30 jun 2017

Was Göbekli Tepe Home to a Neolithic Skull Cult?

Researchers studying the archaeological site at Göbekli Tepe have uncovered the remains of human skulls that have had long grooves deliberately carved into them. The carved skull fragments, belonging to three different individuals, are amongst the remains of hundreds of other skull remains found amongst the site's ancient T-shaped limestone monoliths, prompting the researchers to believe that Göbekli Tepe may have been home to one of the world's first skull cults.

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Losada, el relojero prodigioso

Versión para TecOb del artículo que publiqué en Historia de Iberia Vieja, edición de junio de 2017.

Cualquier visita turística a la capital británica debe incluir un paseo por las cercanías del Palacio de Westminster, donde se localiza el Parlamento del Reino Unido. Pero incluso si nunca se ha estado en Londres, prácticamente todo el mundo ha visto, ya fuere en televisión, revistas, periódicos o en Internet, la silueta del Parlamento, con su imponente torre adornada por cuatro relojes de gran tamaño, uno por cada lateral de la torre.

Esta especie de aguja que se eleva al cielo desde los pies del Támesis fue diseñada por Augustus Plugin y, aunque oficialmente  desde 2012 es conocida como Elizabeth Tower, en honor al Jubileo de diamante de la reina Isabel II, la anteriormente llamada simplemente Torre del reloj casi nunca fue llamada así. Casi todo el mundo, cuando se refiere a la célebre torre, menciona el término Big Ben, cuando realmente este sobrenombre debe aplicarse sólo a la gran campana, de aproximadamente 13 toneladas, que habita en su interior. El por qué fue llamada así la campana no queda claro, se comenta que, muy probablemente, tuviera algo que ver con Benjamín Hall, miembro del Palamento que ordenó la construcción de la Torre del reloj hacia 1856.

Bien, el caso es que estamos en Londres, unos años más tarde, con la mencionada torre todavía en construcción y el reloj que se convertiría en icono británico en montaje. El citado reloj había sido diseñado por el hombre de leyes, arquitecto y relojero Edmund Beckett Denison, y por quien fuera Astrónomo Real y director del observatorio de Cambridge, George Biddell Airy. La materialización de ese diseño se encargó a la prestigiosa casa de Edward John Dent. Lástima que el viejo Dent no vio su obra concluida, tomando el testigo su hijastro Frederick. Es en este punto en el que cierto relojero español aparece en escena, aunque de forma un tanto oscura. Veamos, con el viejo Dent fallecido hacía algunos años, los encargados de la puesta a punto del famoso reloj van finalizando, una a una, sus metódicas tareas. En julio de 1859 sonó por primera vez la campana Big Ben, la mayor de las instaladas en la torre, marcando la hora en punto. Dos meses antes habían comenzado las pruebas del reloj y, finalmente, ya en septiembre, los londinenses empezaron a escuchar el sonido de los cuartos de cada hora. Se cuenta que, en aquellas tareas, asistió como relojero cierto leonés que atendía al nombre de Losada y que había alcanzado fama con sus relojes que llevaban la firma J. R. Losada 105 Regent St. London. Curiosamente, la mayor parte de las fuentes que citan el hecho de que Losada ayudara en la puesta en marcha del reloj de la Torre son de procedencia española. Digamos que, del lado británico, es un tema que se toca muy de pasada, con lo que aparecen dudas sobre el alcance de la verdadera implicación de Losada en aquellas tareas, aunque parece fuera de sospecha la participación en sí. No es sino una más de las muchas nubes oscuras en la vida de Losada, del que se ha contado mucho, pero del que se desconoce casi todo.

De pastor a relojero de fama

Realmente, lo que se conoce de la vida del relojero Losada está muy fragmentado y repleto de lagunas de difícil solución. Su propio origen ha estado envuelto en errores y misterio durante más de un siglo. Hacia el verano de 2016 aparecieron en la prensa leonesa diversos artículos en los que se mencionan las investigaciones de un vecino del pueblo leonés Iruela, Francisco Cañueto, que venía luchando desde hacía más de quince años por esclarecer la identidad del relojero Losada. Poco a poco las cosas parecen ir cuadrando y, siguiendo lo recogido por varios estudiosos de Losada, como F. Javier A. Prada, podemos ir estableciendo un cuadro de los orígenes del personaje que nos ocupa.

José Rodríguez de Losada, hijo de Miguel Rodríguez de Losada y María Conejero, nació en Iruela el 8 de mayo de 1797. Eso al menos se decía hasta tiempos recientes pues, según Cañueto, Losada nació realmente en el mismo pueblo el 19 de marzo de 1801 bajo el nombre de José Manuel, “heredando” el nombre de José, del primogénito de la familia, que sí había nacido en 1797 y que había fallecido siendo muy pequeño.

Tras más de dos siglos, la memoria acerca de la niñez de José ha quedado desdibujada por varias leyendas. Hay un episodio, sin embargo, que parece mencionarse por doquier. Siendo un chaval muy joven, José da muestras de ingenio y de rebeldía, sabiendo que necesitará ampliar horizontes más allá de sus orígenes leoneses. Atendía al ganado familiar y, bien fuere por la pérdida de una valiosa pieza del rebaño, como se refiere en algunas historias, o por algún otro hecho oscuro, el joven decide huir. Reaparece al poco como aguador en Ponferrada (hay quien lo sitúa también en Puebla de Sanabria), lugar donde, gracias a su fascinación con un reloj público, llama la atención de un relojero local que le enseña el oficio. Bien, y eso es todo, porque el misterio comienza realmente aquí. José, siendo un aplicado aprendiz de relojero, decide alistarse en el ejército y poco más se supo de su vida hasta años más tarde, cuando aparece como afamado relojero en Londres. ¡Todo un salto para un pastor!

El Reloj de Gobernación y las uvas de nochebuena

Se cuenta que, cuando José Rodríguez de Losada fallece en Londres el 6 de marzo de 1870, se descubre un libro bajo su almohada titulado Una repetición de Losada. Se trata de un cuento escrito por José Zorrilla, amigo del relojero, cuyo título viene a cuento de lo famosos que eran por entonces los relojes Losada. Los relojes de repetición de bolsillo eran, por cierto, pequeñas joyas mecánicas con las que se podía conocer la hora a través de sonidos, tanto para las horas como para los minutos, en plena noche. Era algo muy útil en un tiempo en que no se contaba con luz eléctrica disponible y las esferas luminiscentes en los relojes todavía no habían aparecido.

El hecho de que Zorrilla dedicada a Losada un relato, es sólo uno de los detalles que nos indican hasta qué punto llegó su fama como relojero. Tan prodigioso fue el ascenso de Losada el olimpo de los relojeros de fama mundial que, en un artículo publicado en ABC por el prestigioso historiador del reloj Luís Montañés el 3 de junio de 1962, se preguntaba “José Rodríguez Losada, el del reloj de la puerta del Sol, ¿fue realmente relojero?”. El mencionado reloj, tan querido por los madrileños y españoles merece comentario aparte, pero antes cabe preguntarse, ¿a qué venían estas dudas?

Lo comentado por Montañés venía a cuento de la técnica de Losada. Para él, más que inventor habilidoso, había sido un “hombre de negocios que triunfa fuera de España, en la difícil Inglaterra. (…) Fue, además, un español que en ningún momento disimuló su nacionalidad y que se portó con su patria, en varias ocasiones, como un prócer”. Todo ello porque, ¿cómo se convierte un chaval pobre que apenas es pastor y aprendiz de relojero en un famoso y respetado artesano que deja una gran fortuna al morir? Se sabe que Losada, de quien Zorrilla que era un activo revolucionario en lo que a política se refiere, fue militar durante el periodo del Trienio Liberal. Y, como liberal convencido, y activo, debe exiliarse en Francia y, más tarde, termina viviendo en Londres. Se cuenta que allí reavivó su pasión por los relojes trabajando como ayudante en una afamada relojería y que, al poco, “casó con la viuda de un fabricante de relojes”, tal y como recuerda nuevamente Montañés en su artículo. Y he aquí, posiblemente, el origen de la fortuna de Losada. A partir de ese momento, con firma propia y establecimiento en Londres, el intrépido leonés comenzó a extender su red comercial por medio mundo.

Losada es recordado por Galdós en sus Episodios Nacionales como uno de los más conocidos exiliados de la persecución fernandina. En la trastienda en su negocio de Londres se reunían muchos compatriotas para dar vida a animadas tertulias. Con el paso de los años, el perfil político de Losada se va desdibujando para dar paso al respetado relojero y empresario. Regresa a la España de Isabel II en varios viajes de negocios, recibiendo encargos, entre otras instituciones, del Observatorio de la Armada, siendo muy recordados sus cronómetros marinos. Ahora bien, si por algo es recordado Losada es por el conocido como Reloj de Gobernación, que el relojero donó a Madrid en 1865, e inaugurado por Isabel II en su cumpleaños en 1866. Por ese nombre no dice mucho, ¿no es así? Sin embargo, todos conocemos esta obra de Losada: ¡Es el reloj de la Puerta del Sol! Y ahí sigue, viendo pasar el tiempo, trabajando sin descanso, sobre todo cada Nochebuena.

Obra de Losada fueron otros relojes públicos, como el de la catedral de Málaga, donado por Juan Larios, o el reloj-farola de Jerez, el de la catedral de Caracas en Venezuela, o los relojes que donó para el Observatorio de San Fernando o la Armada. Los relojes tipo saboneta, esto es, relojes de bolsillo con tapa de metal que se abren con un mecanismo de resorte, le dieron fama mundial, estando entre sus clientes la reina de España Isabel II. Ahora bien, como bien cita Montañés en su añejo artículo, Losada, como relojero establecido al otro lado del Canal de la Mancha: “…cierra la etapa final del predominio inglés en la relojería europea. Muy poco después del innegable éxito comercial de nuestro compatriota, que dio a sus productos prestigio y expansión poco comunes, Inglaterra dejó prácticamente de exportar; su producción industrial relojera bajó considerablemente. Tanto como ascendía la expansión suiza. Antes de finalizar el siglo XIX, el reloj suizo había conquistado plenamente, y sin sombra, el mercado europeo. En este sentido, puede decirse que Losada fue el último nombre de los grandes fabricantes ingleses de relojería.”

Losada, el relojero prodigioso apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 30 Junio 2017.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

29 jun 2017

The UK's MoD Releases (most of) Their 18 Remaining UFO Files

The UK's Ministry of Defence has released the majority of a series of 18 long-awaited UFO files to the National Archives, but have still withheld three of the documents. This release lacked a press announcement publicizing the event, and the files themselves aren't available online, as they have yet to be digitized, and are currently only available for mail order or viewing in person at the Archives. And the three files that are sill being withheld are prompting UFOlogists to question what the holdup is -- and what exactly are in the three missing files?

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Unusual Flashing Object Observed in Argentina

See video
Inexplicata, the Journal of Hispanic UFOlogy, reports that a flashing bright object was seen overhead in the Argentine town of Barrio el Carmen at noon on June 24. Video of the object is not detailed enough to determine whether or not the object is a piece of debris turning in the sun, but the reaction of residence suggest that what they were seeing had an extremely unusual appearance.

This is a probable unknown.

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Una bacteria retiene metales pesados y devuelve productos biotecnológicos

Investigadores de la Universidad de Jaén han comprobado que una bacteria del género Klebsiella se puede usar para eliminar metales pesados, como la plata, de las aguas residuales. Además, durante el proceso genera cloruruo de plata, un agente antimicrobiano que también es muy demandado por la industria biotecnológica por sus propiedades ópticas.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

28 jun 2017

The Environmental Protection Agency is Cutting Over 1,200 Jobs

News has surfaced that the Environmental Protection Agency is planning on cutting more than 1,200 jobs from the agency by September of this year, keeping in line with President Donald J. Trump's campaign pledge to dismantle the EPA. This news follows a proposed 31 percent cut to the agency's budget, and a government-wide hiring freeze affecting potential new employees.

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Hawaii Origins Roundtable

Wednesday June 28, 2017
Hawaii is as enchanted a land as you've heard. But why? Where did Hawaiians come from? And who are their gods? How does this nature culture view the things Westerners call "supernatural"?

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The Amazing Auracle Healing Cards

June 30, 2017

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A New Worldwide Ransomware Attack called "Petya" is Currently Underway

Organizations and corporations around the world were once again hit by a massive ransomware attack, in a manner similar to the WannaCry attack launched (and foiled) last May.

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26 jun 2017

(1974) Conroy Virtus, un monstruo volante para cargar con el transbordador espacial

Al ver en prensa cómo se presentaba en pasados días el imponente avión Stratolaunch (de Stratolaunch Systems Corporation), no pude menos que recordar cierto pariente que no llegó a ver la luz pero con el que guarda cierto parecido. El Stratolaunch, con unos imponentes 117 metros de enverdadura, está pensado para ser parte de un sistema de lanzamiento de vehículos orbitales en cierto modo similar al Pegasus pero a una escala mayor.

El caso es que, allá por 1974, se presentó el proyecto de un vehículo muy parecido en lo estético al que se llamó Conroy Virtus. El hombre detrás de aquella bestia de 140 metros de envergadura fue John Michael “Jack” Conroy, diseñador aeronáutico y empresario cuya compañía estuvo detrás de los sorprendentes cargueros Pregnant Guppy, Super Guppy, y Mini Guppy.

Representación visual del Conroy Virtus en vuelo. NASA, 1974.

El Conroy Virtus se pensó como carguero capaz de transportar el que iba a ser el nuevo vehículo espacial reutilizable de los Estados Unidos: el Transbordador espacial. Aunque el Conroy Virtus nunca llegó a construirse, cabe imaginar que hubiera sido algo increíble verlo volar. El diseño partía de la idea de reutilizar partes de aviones ya existentes para ahorrar costes. Así, se tomaban dos fuselajes procedentes de bombarderos B-52 Stratofortress como elementos principales. La NASA optó finalmente por utilizar una modificación del Boeing 747 para esa tarea.

(1974) Conroy Virtus, un monstruo volante para cargar con el transbordador espacial apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 26 Junio 2017.

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Argentina: Unknown Flashing Object Astonishes Onlookers

Source: La Gaceta (Salta) and Planeta UFO
Date: 06.25.2017

Argentina: Unknown Flashing Object Astonishes Onlookers

Something out of the ordinary startled residents of Barrio El Carmen yesterday at noon.

It sparkled and moved, but it was unknown to those looking at it. Local residents were astounded by the object that appeared in the skies of Salta at noon yesterday.

In Barrio El Carmen, anyone looking up at that time would have been surprised to see an unusual shiny object. Some locals who beheld the circular shining object spoke with La Gaceta about the unanswered riddle: what could it have been?

"We were unable to identify the object," says one local in the video. "It was silvery and flashing, and it let us to belive it was a UFO reflecting sunlight."

"It was like a spinning sphere," says another, "giving off a light, an incandescence. My brother phoned me to tell me about it, but I didn't see it until he told me exactly where to look. I was able to locate it and see it."

VIDEO AT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6s3BLIRgNI

[Translation (c) 2017, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Argentina: Alleged UFO Over Quequén

Source: Planeta UFO
Date: 06.26.2017

Argentina: Alleged UFO Over Quequén

Guillermo Giménez writes: "Today I received a message from Dolores Bernskov telling me '...that while she was writing in a WhatsApp group, I turned on the cellphone camera to show them what the weather was like. When I looked up, cellphone in hand, I saw this before my eyes. I pressed the button. The first thing I did was check the time - 8:56 a.m. on 25 June. [The object] was located over 521 corner with 554 in Quequén, bordering Necochea (Buenos Aires). It had staggered motion and vanished in the clouds. I was using a Samsung phone. This was about two blocks from where I live. They appeared to be high up. They suddenly zig-zagged and lost themselves in the clouds. It all happened very quickly.'

"It should be noted," Giménez continues, "that this would not be a meteorite, as these objects do not engage in zig-zag movements, nor is space junk, for the same reason, and cannot be an airplane. Therefore: What is it we are seeing in the picture? Two strange lights suspended in the air, playing with each other before vanishing? For the time being we are identifying these objects as UFOs in the strict sense of the term - unidentified flying objects captured by this resident of Necochea, a sighting that in her own words, 'gave me chills'.

Unidentified objects are visiting Argentina's Atlantic Coast once more.

[Translation (c) 2017, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO. Photo credit: Dolores Bernskov]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Argentina: ICOU's UFO "Time Capsule"

Argentina: ICOU's UFO "Time Capsule"

As we approach the anniversary of the Kenneth Arnold sighting in 1947 and the alleged crash at Roswell that same year, UFO research can be faulted for paying excessive attention to the past and sparing little thought for what is yet to come.

Argentina's ICOU group has taken a step in the right direction by placing photographic evidence, videos, and a variety of material aimed a posterity within a time capsule to be opened in the year 2117, when the mystery of UFOs will have either been solved or still bedevil humanity.

The message to coming generations was placed in the community of Máximo Paz, Department of Constitución, Province of Santa Fe.

The initiative was spearheaded by Luis Burgos of the Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía (FAO) who is also a founding member of ICOU. In an interview with Más Allá del Misterio, he reminded readers that Argentina also played a significant role during the summer of 1947, when the presence of a "mysterious red ball" was seen flying over San Martín Park in the city of La Plata on July 10 that year.

In the same interview, Burgos stated that "not all UFOs are alien" and was confident that "the mystery will be solved someday, although estimating a possible date for such an occurrence is flippant."

This nocturnal photo shows the time capsule at its resting place in the city of La Plata. Sleep tight, time traveler:

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

23 jun 2017

An Extraordinary Object Photographed in Canada

This object was photographed on June 17 at about 7:45 PM in Oshawa, Ontario. "It came out of nowhere" said wildlife photographer Ken Rice. It was visible for a short time, during which Rice managed to take two clear shots with his camera. He has been unable to identify it, and that goes for our photographic experts, too. It's not a computer graphic and if Mr. Rice's description of its speed of movement is correct, it isn't a balloon, either. This leaves "unidentified flying object" but don't assume that your Out There editor has concluded from this that aliens are now speeding around in giant pies.

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New Solar-Powered Paint can Produce Hydrogen as a Clean Energy Source

In science's quest to develop less polluting sources of energy, hydrogen gas has often been used as an example as a potential replacement for fossil fuels: aside from being the most abundant substance in the universe, it is also the most combustible natural substance known, and only produces pure water when burned with oxygen. Unfortunately, the chemical instability of its gaseous form means that storing it is inherently hazardous, and the extraction of the gas from hydrogen's more stable forms, such as water or petroleum products, can be highly energy inefficient, or produce a disproportionate amount of waste pollutants.

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El audífono de Einstein

Esquema de una de las patentes de refrigerador de Einstein y Leó Szilárd.

Albert Einstein es asociado, sin duda alguna, con la física teórica. Sin embargo, es menos conocido que alrededor de cincuenta patentes de diversos países llevan su nombre, por lo general en colaboración con amigos. Hace ya más de una década que publiqué un artículo acerca de los refrigeradores que Einstein inventó junto al físico Leó Szilárd.

Albert, como es bien conocido, trabajó entre 1902 y 1909 junto con su amigo el ingeniero Michele Besso en la Oficina Federal de Patentes de Berna, en Suiza. Aquella experiencia como examinador de patentes le sirvió en 1915 para ser llamado como perito experto en un litigio judicial en el que se dirimía si una empresa estadounidense estaba infringiendo los derechos de patente de un inventor alemán sobre un tipo de girocompás.

Esquema de la patente de Gustav Bucky y Einstein sobre una cámara ajustable a la luz ambiental.

Las incursiones de Einstein en el terreno de la ingeniería fueron más allá de su labor pericial y de las patentes sobre refrigeradores. Todavía en su estancia en Berna, en las animadas tertulias de la efímera “Academia Olimpia”, Albert inventó junto con varios de sus amigos cierto voltímetro pensado para medir diferencias de potencial muy pequeñas. El aparato no fue patentado, pero sí difundida su existencia en un artículo y comercializado de manera limitada. Muchos años más tarde, en 1935, Einstein patenta, junto con el radiólogo Gustav Bucky, un mecanismo que permitiría a las cámaras fotográficas gozar de un diafragma de ajuste automático ante las condiciones de luz gracias al uso de una célula fotoeléctrica. Por cierto, Bucky también fue compañero de otras aventuras, como la del diseño de prendas de vestir resistentes al agua).

Ahora bien, lo que quiero resaltar hoy en estas letras fue otra patente, la de un “audífono” que guarda una historia curiosa. En esta ocasión el compañero de aventuras fue el ingeniero Rudolf Goldschmidt, reconocido en su tiempo por sus diseños de generadores que eran empleados en potentes estaciones de radio, así como por sus muchos inventos en el campo de la radiodifusión, como la rueda tonal. Goldschmidt dirigió un laboratorio de investigación en Berlín, lugar que era frecuentado por Einstein dada su amistad con el ingeniero. De su colaboración surgió una patente común sobre un audífono (originalmente estaban trabajando ya sobre la idea de crear micrófonos magnetostrictivos), que vio la luz en 1934 tras varios años de estudios. La necesidad del invento había surgido porque cierta cantante, Olga Eisner, otra amistad de Albert, comenzaba a padecer de sordera. Aquello conmovió a Einstein, quien propuso a Goldschmidt construir un audífono avanzado. El modelo final (patente alemana 590.783PDF) estaba constituido por una fina lámina metálica colocada sobre la porción mastoidea del hueso temporal, bajo la piel. Esta lámina vibraría por magnetostricción en presencia del campo magnético generado por un electroimán externo, que haría las veces de generador de impulsos. Aunque en principio no tuvo recorrido comercial, este audífono fue la semilla en la que Goldschmidt se inspiró para lograr modelos prácticos de audífono años más tarde.

Gráficos de la patente del micrófono magnetostrictivo ideado por Einstein y Goldschmidt.

Lecturas adicionales:
The Practical Einstein: Experiments, Patents, Inventions. József Illy.
Albert Einstein’s patents. Matthew Trainer.
Museo virtual de la OEPM – Albert Einstein

El audífono de Einstein apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 23 Junio 2017.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

22 jun 2017


An alleged Defense Intelligence Agency UFO briefing document has been leaked to the host of the late-night talk radio program Midnight in the Desert, Heather Wade. Wade reported her receipt of the document on June 13, 2017, from two retired military personnel that she is familiar with, although she says she plans to keep their identities a secret. Although the authenticity of the documents have yet to be verified, at least one U.S. Navy analyst has already cast doubt on the legitimacy of the papers.

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Whitley's Eerie May 7 Missing TIme Expeirence

On May 7, Whitley Strieber had a missing time experience in the middle of the Los Angeles airport. It was the first such experience he has ever had that was so overt and undeniable. On June 15, he explored it further with Laurie MacDonald, and here he reports both on the experience itself and his surprising findings.

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The MJ-12 Documents and a Creepy Possibility

Heather Wade at Midnight in the Desert recently received from what she described as a trusted source a document that is allegedly an MJ-12 report on the Aztec UFO  crash of 1947. While

the document is stamped with classification notices, its release was probably not illegal as it is more than 30 years old and does not appear to discuss matters of national security

importance as defined under the National Security Act.

What it does discuss is this crash and an interview with an individual who was said to have lived through it, assumed to be an alien. While he or she isn’t described in detail, the

individual speaks good English and even has a rather sardonic sense of humor.'

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Resuelto el misterio de las espículas del Sol

Desde hace más de un siglo se observan gigantescos chorros de plasma saliendo disparados de la superficie del Sol: las espículas. Ahora un equipo internacional de astrofísicos, liderado por un español, ha descubierto que se forman por las interacciones entre los campos magnéticos y el gas parcialmente ionizado de la atmósfera solar. Las observaciones de un telescopio de Canarias, otro de la NASA y avanzadas simulaciones por ordenador han permitido el hallazgo.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

The Riddle of Teleportation

The Riddle of Teleportation
By Scott Corrales - © 2017 Inexplicata

An interesting news item passed unnoticed among the never-ending news about terrorism, celebrity outrage or virtue-signaling. A Chinese satellite, the Micius, broke the 100 kilometer quantum teleportation record set two years ago.

Micius - launched in 2016 as part of the QUESS program - was designed as an initial step at establishing a "global quantum communication network", sending photons at a distance of 1200 kilometers. A small step for a satellite, a giant leap for a new era in communications.

But the concept of "teleportation" evokes unfortunate memories, such as the haunting 1950's film The Fly and the hideous commingling of scientist and insect. Even Star Trek's transporter room - one of the crown jewels of that beloved franchise - wasn't free of awful moments, such as the transporter accident in Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) early on in the feature. Fantasy has taught us that moving objects through space, and sometimes through time, is fraught with peril. Random teleportation is even more frightening: who would want to take a casual step forward on a city street, a country field, or in the safety of a school or office building, only to find themselves transported to a remote jungle, desert or the middle of the ocean? Suddenly appearing in medieval times wouldn't be a picnic, either. In an earlier article on the subject of bizarre relocations in space, we mentioned Isaac Asimov's "Pebble in the Sky", whose protagonist, Joseph Schwartz, suddenly finds himself on a future planet Earth where people are condemned to die at the age of sixty. The retired tailor avoids "stepping over a Raggedy Ann" doll to find himself in an empty field, looking nowhere like his native Chicago.

In more recent times, the U.S. Air Force has commissioned the Teleportation Research Study (AFRL-PR-ED-TR-2003-0034) that includes a very interesting paragraph. "Very early investigations of, and experiments on, p-Teleportation occurred during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Many cases that were studied, and the experiments that were performed, were undoubtedly due to fraud, and few experiments have occurred under controlled conditions during that period [...] Psychics Uri Geller (1975) and Ray Stanford (1974) claimed to have been teleported on several occasions. Most claimed instances of human teleportation of the body from one place to another have been unwitnessed. There are also a small number of credible reports of individuals who reported being teleported to/from UFOs during a UFO close encounter, which were scientifically investigated (Vallée, 1988, 1990, 1997). But a larger number of such reports are anecdotal, whereby the witness data tends to be unreliable." It is nonetheless fascinating to look back at some of these early accounts of teleportation.

The Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology gives us the intriguing case of Ofelia Corrales (no relation) and her siblings, who were seen to suddenly vanish from the living room of their early 20th century home in San Jose, Costa Rica only to reappear in the back yard. To their delight, without a scrap of fear, they were returned to the living room in the same manner. The bizarre claims were investigated by law professor Alberto Brenes, who wrote that children had been placed the greenhouse as part of a test. A loud report was heard, and when the living room doors were unlocked, they found the youngsters, whose ages ranged from seven to ten - standing single-file inside, laughing and discussing the experience. When Brenes asked them the manner in which they had been spirited away, the children described feeling a kind of "pressure under their arms" and then finding themselves in the place to which they had been taken. "Spirits" were deemed to be responsible for this activity, and researchers interacted with them.

These were the years of spiritualism and the investigation of forces unseen to humans, conducted earnestly by persons of unimpeachable reputation. Frauds were unmasked, as could be expected, but other cases presented a challenge, such as the 1901 case involving Italy's Pansini family, where the teleportation phenomenon appeared to center around their son Alfredo. The youngster was possessed by "angelic forces" who instilled with mediumistic abilities and the less desirable attribute of being able to vanish suddenly from his home in Ruvo di Puglia, reappearing elsewhere in the town or in adjacent communities - in one instance, the boy found himself aboard a fishing vessel at sea. The case was the subject of research by Dr. Joseph Lapponi, a physician with ties to the Vatican, who included it in his book L'Hypnotisme et le spiritisme, étude médico-critique (Perrin, 1907). Teleportation bedeviled not only poor Alfredo, but his sibling as well. "Very often in a few minutes and in various ways, writes Lapponi, "the boys have found themselves successively at Biscelglie, Giovinazzo, Mariotta, and Terlizzi, from whence they returned to Ruvo either by the help of friends of the family or the public Authorities. One day the two boys were in the Piazza di Ruvo at 1:35 in the afternoon and at 1:45 were at Trani, before the door of the house of one of their uncles, Signor Girolamo Maggiore." The author adds: "It was concluded to useless to fight against the supernatural forces" and the boys were allowed to remain paranormal shuttlecocks, at the mercy of the unknown "angels." (The reader will allow a brief note at this point - the Alfredo Pansini of this disturbing paranormal case is not the Alfredo Panzini who went on to write the screenplay for the 1926 version of The Last Days of Pompeii, and who was a distinguished lexicographer as well).

Spanish researcher Marcelino Requejo looked into a high-strangeness event that took place in Galicia, Spain’s northwestern corner. On May 7, 2007, Juan M.L. and Bernardo D.G. became the protagonists of a bizarre incident in the vicinity of Lugo. The events took place around 15:00 hours as they traveled in their car toward a saw mill located near the city. Apparently they were barely one kilometer from their destination at a location known as Piugos da Pena, and had just left behind a well-known automotive dealership, when the witnesses noticed a dense fog that appeared to emerge from their vehicle.

They pulled over on the shoulder to see what was going on. The smoke vanished. Only seconds after continuing their journey, they realized that they were in a completely different location from the one they had been before.

"We had no idea where we were," said Juan. "We were only meters away from the sawmill and we suddenly found ourselves next to a road sign that read: "Santa Eulalia de Bóveda". So, completely astonished, we decided to continue driving to Santa Eulalia to see if we could get to the saw mill from there."

In the wink of an eye, they had traversed the 6 kilometers that separate the environs of the saw mill and the detour to Santa Eulalia de Bóveda. While they looked for the way back, both men witnessed an odd phenomenon: the Sun appeared to be right in the middle of a gigantic, smoky triangle.

Aside from the notorious “Vidal Case” and its fictional trappings, one of the most interesting teleportation experiences on record is that of Carlos Acevedo and Miguel Angel Moya which occurred in Argentina in 1978. Both men were participating in the first stage of the Rally de America del Sur, an event involving a number of drivers and sponsored by major organizations. Much like the better known Paris-Dakar competition, the rally sought to test the limits of both man and machine by asking drivers to go from the Venezuelan capital, Caracas, to Buenos Aires.
By the time Acevedo’s vehicle – a Citroen GS – reached the Andean resort city of Bariloche, he had lost his co-pilot, Hugo Prambs, and replaced him with Miguel Angel Moya. During the last leg of the rally, the drivers stopped for fuel in Viedma, Province of Rio Negro, and much needed coffee. At 2 o’clock in the morning on September 23rd, the race car was on the road again, heading toward Bahía Blanca (notorious in UFO and teleportation chronicles). At around 3 in the morning, Acevedo and Moya had reached the salt flats located to the north of Carmen de Patagones with Acevedo at the wheel.

They were about to enter the pages of the history of the unknown.

An overwhelmingly bright light became visible in the car’s rear view mirror. It was subsequently described as a “dense yellow light” which appeared at first as small dot, yet increased in size at it approached.

The Citroen’s crew was not in the least bit alarmed, thinking the light represented the headlights of one of the other vehicles involved in the rally. Acevedo slowed down and moved over to the shoulder to allow the competitor to “pass”. The light had other intentions.

According to the driver, the passenger compartment was bathed in light, blinding the occupants. Acevedo felt he had lost control of the Citroen, which was now six feet above the ground. In a split second of confusion, the driver thought the vehicle must have hit a bump on the road and become airborne, waiting for the inevitable crash as the car hit the paved road again. But the car kept rising into the air.

In subsequent interviews, the racer would say that it took him a number of seconds to realize he was caught in an abnormal situation, unable to see his dashboard or even the car’s hood on account of the dense yellow light with a “slightly violet cast” to it. Turning to his co-pilot, he was stunned to see that Moya was “no longer there” or had become invisible.
Moya, on his part, would later say that Acevedo looked rigid, with outstretched arms clutching the steering wheel, staring straight ahead. The driver appeared to be screaming, but nothing was coming out. The overpowering yellow fog had them in its clutches, causing enough fear in the co-pilot that Moya thought to bail, reaching for the car door handle. The door appeared to be welded shut as the temperature inside the passenger compartment increased. “Suddenly,” he told interviewers, “the light enveloped everything and I could see nothing whatsoever. I don’t think I could even see my own hands.”

There was a shudder and Acevedo realized the car was on the road surface once more. The light dimmed and normal visibility was restored as the “object” – a cone of yellowish light – departed in a westward direction. Driver and co-pilot exchanged stunned looks, remaining silent. What unknown force had overtaken their car, and what was it after?
Realizing that his first duty was to the car, Acevedo stepped outside to inspect the vehicle before getting back in and resuming the drive. Upon reaching a filling station in the town of Pedro Luro, north of Carmen de Patagones, they had a shocking realization: the distance between these communities was seventy-eight miles (127 km) and the odometer showed they had only covered thirty-two miles (52 km). However, the clock showed that it had taken them a little under two and half hours to cover a journey that should have taken an hour and fifteen minutes. Worse yet: the Citroen’s fuel tank – filled to capacity during their stop in Viedma – was now completely empty.

An article appeared at www.Hoy.com in 2010 featuring corroborating testimony by two other drivers:

“Race car drivers Edmundo Carvajal and German-born Lothar Ranft were the only Ecuadoran team to participate in the Rally Sudamericano held in September 1978.

“Carvajal and Ranft finished the race, which was an accomplishment in itself for an unserviced vehicle. But aside from participating in the race, both shared an experience involving an alleged UFO witnessed by a pair of Chilean drivers. The unusual situation took place in the penultimate lap of the Rally, organized by the Automovil Club de Argentina.

“We were leaving the Comodoro Rivadavia to Bahía Blanca leg,” explains the former tricolor driver, stating that the incident occurred during a normal stage of the competition. “A Citroen vehicle belonging to a Chilean businessman by the surname of Acevedo passed us before a curve, and this was followed by a very long straight segment, typical of the Pampas, some 80 to 100 kilometers long. I never saw him again after the curve. This drew our attention, because the vehicle wasn’t going that fast, to point that we couldn’t even see its lights.”

“In the early morning hours, Carvajal and Ranft reached a filling station. They found Carlos Acevedo standing outside his car; co-pilot Miguel Angel Moya sitting inside, and many people surrounding them.

“When we got there, we asked them what had happened, because we noticed they were extremely nervous. He told us that after the long straight segment, they saw a very bright light come up behind them; they thought it was one of the Mercedes Benz units that were winning the rally. They were about to pull aside to allow them to pass, but the light became more intense and didn’t pass them by – it placed itself above them.”

“The light lifted our car,” Acevedo allegedly told Carvajal.

“The light carried the car through the air for a few seconds, and at the end, they were deposited without a drop of gasoline in their tank near a filling station. Acevedo recovered from the fright, but his co-pilot was pale and in shock.

“Skeptically, Carvajal noted that “it could have been a well-contrived ruse” but three things impressed him: “[Acevedo and Moya] arrived at the filling station nearly an hour and fifteen minutes before we did. This means an average speed of 4000 kilometers per hour. This was confirmed, because they took time to report the case to the local police. Their odometer showed that the vehicle had covered less than 70 kilometers. Add to that the co-pilot’s state of shock. One can make up stories, but it must be very hard to get into such a state on purpose.”

“Once they reached Buenos Aires, the drivers of the Rally Sudamericano received their awards from Juan Manuel Fangio, the five-time World Formula One champion. There was a celebration later that evening. “We were in a group of friends talking to Acevedo. A lady approached and jokingly asked why they had made up the story about the UFO. They became annoyed with this person and decided to leave the party. Acevedo said that he was a serious businessman in his country and that discussing his experience could be harmful. But what they had experienced was indeed true.” (INEXPLICATA, March 10, 2010).

Interest in abrupt teleportation was rekindled in 2017 as a result of news stories concerning the “Hermandarias Event” – an incident during which a teenager vanished within his own home, only to reappear miles away at a taxi stand, having contacted his worried relatives from that location.

The incident occurred on Monday, 22 May, around 22:30 hours in the small and pleasant town of Hernandarias, Province of Entre Rios, Argentina. The situation: a family gathered together for dinner. A 13-year-old had been sent to another part of the property to fetch certain items. An adult gave him a hand in opening a door that presented certain difficulties and was in fact stuck, causing the boy to be delayed. The man struggled with the stuck door for two or three minutes, and upon turning around to look, he noticed that the teen was no longer there. Supposing he'd returned to the rest of the family, the man did the same. Confusion reigned: no one had seen the boy.

Concerned, they took to the street as a group to find him, something that took the family less than ten minutes to accomplish when a cellphone rang. It was the teenager, saying he had no idea how he suddenly found himself at a "taxi stand". He described the location. Meanwhile, the police - which had already been alerted - identified the location and went to collect him. The youth did not understand what had happened. All he knows is that he was standing behind he was "blinded by a powerful light" and heard "a snapping noise", finding himself next at the place where he was ultimately found.

Researcher Gustavo Fernández – whose investigative team has been granted exclusive access to the family – describes the main experiencer, identified only as “R.”, as a quiet, introverted fellow who interacts with a limited number of relatives and acquaintances, never leaving his home unless escorted by a family member, hardly the type of fellow who would pull a prank. Fernandez also dismissed suggestions that the experiencer “had run at top speed” from his home to the taxi stand in order to stage the deception.

“No satisfactory theory exists to explain the mechanism of such events,” wrote Stuart Gordon in his compilation The Paranormal-An Illustrated Encyclopedia (London: Headline, 1992). “If indeed it is possible to take apart the billions of constituent atoms in any one body, then somehow transport them, or the information as to their organisation, to a distant point, there to reassemble them exactly in their former arrangement, this is a science unknown…or forgotten.”

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Nuevos nanomateriales con aplicaciones biológicas y ambientales

Un equipo hispano-hindú de investigadores ha comprobado que algunos nanomateriales basados en óxido de titanio 'dopado' con zinc ayudan en dos ámbitos muy diferentes: la formación de vasos sanguíneos en modelos animales y la descontaminación de aguas. Entre sus posibles aplicaciones figuran la regeneración de tejidos dañados por lesiones cardiovasculares y la limpieza de las aguas residuales de las industrias textiles.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Nuevos nanomateriales con aplicaciones biológicas y ambientales avanzadas

Un equipo hispano-hindú de investigadores ha comprobado que algunos nanomateriales basados en óxido de titanio modificado ayudan en dos ámbitos diferentes: la formación de vasos sanguíneos en modelos animales y la descontaminación de aguas. Entre sus posibles aplicaciones figuran la regeneración de tejidos dañados por lesiones cardiovasculares y la limpieza de las aguas residuales de las industrias textiles.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Nuevo método para sintetizar moléculas complejas

Investigadores de la Universidad del País Vasco han realizado modelos computacionales para entender y mejorar procesos de síntesis química. En concreto, aplicados a un nuevo modelo experimental desarrollado en la Universidad de Zürich para sintetizar moléculas cíclicas complejas de una manera muy eficiente.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

21 jun 2017

Antarctica's Largest Ice Shelf Suffered a Texas-Sized Surface Melt Event

Over the summer of 2016 in the southern hemisphere, the world's largest ice shelf, Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf, suffered a massive surface melt event that covered an area larger than the state of Texas, with the meltwater pooling in some areas for over two weeks.

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UFO Disclosure and the Close Encounter WItness

June 23, 2017
As we move closer to UFO disclosure, it's time for close encounter witnesses to start thinking about the role we're going to play in the process.  The public is going to be led to believe that aliens are here from another planet and that there is a relationship between them and our government. But is this really true, or is it a story designed to make sure that official control is maintained, and that the public and the media continue to look to official sources for guidance?

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The Key Revisited

Wednesday June 21, 2017

Much has been made of Whitley Strieber's book-that-won't-quit, The Key that brings to mind 2 simple questions: How do we discern an experiencer's truthfulness when they bring forth extraordinary claims with no direct evidence? And, What are our motives in asking?

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Luz verde para PLATO, la misión que buscará exotierras habitables

La Agencia Espacial Europea ha aprobado la construcción de la misión Tránsitos planetarios y oscilaciones estelares (PLATO), que liderará la búsqueda de exoplanetas potencialmente habitables. El Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, el Centro de Astrobiología y el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias participan en el proyecto.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

19 jun 2017

China's Quantum Satellite Transmits Entangled Photons to Earth

An ambitious quantum entanglement experiment launched aboard China's Quantum Science Experiment Satellite last year has proven to be a success, having successfully transmitted pairs of entangled photons to two facilities on the ground 750 miles apart. The success of this experiment means that the quantum-based encryption of long-distance transmitted information will be possible using satellites of this nature.

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Un sistema catalítico permite obtener nuevas moléculas de interés industrial

Un equipo de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid ha desarrollado un nuevo sistema catalítico capaz de modificar la reactividad de moléculas orgánicas complejas. El método es compatible con la química sostenible y puede ser clave en distintos sectores industriales.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

España acoge la mayor conferencia mundial sobre simulaciones numéricas en física de partículas

Esta semana se celebra por primera vez en España la conferencia mundial sobre simulaciones numéricas en física de partículas: Lattice 2017, que reunirá en Granada a expertos como Ignacio Cirac y Giorgio Parisi para avanzar en la comprensión de las interacciones que mantienen la estructura de protones y neutrones. En Física, la teoría de las interacciones fuertes presentan una gran complejidad y se estudia con simulaciones numéricas, que representan el espacio y tiempo como una red o retículo cristalino, denominado lattice en inglés.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

16 jun 2017

A Global Warming Study has been Postponed due to the Effects of Climate Change

A $17 million expedition aimed at studying the effects of climate change in Canada's Hudson Bay has been postponed due to complications brought about by climate change itself. An unusually heavy southward flow of surface ice from the Arctic has blocked the safe passage of the Canadian Research Icebreaker CCGS Amundsen, on the first leg of her mission to ferry 40 scientists participating in the Hudson Bay System Study (BaySys).

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These Dimensions go up to Eleven: Neuroscientists Discover Multi-Dimensional Structures in the Brain

A team of neuroscientists studying the mathematical layout of the human brain has discovered that the brain arranges itself in multidimensional structures beyond the typical three dimensions we're familiar with, with some arrangements expressing themselves in up to eleven dimensions.

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15 jun 2017

Dos partículas separadas 1200 km se entrelazan de forma cuántica

Científicos chinos han conseguido transmitir fotones entrelazados desde un satélite a tres estaciones en Tierra, donde las partículas seguían manteniendo una relación cuántica a pesar de estar alejadas más de 1200 km. Hasta ahora el récord de distribución de entrelazamiento cuántico estaba en unos 100 km. 
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Así es la respuesta inmunitaria celular frente a los tumores

Investigadores de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos han usado un modelo matemático para analizar la dinámica espacio-temporal de la respuesta de las células inmunitarias durante el crecimiento de tumores. El trabajo demuestra la dificultad que tiene el sistema inmune para mantener estados de latencia tumoral muy prolongados.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

The Mysterious Split in UFO Research

14 jun 2017

The Oldest Known Human Remains Extend our History Back by 100,000 Years

Adding to a recent string of discoveries that are rewriting the narrative of human evolution, fossils of a number of ancient human individuals that were unearthed in Morocco have been dated to more than 300,000 years ago. this find pushes evidence for the age of Homo sapiens back by roughly 100,000 years, and also shows that our ancient ancestors were much better traveled than previously assumed.

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Mystical Interludes: An Ordinary Person's Extraordinary Experiences

Wednesday June 14, 2017
Emily Rodavich, author of Mystical Interludes: An Ordinary Person's Extraordinary Experiences, is an experiencer of Near-Death... and so much more!

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Una española coordina un experimento internacional con haces relativistas

La profesora Dolores Cortina de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela ha sido elegida coordinadora del experimento R3B, con el que 230 investigadores de 15 países pronto estudiarán la estructura nuclear y el funcionamiento de las estrellas mediante haces relativistas radiactivos. Se trata de una de las colaboraciones científicas más importantes de la instalación internacional FAIR, en Alemania.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Premio Princesa de Asturias de Investigación para la detección de ondas gravitacionales

Los físicos estadounidenses Rainer Weiss, Kip S. Thorne y Barry C. Barish que impulsaron la creación del observatorio LIGO, donde por primera vez se detectaron ondas gravitacionales, y la propia colaboración científica que logró el descubrimiento han sido galardonados este año con el Premio Princesa de Asturias de Investigación Científica y Técnica. El jurado encargado de su concesión lo ha anunciado hoy en Oviedo.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Una investigadora española coordina un experimento internacional con haces relativistas

La profesora Dolores Cortina de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela ha sido elegida coordinadora del experimento R3B, con el que 230 investigadores de 15 países pronto estudiarán la estructura nuclear y el funcionamiento de las estrellas mediante haces relativistas radiactivos. Se trata de una de las colaboraciones científicas más importantes de la instalación internacional FAIR, en Alemania.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Una investigadora española dirige un experimento internacional con haces relativistas

La profesora Dolores Cortina de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela ha sido elegida coordinadora del experimento R3B, con el que 230 investigadores de 15 países pronto estudiarán la estructura nuclear y el funcionamiento de las estrellas mediante haces relativistas radiactivos. Se trata de una de las colaboraciones científicas más importantes de la instalación internacional FAIR, en Alemania.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Una investigadora española al frente de un experimento internacional con haces relativistas

La profesora Dolores Cortina de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela ha sido elegida coordinadora del experimento R3B, con el que 230 investigadores de 15 países pronto estudiarán la estructura nuclear y el funcionamiento de las estrellas mediante haces relativistas radiactivos. Se trata de una de las colaboraciones científicas más importantes de la instalación internacional FAIR, en Alemania.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Bigelow Aerospace Founder is "Absolutely Convinced" that UFOs Exist

In a May 28, 2017 interview with the CBS program 60 Minutes, Bigelow Aerospace founder Robert Bigelow publicly announced that he believes that Earth is being visited by extraterrestrials. While Bigelow has not made a secret of his paranormal interests -- Bigelow Aerospace's main building sports a logo in the form of a stylized Gray -- stating his beliefs on a mainstream program broadcast by a major network is a bold step for this space pioneer.

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13 jun 2017

Steven Halpern's Amazing Discoveries about the Healing Power of Music

June 16, 2017
Composer Steven Halpern returns to Dreamland and takes us on a wonderful journey into the world of music of power. We go from a profound experience deep in the redwood forest of California to his amazing discoveries about the power of music to heal and enrich.

In the second half of the show, he discusses his encounters with what he calls "ET" and how they gave him a music lesson from another level. He explains what it was like to get direct guidance during a composition╤and then afterward to make a very surprising discovery.

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Un instrumento español analiza la actividad del Sol

Cinco centros de investigación españoles han creado IMaX, un magnetógrafo de la misión SUNRISE, con la que se ha observado el Sol desde un globo estratosférico lanzado desde el Ártico. IMaX ha producido hallazgos clave en la comprensión del campo magnético solar, una magnitud que determina el comportamiento de nuestra estrella.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Argentina: Bizarre Sounds in the Sky Over Cipolletti and Neuquén

Source: PLANETA UFO and Clarin.com
Date: 06.12.2017

Argentina: Bizarre Sounds in the Sky Over Cipolletti and Neuquén

* Loud Howling Sounds Heard in the Early Morning Hours *

Residents of Cipolletti and Neuquén were startled awake this morning when a loud, inexplicable sound could be heard over both cities. The sound appeared to emerge from an elephant's trunk, but clearly these animals native to Africa and India are not readily found in Alto Valle. No one dared offer reasonable explanations about the event. The "trumpet" is a mystery in the locality, one which shall be told to children in later years.

According to media and residents of the province using social media, "abysmal screams or howls that wound up dominating the night" could be heard around 2 o'clock int morning. The testimony of frightened witnesses soon became known.

Someone on Twitter said it was a garbage truck making its rounds of Cipolletti's various neighborhoods. According to this story, the truck must have been experiencing motor difficulties. Another possibility is that its brakes were not properly lubricated and that the "alien-flavored trumpet" made itself heard whenever it stopped.

The problem with this theory is that there are residents of Neuquén Capital and other cities of Alto Valle who also described hearing a similar phenomenon. Videos taken with cellphones are proof that this is not an urban legend.

Last July, area residents were frightened by explosions heard past midday outside General Roca, a city near Allen and Cipolletti. A local mining concern said that the sounds "had no relation to their quarry operations" so the mystery was never solved.

An astronomer from the Neuquén Observatory said days later that the explosions had been caused by a meteorite measuring 12 meters in diameter. This theory did not satisfy those who were disturbed by the noise.

[Translation (c) 2017 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO]
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Un instrumento español para analizar la actividad del Sol

Cinco centros de investigación españoles han creado IMaX, un magnetógrafo desarrollado para la misión SUNRISE, que ha observado el Sol desde un globo estratosférico lanzado desde el Ártico. IMaX está produciendo hallazgos clave en la comprensión del campo magnético solar, que determina el comportamiento del Sol
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

10 jun 2017

American Communities are already facing Forced Migration due to Global Warming

Despite the assumption by many individuals that the detrimental effects of global warming are theoretical events that are far into the future, there are communities in the United States that are already faced with the reality of relocating due to sea level rise caused by global warming. While numerous communities around the world are already planning to relocate due to the loss, or imminent loss of land to the ocean, two such communities in the U.S. have already received funding to migrate to more stable land, in what may be a harbinger for larger coastal populations in the near future.

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8 jun 2017

A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Away, a Black Hole was Born from a Failed Supernova

Researchers studying images of the distant star N6946-BH1 were shocked to find that the otherwise extremely bright star had outright disappeared. The star was still visible in images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope as recently as 2009, but in images taken in 2015, it was barely a faint glow when viewed in infrared, and not visible at all in the visible spectrum.

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Detectan una molécula prebiótica en el entorno de un joven sol

Científicos del Centro de Astrobiología y otros centros europeos han encontrado, en una región de formación de estrellas parecidas a nuestro Sol, un ingrediente químico básico para la vida: el isocianato de metilo. El descubrimiento se ha logrado gracias al observatorio ALMA y puede ayudar a comprender mejor cómo surgió la vida en la Tierra.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Attacks Against the Key

Lately I have noticed an increase in challenges to my book the Key. These seem to come mostly from people who are troubled by two things: first, that it blames the holocaust for the fact that we are trapped on Earth; second, that it asserts that “sin is denial of the right to thrive.”

The technique used in these attacks is to point out the similarity between my previous work and some of the statements in the book, thus by extension discrediting statements like those above  as being just my opinion and therefore lacking the imprimatur of the mysterious.

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A Private Paramilitary Firm was Hired to Infiltrate and Surveil DAPL Protest Groups

The leak of 1,100 documents from the paramilitary firm TigerSwan has revealed that the private security company was contracted by pipeline developer Energy Transfer Partners to conduct an invasive infiltration and surveillance operation against protest groups opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline. Comparing the protesters to "jihadists" in internal reports, the operation included coordination with local, state and federal law enforcement, spanning the multiple states that the pipeline passes through. This revelation has left organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union to question why it is legal for a private company to be allowed to conduct intrusive surveillance programs such as this.

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7 jun 2017

Un sueño de Einstein se hace realidad: pesar una estrella con la gravedad

Cien años después de que Einstein presentara su teoría de la relatividad general, los científicos la han utilizado para medir por primera vez la masa de una estrella a partir de la desviación gravitatoria de la luz emitida por otra situada detrás. Así, se ha podido saber que la protagonista de la historia, una enana blanca, tiene aproximadamente el 68% de la masa del Sol.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Primera misión espacial para estudiar estrellas de neutrones

La NASA ha colocado en la Estación Espacial Internacional el primer explorador de estrellas de neutrones, unos remanentes estelares superdensos con potentes campos magnéticos. La misión, denominada NICER, también pondrá a prueba por primera vez en el espacio la navegación por rayos X.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

6 jun 2017

The Surface of Mars was Habitable for at Least a Billion Years

 Two new studies have been released that illustrate that the dry Martian lakebed that is currently being explored by NASA's Curiosity rover was home to a habitable environment for over 700 million years, and possibly for well over a billion years.

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Nueva técnica para determinar alergénicos en cosméticos

Investigadores de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid han desarrollado un nuevo método de análisis para la determinación directa de dos productos alérgenos atranol y cloroatranol en diferentes productos cosméticos. El trabajo se publica en la revista Electroanalysis.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Nueva metodología para la determinación de alergénicos en cosméticos

Investigadores de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid han desarrollado un nuevo método de análisis para la determinación directa de los alérgenos atranol y cloroatranol en diferentes productos cosméticos. El trabajo se publica en la revista Electroanalysis.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Cómo medir la aureola lunar y los aerosoles con una cámara de cielo

Investigadores de las universidades de Valladolid y Granada ha comprobado por primera vez que las cámaras de cielo, que captan la bóveda celeste con una lente ‘ojo de pez’, se pueden configurar para detectar y medir la radiación que llega de noche alrededor de la luna. Después, mediante un algoritmo, se pueden conocer de noche las propiedades de aerosoles atmosféricos, como el polvo sahariano.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

5 jun 2017

Antarctica's is Poised to Shed a Delaware-sized Iceberg

The massive crack running through Antarctica's fourth-largest ice shelf dramatically accelerated its growth last month, extending over 11 miles in just six days. According to the UK-based Project Midas research group, the 110 kilometer (68 mile) long chasm extended an additional 17 km (11 miles) between May 25 and May 31.

The crack's course has also suddenly turned seaward, with only 13 km (8 miles) remaining before the ice front calves off. Provided the ice front stays intact after calving, the resulting iceberg would account for more than ten percent of Larsen C's area, a 5,000 square kilometer (1,150 sq mi) island of ice 350 meters (1,150 feet) thick, approximately the size of the state of Delaware. A berg that size would be one of the largest on record.

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Uruguay: Aliens in Northern Uruguay After Blackout?

Source: Planeta UFO and Seguridad Uruguay
Date: June 1, 2017

Uruguay: Aliens in Northern Uruguay After Blackout?

Several lights were seen in the skies over Salto during the massive blackout that affected - and affects - a considerable part of northern Uruguay's territory, according to statements made by residents of Salto, Constitución, Belén, and part of Bella Unión as well as Paysandú.

Strange lights were seen forming the shape of a triangle, holding their position for far longer than a helicopter or aircraft would, adding to this the fact that the lights were considerably bright and were separated from each other by a broad distance, according to eyewitness statements.

The Uruguayan Air Force was the first in Latin America to create a UFO research commission 32 years ago. Several factors must be discounted when confirming an object as a UFO. The Uruguayan Air Force (FAU) created the Comisión Receptora e Investigadora de Denuncias de Objetos Voladores No Identificados (CRIDOVNI), making it the first in Latin America to have an office devoted to investigating this phenomenon. Its creation stemmed from the number of sighting reports received during the 1970s. Currently, with new technologies, the commission receives images and reports such as the one that recently occurred in Durazno.

To learn more about how an unidentified flying object report is handled in Uruguay, El Observador consulted Col. Ariel Sanchez, CRIDOVNI's president, whose agency handles tasks similar to those performed by the legendary "Area 51" in the U.S.A. in a sweeping comparison.

[Translation (c) 2017 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Argentina: A New Cattle Mutilation in Concordia

Source: Planeta UFO and VISION OVNI and EL ONCE
Date: 06.01.2017

Argentina: A New Cattle Mutilation in Concordia
By Andrea Perez Simondini with thanks to Sebastian Balbi

El Once.com learned that a cattleman found one of his cows dead and showing signs of a mysterious mutilation. The animal displayed unusual incisions and some parts of the body were missing. The event caused amazement among the residents of Colonia Los Sauces, Department of Concordia. The cows displayed perfect, cauterized incisions on their heads and bodies, with their tongue and salivary glands extracted along with udders, rectum, part of the large intestine and reproductive tract.

The cattleman explained that the grass had become blackened at those sites where parts had been extracted.

Cattleman and owner Gustavo Rocka spoke to El Once.com regarding the experiences on his property, which he had been unable to access for several days due to the recent rains. "We found a dead animal and upon inspection, found it was missing its tongue and jaw, as well as the animal's rear and udders." He added that "all the grass was black around where the parts were removed."

Based on his experience, the livestock rancher noted the animal had been dead since Sunday. Despite the presence of vultures, these birds of prey "would not eat it." Rocka told El Once that his farm is some two thousand meters distant from a local road, thus dismissing the likelihood that other persons could have been involved, adding that "the rains made it impossible to reach the road."

The cattle rancher believes that the events on his field are related to the mysterious mutilations recorded in different areas of the province. "In have seen other cases in Nueva Escocia and in Puerto Yeruá, but I've never seen one so close and so fresh," adding: "We've taken photographs and informed Abigeato (the cattle rustling authorities) of the event."

"The incisions are very precise and I've never seen anything like it. They say it’s a mouse that eats those parts, but I've not seen it, and since there's mud, there are no prints suggesting it could be a mouse or any other animal," stressed the rancher from Colonia Los Sauces in the Department of Concorida, referring to the his cow, found dead with strange incisions. "I still wonder about what happened. I've witnessed other cases and now it was my turn, in my own field. I asked some cousins of mine who live nearby and they saw nothing. Furthermore, it's a clean field and no one could have entered it due to the weather conditions.

The rancher also discussed another mysterious situation surround this Tuesday's discovery. "This animal was in another field of mine, 700 meters distant from where we found it," Rocka informed El Once.com, clearly bemused by the strange event.

[NOTE: Due to the negative response by viewers to photos of mutilated animals, we are only providing a link to the photographs. They can be seen at http://ift.tt/2s8zSsS]

Translation (c) 2017, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez and Andrea Perez Simondini

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

3 jun 2017

Donald Trump Withdraws the U.S. from the Paris Agreement: Where do we Go from Here?

President Donald J. Trump has announced that the United States will withdraw from the Paris Agreement, the accord forged by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2015, with its 195 signatory countries pledging to cut carbon emissions in a effort to limit global warming to no more than 2ºC above pre-industrial levels. Trump says that he plans to halt payments into the Green Climate Fund, and re-negotiate the United States' place in the agreement, claiming that the deal, as it stands, was specifically made to disadvantage the American economy.

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2 jun 2017

La NASA renombra su próxima misión al Sol

La hasta ahora denominada Solar Probe Plus, la sonda con la que la NASA estudiará el viento y la atmósfera solar en las proximidades de nuestra estrella, pasa a llamarse Parker Solar Probe en honor al astrofísico estadounidense Eugene Parker. Está previsto que esta misión despegue en el verano de 2018. 
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Is the Human Mind Bound by the Laws of Physics? A Proposed New Quantum Experiment may Provide the Answer

A new experiment has been proposed by a theoretical physicist that is intended to determine if the human mind is actually bound by the laws of physics, or if it ignores measurable reality and follows its own rules altogether -- and in doing so, indicating that the human mind could very well have the potential to use free will to overcome physics itself.

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1 jun 2017

Curiosity descubre evidencias de un antiguo lago estratificado en Marte

Los datos recogidos por el rover Curiosity en Marte han servido para reconstruir la historia geológica del cráter Gale, y los resultados revelan la presencia de un antiguo lago estratificado en su interior. En este entorno pudieron prosperar organismos vivos durante un periodo comprendido entre hace 3.800 y 3.100 millones de años.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

The Rate of Sea Level Rise may be Three Times Worse than we Thought

A new study has been published that has found that the rate of sea level rise is much worse than previously thought, having tripled in pace since 1990. Before 1990, the oceans were rising at an average rate of 11 millimeters (0.43 inches) per decade, but between 1993 and 2012, that rate increased to 31 millimeters (1.22 inches) per decade.

"We have a much stronger acceleration in sea level rise than formerly thought," explains study lead Sönke Dangendorf, with Germany's University of Siegen. "The sea level rise is now three times as fast as before 1990."

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