30 jun 2014

Egypt's miracle AIDS cure has been delayed

The Egyptian military has backtracked on the release of its mysterious AIDS and hepatitis C cure. The strange device was introduced back in February a...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Perfect Circle in the Night Sky a Puzzle

We initially dismissed this one as a lens effect, but that's not what it is. There appears to have been a circular object in the night sky over Galveston in late June. It 'silently crossed the night sky' according to witnesses. Do we have a drone that could do this? Certainly nothing even close to being declassified. This is a genuine unknown. (But look closely, it's hard to see in this video.)

via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

Stabilized Patterson Bigfoot footage revealed

The most stable ever version of the infamous Patterson Bigfoot video has been released on YouTube. The original footage was recorded in 1967 by Roger ...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Can we slow down our perception of time ?

A man who had suffered an aneurysm discovered that he was perceiving the world as if time had stopped. When struck down with a sudden headache, Simon ...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Mon 30 June 2014 - Daily round-up of the world's weird news

Boko Haram attacked by "mystical bees and snakes possessed by ghosts", great white eaten by unknown colossal super-shark, hitchhiking robot to travel across Canada

via Fortean Times UK: Latest - Breaking News http://ift.tt/16qhqfO

29 jun 2014

NASA's 'flying saucer' tested successfully

An experimental saucer-shaped vehicle designed to be used on Mars has undergone a successful test flight. Intended as a mechanism for slowing down spa...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Jump-jet makes emergency landing on a stool

After a landing gear malfunction a Harrier jump-jet managed to touch down on an improvised alternative. Attempting to land a jet on a vessel at sea wo...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Was Stonehenge built by cowboy builders ?

A leading historian has claimed that the iconic monument was 'as much a triumph as a disaster'. One of the world's most famous Neolithic monuments, St...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Hipnóticos engranajes

Una cosa es ver en un manual técnico las diversas clases de engranaje posibles y otra muy distinta la instalación animada que ha montado un jubilado con gran habilidad mecánica llamado Pat Konkle. Toda una hipnótica maravilla en movimiento (vídeo)…

| Vía Make |

Hipnóticos engranajes apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 28 junio 2014.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

28 jun 2014

Manual técnico de dirigibles (1917)

Europa se halla estancada en un infierno que parece eterno. Un frente al este y otro al oeste destrozan la vida de jóvenes soldados. Los bombardeos arrasan ciudades, los novísimos tanques y los aeroplanos siembran el terror. El Plan Schlieffen, con el que Alemania pretendía una rápida victoria, no cumple con lo esperado después de la milagrosa victoria francobritánica en la Primera Batalla del Marne en septiembre de 1914. Y, entonces, el cielo se llenó de fantasmas en forma de dirigibles volando sobre una inextricable maraña de trincheras.


Si te encuentras en medio del avispero europeo, nada mejor que tener a mano este manual técnico para identificar dirigibles. Ahí aparecen datos técnicos, fabricantes de todo el planeta y detalles sorprendentes, todo directamente llegado del año 1917. Una delicia. Se trata del D’Orcy’s airship manual , que puede consultarse completo en archive.org , o bien en una web construida con parte del material original: http://ift.tt/1lYeRq9

Selección de láminas del manual.

dorcysairshipman00orcyrich_0184 dorcysairshipman00orcyrich_0100 dorcysairshipman00orcyrich_0072 dorcysairshipman00orcyrich_0140 dorcysairshipman00orcyrich_0166 dorcysairshipman00orcyrich_0050 dorcysairshipman00orcyrich_0156-1 dorcysairshipman00orcyrich_0019 dorcysairshipman00orcyrich_0060 dorcysairshipman00orcyrich_0124 dorcysairshipman00orcyrich_0057 dorcysairshipman00orcyrich_0112

Manual técnico de dirigibles (1917) apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 28 junio 2014.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

El cocodrilo de Bristol, Reino Unido

A la espera de dilucidar el enigma del monstruo del Loch Ness, Gran Bretaña ha encontrado a otra criatura misteriosa, un “cocodrilo”, que varios testigos aseguran haber visto en el río Avon, cerca de Bristol, en el oeste de Inglaterra.

Un conductor de autobús fue el primero en dar la alerta en febrero cuando vio en el río lo que pensaba ser un cocodrilo. La policía de Avon y de Somerset lanzó entonces unas búsquedas sin éxito.


La primera foto del reptil

Otros dos testigos aseguraron luego haber visto al cocodrilo pero no se les dio mucha credibilidad. Hasta que este viernes la prensa publicó una fotografía tomada durante la semana por Tamara Blanco cuando había salido a correr.

“Demasiado asustada” para acercarse más, solo pudo tomar una fotografía muy borrosa. Entre las aguas oscuras se distingue algo. ¿Una bolsa de plástico? ¿Una rama de árbol? ¿Un cocodrilo? Resulta imposible decirlo, dada la mala calidad de la imagen.

La autora de la foto solo sabe que “se movía”.

La imagen ha disparado las alertas en los alrededores de Bristol, donde algunos vecinos han colocado un panel con un cocodrilo con la boca abierta para advertir del peligro.

La prensa, por su parte, se interroga sobre la posibilidades de supervivencia de un reptil en las frías aguas del Avon -un tema sobre el que las opiniones de los expertos no coinciden- y la posible procedencia del cocodrilo.

Según el Daily Telegraph, no se ha señalado ninguna desaparición en los zoos. Queda la hipótesis de que un particular haya abandonado al reptil cuando empezaba a crecer demasiado.



Fotogramas de la nueva filmación

Enlace para ver el video:


Fuente: AFP/Yahoo

Archivado en: Actualidad General

via Esencia21 Blog http://ift.tt/1hny3qU

New habitable extrasolar planet discovered

Located 16 light years away, Gliese 832c has been identified as one of the best places to look for life. Discovered by Robert A Wittenbyer from the Un...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

New elephant shrew discovered in Namibia

Scientists have identified a new species of shrew which possesses a trunk like that of an elephant. Despite its tiny size, the bizarre looking elephan...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Bear falls through ceiling, disrupts party

An Alaska couple were preparing for their child's birthday when a black bear fell through the ceiling. The bear, which was believed to be a juvenile w...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

27 jun 2014

Weekender: Can Childhood Stress Shape Our Lives and Affect Our Destiny?

Stress, anxiety, depression - these are all familiar terms in our modern lifestyle. But why are these conditions so prevalent in society? Where are the seeds of discontent sown?

A new study, published in the journal Biological Psychiatry, reports that stressful situations experienced in childhood can have a lasting and very negative effect on our lives.

Some stress can be a positive thing; without it we would have no need to adapt or develop survival skills. But chronic stress, like poverty, emotional or physical neglect and abuse, can be toxic to our body and minds, becoming locked away inside us like a slow-acting poison.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

El viaje de Argos en papel contará con portada de… ¡Alfonso Azpiri!

libros_alpomaSumergido en plena ebullición de proyectos, entre los propios de Arbotante , empresa de la que soy cofundador y la publicación de varios libros, la segunda mitad de 2014 se aventura emocionante.

En otoño verá la luz Made in Spain , un libro sobre inventores de estas tierras ibéricas y, más o menos al mismo tiempo, se publicará en papel El viaje de Argos , la primera parte de la trilogía de Argos que actualmente sólo está disponible en forma de libro electrónico . Ah pero… la mayor sorpresa es que esta edición en papel contará con portada realizada en exclusiva por el genial Alfonso Azpiri . Todo un lujo. Y esto sólo es el principio… ;-)

El viaje de Argos en papel contará con portada de… ¡Alfonso Azpiri! apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 27 junio 2014.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

Two mystery canines terrorize Ontario

A pair of unknown vicious dogs have been attacking people and evading police officers in Thornhill. Regional authorities have been attempting without ...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Computación cuántica, frágil pero sin errores

Un equipo de físicos españoles y austríacos ha logrado codificar un bit cuántico (qubit) en estados entrelazados de varias partículas y, por primera vez, realizar computaciones sencillas en él. El registro cuántico de siete componentes o 7-qbits podría servir como módulo básico para un ordenador cuántico con corrección de todo tipo de errores.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Real-life 'Gollum' turns out to be a hoax

A strange Gollum-like creature photographed in China has been revealed to be an actor in a costume. Internet users were left baffled this week when pi...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Humans share dozens of universal emotions

There are at least 30 facial expressions for emotions that can be recognized anywhere in the world. While we tend to take it for granted that we can d...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Fri 27 June 2014 - Daily round-up of the world's weird news

Return of the Bristol croc, Gollum photographed in China, fairies fail in world record attempt, bear crashes party and eats all the cupcakes

via Fortean Times UK: Latest - Breaking News http://ift.tt/16qhqfO

¿La isla de las maravillas?

Esto que hoy visita TecOb se aparta un poco de lo habitual. Necesito la ayuda de los lectores porque no he logrado encontrar la fuente primaria. En el número 133 de la revista Algo, publicada en Barcelona en 14 de noviembre de 1931, aparece un curioso artículo titulado “La isla de las maravillas técnicas”. Se trata de una narración muy curiosa, a todas luces ficticia, que muestra cierta isla del Báltico en la que se habrían refugiado una serie de científicos geniales capaces de crear máquinas imposibles (pincha en la imagen para ampliar)


Aunque se pretende presentar como algo verídico, está claro que está en la línea de las narraciones de fantasía científica de la época. Además, en la revista Algo casi todo el material, tanto gráfico como los textos, procedía de traducciones y recortes de prensa europea y americana. La historia tiene su atractivo y me gustaría conocer la fuente original, posiblemente algún artículo de revista de ciencia ficción norteamericana o similar, pero no dado con ello. ¿Alguien tiene idea de dónde pudo surgir este artículo?

¿La isla de las maravillas? apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 27 junio 2014.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

26 jun 2014

Jim Marrs: The Fate of the Nation from the Founders to Iraq

June 26, 2014

Jim Marrs returns to Dreamland with powerful new information about Iraq, officially sanctioned drug running from the opium wars to the present, and beyond that to the fate of western empires, including our own.

This show offers unique insight into the world as it really works, not as the government and the media would have us believe it works.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

Material makes items invisible to the touch

An amazing new nano-material is able to render any object hidden beneath it undetectable. Even the thinnest layer of this remarkable polymer seems to ...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Mysterious signal detected in Perseus Cluster

Originating 240 million light years away, the signal could be the best evidence yet of dark matter. The concept of dark matter was devised as a way to...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Science Suggests That The Universe "Shouldn't Really Exist"

The unfathomable mystery of how this Universe was brought forth into being has preoccupied the mind of Man since he became cognisant of his own existence. Latterly, Science has been able to provide the likely cosmic nuts and bolts of the process, with the most widely accepted concept being known as the "Big Bang" theory.

Though the name implies a huge detonation, the "Big Bang" was more of an expansion than an explosion, an expansion that is still continuing today, but recent research suggests that if this type of event had indeed created the Universe then, theoretically, it should not exist at all.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

Mystery 'mima' mounds created by plants ?

Scientists believe that plants, not animals, are responsible for the strange vegetation-topped mounds. Found across the American prairies and in other...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

25 jun 2014

Insects As Food Of The Future?

As the human population grows, it is critical that the drain on the planet’s resources be lessened by decreasing consumption of animal protein. According to two panel discussions on June 23 and 24 at the 2014 Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Annual Meeting & Food Expo® in New Orleans, insects are a promising, economically viable alternative source of high quality protein that leave a substantially smaller environmental footprint.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

Sky cars to be built in Tel Aviv by 2015

A unique new transportation system is set to debut in the Israeli city by the end of next year. Consisting of a 500m loop of elevated magnetic tracks,...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

'Fox-human creature' enthralls zoo visitors

The bizarre spectacle of a half-fox, half-human has been attracting crowds to Karachi zoo for years. Known as Mumtaz, the 'creature' appears to posses...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Grass falls from sky over Gloucestershire

Locals were left baffled when large clumps of grass and hay started to descend from the heavens. The county had been enjoying a spell of warm weather ...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Crean la primera fibra magnética del mundo

Un equipo internacional de científicos, liderados desde la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, ha desarrollado un material que logra guiar y transportar el campo magnético de un lugar a otro de manera similar a como una fibra óptica actúa con la luz o una manguera transporta el agua. Las aplicaciones pueden ser tan amplias como las que tiene actualmente la fibra óptica.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Nuevas moléculas fluorescentes mejoran la visualización de células tumorales

Investigadores de la Universidad de Huelva y el centro BIONANDE han creado moléculas con colorantes fluorescentes que 'iluminan' el interior de las células tumorales. La técnica está destinada a facilitar el diagnóstico y seguimiento de enfermedades como el cáncer.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Nuevas moléculas fluorescentes mejoran la visualización de las células tumorales

Investigadores de la Universidad de Huelva y el centro BIONANDE han creado moléculas con colorantes fluorescentes que 'iluminan' el interior de las células tumorales. La técnica está destinada a facilitar el diagnóstico y seguimiento de enfermedades como el cáncer.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Wed 25 June 2014 - Daily round-up of the world's weird news

Americans possessed after ouija board session, ex-US Marine spent 17 years on Mars, plus yowies, ghosts and a mysterious rain of hay

via Fortean Times UK: Latest - Breaking News http://ift.tt/16qhqfO

24 jun 2014

Fracking Now Associated With Widespread Human Hormone Disruption

Fracking, the process of injecting numerous chemicals and millions of gallons of water deep underground under high pressure to fracture hard rock and release trapped natural gas and oil, is a very controversial method of energy extraction which has been associated with many negative side effects. In the United States, it has been found to cause earthquakes, water contamination and a myriad number of health issues.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

3D imaging to solve Terracotta Army mystery

A new 3D imaging technique could finally determine whether the warriors were based on real soldiers. Discovered in 1974 by farmers in China's Shaanxi ...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Venezuela: UFOs Shed No Light on Mysteries

Source: El Tiempo (Venezuela)

Date: 06.22.2014

UFOs Shed No Light on Mysteries

By Ragdeli Peraza Mobilio

***Research on unidentified flying objects is known to have commenced in the middle of World War 2. There is currently no irrefutable evidence for them ***

*** A direct relationship is incorrectly made between UFOs and aliens ***

She doesn't remember the date exactly, but believes the strange event to have occurred in late November 2009. Marjorie Buloz was in her apartment that evening around approximately 8:00 p.m., and the windows of one of her rooms in the Pascal District of Puerto La Cruz faces the El Maguey Lagoon. There had been a blackout and she saw something flying near the lagoon.

"What I saw was a large oval object suspended over the lagoon. It projected a very bright white light (...) the UFO began moving up and down, spinning on its own axis and executing many movements before remaining static. It then took off at an impressive speed, losing itself in the sky." Buloz, a 25-year-old journalist, saw what could be catalogued as an unidentified flying object, source of the acronym UFO. Its origin, however, may or may not be extraterrestrial, according to Buloz. "It could be human technology with or without extraterrestrial assistance. Who knows?"

Her sighting does not go unnoticed by others who tell similar stories while remaining anonymous.

According to research by volunteer members of the UFO Venezuela group, members of a family claimed having witnessed a strange event in October 2008 in the Puerto Nuevo District of Puerto La Cruz. Around 20 white lights appeared aligned in the sky, moving slowly, getting closer and separating, traveling in different directions.

Witnesses to the phenomenon say that the "craft" made turns but vanished quickly in a matter of seconds. According to the report, no one else in that community managed to see the nocturnal "spectacle" in the sky, or have otherwise not wanted to discuss it. Other isolated cases have occurred in the state of Anzoátegui with such common elements as brilliant lights, generally white in color, the movement of the flying objects and their swift, immediate disappearance.

Between the years 2008 and 2012, witnesses report having seen strange white lights or silvery objects flying over Cerro Venezuela, Lechería and also over the mountain located in the vicinity of the Universidad de Oriente's Anzoátegui Campus.

A direct relationship is incorrectly made between UFOs and aliens. They are, in fact, flying objects whose origin remains unknown. Some theories hold that the infamous flying saucers are extraterrestrial in origin, while other investigations state that many sighting reports are in fact military aircraft being tested in the sky.

UFO research has become widespread since the middle of World War II, mainly based on reports by pilots claiming to see strange flying entities that were not aircraft. Since then, a number of adepts of the extraterrestrial hypothesis of UFOs have arisen, researching strange events on their own without finding any irrefutable evidence as of yet.

In February of this year, a group of astronomers held a series of lectures at the David Dunlop Observatory in Ontario, Canada to discuss the UFO phenomenon from a scientific perspective. Astronomers Ian Shelton and Tuba Koktay explained that unidentified flying objects do exist, but that there are many unanswered questions regarding extraterrestrial life. Koktay is an astronomer and researcher and Shelton teaches astronomy at the University of Toronto. Both have worked for the observatory. "We are learning something new every day. Fifteen years ago we weren't sure about the existence of planets outside our solar system. Now we've found over 1000." El Tiempo contacted the Centro de Investigaciones Astronomicas (CIDA) in the state of Merida to obtain a scientific opinion. However, interviews were refused since "they lacked personnel specialized in the subject."

[Translation (c) 2014, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

El control del caos baja la extinción de células sanas en un modelo del cáncer

Investigadores de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, junto a un equipo portugués, han aplicado un novedoso método de control de sistemas caóticos a un modelo matemático del cáncer. Los resultados ayudan a evitar el crecimiento incontrolado de células tumorales y la extinción de tejido sano.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

3 people 'possessed' when using Ouija board

Three people ended up being rushed to hospital after being allegedly possessed during a Ouija session. Alexandra Huerta, her brother Sergio and their ...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

'Hypnotist bandit' robs four banks in a month

A robber who allegedly hypnotizes bank tellers in to giving him money is being pursued by police. The mysterious thief appeared to rely not on guns, k...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Curiosity viaja por antiguos glaciares marcianos

Hace 3.500 millones de años el cráter marciano, por donde ahora se mueve el rover Curiosity de la NASA, estuvo cubierto de glaciares, sobre todo en su montaña central. También discurría agua líquida muy fría por los ríos y lagos de las zonas más bajas, en paisajes parecidos a los que hoy se pueden encontrar en Islandia o Alaska. Así lo refleja un análisis de las imágenes tomadas por las naves que orbitan el planeta rojo.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

23 jun 2014

Un objeto extraño en un lago de la mayor luna de Saturno mantiene en vilo a los científicos

"El año pasado la sonda Cassini de la NASA fotografió la mayor luna de Saturno cuando pasó a su lado, captando una imagen sin precedentes, informa 'The Guardian'.

Cuando los científicos estudiaban minuciosamente las imágenes de Ligeia, un mar de 150 metros de profundidad que se extiende cientos de kilómetros en el hemisferio norte de Titán, vieron una mancha blanca extraña, a más de 6 km de la costa sureña montañosa. Sin embargo, en las anteriores imágenes, captadas en 2007 y 2009, la mancha no aparecía.

Según las conjeturas de los investigadores, podría ser un iceberg que se liberó de la costa, un efecto causado por la afloración de burbujas o de olas sobre la superficie del lago normalmente plácido.

Los astrónomos han dado a la mancha el apodo de 'la isla misteriosa' hasta que tengan una mejor idea de lo que están viendo. "Por el momento no podemos estar seguros de lo que es, porque sólo tenemos una sola imagen que muestra el objeto, pero no es algo que se suela ver en Titán", dice Jason Hofgartner, astrónomo de la Universidad de Cornell en Nueva York (...)"

Ver aquí.

via Alamut http://ift.tt/15wstDn

¿Por qué el gobierno australiano no permite cazar ovnis con láseres?

"Probablemente no
hace falta que os diga esto, pero cuando estás intentado comunicarte con extraterrestres, un láser puede ser muy útil. Según los cazadores de ovnis como el australiano Peter Slattery, los rayos pequeños de luz intensa pueden causar que los ovnis se “activen”, es decir, que hagan parpadear sus luces, como los intermitentes de un coche.

Desafortunadamente para Peter y otros cazadores de ovnis australianos, el gobierno no
ve con buenos ojos a los que apuntan al cielo con un láser. Ya que el láser puede cegar a un piloto de avión a punto de aterrizar, el uso de estos dispositivos cerca de las pistas puede suponer cuatro años de prisión. El conflicto entre los futuros interlocutores con la vida extraterrestre y los pilotos aéreos se ha convertido en un tema candente en la prensa australiana, así que hablé con Peter para ver cómo le iba (...)"

Leer en Vice.

via Alamut http://ift.tt/15wstDn

Flight MH370 - The Mystery Begins to Unravel...

When Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 disappeared without a trace in March, Whitley Strieber's Journal predicted that, rather than being the end of the story, this event could herald the beginning of a terror attack.

Now, as the mystery begins to unfold, new evidence has come to light that suggests Whitley's prediction could indeed come true.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

Likely Authentic UFO Video from LA

This video, contributed by an Unknowncountry reader, appears to be an authentic daylight UFO capture. The object carries out a maneuver that is impossible for a plane and unlikely for a bird. It is too far away to be an insect, and it almost certainly isn't a drone, because of its shape. It appears to be avoiding something, perhaps even reacting to the fact that it is on camera.

This video was taken a year ago, but the videographer recently got extensive nighttime video in the same general area. Unfortunately, because it is nighttime video and there isn't enough detail, we can't determine whether or not it's a quadcopter.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

Mystery 'magic island' spotted on Titan

A strange object in one of Titan's largest seas has been mysteriously appearing and disappearing. Scientists were left perplexed when the peculiar 'is...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

The Paso Lovera CE-3: A High Strangeness Event

The Paso Lovera CE-3: A High Strangeness Event

By Pablo Omastott – Investigadores de Campo OVNI Unidos

Within the framework of encounters with unknown entities recorded within the Province of Corrientes, some of which have been investigated by Ufology as close encounters of the third kind, we find some which are of interest to the researcher without being directly related to the UFO phenomenon. This is the case with the Paso Lovera incident (San Luis del Palmar – Corrientes), an event with an elevated quotient of high strangeness and which would not be considered, in of itself, within the case histories of ufology, had it not been that the events occurred in an area that has been surveyed before and after the incident within the local case histories. We shall briefly explain this later on.

Toward the second half of January 2002, on a Sunday night, we were doing a radio show on the subject of UFOs with journalist Francisco Villagrán. We had been on air for two seasons at the time, and our broadcast enjoyed a measure of popularity. It was during the show that we received a call from photojournalist Omar Vallejos, who frequently remarked on new UFO events from the interior of the province. Within the customary accounts involving strange lights – very common near the Route 5 area – there was one that became the center of attention that evening.

“We have here some girls who had a creature appear before them…standing over three meters tall,” he told us. We exchanged startled looks at the station, as it was the first time we’d heard anything like it, at least in our area, even for Villagrán, who had several decades of experience in the subject under his belt. So the communication ended with two stunned researchers arranging a visit with our correspondent so we could learn more details about this one-of-a-kind event.

We adjusted details mid-week and set off the following Saturday toward San Luis del Palmar, some 25 kilometers distant from the city of Corrientes. The travelers included Eduardo Lopez, of the Federación Corrientina de Ovnilogia, Francisco Villagrán and this author, who at the time was also a member of the aforementioned group.

Our first stop was in the town of San Luis, where we collected Omar Vallejos and his wife, who would act as our contact with the female protagonists of the case. We took the road again, following a long dirt trail that eventually led us to the young ladies’ place of residence. Along a side-street of the trail we found a typical rural house surrounded with trees, where we first spoke with their father. After a brief introduction, we were finally able to speak to the witnesses.

Gabriela Lencinas, age 15 at the time, was the first witness we interviewed. She told us that every weekend it was their custom to visit the town some 8 kilometers distant from their farm. That Saturday, January 12, as they headed back around 20:00 hours, they were able to see – in their own words – how “something like a cloud formed in their path, and a gigantic image appeared.” Before this, they said, a car used as a taxicab had passed them, and it too had stopped upon seeing the phenomenon. When asked about what happened to the driver, she said: “We saw him get out, see it, then get back into his vehicle and take off quickly.”

At the time, the girls were a little more than 10 meters distant from the apparition, but even then Gabriela was unable to be more specific or provide details about the sighting. She only said that “its shape was visible.”

After this, the figure began to rise and vanish, and the car drove directly under it, after which the girls proceeded forward. When asked if it seemed like something solid or vaporous, and if they managed to see its features, she told us that it was “real”, highlighting that it had frizzy, “sharp” hair, and at the moment of its manifestation, the apparition seemed to approach them with open hands “as though trying to scare us.” They were little more than 2 kilometers from their home, and upon arriving, they told their parents what happened, and subsequently told friends who remarked about sightings of strange lights in the area.

Later – and always separately – we interviewed the second witness, Griselda Olivera, 19. She was much more consistent in her story and gave us much more interesting details. She said that as they came down the road, they saw something dark that swiftly turned into a figure resembling “a giant ape” with “unruly” hair. At that moment she asked her companion if she was seeing the same thing, to which she replied in the affirmative. She also mentioned the fact that the driver got out of his car to look at the figure before taking off in a hurry, after which they were able to see [the figure] turn into “black smoke rising into the air.” When asked about the being’s aspect, she coincided in the description of “longish, unruly hair” and “full of static”. However, she was unable to make out the presence of eyes or a nose. According to her, its arms were outstretched, and when asked about its hands and whether it wore any gloves, she replied that its fingers were visible, but not its feet, which she was unable to see. As to her feelings at the time, she was somewhat frightened, and when asked about the height of what she had seen, using a mango tree (5 meters tall) as reference, she replied in the negative, pointing instead to a eucalyptus tree standing 10 meters tall).

The girls were separately shown images of humanoid entities corresponding to various morphologies. Both pointed out the one commonly known as Type 3: tall, slender and with long hair. After the interview was over, we asked them to take us to where the events occurred, heading there for a brief analysis of the location and to take a few photographs, some of which are shown here.

While the facts reported herein have not occurred simultaneously with the UFO phenomenon in this small section of the Province of Corrientes, both the manifestations of lights and high-strangeness incidents such as entity sightings appear to take place with a certain parallelism or temporality.

Provincial Route No. 5, links the city of Corrientes with San Luis del Palmar and other towns of the interior. During this first phase of the journey, we collected reports from people who have seen everything from incandescent spheres (1 and 2) ) hanging on the side of the road and “flying fluorescent tubes” (3) to helmeted figures (4) and very tall figures leaping through the undergrowth, as was told to us during this same visit, where “field laborers of that property” had seen very tall figures moving “in leaps and bounds” several nights earlier.

The details gleaned from a survey of this case at the time, shortly after it occurred, do not allow us reach a thorough conclusion as to the type of phenomenon faced by these young women, and whether it is indirectly related to the presence of lights in the area. Furthermore, alternative analyses have been put forward, such as the one proposed by Scott Corrales and the holographic theory (5), which could explain the sudden apparition in part, but the fact is that this incident has added new veins that create even further questions on the true nature of the manifestations, which occur in this location recurrently at given periods of time.


(1) On the evening of August 21, 1997, a group of journalists traveling along Route 5 to the locality of San Luis del Palmar before the town’s religious festivities saw an “antenna light” in the distance before reaching the police check point (some 6-7 kilometers distant from the city). A little bit further along, they could see the light was beyond the police checkpoint by 100 meters and at a height of 20 meters, over what must have been a lagoon in the area. The light did not blink and remained static. However, upon returning in the early morning hours, the light was no longer there - Federación Correntina de Ovnilogía (1997): Case: Red Sphere. Corrientes, 21 August (unpublished).

(2) Eyewitness G. Acevedo, 35, a policeman, was in the back yard of his home in the Parque Cadenas neighborhood outside Corrientes , 500 meters from Route No. 5. At 21:35 hours he saw three luminous spheres forming a static triangle in the sky, which later took off at speed toward the NE and turned off – in his own words – like a TV set. López, Eduardo (2001) Case: Acevedo. Own research., Red Mensajero, Corrientes, 06 January (unpublished).

(3) At 06:30 a.m., witness J.C.R., a policeman, was in the back of a pickup truck with a colleague, driving along Route 5 toward Corrientes, when in the vicinity of Sapucay, his colleague was startled by an antenna light some 200 meters distant from the road. It suddenly turned into something resembling a fluorescent tube that accompanied them for the following 2 km before vanishing. López, Eduardo (2001) Case: Flying fluorescent tube. Own research., Red Mensajero, Corrientes, 29 May (unpublished).

(4) A renowned doctor at the San Juan Clinic of the city of Corrientes, who requested anonymity, told researcher Francisco Villagrán that toward 1982 or 1983 she was returning home at sunset, driving her car from San Luis del Plamar along Route 5, when she was able to see – at an unspecified point on the road, along the side of the road and in the wilderness – a towering, 2 meter tall figure that appeared to be dressed in an astronaut’s helmet and suit. This captured her attention, but what surprised her more so was that the being moved quickly some meters sideways, but not walking, but rather in a way suggestive of sliding in the air. Frightened by the unusual sighting, she sped away from the site. Villagrán, Francisco (1983) Case: Dra. G. I. Own research. Corrientes (unpublished).

(5) Analyzing the Paso Lovera case within the context of the numerous animals found in 2002 in Argentina with strange mutilation marks, Scott Corrales proposes in his article Holograms and High Strangeness, published in the U.S.A.’s Fate Magazine that the events surrounding the mutilations and sightings could have been related to the use of sophisticated holographic projectors.

[Translation (c) 2014, S. Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology with thanks to Pablo Omastott, Guillermo Gimenez and Investigadores de Campo Unidos]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

UPDATE: Humanoid Presence in Necochea, Argentina

UPDATE: Humanoid Presence in Necochea, Argentina

Contributing editor Guillermo Giménez has sent us an update on the investigations surrounding the presence of an alleged humanoid in the beaches of Necochea: "We have located four (4) witnesses who have spoken of the strange presence of a humanoid-type being in Necochea on Tuesday, May 20, at approximately 22:15 hours. It appeared to float, had a normal stature and took long strides. It was seen from an apartment in the coastal area of the beach resort [readers are advised to remember that it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere - Ed.]. It moved along the beach, near the sea, before vanishing abruptly. It appeared to fade away, as parts of its body were vanishing. It should also be noted that it was a very cold night and there was no one on the shore. On Sunday, May 18, 2014, two (2) other people also reported seeing a strange, man-like figure heading to the sea from their vantage point in the balcony of an apartment facing the shore. The site was lit up at the very edge of the shore. After 22:00 hours on that odd, rainy night, whatever headed into the sea vanished like the white lights at its edge. It was neither a motorcycle nor a vehicle on the beach, since it was raining. The "being" vanished along with the lights upon reaching them."

The investigation is in progress - a full report will appear soon.

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Provocative Video Showing Mayan Depictions of Flying Saucers

Whether the objects depicted in these ancient Mayan glyphs are UFOs as we understand them or not is an open question, but they appear similar to the craft the George Adamski drew during his sightings in the early fifties. In addition, the enormous amount of UFO activity taking place to this day over Mexico suggests that they might well have been seeing the same phenomena.

If so, then this has been going on a lot longer than most UFO researchers would like to believe. Your Out There editor thinks that the phenomenon is, simply, part of life on Earth, perhaps ongoing monitoring by advanced beings for their own reasons, or perhaps something that remains beyond our understanding.

In any case, the video is well worth a look.

via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

Would ET contact challenge religious faith ?

Theologian Robin Lovin doesn't believe that discovering alien life would cause a 'crisis of faith'. Few could doubt that the revelation that we are no...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Is the concept of 'free will' an illusion ?

Scientists believe that free will could be due to fluctuations in the background noise of the brain. As a species we like to believe that our actions ...

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Detectan la no localidad en sistemas cuánticos de muchos cuerpos

Un equipo de científicos liderado desde el Instituto de Ciencias Fotónicas (ICFO) ha demostrado que se puede confirmar experimentalmente la existencia de correlaciones no locales, una especie de acción a distancia, en estados cuánticos de multitud de cuerpos. Hasta ahora solo se había conseguido observar en sistemas sencillos de pocas partículas.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

"Anciana caníbal" mató al marido y cocinó varios órganos.

"Una mujer de 71 años, detenida en Francia a fines de mayo por el asesinato de su marido octogenario, cocinó el corazón, la nariz y los órganos genitales del hombre, refirió una fuente de la investigación.

Los hechos fueron en la noche del 21 al 22 de mayo en Longwy, un pueblito del este de Francia, no muy lejos de la frontera con Luxemburgo. De nacionalidad argelina, la mujer, que crió junto a su marido un total de diez hijos fue detenida muy rápido, con la ropa aún impregnada de la sangre y los restos de su compañero, un obrero siderúrgico.

Los investigadores observaron enseguida que el hombre había sido descuartizado, pero sólo después supieron que partes del cuerpo habían sido cocinadas. "No se sabe si los comió", dijo una fuente, subrayando que se trata de una suerte de "Hannibal Lecter femenina".

Según el abogado de la mujer, Caroline Depretz, fue una "crisis de furiosa locura". Hasta ahora, ella no dijo nada al respecto y está bajo vigilancia en la unidad psiquiátrica del penitenciario de Nancy-Maxéville en espera de exámenes médicos para establecer si puede ser sancionada penalmente."

Visto aquí.

via Alamut http://ift.tt/15wstDn

Thur 3 Apr 2014 - Daily round-up of the world's weird news

Man lets hyena eat his genitals in hope of getting rich, plus Cambridgeshire clown, bigfoot scam, baptismal disaster and bleeding road

via Fortean Times UK: Latest - Breaking News http://ift.tt/16qhqfO

Mon 23 June 2014 - Daily round-up of the world's weird news

Instant mash spill closes road, Hypnotist Bandit strikes again, student rescued from giant vagina, pensioner kills husband and cooks his genitals

via Fortean Times UK: Latest - Breaking News http://ift.tt/16qhqfO

Nuevas medidas sobre el bosón de Higgs

El descubrimiento del bosón de Higgs en 2012 se basó en su desintegración en otros bosones, los portadores de fuerzas en la naturaleza. Ahora investigadores del experimento CMS del CERN han encontrado evidencias de la desintegración directa del higgs en fermiones, las partículas que forman la materia, y con una tasa que se ajusta al modelo estándar de física de partículas.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Flight 370: Greater Danger than Ever

The fate of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has disappeared from the news cycle, but Malaysian police have announced that the reconstruction of data from the pilot's flight simulator suggests that he flew it into the southern Indian Ocean and may have landed it on a runway on a small island.

If this is true, then that plane is almost certainly in the hands of well financed terrorists and represents a peril of epic proportions. Given the range of a 777--especially on that has been stripped of its seats and fitted with an atomic weapon that would be much lighter than a load of passengers, luggage and cabin equipment--the plane could reach almost any American city from a runway in central Asia or Pakistan.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

22 jun 2014

Massive new space telescope planned

The successor to the Hubble Space Telescope will be able to observe extrasolar planets like never before. Known as ATLAST ( Advanced Technology Large-...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Fish-eating spiders are commonplace

Spiders that are capable of catching and killing fish are far more common than previously believed. Conventionally when you think of spiders you think...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Elon Musk: 'Humans on Mars by 2026'

The business tycoon and inventor is aiming to have humans set foot on Mars within as little as 12 years. Co-founder of SpaceX, Paypal and Tesla Motors...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

21 jun 2014

'Ghost of a woman' photographed in Alcatraz

Tourists visiting San Francisco's infamous island prison caught something unusual on camera. Situated in San Francisco Bay and home to a notorious aba...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Rare albino whale filmed off New South Wales

An extremely rare encounter with an albino humpback whale called Migaloo has been caught on camera. First sighted in 1991 this rare white whale might ...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Potential new human species discovered

Ancient remains found in a cave in China may belong to a species of human that lived 11,000 years ago. In what could be one of the most significant pa...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

La CIA diseñó un muñeco de Osama bin Laden con aspecto "satánico" para que los niños le temieran

"La Agencia Central de Inteligencia de EEUU (CIA) ensayó en secreto desde 2005 la producción de un muñeco de aspecto satánico con la imagen del líder de Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, ha revelado el diario The Washington Post.

"Por más de una década la CIA ha usado aviones robóticos, satélites, espías, informantes y aparatos de rastreo para combatir a Al Qaeda en Pakistán", pero "también consideró un plan para librar la guerra con juguetes", aseguró el rotativo.

El 'Post', que atribuyó la versión a "personas familiarizadas con el proyecto" a las que no identifica, explicó que el rostro del muñeco "estaba pintado con un material que se disolvía con el calor", lo que dejaba al descubierto las facciones satánicas.

Bajo esa pintura aparecía "un Bin Laden de rostro rojo que parecía un demonio, con penetrantes ojos verdes y marcas faciales negras".

La meta del proyecto, que tuvo poca duración, era sencilla: asustar a los niños y a sus parientes enseñándoles a temer al líder de la red terrorista.

Según el 'Post', la producción de los prototipos del muñeco "Ojos satánicos" estuvo a cargo de Donald Levine, el otrora ejecutivo del fabricante de juguetes Hasbro, quien desempeñó un papel clave en la creación de los muñecos G.I. Joe, muy populares en EEUU (...)"

Ver aquí.

via Alamut http://ift.tt/15wstDn

13 vuelos desaparecen durante media hora de los radares

"Según un inspector de seguridad aérea austriaco, se trata de un hecho "sin precedentes".

La información de los vuelos desapareció de las pantallas de los controladores aéreos en Austria el 5 de junio y 10 de junio durante 25 minutos en cada una de las ocasiones, señaló Marcus Pohanka, del servicio de control de seguridad del espacio aéreo austriaco Austro Control, según cita la agencia AP.

Pohanka explicó que en ambos casos se desvanecieron repentinamente los datos sobre la ubicación y la identidad de las 13 aeronaves. El empleado de Austro Control calificó lo sucedido como un incidente "sin precedentes".

Sin embargo Austria no fue el único país que se vio afectado por este extraño 'apagón': otros países vecinos también percibieron un mal funcionamiento en sus radares. El diario austríaco 'Kurier' señaló que controladores aéreos de Múnich y Karlsruhe (Alemania) y Praga (República Checa) afirmaron haber experimentado problemas similares con sus radares. Un experto en aviación, citado por el rotativo, sugirió que la misteriosa desaparición podría deberse a problemas de interferencias.

Aunque Pohanka rechazó revelar a qué compañías aéreas pertenecían los aviones, sí dio a entender que algunos volaban a gran altura y en ellos viajaban pasajeros. Asimismo, subrayó que ninguna de las aeronaves se encontró en peligro en ningún momento, dado que los controladores aéreos establecieron contacto con los pilotos de esas aeronaves de inmediato.

Se espera que la Agencia Europea de Seguridad Aérea abra una investigación para tratar de esclarecer lo sucedido."

Visto aquí.

via Alamut http://ift.tt/15wstDn

Rosalía, la niña momificada que parece abrir los ojos

"Rosalía Lombardo tenía dos años cuando una fuerte neumonía terminó con su vida el 6 de diciembre de 1920 en su natal Palermo, en Italia. Su padre devastado hizo un pedido especial a un reconocido médico italiano de la época, Alfredo Salafia.

La misión de Salafia era embalsamar a la menor de la familia Lombardo. Sus estudios en técnicas de momificación empleada en los faraones egipcios eran su mejor carta de presentación.

Hace unos años el cadáver fue descubierto en las Catacumbas Capuchinas de Palermo. Por su perfecto estado se le denominó "La Bella Durmiente".

Los estudios posteriores para determinar la técnica empleada llevaron a un grupo de científicos italianos a instalar una cámara dentro de su sarcófago, capaz de tomar fotografías cada 60 segundos.

Las imágenes que se recogieron muestran un extraño fenómeno, los ojos de la pequeña se abren y se cierran varias veces al día. En un intento por explicarlo, el grupo de científicos dijo que los flashes de las cámaras y la humedad del ambiente generaban una foto descomposición en el cuerpo, generando que los ojos de la pequeña generen ese efecto.

Definalo usted mismo con el siguiente video."

Visto aquí.

via Alamut http://ift.tt/15wstDn

20 jun 2014

Weekender: Scientists Predict Mass Extinction In 30 Years - How Can We Change This Outcome?

Mass extinctions have happened periodically throughout Earth's history for a variety of different reasons, with the usual culprits being either asteroid hits or climate change. The Eocene extinction was originally thought to have been caused by climate induced issues, but recent evidence has suggested that the changes in the weather occurred due to a meteor strike, now believed to be the one that created the Popigai crater in Siberia. The resulting "impact winter" was caused by tiny particles blanketing the Earth and reflecting the sun's heat, creating a global temperature drop that wiped out most of the Earth's species.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

Couple encounter 'Bigfoot' on road at night

New footage has emerged showing what looks like a bipedal creature standing at the side of a road. The video was recorded near Sundance in Utah and be...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Thousands of ducks swarm road in Thailand

A bewildered onlooker filmed the veritable tidal wave of ducks as they flocked down the road en masse. Efforts by drivers to make their way along the ...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

NASA may send quadcopter to Titan

The space agency may use a drone to help explore the terrain of Saturn's enigmatic moon. Two days ago NASA's Cassini probe once again performed a flyb...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Fri 20 June 2014 - Daily round-up of the world's weird news

Satanist arrested for human sacrifice, man in gorilla suit bites child, Nepalese goddess has to do her homework, plus fish-eating spiders and racoon rescue

via Fortean Times UK: Latest - Breaking News http://ift.tt/16qhqfO

19 jun 2014

Ancient 'end of the world' epidemic revealed

Archaeologists have found evidence of an ancient and devastating epidemic of apocalyptic proportions. A team of experts investigating the Funerary Com...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

New Pocket Phone Chargers Could Spell Trouble For Sperm Health

As though they don't already spend enough time welded to their cellphones , Microsoft Mobile has now collaborated with menswear fashion designer A. Sauvage to create a pair of "techno-trousers" that will mean that a man never needs to be parted from his cell, even to charge its battery.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

Woman 'gives birth to a lizard' in Indonesia

Authorities have launched an official investigation after a woman allegedly gave birth to a live gecko. 31-year-old Debi Nubatonis had been exhibiting...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

What sound did a Tyrannosaurus rex make ?

Unlike in movies such as Jurassic Park, large therapod dinosaurs would not have been able to roar. The stereotypical concept of a Tyrannosaurus rex se...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

UFOs, Death, the Afterlife and Extreme High Strangeness

In this powerful discussion, Whitley Strieber and Nick Redfern discuss the mystery of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 and how it relates to aircraft that are known to have disappeared under extremely strange circumstances, then they go on to the enigmatic and terrifying Frank Olson case, and expand on the UFO connection to the Kennedy assassination.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

18 jun 2014

'Super bananas' could save millions of lives

A new genetically engineered type of banana could help to solve vitamin A deficiency across Africa. More than half a million people per year are belie...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Nueva medida de la constante de gravitación universal

Hasta ahora, la constante de gravitación universal, un valor que determina la intensidad de la atracción gravitatoria entre los cuerpos, es 6,67384(80) x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2, pero científicos italianos la han establecido en 6,67191(99) x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2. Para obtener este nuevo valor han utilizado átomos enfriados con láser y técnicas cuánticas de medición.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

The World Within Us: "Friendly" Intestinal Bacteria Are Crucial For Good Health

We are constantly looking to preserve the world around us in order to make it a happier and healthier place, but for optimum health, it seems we need to look within.

We may not care to think about it, but we are never actually "alone": our gut plays host to around 100 trillion bacteria, or flora, at any one time, meaning that there are ten times more bacteria than cells in the human body. We are conditioned to be fearful of bacteria, and in some cases this is not without good reason, but not all bacteria are harmful; in fact our health depends on the activity of the "friendly" bacteria that live in synergistic harmony with us inside our intestines.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

Malaysia invaded by giant 6-inch moths

Swarms of the flying insects have been descending on towns across the country in their thousands. Like a scene from a horror movie, walls and surfaces...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Mexico: Unknown Object Captured on Camera

This just in from Ana Luisa Cid: "Video from May 3, 2014 (Cocoyoc, Morelos, Mexico) taken by Héctor Ramirez Villanueva. The witness states that a special sensation caused him to turn and look exactly at the sighting location. He has recorded UFOs on many occasions."

Video at: http://ift.tt/1pI4Vo6

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Extinct marine animal found very much alive

An ancient organism believed to have died out 4 million years ago has been found near New Zealand. Originally discovered in marine deposits in Europe ...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Tue 18 June 2014 - Daily round-up of the world's weird news

Hitler's Jurassic Park, holy (paint) roller, dissolving starfish, burning balls, woman gives birth to lizard, beardy Superman vs killer beaver

via Fortean Times UK: Latest - Breaking News http://ift.tt/16qhqfO

17 jun 2014

Un pterodáctilo del siglo XX

hill_pterodactyl_1aDesde que a finales del siglo XVIII fuera descrito el primer fósil de pterodáctilo , la popularidad de ese tipo de dinosaurio volador no dejó de crecer. Puede que fuera por eso que, buscando inspiración a la hora de encontrar un nuevo tipo de avión más seguro que los convencionales, se terminara bautizando así al avión que hoy nos visita que, además, recuerda a lo lejos uno de esos animales prehistóricos. Se trata del Westland-Hill Pterodactyl , un tipo de ala volante que cobró vida a lo largo de diversos modelos en los años veinte y treinta del pasado siglo. Algunos de los modelos más perfeccionados fueron construidos por la empresa británica Westland Aircraft, pero todos ellos fueron diseñados por el ingeniero Geoffrey Terence Roland Hill .


Varios modelos del Westland-Hill Pterodactyl (1928). Fuente.

pterodactilo_1931 Llegaron a desarrollarse hasta ocho modelos diferentes. El diseño original estaba inspirado en la forma de las gaviotas y el objetivo de esta curiosa forma se centraba en la seguridad, sobre todo en evitar la entrada en pérdida en caso de parada del motor. Este avión sin cola y con alerones móviles en los extremos de las alas voló inicialmente como planeador en 1926, siendo equipado con un motor de pequeña potencia en su siguiente versión. A partir de esos primitivos ensayos la Westland tomó el timón del proyecto. El modelo de 1931 ya permitía transportar a tres personas y en 1932 se presentó una ágil versión militar que, a pesar de mostrar algunas cualidades interesantes, no prosperó (vídeo del Westland-Hill Pterodactyl Mk. IA).


Imagen de cabecera: Westland-Hill Pterodactyl 1A de 1925. Fuente.

Imagen inferior: El Inventor, número 6, 1931. Biblioteca Nacional.

Un pterodáctilo del siglo XX apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 17 junio 2014.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

New way to detect alien life discovered

The powerful new model can help detect life on extrasolar planets more effectively than ever before. Developed by researchers from the University Coll...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

The term 'flying saucer' was a misquote

Amateur pilot Kenneth Arnold kick-started the modern UFO phenomenon after a sighting back in 1947. Arnold had been flying his plane over Mineral, Wash...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Descubierta la presencia de la especie OH+ en torno a estrellas moribundas

El ión OH+, esencial para la formación de agua, se encuentra en los ardientes restos de estrellas de tipo solar en sus últimas etapas. Dos trabajos han sacado a la luz este hallazgo, uno de ellos liderado por un miembro de ASTROMOL y llevado a cabo con datos del telescopio espacial Herschel de la Agencia Espacial Europea.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Descubierta la presencia de la molécula OH+ en torno a estrellas moribundas

La molécula OH+, esencial para la formación de agua, se encuentra en los ardientes restos de estrellas de tipo solar en sus últimas etapas. Dos trabajos han sacado a la luz este hallazgo, uno de ellos liderado por un miembro de ASTROMOL y llevado a cabo con datos del telescopio espacial Herschel de la Agencia Espacial Europea.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Researchers grow plants on alien materials

The new discipline of 'astroecology' involves growing plants directly in extraterrestrial environments. Most experiments that involve growing plants i...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

No es la tumba de Vlad

"la noticia reciente del hallazgo de la supuesta tumba del voivoda rumano Vlad Țepeș ha ocupado, desde hace algunos días, la atención de los principales portales informativos del mundo entero.

Los arqueólogos involucrados aseguran que el noble rumano fue enterrado en la iglesia Santa María la Nova, en Nápoles (Italia) ya que claros signos representativos de la Orden del Dragón acompañan el sepulcro en el cual fueron depositados los restos por una de las hijas de Vlad III.

MIACGC Investigación Vampirológica descree en la veracidad de tal afirmación y sólo puede tomar la indagación como otra de tantas hipótesis acerca del verdadero sitio de reposo del voivoda (...)"

Leer en Murtuusinanima.

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16 jun 2014

Toreando automóviles en Madrid (1930)

Carl_SchleiffEl capitán Franz Carl Schleiff fue un as de la aviación alemana durante la Primera Guerra Mundial que contó con 21 aviones derribados en combate, luchando junto al célebre Manfred von Richthofen, el Barón Rojo, o al menos eso era lo que afirmaba el personaje en las entrevistas que ofrecía después de sus espectáculos automovilísticos. Finalizada la contienda y tras haber perdido el brazo izquierdo, decidió dedicar su tiempo a idear nuevos modos de proteger a los automovilistas. Así desarrolló un nuevo sistema de parachoques reformable cuyo fundamento técnico puede consultarse en la patente estadounidense US 1717855 A , Shock absorber, especially for motor vehicles.

El parachoques de Schleiff permitía la absorción progresiva de la energía del choque logrando, al menos en teoría, que los ocupantes del vehículo no sufrieran grandes daños. El coche no llegaba a entrar en contacto con el obstáculo, pues el ingenioso parachoques de caucho elástico se encargaba de protegerlo. Claro, todo esto a velocidades moderadas, aunque en algunas pruebas realizadas incluso por encima de los cincuenta kilómetros por hora los resultados fueron buenos.


El espectáculo de Schleiff en Madrid. Estampa, 31-1-1931.

El empeño de Schleiff era lograr que todos los coches del mundo llevaran su sistema parachoques y, para lograr ese objetivo, se embarcó en una serie de demostraciones espectaculares que le llevaron desde Nueva York a París, pasando por… ¡la plaza de toros de Madrid! Sí, en los convulsos días de diciembre de 1930, tuvo lugar una extraña “corrida de toros” en la plaza madrileña con el apoyo del Real Automóvil Club de España y a la que asistió un público numeroso.


Triunfo del as de la aviación alemana en Madrid. Estampa, 31-1-1931.

Las pruebas consistieron en someter a un automóvil equipado con el novísimo parachoques a tres pruebas. Por una parte, chocó contra un vehículo parado. Luego, se estampó contra una barrera de madera y, finalmente, se estrelló contra un coche fijado al suelo de la plaza. Las velocidades rondaron siempre los 45 kilómetros por hora y, para sorpresa de los presentes, que estaban esperando ver una lluvia de chapas y tuercas, el coche soportó los tres violentos encuentros. Todo un espectáculo que pasó relativamente sin pena ni gloria en la prensa nacional, más ocupada en el grave clima político de la época que en espectáculos como el de Schleiff.

Toreando automóviles en Madrid (1930) apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 16 junio 2014.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

How large were Earth's earliest animals ?

Palaentologists have discovered the fossil remains of a large fish dating back 423 million years. Up until now it has been generally believed that mos...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Hitler planned to bring back extinct aurochs

Nazi scientists had once planned to use selective breeding to bring an extinct cow species back to life. Orchestrated by Hitler and overseen by infamo...

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Technology Spawns "Colossus"-Style Computer That Will Know "Everything About Anything"

Science-fiction is littered with tales of cybernetic revolt, such as the legendary "Colossus and Guardian" team from the books of Dennis Feltham Jones, or SKYNET from the Terminator series of films, where super-computers, originally built to augment Man's own power, seize that power for themselves and attempt to wipe out their creators.

The super-computers are typically given global access to all information, including nuclear warhead control systems, which they then use to systematically obliterate the world.

Of course, we would be far too sensible to do anything similar in reality, wouldn't we?

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Sarah Brightman to go in to space next year

The English soprano is set to pay $54 million for a ten day stint aboard the International Space Station. The 53-year-old ex-wife of billionaire compo...

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Mon 16 June 2014 - Daily round-up of the world's weird news

Pandas banned from predicting World Cup, Shropshire's sheep attacked by aliens, Hitler enjoys happy afterlife with his great-gran, plus death by clutter and pickled eggs

via Fortean Times UK: Latest - Breaking News http://ift.tt/16qhqfO

15 jun 2014

La falsa noticia sobre la libertad de Charles Manson aterroriza la red

"La noticia corre por Internet e inquieta al más pintado: Charles Manson, uno de los asesinos más populares de la historia, ha obtenido la libertad condicional y saldrá próximamente de la cárcel de Corocorán (California), en la que cumple pena de cadena perpetua desde 1971. Pero como ocurre con muchas noticias que pululan, es mentira.

La bomba salió de una web satírica llamada Empire News, que publica historias falsas sobre personas reales. Y esta vez, le ha tocado a él, uno de los asesinos más famosos de la historia; amado y odiado a partes iguales (...)"

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Huge 'ocean' discovered in Earth's interior

A massive reservoir of water three times the volume of all the world's oceans lies 700km underground. Jules Verne's depiction of a huge sea in the cen...

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50% of Americans believe in a conspiracy

As much as half of the population of the United States believes in at least one conspiracy theory. According to researchers Eric Oliver and Thomas Woo...

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Google adds Loch Ness Monster Easter Egg

The search giant has taken advantage of the legendary lake monster in its latest map update. In tribute to the world's best known cryptozoological cre...

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El millonario americano que esconde dinero en ciudades de EE UU lo hará en Madrid en julio

"Nueva York se sumó este sábado con entusiasmo al fenómeno de 'Hidden Cash', el juego puesto en marcha por un millonario que esconde dinero en diferentes lugares y da pistas a través de Twitter para encontrarlo.

Central Park, en Manhattan, y Prospect Park, en Brooklyn, fueron los lugares elegidos para el desembarco en la Gran Manzana de esta iniciativa, que nació el pasado mayo en California. Tras permanecer durante semanas en el anonimato, el inversor Jason Buzi desveló recientemente estar detrás de la idea, que pretende llevar también a otros países. El juego consiste en la búsqueda de sobres con dinero en efectivo depositados en distintos puntos de una ciudad a través de las pistas que 'Hidden Cash' da en Twitter. La cuenta acumula más de medio millón de seguidores y anima a los afortunados a publicar fotografías con sus premios, habitualmente billetes de 50 dólares, algo que este sábado hicieron un buen número de neoyorquinos.

Hidden Cash, que ya ha pasado por ciudades como San Francisco y Los Ángeles, tiene previsto llevar a cabo su experimento este domingo a Chicago y Buzi ya ha avanzado planes para hacer su juego en Europa este verano. En una entrevista reciente a la CNN, Buzi indicó que el próximo mes de julio llevará este fenónemo a las ciudades de Londres, París y Madrid"

Visto aquí.

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14 jun 2014

«Dracula è sepolto a Napoli, ecco dov'è la tomba»

«Il conte Dracula è morto a Napoli, è stato sepolto nel cuore della città ed è ancora qui»: c’è un gruppo di persone che da settimane percorre strade e vicoli a caccia del segreto.

E non sono ragazzini sognatori, fanatici, esaltati, ma serissimi studiosi dell’università di Tallinn in Estonia. Sono convinti di ciò che fanno, sostengono di avere già in mano i documenti che provano la verità, così hanno avviato una campagna di ricerche sul territorio.

La storia è affascinante, ricca di sfumature, di colpi di scena, però assomiglia troppo alla trama di un romanzo d’avventure per sembrare vera; anche perché, attualmente, manca il particolare che la renderebbe clamorosa, il colpo di scena finale: manca proprio il corpo del conte Dracula. «È per questo motivo che, dopo aver avviato studi documentali, ora siamo scesi sul campo. E sappiamo anche dove andare a cercare. Sappiamo dov’è la tomba di Dracula a Napoli»... (...)"

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Tomb of 'Dracula' discovered in Naples

The alleged tomb of the infamous 16th century tryant Vlad the Impaler has been uncovered in Italy. The main inspiration for Bram Stoker's iconic vampi...

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What are the most haunted pubs in Britain ?

A look at some of the best drinking establishments to visit in the UK for a pint... or a good scare. Britain is well known for its haunted pubs and in...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Does Pluto's moon have a subsurface ocean ?

New Horizons will be looking for signs of a subterranean sea when it reaches Pluto and Charon next year. Like Jupiter's moon Europa and Saturn's moon ...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

13 jun 2014

Dinosaurs neither hot nor cold blooded

Scientists believe they have finally answered the age old question about the nature of dinosaur blood. Being reptiles, dinosaurs were originally belie...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Weekender:Friday 13th, Full Moon and Mercury Retrograde - Should You Stay In Bed Today?

It's Friday 13th today, considered to be unlucky by some. Factor in a full moon to turn up the fright factor, then consider that we are also in the midst of Mercury retrograde, the planetary period associated with mishap, mayhem and misfortune. Oh dear.

For our own safety, should we just turn off the alarm clock and stay in bed today?

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Friday 13th coincides with the full moon

Today is considered to be one of the unluckiest days of the year and this time around there's a twist. Friday 13th has long been a day rich in superst...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

¿Quieres ayudar a clasificar manchas solares?

Un equipo de astrofísicos ha lanzado este viernes Sunspotter, una iniciativa de ciencia ciudadana para valorar la complejidad de las manchas del Sol mediante fotografías. Los resultados servirán para publicar un estudio conjunto y entrenar un algoritmo que automatice las operaciones, pero antes se requiere el poder de muchos cerebros humanos.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

NASA physicists design warp speed spaceship

The impressive designs are based on Harold White's real-life work developing a genuine warp drive. White, who is head of NASA's Advanced Propulsion Te...

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El sincrotrón ALBA recibe al usuario 1.000

El científico Manuel Vázquez, del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (CSIC), es el investigador número 1.000 que utiliza las instalaciones de ALBA, el laboratorio de luz de sincrotrón situado en Cerdanyola del Vallés (Barcelona). En este caso, la luz servirá para analizar nanohilos magnéticos.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Nanopartículas de hierro abren camino a nuevos antitumorales

La combinación de nanopartículas magnéticas de hierro con fármacos antitumorales favorece la lucha contra el adenocarcinoma de pulmón humano. Así lo revela un estudio con antifolatos, un tipo de medicamento, elaborado por investigadores de la Universidad de las Islas Baleares.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

12 jun 2014

Do magnetic flips cause mass extinctions ?

The periodic reversal of the Earth's magnetic field may play a key role in mass extinction events. There have been many mass extinctions throughout th...

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The Pereyra Case: Humans or Humanoids?

Source: Planeta UFO and F.A.O. (Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogia)

Date: 06.12.2014

The Pereyra Case: Humans or Humanoids?

By Luis Burgos

The following case occurred in a major year for Argentinean ufology, as was the 1965 flap. The coherence of the eyewitness report and the details of the event place it among the classic cases of close encounters of the third kind (CE3K) to the extent that Pereyra insists to this day that he came across "a Russian" on that occasion.

Years ago, Ing. José Marengo, deceased, told me that this case had been among the most impressive of all his investigations. At the time, Marengo was an advisor to ONIFE, the institute led by Fabio Zerpa, and in later years I had the pleasure of including him in my group and in my field research. In 1999, Paco Martinez, a researcher with the CEFU-Hemisferios group, based in Buenos Aires, told me that he was able to gain access to Pereyra, and despite the 34 year span separating him from the case, was able to retell the entire experience in detail. Something similar occurred with Daniel Lopez of our FAO organization when he interviewed Maria Elodia Pretzel in Villa Carlos Paz, Cordoba, regarding a "visit" by a strange entity in 1968.

The case took place in Monte de los Curas, where a monastery stood many years ago. It is located in Villa La Florida, locality of San Francisco Solano, 18 kilometers from Capital Federal. In order to get there, it is necessary to cross a stream that runs under the General Belgrano railroad lines. We can already see the three "standards of behavior" or "poles of attraction": wilderness, water and train tracks.

The witness, Ramón E. Pereyra, 38 years old at the time, enjoyed a good reputation in the area. A hard-working businessman all of his life, married with two children and above all, a reliable man when it came to a such a significant story as this, which contains no traces of sensationalism or promotional goals. At no time was the word "extraterrestrial" mentioned. According to Pereyra, he had come across "a Russian" that day.

At 8:30 a.m., 20 July 1965: the day had turned out to be overcast and with drizzle. The witness made his rounds delivering milk and bread, as was his custom. Suddenly, he saw "a sort of luminous parachute" fall from the sky. He got out of the delivery vehicle, walked some 500 meters (1600 feet), crossed the stream and reached Monte de los Curas. He then realized that what he saw descending from the sky was not a parachute.

A being - dressed in a grey, hooded coverall - was seated within an oval-shaped object with a transparent dome, its back turned to Pereyra. However, 30 meters (100 feet) into the woods, stood another being, dressed in the same manner but with the hood removed, allowing him to see its face clearly.

The entity, standing between 1.75 and 1.80 meters tall, had binoculars hanging around its neck and a holster on its right leg. [Pereyra] was also able to make out a belt with a silver buckle and boots made out "what looked like leather." With short, blond, backswept hair, the entity looked like an average person, perhaps a foreign one.

As occurs in 90% of CE-3s, the attitude of indifference toward witnesses or sudden flight occurred again. The occupant standing outside the UFO was looking skyward with a piece of paper in its hand, becoming aware of Pereyra's presence, walked hurriedly back to the object, crossing the human's path. Pereyra asked the visitor "if he needed anything", as he thought the device was a small aircraft.

The being did not reply, placing a hand on the vessel's dome, which lifted up, allowing the stranger to sit down and then closing behind him. There was a slight sound, similar to that of autogenous welding, coming out of the exhausts and the UFO rose vertically, halting 30 meters over the treetops before talking off at high speed "like an elongated light..."

Several days would go by before Pereyra told his story to anyone.

The basic points arise from the details of the case itself. The first lies in the "mission" of the UFO and its occupants. Without a doubt, the skyward glance at the sky by the standing entity, paper and binoculars in its hand, while his companion "waited" aboard the craft, suggest that something was going to fly overhead - something that was unquestionably the ufonauts' goal. Another one of their vehicles? Perhaps a mothership? Or an urgent place to hide? Everything indicates that we are not witnessing a "spontaneous repair" as occurs in other cases.

The second associates the humanoid landing with the old monastery that stood in the vicinity long ago, upholding the validity of the interest displayed by these intelligences in places where abbeys, convents, churches, religious orders, etc. are located.

The final major hypothesis would have been the worldwide commotion that would have occurred if -- instead of Ramón Pereyra, a man of passive demeanor -- Eugenio Douglas had occupied his place. In 1963, Douglas took out a gun to "defend" himself against the humanoids in Monte Maíz, Córdoba...or the three policemen (or soldiers?) who opened machine gun fire against the entities of Arroyo Tapalqué, Buenos Aires, in 1968...or just someone opening fire against the characters with a gun. Would it have been another Roswell? Another Varghina? Or a street brawl between earthlings and aliens with an unpredictable outcome? More and more questions about a case that was exceptional for its time.

[Translation (c) 2014, Scott Corrales, IHU, with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO and Luis Burgos, FAO]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Can Brain Implants Stop School Shootings, Or Are They Causing Them?

In the wake of yet more bloodshed in our educational establishments during the past few weeks, a chilling map has been created that illustrates the full extent of the school shooting phenomena in the United States.

The map shows a grim reality: that since the Sandy Hook Massacre in December 2012, a startling total of 74 other shootings associated with schools and colleges have taken place across the U.S..

The map includes any form of incident in which a firearm was discharged inside a school building or on school or campus grounds, including homicides, suicides, and accidents, as defined by the Everytown for Gun Safety (EGS) network in its February 2014 Analysis of School Shootings report.

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UFO sightings continue over Hinckley

The market town of Hinckley has been experiencing a spate of UFO sightings over the last two weeks. The sighting of a red pulsating red light over the...

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Does your tongue have a 'sixth sense' ?

Scientists have identified a new sense within the human tongue that is able to perceive carbohydrates. Conventionally our tongues are capable of picki...

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Very Unusual ISS Video Capture

A number of groups monitor footage from the ISS. One of these is Secure Team, and this time they have captured something quite unusual. We really do not have an explanation for this footage. Unfortunately, because it is impossible to tell how far away the object is, or even whether or not it is a reflection, it must be classified simply as unknown. Your Out There editor's instinct is that it is a physical object of some kind, possibly even a craft of unknown origin. In any case, a very interesting capture.

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Plant Intelligence, Superconsciousness and our Human Future

June 13, 2014

This is Laurence Galian's first visit to Dreamland, and he has a powerful message about how the power elite hold us back and what we can do about it. He calls himself a 'quantic vibrational therapist,' so Whitley starts out by asking him to explain what in the world that means. And that begins one of the most mind-opening interviews that has ever been presented on this program.

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A Wild, Wild Ride...in a Wheelchair

Whitley and I go to one of the local farmer’s markets several times a week. When we’re in the farmer’s market, I usually ride in my wheelchair—not because I can’t walk, but because it puts me at eye level with all the fruits and vegetables.

We own a practical hybrid car right now, but we used to own a zippy sports car. So, can you guess which style of driving Whitley favors when he’s pushing my wheelchair? Yep, he pushes the wheelchair like he’s driving a sports car, careening through crowds, almost bumping into people, clattering over rough terrain at breakneck speed.

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11 jun 2014

Nacen dos perros verdes en Valladolid (España)

"Eres más raro que un perro verde". Ese es el refrán, porque ver un perro verde parece raro, muy raro. Pues no. Y si no que le pregunten a Aída Vallelado. Esta criadora de perros, que vive en Laguna de Duero, en Valladolid, se llevó una gran sorpresa cuando el pasado 3 de junio una de sus perras, Micaela, de raza podenco, dio a luz a cinco cachorros, dos de ellos de color verde.

«Fue una sorpresa», explica Aída a Gonzoo, «al principio pensé que era suciedad, pero froté y no se iba». El caso está siendo investigado por la Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ya que parece que, por lo menos en España, no se había dado un caso así.

La única diferencia que distinguía a los dos cachorros del resto de la camada es que en apariencia eran más débiles. De hecho, uno de ellos, una hembra, ya ha fallecido. El otro, Trébol, un macho, se mantiene, aunque su tamaño es aproximadamente la mitad que el de sus hermanos y «le está costando alimentarse», apunta Aída.

Desde el Centro Veterinario Colmillos y Zarpas, en Cuéllar (Segovia), Daniel Valverde explica a Gonzoo que se están haciendo pruebas para corroborar el origen del peculiar color, pero que todo apunta, supuestamente, a la biliverdina, un pigmento presente en la placenta y que habría sido absorbido por los cachorros durante la gestación, algo poco común (...)"

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Un hombre confiesa que descuartizó a una mujer, la quemó y se la comió

"El estadounidense Gregory Scott Hale ha confesado que mató la semana pasada a una mujer, descuartizó el cadáver y lo quemó en una hoguera en su jardín para después comerse parte de los restos mortales, según ha informado la cadena de televisión estadounidense CNN.

Según consta en la declaración jurada presentada contra él en el tribunal encargado del caso, Hale ha reconocido que asesinó el pasado viernes a Lisa Hyder, de 36 años, y que, posteriormente, la desmembró y guardó los restos en varios cubos. El asesino confeso entró el lunes en prisión con una fianza de 1,1 millones de euros y ha sido acusado de asesinato en primer grado y de abuso del cadáver, después de que las fuerzas de seguridad se enterasen el pasado domingo de lo ocurrido.

La investigación no ha encontrado conexiones entre el asesino y la víctima antes de que se cometiese el crimen, según ha informado el capitán Frank Watkins, destinado en la Oficina del Sheriff del condado de Coffee, en el sur de Tennessee. Watkins ha dicho que no hay motivos para pensar que Hale haya cometido un crimen de esta naturaleza anteriormente. "Lisa era una chica muy dulce, una chica muy bonita" ha declarado una vecina y amiga de la víctima. "Hay que tener una mente muy enferma para hacer algo así", ha añadido. Además, se desconoce si algún letrado está representando en este momento al acusado, que está previsto que comparezca ante el juez el próximo 23 de junio."

Visto aquí.

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