30 dic 2015

New Imaging Device uses Wi-Fi Signals to See Through Walls

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a device that can directly image a person through solid walls, in real time. The device, called RF-Capture, transmits regular wi-fi signals into the area being imaged: in the case of their demonstration device, through a wall. When the signals are reflected back by a human body, they are picked up by the device's receiver, and then they are put through an imaging processor to produce an on-screen image of the individual.

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053 - Ovnis militares

El cometa Catalina visita la Tierra por Año Nuevo

Después del espectáculo que nos ofreció Lovejoy justo hace un año, ahora nos visita el cometa Catalina C/2013 US10. Se trata de un cometa nuevo que residía en la Nube de Oort y, debido a un empujón gravitatorio producido por el paso de alguna estrella cercana, se precipitó al sistema solar interior. El momento idóneo para su observación será a mediados de enero, coincidiendo con la luna nueva y su punto de mayor aproximación a la Tierra. 
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

052 - Bulos Conspiranoicos

051 - Sonidos curiosos del mundo y del universo

Trump and the Stars: Reading the Donald's Astrological Chart

January 8, 2016

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29 dic 2015

DARPA's Hypersonic Craft Crashes after Hitting Mach 20

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency announced that their hypersonic HTV-2 test aircraft crashed during an August 11 flight test, but not before demonstrating that it could maintain control at twenty times the speed of sound -- for three minutes, at least.

DARPA's unmanned prototype Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 (HTV-2) was launched from Vandenberg AFB in California, and was propelled above the atmosphere by a Minotaur IV rocket. The HTV-2 then proceeded to glide along it's planned course over the Pacific Ocean, but encountered a still-unidentified anomaly nine minutes into the mission, prompting the craft's automated systems to ditch the plane in a controlled splashdown.

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Lo mejor de TecOb en 2015

Este año se acaba y, como tradición, he aquí lo que personalmente pienso que ha sido lo mejor que he publicado en estos 365 días, a modo de selección de catorce artículos. No ha sido un año en el que haya tenido tiempo suficiente para escribir lo que hubiera deseado, pero los temas tratados creo que son bastante atractivos.


Ah, por cierto, este año ha sido el décimo aniversario de Tecnología Obsoleta, no ha habido tiempo de hacer algo especial, pero estoy pensando en crear un libro con lo mejor del blog en estos años… ya veremos. De momento, aquí va la selección de 2015:

1.- El Dragón Afortunado, la tercera bomba atómica sobre Japón.
2.- Iglesias Blanco, el “Tesla de Pozuelo”.
3.- El hombre que quiso convertir el mercurio de Almadén en oro.
4.- Un reloj atómico en el bolsillo.
5.- Las minas de petróleo y el sueño de la gasolina sintética.
6.- Los comedores de arsénico.
7.- Elmer y Elsie, las tortugas robot de 1948.
8.- El girobús.
9.- La primera fotocopia de la historia.
10.- Matías Balsera, el brujo de la radio.
11.- La primera grabadora de sonidos de la historia.
12.- La cámara de 1914 que grababa metadatos.
13.- Tablas tridimensionales de elementos químicos.
14.- Antonio Sanjurjo Badía, “El habilidades”.

Y, ya que estoy de repaso… nada mejor que recomendar mi libro Made in Spain, sobre inventores españoles como regalo de Reyes. 😉 ¡Feliz 2016!

Lo mejor de TecOb en 2015 apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 29 diciembre 2015.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

28 dic 2015

Half of All Medical Literature My Be False, According to Medical Journal Editor

In a continuing trend within the scientific community, Dr. Richard Horton, the current editor-in-chief of respected medical journal The Lancet, has announced that a large portion of the medical literature being published today is false, with perhaps up to half of the material being presented being based on bad science.

In an article titled "Offline: What is medicine’s 5 sigma?", Horton addresses concerns that were made as part of the presentations made at a symposium on the reproducibility and reliability of biomedical research, held at the Wellcome Trust in London. These concerns regarded the issue of scientific malfeasance in published papers, due to a variety of factors, ranging from small sample sizes, poor methodology, and corporate bias.

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27 dic 2015

Storms Predicted by UC Climatewatch Slam Much of US

Storms across the southern and central US have left at least 35 people dead and devastated many communities. While flooding and severe thunderstorms continued in the southeast on Sunday, north Texas and Oklahoma began to experience dramatic temperature drops and heavy snowfall. On November 18, our Climatewatch section predicted "because of warm, moist air from the 2015 el Nino extending up into the central United States, there will be an unusual amount of thunderstorm activity in that area into the winter. Severe storms with copious snowfall could become commonplace." Climatewatch, which has been running since 2000, has rarely failed to accurately predict future weather.

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Antonio Sanjurjo Badía, “El habilidades”

Versión para TecOb del artículo que publiqué en la revista Historia de Iberia Vieja, edición de diciembre de 2015.

El señor Sanjurjo Badía, que siente desde muy joven una afición extraordinaria por la apicultura, ha tenido siempre en los alados insectos productores de miel, un ejemplo de actividad que imitar y, así, fundar en Vigo su gran establecimiento de fundición y construcción, bautizado con el nombre de La Industriosa. De ese modo rindió culto a su afición por la abeja y halló un nombre perfectamente adecuado a lo que iba a ser campo de sus incansables energías y de sus iniciativas…

Revista Mondariz, Madrid, 20 de julio de 1916.

Incertidumbre en el Cantábrico

En medio de una política expansionista y de acuerdos en los que las grandes potencias se repartían grandes porciones del globo a golpe de regla y compás, los Estados Unidos iban buscando un hueco en el mapa del siglo que se aproximaba. Si los europeos se estaban repartiendo gran parte de África y Asia en una fiebre colonial renovada, a los norteamericanos les convino, más que nada por proximidad, fijarse en el Caribe y, en menor medida, en el Pacífico. Ya desde finales del reinado de Isabel II el poder español en las colonias de ultramar se había convertido en un grave problema, entre debilidades diversas y conflictos sostenidos en el tiempo. Así llegamos a 1898 y a la guerra. Los Estados Unidos ya habían tratado de comprar Cuba en diversas ocasiones pero, claro, la isla caribeña no era vista desde España como una colonia, sino como parte integral de su territorio, es más, una de las partes más ricas y queridas.

No viene al caso detallar por qué se llegó a la guerra, baste decir que entre el ímpetu colonial estadounidense, la debilidad de lo que quedaba del Imperio Español y los conflictos internos de tipo revolucionario en Cuba, los ingredientes para el conflicto llevaban preparándose durante mucho tiempo. No se trataba de algo pasajero, la inminente guerra iba a configurar a los Estados Unidos como potencia emergente, mientras que España caería en un sopor que duraría muchas décadas.

La insostenible situación cubana, con el ímpetu por la independencia y el odio hacia lo colonial, sirvió de excusa perfecta para los norteamericanos, que en medio de una guerra sin cuartel en la prensa pasaron a la acción bélica real. El ejército independentista cubano iba a ganar el pulso más tarde o más temprano, aquello se veía venir y, claro, en un escenario como aquel, los Estados Unidos poco tendrían que “rascar”. Y, así, se decidieron a intervenir militarmente con todas las consecuencias, el control de la isla estaba en juego y, ya de paso, había por ahí otros juguetes rotos como Puerto Rico y las Filipinas que podían caer en el mismo juego. Luego llegó el gran lío: el acorazado Maine salta en pedazos en La Habana. Ya había excusa para una guerra, que terminó con la firma de los acuerdos de París en diciembre de aquel 1898, dando lugar a una independencia “tutelada” de Cuba y la cesión a los Estados Unidos de Puerto Rico, Filipinas y Guam. Lo que restaba de posesiones españolas en el Pacífico fue vendido a Alemania. A fin de cuentas, la guerra había destruido la mayor parte de la flota de la Armada, así que difícilmente iba a poder mantener el control de tan lejanos territorios.

Y, he ahí que, antes del fin de la guerra, con los barcos españoles hundidos en el Caribe y el Pacífico, una gran incertidumbre comenzó a apoderarse de quienes vivían en las costas españolas, sobre todo en las del Cantábrico. ¿Cruzarían el charco los norteamericanos para atacar Cádiz, Vigo, Santander o Bilbao? ¿Llegarían a atreverse incluso con un ataque en el Mediterráneo a Barcelona? Puede sonar a chiste, pero el miedo era muy real. Fueron días caóticos en los que aparecieron propuestas de todo tipo para reforzar las baterías de defensa costeras y otro tipo de iniciativas, como la que llevó a cabo el intrépido ingeniero Manuel Daza y su propuesta nunca realizada de torpedo-misil Toxpiro, pensado para acabar con la flota estadounidense en caso de ataque a las costas españolas. La cosa no se tomaba a broma, por improbable que fuera, existía cierto peligro. He aquí, por ejemplo, lo publicado por El Imparcial, el 11 de julio de 1898:

Toda la prensa de Vigo elogia el patriótico proceder de que en estos críticos momentos están dando muestras los maestros de obras de aquella población. Comprendiendo la necesidad de que se terminen en el más breve plazo posible las obras de defensa, han ofrecido su concurso a las autoridades militares, cediendo el cincuenta por ciento de los operarios que tienen a sus órdenes y comprometiéndose ellos mismos a dirigir personalmente los trabajos, bajo la inspección de los ingenieros del ramo de guerra. (…) Las obras de defensa de la bahía avanzan rápidamente. Los cuatro fuertes están casi por completo habilitados y a diario llegan materiales de guerra. (…) La Publicidad, ocupándose de los preparativos que se están llevando a cabo para la defensa de Barcelona en el caso de que las escuadras yankis llegaran a los puertos de la Península, dice que se se ha ordenado el transporte urgente a aquella plaza de cierto número de obuses que disparan tres clases de proyectiles. (…)

El mismo periódico, junto a muchos otros por aquellos días, se hacía eco de presurosos preparativos para la defensa de Bilbao, de la llegada de combustible y municiones a Santander así como del miedo a un ataque incluso en San Sebastián. Sin embargo, donde más profundamente se vivía aquella incertidumbre era sin duda en la ría de Vigo, a cuya defensa se pensaba destinar “una brigada compuesta por cuatro torpederos y de la batería flotante Puigcerdá, como estación para los torpederos fijos a instalar en las bocas de la ría”. Cabe decir que el Puigcerdá, único vapor blindado tipo Monitor con que haya contado la Armada Española y botado en 1875, fue equipado precisamente para la defensa de Vigo contra un posible ataque de los Estados Unidos con tres cañones González Hontoria.

El submarino Sanjurjo

Ya tenemos un escenario de terror dibujado. ¡Que vienen los yankis!, se decía por todas partes y, precisamente en Vigo, hubo alguien que se lo tomó muy en serio, un tipo genial que no quiso quedarse sin hacer nada ante la amenaza en ciernes.

Se trataba de Antonio Sanjurjo, un empresario, mecánico e inventor, que era tan bueno manejando e ideando máquinas que era apodado como “El Habilidades”. En una España que había contado desde hacía tiempo con geniales ideas para dotarse de un arma submarina, algo que hubiera cambiado el curso de la guerra con los Estados Unidos, todo había quedado en proyectos olvidados. Ni la magnífica nave de Peral, ni otras genialidades como los torpederos de Cabanyes, ni diversos intentos anteriores como los de Cosme García o Monturiol habían terminado bien. Sin embargo, ante el riesgo inminente, el genial mecánico Sanjurjo decidió crear un arma submarina especial con la que poder defender la ría de Vigo.

El día 12 de agosto de 1898 Antonio Sanjurjo Badía llevó a cabo una excepcional proeza. Ese día, en las aguas de Vigo, se probó su boya-lanzatorpedos, ideada y construida por él mismo. Se trataba de un mini-submarino que, a lo largo de dos experimentos de inmersión llevados a cabo en aquella fecha, demostraron que podía utilizarse perfectamente para la defensa de la ría. Todo un éxito que, sin embargo, se quedó en mero espectáculo, pues la guerra había prácticamente terminado y nadie se interesó en construir en serie su ingenio.

Sanjurjo Badía en su submarino. Fuente: Faro de Vigo.

¿En qué consistía el submarino de Sanjurjo? Su aspecto llama la atención por parecer una gran “T” de metal. Con una eslora de poco más que cinco metros, se desplazaba sumergido por aguas superficiales, podía llegar a alcanzar los veinte metros de profundidad, operado por tres tripulantes. Con una autonomía de unas cinco horas, dotado de propulsión manual a hélice, recordaba en esto muy lejanamente a los añejos submarinos Tortuga del siglo XVIII. El inventor gallego no sólo diseñó y construyó el pequeño submarino, sino que también lo financió con más de 16.000 pesetas de la época, un capital nada desdeñable, que complementó además con un donativo personal al esfuerzo por la defensa de las costas. La idea básica consistía en dotar a Vigo, y a todos los puertos de España, de flotillas de estos pequeños ingenios, capaces de unir minas a los cascos de los barcos enemigos para hundirlos. El fin de la guerra acabó con aquel sueño y no hubo más experimentos.

Un mecánico prodigioso

Es curioso que hoy Sanjurjo sea recordado sobre todo por su aventura submarina cuando, en su tiempo, aquello fue tomado poco menos que como una anécdota en medio de una vida apasionante llena de éxitos.

Antonio Sanjurjo Badía nació en Sada, La Coruña, en 1837 y falleció en Vigo en 1919. Siendo uno de los hijos de un relojero y mecánico, padre de familia numerosa, pronto tuvo que buscar el sustento el lejanas tierras. Viaja a Cuba y, gracias a su prodigiosa habilidad mecánica, logra hacerse con una pequeña fortuna. No era gran cosa, pero sí lo suficiente como para regresar a su querida Galicia. En Vigo funda un taller mecánico prodigioso. En él se transforman toda clase de máquinas, se crean, se mejoran y, además, al bueno de Antonio se le ocurre que sus trabajadores deben estar a gusto en el trabajo. En eso se adelantó décadas al sentir social en la lucha por el empleo digno, adelantándose incluso en muchas de sus premisas al tan conocido espíritu por el buen empleo que tiempo después tanto predicó el mismísimo Henry Ford. Sanjurjo cuidaba de sus trabajadores con descansos, seguro de salud y de jubilación, algo apenas visto por entonces.

Su primer taller en Vigo estaba dedicado a fabricar calderas y diversos tipos de máquinas de vapor. Hacia 1880 el negocio había crecido lo suficiente como para crear una nueva empresa, esta vez de un tamaño considerable. Antonio le dio el nombre de “La Industriosa” y, precisamente, no podía haber una denominación más ajustada a la realidad. A la pasión por las máquinas de su creador, se unía su afición a la apicultura, tanto es así que llegó a inventar un nuevo tipo de colmena perfeccionada. Y, así, como si de “industriosas” abejas, voluntariosas y pacientes, se tratara, la empresa fue creciendo con fortaleza. No era un simple taller, sino un lugar en el que el ingenio florecía. Sanjurjo realizaba todo tipo de experimentos para averiguar cómo nadaban los peces, de cara a mejorar su idea del submarino. Allí se fabricaban sorprendentes máquinas de vapor, cocinas, utensilios domésticos, prensas industriales, conducciones, motores, estufas y, en general, cualquier tipo de artilugio mecanizado. Y, así, llegó a convertirse en una fundición modélica y en una de las mayores empresas de la Galicia de su tiempo.


A principios del siglo XX dio vida a una pionera línea de transporte de pasajeros por autobús, con máquinas que ya no eran de vapor, sino de bencina. La empresa, a la que llamó “La Regional”, contaba incluso con su propio tendido teléfónico a lo largo de la línea entre Santiago y La Coruña, para informar de incidencias y averías. También creó su propio astillero e invirtió en muchos otros proyectos industriales que le convirtieron en uno de los empresarios más queridos de su tierra.

Antonio Sanjurjo Badía, “El habilidades” apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 27 diciembre 2015.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

26 dic 2015

Guatemala: A UFO Crash at Mataquescuintla?

Guatemala: A UFO Crash at Mataquescuintla?
By I.I.E.E. (Instituto de Investigaciones Exobiológicas)

Within the UFO phenomenon, saucer crashes have a special halo. The best one of these is the one that took place in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico, but as time goes by, new cases emerge which still amaze us, and this is the episode which we shall analyze in this section. It occurred in the small country of Guatemala and is confirmed by the information in our possession.

The main witness – Mrs. Maria Candelaria Hernández – was around 74 years old at the time, leading us to believe that the incident took place between 1938 and 1939, making it one of the oldest UFO crash episodes known.

The witness told her son Pablo the story of some strange events that took place in a property near her home, specifically the “La Concepcion” farm, now owned by Mrs. Antonieta de Braun and which has been in her family for generations.

A child of Pablo Hernandez told the story in 1983 to Guatemalan UFO researcher Oscar Padilla, who made the necessary verifications to vouch for the case, with very solid grounds for believing it was real.

The facts can be summarized as follows:

Mrs. Candelaria was washing laundry in one of the water pools known as Las Charquitas when she heard a deafening roar. Looking to the sky, she was startled to see a fireball speeding past. This incendiary mass flew over the cypresses in the area, and she noticed that the trees shook by the air displaced by the bolide’s passing.

Mrs. Candelaria was bemused, but the urgency of finishing the laundry entrusted to her by the policemen stationed in the area overcame her curiosity. She only remembers that around five o’clock in the afternoon, some children emerged from the woods, telling her excitedly: “Doña Cande, go see the little dolls that fell from the sky, behind the stables where they run the horses! They’re all scorched and smell like burning rubber.”

Despite the strange statement by the boys, her tiredness and the burden of the freshly washed laundry, made her desist. She set upon the long trail that would lead her back home.

On the next day, Mrs. Candelaria woke up early to prepare corn tortillas for breakfast. Despite the fact that nothing ever happened in her town, she heard rumors that many people were heading toward the cypresses where she had seen the fireball go down. She noticed that most of these people were soldiers, policemen, farm security and some “gringos” who were not known in the area.

At 8:30 a.m., all these people were descending upon the scene. The local police chief, who was a family friend, showed her an aluminum box, like those he had seen in changing rooms, carried by several policemen. One of the policemen was also a family friend, and told her: “Look, Dona Cande – the little Martians who fell from the sky.”

Mrs. Candelaria recalls a member of her family saying: “Those poor little angels, how they burned.” They immediately made the sign of the Cross, and more than one said something along the lines of: “May God forgive them.”

The police chief took the metal box, going away with other law enforcement officers and some Americans who accompanied them. Mrs. Candelaria still remembered the frightened expressions on her relatives’ faces when they looked into the aluminum box.

This, then, is the summarized and transcribed story of the statements made by Pablo Hernández, Doña Candelaria’s son, who perfectly recalled the story his mother told him, and which stayed with him over the years. We have, of course, made certain adaptations to the eyewitnesses’ words and statements to make them more understandable and universal. But the essence of the story is correct.

Initial investigations took place in May 1994. Guatemalan researcher Oscar Padilla managed to locate Mr. Arnaldo Padilla Rojas, who owns a farm in the lovely landscape leading into the Municipality of Mataquescuintla de Jalapa. Mr. Padilla Rojas told researcher Padilla: “Over 40 years ago, when I was young, some people from Colís told me something had fallen. A strange object, some said it was a balloon, others said it was a device resembling a balloon.”

The information provided by Mr. Arnaldo Padilla Rojas is confusing, as he did not see anything. However, based on reports for locals who discussed the matter, an essential conclusion can be reached: throughout the investigation, it was possible to ascertain that “some sort of pact or sworn agreement existed among the locals to conceal this event.” Padilla Rojas also confirmed that in his youth, many people remarked that “some strange little men” had been collected from the site.

Inquiries led to some new witnesses. This time it was Mrs. Tomasa Toledo de la Cruz, almost 90, with a very lucid and sound memory. This nearly centenarian woman at first denied that there was any truth to the rumors, but her daughter Fluvia Cruz de González indeed remembered that around 1979-1980 four people – claiming to be miners – reached the area looking for “a golden bell” which according to them was buried on the family’s property. A local legend of the time existed about a gang of brigands called “Los Lucios” who raided the area, and people used to bury valuable objects. Even so, the search by the so-called “miners” was not very convincing, since their excavations were disorganized and gave the impression of being a random search.

Mr. Pablo Hernández provided a new name to the investigative process. This person was María Hernández, who lived at a home near the scene of the events at the time. The exact location was Colonia Bethania in Mataquescuintla [specific address omitted – SC]
Eyewitness María Hernández recalled that when she was 18 years old (being 74 at the time she was interviewed), before she married, thereby deducing that the event occurred 56 years ago, adding for greater precision that it could have been 1938 in the village of Morales. There were many witnesses to the object’s fall, which she openly calls a “flying saucer”, showing that the she would later associate it to later news items when the UFO phenomenon emerged. She added that locals would talk about how some “blonde midgets” would wander around the area. There was even talk in town about a female woodcutter’s disappearance – an event witnessed by the woman’s own son as he hid in the bushes.

During the interview, Mrs. Hernández expressed her fear at the similarity between these midgets and what has been appearing recently on television and the news. For this reason, she adds, she tries not to dwell on the subject.

The investigation went through the Department of Santa Rosa, Casillas, San Rafael de las Flores, and finally Morales, which is a village in Mataquescuintla.

Inquiries determined that there are few people still alive from that age. Mr. Pedro Cano recalled that some 50 years ago there was much talk about the disappearance of a woman who had been kidnapped by a strange flying machine in the area. However, for every solid piece of evidence, one could also tell that the older folks consulted prefer to remain silent, giving rise to the reasonable suspicion that there was a mutual agreement that commanded their silence.

The investigation led to the home of Mr. José I. Hernández and his wife, who confirmed all the accounts told by their old neighbors. Chance, ever-present, manifested itself when Victor Manuel Hernandez, the family’s son, better known as “Tito” locally and also known for his sad fondness for drink. During a moment of lucidity, he offered some information which proved to be fully coherent after analysis, and which proved that the scene of the events was very near to the house of witness Tomasa Toledo de la Cruz.

Tito’s assistance was essential in locating the site. Perhaps by being misunderstood in a peasant environment, and to avenge himself on his own people, he led researcher Oscar Padilla along a narrow dirt road leading to a place known as “La Minita”. It was a sort of narrow path, filled with brambles and oilseed plants [whose thorns] pierced our socks, producing intense itching. The field was full of holes, and had certainly been excavated for a long time by others. The site, at the end of a river, was determined to be within the confines of the “La Concepcion” farm and old pools of water. It was, without question, the place where Mrs. María Candelaria Hernández saw an incandescent object fall into the nearby woods fifty years earlier, scant meters from a football field.

Inquiries led us to confirm the existence of a pact of silence among the locals which made this possible UFO crash to go unnoticed. The story never reached the media, particularly due to this remote location, where isolation fosters robberies and all manner of misdeeds.
This also served to conceal the facts.

Subsequent inquiries had to be carried out with great caution, to the extent of requiring materials for self-defense and an all-terrain vehicle suitable for the rough roads in the area. It is clear that something indeed took place, and that a pact of silence between the residents and the authorities of those times existed.

Was the object that fell from the sky buried? What is the reason for all the excavation activity where the object allegedly fell?
Several local legends speak of a buried “local bell” - A folk legend or the assimilation of an actual fact that is about to become a popular tradition?

The conclusions reached by Oscar Padilla suggest that the events were real, and he recently reaffirmed this belief when consulted by this author.

[Translation (c) 2015 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to IIEE and Revista Investigación]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

24 dic 2015

Did the Ancient Romans Visit America?

Over the years, the long-standing assumption that Christopher Columbus discovered North America has persisted in our history books, despite archaeological evidence that other European explorers landed here well before him, and even set up settlements, as was the case with Norse settlers. While some evidence of an Ancient Roman presence here has been found, a new artifact has been uncovered, of which may solidify that concept.

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Past Lives, Other Lives and the Secret of the Self

Thursday December 24, 2015
Astrologer Anne Beversdorf joins us for a serious discussion about her own past life visions and what they may tell us about ourselves.

Visit Anne online at Stariel.com.

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Christmas-New Years Extravaganza: Hopes and Fears

December 24, 2015
Nine of Dreamland's most popular guests tell us their fondest hopes and greatest fears for 2016. Prepare to be surprised, fascinated, concerned and uplifted by these amazing people!

Jeffrey Kripa
l: What is Super Natural: a New Vision of the Unexplained, and what's a distinguished academic doing becoming the world's leading expert on Whitley Strieber? Preorder Super Natural NOW!

Linda Moulton Howe
: If alien life of any kind, from microbes to geniuses, is discovered in 2016, it will change the world more profoundly than almost any discovery in history. What are the odds for 2016? Hold on to your seats for this one!

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23 dic 2015

2015's Christmas Season is Forecast to set Record Warm Temperatures

The eastern half of North America is definitely not dreaming of a white Christmas this season: the forecast is calling for record-breaking warm temperatures this week, with some regions to see temperatures 35º Fahrenheit (19ºC) above normal. Temperatures are expected to briefly dip over Christmas itself, but are expected to rise again for the remainder of the year.

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Tratamientos antihipertensivos a partir de descartes de sardinas y jureles

Investigadores de la Universidad de Granada han desarrollado tratamientos antihipertensivos de bajo coste a partir de la fracción proteica de especies de pescado de descarte de la zona surmediterránea. La sardinas, el jurel y el aligote son algunas de estas especies.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

22 dic 2015

Dorothy Hodgkin y sus modelos moleculares

Cuando la semana pasada publiqué aquí en TecOb el post sobre tablas tridimensionales de elementos químicos, buceando aquí y allá acabé en un recurso que me ha encantado y que recomiendo visitar… ¡pero con tiempo! No es la típica web en la que se pase un minuto y después va a al cajón del recuerdo. Nada de eso, porque esta lista de representaciones tangibles del mundo físico es apasionante. Se trata de la colección virtual creada por Pierre Dragicevic e Yvonne Jansen que reúne cronológicamente todo tipo de artilugios, dioramas y representaciones visuales realizadas con medios físicos destinadas a mostrar información de todo tipo.

Ahora bien, de toda la colección lo que más me ha llamado la atención es algo que hacía mucho tiempo que no veía. Ahora que los ordenadores se utilizan para todo tipo de modelizaciones, desde moleculares hasta simulación de ecosistemas complejos, resulta entrañable contemplar, por ejemplo, los complejísimos modelos tridimensionales que se empleaban hace no tanto tiempo para representar estructuras de proteínas y similares. He aquí, por ejemplo, al célebre químico Max Perutz enredando con un complejo modelo de la hemoglobina terminado de montar, como si fuera un endiablado puzzle, allá por 19681.


Todo un lío inextricable a primera vista, ¿no es así? Sin embargo, de entre todas esas maravillas tridimensionales de la época en que se estaba comenzando a desentrañar el complejo mundo de las macromoléculas, destacan los asombrosamente límpidos montajes creados por Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin.

Diáfanos y bellos, verdaderas obras obra de arte, tienen las cualidades que todo buen mapa debe poseer, independientemente del objetivo por el que haya sido creado. La información aparece mostrada tridimensionalmente de una forma tan esclarecedora que parece como si fuera sencillo crear cosas así, pero nada más lejos de la realidad. Hodgkin no solo fue una figura genial de la química del siglo XX (premio Nobel de Química en el año 1964) y pionera del uso de la cristalografía de rayos X para desentrañar los secretos de las biomoléculas, sino que también era condenadamente buena a la hora de representar la compleja información que esa técnica ofrece. Así, como verdadera maestra de la cartografía macromolecular tridimensional alumbró genialidades como este modelo de densidad de cristales de penicilina, creado en 1945.

Fuente: Museum of the History of Science, University of Oxford / Wikimedia Commons. CC (BY-SA 2.0).

El otro ejemplo que nos visita es incluso más atractivo. Se trata de un modelo y mapa de densidad de la penicilina que Hodgkin creó también en 1945 basado en sus trabajos de cristalografía con rayos X. De hecho, la de la penicilina fue la primera estructura biomolecular desentrañada gracias a los datos de esta técnica.

Fuente: Science Museum London. CC (BY-SA 2.0).

1 Véase sobre esta cuestión: History of Visualization of Biological Macromolecules.

Dorothy Hodgkin y sus modelos moleculares apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 23 diciembre 2015.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

Could Ancient Hominids have Survived into the Ice Age?

A recent study has made a controversial analysis of a fossilized femur, originally excavated from Southwest China's Maludong (‘Red Deer Cave’) in 1989. The study says that the small leg bone in question originally belonged to an early hominid, such as Homo habilis or Homo erectus, and is only estimated to be 14,000 years old, along with other remains retrieved from the site. However, this find presents a problem for paleontologists: hominids such as this are thought to have gone extinct roughly 1.5 million years ago.

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Paraguay: 16th Century UFO Sightings by Jesuit Missionaries

Source: IIEE Chile
Date: N/A

Paraguay: 16th Century UFO Sightings by Jesuit Missionaries

By the IIEE Editorial Board

The Jesuit order assayed a revolutionary Christian socialism among the Guaraní peoples of Paraguay that challenged the avarice of Spanish colonists and the Portuguese bandeirantes (fortune hunters). This atypical social organization was known as the “reducción” model and took place in the early Sixteenth century (approximately 1607).

The religious order reached the area and encountered the encomienda (mandate) system practiced by the Franciscans, who were following the system imposed by the Conquest in its dealings with the natives. The Jesuits were thoroughly opposed to the system, and while the foundations of the reduction system were not a Jesuit invention, its use was a counterweight to the economic system used by the Franciscans.

It is precisely here, searching for historical background information, that we have discovered that the Archives of the Society of Jesus contain anomalous events, describing countless events suggesting that the area was also a source of mysteries and enigmas, as are many others in South America, and that the UFO phenomenon accompanied these Jesuits and natives in setting the foundations of this new nation. One document in these archives reads as follows:

“On the 10th of August of 1631 at the San Ignacio de Ipané reduction, something strange and luminous was seen to fly in the heavens. Between six and seven in the evening, a luminous globe of strange grandeur was seen to rise, flying unhurriedly and rather slowly, over the town, like a full moon. It gave off a large number of sparks toward the east, and upon reaching the western horizon, blazed with greater light, which was then diminished. In the time it takes to recite the Apostle’s Creed, it issued a tremendous report like thunder.”

A few kilometers away from this reduction there is a region belonging to the Chaco Province known as Campo del Cielo (due to the large number of meteorites that once fell in the area), making it possible to think that another meteor was involved, but when the document is analyzed word by word, as researcher Antonio Las Heras did in one of his excellent works on the subject, we have no choice but to allow some room for doubt, and the possibility that the object reported was not a meteorite.

The object traveled slowly. The words “it was seen to rise in the east” give the impression that it immediately “gained altitude”, thus making it one of the first eyewitness reports of a UFO takeoff in this region, which covers the province of Misiones, near the Brazil-Paraguay border. Without going into detail like this excellent Argentinean researcher has done, we believe that the document in question is a valuable one, providing evidence that we have been visited by the these flying objects over the ages, objects whose point of origin we are hesitant to define.

An 18th Century Account

The Paraguay War was dramatic and harsh, as are all wars. It was a conflict between Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil, with a death toll that rose into the thousands among the belligerent parties. It is precisely at this point in history that we find another significant UFO event in this small nation’s history.

On November 26, 1866, a Brazilian brigantine under the command of Capt. Augusto Leverger (who would later be elevated to the style of Baron of Melgazó) was sailing along the Paraguay River. While on the deck that evening, he saw a phenomenon for which he could not find a logical explanation. The event was recorded as follows:

“At five hours and 47 minutes of the morning,” explained Captain Leverger in his report, “with the skies being perfectly clear and calm, I witnessed a luminous globe that proceeded to execute a perfect 30 degree arc to the Northwest, leaving a band of light in its wake from which three bodies could be made out. Their glow was brighter than that of the band of light, and equaled, or perhaps exceeded, the brightness of the full moon during good weather. After 25 minutes of observation, which was also shared by members of the ship’s complement, everything vanished abruptly and no more atmospheric disturbances were recorded.”

Leverger adds: “I spoke with the Brazilian ambassador and others in the city of Asunción, who testify to having seen this event.”

When the positions personally detected by Leverger are submitted to trigonometric analysis, it is estimated that the phenomenon must have occurred in the atmospheric region and at a distance of only 59 leagues (203 miles) from Asunción.

This is the sworn paragraph of Captain Leverger’s report. Subsequent investigations performed by the witness before the authorities in Asunción ascertained that the sighting occurred in the upper atmosphere just short of 203 miles from the capital city. All inquiries determined that the observation was fully coherent, and therefore of incalculable value. María Virginia Capalló, an Argentinean researcher, engaged in library research to follow up on this event. She determined that this could well be the first journalistic news item to appear on the subject of UFOs, predating even the information appearing in the London “Times” in 1870.

Summarizing Captain Leverger’s sighting, we can only say that it is impossible to think that the object seen by the witness could have been something created by the technology available at the time, bearing in mind that aircraft took to the skies at the start of the 20th century and their tests were sporadic. Explanations involving a meteorite or an atmospheric phenomenon don not match the captain’s statement, given the length of his sighting, which was no less than 25 minutes.

It should not come as a surprise to anyone that the UFO phenomenon has a long history, and we have alluded more than once to documentation from the Spanish Conquest and Church chroniclers who made sightings and unusual phenomena known. This has bolstered our belief that the phenomenon has always been with us, and although its shape may have changed over time, its essence remains the same, no matter what anyone says.

[Translation © 2015, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Raul Nuñez, IIEE]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Un rover chino descubre un nuevo tipo de basalto en la Luna

El vehículo Yutu de la misión china Chang'e-3 ha encontrado rocas volcánicas en la Luna distintas a las que recogieron las misiones Apolo de EEUU y Luna de la Unión Soviética durante la década de los 70. Los resultados revelan la presencia de un tipo desconocido de basalto lunar con concentraciones intermedias de titanio, además de ofrecer nuevas pistas sobre el periodo en que se produjo el vulcanismo en nuestro satélite.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Fotones y electrones dialogan en la nanoescala

El trasvase de información entre los fotones de la luz, portadores de información, y los electrones de los dispositivos electrónicos miniaturizados es un reto tecnológico importante, que podría encontrar una solución a partir de ahora gracias a la propuesta de un equipo de investigadores de centros vascos e internacionales.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

21 dic 2015

New Memory-Rewriting Therapy can Erase Fear -- In Two Minutes!

Throughout human history, many unfortunate individuals have fallen victim to crippling phobias, from natural fears such as arachnophobia, to fears acquired from traumatic events, leading to PTSD. These conditions can take sometimes years, even lifetimes to cure, and some individuals never truly overcome their phobias. However, a new therapy that re-writes the memories associated with these fears can cure an individual of their phobia -- in roughly two minutes.

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Argentina: Patagonian Oil Workers Claim Seeing a UFO

Source: Diario Nuevo Día (newspaper)
Date: 12.21.2015

Argentina: Patagonian Oil Workers Claim Seeing a UFO

In this incident, an oil worker took several photographs of the landscape at the El Tordillo field. His initial aim was to take a photograph of the afternoon, but he came across a circular green light. While it could easily be a flaw of the digital camera, his co-workers claim that they took other photos of the landscape and no green circle was visible.

“The photo was taken with a Samsung S5 cellphone,” explained Leo, one of the workers who had access to the image. The photos have circulated among the workers’ WhatsApp accounts for at least a month. Adding information to the witnesses, Leo remarked that there is no glass between the cellphone’s lens and the landscape. “[Photos] were taken from several angles, but the sphere remains there,” he stated.

Lucas, who took the photo, made assurances through El Patagónico’s WhatsApp account that it is not a hoaxed photo. One of the analyses performed by his co-workers using an embossing filter shows that it is neither a drawing nor a light, but an object.

[Translation (c) 2015 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Una batería basada en nanomateriales duplica la duración de las usadas en los móviles

Investigadores de las universidades de Córdoba y La Sapienza de Roma han desarrollado un prototipo de batería con iones de litio y azufre que duplica la duración de los actuales dispositivos de generación de energía. Además, este acumulador de energía es más seguro que prototipos precedentes.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

[Libro] Virus y pandemias

Fue en septiembre de este mismo año cuando, hablando en Bilbao con Javier Peláez, de Naukas, surgió la idea de publicar una serie de libros sobre divulgación científica en la que tuviera prioridad la calidad y el buen hacer en cuanto a comunicación de la ciencia se refiere. Hoy, tres meses después, nace el primero de esos libros, gracias a un acuerdo de Naukas y la editorial de la que soy miembro fundador: Glyphos Publicaciones. Se trata de Virus y Pandemias, del doctor en biología y catedrático de microbiología Ignacio López-Goñi, un magnífico libro acerca del asombroso mundo de los virus y su relación con la humanidad.


Hasta el día 10 de enero se puede comprar en periodo de reserva, pudiendo recibirlo en casa sin gastos de envío, para pedidos en España. Los ejemplares se enviarán a lo largo del mes de enero. A partir de ese día entrará en el circuito comercial ordinario. Si te interesa el tema de los virus en su más amplio aspecto, no lo dudes, esta obra te fascinará.

Ficha del libro.
Nota informativa de Naukas.

[Libro] Virus y pandemias apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 21 diciembre 2015.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

La lotería de Navidad: los Reyes Magos de los adultos

Resulta difícil imaginar la Navidad sin el aldabonazo del sorteo de Lotería, que cada 22 de diciembre pone a nuestro alcance una enorme cantidad de dinero fácil para hacer realidad sueños que, de otra manera, no serían factibles. ¿Pero cuál es el origen y las historias que están detrás de este popular sorteo?
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

19 dic 2015

Tiny Bone Carving may Upend our Understanding of the Megaliths at Göbekli Tepe

Researcher Andrew Collins has recently published an article outlining the discovery of the link between carvings that appear on a small bone plaque, and the megaliths at the Göbekli Tepe archaeological site where the plaque was found. These carvings may have provided us with a clue that implies that the researchers that have been studying the site may be seeing the site's orientation entirely backward.

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18 dic 2015

Tiny Bone Carving may Upend our Understanding of the Megaliths at Göbekli Tepe

Researcher Andrew Collins has recently published an article outlining the discovery of the link between carvings that appear on a small bone plaque, and the megaliths at the Göbekli Tepe archaeological site where the plaque was found. These carvings may have provided us with a clue that implies that the researchers that have been studying the site may be seeing the site's orientation entirely backward.

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Alfonso Salazar: UFOs Over Mexico CIty

Our friend and colleague Alfonso Salazar posted the following to his Facebook page: "UFOs OVER MEXICO CITY. This afternoon (December 16, 2015) as of 1 in the afternoon a fleet of approximately 100 unidentified objects was seen from the Mixcoac area. According to Alfonso Flores, these objects were visible over Mexico City from the city's International Airport, where personnel engaged in maintenance duties saw a formation of around 20 object flying in a "V" configuration. This was witnessed by around 30 technicians and airport staff around 3 in the afternoon. Subsequently, at 5:30 in the afternoon, a white spherical object was seen flying from north to south. A Boeing 767 over the Gulf of Mexico flew under this object. As of this time, some 30 witnesses at MCIA saw the object, which gained height as it flew north of the airport."
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

El instrumento CARMENES comienza a buscar planetas como la Tierra

CARMENES es un espectrógrafo destinado a la observación simultánea, tanto en el visible como en el infrarrojo, de exoplanetas parecidos al nuestro. Este instrumento, único por su estabilidad y altísima resolución, ha superado con éxito su fase de pruebas en el Observatorio de Calar Alto (Almería) donde esta situado.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Una nueva partícula planea tras los últimos resultados del LHC

Los dos grandes experimentos del gran colisionador de hadrones del CERN han presentado esta semana los resultados de 2015, que han despertado grandes expectativas entre los científicos. El pequeño exceso detectado en una desintegración de difotones podría ser una simple fluctuación estadística, pero también una nueva partícula que revolucione los pilares de la física, sobre todo si es un gravitón.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

17 dic 2015

Hubble Telescope Captures First Predicted Appearance of a Supernova

In a first for astronomy, a distant supernova has been observed that was previously predicted to appear, has been imaged by a team of astronomers from the University of South Carolina, using the Hubble Space Telescope. The prediction utilized the effect of gravitational lensing, where the gravity of a massive object will bend light from a source behind it around itself, as if it were an optical lens.

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La Medalla Stephen Hawking premiará a los mejores divulgadores de la ciencia

El científico Stephen Hawking y un comité de Starmus Festival presentaron ayer en Londres una nueva condecoración que reconocerá el mérito en divulgación científica en las disciplinas de Ciencia, Arte y Cine.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

La Medalla Stephen Hawking premiará a los mejores divulgadores la ciencia

El científico Stephen Hawking y un comité de Starmus Festival presentaron ayer en Londres una nueva condecoración que reconocerá el mérito en divulgación científica en las disciplinas de Ciencia, Arte y Cine.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

16 dic 2015

Canadian Researchers to Study and Breed Genetically-Superior Bees

To help combat declining bee populations, Canadian researchers have been granted funding to study the genetic makeup of honeybees, to identify the markers of 12 economically-desired traits that the important insects have; then, they plan to use that knowledge to breed a genetically-superior bee, one designed to survive harsh Canadian winters.

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Chile: The Angol Humanoids (1977)

Chile: The Angol Humanoids (1977)
By Raul Nuñez (IIEE) and Raul Gajardo Lepold.

In the city of Angol, one evening in the autumn of 1977, a couple of retired schoolteachers found the nocturnal peace interrupted by a highly unusual experience. They have never forgotten the strange visitors they saw in their garden that night, and they have never found a specific explanation to the situation, nor did they make their experience known to the customary media outlets, reserving their experience exclusively for IIEE (Instituto de Investigaciones Exobiologicas)

Thirty four years have elapsed since that experience. Their airtight silence and identities have been respected. It was only this year, thanks to the good offices of our correspondent Raul Gajardo Lepold, Major (Ret.) of the Carabineros force, that the couple has made us welcome in their home, given us their impressions, and more importantly, shared their hearts and minds with us, trusting in our discreet and respectful efforts.

The incident was recorded thus at the time:
Angol, 24 September 2003
Main protagonist: M.S.C.R, age 68, married, degree in education, a retired instructor of basic education in the year 1995, residing at Avenida O’Higgins, who states as follows:

Between the months of March and April, of the year 1977, I believe, I was in my bedroom one night asleep beside my husband, L.R.P., 69, also an instructor of basic education, who retired in the year 1997. All of a sudden, around 3:00 a.m., I woke up frightened and startled on account of a powerful beam of light that lit up our bedroom completely, as well as sounds similar to those of gears in motion. The light seemed to come from the small window. I didn’t notice if the light was coming through the wooden walls, but the room was completely lit up. The window had shears and drapes. This is something I’ve never understood.

I got up and kneeled on the bed, which was next to the window, facing west, and drew the curtains a few centimeters. I was surprised when I looked outside. In our neighbor’s back yard, some 7 or 8 meters distance, over the tops of two tall “paltos” (avocado trees) standing some 5 meters tall, there was an enormous object measuring between 4 and 5 meters in diameter, aluminum-colored, shaped like two deep saucers joined in the middle, where I could see something like a thick , broad machine base protruding around it, in its midsection. It had a triangular dome above it, conical, with multiple portholes on its centerline, which I estimated at 20-30 centimeters, spaced 10 centimeters between each other, and projecting powerful beams of light downward. Their colors were reddish, orange-ish and sometimes violet-blue. They looked like rays of light aimed at the ground, illuminating the backyard and home of my in-laws, who were my neighbors then, and are now deceased.
Our own back yard and house were illuminated. [The properties] were separated at the time by an old wooden board fence, some of them open. I believe that those lights illuminated a radius of between 40 to 50 meters. Under the machine base, [the object’s] body was trapezoidal, with a flat base, unlike the upper, which ended in a point. The object looked like a little top, suspended in the air, static and not even vibrating. Its surface looked smooth to me, without joints or screws, almost molded in a single piece. A thick, solid and powerful structure. The dome must have been some 3 meters tall, perhaps 4 meters, and base between 2-3 meters, smaller than the former, in any event.

I woke up my husband at that point and asked him to take a look through the window. I must confess that I was very frightened and felt self-conscious. But I went to the dining room, nonetheless, where there was a similar window, which just happened to face the object I was looking at squarely and directly. Both the dining room and the bedroom were completely lit. These rooms are some five meters distant from each other.

A few moments later, once I was in the dining room, I saw that two doors, like sliding doors, were opening to either side on the central section of [the object’s] lower body. I immediately saw within the frame of that doorway, but somewhat recessed, the black silhouette of a large-headed being with large, almond-shaped eyes, but having a small, thin body, with large four-fingered hands. The index finger was the longest. Its legs were straight and its feet were long, “like frogman flippers”, dark grey, like slate. This little man made an odd, swift movement that I could not notice in detail, didn’t manage to catch it, not sure whether he crouched or not, but a sort of ladder began to come down or come unhinged, deploying itself as if step by step, slowly and gradually. It appeared to be made of a thin, black material, with trapezoidal steps, until it hit the ground. The small being then descended facing forward, in other words, with its back to the vehicle, one step at a time. That’s when I noticed it had stiff legs. They did not flex where the knees should have been. When [this being] reached the ground, another small being appeared at the doorway, and it began descending in a similar manner. A total of six small beings did this. The door remained open and the ladder remained hanging. The door had a width of some 1.5 to 2 meters, approximately.
On the ground, the six beings roamed the back yard in every direction, in a disorderly, upright manner. I ascertained that their knees did not bend; they lowered their heads, which they were unable to turn. Their arms moved at their sides in unison with the movement of their wobbly torsos. With their arms detached from their bodies –somewhat raised and arched – they moved their hands and fingers quickly, using their wrists. On several occasions, two of these creatures stood face to face, moving their fingers rapidly. I had the impression that they were communicating among themselves. No ears were visible. Their skulls were very bulky in relation to their bodies, with something like protuberant bones in the upper parts and their temples. [The skulls] were lightbulb-shaped. Their eyes were almond-shaped, large and black. I never saw them blink. Instead of a nose, I saw something flat, and their mouths were like a small button with a central orifice. Their thoraxes were triangular in shape, tapered down to a narrow waist. Their legs were short, straight and thin, and their feet very long and blackish, as well as their hands. Their bodies appeared to be fastened into full-length jumpsuits, flat grey in color, seamless and slate-colored. I didn’t notice if they wore belts or anything on their backs, I only noticed they were somewhat “full”. Their gluteal area was flat or even, from where their legs emerged.

Given that the six beings were wandering in every direction in the adjacent yard, the two dogs kept there would only whine and howl softly, evidently frightened. They were on the side of the house, where they slept, but then they fled from there.

After all this time, which I estimate around 10 minutes, I had overcome the fear that those creatures had instilled in me. They were unhandsome, but very curious in their movements and way of being, and I took them to be intelligent, with a particularly developed sense of hearing.

And so it was that I dared to open the dining room window curtain a little more. But at that same instant, all of the creatures placed themselves in front of the window I was looking out of, but at the other side of the fence, and the lights of their craft lit up the area I was in even more strongly. That’s when I felt fear, and I squatted to avoid being seen, but the room was fully illuminated. I could even see my fingernails. I almost didn’t breathe or move, until I plucked up enough courage and slowly rose to look out the window again. I discovered that in the yard, below the window where I stood, one of the creatures was walking past, as though trying to track my presence. I got a good look at that moment. I was no taller than 80 centimeters tall, cute as it walked, since it projected the impression that its head was too heavy for it. They seemed like friendly creatures to me. I felt as if fear had given way to friendship and I was fully relaxed, very calm.

I didn’t see how that creature passed onto the next yard. I kept looking as they left. I started going up the folding ladder, one by one, facing the craft, as a man would normally do. While one ascended, the others kept watch at the bottom. Until all of them re-entered the craft. Before this, I should say that as they walked on the ground, I glanced at their vehicle, especially the sliding door, which had been left open. All that could be seen was a white interior, as bright as an illuminated tile.

When all six beings were aboard the craft, a silhouette became visible at the door once more, to bring up the collapsible ladder. I didn’t see how he did it, since [the ladder] folded itself up little by little, until it was left within the craft’s inner edge. The door then shut from the sides to the center. The lights became as bright as day, and the craft began to rise slowly and vertically with very little noise, about two meters. Suddenly, there was a sound like a firecracker, but louder, and it flew off horizontally toward the north, as if toward the “Húsares” Regiment. The lights turned off as it flew off at an inconceivable rate of speed.

Everything went completely dark, as there was no moon that night. The silence was so deep that I returned to bed with a strange sensation, a joyful one, arising from what I had seen and experienced. I slept soundly until the next day.

I woke up around 9:00 a.m. – I got up and my curiosity was such that the first thing I saw from the dining room window was that the tops of the avocado trees were scorched. Their dark-brown leaves were wilted. It was only then that I fully realized what had occurred that night. The avocados never again produced fruit. They began drying up very slowly until they were cut down. One of the whining dogs died shortly after, without having been sick at any point. It was the one that was closest to them, because [the creatures] stood where the little dog stepped. I was aware of this, that’s why I can tell you about it.

I told all this to my husband, but he gave it no importance. He was left with the idea that I had imagined it all. But many years have gone by since then – twenty-six – and I remember it all as clearly as if it had occurred yesterday.

I could add this as a conclusion to the experience. At the moment when I had those beings so near me, I felt so happy, as if my body had lightened, become more sensitive to everything. Over time I’ve noticed that my mind is so clear, lucid and able to remember many details and memorable dates, more creative, but I’ve also noticed that I have lost much in the ability to remember faces.

I had never told this to anyone before, because I’m withdrawn and had never had the chance to meet a UFO researcher like Mr. Raul Gajardo Lepold, whom I hope will be able to appreciate this phenomenon, which is so abnormal and alien from our own reality.”

[Translation (c) 2015, S. Corrales, IHU, with thanks to Raul Núñez, IIEE]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Dark Night of the Soul

Wednesday December 16, 2015

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Chile: “A UFO Patrolled the Coalfields” (2007)

Chile: “A UFO Patrolled the Coalfields” (2007)

Source: http://ift.tt/1mo3YC6
Date: 01.20.2007
Author: Gustavo Aracena

Workers of a company in Lota claim having seen an extraterrestrial craft flying over the commune. These employees believe it stopped in mid-air to observe them.

More than stars can be seen in the skies over Lota. Mario knows this well; he is an employee with a company located only meters from the coast, and on December 8 (2007) he had an experience that has left him in shock to this very day. “I am certain that the crew, if it had one, were aware of my presence and that I was watching them,” he recalls.

It was after 10:00 pm when the worker went to greet the new shift. Around 2:10 a.m., he headed to the northern section of the facilities, and at a distance of 100 meters from the “pandereta” (brick wall) that borders the company’s perimeter, he took a casual look at the sky and saw a “machine” fly overhead.

“There was a fluorescent light around it. No portholes were visible as one would see on an airplane. The object was dark, flat on its underside. It had an oval-shaped tail section with two lights on it. The one on the right was orange-red, and the one on the left violet. Both were intermittent, but not in sequence,” he recalls.

Frightened, he radioed a co-worker, who told him: “No, it’s just a plane. I signaled it with a flashlight, and it’s a plane.” Bu Mario did not believe this. “I have seen commercial aircraft flying over the city and in spite of their altitude; one always hears the sound of their jet engines. This was not a craft made on Earth.”

In spite of the shocking experience, Mario believes himself to be among the “chosen.”

“I saw that the machine was over Cerro Fundición in Lota Alto. From my perspective, it could be seen over Blocks 6 and 7 (apartment buildings). Then it made like a 90 degree turn, which puzzled me even more, because I’d never seen something in the air with these characteristics. The flying machine appeared to be patrolling the area,” he stated.

According to the witness, the object continued on its way, flying over a considerable section of Lota and then heading for the woods on the Cordilleran forest belt. The sighting lasted between 10 and 15 minutes.

His friends also saw the object. What did they say about it? “They laughed at first, but then they all corroborated that what they saw wasn’t anything man-made. It was odd, but a co-worker said, very seriously: “I think they were among us.”

[Translation (c) 2015, S. Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Los gemelos MAGIC detectan los rayos gamma de una lejana galaxia activa

Un equipo internacional de científicos ha descubierto por primera vez una emisión de rayos gamma muy energética procedente de PKS 1441+25, una galaxia activa muy remota situada a medio camino entre el origen del universo y nosotros. El hallazgo se ha logrado gracias a la potencia de los dos telescopios MAGIC, que operan desde la isla de La Palma, en Canarias.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Los gemelos MAGIC detectan en rayos gamma una lejana galaxia activa

Un equipo internacional de científicos ha descubierto por primera vez una emisión de rayos gamma muy energética procedente de PKS 1441+25, una galaxia activa muy remota. El hallazgo se ha logrado gracias a la potencia de los dos telescopios MAGIC, que operan desde la isla de La Palma, en Canarias.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

15 dic 2015

Two New Candidates for Planet X have been Announced

With recent advances in imaging technology pushing the boundaries of astronomy and space exploration more rapidly than ever before, new discoveries within the solar system and beyond are now being made at a breakneck pace. Part of that exploration has been for the elusive Planet X, a theorized large trans-Neptunian world that has otherwise eluded attempts at detection. Until now, only smaller planetoids have been discovered in the deep dark of space, but two new findings hold promise as new candidates for the title of Planet X.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

Tablas tridimensionales de elementos químicos

Estamos acostumbrados a tratar con la clásica tabla periódica de elementos químicos heredera del trabajo de Dmitri Mendeléyev. Sin embargo, a lo largo de la historia, e incluso hoy día, se vienen publicando diversos sistemas de ordenación y clasificación de los elementos, algunos de ellos muy curiosos, que se alejan en gran medida de esa imagen tradicional de la tabla periódica que encontramos por doquier.

Muchos de esos intentos tienen más de artístico, o de “esotérico”, que otra cosa, pero algunos fueron, y son, fruto de esfuerzos serios por buscar otra forma de organizar el conocimiento acerca de los elementos químicos. De todas esas variantes, creo que las tridimensionales son las más curiosas y atractivas, aunque no muy útiles por lo general. Sucede como con los mapas y las proyecciones cartográficas, uno se acostumbra a una “forma de ver el mundo” (he ahí al viejo Mercator) y luego cuesta bastante adaptar la mente para ser ágil con otro tipo de representación. En el caso de las tablas tridimensionales de elementos, el resultado suele ser más vistoso que práctico pero, precisamente por eso, llaman la atención.

De todas las recopilaciones que se han publicado en la red sobre tablas y clasificaciones de elementos químicos, creo que la de Chemogenesis es una de las más impresionantes. Y, dentro de esa asombrosa lista, cómo no, hay espacio para las tablas tridimensionales.

Entre ellas, quiero referirme en este post a tres que son mis favoritas, son auténticas obras de arte y ciencia que merecen ser recordadas. De todas ellas, la ideada en 1916 por Harkins y Hall es la que siempre me ha fascinado más. La idea original de William Draper Harkins, químico estadounidense, consistía en organizar los elementos a lo largo de dos hélices concéntricas, estando en el centro los periodos principales y disponiendo las tierras raras y los isótopos radiactivos en forma vertical siguiendo una ordenación por peso atómico. Se lee desde la parte superior hacia abajo, estando los diversos grupos relacionados entre sí a través de una especie de puentes de alambre. Muy posiblemente mi querencia por esta tabla se deba a su lejano parecido con los mapas de palo micronesios, otro artilugio tridimensional que me atrae especialmente.

Tabla helicoidal de elementos ideada por Harkins y Hall en 1916. Fuente: Alchemy to Chemistry in Picture and Story. Arthur Greenberg.

Un bello ejemplo de tabla elemental tridimensional, anterior a la de Harkins y Hall, fue la propuesta en 1898 por William Crookes. El Vis Generatrix de Crookes da forma a una interesante estructura en la que en escala vertical se representa el peso atómico, partiendo del hidrógeno. Los elementos desconocidos en su época están marcados con casillas en blanco. El objetivo de esta construcción era verificar las relaciones entre elementos a partir de una estructura tridimensional de fácil comprensión.

La Vis Generatrix de Crookes. Fuente: DataPhys.

Como ejemplo final, he aquí este cilindro minimalista, toda una belleza, creado en 1862 por Alexandre-Émile Béguyer de Chancourtois. Intento muy temprano de clasificación de los elementos químicos, resultó claramente insuficiente, pero los primeros pasos siempre son eso, una aproximación superficial para un problema complejo. En este caso, la “hélice telúrica” de Chancourtois hincó el diente a la cuestión de los elementos desde un punto de vista original. Partía de una base idealizada: una posible relación entre elementos y propiedades de los números. Así, sobre un cilindro vertical con 16 líneas equidistantes y paralelas a modo de hélice inclinada a 45º con relación al eje central, se van dibujando las posiciones de los elementos conocidos en orden creciente de peso atómico, alineándose en columnas verticales los elementos con propiedades similares.

La “hélice telúrica” de Chancourtois. Fuente: All Periodic Tables.

Tablas tridimensionales de elementos químicos apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 15 diciembre 2015.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

Un modelo calcula la radiación solar de Marte

En los próximos años, numerosas misiones se han puesto como objetivo llegar al planeta rojo. Una de ellas, MetNet, contempla instalar estaciones de observación en la superficie marciana y medir la radiación solar. Un equipo internacional de científicos, en el que participa la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ha diseñado un modelo para calcular este tipo de radiación, un parámetro esencial en las futuras misiones con humanos a bordo.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

La estrella Cervantes y los planetas del Quijote ya lucen en el cielo

Desde ahora Cervantes dará nombre a la lejana estrella μ Arae, situada a 49,8 años luz de distancia, y Quijote, Rocinante, Sancho y Dulcinea serán sus cuatro planetas. Esta propuesta de la Sociedad Española de Astronomía y el Planetario de Pamplona ha ganado claramente en el concurso internacional NameExoWorlds organizado por la Unión Astronómica Internacional (IAU) donde se nombraban 20 nuevos sistemas planetarios del universo.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

The Path of the Tarot, Part 7

Whitley finishes his beautiful course on the Tarot with a magnificent and deeply moving meditation on Card 21, "The World." You will never have heard that card--or, in fact, anything--discussed like this. This is something very special, but if you have not listened to the earlier chapters, do listen to them before you do this one.

Next week, the entire course will be archived in a single file in Whitley's Room.

via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

14 dic 2015

New Program Enables Computers to Learn to Read and Write Handwriting

The majority of us take the "Three Rs" of education for granted, but within the field of artificial intelligence, computers have only shown an aptitude for 'Rithmetic, something they were specifically designed to do to begin with. Conversely, Reading and 'Riting have proven to be a difficult hurdle for AI researchers to overcome, as the sheer complexity of how the human brain recognizes, interprets and reproduces handwritten text is still largely a mystery. However, a team of researchers have developed a way to teach a computer how to both read and write, and to do so as quickly and efficiently as a human.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

Stunning New Gobekli Tepe Discovery

December 18, 2015

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

Colombia: Arcesio Bermúdez, The Man Killed by a UFO

Source: Planeta UFO and Radio Blu (Colombia)
Date: December 2, 2015

Colombia: Arcesio Bermúdez, The Man Killed by a UFO

Arcesio Bermudez was a 54-year-old Colombian who apparently succumbed to the powers of the mysterious UFOs, creatures whose existence is unknown, but who are nonetheless real, according to experts.

Ufologist William Chavez claims that the event took place on the evening of July 4, 1969 in the town of Anolaima, municipality of Cundinamarca, when Arcesio's family climbed a hill to do some star gazing, and managed to see a small light that increased its size substantially.

"Mister Arcesio went out to see what was going on. He stared at it and decided to point his flashlight at the unknown entity at that moment," says the specialist.

Chavez claims that the peasant received a magnetic blast, causing him to feel sick hours later, developing signs of hypothermia shortly after. He was sent to a clinic in Bogotá.

After being hospitalized for several days, experiencing intense fever, the Colombian died under circumstances that medical experts could not explain.

The national police and the army conducted an investigation into the death of the man who seemingly came into contact with an unidentified flying object. However, the authorities were never able to clarify the events.


[Translation (c) 2015 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]

Addendum by Scott Corrales

This small piece of information by Colombia's Radio Blu does not mention the fact that the case received considerable attention at the time, and not just within Colombian borders. An issue of the TIEMPO newspaper dated 18 July 1969 shows members of the APRO research organization, under the direction of Jim and Coral Lorenzen, along with local authorities and eyewitnesses. The text reads: "They do exist because I saw them," replied Marina Isabel Franco, a young witness to the phenomenon. Scientific evidence corroborates that the strange object was indeed seen by many people. There is interest in this exclusive by EL TIEMPO."

The photo caption adds: At the Tocarema Hacienda un Anolaima, where on the evening of 4 July, more than twelve people saw a strange luminous object identified as a "UFO". Members of the scientific delegation of APRO, reporters for EL TIEMPO, some eyewitnesses to the event and their relatives, inspect the site up to which Arcesio Bermudez ran with a flashlight, trying to see the vehicle as close as possible. It flew quickly over the trees, and it has not yet been possible to determine whether it touched the ground, since there are no visible signs that suggest this. The only person who followed it to that site, Mr. Bermudez, died days later. (Photo credit: Alfonso Angel, for EL TIEMPO)."

More details emerged about Mr. Bermudez's sudden illness after his alleged CE-3. Feeling ill within hours of the event, his malady extended for three days until a relative came to collect him and take him to Bogotá for treatment by car. According to his family, Bermúdez was cold to the touch, and that he leaned against his sister's side in the vehicle. Creepier still is the detail that the side of the sister's body "remained cold until the day she died." Bermudez's preternatural chill was such that the nurses at the Bogotá health center were unable to draw blood samples, as his vital fluid had "crystallized"."

Arcesio Bermudez was treated by César Emerald, Secretary of Health in Bogotá at the time. This distinguished physician would recall that his patient was in a state of hypothermia, with no temperature readings. Dr. Emerald was never able to ascertain the root cause of this chill.

The group of APRO investigators seemed to think that Bermudez had died from a massive dose of gamma rays, and requested that the hapless man's cadaver be exhumed - something the family refused to do. Years later, when the remains were about to be transferred, the Bermúdez family discovered to their horror that the body had been spirited away by unknown hands.

A more detailed medical report can be found in the 17 July issue of the "El Espectador" newspaper. Dr. Emerald is quoted as saying: "The patient was very ill. He presented a cardiac condition, third-degree dehydration brought about by vomiting and diarrhea, and it was impossible for me to control his sickness. Nothing could be done for him. It struck me that the patient should be hypothermic, that is to say, that he should have no temperature whatsoever. All I can tell you is that according to his sickness, the patient should've had a temperature reading, but in fact did not have one. I am speaking from a medical standpoint; therefore I cannot associate his death with the presence of the object [UFO] you are telling me about."

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Un método controla los subproductos de desinfección en los quesos

La Universidad de Córdoba ha desarrollado una metodología que ayuda a determinar la ausencia de patógenos en alimentos mediante la cuantificación de los subproductos que surgen por usar desinfectantes durante su procesado. La técnica ya la habían aplicado con éxito en vegetales, zumos y leche, y ahora se ha adaptado por primera para los quesos europeos, desde frescos griegos a curados españoles.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Noche de Gemínidas con alta actividad

La lluvia de ‘estrellas’ de las Gemínidas ha llegado fiel a su cita de diciembre, siendo la noche del 14 al 15 el mejor momento para disfrutar de este espectáculo astronómico. Cada hora se podrán observar unos 100 de estos brillantes meteoros, que proceden del misterioso asteroide o ‘cometa rocoso’ 3200 Faetón.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Nueva foto huella del Mokele Mbembe



¿Gran reptil acuático o dinosaurio?


Retrato robot




Mackal 1977


Huellas dactilares tomada en la orilla de la isla de las Abejas 23 de marzo 2015
Río Dja que separa el sur de Camerún de Congo Brazzaville.

Archivado en: Actualidad General
via Esencia21 Blog http://ift.tt/1k29OFY

13 dic 2015

Argentina: The Strange Bariloche Aircraft of 1968

Source: CEFORA and Planeta UFO
Date: 10.10.2015

Argentina: The Strange Bariloche Aircraft of 1968
By Andrea Pérez Simondini - CEFORA
Based on the research of Alejandro Vignati, 2001 Magazine (1968)

Journalist and poet Alejandro Vignatti became involved with the case immediately as a correspondent for "2001: Periodismo de anticipacion" - a scientific popularization magazine for which he served on the editorial board. He got in touch with the principal witnesses of the case, writing a detailed article for the cited publication, which we transcribe below:



Source: 2001 Magazine, No. 1 Buenos Aires, October 4, 1968

Temperature: 3.5 degrees (Celsius) and 9 degrees (by noon)
Clouds: Stratocumuli
Forecast: Some rain and isolated showers in the afternoon. Soft breezes over parks, lakes and forests, reaching wind speeds of 40kmh.
Weather Station Director: Roberto Tadeo (age 44, 3 children)
Aeronautical Conditions: Cloudy skies, some clouds at 800-100 meters, good visibility.
Airport Director: Cornelio Gauna
Tower Operator: Walter Furst
Radio Operators: Sigfrido Cortondo and Roberto Mediana

Cornelio Gauna (married with one 19-year-old daughter, 10 years as director of the local airport) drove his red Valiant to work as usual. 4 kilometers from that location, Juan Giss (married, 1 son, age 46) a former tank driver for the German army during WWII, said farewell to his wife and headed into the city to open his clockwork business.

Carmen (a receptionist with Aerolíneas) consulted the AVRO's arrival time in the afternoon and Duilio Salvatore (43, married, 4 children, resident of Bahia) a correspondent for Telenoche in Bariloche, analyzed the best way to film the arrival of an important dignitary during the afternoon. The time was currently ten a.m.

In Austral, traffic dispatcher Margaret Clarke requested information the arrival of an airliner belonging to her company (One-Eleven) flown by commanders Fernandez and Watt. A similar task was performed by the cargo forwarder, Jorge Acosta. Neither was aware of what would happen to their neighbor hours later.

Walter Furst (married, 2 children), the airport's tower controller that morning, did not notice anything odd. He almost surely exchanged a few words with radio operators Sigfrido Cortondo and Roberto Medina (44, married, 3 children) who were there on that day.

In the city, only a few kilometers from the airport, Hector Sabato, director of Bariloche's Channel 3, was calculating his arrival time to the airport to welcome an important dignitary. Moreover, Francisco Caló, the stations technical director, head of the radiotelegram sector, was leaving his post at the state office and headed for the upper floor of the building, facing Lake Nahuel Huapi, for lunch.

It was a sunless day, and a suspicious calm hung in the air. Yet it went unnoticed by Pedro Garrafa, 49, owner of the airport lounge. Egon Rost, an employee of the facility, was thinking about going home and engaging in his secret passion: painting. Without reflecting on deeper matters, Maggie - a tyro skier - met her friends at the Italia Hotel's coffee shop. Dickey Gurrow, 30, proprietor of the "La Vaca Inn" grill, passed by. He also owned a local paint company, and was meeting the owner of the Hotel Parque.

Mr. Eistman awaited the arrival of the AVRO, inbound from Buenos Aires with Cmdr. Emilio Loza at the helm, at 13:15 hours. Demetrio Cottescu (a Romanian pilot living in Bariloche) was inspecting his own aircraft and arranged some tourist flights by phone.

Everything was normal, Walter Furst told "2001". He was working with equipment from the Aerolineas and Austral airlines. When the AVRO appeared, the commander asked me, with certain exasperation, why I wasn't advising him of local traffic at the time. I replied that there was no traffic. The pilot said there was a "large" machine in front of him at the head of the runway.

I looked up and there it was. It was there. A large silent airplane, as if ready to land. I called it on all the frequencies employed and it did not answer. I ordered the AVRO to remain alert, due to the unknown origin and type of airliner. The Austral One-Eleven was order to maintain its altitude due to the unknown intentions of the "mystery plane".

The intruder flew sideways. It was comparable to a Caravelle or a Comet, but with a thinner body, large, stubby wings and silver in color. It was a conventional aircraft of some sort, not a UFO, and had no windows. It flew at some 200-300 kmh. It continued to the end of the runway. Displaying extraordinary maneuverability, it headed for the nearby hills and vanished toward the lake. It appeared minutes later, showing its profile to the airport, following the same path to make its departure. When it got to the end of runway 28, it made a nearly 360 degree turn and left. That's it. Many saw it. Yes, it was an airplane.

"Was there anyone else at that moment?" wondered the journalist. The airport was packed, and employees strove to maintain order. Roberto Medina was inside an AVRO on the runway and Hector Sabato ahd arrived in a hurry.

"Yes," ventured Carmen from Aerolineas Argentinas, "I saw it. I was near the platform and they told me there was an aircraft. They said it was a "flying saucer". I went to the platform's entrance and looked at the runway. It was a conventional-looking machine; it made no noise and had no windows along the fuselage or in the cockpit. At first I thought it was a flying saucer, then I realized it wasn't."

"So what was it then? Did everyone who saw it share the same opinion?"

"It was a stranger craft than we're used to seeing," said Garrafa. "its color was dark grey, silent. It was followed by an AVRO, and the mystery craft flew slowly. I paid it no mind."

"Yes, I gave it little importance," Hector Sabato declared emphatically. "I was in the city and on my way to the airport. I heard the noise of a jet and looked toward the lake. I saw it without really seeing it. It was followed by an AVRO. I cursed myself for arriving late. When I reached the airport I learned of the strange apparition."

Witnesses were emerging. It wasn't easy to enter the office of the Bariloche airport director. Convincing him of the seriousness of our mission, exhausting his kindness and reaching conclusions proved to be an effort. But it was necessary to know, to follow the leads. Who saw it in the city?


"That day," stated Francisco Caló, "I left my office at the lower floor of the post office at around 13:10 hours and went upstairs to my residence. I had finished lunch and my wife and I were watching a police boat on its way to rescue some youngsters engaged in reckless boating. I live in the city center, facing the lake, and my three dining room windows face it. When the boat approached the kids, that's when I saw it. I remember the clouds were low and it was drizzling. There were large waves and I looked skyward. The machine looked like a Piper, at first. But when it turned, I saw it wasn’t. "This is the Caravelle," I thought.

"But when it made a tight turn, I saw it was wrong. I heard a buzz and thought, "must be the AVRO." It wasn't. When it made a U-turn, returning whence it came, I could see it clearly at a distance of 500 meters. it looked like a dolphin in profile, with two engines, one on each wing, close to the fuselage. Very low speed and altitude, that's what I noticed. The fuselage appeared to be "hanging" from the wings. It vanished toward the airport. The rudder looked like that of a Guarani and was painted blue, I think, with a little yellow triangle. It made tight turns (90 degrees and 360 degrees) and had a Concorde-type nose and fuselage."

His descriptions coincided with those of Margaret Clarke, although she believes it had "delta" wings. Acosta insists that the wings were trapezoidal and very wide. The fact of the matter is that they were all there, and they all had their own impression.

Duilio Salvatore, who saw it on his way to the airport, thought it was an utterly silent machine, flying slowly with the characteristics described by the other witnesses. A characteristic that matches what was seen by Juan Giss, who was able to see the unidentified plane as he had lunch.

"At 13:00 hours I was in my kitchen, eating. I heard an odd sound, similar to that of an aircraft in a power dive. I went to the garden and the clouds were very low, some 250 meters, and I waited for it to appear. It emerged from the clouds, turning at the speed of a DC-4, perhaps slower. I saw an "airplane". To me, it was an AVRO type engine, turboprop, but with an extraordinary maneuverability, some 150 meters distant, over the lake. It was extraordinarily stable. It later headed off toward the airport. A friend of mine also saw it. Engineer Reposini, my neighbor. He agrees with me."

Were there others? It was hard to find out. A blanket of silence draped any further information.

The communiqué from the Argentinean Air Force was laconic. Research is underway. It was necessary to dig deeper, get to the core, find the official word. We already had the image of what the vehicle was like, and its characteristics, maneuverability, and the minute-by-minute reconstruction of its flight path. It was seen, and close at hand. It was heard and not heard. But the stories go beyond that. Did anyone try to stop it? Did it respond to the "green light" call?


Cornelio Gauna welcomed us. We had traveled 2000 kilometers and interviewed many people, except for him.

"When did the aircraft appear?"

"Last July 23rd," he said, "between 13:15 and 13:35 hours approximately. An "unknown" aircraft flew over this airport, for which I am responsible. Its characteristics did not resemble those of any civilian or military machine operating at this airport to date. It was clearly not a UFO, but a conventional device that avoided detection. It did not fly over the tower or the air station, making it visible from underneath, and it did not answer calls from radiotelephony or visual signals."

He stops and lights a cigarette, and looks outside. He seems to be weighing every word. There’s a file in front of us that keeps the secret. However, Gauna's cordial demeanor banishes all fears. He's there, doing his job. We feel, dear reader, that his words were very sincere.

"When no contact was made with the tower," he continues, looking out at the landscape, "and by flying over the airport, the aircraft had already committed a violation, since any aircraft that flies over the control area of an airport must, necessarily, make radio or visual contact in order to request the corresponding authorization. This is to avoid collisions, informing other aircraft that may be operating in the area, advising them of its location and vice versa."

We asked him about the aircraft. Was it truly a regular airliner?

"By flying so low (70 to 150 meters) at a distance of 5 to 10 km from the runway, its maneuvers could only be seen sideways on. No symbol identifying its nationality could be seen on the fuselage. This identification was also impossible to see as it flew parallel to the runway on its descent, as though making ready to land. But it continued the same route until it vanished into the nearby hills. Subsequently, eyewitnesses claimed having seen it flying over the local air club, which just so happens to be located on the same flight path it was following when it vanished.

Did that airplane ever return?

"Minutes later it reappeared following the same flight path, that is to say, from the West-Northwest, retracing the trajectory it followed when it vanished. It flew parallel to the runway, this time on its left, and near the El Condor ranch. That's where it made a full turn (nearly 360 degrees), very steep, finally vanishing into East-Southeast. It had a narrow body, trapezoidal wings, very broad at the root, with two turbines nearly joined together on both sides of the fuselage, yet not making the typical sound a jet, but rather a nearly-inaudible whistle. It was silver, with its tail section and bow painted black or dark blue. It was rather large, about the size of a DC-6. Those who saw it said it had no windows. That's all we've gathered."

And that's what the Bariloche airport director knows, and what we learned from his words. Now who's responsible for informing?

"The background information of the aforesaid incident is with the Argentinean Air Force Supreme Command, the higher aeronautical body in charge of the case," Gauna said.

So we left, feeling satisfied. We had managed to pierce the veil of silence and have a true image. Eyewitness accounts were abundant and it was possible to make a reconstruction. All that was needed was a final conclusion and descriptions of the device by those who managed to see it.


The strange machine was intelligently guided, without question. The conclusions are obvious and detailed below:
1) It was highly maneuverable.
2) Able to make 90 and 360 degree turns.
3) Constant low altitude and speed.
4) Jet powered.
5) Speed between 120 and 250 kmh.
6) Height from the ground: 150 to 250 kmh
7) Green light signals were aimed at it. It did not respond. It gave out a white flash (which means "return to your starting point" on the ground, but nothing in the air). It is unknown if this flash was a response or a solar effect.

These characteristics, according to experts, run contrary to the laws of aerodynamics. A jet cannot fly so slow and at that altitude without powerfully increasing the push of its turbines. Otherwise it would fall due to a lack of lift. Add to this the turns it made, which are uncanny for a conventional machine.

What does all of this mean? Evidently, that there is something in the sky watching us, and it will eventually be among us.


Thus ends the investigation carried out by Alejandro Vignati. He interviewed nearly all of the witnesses, including airport administrators, technical and managerial staff alike. However, despite the fact that the viewers of the strange craft argued that it was a commercial airplane, yet one they could not identify, the local press at the time made hay with the sighting.

Hector Anganuzzi's "History of Flying Saucers in Argentina" appeared in 1976 and provided additional details regarding eyewitness statements and the involvement of the Air Force. We learn that in July 1968, Cornelio Gauna (the airport director) reported to Buenos Aires, to the Argentinean Air Force's quarter, in order to provide a report on the event. It even mentions that he was there for an entire week. Following the meeting, in a hastily convened press conference, he said: "All hypotheses suggesting the presence of a UFO must be undermined." He added that a photograph was believed to exist, taken by a tourist from the city of Rosario (we shall examine this claim, as no one ever saw this photo published in the media).

On 17 September 1968, according to Anganuzzi's book, the Air Force issued the following communiqué:

"Based on the investigation performed as result of a fly-over by an unidentified craft in the vicinity of the Airport of San Carlos de Bariloche on June 23, at approximately 13:30 hours, it turns out that this aircraft was a USAF RB-57 operating on a scientific mission from the El Plumerillo base in Mendoza. The aforementioned aircraft's flight constituted a violation of our country's air traffic standards. For this reason, and due to delays in getting to the bottom of the matter, the corresponding measures have been taken."


As I mentioned earlier, I said that we would return to Gauna’s statement regarding the publication of a photograph.

Luis Eduardo Pacheco, administrator of Rosario Watchers, one of Argentina’s earliest UFO mailing lists, published the photo as the one obtained by a tourist from Rosario, a city of which he is a native.

Researcher Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos of the FOTOCAT site took the photographic document and followed up on case: “At the website of Argentinean researcher Luis Eduardo Pacheco, at a link that is currently unavailable, there is extensive information about it, including the photo of a landed UFO next to the airport’s facilities. Curiously, the event is dated 1974 rather than 1968, and it says that the Argentinean Air Force issued a communiqué on 15 September 1968 reporting “a fly-over by an unidentified aircraft over Bariloche” being due to a Canberra RB-57 belonging to a USAF squadron operating on scientific missions from the El Plumerillo Base…” Regardless of the actual facts and their explanation, my purpose here is to certify that the photograph associated with this event is hoaxed and that it bears no relationship to any sighting at that airport.

In fact, J.P. Gonzalez of the Fundación Anomalia has discovered that the photograph, which has undergone laboratory analysis, corresponds without a doubt with the Avrocar, the saucer-shaped Canadian craft that was tested with little success and scrapped in 1961.


On 16 November 1957, General Aramburu made known at 19:40 hours that elections would be held on 23 February 1957 and that the transfer of power would occur on May 1st.
At the end of 12th Aeronautica Week , the ties between La Libertadora and the United States experienced their best moment. Gone was the Perón governments “third position” foreign policy that so troubled the State Department’s interventionist designs. As a sample of this, Decree 4161, Article 1, forbade “the use of images, symbols, signs and expressions that were representative of Peronism, including a list of words among which “third position” could be found.

Those events of November 1957 were the first to become known as State policy. Years before, there had been endless secret “cooperation”.

So it was that following the gigantic display of military might by the Strategic Air Command at Ezeiza Airport, the CIA – under the leadership of John Foster Dulles – managed to get Aramburu to approve the development of “Project Crowflight” in the country. Thus, Argentina was the first nation to offer its territory to the Central Intelligence Agency for use as a strategic aerial espionage base.

On November 11, 1958, three U-2 spy planes reached Ezeiza with all of their civilian and military personnel. Six months later, the secrecy surrounding the U.S. mission was lifted. On 18 March 1959, the first presentation of the Lockheed U-2 “Dragon Lady” was made before the world press.

During the ceremony, Maj. Richard Atkins remarked on “atmospheric research”. Finally, the chief of mission, Col. John Shidal, reported that the flights would last a total of 18 months. The mission would be a joint operation with NASA.

Dr. Arturo Frondizi was elected in February 1958. The “Crowflight” missions continued to be carried out throughout his term, until May 1960. The Clarin newspaper reported on Friday, May 13, that three airplanes had arrived at Ezeiza to continue with Operation Crowflight.

These aircraft were U-2 Dragon Ladies. On May 1st, one had been downed over the USSR and its pilot, Francis Gary Powers, taken prisoner. Tensions between Moscow and Washington reached critical levels. The U.S. espionage scandal over the USSR, using U-2 aircraft, prompted Arturo Frondizi to suspend the Ezeiza-based Operation Crowflight.
As though none of this had happened, a delegation of scientists from the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) arrived on May 15, 1960 by “invitation” of the Argentinean War Department. It was presided by Dr. Herbert F. York , and included a group of elite military instructors, advisers and U.S. Army technicians. Herbert York was acting at the time as Director of Research and Defense Engineering, the foremost strategic weapons design office for DOD. Among its physicists was Edward Teller (the “father of the H-Bomb), who would encourage Ronald Reagan to pursue the anti-missile shield known as “Star Wars.”

Only days from the U-2 incident, the U.S had gone to high alert, expecting likely Soviet reprisals. There is no explanation for why the head of the nuclear arsenal should have been giving “lectures” around Buenos Aires, even less that so many Pentagon scientists were with it. There are still fewer explanations as to the delegation of U.S. Army military instructors.

A declassified document from the State Department offers some answers:

a) The operations performed at Ezeiza were “restarted” under a new name.
b) Two new projects would be a continuation of the first one. 1958’s “Crowflight”, whose new approval was granted by the Argentinean government on 26 February 1960. Here we can see that the Aramburu Dictatorship initially approved these operations, and secondly, that they were ratified as soon as Frondizi had assumed office.
c) The two new projects would be carried out of Mendoza’s “El Plumerillo” airport under the names “Quick Dip” and “Skindiver”, respectively.
d) The aircraft would no longer be Lockheed U-2’s but rather, Martin/General Dynamics RB-57F Canberras, belonging to the “58th Weather Reconnaissance Squadron”
e) Given the date (17 September 1965) operations were authorized under the presidency of Arturo Illia.
f) Operation of both projects are ranked as “secret”

Project Quick Dip

The U.S. Taskforce consisted of 34 aircraft, 350 pilots, a mobile control tower, portable radar and a large civilian and military contingent. The “stars” were six giant B-52 bombers. The main craft had been designed to penetrate Soviet airspace for atomic bombing. But a test was necessary, with a demonstration of the Strategic Air Command’s ability to deliver a mortal blow in the event of a nuclear exchange.

The operation was dubbed “Quick Kick” and Buenos Aires was chosen. The enormous strategic bombers were refueled in-flight, proving they could reach Moscow with an atomic reprisal. What was never said is that there had been a fly-over of [Buenos Aires] by several aircraft conveying an arsenal of nuclear weapons.

The spy planes (U2 and RB57AF) participated in “Operation Crowflight” and “Quick Dip”, based at Ezeiza and El Plumerillo, under the guise of NASA operations, from 1958 to 1971.
The operation grew, and in September 1965, a decision was reached to conduct atmospheric sampling in the Mendoza area. Authorization was sought through the embassy to station two RB-57Fs sporadically at El Plumerillo, which would officially take air samples for meteorological research.

This operation was presented as a continuation of “Crowflight”, which was still taking place in Australia at the time.

The idea was to have a couple of those airplanes, based at Kirtland AFB in New Mexico, to fly to Argentina every two weeks, conducting sampling for four or five days between Mendoza and southern Santa Cruz province.

For each flight cycle, ground personnel and equipment was transported from Panama’s Albrook Base, employing USAF planes. The ground equipment included aeronautical, communications and oxygen gear, with a pick-up truck especially outfitted to prepare pilots for high-altitude flights with pressure suits. Tractors for moving the planes, as well as other ground vehicles, formed part of the shipment.

The operation had to be self-sufficient. One of the guidelines was never asking the Argentinean Air Force for assistance only in case of emergencies, but this wasn’t always the case.

The project was highly classified. According to the memorandum submitted to the local embassy, the cover story for the operation would involve radioactive fallout sampling. With the typical hypocrisy found in such documents, it is made clear that “this is the truth, of course”, adding that official reports on the subject would be published every so often, available to the Argentinean authorities if so requested.

Some 25 people reached Mendoza ninety days before the first flight. But once their duties were over, the foreign staff – except for two custodians – was restricted to the vicinity of the flights.

Each airplane had a two-man crew, lodged at hotels in Mendoza. According to the memorandum sent to the embassy, it was expected that their effects would not be go through airport customs.
The Argentinean Air Force was asked for a free hand in all flights (the measurement and link-up flights), whose flight plans were secured according to current guidelines. 2,600 square meters were requested to station aircraft on the base, 465 sq.mt. storage space and 30 sq. mt of office space. Aside from logistical facilities for operating the aircraft (firemen, light maintenance, washing, meteorology) a tax exemption was requested for all matters involved with the operation.

A hangar was installed in the rear of the facility. Some said it was built by them and was used for several purposes later on. Operations continued until 1972, apparently.

(Research work carried out by sociologists Viviana Demaria and José Figueroa)
Declassified document photo: Pablo Luciano Potenze
Date of the investigation: 2010

SOURCE – CEFORA : http://ift.tt/1lYNRKA

[Translation © 2015 Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU) with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO and Andrea Pérez Simondini, VISION OVNI/CEFORA]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J