptics would have it, by mere coincidence, the
fact is that photos showing alleged spacecraft have been seen prowling these sites.
One of the most famous ones was taken by an Argentinean tourist. The UFO appears beside the pyramid, in a photo she took of herself as a souvenir.
Tourists and locals also state seeing strange lights stalking these locations, and claim that their movements do not correspond to anything that may
have a rational explanation (airplanes, helicopters, satellites, etc.)
Even employees of the Uxmal site have told me that they are "accustomed" to seeing - with certain regularity - lights engaging in irregular movements:
"We do nothing and we do not report it, partly because we would be dismissed as insane, and partly because the lights cause no damage or anything that
merits being reported."
Employees of some Yucatán archaeological sites have become used to seeing lights in the heavens.
A few years ago, in Acanceh, I was informed of a UFO sighting near the pyramid located at the heart of the community. When I visited the site, I
interviewed young Jiram Cetz and David Castilla, who had been the witnesses. They advised me that they'd seen such craft in nearby locations as well.
Three of their videos, in fact, were uploaded to YouTube and they went around almost daily with a camcorder in search of evidence. All of this began
when they went to Homún in a pickup truck after classes at the "Acanceh" high school". They were on their way to visit a friend and never thought such a
thing would happen to them: "When we returned, I was sitting in the rear of the pickup, and as we entered Acanceh (along the Los Venados baseball field)
one of my companions asked me to looked skyward. We all turned around and we looked: it was round, with colored lights, as though floating in the sky.
What was odd is that it also moved, as though wobbling. It was quite near us. We were frightened, then it turned around and left," said Jiram.
As of that moment, he says he told his friend David - who had a video camera - that they should return the next day in an effort to record it. They were
lucky enough to see it that night and secure the recording.
They repeated the procedure over following nights and the UFO always returned. It flew over the town and left through the entrance to Timucuy. On
several occasions, they camped out at the palapa [thatch-roofed shelter] that was at the entrance to the town, since they were friends with the owner, and it was still under
construction at the time. The owner also admitted having seen the UFO, as it always passed overhead. The youths also managed to see a fleet of UFOs: "On
one occasion, we managed to see six or seven of them. Suddenly, their lights went out and they turned them on again. Those craft flew together. We even
became famous at school, since even our teachers asked us what we had recorded and couldn't believe what we had seen," he said.
"When we made inquiries from several adults, they weren't surprised. They said it was common to see UFOs over the pyramid, and perhaps some connection
existed," he concluded.
[Translation (c) 2015, S. Corrales IHU with thanks to Jorge Moreno, SIPSE and Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J
19 jun 2015
Thousands of crabs wash up in California
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'No aliens in Area 51' says NASA head
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So Far 2015 is the Hottest Year on Record--Except in the US
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Man finds stranger's ashes in his garden
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Mass Dreams of the Future
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Starfire Tor and the Dark Wind
Face toward the dark wind, Starfire dares.
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Visitors Alter Our Space-Time. Do They do This with Fear?
The Experience will be on hiatus next week.
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18 jun 2015
Russia hints at US moon landing investigation
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Liverpool tenants warned about poltergeist
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What's Soaking Texas? El Nino is Back
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Buscan nuevas leyes de la física con el análisis de propiedades del ‘‘quark top’
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
Buscan nuevas leyes de la física analizando las propiedades del ‘quark top’
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
Stephen Hawking vuelve a reunir a las estrellas de la ciencia y de la música en Tenerife
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Europa mission now one step closer to reality
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Europa mission now one step closer to reality
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17 jun 2015
Did 'ectoplasm' ever have any basis in fact ?
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Quantum Weirdness Just Got Weirder: Reality Needs an Observer
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Drone investigates crop circles in Russia
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Does life exist beneath the Martian soil ?
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España participará en las próximas misiones a Marte de la NASA
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16 jun 2015
Nepal earthquake actually moved Everest
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'Crashed UFO' spotted in the Antarctic
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Was Life on Earth Seeded by Aliens? Scientists Find a Strange Device
Analyzing samples taken from the stratosphere by a high-altitude balloon, researchers from the University of Buckingham discovered a tiny metallic sphere imbedded in the sampler. Astrobiologist Milton Wainwright describes the object: "It is a ball about the width of a human hair, which has filamentous life on the outside and a gooey biological material oozing from its center." The object was found cratered within the sampling container, implying that it had hit the collector at high speed, rather than just floating in the air with the rest of the particles collected.
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Why does the return trip feel shorter ?
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15 jun 2015
Cat with 'alien' eyes becomes Internet star
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'Cryobot' could tunnel beneath Europa's ice
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Texas Braces for More Floods: Could be 'Catastrophic'
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Chile: UFO Recorded During Soccer Match
Source: Radioagricultura (Chile)
Date: 06.12.2015
Chile: UFO Recorded During Soccer Match
A luminous objct startled fans of "La Roja" who were enjoying the game at the National Stadium.
It was crossed the skies ove Nuñoa for nearly 3 minutes. It was gone in the same way it appeared. The alleged UFO during the opening ceremonies of the Copa America at the National Stadium was swift and fleeting,
The fireworks launched at the sports arena drew the attention of one supporter, who took out his cell phone quickly to capture the moment. However, he never thought he'd find a luminous object moving strangely, from side to side - a movement far from what one would expect of an aircraft.
Could it be a UFO? The images are eloquent. The conclusions are yours to draw.
VIDEO AT: https://youtu.be/9yHJsOWnkpY
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J
Blood Cells Found in Dinosaur Fossils
Researchers studying a fossilized dinosaur claw at the Imperial College in London have discovered microscopic ovoid structures in it that appear to be red blood cells. Another fossil fragment held fibrous features that resemble collagen, that makes up tendons and ligaments. These tissues are not fossilized, but are rather remnants of soft tissue.
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Diseñan biosensores con propiedades fluorescentes a partir del cangrejo rojo del Guadalquivir
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Hidden secrets found in Columbus' 1491 map
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El módulo Philae despierta sobre el cometa 67P
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14 jun 2015
Comet lander Philae wakes up after 7 months
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Mystery hands appear in Mt Kinabalu photos
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Vatican investigates Medjugorje apparitions
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13 jun 2015
Jurassic World dinosaurs savaged by experts
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Mars glass could preserve evidence of life
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Tourist photographs UFO above Loch Ness
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12 jun 2015
Another "Roswell Mummy" Image Surfaces
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Did Hitler escape Germany at the end of WWII?
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All life on Earth combined weighs 50bn tonnes
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Pigs are as intelligent as chimpanzees
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11 jun 2015
Large eels fall from the sky over Alaska
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Goodbye to a Hidden Gem
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Proof of Heaven Author Eben Alexander on Soul Transformation
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Blood cells discovered in dinosaur fossils
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MUFON Report: UFO Observed for 2 Hours in Athens, Ohio
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Big Data Analysis Suggests Common Antacids May Greatly Increase Heart Attack Risk
An examination of 16 million clinical documents representing 2.9 million patients also showed that patients who use a different type of antacid drug called an H2 blocker have no increased heart attack risk. The findings, reported in PLOS ONE, follow a Circulation report in 2013 in which scientists showed how -- at a molecular level -- PPIs might cause long-term cardiovascular disease and increase a patient's heart attack risk.
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NASA unveils video of its new Mars rocket
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10 jun 2015
UFO 'imitates moon' in controversial video
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Activity in Area of Toba Supervolcano
BNPB spokesperson Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said that Sinabung has the potential to spread hot ash clouds to the south and southeast as far as 7km, and the volume of lava coming from the mountain has reached 3 million cubic meters. A call for residents within 7km of the crater to evacuate has also been made. Mount Sinabung has seen two previous eruptions in recent years, once in 2010, and again in 2013.
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'Lion elevator' restored in Rome's Colosseum
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Receta para crear el termómetro cuántico más preciso
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
9 jun 2015
Dawgs in Our Life
I have two dogs in my life. One is purebred and very well behaved. The other is a mutt whose mother must have had an affair with a poodle. This one isn’t so polite. He’s named Smoochy. Noisy or not, Smoochy does have some practical value. He doesn’t look like it, but he’s a great guard dog and burglar alarm. He barks when anybody comes around. I call it the “Smoochy Alarm.”
via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
Cars may soon refuse to go if you are drunk
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Phantom eye patients 'see' with missing eye
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Stone Tools May Predate Known Human Ancestors
Digging by accident at a site they didn't originally intend to visit, Sonia Harmand and Jason Lewis of Stony Brook University in New York, found stone tools that they've dated to 3.3 million years ago, 700,000 years older than previously found artifacts. Anthropology professor Alison Brooks, George Washington University, has examined some of the tools. "It really absolutely moves the beginnings of human technology back into a much more distant past, and a much different kind of ancestor than we've been thinking of."
via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl
Carnivorous dinosaur goes on show in Wales
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A Voyage to the Land of the Living Dead
[While looking through the INEXPLICATA archives, I came across one of our most popular features from the pre-Blogspot days: an article about zombies written by contributing editor Manuel Carballal, who visited the island to look into Haiti's occult practices, much as he had done earlier in Cuba. Although we often receive complaints about straying from ufology into other areas of the unknown, it is precisely this diversity - and the fearless journalism of reporters like Manuel Carballal - that have made INEXPLICATA stand out since 1998 -- SC]
Voyage to the Land of the Living Dead
By Manuel Carballal
The scene could have been derived from any suspense film. Manuel Delgado instinctively held on tightly to his television camera as we clutched our machetes. Our vehicle was being surrounded by a dozen ebony-skinned Haitians. The blancs, as they derisively call Europeans, are not welcome in Haiti and we had been warned that under no circumstances should we venture into the shanty towns outside Port-au-Prince where, we were told, "there exists a 90 per cent chance of being mugged." We ignored this sage advice, of course.
After endless minutes of waiting, our guide allowed us to emerge from the car. Monsieur Balaguer, an important bokor -- a voodoo high priest -- would allow us to visit his hounfor or temple. The hounfor consisted in a humble wooden shack whose center contained the peristyle, the indispensable central column of every voodoo ritual, by means of which the gods or loas descend to earth. A filthy light bulb and seven candles enabled us to see the disquieting form of Monsieur Balaguer, a tall man with sparkling black eyes, who covered his head with a Stetson.
While our guide stated all the arguments at his disposal in order to have Monsieur Balaguer allow us to film his "she-devil" and his "zombie", we were startled by a sudden blackout. The dirty light bulb was extinguished, plunging us into the shadows, illuminated only by the seven candles around the peristyle. Balaguer greeted his "she-devil" -- supposedly located behind a mysterious metal door -- by rapping on it a few times. From the other side, "something" responded with brutal blows against the door, causing the entire temple to shake. Suddenly we were told that the bokor had to consult the loas: we looked on as Monsieur Balaguer fell int a sort of trance, being "ridden" or possessed by Bravo, one of the loas who shares the lordship over death and cemeteries with Baron Samedi and Baron La Croix. Subjecting us to a sort of "trial," exchanging a curious combinations of handshakes to which we instinctively responded to, Balaguer drank rum through an ear as he smoked a cigarette through one nostril.
The fact of the matter is that in Haiti, Western patterns of logic become fragile in the face of the unpredictable, incomprehensible and irrational voodoo cult -- vodú in the native tongue -- which originates from the Fon language of Dahomey, meaning "deity" or "spirit." This is the precise nature of voodoo: a spirit that envelops Haiti, influencing each and every cultural or social manifestation of this small country, the poorest of the Americas.
Voodoo Reaches the Presidency
No single cultural manifestation is longer-lasting or more influential than a country's religion. In Haiti's case, this influence becomes particularly apparent. In late 1995, when President Bill Clinton visited Haiti to supervise the "changing of the guard" -- American troops being replaced by UN peacekeepers, more than four thousand Haitians converged upon the square in front of the Presidential Palace in Port-au-Prince to witness the event. President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, restored to power thanks to the intervention of twenty thousand U.S. troops in October 1994, would preside over the event.
Bill Clinton had barely finished his conciliatory speech concerning military intervention in Haiti when a white dove landed next to his microphone. Immediately, thousands of Haitians roared their approval and applauded in the light of such an unequivocal "sign of approval" from the gods. The Voodoo loas had accepted Clinton. This "innocent coincidence" made thousands of Haitians--and more importantly, secret societies like Bizango, who had promised to protect the country against foreigners through magic--put aside their anger against the new white invaders, respecting the wishes of the gods. Voodoo is the main power in Haiti: no one would dare contradict the wishes of the loas, or what is interpreted as their wishes.
From the days of Macandal, the pioneer of independence in the 18th century to the times of General Raoul Cédras, no Haitian ruler has forgotten to acknowledge the all-powerful influence of voodoo in Haiti. President Aristide was no exception. In spite of having been a Catholic priest, after an interview with several houngans (priests) and mambos (priestesses) on July 19, 1995, Aristide officially announced the construction of a great Voodoo temple within the capital. In this manner, the president equated the Voodoo religion with other "accepted" religions, granting Voodoo practitioners a "cathedral" similar to the Baptist churches, Masonic temples or Catholic parishes which are so numerous in Haiti.
Warlocks in Charge
But there was one Haitian ruler who knew how to make use of Voodoo as a political tool: the mythical and shadowy "Papa Doc," François Duvalier. In 1954, the legendary "Papa Doc" published (with Lorimer Denis) a monograph entitled L'Evolution graduelle du vaudou (The Gradual Evolution of Voodoo). The knowledge of Voodoo displayed in this book was evidently utilized during his political career.
As a young man, along with other Haitian intellectuals, Duvalier published a nationalist newspaper called Les Griots. At a time when the government torched the sacred Voodoo drums and other objects of worship as a sign of loyalty to the Catholic church, Les Griots revindicated Voodoo as a religion and as rebellion against American colonizers. It isn't surprising that "Papa Doc" gained the support of the traditional secret societies, and that during his 1957 campaign, the hounfour or Voodoo temples were utilized as his local party headquarters.
Immediately after rising to the presidency of Haiti, Duvalier named the feared bokor of Gonaives, Zacharie Delva, as commander-in-chief of the army, and began to revindicate Voodoo as the official religion. His personal bodyguard, a sort of "esoteric police," were the Volunteers for National Security (VSN), the feared Tontons Macoutes who spread terror throughout the island (the name Tontons Macoutes refers to an old Haitian folk tale of the "men with the sack". Misbehaving children were warned that their tonton -- uncle -- would take them away inside a macoute, a sack). All the hounfor who were not aligned with the Duvalier regime were locked up and rebels were persecuted. According to his biographers, "Papa Doc" ordered a special airplane to bring him the head of former rebel captain Blucher Fhilgénes. The man was decapitated and his head was placed in a bucket of ice. According to the rumors filtering out of the Presidential Palace, Duvalier would spend hours contemplating the head and consulting its spirit in secret rituals.
"Man speaks, but doesn't act. God acts, but doesn't speak. Duvalier is a god." This was the thought echoing through the streets of Haiti. Papa Doc had woven around himself a terrible magical legend thanks to his knowledge of Voodoo, a legend that none dare question, and which allowed his dictatorship to flourish for decades. In fact, many peasants believed that "Papa Doc" was an incarnation of the dreaded Baron Samedi, lord of cemeteries. "They cannot have me. I am an immaterial being," Duvalier said during one of his speeches in 1963. The fact is that his legend exists to this day, and many believe that Duvalier has become a loa, a spirit of the Gede family that can still manifest itself in certain rituals...
Blood, Rhythm and Possession
We were engulfed by frantic drumbeats. The convulsive dancing of the hounsí --Voodoo initiates--bewitched us, and the markedly African chants and litanies overwhelmed us. The entire montage of the Voodoo ritual we were witnessing in Cachimán, near the border with the Dominican Republic, created an almost dreamlike atmosphere within the confines of Voodoo priest Manuel Sánchez Elie. Without a scrap of hesitation, one of the houngan's assistants delivered a powerful blade-stroke on the neck of a ram, abruptly decapitating the animal while its blood showered everyone present. The ram's head was torn from its body and offered to the gods, while two acolytes stripped the body, which would be served to the participants later. Voodoo religion is an imprecise mixture of blood, music and esthetics.
Voodoo, like Santería, Umbanda, Candomblé or Palo Mayombe, is the product of synchretism between African religions and Christianity. The ancestral beliefs brought by African slaves to the New World as their only treasure was forcibly mimetized with the saints of the Catholic onomasticon. The orishas and African loas were disguised as saints, mystics and martyrs in order that their worship could survive in a hostile world, which was that of slave-owning whites. This abstract mixture of witchcraft, paganism and christianity survives to this day.
It is said that on July 16, 1843, the Blessed Virgin materialized on top of a palm tree near the town of Ville Bonheur. The palm tree was very close to the precipices in which the Tombe River dissolves into the mist in a cascade known as Saut d'Eau, a sacred site for generations of voodooists. The Catholic Church recognized the location as a site of Marian worship, but to the Haitian people, it was really Erzulie Freda, goddess od love and beauty, who had materialized there. Since then, every July 16th, thousands of pilgrims visit Saut d'Eau to pay homage to the goddess Erzulie, although christian priests and pastors would rather believe that the pilgrimage is a form of Marian worship. The fact remains that Haiti may be 85 per cent christian, but it is 110 per cent voodooist.
In Saut d'Eau, as in any other Voodoo celebration, there is an indispensable element: possession.
A sociological study conducted on 486 societies around the world revealed that 360 of them believe in some form of possession. Haiti is a prime example. In the words of ethnobiologist Wade Davis, "Voodoo is a democratic faith par excellance. Each believer not only has direct contact with the spirits, but really receives them within his own body." Unlike other religions, the Afrocaribbean ones do not require intermediaries between gods and believers. When the gods introduce themselves into the devotees' bodies, anything can happen: voice changes, attacks of hysteria, walking on hot coals, eating broken glass...
Haitian voodoo admits three kinds of possession: rada, gede and petro. The last two are the most spectacular. Petro Voodoo is the most brutal, violent and dangerous kind. The violence of such possessions has even caused the death of some worshippers who have been "ridden" or possessed by the powerful loas of petro Voodoo. This kind of ritual, among the least accessible in Haiti, reflect the rage, the pain and humiliation of the people, who for generations were subjected to the indescribable cruelty of slave owners.
Haiti's Secret Societies
"A fellow diplomat was named as a witness in a trial against one of the secret societies that proliferate in the country. When he reached the courthouse to testify, there was an exhibit table upon which he could see a cauldron brimming over with the head and arm of a girl sacrificed in a magical rite by the society. My friend had to run out of the courtroom to vomit." This was the story told to us by Juan Blázquez, Spain's consul in Port-au-Prince for five years and a scholar of voodoo. Throughout his years in Haiti he had heard of many secret societies, but had also learn that penetrating them is almost impossible.
The study of Haitian secret societies represents an arduous task for anthropologists and sociologists alike. In the summer of 1976, Haitian anthropologist Michel Laguerra met several peasants who had belonged to different secret societies, but who had later converted to Protestantism and were now willing to divulge certain information. According to his sources, there are secret societies running the length and breadth of the country, each controlling a given region.
Some of these secret societies are especially feared and respected in Haiti. The Zobop terrorized the population by kidnapping in the dark of night anyone considered a traitor to the community in order to "bring them to justice" in a cruel fashion. Others, like the Bizango, uphold a sorcerous tradition that goes back to the dawn of time. Its rituals mix ceremonies extracted from old texts on witchcraft, such as the Petit Albert or the Red Dragon (which reached Haiti during the colonial period), Masonic ritual and African magical practices.
Its rules are strict, and those who betray them are harshly punished. The Bizango society, for instance, has a taboo known as "the Seven Crimes": ambition, excessive material wealth gained at the expense of relatives or subordinates, disrespect toward fellow members, seducing another man's wife, slandering others or affecting their well-being, harming the members of someone's family, and any action that impedes others from tilling the soil. An infraction of any of these could cost a Bizango member his life...a particularly cruel and painful death by means of the poisons known for ages by Voodoo houngans and bokors.
Poisons and the Living Dead
The discussion was becoming more heated by the moment. We were trying to convince an important Voodoo priestess to let us record a gede Voodoo ritual in her temple. We knew that we were not welcome and the haggling about the price was adding heat to the surroundings. On another occasion, a similar discussion at another temple almost cost us our lives when nearly a hundred Haitians barricaded the door to the hounfour, warning us that we would not get out alive unless we paid them a thousand dollars.
While one of us argued with the mambo, a tall, fierce looking young man toyed with a rubber glove. He would put it on and take it off his hand with a smile on his lips. We knew exactly what he meant: at any moment, a yellowish powder could appear on his right hand, to be blown in our direction. It would represent a terrible doom--zombification. As a measure against this fate, we had drawn up a special policy which stated that in the event of dying in Haiti, no autopsies were permitted and that our bodies should be returned to Spain immediately. Death in Haiti can be far more perilous than anywhere else on earth.
Anthropologists, missionaries and industrialists who have come into contact with traditional African medicine have discovered its wonders. The knowledge of herbs, plants and jungle poisons possessed by witches, sorcerers and shamans is surprising, and this fascinating wisdom reached Haiti on the slave ships. Ethnologists and biologists who have analyzed the "magical recipes" employed by Voodoo houngans and bokors have discovered fascinating aspects, such as the substances created based upon the root of albizzia versicolor, used in Africa to create ibok usiak owo ("medicine to make people talk"), a sort of native truth serum. Or Zawda dust, employed to cause marital discord; Yoyo dust, used for the "Evil Eye"; Patchouli dust, used to cause infidelity and wreck marriages, and a hundred other "magical powders" with a number of uses and functions. But among them all, one is particularly fascinating: Pudre or "zombie dust."
Zombie Dust
It is impossible to discuss the mystery of zombie dust without mentioning the pioneering book by Harvard anthropologist, ethnobotanist and biologist Wade Davis, entitled The Zombie Enigma, a project that earned Davis his Ph.D and inspired the film The Serpent and The Rainbow, describing a scientist's quest for the living dead. Wade Davis began his own search for zombies in April 1982. In spite of the skepticism and even repugnance which scientists, even Haitian doctors, expressed for the myth of the "living dead", Davis and his sponsors were able to fathom a truth of great scientific interest concealed behind the veil of mystery and superstition. It wasn't the first time that a case of zombification was medically documented, but on certain earlier occasions, pretentious scientific despotism had quelled interest in such cases with derisive qualifiers such as "trickery" and "popular hogwash." If a death certificate was found for a person walking through the streets of Port-au-Prince, it was always attributed to confusion, hoaxing or medical error. After all, everyone knows that it's impossible to return from the grave...
But the clinical histories and death certificates were not the only items in existence. Relatives and neighbors recognized the zombies. After making contact with Haitian houngans and bokors, Davis obtained access to certain Voodoo secrets, among them the making of zombie powder.
Far from being the product of strange esoteric ritual, zombification is the result of an exceptional application of natural chemistry on the bokor's part. Zombie dust is a compound based on a number of vegetable, animal and human material, which combined in the right amounts produces the most fascinating poison of Afroamerican witchery. Extracts from plants, human bones, tarantulas, poisonous toads, worms and other no less picturesque ingredients form part of the dust whose main active ingredient is the tetrodoxine found in the Haitian blowfish, which we were able to localize and photograph with underwater cameras after various dives into Caribbean waters. The substance is a masterpiece of chemical artistry --- if improperly mixed, it will have no effect whatsoever or will cause instant death.
Once prepared, the powder is deposited on the floor of the victim's home, so that it will penetrate his skin upon stepping on it with bare skin. Otherwise, the bokor will blow it into the hapless victim's face. Shortly after, the future zombie "dies" and the bokor "steals its soul," containing it in a bottle. After burial, the bokor and his assistants go to the graveyard and retrieve the zombie from the tomb in order to sell him as a slave on the other side of the island.
Our travels took us all over Haiti -- a hellish voyage between the Dominican border and Lake Peligros that took over twelve hours by motorcycle, crossing rivers and mudholes. We were thus able to prove the horror of the possibility of being zombified, a fear that forces the decapitation of corpses, or else the nailing of corpses to the casket to impede their removal. On the road to Lake Peligros, we found that many tombs and family crypts were built directly across from the relatives' homes, in order to keep the bokor from tampering with the deceased's body and soul.
In Haiti, death is not final. Death isn't even an antonym for life. In Voodoo, both death and the dead form part of daily life, of religion, and of society. Death itself is another form of life.
[Translation (c) 1998, 2015 by Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J
8 jun 2015
NASA aiming to cut Mars travel time in half
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0
Will First Contact be through Alien Machines?
While addressing an audience at the Cheltenham Science Festival last week, Rees said that an incoming SETI-like signal would likely be from machines built by a previous extraterrestrial civilization, since machines would be more suited to the rigors of space travel, as opposed to their biological creators, who are likely to have died out long beforehand.
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DRC-Hubo wins DARPA Robotics Challenge
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NASA debunks September doomsday claims
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Memorias antiferromagnéticas para almacenar mejor la información
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
Primera luz de PAU, nueva cámara para estudiar la energía oscura
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
7 jun 2015
Will first contact be with alien machines ?
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Boy survives 42 minutes trapped underwater
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Asteroid is named in honor of Leonard Nimoy
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6 jun 2015
Cheer Up!
I don't have much more to say than that right now, except that our family is as wonderful and funny as ever. Also, I might add that I'm doing better, finally EATING again rather than being fed through a tube. If you say "Glucerna" to me, I run even though I can't move an inch! But I can't fault the stuff, it kept me alive.
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Bizarre worm creature turns up in Taiwan
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Can the human brain become too 'full' ?
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0
World's First Lab-Grown Replacement Limb
Dr Harald Ott of the Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Surgery has grown the replacement forelimb for a rat, using the forelimb of another rat that had previously died as a template for the cellular structure to grow over. The donor limb was treated with a detergent solution to stop it's cells, then was injected with healthy muscle and blood vessel cells from the recipient rat, and given the necessary oxygen and other nutrients to enable it to grow. Within three weeks, the new limb was ready for transplant.
via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl