30 jul 2017
Interesting UFO Triangle from Serbia
The triangular formation in the video is typical of such formations. It is not a triangular object, but a group of bright objects that form into a triangle, then wink out one by one.
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29 jul 2017
A Spectacular UFO Photo from the UK
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28 jul 2017
A New Crop Circle has Formed that Features Ancient Sacred Geometry
Metatron's Cube is a two-dimensional geometric figure composed of 13 equally-sized circles, arranged in a hexagonal pattern. Lines inscribed through key points the formation produce 2-D representations of the five three-dimensional Platonic solids: the tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, and isocohedron. This particular formation also incorporates 36 other circles, with their centers aligned around the circumference of the Star of David representation that the Metatron's Cube forms.
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La reducción de la contaminación puede perjudicar a un país a corto plazo
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
Reducir la contaminación puede perjudicar a un país a corto plazo
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
27 jul 2017
A Sprinkle of Seaweed can Eliminate Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Cattle
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Honduras: UFO Sightings On The Rise
Source: Planeta UFO (Argentina) and La Gente (Honduras)
Date: 07.16.2017
Honduras: UFO Sightings On The Rise
Tegucigalpa, Honduras -- Her sleep was disturbed by the parrot squawking at that time of the morning. Upon stepping out to the yard, she found the bird staring skyward and her amazement was indescribable as she witnessed a luminous object moving beside the sun. The object descended and its surroundings acquired an aqua-green intensity before it sped off to the north at a tremendous rate of speed.
The time was around 6:00 in the morning last Sunday. The singular vision shocked her out of her Sunday slumber, giving her enough time to reach for her smartphone and take three photos of the strange object as it moved in the heavens.
The first two photos showed a bright spot, but in the third, the object lit up in such a way that it made it clear that it had a force field. When it dashed off into the clear blue skies, "Sandrita" was sure that she'd seen an unidentified flying object (UFO).
Others in Honduras, much like "Sandrita" (who preferred to conceal her surname), and hundreds of others around the world are seeing from one to entire flotillas of objects, as well as the added shock of encountering one of their occupants or extraterrestrial beings.
The event has left the girl from a Comayaguela neighborhood full of questions after having photographed a UFO without meaning to do so. Many others worldwide are also wondering about the purpose or goals such craft might have.
Humanity has kept records of so-called extraterrestrial contact since the dawn of times. An increase in UFO sighting reports is occurring in every country on the planet, including Honduras.
[Translation (c) 2017, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J
Jeffrey Kripal: Authors of The Impossible
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26 jul 2017
June 2017 was only the Third Hottest June on Record -- But Don't Celebrate Yet!
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25 jul 2017
Observan anomalías cuánticas en el estado sólido de la física por primera vez
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
24 jul 2017
Jurassic Slow-Poke: The T-Rex May Not have been Able to Run at All
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Argentina: Spectacular Bolide Stuns Onlookers
Source: Planeta UFO
Date: 7.24.2017
Argentina: Spectacular Bolide Stuns Onlookers
An intensely bright light was seen in the heavens over many aprts of the country. Theories emerged and the we now have the answer. What was it?
The skies over Argentina were illuminated for a few seconds, startling people who were able to see it from various parts of the country. Was it a UFO, a shooting star? people wondered. But there was another solution.
"It was a space rock. A bolide. These are rocks larger than the palm of one's hand which disintegrate at high altitude as they enter our atmosphere," explained Jorge Coghlan, astronomer and boardmember of the Centro de Observadores del Espacio (Space Watch Center).
"Given that it was a larger rock, it can even light up the earth as it enters the atmosphere." the expert told the Cadena 3 web portal
[Translation (c) 2017 IHU with thanks to Guillermo Gimenez and Gira Buenos Aires [www.girabsas.com]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J
Arranca la construcción de un gran experimento para entender los neutrinos
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
Mapean en 3D el núcleo de una supernova
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Algunas imágenes del XII Festival aéreo de Gijón
Esta mañana, como ya viene siendo habitual en los últimos años, he asistido al Festival aéreo de Gijón (este año con más motivo si cabe, dado el tema de mi último libro, escrito junto a José Manuel Gil). Como siempre, he hecho un montón de fotos pero por falta de tiempo tardaré bastante en procesarlas. De momento, para no olvidar la tradición, he aquí algunas de las imágenes que tomé esta mañana, a modo de sencillo homenaje a todo el mundo de la aviación.
PC7 Team, entrenadores turbohélice Pilatus del equipo acrobático de la Fuerza Aérea Suiza.
PC7 Team.
“Superpuma” del Ejército suizo.
Una vista cercana del “Superpuma” del Ejército suizo.
Bücker Bü 131.
T-6 “Texan” de la Fundación Infante de Orleans.
Otra vista del T-6 “Texan” de la FIO.
EADS CASA CN-235/300 de Salvamento Marítimo.
Vista cercana del EADS CASA CN-235/300.
AgustaWestland AW139 de Salvamento Marítimo.
Vista cercana del AW139.
F-18 del Ejército español.
F-18 del Ejército español.
F-18 del Ejército español.
F-18 del Ejército español.
Bomberos de Asturias.
Avión acrobático Extra 200.
F-16 del Ejército belga.
F-16 del Ejército belga.
F-16 del Ejército belga.
Patrulla Águila.
Patrulla Águila.
Algunas imágenes del XII Festival aéreo de Gijón apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 23 Julio 2017.
via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1
21 jul 2017
TEPCO Plans on Dumping 777,000 tons of Contaminated Water into the Ocean
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Stories From a Life 15: An Encounter and a Hard, Powerful Lesson
As always, unique, a bit unnerving and completely fascinating!
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Infininte Awareness: A Neurologist Finds Her Soul
In this inspiring edition of Dreamland, she explains why she does not accept the mainstream belief among neuroscientists that the brain generates consciousness, but rather feels that consciousness is a much larger, older reality that lies outside of our bodies, in which we participate through the transceiver of the brain.
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Spain: Ministry of Defense Investigated at Least 8 UFO Cases in 70s-80s
Source: Planeta UFO and Alicante Press
Date: July 21, 2017
Spain: Ministry of Defense Investigated at Least 8 UFO Cases in 70s-80s
The Ministry of Defense was aware of at least eight strange phenomena in Alicante's airspace during the 1970s and 1980s. These cases were part of the Spanish Air Force's (Ejército del Aire) UFO Files. Today, 80 of those files, which include the events at Aitana, may be freely perused in the Ministry of Defense's website.
The first UFO incident linked to the Escuadron de Vigilancia Aérea (Air Surveillance Squadron, EVA) in Aitana was dated July 28, 1975. A number of non-commissioned officers witnessed an object performing a fly-over of the EVA military facilities at 05:30 hours. The report discloses that shortly before the sighting, the radar had picked up a 'motionless echo' over the sea.
On February 6, 1979 at 21:17 hours, EVA 5 picked up radar echoes over the sea. At that very same time, the fuel ship Tamames' witnessed 'multiple lights'. The Ejercito del Aire's report indicates this could have been a 'parachuting' exercise. A month later, on March 13, 1979, the Aitana Base's radar picked up an 'unknown echo' heading toward the Iberian Peninsula. The Defense Ministry then scrambled a Mirage III fighter out of the Manises Base to find out what was taking place in Spanish airspace. There would be another scramble months later, this time from the Los Llanos airbase in Albacete. Captain Fernando Cámara took off in his Mirage F1 searching for lights reported by the pilot of a TAE Airlines flight from Mallorca to Tenerife, seen over the city of Valencia. The date was November 11, 1979 and it would become known as the Manises Incident, the most significant one in Spanish ufology.
Another of Ministry of Defense file that has been digitized and is available for review concerns an incident that took place on April 26, 1986. An object was seen plummeting into the sea into the waters near Benidorm at 18:00 from the Sierra de Aitana's EVA 5 facility. The Guardia Civil (state police) was advised and the military did not pursue the investigation. The last UFO case recorded by the EVA 5 facility took place on July 26, 1986 when radar picked up an unknown echo on the Baleares-Cádiz route.
Among the declassified documents now available to the public we also find the letter written by a resident of Alicante on June 25, 1981 to the Spanish Air Force, advising it of a UFO sighting from the terrace at his place of residence. The citizen attached drawings of the alleged object to his letter, showing a boomerang-shaped object. Another of the Ejército del Aire's digitized files concerns the sighting of "strange phenomena" during Iberia Flight 435 from Palma to Madrid on February 25, 1969.
The story concerning these recently scanned documents begins in 1991, when the Ministry of Defense engaged in a document declassification process involving sightings of strange phenomena (the "UFO Files) with a view toward analyzing them and if necessary, to lower their classification level and make them available to the public. The declassification request was issued by Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, who had presented the report entitled "El fenómeno OVNI y el Ejército del Aire" to the Air Force high command. In 1992, the Intelligence Sector of the Mando Operativo Aéreo (Operational Air Command - MOA) kicked off the declassification process, a task entrusted to Lt. Col. Angel Bastida. A physical copy of the files was deposited with the Ejército del Aire's Central Library at the Madrid Headquarters, and it is the scanned version of this copy that is now freely available to the citizenry.
[Translation (c) 2017 Scott Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez and Alicante Press]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J
Spain: UFO Sighting in Alicante
Source: PLANETA UFO and Grupo Investigación Insólita
Date: 04/30/2017
Spain: UFO Sighting in Alicante
Spain's Grupo de Investigación Insólita has circulated photographs taken on 30 April 2017 by an unnamed witness. The text, written by "Miguel Angel" (no surname given) indicates the witness in question was asleep and upon waking, saw it was daylight. Looking through her bedroom window, she saw strange object "only a few meters away from her window". Reaching for her Canon camera, she took the following shots.
Our thanks to Guillermo Giménez and "Miguel Angel" for providing us these images!
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J
Australia Inhabited for at Least 65,000 Years, 20,000 Longer than Originally Assumed
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20 jul 2017
La Vía Láctea podría albergar 100.000 millones de enanas marrones
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
La atmósfera de los planetas de TRAPPIST-1 podría haber sido destruida
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Las atmósferas de los planetas de TRAPPIST-1 podrían haber sido destruidas
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
Amazing DNA Breakthrough Means Incredible Computers Ahead
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Bizarro Muppet Show
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Hoax-Hum...Yet Again
To read the full tweetstorm, click here.
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19 jul 2017
Astronomers find the Galaxy's Smallest Star
This itty-bitty sun may represent the smallest size that a star can be: to sustain the hydrogen fusion process that provides a star's energy, the gases within must be brought to a high pressure and temperature, meaning that there needs to be enough mass present in the star to provide these conditions.
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18 jul 2017
A New Study Underscores the Cognitive Ability of Ravens -- and raises the Question of Parallel Evolution in Intelligence
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17 jul 2017
Curiosidad a la luz de las velas
Joseph Wright de Derby concibió dos obras que me asombran desde que era pequeño. Cierto es que este pintor, que alumbró con sus juegos de luces y sombras las estampas del comienzo de la revolución industrial en Inglaterra, presentaba ciertos problemas técnicos en algunas de sus obras (o eso dicen los muy puristas de la pintura), pero eso nunca me ha importado lo más mínimo. Veamos, recuerdo que, cuando era niño, en uno de los volúmenes de una enciclopedia de Historia Universal, en concreto el dedicado a la Europa del siglo XVIII, aparecían a todo color, aunque un poco pequeñas, estas dos obras que hoy me ocupan. Con el tiempo pude tener dos láminas de ellas con el tamaño adecuado, pero la fascinación no hizo más que crecer al contemplarlas, pues los detalles y el juego de luces queda realmente impresionante cuando lo ves en grande.
Veamos, lo que me impresionaba por entonces de estas composiciones era la atmósfera. Aparecían niños, algo que me llamaba la atención, todo parecía emanar un ambiente de misterio y de descubrimiento, de curiosidad en definitiva. Y, realmente, eso era lo que había. Se trata de dos representaciones de veladas “científicas”, muy propias de la época y el lugar. Los aristócratas y burgueses eran muy dados a las demostraciones de la nueva ciencia, todo estaba por descubrir, un mundo lleno de posibilidades se encontraba ante ellos, y no les faltaba la razón. La luz, la electricidad, el aire, el vacío… todo era novedoso y había que descubrir qué se hallaba tras el velo de misterio de la realidad. Por eso, en medio de la pasión por el progreso industrial, las celebraciones de la ciencia a la luz de las velas se hicieron muy populares.
Veamos el primero de los ejemplos: Experimento con un pájaro en una bomba de aire (An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump), obra de Joseph Wright datada en 1768. Se trata de un óleo sobre lienzo que puede contemplarse hoy día en la National Gallery. La escena está llena de fuerza y fascinación. Wright realizó una serie de estudios similares, siempre en penumbra, iluminados por velas, que representaban lo que más le atraía: las demostraciones científicas. Era un apasionado de las nuevas industrias y de la ciencia y, por ello, quiso inmortalizarlo en sus obras. Le llamaron de todo, claro está, porque la temática chocó mucho a sus contemporáneos, y eso le hizo único, dado que apenas nadie quiso imitar ni el estilo ni las temáticas, que tanto se alejaban de lo convencional por entonces (pincha en la imagen para ver la obra en grande).
La genialidad de Wright, a pesar de las críticas por haber elegido temas poco “clásicos”, le ofreció fama al instante. No hay nada como llamar la atención, sobre todo si se hace de marea sublime, como es el caso. Ahí tenemos al proto-científico, mirando al espectador, ofreciendo una demostración de una campana de vacío, un ingenio a modo de bomba de aire en modelo basado en el de Robert Boyle. El pájaro cae ante la falta de aire, el vacío se hace presente y asombra a los presentes. En la Wikipedia hay un artículo muy amplio y bastante bueno sobre los detalles del cuatro y su técnica, por lo que no viene al caso repetir aquí esas cuestiones. Lo que quiero es invitar al lector a sentir la fascinación, la curiosidad, aquello que me llamó la atención de pequeño. Estamos ante la representación visual de toda una época, cuando todo estaba por descubrir. Tenemos ahí a los niños preocupados por el destino fatal del pájaro (quién sabe, igual abrieron la válvula antes de que pereciera la cacatúa, ave muy exótica para el lugar y la época). La luz de la Luna se cuela entre cortinas, quién sabe si como premonición de que lo sería la Sociedad Lunar de Birmingham. Lo dicho, invito al lector a olvidar estas letras y que pinche en la imagen, hay que ver el cuadro a pantalla completa, descubriendo las miradas, los detalles. Esta obra resume toda una época y un modo de ver el mundo.
Dos años antes, en 1766, Wright había creado una obra precursora de este estilo y temática. Invito igualmente a contemplar el cuadro titulado Un filósofo da una lección sobre el planetario de mesa (A Philosopher Lecturing on the Orrery), pinchando sobre la imagen para ver todo su esplendor. Este cuadro no me fascinaba de pequeño tanto como el anterior, pero hoy día me atrae incluso más, posiblemente por el tema astronómico, quién sabe. En todo caso, es otra obra maestra que resume toda una época. Merece la pena detenerse unos minutos ante estas dos geniales composiciones y contemplar su mundo interior.
Muchos años más tarde conocí otra obra que también me ha fascinado y es una de mis favoritas de la época, pero cuenta otro tipo de historia que dejo para otra ocasión…
“El alquimista descubriendo el fósforo”, o “El alquimista en busca de la piedra filosofal”, obra de Joseph Wright, 1771.
Curiosidad a la luz de las velas apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 17 Julio 2017.
via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1
15 jul 2017
A Proposal has been made to form a Space Corps for the United States Military
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14 jul 2017
Nuevo nanotransportador de moléculas biológicas
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
Bioplásticos con limoneno y sin bisfenol A
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Arranca el experimento ANAIS para buscar materia oscura bajo los Pirineos
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13 jul 2017
Antarctica's Larsen-C Ice Shelf has Calved Off the World's Third Largest Iceberg
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La NASA ofrece las mejores imágenes de la Gran Mancha Roja de Júpiter
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Local Villagers Witness Methane Explosions on the Siberian Tundra
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12 jul 2017
Los experimentos del LHC presentan sus nuevos resultados
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
Mexico: Strange Object in the Skies Over Puebla
Source: PLANETA UFO and El Sol de Mexico
Date: 07.12.2017
Mexico: Strange Object in the Skies Over Puebla
PUEBLA - A strange object was seen over ver Quecholac which has caused consternation among the locals, who claim it is a UFO.
A black circle appeared among the clouds, immediately attracting attention. However, an even larger shape appeared in the distance.
It was a cloudy afternoon in Quecholac, Puebla when the object was recorded. Its nature has not yet been determined.
VIDEO EMBEDDED AT: http://ift.tt/2sPmOG1
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J
Sea Level Rise -- and its Acceleration -- is Worse than we Thought
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11 jul 2017
Nuevo espaldarazo a la hipótesis del Planeta Nueve
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb
10 jul 2017
Argentina: The Saucers of July 1947
Argentina: The Saucers of July 1947
Luis Burgos has posted a newspaper item from that very first "summer of saucers" in 1947 that will be of interest to INEXPLICATA's readers.
The article appeared in the LA PLATA newspaper Saturday, July 12, 1947 on Page 5 with the headline: IRRADIANDO VIOLACEA LUZ APARECIO EL PLATO - a florid, passive voice way of saying: "The saucer appeared irradiating a violet light" followed by the subheading "La Plata Tiene la Primicia Sudamericana de Haber Observado Nítidamente el Fenómeno" (La Plata occupies the foremost place in South America in observing the phenomenon clearly).
It then goes on to say that before disappearing altogether, the object landed on an orange tree at the corner of 56th and 25th streets in the city of La Plata. "This quiet neighborhood has been shocked by the manifestation of an alleged 'flying saucer' over an orange tree. The phenomenon witnessed last night by a group of local residents gave rise to numerous conjectures, and with our innate sense of humor, also brought up a series of jokes which served to allay the disquiet. Last night's cold, the lack of coal, the lack of food and other matters of household necessity soon relegated the phenomenon to a secondary level. Nonetheless, its scientific importance is extraordinary.
The saucer's violet irradiation and its sudden disappearance 15 minutes after its initial manifestation represented a magic show on a winter night, enough to bundle a conjecture, as it was not easy to bundle up any other possibilities at zero degrees: We are living amid the infernal music of a century that will end up by saying that we are the result of a vulgar chemical formula!
The article goes on to discuss "saucers and cylinders in Europe", mentioning sightings over Milan, and "saucers and more saucers in Chile", stating that disc-shaped objects had flown over Santiago de Chile the previous evening at an altitude of a thousand meters (3200 feet) at speeds in excess of 1500 kilometers per hour (930 mph).
Mr. Burgos makes the following comment in his blog, http://ift.tt/2tGI55S:
The Birth of a New era - On June 24, 1947, when those nine flying objects looking more 'like boomerangs than saucers' crossed the path of Kenneth Arnold's private plane as he flew over Mount Rainier in Washington state, not even the best-known science fiction writer would have supposed that the world would witness Mankind's greatest technological enigma. Not even Nolan Skif, the journalist who coined the term FLYING SAUCER. The contemporary era of what we have come to know as the UFO phenomenon had been born. Since then, the news spread like wildfire throughout the world and days later the first saucers were being seen in South America. The first location visited was apparently San Pablo, Brazil, on the 8th of July, followed by our own sighting on the 10th and by Santiago de Chile the same night. Three days later, on Sunday the 13th, the phenomenon reappeared across the Andes, in Osorno. By that time, Roswell having occurred, there were even reports of a landing in the yard of a home in Hollywood, California, belonging to engineer Russell Long. It involved a smoking metal disk, similar to a tray measuring sixty five centimeters in diameter.
The Argentinean Flap - With the news of the La Plata 'flying saucer', other locations became the scene for a veritable 'mini-flap' of sightings, if we take into consideration the time, the population density and the delay in communication. In this order of business, the transit of unknown craft was reported through the month of July:
Tuesday the 15th in CAPITAL FEDERAL: Luminous object falls in Puerto Nuevo.
Friday the 18th in BALCARCE, Buenos Aires: A fleet of 7 objects flying in formation at 06:08 hs.
That same day in GENERAL ROCA, Rio Negro: 6 objects seen three hours later, in the rain.
Sunday the 20th in ESTACION ROCHA near OLAVARRIA: A zig-zagging disk at 17:00 hs.
Monday the 21st in TARTAGAL, Salta: Two objects exploded in mid-air with a thunderous report.
Tuesday the 22nd in ROSARIO, Santa Fe: Zig-zagging white object at 20:50 hs.
That same night in OCLAYAS, Jujuy: Saucer fleet fly-over.
Wednesday the 23rd in BAHIA BLANCA, Buenos Aires: Strange flying object at 21:00 hs.
That same night in CAPITAL FEDERAL: A mysterious luminous object seen at 22:30 hs.
Thursday the 24th in PEHUAJO, Buenos Aires: A bizarre object flying at low altitude in the evening.
That same night in BAHIA BLANCA: A fleet of 3 objects flying a straight line, making a whistling sound.
Saturday the 26th in MAR DEL PLATA: A luminous object over the sea at 21:30 hs.
Monday the 28th in SAN MARTIN, Mendoza: A strange light maneuvering at 07:45 hs.
These fourteen "post-Arnold" sightings throughout the month of July, reported in the press of the time, added to similar cases throughout the year, represented the FIRST ARGENTINEAN UFO WAVE which would repeat regularly ever three and four years in subsequent decades: 1947 – 1950 – 1954- 1958/59 – 1962- 1965- 1968- etc. according tour our exclusive UFO Database of 5500 cases from 1947 to the present.
The Night of July 10th - The fact of all this is that residents of La Plata's Vucetich Park (now San Martin Park) observed the maneuvers of a strange, spherical flying object that cold Thursday evening from the intersection of 25th and 56th streets. It put forth a reddish and purplish light for some fifteen minutes and even paused over an orange tree before heading westward. It is significant that the witnesses themselves dismissed the likelihood of the object having been a balloon, on account of its movements, or a fireball, on account of its duration. Some made light of the phenomenon while others could not conceal their amazement.
The naysaying facet of the phenomenon was also present, as tends to occur in these cases. The minute flying saucers were mentioned, Captain Guillermo Wallbrecher, director of the local observatory, was moved to say: "What was seen could be a device from some foreign power or if not, a mass hysteria event due to war tensions." Seventy years have gone by and nothing has changed. It wouldn't be at all unreasonable to suppose that many astronomers keep a photo of Captain Wallbrecher by their bedside tables.
[Translation (c) 2017 S. Corrales, IHU]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J
Argentina: A CE-2 in Derqui (1981)
Source: Planeta UFO and El Litoral (Argentina)
Date: 07.10.2017
An article by Francisco Villagrán
Argentina: A CE-2 in Derqui (1981)
The event took place in a community close to the capital, where the descent of a strange luminous object in a manioc field left the soil burned out and crystalized, burning a few plants as well. An amazing event that caused shock.
Tuesday, December 15, 1981 was an important date for ufology in Corrientes due to the fact that two events occurred which were of extreme importance to the study of UFOs and their implications. The first, involving this article, was the apparent landing of an unknown object that left marks on the ground. The second is the Meneses Incident, which shall be described at a later date.
In mid-1981, "something" landed around two or three in the morning on the property of a local smallholder, burning plants, leaving impressions in the soil, which was burned and crystallized due to possible high temperatures. El Litoral visited the location, alerted by rumors, to uncover the truth. It interviewed Sixto Barrios, 70, the owner of the property who said that only days earlier he and his family had seen strange lights flying around a wilderness near his home. He also added that two years earlier, an enormous object resembling a chunk of ice had crashed in the area, melting later on.
"It was around two or three in the morning," he guessed, "when the dogs started barking like mad, but I didn't pay much mind, as they quieted down shortly after. I turned over and fell asleep again. They started barking once more and I fell asleep. Had I known it was such an odd thing, I would have gotten up to take a look. The next day around four in the afternoon, my relatives were working the manioc field and found strange marks and some plants completely charred. The soil was still hot, even though 12 hours had gone by," he noted.
It was ascertained that some plants were burned and there were four large perforations in the ground, as if a very heavy object had landed on the spot. The impressions were asymmetrical and two meters from each other, at a depth of 30 centimeters, approximately. The soil around these perforations looked entirely burned out, vitrified, owing to the fact that the silica in the sand melts in this way when subjected to high temperatures.
Analyses performed in Buenos Aires by Fabio Zerpa's team proved that the soil must have been subjected to temperatures ranging between 1500 and 1600 degrees centigrade at the very least - startling and irrefutable proof that something strange had taken place there. There are similar incidents in our country (such as the Guernica Incident in Buenos Aires) and around the world where practically the same thing has occurred to the soil.
A major highlight: the high voltage wires from the Capital to the interior are some 500 meters from where the incident occurred, and the road joining Corrientes with Empedrado is some 350 meters distant. This is precisely one of the behavioral guidelines of the UFO phenomenon.
According to the evidence and eyewitness accounts, it is evident that "something" landed in Derqui, leaving prints, charred vegetation, some with broken stems, and the soil around the indentations was crystallized due to the high temperatures experienced. Unfortunately, there were no direct witnesses to the case, given the lateness of the hour. No one saw a thing. Only the dogs barked incessantly. These are undeniable signs that something occurred. The physical evidence in conclusive, the facts speak for themselves.
No one - not even with a blowtorch - could have melted the ground thus, or leave 30 inch marks on the ground, precluding the possibility that someone did this on purpose as could be suggested.
Furthermore, who would take the time to do this in the dark in an unknown field? For what reason? It is without question another incident involving evidence in Corrientes during a term of approximately 10 years, during which it was the location for important and shocking events.
Adding further significance to this event is the fact that on that same day, during siesta time, another case with spectacular characteristics took place in the vicinity: a driver was abducted, vehicle and all, and transported more than 100 kilometers from this initial location. This was the "Meneses Incident", which will occupy a special chapter in this column of El Litoral.
[Translation (c) 2017 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez and Francisco Villgrán]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J
Mexico: UFO Over Tijuana
Source: Planeta UFO and Veraz Informa (Baja California, Mexico)
Date: 07.09.2017
Mexico: UFO Over Tijuana
A video uploaded by Camus Galindo shows one of the "lights" falling from the sky before subsequently stopping. Shortly after, a second light appeared and both remained static, changing position a few seconds later before disappearing.
A reader identifying herself only as Adriana shared a picture of the lights taken around Altabrisa in Otay when they were static.
Here is the video uploaded by Camus so you can judge for yourselves.
VIDEO AT: http://ift.tt/2tZnSe5
[Translation (c) 2017 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J