27 abr 2020

"The Hum" is on the Rise in Argentina's Cities - an Interview with Luis Burgos by Gustavo Schweitzer

Source: Urbanos en la Red (radio broadcast)
Date: April 25, 2020

Argentina: "The Hum" is on the Rise in Argentina's Cities - an Interview with Luis Burgos by Gustavo Schweitzer

Host: "Let's continue our talk on urbanos regarding these strange moments we're living through, what with the pandemic and the lockdown, and if this wasn't enough, there's also another phenomenon taking place, or at least being reported in various cities throughout the country. This concerns a phenomenon which, while not new, seems to have been on the rise lately, known as el zumbido or The Hum. To learn a little more about this phenomenon and understand it better, we have Luis Burgos on the line. He is a researcher of unconventional aerial phenomena, and he's here with us to discuss his perspectives on the situation. Hello Luis, greetings from Gustavo!
Burgos: Hello, Gustavo. Good evening.
Host: How are you doing?
Burgos: Good. All's well.
Host: You were telling us that in recent days or weeks there have been reports of situations in which people describe an intense sound in early hours of the morning, something that's known internationally as el zumbido or The Hum, and which is one of the phenomena you've been researching for some time.
Burgos: Yes indeed, mainly we've been following it since the 24th of March, last month, when the first case occurred coincidentally here in the city of La Plata, and from there it extended to other cities and provinces, bringing it right up to tonight, this very morning, marking 32 consecutive nights of Hum sounds in various locations in Argentina. Sometimes in isolation, sometimes persistently, in the eighteen provinces that make up our nation, where the phenomenon has been reported. The intensity isn't always the same, nor is it the same humming sound or noise; rather, there are variables within this sort of phenomenon, and we are studying them. What at first appeared within a time frame of midnight to four in the morning began extending itself, so we now have The Hum at eight in the evening [all the way] to six, seven in the morning. Practically all evening into morning.
Host: Mm-hm. Could this have anything to do with the lockdown, lessened activity, in a way that it can be better heard in some locations?
Burgos: Yes, this could be the case in some very specific situations. The thing is that this buzzing sound is not new, not restricted to the March 24th. It has been heard for years in the country and worldwide. So we have a record of Hum sounds all the way back to the year 1968 in Argentina, where the first case occurred in the city of Salta on July 20, 1968, and the latest one in late 2019. Throughout that entire period of 52 years our database held only thirty reports, thirty one cases, which is to say it was very sporadic, once every three years a single evening. So now you have it that on March 24th in the city of La Plata up to last night we've recorded 450 reports throughout virtually the entire country. We have a voluminous database completely unrelated to The Hum from years past, and that is what's most disquieting about it. It has prompted us to study it in depth.
Host: A-ha. So we can say that not everyone has heard this, and is it true that it's hard to capture, or are there trustworthy recordings that can be used to study it?
Burgos: Yes, there are many compelling recordings. Many, a wide array of them, and even after debunking, we're left with twenty to thirty per cent that are interesting. But with regard to your last question, I forgot to tell you, Gustavo, that we have spoken with rural people in the heart of the Argentinean provinces - Córdoba, La Pampa, Entre Rios - who have been born, lived and almost surely will die there, having spent 50-60 years of their lives in the countryside, and well, this is the first time they are hearing [these sounds]. In other words, while there may be noise and pollution in the cities, in the countryside, on a quiet night, they tell me, you can hear a feather drop. These people are giving us highly trustworthy reports that it's evidently something strange and new to them having nothing to do with wind, thunder or anything of the sort, as scientists have suggested.
Host: Of course, it's important to stress this, as when it comes to offering an answer, there are those who say it is a meteorological phenomenon, those who find a mystical connotation, and some who may have another answer, so what can the likely answer be based on studies, or the possibility of finding an answer to this phenomenon?
Burgos: Gustavo, we're big fans of statistical analyses. We pour everything into our database because numbers do the talking. This is evident, and we cannot go against the evidence. We have poured our four hundred plus cases in the Republic of Argentina, and the first surprise we had is that The Hum - in 80% of the events have taken place in a specific area, ranging from the Province of Cordoba on the 32nd parallel to the 34th parallel under the Andean region. In this main section of the country, we have recorded 80 per cent of the cases. So then we try to find the reason for why 80 per cent of this case history occurs in the area. So we're examining the causes, but there is something that causes The Hum to operate there, and in very specific areas too. We find The Hum for several nights in a row in a location like Andean Region, the Bahía Blanca Region, and Greater Buenos Aires. In the past days we have found that the epicenter has been around the urban area, whether north, west or south.
Host: A-ha. You know, Luis that we also follow events from Mar del Plata and Rosario, and that Hum events have occurred there too.
Burgos: Yes, from the Buenos Aires coast we have cases from Mar del Plata and the entire Atlantic littoral. It also strikes us that in the Province of Santa Fe, 90 per cent of the Hum cases occurs in southern Santa Fe, from Rosario to the border with the province of Buenos Aires. Venado Tuerto, Casilda, Gregorio...night after night, practically the entire area yields reports. What I'm trying to say with this is that we have set aside any natural explanation, and disagree with any explanation put forth by science. This is a highly selective and specific matter on the artificial level, and we are seeking out the culprit, trying to find out who's causing this so many nights in a row. So we'll know when the events extinguish themselves and no further Hum reports are received.
Host: This is significant, and what you're saying is important, as some have tried to explain it away as something called a 'skyquake', having to do with earth movements. But these would be sporadic instances, while here we're taking about something constant.
Burgos: In this case continuity is absolute. We're talking about sounds heard simultaneously. We're getting reports out of Mendoza at three in the morning while at the same time we're hearing about the sound in Bahia Blanca or Rosario or in Greater Buenos Aires, that is to say, scientific explanations about the clash of air masses, wind, and sounds associated with tectonic plates would evidently have to be widespread throughout the country. This [situation] is concentrated in a very specific area, thus telling us there's something that is guided, something being guided. We have no doubt that it's a low-frequency operation; we do not know the motive force, but we are hazarding theories, and perhaps one of [these theories] is the right one, but it is still too early to venture one of them. This will go on, I don't know if will come to an end at some point, and it stops being interesting to turn into something disquieting.
Host: M-hm. We have seen some recordings in which people and animals were alarmed, as tends to be the case when inexplicable phenomena come about.
Burgos: Yes, yes. The behavior of pets is a constant in these matters, mainly dogs. Sometimes there are cats or even birds, but with dogs, they are seconds in advance of humans [hearing the sounds]. We have reports of people stepping outside because the dogs are howling, and that's when they starting hearing the sound. You understand? This is also a great source of concern for people who start feeling symptoms of the hum getting inside their head, getting earaches, headaches, dizziness...there are symptoms in humans that we are also studying. It's not a child’s game, a matter of "I want to go outside to hear the lovely sounds in the night" - no, this is a source of concern, as it has been going on for over a month, with such an intensity - according to reports - that it becomes unbearable.
Host: This also dismisses other hypotheses that suggest...mmm....people who are prone to hallucinations of this sort. There are many, many explanations.
Burgos: Yes, quite so. It is also striking to find that in a given area where The Hum is being heard, we find people who can hear it and those who don't. Oddly, we even have couples who have gone outside to hear it, and one of the spouses can hear it while the other does not. The sound does not reach the same auditive frequency for everyone - some will say 'you heard it over there, but we didn't get it here'.
Host: And this is also associated with some sightings of lights, and other phenomena complementary to The Hum?
Burgos: At first we didn't want to associate them, as other variables would then come into play. But we were surprised that as The Hum began to emerge from March 24th onward, there was an increase in reports of people seeing lights, dark objects, triangular objects...well, we're now attaching them to the Hum reports, since in recent nights both phenomena appear to be hand in glove. Another of the striking aspects we've noticed over the past two, three weeks has been explosions, explosions in the upper atmosphere. People who heard The Hum would also add hearing explosions in the upper atmosphere, as well as vibrations in house walls and windows. In fact, this occurred last night in La Plata at four in the morning, in a broad area of the city. There was a sort of explosion in the sky right before the storm, after which the storm started, but having nothing to do with thunder. At that time, the hum was also being heard in the vicinity. There are many aspects to this - it's almost like a jigsaw puzzle, we have all the pieces, yet we're finding it hard to put together. Just when we think we have it figured out something else --
Host: -- turns up
Burgos: Exactly. And this is what we find so striking. So we continue with our studies, asking people to keep sending us reports, because evidently, the more reports we receive, the bigger the database gets, and the more case histories we have. Statistically, I believe that numbers will tell us where the truth lies and what can be debunked.
Host: Well, Luis, your views on this subject are highly interesting, and we'll be contacting you again, as the matter is still in the study phase, reports will be coming forward and comparisons will be made at the international level, as the comparative aspect is always interesting, and we'll see how it turns out.
Burgos: Of course, Gustavo. It's a pleasure. My best regards, and may people keep sending us their reports, as we may be able to see when this ends, yield a final report and conclusions, since people ask us for conclusions. We cannot hazard any guesses, but we're more or less on the right track. We may be able to say what's behind all this.
Host: Our thanks, Luis, and our microphones are always open for you. We'll see you then. We have been listening to Luis Burgos, a researcher of unconventional aerial phenomena, who was discussing The Hum phenomenon being heard in many parts of Argentina and around the world at large.

[Special thanks to Mr. Gustavo Schweitzer, host of Urbanos, and Luis Burgos of ICOU. Translation & transcription (c) 2020 S. Corrales, Inexplicata]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology https://ift.tt/GCRz8J

23 abr 2020

Misterio en el observatorio

Ayer estuve experimentando con hilos de Twitter para referir una historia de forma encadenada. Transcribo aquí el contenido para que no se pierda por ahí. Conocí esta intrigante historia gracias a una crónica publicada en la revista madrileña “Alrededor del mundo”, edición del 10 de abril de 1922.

El monte Säntis, que alcanza más de 2.500 metros sobre el nivel del mar, es un pico en los Alpes suizos al que hoy día se puede llegar en teleférico. Desde allá arriba se puede contemplar un panorama espectacular. Es un lugar que guarda un misterio desde 1922. El 25 de febrero de ese año, en el observatorio meteorológico situado en lo alto, se descubrieron los cadáveres del guarda y de su mujer, que vivían aislados manteniendo el lugar. El observatorio se había levantado en 1887. Se conectaba aquél inhóspito lugar con el valle gracias a una línea telegráfica, posteriormente telefónica. Los guardases del lugar vivían en total aislamiento durante el invierno, sólo en verano recibían la visita de algún alpinista. Era un paraíso solitario, helado, blanco, una plataforma elevada al cielo desde la que se tocaban las nubes. La soledad sólo se rompía cuando, una vez por semana, llegaban provisiones desde el valle.

El Monte Säntis. (B0rder CC-By-Sa).

Diariamente, el guarda enviaba dos partes telefónicos con los datos anotados de los instrumentos meteorológicos. Entre ventiscas y nieblas, el invierno estaba siendo muy duro. El guarda, Heinrich Haas, y su esposa, Lena, vivían allá arriba, en soledad, desde 1919. Nunca había sucedido nada, la vida era sencilla y tranquila. Sólo había que disfrutar del paisaje y mantener los instrumentos.

Heinrich Haas en el observatorio. (Imagen photobibliothek.ch).

Pero el 21 de febrero de 1922 dejaron de recibirse los partes meteorológicos. Las llamadas desde la central en el valle no recibían contestación. Se pensó en una avería en la línea. Finalmente se envió a la patrulla de avituallamiento por adelantado. En el trayecto fueron revisando la línea, pero no había cortes ni otras averías. El 25 llegaron a la cima, encontrando en la mujer de Haas muerta, tendida boca abajo en el cuarto de instrumentos. El lugar aparecía destrozado, como si hubiera habido una lucha violenta. El perro, que llevaba días encerrado, fue rescatado. Fuera del edificio del observatorio encontraron el cadáver del guarda, en medio de un charco de sangre helada. Las autopsias demostraron que habían sido asesinados con disparos de una pistola Browning del 7,65. El libro de registros y el dinero de la estación habían desaparecido. ¿Un robo con asesinato en lo alto de los Alpes?

El observatorio. (Imagen photobibliothek.ch).
Tumba del matrimonio Haas. (Imagen photobibliothek.ch).
Nada cuadraba, no tenia sentido. El descenso de los cuerpos fue penoso, envueltos en sábanas y sobre trineos. ¿Qué había sucedido? Pronto se señaló a un sospechoso: Gregor Anton Kreuzpointner, un zapatero arruinado de St. Gallen. En uno de los partes telefónicos el guarda había comunicado que habían recibido la visita de un montañero, el tal Kreuzpointner. El visitante había intentado hacerse con la plaza de guarda del observatorio tres años antes, pero no lo había logrado. ¿Acaso desde entonces estaba resentido? Al parecer, en la Gran Guerra había estado allí como militar. Haas había mostrado su sorpresa por la visita en su mensaje telefónico, es más, le extrañaba que el personaje quisiera quedarse allá arriba varios días, mucho más de lo habitual en los alpinistas.

Sea como fuere la policía fue a buscar al zapatero, no lo encontraron. Una pista le localizó en St. Gallen, donde intentó vender unas joyas de la mujer de Haas. Parecía claro que era el asesino.
El crimen, sin embargo, sigue sin ser resuelto hoy día. El cuerpo de Kreuzpointner apareció en la ruta de ascenso al observatorio días después, se había suicidado. ¿Qué le llevaba de nuevo a la cima donde supuestamente había cometido el crimen? Nunca lo sabremos.

via Tecnología Obsoleta https://ift.tt/2vTEfet

22 abr 2020

Mexico's Cocoyoc UFO

Four photos from the sequence of the Cocoyoc UFO - a tentacled object photographed in Mexico in the mid-1970s, researched by Fernando Tellez and appearing in the 8th issue of Contactos Extraterrestres magazine (Collection of Alfonso Salazar)
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology https://ift.tt/GCRz8J

21 abr 2020

Santiago García: Burned by a UFO – The Incredible Story of a Family from La Laguna

Santiago García: Burned by a UFO – The Incredible Story of a Family from La Laguna
Originally featured in Contactos Extraterrestres Magazine, 1976.

[Santiago García stood out among the writer/researchers of the 1970s Mexican UFO scene. Our friend and colleague Alfonso Salazar has kindly provided his Facebook readers a scan of one of García’s articles about high strangeness in his native northern Mexico, which we have translated for INEXPLICATA’s readers – Scott Corrales]

“…We decided to take a shortcut that lead back to our little town faster. It was then that we began hearing a noise similar to the one made by electric power plants. But we couldn’t see a thing. Around five minutes later we saw a big silver ball flying over our heads, and suddenly felt affected by it…”

I was given the news by my friend, Dr. Luis Maeda Villalobos, and what I heard was disconcerting: at a little ranch near the town of Mapimí in the state of Durango in the Mexican Republic, a UFO had inflicted burns on a 50-year-old man and a 16-year-old youth on the evening of 22 January 1977. The story became public and landed like a bomb at the Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas, Históricas y Geográficas de la Laguna. Many hypotheses were put forth about the case. Skeptics, believers and scoffers issued conjectures that suited their positions; I was interested in what had taken place. There was the possibility of conducting an investigation as well as writing a report for Contactos Extraterrestres magazine. The event appeared to confirm information known to UFO researchers: in certain instances, the maneuvers made by these devices can be hazardous to those witnessing them. Oh the other hand, the phenomenon had occurred, meaning fully, in a scarcely inhabited area. I thought at first that a deeper study of the situation was warranted and set out to do so.

I learned that the news item provided by my friend Doctor Maeda had been given to him by a patient of his who lived in Torreón, Coahuila; I also learned that the burn victims had been interned at the social security hospital of the city in question. Further details revealed that the UFO burn victims had suffered first, second and third degree burns, and that evidence of radiation had also been found. The latter was particularly significant, as the medical report made clear that the burns were not due to contact with any flammable material, but rather, had been the consequence of exposure to strongly radioactive material. I found it hard to picture such a material existing in the area where the phenomenon occurred. My curiosity led me to further research.

Dr. Luis Maeda adduced further information. The man who had suffered the burn lived in Mapimí, Durango, but Maeda had no idea of his address. This was not a hindrance – if one sets one’s mind to it, finding someone in a small town isn’t hard, and especially if the person being sought after was burned by a UFO.

In Search of the Burn Victim

The following day – Saturday, six o’clock in the morning – I headed to Mapimí. I was certain that in a few hours I would be talking to the person I was interested in meeting.
I reached the town and asked around for the domicile of the person who had been burned by a UFO, but no one gave me the information I needed. My search was becoming anxious. I began thinking that I wasn’t framing my question properly, so I changed tack: “Did anyone know where I could find the home of the man who’d been burned by a fireball? Yes, the man who had an accident on 22 January!” Those who listened to my words laughed at them. “UFOs? Fireballs? This man must be crazy. Who the hell knows who he’s looking for?”

I’d reached Mapimí at 7:30 a.m. I was so sure that I would find the UFO victim that I’d even brought along my camera, with spare rolls of film in case I had to take many shots of the victim. By midday I was weighted down by both failure and the camera. I couldn’t find the slightest trace of the character, not even his relatives, or any other witness to the alleged event – my burn victim appeared to be non-existent. Could it be that the UFO story was merely a hoax? That’s what I thought.

I remembered that there’s a village called Hojuela not far from Mapimí. The place had been a prosperous mining community in the past, but it is currently nearly uninhabited. Abandoned mines, ruined buildings, businesses that had seen better times. I was interested in this small town in the state of Durango, as it had often been the location of many UFO sightings. Maybe I would find a clue to the burn victims here; but it was all in vain. The objects of my quest apparently did not exist, or no one knew a thing about them. Gripped by despair, I returned to Torreón with not a single clue to go on.

A Sudden Face-To-Face Encounter

Monday, February 7, early in the morning. The intercom system at the school where I teach crackled – the secretary wanted to see me. I supposed that information one of my students was required. But before reaching the secretary, something caught my eye. Almost right in front of me stood a 16-year-old girl, escorted by a much older woman. The girl had burn marks on her arms and her scalp. I suddenly felt that she was one of the two individuals that I’d unsuccessfully gone looking for.

I supposed correctly. I approached the teenager, asked if she was looking for me, and added if her visit had something to do with a UFO matter, to which she replied in the affirmative. At that moment, her escort interrupted to tell me what had taken place. She gave me many details very quickly, so I begged her to excuse me while I went back for my tape recorder. Her reaction was abrupt: “No, please! We don’t want people to see us as freaks!” She then added: “We don’t want you disclosing our names to anyone.”

When asked for the reason behind this reaction, she said: “Look, we’re tired of having to deal with a person who’s interested as to why my daughter and my husband had those burns. When we talk about what my daughter and my husband saw, they think we’re insane.”

The story was starting to acquire a sensational turn. I wanted to know more about the subject and availed myself of the opportunity to ask about the accident. I asked about what had happened, to which she replied the following: “On 22 January, my husband left home early accompanied by my daughter. They were off to see a ‘comadre’ of ours who lives in a village called Marabunta, not far from Mapimí, to take her some items she’d requested and to invite her to come over to our home, as we were about to christen a child of ours. The hour was getting late and my husband and daughter weren’t back yet. I started to worry, since this was taking them too long.”

In an effort to get some specifics, I asked the woman if she had any idea of the time when she began to worry. “Of course,” she said. “The programming on Radio Ranchito (a Torreón-based station with programs aimed at rural residents) was coming to a close, so it was about six in the evening. I thought by then that my husband’s vehicle had broken down and he’d gone looking for a mechanic. But just as I was thinking that, my husband walked through the door. His face was burned, as well as his arms. The sleeves of his jacket were burned, as if someone had held a blowtorch to them. He was frightened and on the verge of tears. I asked where the girl, our daughter was. He answered that she’d been taken off to Torreón, to the Social Security hospital. When he told me that, I began to weep. He consoled me and told me not to worry, that the girl had only suffered slight burns, and that doctors would almost surely make her well.”

At this point in her story, the woman was visibly nervous. But I insisted on knowing her name and those of her daughter and husband. I told her that if she wanted her story to be believed, it was necessary for her to give me the requested information, as well as their address, as I knew for a fact that they didn’t live in Mapimí, but rather in some other small community or ranch. In spite of my pleas and arguments, I wasn’t able to find out anything more about the subject and her family, except that she and her daughter called each other “Licha” (a diminutive of Alicia or Luisa, perhaps?)

[The article ends abruptly at this point]

[Translation © 2020 S. Corrales IHU with thanks to Alfonso Salazar]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology https://ift.tt/GCRz8J

20 abr 2020

Chile: Black UFO floating over General Carrera Lake

Source: Ovnis Ycuantica and Planeta UFO
Date: 04/20/2020

Chile: Black UFO floating over General Carrera Lake

In a video recorded on June 23, 2019 at 4:48 pm, two black objects can be seen floating at a distance over the surface of General Carrera Lake in Aysén, Chile.

According to witnesses, who were aboard a boat during the observation, the objects appeared to hover over the water, sometimes appearing and disappearing mysteriously.

Another small grey spherical object also appeared out of nowhere beside these dark objects, along with an orb of light that appears to fly over the lake. Some claim the objects are buoys; however, buoys do not fly, disappear and reappear.

Were the witnesses actually in the presence of a UFO? Perhaps so.

According Ysaac Wichmann, a mountaineer with a good knowledge of the area, these phenomena have always been visible in the Aysén region, in the mountain ranges or at sea, on islands, canals or archipelagos, and particularly in unpopulated, isolated, distant and hard-to-reach locations. A member of his family who served years ago in the Chilean navy witnessed this phenomenon while approaching a small island in the Aysén region in a Navy ship. Their mission was to work on a lighthouse to provide orientation and navigation assistance to those transiting along those waters.

What they saw before reaching the lighthouse, an oval metallic object rose vertically and slowly near the lighthouse, until it reached a certain altitude. After a while, the object rose quickly into the air and vanished from sight.

[Translation (c) 2020 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez and Jose Alberto Tunich]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology https://ift.tt/GCRz8J

15 abr 2020

Mexico: Alleged "Wolfman" Terrorizes Chiapas Residents During Lockdown

Source: Publimetro.com.mx
Date: April 12, 2020

Mexico: Alleged "Wolfman" Terrorizes Chiapas Residents During Lockdown

Allegations that a lycanthrope has been prowling the city streets have emerged in the municipality of Ocozoconuautla. It has been howiling and scratching the ground prompting a search by locals.

During the prevailing state of lockdown, several residents of a Chiapas town have spent sleepless nights due the alleged presence of a wolfman on the streets.

Social media reported that residents of the Municipality of Ocozocoautla (Coita) in Chiapas have reportedly seen an animal resembling a wolfman, and there are those who report having heard the howls of this mythical creature, who has caused concern among certain segments of the population.

On Friday night, residents emerged from their homes in the neighborhoods of Mirador and Juan Sabines wielding machetes and sticks, as they searched for the lycanthrope.

Videos have been uploaded to social media in which a wolf's howl is apparently heard. The authenticity of this material is unknown, although uncertaintly does exist due to the Coita wolfman.

VIDEO: https://ift.tt/34FjNMk (Note: the video consists of footage of people on the street and a girl engaged in a phone conversation)
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology https://ift.tt/GCRz8J