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31 mar 2015
Anglo Saxon potion is found to kill MRSA
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'Super' termite species could spell disaster
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Could there be a real-life Tatooine ?
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Descubren cientos de nuevas galaxias formadas poco después del Big Bang
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
30 mar 2015
Could we find 'Dyson Spheres' in space ?
via Unexplained Mysteries
'Demon attack' reported at textile factory
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Un modelo para predecir a qué zonas afectarán los vertidos nucleares
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
Early humans exhibited a range of sizes
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La calefacción puede perjudicar el patrimonio artístico de las iglesias
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
29 mar 2015
First baby is born without inherited disease
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Lectura en el retrete
No tengo ánimo este domingo como para estar dando vueltas a temas profundos, así que vamos con una curiosidad sencilla que me ha llamado la atención cuando estaba repasando una categoría de patentes que no tenía, en principio, nada que ver con retretes ni similares (buscaba un modelo de globo terráqueo móvil que vi hace tiempo y, sorpresa, me encontré con esto). No es algo que se me haya ocurrido hacer nunca, pero conozco bastantes personas que llevan al baño revistas, tablets e incluso el móvil para leer el periódico, y hasta novelas de las de tamaño ladrillo. Por lo visto, es algo relativamente común, así que no les llamará la atención esta patente española, la ES1112681 de 2014, ideada por Jaime Fons Oliver, que pretende precisamente facilitar esos momentos de lectura tan sinculares.
Su titulo: Soporte desplegable con atril (acceso al expediente en Invenes BD) nos presenta la idea básica que, puedo imaginar, posiblemente surgió de una necesidad personal no satisfecha como tantas otras invenciones:
Soporte desplegable con atril para ser ubicado preferentemente en inodoros que se caracteriza porque está formado por un brazo articulado extensible y replegable con una pluralidad de tramos y puntos de articulación, en cuyo extremo dispone de un atril con un dispositivo orientable, en el que el conjunto replegado queda protegido dentro de una caja ubicada en la base de dicho inodoro…
Lectura en el retrete apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 29 marzo 2015.
via Tecnología Obsoleta
Vast underground city discovered in Turkey
via Unexplained Mysteries
New species of giant dinosaur discovered
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Climate Change and Pope Francis
We are at present in an exceedingly serious situation. It is far more serious than people realize and are being led to believe. The most significant problems, as far as I can see, are as follows:
via UnknownCountry Mobile
28 mar 2015
Earth-like worlds may exist in nearby system
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Large, loud UFO sighted over Cannock Chase
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Robot astronaut sets two new world records
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27 mar 2015
'Genetic Adam' lived 239,000 years ago
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Scientists develop night vision eye drops
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Weekender: When the Unlikely and the Unbelievable Collide
In the aftermath of an early morning UFO encounter in his back yard that ended with both he and his wife losing consciousness, Charles Fontaine was haunted by a series of strange coincidences and paranormal experiences. Even though he rarely read books outside of his field in aeronautics, he went to a bookstore in a Montreal mall and picked up one book, the French edition of The Seven Secrets of Synchronicity.
via UnknownCountry Mobile
Somebody is Hiding Something
What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370? That’s the question we ask George Noory today, as we get into the book he has just published with Richard Belzer and David Wayne. George, Richard and David have gone very deeply into this most mysterious of all airliner disappearances and concluded that almost NOTHING that the general media has told us about this flight is true.
Part Two: Continuation for Subscribers
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Is the universe on the brink of collapse ?
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Joe Laudati, 22 años de modelado en arcilla
El presente irresistible tomo es una colección de las obras de prolífico escultor americano Joe Laudati, creador de mundos de fantasía, ciencia ficción, y de horror temático, especialistas en ‘maquetas de garaje’. Fotos a todo color con detalles de más de 200 maquetas.
Lauadti desglosa su obra en piezas de colección centradas en el mundo de Harryhausen, películas de serie B así como todo tipo de personajes de fantasía y como no, monstruos de cines, su verdadera especialidad.
Este reconocido autor ha trabajado para muchos estudios de Hollywood y sus creaciones/trabajos han aparecido en películas como Gremlins o el Retorno del Jedi.
“Las criaturas y monstruos del mundo de la ciencia ficción y terror cobran vida en esta magnífica crónica bio/escultórica de Joe Laudati. Absolutamente cargado con fantásticas fotografías en color, y repleto de interesantes anécdotas, pensamientos ideas y consejos. Joe Laudati cobra vida a través de este maravilloso libro. Su dedicación a su arte es inconfundible. Y su dedicación al famoso maestro del stop-motion Ray Harryhausen se registra adecuadamente en las páginas de esta historia ilustrada de 22 años de duración en 307 páginas a color”.
Entre las obras a destacar reseñadas en el libro destacan la serie de King Kong, donde podemos ver la evolución del personaje a lo largo de la historia del cine, así como los personajes ya mencionados de Harryhausen. También destacable son las creaciones propias del autor, algunas inéditas, y la historia de sus comienzos cuando era un estudiante de historia del cine y los efectos especiales. El libro es como una pequeña máquina del tiempo donde podemos observar, como por una minúscula ventana, los primeros pinitos de un joven Laudati, a posteriori todo un gigante de la escultura especializado en la historia del cine y el género fantástico/horror y de ciencia ficción.
5 Southside Ave. #8C
New Paltz, NY 12561
(845) 419-2390
Archivado en: Actualidad General
via Esencia21 Blog
26 mar 2015
UK police comment on paranormal call outs
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Man finds whole potato in his bag of crisps
via Unexplained Mysteries
UFOs: Theirs, Ours or Whose?
UFOs: Theirs, Ours or Whose?
By Scott Corrales
In recent years, the news has been filled with stories about drones – unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) -designed for a variety of purposes, perhaps most visibly military operations in the Middle East. In recent days, however, the media has been abuzz with stories of receiving authorization to deploy its own drone fleet... could Barnes & Noble be far behind? We may then be able to say, paraphrasing the wisdom of Master Yoda, “begun the drone wars have.”
The presence of these pilotless aircraft in over our heads will no doubt give rise to more reports of unidentified flying objects patrolling the night skies – unless they can be readily identified as the Domino’s drone on a pizza run. New York magazine treated us to a fine feature on the ubiquity of drones in the contemporary world ( mindful perhaps that New Yorker magazine had done one in 2012 (, citing the use of Predator drones by law enforcement in stalking a dangerous militia from an elevation of 10,000 feet. A quote from the article reads: “If you don’t have unmanned aircraft, or if you don’t have plans to get them, you’re seen as a caveman.”
Much as with the Argentinean case published in INEXPLICATA earlier this month (“Argentina: No UFOs in Rio Cuarto, Just Drones”) a number of recent UFO cases (CE-1s) and photographs may well be disproved as being manmade UAVs. This creates another problem – throwing the bona fide UFO photos and reports out with the electronic bathwater.
Dismissing UFO sightings as incidents involving airplanes is not new, but blaming them on prototype tests, experimental aircraft and the wonders of the military-industrial complex can only be taken so far.
The situation was articulated best by Spanish UFO researcher Marcelino Requejo in his book OVNIS:Alto Secreto (Vigo: Editorial Cydonia, 2009) in a section titled “La estúpida hipótesis del prototipo” (the dumb prototype hypothesis):
“Let us now compare the object sighted by Antolín Medina in Chantada in March 1980 with one of the UFOs photographed in Belgium nine years later, specifically during the 1989 flap. […] It was said at the time that the triangular flying objects seen and photographed in 1989 and 1990 over Belgium were nothing more than U.S. B-2 bombers. This is the last straw – someone had to say something! But the problem is that were facing the same old story. “Someone” took the citizens of the late 20th century to be imbeciles and hicks. See here: These modern bombers, 21 meters long and 52 meters wide, make a deafening noise as they fly, lack any kind of nocturnal illumination to avoid detection. In other words, not in the least similar to the silent and “disco-friendly” triangular objects seen in the skies over Belgium, measuring at least 70 meters from side to side, spinning on their own axis, and able to remain suspended barely 50 meters over the ground on more than one occasion.
“Wait, there’s more. If Northrop Grumman, the airplane’s builder, delivered the “Spirit of Missouri”, the first B-2, to the U.S. Air Force on 17 December 1993, how could this device have flown over Belgium four years earlier? Who can believe that an experimental aircraft with a 2.1 billion dollar price tag could be sent for nocturnal flights over Belgium, when the only operating base for the aircraft at the time was in Whiteman, Missouri?
“The Belgian Air Force itself scrambled several F-16s to intercept it, which is unexplainable when we consider that a bomber belonging “our American pals” or NATO (the same thing) would supposedly have the Belgian authorities’ permission and awareness.
“And what can we say about the artifact seen over Chantada (Galicia, Spain)? Another U.S. B-2 bomber? Well, if that’s the case, the American air force was “on sale” in 1980, because they sent the crème de la crème to Galicia…a lovely bomber measuring nearly 2 kilometers long! This, at a time when the B-2 was still on the drawing board!”
Similar efforts were made in the 1990s to explain away triangular UFOs in Argentina as tests of TR-3B reconnaissance airplane over Patagonia. In later years, triangular craft over South America were explained not as tests, but overflights of less-than-friendly governments such as landlocked Bolivia. The reason? Inspections of an extensive uranium deposit that allegedly exists in the Los Frailes cordillera, with reserves in excess of 100,000 tons, and which have attracted the attention of another less-than-friendly government: Iran. The inevitable question arises – wouldn’t spy satellites be better suited for such a task, and might the true nature of these triangle sightings have little to do with espionage or military hardware tests?
During a spectacular lightning storm in the Bolivian city of San Ignacio de Velasco on 17 January 2012, an amateur cameraman picked up what appeared to be a triangular UFO with lights at each vertex. The video was broadcast on Bolivia's UNITEL network, causing a tidal wave of controversy between those who considered it a fake and those who accepted its authenticity - either as UFO or a U.S. intelligence craft. The video can still be seen at
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Descrita la fragmentación del agua ionizada
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
NASA plans to give the moon its own moon
via Unexplained Mysteries
25 mar 2015
Un reloj atómico en la muñeca
Me encantaría tener uno de estos un rato, pero no para utilizarlo, sino para abrir sus entrañas y ver qué se esconde en su interior. Hace años que no utilizo relojes de pulsera (sigo sin verle la gracia a los relojes-listos aunque se hayan caído de un manzano), más que nada porque para trasto ya llevo el móvil y sirve también de reloj, cuando menos chismes se lleven encima, mejor.
No tenía ni idea de que se hubiera pensado en construir un reloj atómico de pulsera, pero sí, alguien lo ha hecho. Hay muchos relojes que se sincronizan con señales de radio procedentes de observatorios, pero tener tu propio reloj atómico de pulsera es jugar en otra liga. El fabricante de objetos exclusivos Hoptroff , de Londres, que es físico además de propietario de una boutique de altos vuelos, pensó en crear una pequeña maravilla mecánica con corazón de palpitante cesio. Su primer modelo de reloj atómico de pulsera, el Hoptroff 10 , data de 2013 y no es nada barato, viene a salir por unas 100.000 libras. Desconozco si hay más fabricantes de objetos similares, en todo caso no creo que sean muchos. Lo que si parece claro es que Hoptroff fue el primero en alumbrar una idea tan asombrosa como esta.
Me llegó eco de su existencia gracias a una nota de la IEEE . Vamos a lo que aquí interesa, ¿qué contiene en su interior? Hoptroff diseñó un reloj muy completo, mecánico y con un diseño arriesgado, pero lo más atractivo es lo que le da vida. Según datos del fabricante, vendría a tener una precisión de 1,5 segundos cada milenio. A nadie le hace falta tanto, simplemente es un elemento más en lo que es tecnología pensada para alguien excéntrico, y millonario, claro está. El núcleo del reloj está formado por un chip Quantum SA.45s .
Uno de los esquemas de la patente US 7215213, utilizada en el Quantum SA.45s.
No es un circuito pensado para el uso común, sino que su destino original es el de controlar tecnología militar o de satélite, teniendo en cuenta que se ideó para tener un control preciso del tiempo en lugares en los que las señales de GPS lo tienen difícil para penetrar o simplemente no llegan, como en las profundidades del océano o en el guiado muy preciso de misiles de crucero. El artilugio tiene su miga: una cámara hermética contiene gas de cesio en condiciones de temperatura controladas por un láser, un resonador de microondas se encarga de recibir las emisiones de los átomos de cesio cuando sus electrones cambian de nivel de energía. Y, de ese “bip bip” nuclear, nace el ritmo que mantiene viva esta joya mecánica de precio terrorífico.
Un reloj atómico en la muñeca apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 25 marzo 2015.
via Tecnología Obsoleta
Japan to build giant 250-mile-long seawall
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Pope Francis credited with performing miracle
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Spain: Incident at the Rogelio Farm (Possible CE-2, 1976)
Spain: Incident at the Rogelio Farm (Possible CE-2, 1976)
By Manuel Ramirez, Red Nacional de Corresponsales
From the Collection of Ignacio Darnaude
"It was around four or five in the afternoon on a spring day. I was working, cutting grass at the farm, and my position afforded me a good look of the surroundings, as the house is higher than the rest of the property, being located on a small hill. I looked at the sky and was able to see an object that drew my attention. It was a sort of very large sphere, like the size of an average car, and it appeared to be surrounded by some sort of steam or smoke..."
After much hearsay and a bit of news appearing in the media, members of the Red Nacional de Corresponsales - a UFO research center - visited Alcalá de Guadaira, specifically the area known as "la Lapa" and its surroundings. Repeated questioning led them to get in touch with the ranger of the Rogelio Farm, located in the community.
A small property surrounded by orchards which allow for a dairy farm to be maintained. A flat surface with low vegetation, some eucalyptus trees and pines. Sedimentary rocks are found in the vicinity and chalky, compacted sand. At this location, a fifty-five-year old man, father to a numerous family - three boys and a girl - with no other livelihood than his work and without time to waste on far-fetched scientific notions, recalls how one spring day, while working, he saw an object that caught his eye.
"The object was some 200 meters over the ground and some 300 meters over me. I watched it for about five seconds. I wanted to call my wife and daughter, who were the two ones at home, to come out and see, but the minute they arrived, and I turned my head, the object had vanished. I ran to get a better vantage point, but no use. There wasn't a trace left."
There is no further information, no exact dates are provided, but there is something strange in the air. The investigation is ongoing, questions are asked here and there - some time having elapsed from the original sighting - but there is an item that begins to clarify things, bolstering the underlying storyline...
Leopoldina Becerra, at five thirty in the afternoon on 19 April 1976, went to purchase milk at the Rogelio Farm. She was accompanied by a cousin. Leopoldina, an uneducated woman, remembers the events...
"My cousin and I went to the Rogelio Farm to buy milk, as we often did. It would have been five thirty in the afternoon. We saw something odd in a bend on the road: something seemed to be on fire on top of a dung heap near the farm wall. At first we thought it might be the dung heap itself, because a lot of smoke seemed to come out of the ground, but it wasn't the case. We saw an egg-shaped object, dark in color, suspended in the air, about a meter from the ground. I alerted my cousin, a much more educated and learned person than myself, and she said that thing could be a UFO. The object was some fifty meters away from us. We broke into a run and were truly scared, thinking that the object would head our way at some point. As we ran, we fell and screamed, since the ground is very rough in that area. One of the ranger's children came out to help us. What happened, he asked. We pointed toward where the object was, telling the boy to look at the sky, that something strange had come out of the dung heap. When he looked, there was nothing to be seen, but I'm sure there was something there."
There is a close relationship between some statements and others. These are two other direct witnesses to the case, and a long time has elapsed from when the event took place to the investigation. Neither woman wants any publicity. "Because, you know, some people do not believe in these things, and in a village, well, you understand..." and they are completely uninterested in the UFO phenomenon, having never found themselves in a similar situation.
The members of the Red Nacional de Corresponsales managed to contact two more witnesses who appear to be connected, but this pair refuses to make any comment whatsoever, while the ranger at the Rogelio Farm and Leopoldina Becerra remember the event vividly. On that spring afternoon, specifically on 19 April 1976, an unidentified flying object landed in Alcalá. One witness saw it at an altitude of two hundred meters; another witness saw it fifty meters away, suspended a meter off the ground. It was an egg-shaped object that issued smoke, and was dark in color...
(Translation (c) 2015 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Ignacio Darnaude)
[NOTE: In his landmark The Mothman Prophecies (NY: Signet, 1975) John A. Keel mentions the persistent connection between unidentified objects and "dirty" places much like the dung heap on the Rogelio Farm. "In early times," wrote Keel, "fairies, demons and even human witches practicing their Black Sabbath rites, chose gravel pits, garbage dumps, cemeteries and crossroads for their appearances. Modern hairy monsters and UFOs select the same sites..." An aspect to be taken into consideration in this case? -- SC]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
High Strangeness Memories and Invasive Dreams
Have you ever had dead relatives come to you in dreams? How about people you don't know? Have you ever had childhood memories flash through your adult mind that are simply impossible... until you confirm with close family that something mysterious has indeed happened? This week we will talk to a subscriber named Stephen who has had all of the above happen to him and is just thankful to have found Whitley Strieber's work and the beacon in the dark that is to help him make sense of it all.
via UnknownCountry Mobile
Shape-shifting frog mimics its surroundings
via Unexplained Mysteries
Another Airbus A320 Lost in Sudden Catastrophic Incident
via UnknownCountry Mobile
24 mar 2015
Secret Nazi hideout found in Argentine jungle
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Can gold be extracted from human waste ?
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Spain: An Early Triangular UFO Sighting - Through a Telescope
Spain: An Early Triangular UFO Sighting - Through a Telescope
By Antonio Ribera
From "El Gran Enigma de los Platillos Voladores"
[One of the oldest controversies in the UFO field was whether astronomers see UFOs through their instruments or not. Surveys in the US and the former Soviet Union indicated that this was indeed the case, but for a number of reasons, mainly having to do with prestige and the very real possibility of "academic suicide", expert stargazers played their cards close to their vests. This case appears in the late Antonio Ribera's El Gran Enigma de los Platillos Voladores (The Great Flying Saucer Enigma) and was sent to him in a letter by Father Antonio Felices of the Dominican Order in the city of Valladolid, dated 2 February 1966 -- SC]
"In regard to the UFO that appeared her on September 16, [1965] I have little more to add to our phone conversation. According to the Villanubla base, the UFO placed itself over the city at three in the afternoon, but we did not get to see it until 6:45 pm local time. Yours truly was in church, supervising work, when a brother came in to tell me that a very strange light was over the school. I broke into a run. Indeed, there was a scintillating object over the school, having the apparent size of a grapefruit. Fearing that it might take off when we least expected it, I stayed there watching while the other brothers came out to see what was going on. Moreover, the nuns and servants of the school had also noticed the strange object and were looking at it. Finally, a young priest and yours truly decided to set up the telescope we keep in our physics laboratory. It took us a while, as this telescope is rather large and hard to handle. We placed it on two tables, since the UFO nearly on top of us, and the telescope had to point to a very sharp angle.
"By seven twenty everything was ready. I focused the telescope and...what a sight awaited me. It was a very large METALLIC object at a considerable altitude (23,200 meters, according to the instruments at Villanubia). It was nearly motionless, except for a slight wobble from side to side, as an ocean liner would while anchored at sea. It was silver, with an enormous belly, and the upper section was the "delta" or triangular shape proper. It covered one square kilometer, according to our calculations.
"I would not dare attest - and indeed refrained from doing so in the article that appeared in Flying Saucer Review - that I saw two very small luminous dots breaking off from the UFO. I say that I wouldn't dare to attest because it could have been a product of my imagination. In a case such as this, no matter how impartial one may want to be, even the best observer can be deceived without intending to. So I'm merely telling you without ascertaining it.
"The first stars began to rise around seven o'clock. We were then able to verify that the object was between Beta Cephei and Epsilon Draconis. The UFO began rising at five minutes past seven quite rapidly, vanishing completely from sight.
"It caused a tremendous impression. Nearly all the other priests who were there with me were highly skeptical, and having seen it through a telescope, and ascertaining that it was in fact a metallic object, left no doubt in their minds that it was an unidentified flying object."
Ribera - playing devil's advocate - does not overlook the possibility that the UFO could have been a "tetrahedral weather balloon" launched from the French weather station at Las Landas.
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Giant prehistoric salamander discovered
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23 mar 2015
Curiosity encuentra nitrógeno en el suelo de Marte
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
Hadron Collider could find parallel universes
via Unexplained Mysteries
Edgar Cayce: the Story BEHIND the Story
Edgar Cayce was the first person ever to describe himself as a 'channel,' and he was one of the greatest channels of all time. His medical readings are legendary, his prophecies amazing.
But who was he, really, and how did he come by his knowledge? We talk to Mitchell Horowitz, who wears a hat—among many others—as an expert on Cayce.
Editor in Chief of Tarcher/Penguin, Mitch has just republished the classic biography of Cayce: There is a River, the Story of Edgar Cayce by Thomas Sugrue.
via UnknownCountry Mobile
Russia Threatens Denmark with Nukes
via UnknownCountry Mobile
Richard III to be reburied in Leicester
via Unexplained Mysteries
Los haces de protones se preparan para circular por el LHC esta semana
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
Boeing developing 'Star Wars' force fields
via Unexplained Mysteries
IZw18, la galaxia que revela el pasado del universo
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
22 mar 2015
Spain: A Monster in Málaga (CE-3, 1966)
Spain: A Monster in Málaga
By Manuel Ramírez, Red Nacional de Corresponsales
From the Collection of Ignacio Darnaude
A news item caught the attention of several newspapers on May 28, 1965. One news flash read succinctly: "A spherical metal object has been floating in space this morning over the town of Martos in Jaén. It is apparently motionless."
Subsequently, on July 24th of that same year, two glowing objects were seen by numerous people around midnight on a street of that community. When they were strolling past the place known as Casa de Dean, many people of acknowledged solvency saw two white objects with a shape that at times looked like the full moon. These objects crossed the horizon heading toward the south-southeast with ten minute gap between them.
Only days later, in Seville, María Díaz Trigo, seated at the terrace of her home around nine thirty or ten o'clock at night, saw burnished aluminum object resembling a Cordoban hat traveling at some sixty meters over the ground in a north-south direction before vanishing behind some housing blocks at this location. However, the strangest case that occurred around this time was in Málaga, specifically on February 3, 1966.
Trinidad Gómez Sánchez was getting ready for bed after having done her house chores. Only minutes before going to bed at around twelve thirty at night, she went out to her yard to check the doors and take a look at her plants. Nothing abnormal, purely routine activity at the moment. However, unable to explain how it happened, a strange being suddenly appeared in her yard (an inner courtyard with no access to the street). The creature was very thin, lean, long-haired and scarcely one meter tall. Its hair looked like that of a newborn child and it did not utter a word. Ms. Gomez fled the courtyard, calling for help. She was never able to explain the sensation caused by this strange apparition.
Something very similar occurred to Manuel Hernández in Córdoba on May 16, 1966. He was returning from the countryside in the vicinity of Mezquita. A hundred meters from where he stood, he saw a disc-shaped object land and disgorge small beings resembling "green birds". After wandering around the craft for a few moments, they re-entered it and it took off again.
[Translation (c) 2015, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Ignacio Darnaude]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
UFO reports were common during World War I
via Unexplained Mysteries
New data hints at water volcanoes on Ceres
via Unexplained Mysteries
Spain: From Linares to Mulhacén - a '50s UFO Sighting
Spain: From Linares to Mulhacén - a '50s UFO Sighting
By Manuel Ramírez, Red Nacional de Corresponsales
From the collection of Ignacio Darnaude
The time was exactly ten minutes to five on the afternoon of February 2, 1953 when an object soared noiselessly over the skies of Linares (Province of Jaén) from north to southeast. The object flew at high speed and left black smoke in its wake at an altitude of three thousand meters. The speed - according to the CIFRA agency - was such that the object's shape could not be seen and the dense contrail of smoke lasted a few minutes. The next day - could it have been the same unidentified flying object? - another strange smoky wake crossed the skies over Bailén (Jaén) adopting an elliptical shape as it dissipated.
Certain time had to elapse before the media and the UFO research organizations recorded new sightings. Thus, in Cartaya (Huelva), on December 19, 1954, Messrs. Moral Bernal and Riquelme Camacho - according to a Barcelona paper - were at a place called "Tavirona" when they saw a circular craft on the ground, some fifty meters distant from their position. When they approached the object, they were startled to see that it lifted noisily into the air and flew off toward Portugal. Subsequently, in the month of May, 1956, in the Straits of Gibraltar, a mysterious radiant object was seen by numerous witnesses as it flew over this location. The object was shaped like a green sphere and was suspended for some ten minutes at an altitude of fifteen hundred meters, descending very slowly over the village of Benzú, vanishing at high speed.
These were not the only cases from the 1950s, or at least the ones to be known. At El Padul (Granada), on the evening of April 30, 1958, Messrs. Jimenez Leyva and Torcuato Sánchez witnessed a very bright craft, some ten meters in diameter, descending to the ground over a hill. Shortly after, the strange object began to rise into the air, disappearing at high speed toward Baza, leaving a yellow wake.
However, one of the most important cases of that decade was, without a doubt the one that occurred on pico Mulhacén (Granada), at the summit of the "Mojón Alto" peak, at an elevation of three thousand meters and an ambient temperature of ten to fifteen degrees centigrade, under clear and dry weather conditions, in August 1956. Three witnesses observed an object that rested on the ground for a quarter of an hour, some four kilometers distant from their position. The estimated its height at between eight and ten meters, and its shape was similar to a rocket on three legs. It was seemingly metallic (shiny like steel) and reflected light. It made no noise whatsoever - according to sources of the C.E.I. (Center for Interplanetary Studies) - and rose into the air, increasing its speed rapidly, heading toward Alvica.
It was precisely on New Year’s Eve, 1958, when a reliable sighting took place in Andalucía. Rafael Salas was on his way back to Seville in a truck rented from the Acha trucking company and ordered the driver to stop a kilometer away from Cuesta de las Doblas, to ring in the New Year. The driver pulled over to the shoulder. Before stopping -- as they subsequently told ufologist Manuel Osuna, also noted by the Red Nacional de Corresponsales - there was nothing visible on the ground. No sooner had the truck stopped than a pointed cylindrical object flies upward, a meter and a half away from the truck's passenger door. The witness tried to get out and opened the door; a second object with similar characteristics emerged from the ground, more clearly visible than the first. According to the information provided by Rafael Salas, it measured some thirty centimeters in diameter and two meters tall, with a dark phosphorescent red color, with a noise similar to that of a mixer in operation. Both objects vanished at terrific speed.
[Translation © 2015 S. Corrales, IHU, with thanks to Ignacio Darnaude]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
NASA developing plane with 18 propellers
via Unexplained Mysteries
Mexico: The Ticul "Sierrita" - Ideal for UFO Watching
Source: SIPSE
Date: 03.19.2015
Mexico: The Ticul "Sierrita" - Ideal for UFO Watching
By Jorge Moreno, SIPSE
An unidentified flying object was seen over several nights from the summit of the Perla del Sur in July 2004.
MERIDA, Yucatan - During the second Alerta OVNI (UFO Skywatch) held last month, a recurring question was what would be the best place for seeing spaceships (sic) and above all, which would be the most famous place, or the one where most cases of this sort have been reported. The unequivocal response would be the municipality of Ticul, since given its geography and background; it has been the most famous site at least in the past decade.
In fact, a few years ago we remarked that the second most significant UFO flap in the history of Yucatan had taken place in this municipality, known as "La Perla del Sur" (Pearl of the South), the first one having taken place in Homún in the Seventies.
Everything started in early July 2004, when young César Mata, a native of the city of Ticul, circulated a video he had recorded a few days earlier to the media. The image showed a UFO flying at low altitude toward that city's San Juan neighborhood.
Astonished voices can be heard when the UFO appears and Mata wastes no time, jumping onto his motorcycle to chase the light and record it for a longer amount of time. A group of experts analyzed the video and confirmed it wasn't hoaxed. What was recorded in the sky that night was real, and as if that wasn't enough, several people reported seeing the same light around the San Benito district, located at the entrance to Ticul, next to a hill known as "La Sierrita".
Within a matter of days, dozens had already gathered in the area to see the UFO, which kept its nightly routine in that area, between 9 pm and 2:00 am in the morning.
I had the chance of visiting the site within days, specifically on July 17. At the time I was accompanied by six members of CIFEP. We arrived around six o'clock in the evening to interview a family that lived on the slopes of the hill and claimed to see the UFO every day.
After interviewing Fidel Chan Chuc, the head of the household, we positioned ourselves on top of the hill. A few hours later, after it had become dark, the gentleman and his children shouted: "There's the UFO!" but upon looking upward, I saw it merely an airplane.
As I was starting to think that perhaps this is what they were seeing on a daily basis - nothing more than a false alarm - they shouted once more: "There's the UFO!" and this time they weren't wrong.
Along with my companions, I was able to see a flying object that was slightly larger than an airplane, but completely circular, and an orange light that turned on and off irregularly. We were at the summit and visibility was perfect. The UFO traced a sort of circle in the sky and shortly after made a U-turn.
According to my coordinates, I can state the object was heading from the municipality of Muna toward Sacalum. Subsequently, it deviated and vanished in the direction of Santa Elena. It reappeared ten minutes later, making a slow zig-zag motion. The lights kept turning on and off irregularly, but not making a single sound. By that time there were over 50 people along the slopes of the hill, near a baseball field. Hours later, the number of curiosity seekers had swelled to 400, but the UFO did not turn up again.
The UFO was seen for a total of twelve consecutive days until it vanished for good, and the description was always the same from residents of Mérida, adjacent municipalities and even other states, as well as national and foreign journalists who covered the case and were able to see it. In fact, the summit's height was ideal for commanding the area for several kilometers around, and for that reason both the first and second UFO skywatches also included Ticul.
[Translation (c) 2015, S. Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology, with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO and Jorge Moreno, SIPSE]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Argentina: An Unusual Photo from Cerrito Sur
Source: Planeta UFO
Date: 03.22.2015
Argentina: An Unusual Photo from Cerrito Sur
By Pablo Miladinoff with material from Rubén Latuf Irsiger
(Courtesy Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO)
March 19, 2015 approximately 12:30 hrs. I finished lunch after a morning at work and sat down for a few minutes to take photos along Ruta Cerrito Sur, which is clearly visible from my back yard. I must've taken some 150 photos and went about reviewing them. Look what I found...doesn't it look like a flying submarine?
This is craft has no classification. It is of considerable size and was flying from south to north. Its appearance is diffuse - it may perhaps be circular and has on its upper section what appear to be spheres or a light colored ball. I leave it to the viewer's discretion. I am attaching a panoramic view and enlargements.
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
21 mar 2015
Woman films poltergeist activity in her home
via Unexplained Mysteries
SETI could detect alien particle accelerators
via Unexplained Mysteries
Francisco de Paula Martí, inventor de la pluma estilográfica
Versión reducida del artículo que publiqué en la revista Historia de Iberia Vieja , edición de marzo de 2015.
Uno de tantos españoles ilustres que permanecen ignorados, víctimas de nuestro especial carácter, siempre dispuesto a ensalzar lo ajeno y a despreciar lo propio, ha sido el benemérito D. Francisco de Paula Martí. (…) Para obtener ahorro de tiempo, el que se pierde mientras se copia un discurso al alargar la mano hasta el tintero, recomendaba [el inventor] que la tinta fuera dentro de un tubo, al cual se sujetara la pluma…
La Voz, Madrid, 19 de agosto de 1925.
Un instrumento elegante para el arte de la escritura
El diccionario de la Real Academia Española define la pluma estilográfica como aquella “pluma de escribir que lleva incorporado un depósito recargable o un cartucho para la tinta”. Ni más ni menos, este artilugio aparentemente tan sencillo lleva acompañándonos desde hace unos dos silglos, por mucho que en los últimos tiempos esta elegante forma de escribir se esté perdiendo, prácticamente como la propia escritura manual, en medio de una maraña de teclados físicos y virtuales. A este paso el noble arte de la escritura va a terminar siendo considerado como una reliquia. ¿Dónde quedaron los añejos cuadernos de caligrafía y el deseo por tener una letra atractiva?
Las plumas estilográficas siguen manteniendo su presencia como elemento lujoso y de distinción, lugar que realmente siempre ocuparon, pues en los viejos tiempos eran pocos los que podían permitirse una de ellas y, si acaso, se conformaban con un sencillo “plumín” y su tintero.
Desde tiempos antiguos se han empleados plumas de ave, o bien algunas de otros materiales, incluso metálicas, para realizar trazos de tinta sobre pergamino o papel. Ahora bien, el tener que ir “mojando” la punta de la pluma en el tintero para recargar el artilugio de escritura era todo un arte que debía ser cultivado adecuadamente si no se deseaba llenar el costoso soporte de escritura de molestas gotas de tinta. Por otro lado, aunque terminaba por convertirse en algo mecánico, no dejaba de ser un gesto molesto y tedioso. ¿Habría alguna forma de remediar aquello? La había, y mucho antes de que se inventara el mágico bolígrafo, con su ingeniosa cabeza esférica de metal, surgió la pluma estilográfica.
Como idea, viene de muy lejos. Se conservan registros que mencionan artilugios similares ya en la Edad Media, pero por entonces no se logró llegar a un modelo realmente práctico. En el siglo XVII los refinamientos a los que se llegó con el uso de plumas de ave llegaron al extremo de lograrse ejemplares capaces de retener una cantidad considerable de tinta en su interior. Por esa época surgieron diversos intentos para lograr un equivalente a esas eficientes plumas de ave pero con recipientes metálicos a modo de receptáculos para la tinta. Entonces surgieron las “plumas fuente”, que tuvieron cierta difusión a lo largo del siglo XVIII. Ninguno de esos modelos podía considerarse como una verdadera estilográfica, pero iban bien encaminadas.
La historia “oficial” de este elemento para la escritura menciona que hacia 1835 ya se comercializaban en Inglaterra algunos modelos de “pluma fuente” que tenían características que recordaban lejanamente a nuestras estilográficas actuales. Poco antes, en 1827, se mencionan registros de patentes como la efectuada en Francia por un rumano, Petrache Poenaru, que es considerada como la primera pluma estilográfica de la historia que realmente merece llevar ese nombre. A partir de ahí todo fueron mejoras e innovaciones a cargo de inventores y fabricantes que han moldeado su nombre con letras de tinta dorada que resuenan al cabo de las centurias, como Schaeffer, Waterman, Parker o Pelikan. Una historial aparentemente sencilla que suele olvidar a un pionero que diseñó y construyó toda una pluma estilográfica antes que el inventor rumano mencionado antes. Fue un español, Francisco de Paula Martí, quien supo atisbar el futuro de las herramientas de escritura manual.
El nacimiento de la “pluma-fuente”
Cuando las primeras plumas estilográficas comerciales hicieron su aparición en Inglaterra, en torno al citado 1835, hacía ya más de tres décadas que en Madrid se había dado a conocer la pluma mecánica de Francisco de Paula. Nació en 1803 como un elemento técnico pensado para ayudar en la escritura taquigráfica, perfeccionada también por el propio de Paula. La clarividencia del inventor era tal que, al describir su ingenio, no cabe duda de que nos encontramos ante una pluma estilográfica moderna. He aquí su descripción de la pluma-fuente, realizada en los albores del siglo XIX:
Se hará un cañón de latón o de plata, que tenga cuatro pulgadas de largo: al extremo superior, cuatro líneas de diámetro, y tres al inferior. Este cañón tendrá una tapa con rosca. En el extremo opuesto, que es el más delgado, tendrá otra rosca y un casquillo de una pulgada y cuatro líneas de largo, que sirve para cubrir la pluma y para poderla llevar en la faltriquera, sin que ésta incomode ni se estropee. A cuatro líneas de distancia de la parte más angosta de dicho tubo se soldará un pedazo del mismo metal de una línea de grueso, el cual tendrá un agujerito que pueda caber por él una aguja gorda de coser, seguido de un cañoncito del mismo diámetro de seis líneas de longitud, al frente de cuyo agujerito estará colocada la parte superior de la pluma.
El grueso del metal o acero de que se haga la pluma será el de la cartulina de naipe, y para que tenga la misma elasticidad que una pluma de ave, se le hará la ranura muy larga y a su extremo un agujero. El cañoncito que tiene el tubo unido al mismo agujerito, que es el que comunica la tinta a la pluma, está compuesto a efecto de que el poso que comúnmente hace la tinta, baje al fondo y no impida el paso de ésta.
Para echar la tinta en el tubo se tendrá puesto el casquillo que cubre la pluma, y se echará por la parte más ancha, para que se contenga en el tubo, y no se quitará el casquillo hasta que esté puesto el tapón de la parte superior; de este modo, como no tiene comunicación el aire, la tinta queda contenida dentro del mismo tubo y no sale de allí sino por medio de la frotación que la pluma hace sobre el granito de papel al tiempo de escribir, lo que llama solamente la tinta necesaria para marcar lo que se escribe.
Más claro y sencillo no lo podía describir Francisco de Paula. Ahí estaba, toda una pluma-fuente práctica, moderna y de gran utilidad. ¿Por qué no se conoció en el resto del mundo y se difundió como merecía? Hay que reconocer que, en la tarea del olvido, el propio inventor tuvo bastante que ver. Veamos de forma breve quién fue tan singular personaje, alguien que era todo un genio en diversos campos.
Pasión por la taquigrafía
En el madrileño Parque del Retiro contempla el paso del tiempo una estatua de Francisco José Buenaventura de Paula Martí y Mora, tal era su nombre completo, en el que se recuerda su papel como inventor de la “taquigrafía española”, pero no se mencionan otras de sus grandes pasiones, como fue la propia pluma-fuente, que mucho tuvo que ver con la taquigrafía.
La taquigrafía es relativamente sencilla de aprender, pero su uso ágil y eficaz requiere de una destreza y una práctica nada desdeñables. Se agrupan bajo este nombre diversos métodos o sistemas de escritura que permiten registrar con suma rapidez un discurso hablado, prácticamente a la misma velocidad a la que se está produciendo. Es lo que ahora llamaríamos transcripción en “tiempo real”. Para lograr tal maravilla se recurre a ingeniosas combinaciones de trazos breves y caracteres que representan las diversas partes del discurso hablado. En la génesis de este tipo de comunicación escrita tuvo mucho que ver nuestro protagonista.
Nacido en la valenciana Játiva el 22 de abril de 1761, o en la misma fecha del año siguiente según otras fuentes, Francisco de Paula Martí desarrolló una intensa carrera como grabador, arte en el que fue considerado gran maestro. Introductor de la taquigrafía en España, desarrolló diversos métodos que mejoraban lo conocido hasta entonces en ese campo y, claro está, así fue como nació su pluma-fuente. He ahí una de las razones por las que no llegó muy lejos tan ingenioso invento, precursor de la pluma estilográfica, porque el bueno de don Francisco estaba más ocupado en dar a conocer sus métodos de escritura rápida que de dar salida comercial al artilugio en cuestión.
Tras sus primeros estudios en Játiva, pasó a cultivar diversas artes en Valencia. Desde muy temprano destacó como grabador, oficio que le proporcionó fama y fortuna. A finales del siglo XVIII se le puede encontrar como fundador y director de la Real Escuela de Taquigrafía, a la vez que publicaba diversas obras que servían de método práctico para la escritura rápida. Su método taquigráfico encontró eco en diversos países. La pluma-fuente maravillaba en Madrid, pero un tanto disperso, Francisco nunca llegó a pensar en su invento como algo que él mismo podía haber llevado al siguiente escalón: la fabricación en serie y su comercialización. Y, así, entre sus clases para “enseñar a escribir con tanta velocidad como se habla y con la misma claridad que la escritura común”, sus célebres grabados, sus libros y otro de sus inventos, una de las primeras agendas de bolsillo de la historia, se fue diluyendo lo que pudo haber sido el origen de una revolución que todavía tuvo que esperar más de treinta años para llegar al gran público. Por desgracia, eso sucedió en manos lejanas a nuestras tierras y la aportación de Francisco de Paula pasó al olvido. Si toda aquella actividad nos parece poco, cabe mencionar que también publicó varias obras de teatro y llevó una vida política muy activa, siempre a favor de su querida constitución de Cádiz de 1812, que vio nacer en primera persona.
Francisco de Paula Martí, inventor de la pluma estilográfica apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 21 marzo 2015.
via Tecnología Obsoleta
Has Curiosity found fatty acid on Mars ?
via Unexplained Mysteries
20 mar 2015
Mystery flash lights up night sky over Russia
via Unexplained Mysteries
Chinese woman memorizes entire dictionary
via Unexplained Mysteries
El eclipse solar visto desde Europa y el espacio
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
Millions view eclipse over UK and Europe
via Unexplained Mysteries
19 mar 2015
UFO caught on film during live TV broadcast
via Unexplained Mysteries
Unexplained Light Ball on California Beach
via UnknownCountry Mobile
Huge bipedal crocodile predated dinosaurs
via Unexplained Mysteries
Gateways into Other Worlds--Where are They NOW?
via UnknownCountry Mobile
Visitors, Humans: the Choir of One
How do we define orbs? Does abduction hypnosis create a de facto hero's journey? Do you right now exist as a whole entity broken up into dimensions, whose attention may only exist in one at a time? Is visitor phenomena really one waking oneself up to this?
What was supposed to be a roundtable discussion of past episodes becomes a free-for-all discussion that narrows in on the single most pressing question of all: What are we?
via UnknownCountry Mobile
A Close Encounter or a Visitation?
A Close Encounter or a Visitation?
Earlier this week I had the opportunity to cite the work of Juan José (J.J.) Benítez with regard to the Fuentecén robot, information taken from what I consider to be one of the finest and best-written ufology books in Spanish, La Quinta Columna (The Fifth Column), published by Barcelona’s Editorial Planeta in 1990, just as interest in the UFO/extraterrestrial/paranormal field was rekindling worldwide. Aside from presenting fascinating follow-ups on events that made the pages of Spain’s regional press (some of them even making it to the hallowed pages of Flying Saucer Review), Benítez injected a great human element into his search, turning witnesses of the impossible and the incredible into living, breathing beings whose photos and stories reminds us that ufology is the study of the human element, as the non-human element is beyond our reach, perhaps forever, if certain theories hold true.
Citing the Fuentecén case prompted me to re-read the book, coming up with cases that are no less astonishing now than when Benítez toured the Iberian Peninsula on his round of interviews. One of them clearly comes from that border realm that we’ve come to know as high strangeness, although the believer in ETs will ascribe it to space aliens, the paranormalist to ghosts or elementals, and the contactee as visitations by the kind space brothers.
On page 147 of the 1990 edition, the author mentions the following story, told to him by an anonymous experiencer who had been a soldier – the experience had been sufficient to turn him away from the profession of arms.
“It happened in 1980. Around August 15, approximately. We were traveling from Madrid to Asturias. In passing through the province of León we stopped in an area with castles. We had tents with us – “Canadian type” – and decided to set up camp in that lonely area. A river runs through this beautiful place. We had dinner and went to sleep around eleven o’clock in the evening,” says the anonymous source.
“I shared one of the tents,” he continued, “with my wife and sister-in-law, but we found it hard to sleep. Something abnormal was happening to us, or was perhaps happening in our surroundings. In any event, everything lit up in the small hours of the morning. It was amazing: the night vanished and the place became as bright as is if lit by the midday sun.
“Almost at once, a human head started forming in mid-air. And we felt fear. Indescribable terror. Yet I’m not sure if you’ll be able to understand us: at the same time that we were overcome by this sense of anguish and fear, another feeling manifested itself, as real and powerful as the previous one. As the “head” acquired shape, we were invaded by a strange “wave” of peace. The entity kept materializing in the air until it achieved complete and full definition. This is also curious: its “materialization” appeared to be subject to the degree that we were willing to accept the phenomenon. It’s so hard to describe!
“It was a man. That much was evident. But a three meter tall “man”, seemingly middle aged, perhaps forty-five years old. His tanned features were perfect. I don’t know what the standards of beauty are, but that guy had it in spades. I’ve never seen anything like it. His long hair had a whitish hue to it, and his blue eyes stood out from the rest of his face. He didn’t wear any insignia, weapons or anything similar. He irradiated peace and trust. As he spoke, he moved his arms, and speak he did. His words were the key to changing the path we were on, and our philosophy of life, one hundred eighty degrees. The shock of it all made me want to go off with him, but when he said farewell, he made a ‘calm down’ gesture with his hand, and vanished in seconds, taking the brightness with him. Everything recovered its normal rhythm. Everything except us, of course.”
The author goes on to add that the encounter had the effect of making these people reconsider the existence of ‘other paths’ than the one they were following, and from that moment on, they became part of the peace movement.
Readers would be right to dismiss this as just another anecdote from the nebulous world of the paranormal, as there is no evidence beyond trust in the words of the spokesman for a group of campers. To others, however, it may be a reminder of the fact that non-human forces have always been in our midst since the distant past, and that such subjective experiences are likely to be taking place somewhere on Earth, even as these words are typed, or as your eyes read them.
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Darwin was baffled by prehistoric 'horse'
via Unexplained Mysteries
Un eclipse de Sol inaugura la primavera
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
18 mar 2015
Anonymous No More – Now Where, No How!
Doctoral student Heather Dewey-Hagborg, who is completing her degree in electronic art at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, wanted to find out just how much of ourselves we are potentially revealing through this personal debris. So she began collecting these nasty little leave-behinds, and found that, “the more I walked around the city, the more I saw these genetic artifacts everywhere I looked.”
via UnknownCountry Mobile
Buzz Aldrin sends message from Stonehenge
via Unexplained Mysteries
Cops saw 'ghost' during 9/11 rubble search
via Unexplained Mysteries
Astrophysicist doubts feasibility of Mars One
via Unexplained Mysteries
Capas atómicas de oxido de silicio emiten una cantidad extraordinaria de radiación térmica
via Matemáticas, Física y Química
Nuevo Programa: Jeremy Wade
Dr. Karl Shuker Mirabilis
Mirabilis: A Carnival of Cryptozoology and Unnatural History
Mirabilis: Un Carnaval de Criptozoología e historia no natural
Karl Shuker
Tapa blanda, 194 páginas
Libros Anomalists
Agosto 2013
Bienvenido a un carnaval diferente a todo lo que alguna vez haya leído, visitado o siquiera imaginado antes. Aquí, delante sus propios ojos, se encontrará con criaturas extrañas, anómalas, inconcebibles… una verdadera colección de animales salvajes de los misterios criptozoológicos para deslumbrar y deleitar, tentar y aterrorizar. Esto es Mirabilis, un reino de maravillas, prodigios, milagros… y ¡monstruos!
Mirar a través de las sombras y ve lo que puede ser real. ¿Qué hay de la araña del tamaño de un cachorro? ¿De ese tronco caído de repente brotan un par de mandíbulas de cocodrilo? ¿Esas flores como por arte de magia extienden alas y vuelan como aves pequeñas?
He aquí a Trunko, el extraño hibrido elefante/oso marino peludo que supuestamente luchó contra orcas en la costa de Sudáfrica hace casi un siglo. Mire a su alrededor en todas direcciones y presencie el último de los lémures gigantes traído para usted desde las selvas tropicales de Madagascar, el mismo unicornio que una vez encontró Julio César, cocodrilos y dinosaurios de gran tamaño provenientes de los pantanos del Congo, el sukotyro de Sumatra armado de colmillo arpón, castores prehistóricos gigantescos resucitados en la actual América del Norte, elusivas liebres cornudas germánicas y esquivos micro-ardillas liberianas, un caracol de mar gigante con cuernos y patas del mar de Sarmatian y una ballena/pez de un lago sueco olvidado, un desaparecido corcel a rayas de Iberia, enormes tiburones de agua dulce sin dientes de América del Sur, las tortugas procedentes de China… dragones de mar y pseudo-pterodáctilos alados, y el único conocido megalopedus cornudo…
No nos detenemos ni un momento más. Los milagros y las maravillas de Mirabilis te esperan con impaciencia en el interior, para brillar, hechizar, y embrutecer tus sentidos. Así que te doy la bienvenida, y rezo para que su visita a este carnaval de la criptozoología y la historia natural sea entretenido… ¡y no demasiado peligroso!
Karl Shuker nació y aún viven en la región de West Midlands, Inglaterra, graduándose de la Universidad de Leeds, con una licenciatura en Ciencias (con honores) en zoología pura, y de la Universidad de Birmingham con un Doctorado en zoología y fisiología comparada. Ahora trabaja a tiempo completo como consultor zoológico y como escritor. Shuker, actualmente es el autor de 19 libros y cientos de artículos, principalmente en temas relacionados con los animales, con un interés especial en la criptozoología y animales mitológicos, en la que él es una autoridad reconocida internacionalmente. Es también el editor del Journal de criptozoología, la única revista científica del mundo, y revisada por pares, dedicada a los animales misteriosos. Es miembro Científico de la prestigiosa Sociedad Zoológica de Londres, y miembro de la Real Sociedad Entomológica, Consultor del Centro de Zoología Forteana y es también miembro de la Sociedad de Autores.
Archivado en: Actualidad General
via Esencia21 Blog
Cripto Libros: Anomalist books
Dos nuevos y esenciales libros de esta editorial americana:
Lizard Man: The True Story of the Bishopville Monster
El Hombre Lagarto: La historia real del monstruo de Bishopville
Lyle Blackburn
Tapa blanda 208 páginas
Marzo 2013
De los pantanos cerca de Bishopville, Carolina del Sur, llegan informes de un humanoide de dos metros de altura, criatura aterradora y escamosa que los lugareños llaman el “hombre lagarto”. Con los años, la criatura ha sido visto por numerosos testigos, entre ellos un adolescente que afirmó que lo atacó una noche cerca de una zona remota llamada pantano Scape Ore. El testimonio del joven y la evidencia física era tan convincente, que no sólo puso en marcha una investigación seria por parte del sheriff local, sino una caza sin cuartel del monstruo que atrajo a cientos de personas a la pequeña ciudad.
Esta contemporánea “criatura de la laguna negra” ha desatado una gran cobertura de noticias nacionales, incluso una llamada de la famosa presentadora de noticias de la cadena americana CBS, Dan Rather, ya que él y el resto del mundo clamaba saber más sobre el escurridizo monstruo de Bishopville. El caso se menciona a menudo en libros, sitios web y programas de televisión, pero la historia nunca se ha contado… hasta ahora. Este libro proporciona documentación sin precedentes para uno de los casos más extraños y espeluznantes sobre la desconocida criatura. Los testigos están convencidos de que la han visto, y la policía local los respalda. Esta es su increíble historia.
Acompañe a Lyle Blackburn, autor del exitoso libro “La Bestia de Boggy Creek”, y a su pareja, Cindy Lee, revisitar los lugares de avistamiento, hablar con los testigos vivos y considerar todas las teorías posibles en su búsqueda de la verdad detrás del legendario Hombre Lagarto.
Mirabilis: A Carnival of Cryptozoology and Unnatural History
Miriabilis: Un Carnaval de Criptozoología e historia no natural
Karl Shuker
Tapa blanda, 194 páginas
Libros Anomalists
Agosto 2013
Bienvenido a un carnaval diferente a todo lo que alguna vez haya leído, visitado o siquiera imaginado antes. Aquí, delante sus propios ojos, se encontrará con criaturas extrañas, anómalas, inconcebibles… una verdadera colección de animales salvajes de los misterios criptozoológicos para deslumbrar y deleitar, tentar y aterrorizar. Esto es Mirabilis, un reino de maravillas, prodigios, milagros… y ¡monstruos!
Mirar a través de las sombras y ve lo que puede ser real. ¿Qué hay de la araña del tamaño de un cachorro? ¿De ese tronco caído de repente brotan un par de mandíbulas de cocodrilo? ¿Esas flores como por arte de magia extienden alas y vuelan como aves pequeñas?
He aquí a Trunko, el extraño hibrido elefante/oso marino peludo que supuestamente luchó contra orcas en la costa de Sudáfrica hace casi un siglo. Mire a su alrededor en todas direcciones y presencie el último de los lémures gigantes traído para usted desde las selvas tropicales de Madagascar, el mismo unicornio que una vez encontró Julio César, cocodrilos y dinosaurios de gran tamaño provenientes de los pantanos del Congo, el sukotyro de Sumatra armado de colmillo arpón, castores prehistóricos gigantescos resucitados en la actual América del Norte, elusivas liebres cornudas germánicas y esquivos micro-ardillas liberianas, un caracol de mar gigante con cuernos y patas del mar de Sarmatian y una ballena/pez de un lago sueco olvidado, un desaparecido corcel a rayas de Iberia, enormes tiburones de agua dulce sin dientes de América del Sur, las tortugas procedentes de China… dragones de mar y pseudo-pterodáctilos alados, y el único conocido megalopedus cornudo…
No nos detenemos ni un momento más. Los milagros y las maravillas de Mirabilis te esperan con impaciencia en el interior, para brillar, hechizar, y embrutecer tus sentidos. Así que te doy la bienvenida, y rezo para que su visita a este carnaval de la criptozoología y la historia natural sea entretenido… ¡y no demasiado peligroso!
Karl Shuker nació y aún viven en la región de West Midlands, Inglaterra, graduándose de la Universidad de Leeds, con una licenciatura en Ciencias (con honores) en zoología pura, y de la Universidad de Birmingham con un Doctorado en zoología y fisiología comparada. Ahora trabaja a tiempo completo como consultor zoológico y como escritor. Shuker, actualmente es el autor de 19 libros y cientos de artículos, principalmente en temas relacionados con los animales, con un interés especial en la criptozoología y animales mitológicos, en la que él es una autoridad reconocida internacionalmente. Es también el editor del Journal de criptozoología, la única revista científica del mundo, y revisada por pares, dedicada a los animales misteriosos. Es miembro Científico de la prestigiosa Sociedad Zoológica de Londres, y miembro de la Real Sociedad Entomológica, Consultor del Centro de Zoología Forteana y es también miembro de la Sociedad de Autores.
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Lago Ness: ¿Nuevo video (y fotos)?
Filamación del día 10 de Marzo en la bahía del castillo de Urqhuart tomada a la 1:30 pm.:
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