31 may 2014

Corte de la India decidirá si gurú está muerto o meditando

"Sin embargo, según sus seguidores, "su santidad Shri Ashutosh Maharaj ji ha estado en un profundo estado de meditación desde el 29 de enero de 2014".

Ellos lo han colocado en un congelador comercial para mantener su cuerpo en bien preservado para cuando él despierte, frustrando las intenciones de la familia, que quiere incinerarlo, reporta The Telegraph.

Más de 100 millones de libras podrían estar en juego, el valor estimado de las propiedades del gurú, que se ha incrementado desde que la secta Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan se creó en 1983.

Ahora una corte decidirá si el gurú está muerto o simplemente meditando. Su esposa e hijo han llenado una petición legal, pidiendo una investigación sobre las circunstancias de su muerte, y para la liberación de su cuerpo. Ellos dijeron que los seguidores de la secta mantienen los restos del líder espiritual para mantener el control de sus bienes.

Un seguidor dijo a The Thelegraph, "Maharaj ha entrado en meditación. Ha pasado muchos años meditando en temperaturas bajo cero en el Himalaya, no hay nada inusual en eso. Él regresará a la vida tan pronto como quiera y nos aseguraremos de que su cuerpo sea preservado hasta entonces".

A pesar que la Policía de Punjabi inicialmente confirmó la muerte del gurú, el gobierno local ha llamado un "asunto espiritual", y dijeron que los seguidores no pueden ser forzados a aceptar su muerte."

Ver aquí.

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Pulsating red light sighted over Hinckley

A local astronomer spotted the object and reported it to the Leicestershire UFO Investigation Network. The market town of Hinckley in England was the ...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

NASA aims to land humans on Mars by 2035

The space agency has emphasized that sending humans to the Red Planet is still its primary mission. At the recent European Lunar Symposium at the Natu...

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Albert Einstein's brain 'not so special'

Psychologist Terence Hines has debunked previous claims that Einstein's brain had special properties. One of the most celebrated scientists in history...

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Women Who Wait

When our son was starting to study the classics in high school, one of the books he was assigned was Maya Angelou’s ‘I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.’ He said to me, ‘mom, why is she so famous?’

I replied, ‘She’s one of a group of women who overcame great hardship, then waited for their souls to heal so they could make a place in the world. Instead of breaking them, their tragedies made them stronger.’

Harriet Tubman, Helen Keller, even Princess Diana—these are examples of women who wait to heal, a few among the inspiring many. They are the soul healers. As Angelou said, ‘If your soul needs healing send it my way. I’ll give it some rainbow.’ (Or words to that effect.)

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30 may 2014

Whitley Strieber and Linda Moulton Howe: Hybrid Encounters

Whitley Strieber and Linda Moulton Howe have both had encounters with what appeared to them to be alien-human hybrids. In this discussion, they reveal their very personal and shocking impressions of these beings, what they were like, and what they might have been doing.

This will be one of the most unusual discussions you have ever heard on any subject at all. There are some very strange things going on here on Planet Earth, and one of the very strangest is the hybrid issue.

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SPECIAL REPORT: The Human Hybrid Issue

May 30, 2014

Could it be that the human race is being replaced by a new human-alien species, without our knowing it? This week, Linda Moulton Howe reports on an individual who believes that she is an alien-human hybrid. Linda interviews Helen Littrel and Jean Bilodeaux about Jean's daughter's relationship with a college roommate who they came to understand was an alien-human hybrid after she was observed to have avocado-green eyes with vertical black slits rather than human eyes. (She normally kept them covered with dark glasses, but they slipped off at one point.)

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UK is home to subculture of 15,000 vampires

A psychology lecturer is carrying out the first ever online academic study in to the lives of vampires. The traditional concept of a vampire in popula...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Star Trek teleporation 'should be possible'

Scientists have been able to successfully achieve reliable quantum teleportation for the first time. The experiment, which involved teleporting inform...

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Weekender: Do Our Brains Need Their Own Bill of Rights?

In this age of performance augmentation, rumors of cognitive enhancement therapies abound. Loosely defined, certain types of cognitive enhancers are available to us all without needing to visit the doctor or a drug-dealer; the vast majority of the world's inhabitants kick-start their day (and their brain!) with a cup of tea or coffee, utilising the caffeine content of favorite beverages to chemically augment their neurological systems and give them a temporary high that propels them through the initial shock of a brand new day.

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Hidden paintings discovered at Angkor Wat

More than 200 pictures have been identified on the walls of the ancient temple using digital imaging. Built in the early 12th century, the temple of A...

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29 may 2014

La generación de gases de electrones en nanohilos semiconductores abre el camino a desarrollos tecnológicos

Investigadores de Universidad Jaume I y otros dos centros europeos han demostrado por primera vez que un gas de electrones se puede acumular en nanohilos de varias capas mediante una técnica de uso comun en la industria conocida como dopaje remoto. De esta forma se ha alcanzado la movilidad electrónica más alta conocida en estos nanohilos, una propiedad muy valorada en nanoelectrónica.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

UFO photographed from plane over London

A passenger on a commercial flight over the English capital this week caught something unusual on camera. Photographs of UFOs taken from aircraft tend...

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Scientists map 'Bermuda Triangle of Space'

A region over Brazil has become notorious for satellite failures, weird lights and other phenomena. The Bermuda Triangle that most people are familiar...

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Scientists Explore Unexpected Cause of Greenhouse Gas Pollution

The sound of running water has long been associated with positive health benefits, and the appealing sound of a babbling brook can be found on many recordings intended to aid relaxation and induce sleep. No countryside picnic is complete without the sweet singing of a shallow stream somewhere nearby, and water features that emulate the delicate rippling of water rivulets over rocks are popular additions to gardens all over the world.

Unfortunately new research suggests that the bubbles coming from freshwater sources may be a key and currently unaccounted for source of methane, the second-largest greenhouse gas contributor to human-driven global climate change.

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Thur 29 May 2014 - Daily round-up of the world's weird news

Britain home to 1,500 vampires, deer crushes car, Bulger Twitter ghost arrested, Viking artefacts found in Michigan, giant scrotum appeal

via Fortean Times UK: Latest - Breaking News http://ift.tt/16qhqfO

42ft snake once fought with 16ft crocodile

Two behemoths of the prehistoric world may have battled for dominance in rivers 60 million years ago. The Cerrejon coal mine in Colombia has been hom...

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Fósiles de mega dinosaurios herbívoros

Un equipo de científicos liderado por investigadores del MEF halló restos de una nueva especie de dinosaurio de hace 95 millones de años; posiblemente la más grande que haya vivido en nuestro planeta. Este excepcional descubrimiento no sólo destaca por las dimensiones y cantidad de fósiles, sino también por su inusual estado de preservación.

Nada menos que siete ejemplares de colosales dinosaurios herbívoros, quizás las mayores criaturas que anduvieron sobre la Tierra, fueron encontrados en un único yacimiento en la Provincia del Chubut (Argentina). El hallazgo sorprendió a los científicos que, hasta ahora, sólo conocían la anatomía de los gigantescos saurópodos en base a restos fragmentarios de otras especies.


Estos animales vivieron a finales de la era Mesozoica cuando los dinosaurios dominaron los ecosistemas terrestres. Un grupo en particular desarrolló formas verdaderamente gigantes: los dinosaurios saurópodos, caracterizados por su andar cuadrúpedo, con cuello y cola muy largos y un cráneo pequeño. Según los investigadores, los restos pertenecen a un grupo particular de dinosaurio saurópodo, denominado titanosaurios, que incluye animales extremadamente grandes como el Puertasaurus, hallado en Santa Cruz, y el Argentinosaurus de Neuquén.

Los primeros análisis sugieren que la nueva especie descubierta habría alcanzado los 40 metros de longitud y las 80 toneladas de peso. “Es como dos camiones con acoplado, uno detrás de otro, y el peso equivalente a más de 14 elefantes africanos juntos”, dice José Luis Carballido, especialista en dinosaurios del MEF y a cargo del estudio de estos ejemplares. Tales dimensiones ponen el foco sobre hasta qué punto pudieron haber crecido estos animales. “Es un verdadero tesoro paleontológico”, agrega. “Había muchos restos y estaban prácticamente intactos, algo que no pasa con frecuencia. De hecho, los restos de titanosaurios gigantes conocidos hasta ahora son escasos y fragmentarios”. El nuevo yacimiento produjo más de 200 fósiles. Allí, los investigadores encontraron parte del cuello y gran parte del dorso, la mayoría de las vértebras de la cola y miembros anteriores y posteriores, entre otros huesos. Además, entre los restos había más de 60 dientes de dinosaurios carnívoros de gran tamaño.


Fuente: WebLog Aragosaurus

Archivado en: Actualidad General

via Esencia21 Blog http://ift.tt/1k29OFY

Cryptozoology: An Extraordinary Fishfall Over Honduras

Source: Diario Popular (Honduras)

Date: 05.23.2014

Cryptozoology: An Extraordinary Fishfall Over Honduras

The mysterious phenomenon affected the region of Yoro. While there is no evidence that can scientifically explain this fact, it could be due to a meteorological phenomenon.

A torrential storm left a "fishfall" in a village of northern Honduras. This curious phenomenon has caused both incredulity and headaches among scientists, according to reports appearing this Friday in the local press.

Residents of La Unión, Department of Yoro, some 300 km to the north of the capital, went out with containers to gather small fish that fell in their backyards and in the streets of their community, following a thunderstorm that erupted on Wednesday night.

Honduran newspapers published photographs of children displaying the fish allegedly collected after the storm, which occurs yearly in different parts of Yoro, one of the 18 departments of Honduras.

Hypotheses on the phenomenon vary, but there is no certainty regarding the cause. Some theories hold that the fish are lifted by the currents and winds of the Caribbean, despite the fact that Yoro is 200 kilometers distant from the sea. Others suggest that they issue from the bowels of the earth, drawn by subterranean currents.

[Translation (c) 2014, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Gimenez and Diario Popular]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

28 may 2014

Mexico: Unusual Light Photographed over Airliner

Source: http://ift.tt/1kM2xc8

Date: 05.28.2014

Mexico: Unusual Light Photographed over Airliner

Contributing Editor Ana Luisa Cid has kindly provided us with this photograph. She writes: "In Mexico City airport, before the arrival of the flight to Veracruz. A UFO? Small spheres are also visible in the upper left hand corner of the photo. The original [photograph] is very large. This is a reduced image. The sequence of photos was taken with only seconds of difference between them, at 10:51 a.m. on 25 May 2014."

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Google to build its own self-driving cars

The search giant is set to begin manufacturing its own custom cars instead of adapting existing ones. Google's remarkable automated vehicles have adva...

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What is Causing the "Man-Eating" Holes in Indiana's Sand Dunes?

Mysterious holes are appearing across the Indiana sand dunes and nobody knows why.

What is even stranger is that the holes, which are about a foot wide and sometimes immeasurably deep, then fall in on themselves and vanish again within a day of materializing.

The local National Park Service has closed Mount Baldy indefinitely after one of the first holes swallowed up a six year old boy last July. The unfortunate child managed to escape without serious injury after remaining buried under the sand for several hours. Since then, two other holes have opened and 66 other "soft spot" anomalies have been identified across the dune.

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Enjuician a dos hermanos acusados de cocinar y comer a un recién nacido en Pakistán

"En Pakistán dos hermanos, identificados como Mohammad Arif y Farman Ali, fueron condenados por el crimen de "profanación" de cadáveres tras se acusado de haber cocina y comido a un recién nacido.

El macabro hecho sucedió en abril cuando la policía detuvo Mohammad Arif, tras descubrir en su casa, ubicada en el de Darya Khan, en Punyab, la cabeza del menor de dos días de vida.

En el interrogatorio, el detenido confesó haber cocinado y comido a un bebé, que su hermano exhumó previamente de un cementerio vecino.

Tras la confesión, las autoridades iniciaron la persecución del segundo hermano, quien se había dado a la fuga. Luego de varios días de intensa búsqueda, lo capturaron, donde confesó el crimen.

Los dos hermanos, abandonados desde hace años por su familia, habían sido encarcelados en 2011 por un caso similar de canibalismo y liberados el año pasado.

En Pakistán no hay ninguna ley que prohíba el canibalismo, una práctica rarísima en este país, al igual que en el resto del mundo."

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En su silla y vestida de novia velan a una anciana en Puerto Rico

"La octogenaria Georgina Chervoni Lloren fue velada con traje de novia y recostada sobre su mecedora favorita en respuesta a su último deseo, tal y como la encontraron sus cinco hijas al acudir a despedirse por última vez de su madre en una funeraria del distrito de Hato Rey, en San Juan de Puerto Rico.

La peculiar escena no es del todo desconocida en la isla caribeña, donde hace unos años saltaron a los medios de comunicación otros casos de velatorios poco convencionales como el del famoso "muerto parao (de pie)" en 2008, que fue velado por sus familiares erguido junto a una pared.

La propietaria de la funeraria, Tamaris Rodríguez, señaló este lunes a Efe que la octogenaria fue vestida acorde a sus deseos y con el traje con que se casó hace muchas décadas, muy distinto del tipo blanco acostumbrado.

"No es la primera vez que hacemos este tipo de arreglos", señaló Rodríguez, tras dejar claro que se trata de un tipo de embalsamamiento "totalmente legal y de acuerdo a la normativa del Departamento de Salud local" (...)"

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Scientists prove that 'beer goggles' do exist

According to new research, drinking too much really can make someone appear more attractive. The 'beer goggles' concept has been a subject of much con...

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El químico Avelino Corma, premio Príncipe de Asturias de Investigación Científica y Técnica 2014

El premio Príncipe de Asturias de Investigación Científica y Técnica de este año ha recaido en el científico español Avelino Corma, del Instituto de Tecnología Química (CSIC-UPV) en Valencia, y los estadounidenses Mark E. Davis y Galen D. Stucky. Corma es un experto en catálisis que persigue "una química más sostenible y más compatible con el medio ambiente”. Es autor de 120 patentes y más de 900 artículos científicos.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Artista come su propia carne y cocina sus huesos

"Alexander Selvik Wengshoel, artista conceptual de 25 años de edad, nació con una deformidad en la cadera que lo condenó a una silla de ruedas y varias intervenciones quirúrgicas fallidas. A los 21 años de edad, Alexander finalmente recibió una prótesis de metal en la cadera. Ahora ha confesado que utilizó sus propios huesos para preparar un platillo acompañado de pure de papas y una copa de vino tinto.

El artista filmó la operación donde remplazaron el hueso de su cadera con una prótesis de metal y exhibió todo, incluso su cena caníbal, como parte de su proyecto final para graduarse de la Tromso Academy of Art. Alexander cuenta que tuvo que convencer a los médicos de que le dejaran utilizar sus huesos en el proyecto de arte. Mientras preparaba el hueso de cadera para la exhibición, al joven artista se le antojó una “probadita”.

“Tenía que hervir la carne para llegar al hueso y cuando empecé a raspar la carne, tomé un pedacito y pensé ‘por qué no hacerlo’, no todos los días voy a disponer de un pedazo de carne humana y es la mía, me la puedo comer”, relató. Entonces Alexander tomó el cacho de carne humana y se lo comió. Tras degustar su propia carne, Alexander se sorprendió de lo rico que “sabía” el mismo. “Sabía como a oveja salvaje”, describió el artista.

Por su “sabroso” proyecto de arte, Alexander recibió críticas variadas, hubo quien lo encontró interesante, a otros simplemente no les pareció arte, unos más sintieron asco y para otros más, todo fue una broma."

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NASA aims to sail across Titan's alien seas

The only known moon with a thick atmosphere, Titan has been a prime target of interest for scientists. When the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft first peere...

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Los científicos buscan más información sobre un "Triángulo de las Bermudas" en el espacio

"Un equipo de científicos del Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica de Bolonia (Italia) ha reanalizado la información recogida por el satélite BeppoSax y ha obtenido nuevos datos sobre un 'Triángulo de las Bermudas' existente en el espacio. Se trata de una anomalía magnética en el Atlántico Sur que provoca un mal funcionamiento de satélites, telescopios y ordenadores de naves espaciales.

Según han explicado los autores del trabajo, publicado en Arxiv.org, esta zona se encuentra en la órbita de la Tierra justo por encima de Brasil. Ya existían algunas quejas de los astronautas que viajaban a la Estación Espacial Internacional (ISS) en las que, además de denunciar el mal funcionamiento de algunos aparatos al pasar por esta zona, también aseguraban ver extrañas luces ante sus ojos (...)"

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La cooperación se aprende con la práctica, según un modelo matemático

Cuando hay que elegir entre cooperar con los demás o traicionarlos, por nuestro propio beneficio, es más probable que cooperemos si antes han actuado así con nosotros y si nosotros mismos también nos hemos comportado de forma altruista. Esto lo hacemos mediante un aprendizaje que refuerza lo que nos ha ido bien y no porque imitemos a personas con éxito. Así lo señala un estudio de investigadores de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) basado en el dilema del prisionero, un popular problema para el estudio de conflictos.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

27 may 2014

Argentina: Possible CE-3 - New Humanoid Presence in the Necochea

Source: Planeta UFO

Date: 05.24.2014

Argentina: Possible CE-3 - New Humanoid Presence in Necochea

By Guillermo Giménez

Investigation is underway. Witnesses speak of the strange presence of a humanoid-type being in the beaches of Necochea on 20 May 2014 (date to be confirmed) at 23:00 hours (approx.). It seemed to float, was very large as its strides were quite long. It was seen from an apartment in the coastal area at the beach resort itself. It moved along the beach, near the water, before vanishing abruptly. Before this, it appeared to fade away, as parts of its body would disappear. It should be noted that this was an extremely cold evening and there was no one walking along the shore. On Sunday, 18 May, other people also witnessed a strange, man-like figure heading to the sea, to an illuminated site at the water's edge. The sighting was also made from an apartment facing the shore. After 22:00 on that cold and rainy night, whatever was headed into the sea vanished along with the white lights on the berm.

[Translation (c) 2014, S. Corrales, IHU]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Argentina: Pinpoint of Light Over Tucumán

A mysterious dot of light - manmade, natural or alien, take your pick - was photographed by Javier Lopez Posse on May 24, 2014 in daylight on a cloudy fall day in the Southern Hemisphere. Our thanks to contributing editor Guillermo Giménez for providing us with these photos.

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

'Ghost' crosses pitch during football game

Footage of a ghostly figure on the pitch during the German Cup final in Berlin has gone viral. Sightings of apparitions during televised sporting even...

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Observan la ralentización de la cristalización en mezclas de líquidos cuánticos

Un equipo internacional liderado por científicos del CSIC ha logrado medir la cinética de cristalización de mezclas líquidas de dos isómeros del hidrógeno: el para-hidrógeno (pH2) y el orto-deuterio (oD2) molecular, observando que es significativamente más lenta que en las sustancias puras. Estos resultados constituyen la primera evidencia experimental de ralentización de cristalización de origen cuántico.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Could the Moon Become a "Cosmic Tombstone" for the Human Race?

If you were in possession of documents or artifacts that had to be preserved at all costs, and you were inhabiting a planet with an uncertain future, where would you hide these precious commodities?

Deep underground in a protective bunker? Fathoms under the ocean? Inside a mountain in a secret cave? Preserved within the ice of the polar regions?

Well, the answer is...none of the above.

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Toilet snake fuels panic in northern Spain

Mass hysteria erupted in the Spanish town of Naron when a snake emerged from a woman's toilet bowl. 30-year-old hairdresser Iris Castroverde had been ...

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Inventor is building his own flying saucer

Retired engineer Duan Phillips has spent the last 15 years constructing a saucer-shaped flying vehicle. The 86-year-old has been building his 5.5m "li...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Tue 27 May 2014 - Daily round-up of the world's weird news

World's oldest dope stash discovered, psychic sex, fake sphinx, DIY faecal transplants, Charles Darwin: ice hockey pioneer, tripping elf attacks car with sword

via Fortean Times UK: Latest - Breaking News http://ift.tt/16qhqfO

26 may 2014

Memorial Day, 2014

I’m writing this on Memorial Day. It might surprise you to know that Whitley’s family has had at least one soldier in every war our country has ever fought, from the Revolution to Afghanistan. That includes both sides during the Civil War, and one ancestor who died at the Alamo. So we feel this day very deeply, as one of both personal remembrance and national remembrance.

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Guerra infográfica

ejemplo1Las ilustraciones, y el arte en general, han sido empleados como medios de propaganda desde que existen. Las infografías, dibujos técnicos, cutaways y demás parientes no podían quedar atrás en ese tipo de guerra de la información. He aquí un atractivo documento que recopila diversas infografías británicas realizadas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Se puede descargar desde archive.org . Ha sido preparado por James Vaughan, dueño y señor de esa fascinante colección de imágenes que es X-Ray Delta One . En este documento aparecen todo tipo de infografías bélicas tal y como aparecían publicadas en periódicos y revistas de la época como medio propagandístico, informativo y de distracción.

Guerra infográfica apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 26 mayo 2014.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

Could wormholes enable us to time travel ?

If a wormhole stayed open long enough it may be possible to send messages back and forth through time. A wormhole is essentially a shortcut through th...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Nanovarillas que generan interferencias actúan como nanoantenas ópticas

Investigadores españoles y belgas han identificado algunas propiedades de nanopartículas metálicas que presentan forma de nanovarillas. En concreto, que operan en modos energéticos de orden superior, lo que abre nuevas vías en el campo de las nanoantenas.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Nanovarillas que generan interferencias actúan como nanoantenas óptica

Investigadores españoles y belgas han identificado algunas propiedades de nanopartículas metálicas que presentan forma de nanovarillas. En concreto, que operan en modos de energéticos de orden superior, lo que abre nuevas vías en el campo de las nanoantenas.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Shostak dismisses claims of alien visitation

SETI astronomer Seth Shostak doesn't believe that we have ever been visited by extraterrestrials. Despite passionately pursuing the hunt for extraterr...

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Morgan Freeman inhales helium in new trailer

The legendary actor sounded a little different in a recent promo video for 'Through The Wormhole'. Star of films such as "The Shawshank Redemption" an...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Latest Technology Reveals Secrets of Egyptian Mummies

Computerised tomography (CT) scanners are normally used to create detailed images of the inside of the body, but they have recently been used to scan more unusual patients.

Eight Egyptian mummy exhibits from The British Museum in London have been transported to hospitals across the city under the cover of darkness and placed inside CT scanners, where the high quality imaging has yielded some revealing and rather surprising results.

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Plasmones del grafeno, una luz para los dispositivos de nueva generación

Investigadores de CIC nanoGUNE, el ICFO y Graphenea proponen una plataforma tecnológica basada en antenas metálicas que permiten atrapar y controlar la luz en grafeno, un material de un solo átomo de espesor. La luz guiada y confinada en este material, de un solo átomo de espesor, puede ser dirigida y curvada siguiendo la óptica convencional, lo que abre nuevas oportunidades para el desarrollo de dispositivos y circuitos fotónicos más pequeños y rápidos.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

25 may 2014

Fósiles de mega dinosaurios herbívoros

Un equipo de científicos liderado por investigadores del MEF halló restos de una nueva especie de dinosaurio de hace 95 millones de años; posiblemente la más grande que haya vivido en nuestro planeta. Este excepcional descubrimiento no sólo destaca por las dimensiones y cantidad de fósiles, sino también por su inusual estado de preservación.

Nada menos que siete ejemplares de colosales dinosaurios herbívoros, quizás las mayores criaturas que anduvieron sobre la Tierra, fueron encontrados en un único yacimiento en la Provincia del Chubut (Argentina). El hallazgo sorprendió a los científicos que, hasta ahora, sólo conocían la anatomía de los gigantescos saurópodos en base a restos fragmentarios de otras especies.


Estos animales vivieron a finales de la era Mesozoica cuando los dinosaurios dominaron los ecosistemas terrestres. Un grupo en particular desarrolló formas verdaderamente gigantes: los dinosaurios saurópodos, caracterizados por su andar cuadrúpedo, con cuello y cola muy largos y un cráneo pequeño. Según los investigadores, los restos pertenecen a un grupo particular de dinosaurio saurópodo, denominado titanosaurios, que incluye animales extremadamente grandes como el Puertasaurus, hallado en Santa Cruz, y el Argentinosaurus de Neuquén.

Los primeros análisis sugieren que la nueva especie descubierta habría alcanzado los 40 metros de longitud y las 80 toneladas de peso. “Es como dos camiones con acoplado, uno detrás de otro, y el peso equivalente a más de 14 elefantes africanos juntos”, dice José Luis Carballido, especialista en dinosaurios del MEF y a cargo del estudio de estos ejemplares. Tales dimensiones ponen el foco sobre hasta qué punto pudieron haber crecido estos animales. “Es un verdadero tesoro paleontológico”, agrega. “Había muchos restos y estaban prácticamente intactos, algo que no pasa con frecuencia. De hecho, los restos de titanosaurios gigantes conocidos hasta ahora son escasos y fragmentarios”. El nuevo yacimiento produjo más de 200 fósiles. Allí, los investigadores encontraron parte del cuello y gran parte del dorso, la mayoría de las vértebras de la cola y miembros anteriores y posteriores, entre otros huesos. Además, entre los restos había más de 60 dientes de dinosaurios carnívoros de gran tamaño.


Fuente: WebLog Aragosaurus

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PROGRAMA 188 - La batalla mágica por Gran Bretaña

2ª Guerra Mundial, Gran Bretaña. Mientras se producía el bombardeo sistemático de las Islas Británicas por parte de la aviación del III Reich conocido como "The Blitz", varios individuos y varios grupos de personas se propusieron plantar cara de una forma muy particular: recurriendo a la magia. Descubre con nosotros una auténtica red británica de "comandos" psíquicos liderada por Dion Fortune. La supuesta participación de Aleister Crowley y Ian Fleming en la Operación Misteltoe para capturar a Rudolf Hess así como Gerald Gardner y su Operación "Cono de Poder".


Vancouver is Canada's top UFO hotspot

A new survey has identified the Canadian city as one of the best places in the world to see a UFO. Canada itself is no stranger to the unexplained hav...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

'Bigfoot' filmed in Norwegian meadow

A somewhat unconvincing video of an alleged hominid ape creature in Norway has appeared on YouTube. The video, which was uploaded by user "MicroRT55",...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

X-Men fan walks on the ceiling using magnets

Eccentric inventor Colin Furze has successfully built Magneto-inspired shoes that stick to the ceiling. A long-time fan of the X-Men comics and in par...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

24 may 2014

¿A qué se debe la misteriosa formación de los "círculos de hadas" en Namibia?

"Científicos alemanes, italianos e israelíes han descubierto un patrón homogéneo en la formación de los misteriosos círculos sin vegetación de las praderas de Namibia, lo que demostraría una "autorregulación" de la vegetación y desmonta la teoría de las termitas. El estudio, publicado esta semana en la revista científica Ecography y llevado a cabo por el Centro de Investigación Medioambiental Helmholtz en Leipzig (Alemania) indica que estas enigmáticas calvas de la costa suroeste de África siguen un patrón de distribución espacial y homogéneamente comprensible.

"Aunque los científicos han estado tratando de responder esta pregunta desde hace décadas, su misterio sigue sin resolverse", afirma en un comunicado Stephan Getzin, líder de la investigación y dedicado en los últimos quince años a explorar este extraño fenómeno.

Hasta la fecha, existen tres teorías que podrían explicar la formación de estos 'círculos de hadas', como se conocen coloquialmente, la más popular de las cuales es la que defiende que serían las termitas las que causan la muerte regresiva de la vegetación, mordisqueando su base. Otros investigadores consideran que son los hidrocarburos que emanan del subsuelo los que echan a perder estas zonas (que pueden alcanzar hasta 20 metros de diámetro), mientras que una tercera teoría lo achaca a una autorregulación del crecimiento de la hierba (...)

Ver aquí.

via Alamut http://ift.tt/15wstDn

Unstuck in Time

I woke up today (Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend) and realized that I’d gotten a message from Dog. (God, in my own special vision. To learn more, click here.) This particular message was about time travel. It started this way: First of all, I opened the Wall Street Journal and saw a story that was headlined “Just Forget that It Ever Happened.”

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

The UFO Drone Hoax Fad

The use of drones to hoax UFOs is reminiscent of the 2008--2010 use of sky lanterns. The sky lantern hoaxes died away, and so will the drone hoaxes, in time. Probably the least interesting you can do with a drone is to use it for a hoax like this, but it's the first thing that occurs to people like Energy Online.

via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

Could the 'Angel of Mons' have been a UFO ?

A famous supernatural incident during World War I may have had a rather more otherworldly explanation. According to the story, heavily outnumbered Bri...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

NASA to test inflatable 'flying saucer'

The space agency is preparing to test a new vehicle that is designed to help astronauts explore Mars. The Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD), w...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

'Fairy circles' termite explanation debunked

The mysterious circles of the Namibian grasslands don't appear to have been caused by termites after all. Consisting of perfectly circular patches of ...

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23 may 2014

3-year-old knows who killed him in past life

The young boy's story is one of the most fascinating accounts of reincarnation to have arisen in years. A resident of the Golan Heights region between...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Cattle Mutilations: Event Associated with a UFO Sighting in Argentina

Cattle Mutilations: Event Associated with a UFO Sighting in Argentina

By Andrea Pérez Simondini

An investigation by Martin Bertochi and Vicky Ziegler

This case contains nearly-ideal conditions for investigation, but for the inability to gain access to the expert report performed on site.

We would like to highlight, nonetheless, the valuable fact that this is one of the few cases in which the appearance of a light in the same time frame and geographic location can be associated with an animal mutilation.

Animal Mutilation + Light + Eyewitness

Martin Bertochi and Vicky Ziegler are the researchers who came across the case, based on the testimony of Maria Antonia, who often waited for the bus that took her from Concordia to Calabacillas, a locality in the District of Yeruá some 5 km from National Highway 14 and 6 km from the Uruguay River. Chance would have it that she would meet Martin’s father, who having learned of light sightings in the area from another woman, informed Maria Antonia of his son’s interest in [mutilations] research, and this is how the case came together.

María Antonia broke into a run the moment her bus dropped her off after seeing the lights. She ran home, causing her to trip and be injured.

When Martin and Vicki learned of the case, they paid a visit to the witness at home, learning that this was not the first time that these “lights” appeared in the area. The owner of a farm facing Maria Antonia’s house had come across a mutilated animal and was illuminated by a powerful beam of light at the moment he made the discovery.

Roberto Cutro’s Eyewitness Account

The family made up of “Cacho” and his wife, when interviewed by the whole team, seemed anxious to retell their encounter with the lights, with a mixture of excitement, stressing the truth of their experience.

[The researchers] received a warm welcome, as is the custom of country people. Kind smiles and firm handshakes defined, in a way, the hosts’ jubilant mood. They asked to come over to a sort of covered patio to get comfortable, and it was not before long that the first experience, only a few months old, was brought up (the exact date was not recalled).

…”They recall that it could have perhaps been during February of this year (2014). As was their daily custom, they were in their courtyard at night and a powerful beam of light turned the darkness to daytime. They realized that two lights were responsible for the luminosity.

They immediately phoned the police (noting that the authorities were hesitant to come over to the house). At first, Don Cutro thought that cattle rustlers bent on stealing his animals were to blame. Cacho is a man accustomed to walking around the countryside in the dark, as this is part of his daily routine. As he approached the tracks, where he saw the lights vanish, his wife called her aunt over so that she too could be a witness.

“They phoned their son in Concordia and apprised him of the events. Despite the fact that he is skeptical about such things, the son came over to his parents’ property to glean more information about the event. Weeks later, and aware of the places where the lights had been seen by the parents the night before, the son pointed in a given direction, asking if that was the site, to which the father said yes. At that time, both lights reappeared, seemingly approaching them through the countryside before vanishing. Later on, he managed to see a light that he went out to chase with a camera in his hand, jumping over a cattle gate. The light vanished without being captured on film.

The Mutilated Animal

We cannot begin to convey the case without first stating that the witness was interviewed with difficulty given over-exposure of the story by his own wife. We decided to re-interview him, returning time and again, about details of the event in order to obtain the story from his own experience. This is what you will find recorded in the narrative of the case, the product of several interviews. You will noticed these details in the audio that forms part of this research as well as the videotape.

The Husband's Story

“I was on horseback and was able to see a bright light wandering the fields while I conducted my survey activities. When I reached one of the corner points of the perimeter, I found an animal spread out on the ground. It was a cow.

“I approached the animal and when I did so, a source from above bathed me completely in its light. I had money in my pocket, so my first thought was that someone wanted to rob me. So I took off running, not knowing how – to this day – I crossed the wilderness and the cattle gates all the way to my home.

“The light was somewhat blue. It was lovely. When I got off the horse, I realized that my horse had seen the approaching light. It pulled the reins away from me, and that’s when I slapped it. It was then that the light covered me completely. When it did, I jumped back on the horse. I took off and don’t know how I made it through all the gates.”

The Wife’s Story

“When he came home, he told me: “Do you want to hear something?” I replied, “If it’s nice, yes, otherwise say nothing at all.” I could see he was very frightened. He went through a forest of eucalyptus trees and doesn’t know how he made it."

The Animal

“It was dead. I saw it alive the morning of that day. Its earlobe had been mutilated and burned. They pulled out all its genitals. Well removed, without a drop of blood. They also pulled out its eye, like someone grabbing it and pulling everything out, as if burning while they did it. That’s how the animal was found.

“The municipal vet showed up (from Concordia) and it was Dr. Olivera at the time. The first thing he did was cut off its head. It had no injuries to its muzzle. Its tongue was missing – they also took it. I don’t know how they did it, that was a strange thing.

“I found the animal dead around 20:00 hours. It was alive in the morning.

“They brought 14 dogs over, but none would approach [the cow]. They wouldn’t eat it, either. A grass analysis was performed. Dr. Olivera came with all of the people of the Concordia Police Department.”

The Light

“The light looked as if the sun had come and shed its light. What I saw most was that it was a lovely light. Beautiful light. It was bluish, a light you see seldom. There was a eucalyptus plant nearby. They wanted to take me to the doctor, but I refused. What for? I asked. Then I went to bed. He looked at my leg, which was injured and my (right) leg was completely muddied. This is the first time we’ve seen mutilated animals. We didn’t hear about our neighbors having any. There were no marks on the ground.”

Wife: “One had the impression that it was hoisted and brought down, because the animal didn’t even kick.”

Cacho: “The fetus had some spots (the cow was pregnant). And when the vet removed it, it looked like a dried-up thing. It spots on it as though it had been burned. According to the vet, it looked as though it had been done with a laser or with a poker.

Incident Involving the Horse

On several occasions now, the horse has turned up with marks, as though blood was being drawn from it. Little spots turn up. They’re oily. That horse has turned up two or three times with oil all over its back. It’s the same color as the horse, but darker.

Cows would run off to their pens. The animals couldn’t stand seeing a single light. You had to see the sense of desperation with which they took off running.

A week after finding the carcass, it was still possible to move the cow’s joints as if recently dead. The carcass disappeared completely 3 months later. Animals have died here, and their bones are still visible 4 to 5 years later. This one vanished completely.”

This then, is the statement by the witnesses regarding the events.

A separate factor involves the groups whose presence were made known in the case. It is striking. One of them in particular is a team of scientists that travels the entire country, investigating these cases, armed with major equipment. You should also know that the case you have just read never appeared in the national press and had no greater relevance beyond the local environment through radio station LT15 of Concordia. It is interesting to know that we are not the only ones looking into these cases: it seems that higher echelons are also concerned. Let’s see what we find the next time around.

The Research Team:

Walter TAULADA (Photography)

Vicky ZEIGLER (Field researcher)

Martín BERTOCHI(Field researcher)

Andrea PEREZ SIMONDINI(Field researcher)

Silvia PEREZ SIMONDINI(Field researcher)

[Translation (c) 2014, S. Corrales, Inexplicata, with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO, and Andrea & Silvia Pérez Simondini, Visión OVNI]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Weekender: Is Technology the New Terror?

Technology has been around since the dawn of time. No, not tablets, phones, computers or television, but any device that has helped to facilitate the processes of daily life. A rock to bash things with, a stick to stir things with, a knife to kill or cut with, or even the wheel! But for most people, the term "technology" is associated with the recent wealth of digital media and cyber tools that have now proliferated across the planet into all corners of the world, and more specifically, the Internet and social media.

“The Internet has radically changed nearly every level of human experience in an incredibly short amount of time,” says Lee Siegel, author of Against the Machine: Being Human in the Age of the Electronic Mob.

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SETI: 'we'll find alien life within 20 years'

Dan Werthimer and Seth Shostak presented their latest findings this week at a House Committee hearing. With money an ongoing issue for the SETI Instit...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Can a drone walk your dog for you ?

A future in which automated drones can perform everyday tasks might not be as far away as you think. Drones have been gaining in prominence lately wit...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Fri 23 May 2014 - Daily round-up of the world's weird news

Japan's new craze for hamster bottoms, astronauts' diet of worms, drunk attempts sex with cash machine and picnic table, NYC's golden dog turds

via Fortean Times UK: Latest - Breaking News http://ift.tt/16qhqfO

22 may 2014

NASA 'alien' rock art quote causes storm

A NASA reference to rock art being the work of extraterrestrials has ignited significant controversy. When it was first published by NASA back in 2012...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Star Wars-style hover bikes coming in 2017

Engineering company Aerofex is set to release its latest creation within as little as three years. The new bike, known as the Aero-X, had been in the ...

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Philippines Zoo offering 'snake massages'

If you've ever wanted a big pile of snakes heaped on top of you then Cebu City Zoo has just the thing. The bizarre massage service is provided by four...

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New Collider To Turn Light Into Matter

An eighty-year-old theory looks set to become a reality, after researchers managed to develop the technique in less than a day during their coffee break!

The concept of turning light into matter sounds inconceivable, yet sounds far-fetched, yet the Universe that we inhabit was created when energy evolved into substance.

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Induced After Death Communication

May 23, 2014

Dr. Allan Botkin has pioneered a means of inducing afterlife communication using a variant of EMDR, or eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing. This process is used to help people who have post-traumatic stress disorder, but it turns out that it has an amazing ability to induce after-death communication in an organized and repeatable manner for a wide variety of people.

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21 may 2014

The war on antibiotic resistance has begun

Leading healthcare experts have proposed new measures to tackle the threat of resistant bacteria. The idea of a future in which even the most common i...

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La Bestia de Gevaudan en viñetas ilustradas

Ahora un periodista e historiador francés y un gran ilustrador de comics aúnan esfuerzos para traernos esta novela gráfica que pretende dar a conocer uno de los fenómenos zoo/históricos mas controvertidos de todos los tiempos, los supuestos ataques a más de 300 personas por par parte de una criatura que desafía lo que conocemos hasta ahora sobre comportamiento y anatomía animal.



Jean-Claude Bourret nos sumerge en esta aventura histórica proporcionándonos todos los datos más relevantes al respecto, encontrando en el versátil y realista arte de Julien Grycan un complemento perfecto para narrar la historia de los supuestos depredadores imposibles de abatir de la región de Gevaudan. Por el camino, ilustrado bella y ricamente por Grycan, conoceremos a los personajes centrales de esta trama, aprendiendo datos sobre el misterioso y sanguinario animal. Bourret nos brinda al final del volumen II una galería de posibles candidatos a bestia, analizando con frescura y rigor todas las posibilidades descartando escépticamente aquellas posibles explicaciones más forzadas, incoherentes o simplemente demasiado frágiles para resultar satisfactorias desde varios puntos de vista, principalmente desde el ángulo bio-ecológico.



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via Esencia21 Blog http://ift.tt/1hny3qU

Un nuevo método de criptografía cuántica bloquea los intentos de espionaje

En 1984 se presentó el primer protocolo de criptografía cuántica, una forma segura de intercambiar información privada explotando las propiedades de la mecánica cuántica, pero requiere seguir el rastro que dejan los espías. Ahora investigadores japoneses se han dado cuenta de que existe una fórmula para evitar los intentos de espionaje en lugar de detectarlos.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

'Byzantine iPad' discovered in shipwreck

The 1,200-year-old wooden notebook and tool was the ancient equivalent of a modern tablet computer. The artifact was recovered by Turkish archaeologis...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

'Dinosaur skull' photographed on Mars

The latest in a long line of impossible objects sighted on Mars is a rock in the shape of a T. rex skull. Eagle-eyed observers claim to have found a l...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

MERS Goes Global in 18 Countries: Was It Originally Engineered to be Race-Specific?

The new SARS-like virus, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus infection (MERS), is spreading across the planet, and the World Health Organisation has labelled it a "threat to the entire world."

The virus, which the World Health Organisation (WHO) originally said would never pose a threat outside the Middle East, has now reached 18 countries across the world. Cases have now been confirmed in Jordan, Lebanon, the Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates, the United States and Great Britain.

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20 may 2014

Radu Florescu, el historiador que desmitificó a "Drácula", muere a los 88 años

"Fue un historiador nacido en Rumania, profesor y filántropo que intrigó profundamente a la cultura popular estadunidense cuando escribió un libro que vinculaba al imaginario conde Drácula con el príncipe rumano del siglo XV conocido Vlad El Empalador.

Radu Florescu falleció el domingo a los 88 años en Mougins, Francia, de complicaciones de una neumonía, dijo el lunes su hijo John Florescu.

Florescu escribió una docena de libros, pero el que realmente le dio la fama fue In Search of Dracula (En busca de Drácula), que hizo a dúo con Raymond T. McNally en 1972, y en el que aseveró que el autor irlandés Bram Stoker basó el personaje de Drácula en su novela de 1897 en Vlad.

Ningún estadunidense ha educado a más estadunidenses sobre Rumania —y Drácula— que el profesor Florescu. Tuve la gran suerte de ser uno de sus agradecidos estudiantes", dijo Jim Rosapepe, exembajador de Estados Unidos en Rumania.

Su hijo dijo que Florescu era el director del Centro de Investigaciones sobre Europa Oriental en el Boston College, que fundó, entre 1986 y 2008. En años recientes, ofreció becas a alumnos rumanos destacados para que estudiaran en el área de Boston.

Cuando el entonces presidente Richard Nixon visitó Rumania en 1969, Florescu orientó al encargado de prensa de la embajada de Estados Unidos, ofreciendo información a los medios estadunidenses acreditados ante la Casa Blanca.

La casa real rumana envió el lunes sus condolencias a nombre del ex rey rumano Miguel, quien fue obligado a abdicar en 1947 por el gobierno comunista (...)"

Ver aquí.

via Alamut http://ift.tt/15wstDn

70,000 dead fish wash up in Marina del Rey

Authorities are attempting to explain how thousands of fish turned up dead off the Los Angeles coastline. The alarm was raised on Saturday evening whe...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Should smallpox be condemned to extinction?

Health officials will be meeting next week to decide if the virus should be destroyed once and for all. At its peak smallpox was one of the world's de...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Another Unknown Country Prediction Manifests Into Reality: Unprecedented Flooding In Europe

A few days ago, Unknown Country Climate Watch predicted "extremes of flooding" across the Northern Hemisphere. Those who read this site regularly will know how accurate Climate Watch predictions have proved to be, and this one, unfortunately, is no exception.

Unbelievable and unprecedented floods have decimated parts of the Balkans region in Europe, which was deluged by over a foot (0.3m) of rain in just two days, the equivalent of four month's typical rainfall for that area. Large areas of Serbia, Bosnia and eastern Croatia are now under water, with an instant inland sea created across the region.

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Las algas del mar Báltico conservan elementos radiactivos de Chernóbil

Investigadores del Centro Nacional de Aceleradores en Sevilla y otros 30 centros internacionales han confirmado que los niveles elevados de plutonio y yodo radiactivo que presentan las algas del mar Báltico se debe al impacto del accidente de Chernóbil en 1986, así como a las descargas de radionucleidos procedentes de la planta de reprocesamiento de Sellafield, en Reino Unido. El estudio forma parte de procesos de certificación para la Organización Internacional de la Energía Atómica.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

'Godzilla' shark unearthed in New Mexico

A 300 million-year-old shark has been named after its resemblance to the famous Japanese movie monster. The fossil remains were discovered by palaeont...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Algunos compuestos metálicos se pueden aplicar en tratamientos contra el cáncer

Un equipo de investigadores europeos, con participación de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, ha detectado los efectos positivos de nanomateriales con elementos metálicos, como el estaño, frente a las células tumorales. Cuando se aplican en algunos tipos de melanoma en ratas se observa que el tumor casi desaparece.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

19 may 2014

'Devil dog' remains dug up at Leiston Abbey

The skeleton of a dog the size of a Great Dane has been unearthed during an archaeological dig. Tales of Hell Hounds, huge fiery-eyed canines said to ...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

WOW! Are Aliens Making Radio Contact With Earth?

Mysterious signals from outer space are being detected by scientists, and so far their origins are unexplained.

The Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) have been foxing astronomers since they were initially identified in 2007; the first one, named the Lorimer burst after its discoverer Duncan Lorimer, was a random signal lasting just five milliseconds. This original FRB was so fleeting that it left researchers wondering for years whether it had merely been a malfunction in one of the telescope's instruments, but since then several other isolated signals have been detected.

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Venezuela: Strange Lights During Caracas Blackout (2013)


Date: 05.19.14

Venezuela: Strange Lights Seen During Caracas Blackout

By Hector Escalante (02 December 2013)


Many people were able to witness the manifestations of strange lights over various parts of Venezuela on Monday, December 2nd, during a power outage that took place in a number of states between 08:00 and 09:00 in the evening, and which lasted several hours in some cities.

Reports on this unusual incident, accompanied by photos, began circulating almost immediately in social media, where young and old remarked their astonishment at the events. From the Miranda Urbanization in the state that bears the same name, three college students - who asked OvniVenezuela to conceal their real identities - described the way in which the witnessed the event.

"We had just finished studying and we left the house to chat for a while. Suddenly, the lights went out in the entire area and we noticed some strange lights over Mount Mariche, which faces the urbanization," explained one witness, adding that at first sight, the lights appeared to "steal the power" from the locality, as they changed colors constantly from blue to red to yellow, causing the lights of houses on one side to dim while those on the facing side remained lit, and vice versa. He said the sky was relatively clear but that after the lights appeared, it became cloudy and rained shortly thereafter.

The witness says that given the extraordinary nature of the phenomenon, he took out his cellphone to take a picture, but as he pointed the device at the sky, the light became brighter and took off suddenly, flying over his head far away. This both distracted and frightened him, keeping him from taking the picture. In his opinion, this luminous manifestation was clearly different from a lightning bolt, because "it made no noise" and secondly, because "the lights had various colors."

Lights over Carabobo

A phenomenon of a similar nature could also be seen over Carabobo state, also witnessed and reported by local residents. In San Diego, Carmen Martinez was able to witness the apparition of an intense light whose tones oscillated between "blue, orange and violet" shortly after the blackout occurred.

She added that [the light] rested for several minutes over the localities of Guacara and San Joaquin, which are adjacent to San Diego, flashing rapidly and making its multicolored composition visible. She regretted not going to find a camera to capture it in photo or video, shocked as she was by the events.

Martinez is certain that what she saw that night "wasn't a lightning bolt". In agreement with the witnesses in Caracas, she argued that the lights characteristics had no commonality at all with such natural manifestations, which are furthermore fully known and identifiable, as they occur frequently in the region.

[Translation (c) 2014, S.Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO and Hector Escalante, OvniVenezuela]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Auckland UFO revealed as promotional stunt

Several witnesses had reported seeing strange lights in the skies above New Zealand over the weekend. The incident represents the latest effort by a c...

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Mon 19 May 2014 - Daily round-up of the world's weird news

Black Shuck dug up, Geller's giant gorilla made of spoons, saviour cat gets baseball offer, kitty litter causes radiation leak

via Fortean Times UK: Latest - Breaking News http://ift.tt/16qhqfO

Man files world's most expensive lawsuit

A man is suing New York City and others for two trillion trillion trillion dollars over a dog bite. In what is being described as the most frivolous l...

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Últimos avances en superficies con curvatura media constante

Por primera vez un profesor de matemáticas de una universidad española ha publicado en la serie Springer Monographs in Mathematics, que recoge los últimos avances matemáticos. Se trata del catedrático Rafael López Camino de la Universidad de Granada, y su obra versa sobre superficies con curvatura media constante, que se pueden visualizar con pompas de jabón.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

18 may 2014

Mueva ese hotel, por favor

He aquí el que es considerado como el transporte de un edificio completo más importante del siglo XIX. El Hotel Brighton Beach se situaba en la costa de Coney Island, al sur de Brooklyn. No sólo en la costa, sino al borde de ella, limitando con la playa. Tanto es así, que la gran estructura de madera y metal estaba expuesta a la acción de las olas en las tormentas, por lo que sus cimientos comenzaron a ceder y su estructura amenzaba con derrumbarse si continuaba en ese lugar. Bien, ¿lo construimos en otro lugar? ¿Reforzamos los cimientos y levantamos un dique? Nada de eso, movamos todo el edificio tierra adentro. La solución fue, cuando menos, espectacular en su ejecución, llevada a cabo en abril de 1888.


Transporte del Hotel Brighton Beach. Fuente: Scientific news for general readers, 1888.

El hotel formaba parte de un complejo de vacaciones muy concurrido que comenzó a construirse hacia 1868. El edificio fue abierto al público en el verano de 1878, pero pronto se pudo comprobar que no había sido muy buena idea levantarlo allí. Varias tormentas inundaron parte del interior, por lo que, para evitar un desastre completo, se planificó un traslado del edificio completo.


Detalle del sistema de vagones que servía de plataforma durante el traslado. Fuente: Scientific American, 1888.

Nada de desmontar secciones en piezas, todo el hotel sería desplazado más de medio kilómetro hacia el interior. El 2 de abril de 1888 comenzó la operación, que se extendió a lo largo de nueve días. No fue un juego de niños, el proyecto de ingeniería resultante fue impresionante. Se colocaron varias vías de ferrocarril con un sistema de 112 vagones que actuaban como plataforma sobre la descansaba el hotel. Seis locomotoras de vapor se encargaron de realizar la tarea.


Fotografía de las operaciones de traslado del hotel. Fuente: Biblioteca del Congreso de los Estados Unidos.

Mueva ese hotel, por favor apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 18 mayo 2014.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

Mystery footprints found over 1km in Malaysia

A trail of large, humanlike footprints has been discovered near the Endau Rompin forest reserve. The mysterious footprints were found by Sia Chwee Khi...

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'Ghost of Michael Jackson' photographed

A picture taken by a teenager of a Michael Jackson impersonator turned out to feature a ghostly extra. 14-year-old Reece Savva had been waiting in lin...

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China UFO debris could be Russian satellite

An incident involving three UFOs crashing in China could be due to a Russian rocket launch explosion. Residents from several villages in China's Heilo...

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17 may 2014

Pentagon has zombie apocalypse battle plan

The US government actually has a plan in place in the event that the dead start rising from their graves. According to an unclassified Defense Departm...

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World's biggest dinosaur found in Argentina

Palaeontologists believe that they have uncovered the largest dinosaur to have ever walked the Earth. Weighing in at 77 tons and measuring up to 40m i...

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Jupiter's Great Red Spot is rapidly shrinking

Astronomers believe that the famous storm in Jupiter's atmosphere is reducing in size faster than ever. First observed through telescopes as far back ...

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Unos misteriosos círculos frente a la costa de Croacia desconciertan a los expertos

"Los científicos no logran explicar el motivo de la aparición de unos extraños círculos vacíos de pasto marino aparecidos cerca de la isla croata Dugi Otok incluso después de que Google Maps proporcionara imágenes aéreas del fenómeno.

Fotos aéreas muestran en el fondo marino cerca de las costas de varias islas de Croacia círculos regulares despojados de vegetación en medio de campos de posidonia oceánica, una planta marina endémica del Mediterráneo.

El biólogo Mosor Prvan, de la Asociación Sunce, la organización ambiental sin fines de lucro que detectó por primera vez los círculos, no tiene una explicación para el fenómeno. Los distintos círculos miden unos 164 metros de diámetro y se encuentran aproximadamente a la misma distancia el uno del otro y respecto de la costa de las islas, según el portal estadounidense Mashable.

"Detectamos por primera vez estos círculos en fotos aéreas en 2013, mientras trabajamos en un proyecto de mapeo del hábitat en las islas de Unije, Susak y Srakane", dijo Prvan.

Si uno sabe dónde buscar, los círculos son fáciles de localizar en Google Maps. Pero Prvan y el equipo de Sunce bucearon en los lugares donde se encuentran para comprobar el fenómeno in situ con sus propios ojos.

"Los círculos estaban allí. Tenían un borde perfecto, como si alguien hubiera tirado de la posidonia con un sacacorchos", comentó Prvan (...)"

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16 may 2014

Bob Lazar still defends story 25 years on

The alleged former Area 51 scientist continues to maintain that everything he has said is true. Robert Lazar, the man who claimed that he had worked a...

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Weekender: Bloodlines - The Case for Vampires

In many cultures, blood is considered to be the equivalent of the sacred life force, explaining its use in many historic religious rituals and ceremonies. In myths and legends, vampires were said to utilise the power of human blood, drinking large quantities from their living victims in order to obtain their life energy. Young virgins were said to be highly prized as prey due to the belief that they held the highest levels of life essence, possibly why it was rumored the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il injected himself with blood from healthy young virgins to slow the aging process.

But is there any truth in this? Surprisingly, science says "Yes"!

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Moon rover failure sparks UFO frenzy in China

Many have attributed the untimely breakdown of the Jade Rabbit rover to extraterrestrial intervention. Launched at part of China's Chang'e 3 mission b...

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Entire family is hit by lightning strike

Five members of the same family were struck by a bolt from the blue while out in their garden. They say lightning never strikes twice, yet in the case...

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15 may 2014

US Air Force preparing to dismantle HAARP

The controversial project is to be completely dismantled after it is shut down at the end of the summer. Initially established back in 1993, HAARP (Hi...

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Viable Non-Polluting Power Source Discovered, But Is It Too Late to Stop Climate Change?

A ground-breaking new energy source has been discovered by a company in New Jersey.

The powerful new water-based fuel could provide a viable alternative for fuel production worldwide, and has already shown proven results in the supply of sustained electricity production.

The power source is known as The BlackLight Process after its inventors, the BlackLight Power, Inc., in Cranbury, NJ, who claim that it will be suitable for use in almost all power applications and will free thermal, electrical, automotive, trucking, rail, marine, aviation, aerospace, and defense systems from the limitations of electrical distribution or fuel infrastructure.

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Campers encounter real-life 'Blair Witch'

Two women got more than they bargained for when they camped out in the woods near Bristol. Lola Swan and Kate Channon had set up their tent and campin...

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Thur 15 May 2014 - Daily round-up of the world's weird news

Found: vampire skeleton, missing sasquatch mask, giant 17-million-year-old sperm, Crowley's crap gay poetry. Plus, Jackalope origins and Louisville Goat-man

via Fortean Times UK: Latest - Breaking News http://ift.tt/16qhqfO

What is the purpose of yawning ?

The conventional idea that yawning is a sign of tiredness or boredom is now thought to be incorrect. Instead, yawning may actually be about regulating...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

14 may 2014

Scientists learn how to induce lucid dreaming

Influencing the brain through electric scalp stimulation can allow a person to control their own dreams. Lucid dreaming occurs when a person becomes a...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

What is behind Norway's Hessdalen lights ?

The valley is home to mysterious hovering orbs of light that have been sighted for more than a century. Particularly puzzling is the wide variety of d...

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Catholic Church Opens Their Doors to Extra-Terrestrials

Religion has always been an emotive subject, and never more so than when introducing the idea of extra-terrestrial life to the devout. For some reason, most organised religions on the planet have rejected the idea of off-earth life forms as being somehow blasphemous.

Why God, who or whatever you believe Him to be, would exclude those from other planets seems incomprehensible to those with a more liberal mindset; this conviction still appears to prevail, however, as a recent article published in The Catholic Truth magazine appears to confirm:

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Dudas sobre el descubrimiento del eco del Big Bang

Hace un par de meses los científicos del telescopio BICEP2 anunciaron la primera evidencia sobre las ondas gravitatorias del comienzo del universo, pero sus datos se podrían basar en una mala interpretación de un mapa del satélite Planck que les sirvió de referencia. El rumor se extiende rápidamente por internet, aunque el equipo descubridor defiende su trabajo.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Russia set to ban US from using space station

The US will no longer have access to the station after 2020 as Russia responds to Ukraine sanctions. The $150 billion space station has been synonymou...

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13 may 2014

El creador de Alien, H.R. Giger, muere tras sufrir una caída

"El artista suizo H.R. Giger, famoso por el diseño de las criaturas de la película Alien y sus secuelas, ha muerto a la edad de 74 años, según han informado los medios de este país.

Giger sufrió una caída en las escaleras de su casa en Suiza y murió el lunes en un hospital a causa de las heridas. Ganó un Oscar a los mejores efectos visuales en 1980 gracias a la obra cumbre de su carrera en Alien, y también participó en el diseño de otras películas como Polstergeit II y Species. Hans Ruidi Giger fue dibujante, pintor, escultor, diseñador y arquitecto de interiores. Creó un mundo propio y perturbador influenciado por el surrealismo, el ocultismo y la magia, con la biomecánica –término acuñado por él mismo– como piedra angular.

Su particular concepto del arte, oscuro y macabro, marcó un estilo que ha sido muy imitado en todo el mundo (...)"

Ver aquí.

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La máquina de Martinus van Marum

Antes de nada, ¡gracias Emanuel por la ayuda sobre este asunto! Pasemos a la acción, ¿quién Martinus van Marum y qué tiene de interesante su máquina?

La electricidad ha fascinado a los humanos incluso desde antes de que se tuviera una idea, siquiera aproximada, de qué se esconde tras ese fenómeno. Cuando en los albores del siglo XIX fue dada a conocer la pila voltaica, se abrió todo un mundo para la experimentación eléctrica pero, antes de aquello, osados pioneros habían logrado contruir máquinas asombrosas capaces de generar electricidad. Eran grandes y poco prácticas, pero no hay que restar mérito a unas gentes que veían cómo el “asombroso fluido eléctrico” se convertía en algo controlable por primera vez en la historia.


Máquina de Van Marum

No se trata aquí de ahondar en los orígenes de la tecnología eléctrica, eso da como para un voluminoso libro, pero si hemos de trazar una brevísima ruta cabe acordarse de las menciones que en la antigüedad se realizaban sobre las propiedades del ámbar al ser frotado, que andando el tiempo se convirtiron en ideas que dieron vida a primitivos ingenios como los generadores electrostáticos de fricción de Otto von Guericke hacia 1640 (véase en TecOb la historia del “beso eléctrico”).

Newton experimentó más tarde con una máquina similar, modificando un poco el montaje y cambiando la esferilla original de azufre por una de cristal. Ese elemento que, por frotación, se “electrizaba” fue mejorado con rapidez. Por ejemplo, hacia 1705 ya se utilizaban cilindros y placas, también de cristal y, más tarde, se llevó el sistema a la perfección con grandes ingenios de planchas giratorias de fricción, capaces de generar espectaculares chispas eléctricas.


La máquina electrostática en el Museo Teylers. (Fuente-CC).

Fueron muchas las máquinas electrostáticas que fueron apareciendo desde mediados del siglo XVII pero, sin duda, una de las más llamativas fue la de Martinus van Marum o, más bien, sus máquinas, porque aunque una destacó especialmente, contribuyó a construir varias. Van Marum fue un monstruo, en el buen sentido de la palabra. Contribuyó al avance de todo tipo de ciencias y tecnologías y su curiosidad era insaciable. Holandés, nacido en 1750, se interesó por la medicina, la biología, la geología, la química, la historia natural y la física. La electricidad le apasionaba, por lo que decidió crear algo nunca visto hasta entonces, una máquina eléctrica con la que generar grandes chispas en el aire. Cabe decir que la máquina tuvo muchas utilidades, junto con otros de sus montajes eléctricos, por ejemplo en el descubrimiento del ozono.

La historia de la máquina de Van Marum comienza en 1783, siendo ya un profesor reconocido. En ese tiempo fue elegido para dirigir el gabinete de ciencias naturales y físicas del nuevo Museo Teylers , de Haarlem, el más antiguo de Holanda (o, más correctamente, Países Bajos), lugar en el que, por cierto, sigue estando la máquina. Hasta la llegada de los generadores Van de Graff, fue la máquina electrostática más grande del mundo. Su montaje costó una pequeña fortuna, motivo por el que, aunque a Van Marum le rondaba la idea de crear algo así desde hacía años, no pudo emprender la tarea hasta lograr su puesto en el museo. Incluso desde su elevada posición le costó un tiempo convencer a los patronos e inversores para donar el dinero necesario para crear el gigante electrostático. Van Marum prometió en sus apasionados discursos y cartas que, con un generador como el que imaginaba, se podrían lograr avances científicos sin precedentes. No le faltaba razón, pero hasta que se materializó, tuvo que aguantar todo tipo de críticas.


Sistema acumulador de botellas de Leyden.

Al final, con mucho empeño, se construyó un aparato singular nunca visto hasta entonces y que, como he comentado, ha tenido la fortuna de sobrevivir hasta nuestros días. Ahí está, desafiando al tiempo, un ingenio en el que dos grandes discos de cristal de más de metro y medio de diámetro constituyen los elementos principales que giran gracias a una manivela y son “excitados” por un sistema de almohadillas. La electricidad generada era conducida desde el conjunto rotor, aislado por patas de vidrio, hasta un sistema acumulador con 225 botellas de Leyden. Esa electricidad se utilizaba en todo tipo de montajes experimentales, como generadores de grandes chispas. Varias personas trabajando con esfuerzo para hacer girar los discos hacían que la máquina creara corrientes de voltajes considerables.

Van Marum estaba encantado con su máquina, que se utilizó en infinidad de experimentos. Con ella se realizaron pruebas con todo tipo de materiales conductores, aislantes, pruebas a tierra, ensayos de resistencia eléctrica, calentamiento de metales e incluso pruebas muy arriesgadas sobre distancias de seguridad para trabajar con electricidad. Puede decirse que, con esa máquina, nació la tecnología eléctrica básica. Científicos de media Europa visitaron el lugar solicitando su uso. De ahí surgieron tablas para el diseño de cables eléctricos, protección contra rayos, ensayos de condensadores y experimentos químicos como los que llevó a cabo con ozono en 1785 el propio Van Marum (ciertamente, el ozono fue caracterizado químicamente más tarde, pero concedamos a Van Marum el honor de haber creado el primer “generador” de ozono, del que describió su “característico olor a materia eléctrica”).

Descripción de algunos de los experimentos de van Marum, procedente de la edición del día 7 de abril de 1788 del Espíritu de los mejores diarios literarios que se publican en Europa, algo así como un news clipping de la época (Biblioteca Nacional).


La máquina de Martinus van Marum apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 13 mayo 2014.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

Christopher Columbus' lost ship discovered ?

The wreckage of the explorer's vessel, the Santa Maria, may have been found off the coast of Haiti. The final whereabouts of Columbus' ship have remai...

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Has the Age of the Cyborg Arrived?

A new plastic material, inspired by the clotting action of human blood, has been created by engineers at the University of Illinois.

The plastic contains a network of "capillaries" that mimic the action of blood vessels in the human body, delivering chemicals to "heal" and repair damaged plastic "tissue."

The designers of the new polymer envisage that it could be utilised to restore cracked phone screens or electronic chips in laptops, but the possibilities could be applied to an unlimited array of plastic items. Water pipes, sports equipment, homewares and appliances, car parts, even satellites could repair themselves in space.

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TV crew films two UFOs over New Zealand

The production crew didn't know they'd even filmed anything unusual until the footage had been reviewed. Presenter and producer Graeme Stevenson had b...

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Tue 13 May 2014 - Daily round-up of the world's weird news

Sex with ghosts, squirrel attacks swimmer, brother and sister kill mother in exorcism, UFO vs Taliban

via Fortean Times UK: Latest - Breaking News http://ift.tt/16qhqfO

Pope Francis says he would baptise aliens

The Pope has stated that the doors of the church are open to everyone - including extraterrestrials. Pope Frances made the comments, in which he cover...

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Un estudio repasa los accidentes químicos más graves de España

La explosión de un camión con propileno en el camping de Los Alfaques, en Tarragona, dejó más de 200 muertos en 1978. Una década más tarde 20.000 personas fueron evacuadas cuando un carguero con productos tóxicos embarrancó en la costa de Finisterre. Y en 2003 una deflagración en una refinería de Puertollano causó nueve muertos y multitud de heridos. Son algunos de los sucesos que han marcado las mejoras en la seguridad del transporte y los procesos de la industria química en España, según un estudio de investigadores catalanes.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

12 may 2014

Sun's long lost sibling has been discovered

A star that formed in the same stellar nursery as our Sun has been discovered 110 light years away. Stars form not one at a time but in large numbers ...

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Is Climate Change Threatening National Security?

In the wake of the National Climate Assessment released last week in the United States, global warming is, to pardon the pun, one of the hottest topics in the news at the moment, and with extremely good reason.

This phenomenon is now considered to be the most important threat facing mankind, and its effects could be catastrophic within a very short space of time.

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8-legged 'octogoat' born on farm in Croatia

Not only does it have 8 legs but it also appears to possess both male and female reproductive organs. Farmer Zoran Paparic couldn't believe his eyes w...

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Argentina: CE-3 Policeman Given Mandatory Retirement in La Pampa

SOURCE: Planeta UFO and Realidad OVNI

DATE: 15 May 2013

Argentina: CE-3 Policeman Given Mandatory Retirement in La Pampa

The case involves Luis Sergio Pucheta, a law enforcement officer who was allegedly pursued by two extraterrestrials. He was found 20 kilometers away from the place he disappeared from. The police officer who insisted back in 2006 that “red-eyed beings” had chased him and given him commands, has entered mandatory retirement. Since that time, he was deeply traumatized and was never able to return to work. He has now been given retirement.

According to Resolution 383, published in the Official Gazette, Luis Sergio Pucheta was transferred to the “mandatory retirement” list due to his inability to work as a policeman since the event, due to the trauma created. The case occurred in March 2006 between the communities of General Pico and Quemú Quemú. At the time, Pucheta was attached to the Anti-Cattle Rustling Division (División Anti-Abigeato) and patrolled the unimproved roads on his motorcycle at a location known as “El cruce de cañas” some 20 kilometers southeast of Pico. It was then that he radioed the police base to say “something strange was going on”, that he needed support and was on his way to investigate. Radio contact was lost immediately thereafter.

Below are the details of the case in a report drafted by researcher Quique Mario:

“After using his cellphone to contact a co-worker who was off, a spectacular search by elements of the law enforcement personnel from Regional Unit II under Inspector Roberto Ayala took place. From the early hours of the morning, the head of the police force, Commissioner Ricardo Badaux and the Minister of Safety, Interior and Justice, Dr. Juan Carlos Tierno, were on the scene.”


Day: 2 March 2006

Time: 21:30 approximately

Weather: Warm night with a storm approaching from the NW

Area description: A rural crossroads. Characteristics common to those of any other area, with the exception of a large cane field to the west. As a main characteristic, it has a considerable extension, being over 300 meters long with a width varying between 2 and 3 meters. The roads were passable and in good condition before the rainfall, which started at around one in the morning.

Area location: The place where the episode occurred is part of the rural area of the locality of Dorila, heading toward Maisonave to the east.

Characteristics of the protagonist: At the time, he was a 31-year-old man in good physical condition, working for the Cattle Rustling section of UR-II headquartered in General Pico. He identified himself as Sergio Pucheta, married, with a wife in the late stages of pregnancy. According to testimony collected on the site and from co-workers, he was a normal person with no apparent family issues, owner of a business (on-line) and no outstanding financial obligations. He is well-thought of by his superiors.

Details to bear in mind: The officer “saw” something that led him to unholster his sidearm, his two-way radio and drop the cellphone. The event fosters one of the hypotheses put forth from the beginning: pressured by an unknown situation, the witness made these moves mechanically. According to his story, he tried to get away from the place because they were following him “…they followed me all night…” he repeated insistently.

Young Pucheta was found on a rural road parallel to Provincial Route 1 by a farmer returning from the city of General Pico in an area identified by police as “The Triangle”. When we arrived at the site, the farmer was in the middle of the road, away from Pucheta, who rested in a fetal position on the western side of the road, in the direction of Quemú Quemú.

First contact was initiated by Commissioner Ayala, who attempted initial communication without an answer. I approached Pucheta from the right, I knelt to be at his same elevation and noticed that he did not change position and kept his extremities in a visibly rigid position, surely the result of considerable emotional shock.

I tried speaking to him to make him react. I told him that the chief of Regional II was beside him and the person speaking to him was there to help. Subsequently, I asked him to relax by means of a simple breathing exercise, urging him to inhale through his nose and exhale through his mouth. Gradually, Pucheta began to loosen up and I was able to examine his hands without finding any abnormalities. The same occurred with his head, although I couldn’t see his face. He said his eyes burned, keeping his face concealed.

When he stretched his lower extremities, he haltingly began to say: “they followed me all night”. When asked “by who?” he replied: “It was two of them…they had red eyes…”. When asked about his pursuers’ appearance, he said: “They looked transparent…and had red eyes…their eyes made my head hurt…they told me what they wanted me to do…they made me make a phone call…they told me they would come for me tonight…”

Asked about his sidearm, he said: “I don’t know”, a sentence he repeated when asked about his radio and cellphone. “…they followed me all night…” he repeated.

Having relaxed his body considerably, I asked him to stand up, and assisted by Commissioner Ayala, he stood up and began weeping next to his superior. I urged him to do so, in order to relieve his anguish. He concealed his face at all times. He asked to sit down and managed to do so with our assistance. He always kept his face covered with his forearms. Ayala asked him to lift his head, and he did so halfway, but without opening his eyes.

He insisted: “They had red eyes” and that “…they would come for him at night…” His condition was that of a person who had undergone a powerful emotional shock.

He further added that his fingers were burning, but no visible abnormalities were evident. He then said that his feet were burning, and was helped to remove his hiking boots and socks. The soles of his feet presented signs of having walked extensively, with blisters due to perspiration.

A doctor arrived by ambulance, telling him help was on the way, but firmly deciding to convey him directly to Centeno Hospital in General Pico.

We helped him get on the stretcher. He stood up, and covering his face at all times with his forearms, placed himself face down on the stretcher.

His arrival at the hospital prompted readiness in the emergency room. Three nurses assisted him in removing his clothing and Dr. Covella began a surface examination that yielded no abnormalities. I asked whether a sedative was in order, to which the doctor said no, since Pucheta said he was tired and wanted to sleep, leaving unanswered certain questions posed by the physician.

Dr. Covella confirmed that a full workup would be performed (blood and urine) and that he would remain under observation for at least 24 hours. It was ascertained that he had no physical injuries. Pucheta never returned to work again.

The Red Eyes

We are faced with a typology which, while not unknown, has a certain measure of aggressiveness given the aftereffects to the witness. Since the last years of the 1990s, cases had been recorded in the province with the same description: Red eyes. There were several cases in which eyewitnesses claimed seeing something for which “their red eyes” was all that could be described. Some compared them “as if they were two burning coals.”

[Translation © 2014, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Quique Mario, Julio Gonzalez, http://ift.tt/1l2Qwww and http://ift.tt/1uTZYJu]

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